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No. 166: Seek Success by Being CREATIVE and NOT by being COMPETITIVE
SPEAKING IDEAS™ (155 pages): 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1) – now LIVE in my online store!
a. Ebook version available here (click)
b. Print/Paperback version available here (click)

Click here to request the FREE PDF
As experts-who-speak, serving clients successfully will require periodic self-improvement e.g via reading, skills acquisition etc. However, meditation on/adherence to the right guiding philosophy will be the best way to ensure we NEVER go wrong. I explain below…
Despite implementing an intense web content publishing blitz last week, I found time to REJUVENATE myself RAPIDLY, over the weekend by READING and MEDITATING on the contents of a book I’ve owned for over a decade.
The author of the book died many decades ago.
The book was published before 1910.
Yet, the wisdom it contains remains VERY relevant to success achievement in today’s world.
However, the book does NOT enjoy mainstream popularity because (as the author rightly put it) it challenges the reader to THINK & ACT in a specific way, if s/he is to reap the promised rewards i.e. SUCCESS.
Majority find “thinking” to be too much HARD work…!
Yet, readers who diligently do/did that find success with amazing/shocking regularity – as if they belonged to “another kingdom”…just like the author asserts!
The book offers wisdom for succeeding in a way that leaves others better off…
Now THAT is rare.
The nature of success we see today often involves someone ending up worse off than another person. So some of us may not believe what this book says is possible.
But I’m telling you that it is…and as a student of that “philosophy”, I AM telling YOU that I AM one of those who succeed in that manner!
I do so by giving back MORE use value than the cash value my clients/others pay me. In fact, some don’t give me anything, yet I leave them with more than they had when we first met!
Even more profound is the fact that those who DO NOT know the philosophy, succeed by unconsciously applying it!
This happens because they THINK and ACT in line with what it advocates – and so reap authentic success – just as the book promises, even though they never read it.
I’m living proof of this…all through the 7years I was in paid employment, I habitually gave MORE use value than the salary Guinness paid me, and I constantly thought and acted with purpose.
My track record of relentless success achievement during that period was the reward I got.
I NEVER knew anything about that book or what it preached. But the results I got confirm the author’s claim that the principles described in the book are universally applicable.
The explanation is found in the book: The author – Donald D. Wattles – notes that some people accidentally apply aspects of the philosophy, and rise to success. He however pointed out that they only do it in bits and pieces, not the comprehensive approach the book recommends. As a result, if their circumstances change, they may not easily continue to succeed.
That apparently happened to me UNTIL I switched from paid to self-employment.
I quit my job in Guinness and became self-employed from January 2002. Then I got a PDF copy of the book on a CDROM at an entrepreneurship conference – around August 2002.
But it was bundled with over 12 other PDF e-books, and at that time (my start-up) year, my “excited” state of mind kept me from paying it much attention. So I ignored it.
2 years later, after I’d experienced several severe setbacks and was wondering why I was not succeeding like I’d done in Guinness, I stumbled on the CD among my books.
This time around, my sober state of mind enabled me READ the book as it was meant to be read – and the contents instantly resonated with me. Today, it’s my number one reference for evaluating and evolving my progress in life.
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” – Unknown
I especially like the fact that it gives VERY clear guidelines on the mental attitude one is to adopt in one’s personal as well as business life.
It’s written in simple English, and as the author promises, it’s stripped of “fluff” and retains only the essentials: What you need to know, and to remember, to achieve authentic success.
For instance, in today’s world, so many people are throwing caution to the winds and doing business VERY unethically, and without consideration for the needs of those they transact with.
As a result, so much distrust, fear and suspicion characterize most business relationships.
This book explains how failing to THINK and ACT with integrity in relation to others, and in one’s disposition to the Creator, can stop you from getting the riches (or success) you want.
It then goes on to outline step-by-step guidelines you can follow to avoid making such mistakes.
Simply put, it offers a balanced philosophy, addressing the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of life.

As my experience demonstrates, with regard to books like this, if you’re NOT ready for it, most of the contents will make no major impression on you initially.
Come back 1 week, a month or several years afterwards, and you may find your needs, concerns, and/or perspectives have changed enough to better appreciate it.
This is why I strongly recommend that you download/store this PDF…until when you’ll need it.
As an expert-who-speaks, the core lesson you will learn from the book, is that you MUST seek success by being CREATIVE and NOT by being COMPETITIVE.
You must continually add value to ALL those around you, even as you seek/get what you want in life – while staying attuned to guidance from YOUR creator.
Get the book and learn more – it will guide you to better serve clients who hire YOU!
Final Words: It’s such a simple philosophy. If MORE people would adopt it, our societies would experience UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS across social strata/classes.
I’ve already explained why adopting it can make anyone more successful at what s/he does.
Wise parents will teach it to their kids from as early as possible in their young lives, so they can grow up mastering its application.
I am already doing that for my own kids. It’s the BEST gift anyone can give his/her offspring – one that they will cherish for life, and gladly pass on to their own offspring.
Indeed, if applied across society, this is one philosophy, as the author has noted, that CAN help to ERADICATE poverty anywhere in the world!
This is NOT the first time I’ll be writing about this book…and it will NOT be the last. The potential benefits make doing so worth it.
More on this over the next few weeks, as I begin to implement the new insights I’ve gained to take my work forward.
Have a great week :-))
“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”
In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.
Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….
Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.
The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.
In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!
CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets