Category Archives: My Ideas for Making Nigeria Better

When You’re Not Working, Create a Bigger Dream (Hint: New Product – My Pineapple Peels Based Cakes…Made Without an Oven!)

When I’m not hammering away at my laptop keyboard, writing articles, reports and books…or building custom Excel-VB software, I’m likely to be found sleeping, or working to progress further towards my ultimate dream.

That dream is to own what I call a Home-Based Farm-Products-Brew-Pub.

And I’ve nursed it since 1999, when I still worked in Guinness Nigeria.

If you’ve been reading my blog, you know about my Pineapple peel based drink(see photos, and a free talk offer) . Read more about it here(i.e. a presentation).

The drinks you see in the photo below, have been pasteurized using a home-based method I learnt online.

[NB: These are 2 different views of the fermented version of my drink – based on a new recipe.]

The drinks you see in this photo, have been pasteurized using a home-based method I learnt online.

You see, I believe PATIENCE is key, in developing food based products.

It’s taken me about 3 months of searching. But I’ve found what I consider the perfect bottle for my Pineapple based drink (see above photo).

Apart from enabling me deliver the kind of product volume I want, it also has a cap that allows me pasteurize the drink inside.

It was important for me to ensure I could do that, so bottles don’t go exploding in people’s faces.

That was why I patiently kept searching for a cost-effective way, that would enable me keep the product affordable for most people.

My New Product: Pineapple Peels Based Cakes…These Ones Baked Without an Oven!

I’ve never baked anything in my life. Not cake or bread. Nothing.

My New Product: Pineapple Peels Based Cakes...These Ones Baked Without an Oven!

But the idea of my brew-pub having its own unique food product, to go with the drink had tickled my fancy for months.

A few days ago, I decided to play around with cake and bread baking. I went online and did lots of reading, and watched many videos.

Then yesterday, I purchased baking materials from Tokpa market, and stayed indoors ALL day, using my beloved Pineapple peels, to bake home-made cakes (I’ll get around to bread baking later).

BUT, I did it all, without using an oven!

Yes. No oven. Don’t believe me? Just wait. I’ll be writing a special PDF report on that before the year runs out.

I know the cakes don’t look so aestetically pleasing, but you must understand that this was my very first try. And believe me when I say I improvised A LOT!

The most important point to note is that what I’ve done, shows I can operate this business even from a village, using locally available materials!

In the meantime, now that my trials with different processes have succeeded (the cakes taste delicious, and are almost 50% cheaper to make!), I intend to use proper equipment to offer the drinks and cakes for sale from my brew-pub.

Virtually 100% of the pineapple peels I use do NOT go to waste!

That’s true. They end up in the drinks and cake – implying massive cost-saving production potential!

But I don’t just put the peels into the products.

To get the right flavour and appearance, I have found certain processing steps need to be taken. And all are cost-effective.

I was in Calavi this afternoon, to drop off a drink bottle, with 2 cup cakes, for my friend Moumouni Toure.

He was not in, so I left them with his brother. And I also gave out some to my neighbours where I live.

But I made it clear that I will not be selling them for now.

Nope. Responding to individual orders at this stage would not be worth my time/effort and I would be unable to cope. Even worse, it would definitely affect my ability to do my other work.

When the pub opens, anyone who wants them can come over. For now, that’s what’s likely to work best for me.

With time, I’ll decide what flavours, packaging and operating procedure will be most profitable to adopt.

NB: One probable exception would be people willing to place bulk orders. I could possibly make out time to fulfill such.

For now, the next step is to get the laboratory analysis of the drinks – and cakes – done

This is so I can tell people – with confidence – what exactly they’re eating or drinking.

I’m an internationally certified brewer, with 7 years of experience working in a globally recognised brewing multinational.

Everything I do, no matter how small my plan for this project is, must reflect that.

Suffice to say, for now, that pineapple peels being the base ingredient, contains considerable amounts of useful nutrients.

Some are described in my report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind” (Click to download it).

In the next few weeks, I intend to secure bigger living quarters, with the front end functioning as the brew-pub, here in Benin Republic.

I should add that this will be a FULL family business.

Like I noted in yesterday’s article on my blog my kids already make a version of this drink, that they sell in their school in Lagos.

So when they join me here, they’ll fit in instantly.

That’s why I told my friend Moumouni, in an SMS today, that with improvements I’ve now made, this business is DESTINED TO MAKE MY KIDS RICH!

And when (NOT IF) that happens, I – along with my wonderful wife Nkechi – will be the PROUDEST parents in the world!!

Always Wish Others Well. You’ll Succeed Better! (Incl. Lesson from an Amazing Russian Video)

What are your thoughts towards your colleague in the office? That cocky rich guy who lives next door? Your cash strapped relative’s child living with you? What about your younger brother who happens to be doing better than everyone else – including you? Do you honestly wish them well?

What Happens Among Relatives?

Maybe you have a great job, or successful business that enables you send your kids to good schools.

Some people have relatives struggling to send their kids to school. In some cases, such relatives send the children to live with the more successful brother, sister, uncle or aunt.

Imagine the relative’s child begins to show promise in academics, sports or some other useful vocation, and an organisation indicates interest in awarding him/her a scholarship or grant.

They naturally send the child with their offer letter to the guardian – the more successful relative – with whom the child lives. Maybe there’s a deadline for the paper to be returned with approval signature.

However, for some strange reason, the paper never gets back to the organisation!

The successful relative “forgets” to sign and return it until the submission deadline passes. As a result the child loses that opportunity. Similar events like that re-occur, until the child in frustration – if s/he can find the courage – tells his/her teachers in school, and/or calls the parents.

Those found guilty of repeatedly doing the above often vehemently deny that it was deliberate.

Yet, they never forgot (or forget!) to sign similar documents for their own kids!

Strange isn’t it?

Could it possibly be that some affluent relatives desire to keep others – and their offspring – perpetually under? Possibly so they and their kids can be remain “superior” in the family?

Big question. Difficult to answer.

If you’re wondering, the scenario I just painted above is based on a real life occurrence. No, let me rephrase that: REAL LIFE occurrences… that I have personal knowledge of!

What About in the Workplace – Amongst Colleagues, and Superiors?

Imagine hearing through the corporate grapevine, that a direct report of yours is close being elevated to the same management level as you.

Then a week later you receive a 360 degree feedback form you’re to fill on that person. And there’s a note stating that your rating of him/her will strongly influence the final decision, given your respected status in the company/

What would you do? Especially if this is someone you agree is very good on the job, but you personally are not very fond of, because he doesn’t “respect” you enough?

Knowing the process guarantees your anonymity, how objectively would you complete that form?

Would you give the guy a fair and impartial rating, wishing him, in your heart, the best?

Once again, the above painted scenario is based on real life events that I am aware occurred.

People who smile with you can still be mean to you, if they fear you will equal or surpass them!

It’s Time to Rediscover How to Care For Others

Ever walked past an old woman or young child apparently terrified of crossing the busy road by him/herself?

What about driving past someone struggling – at night – to fix a car tyre in a deserted area?

Important Note: I must state this here. My experiences as one born and raised in Nigeria, indicate con artists, (even robbers!) often setup fake incidents to attract sympathisers they can rob. As a result, many compassionate Nigerians generally avoid helping under such situations. Unless they’re really sure!

Having said that, many other opportunities exist to care for others – some mentioned in this article.

What Are YOUR Thoughts Towards Others? (My Suggestion)

Whoever you meet or relate with, always wish them the best – and do what you humanly can, to help them – no matter how far ahead of you they end up as a result.

Do it, and nurse only pure thoughts towards such persons at all times, and you will be amazed by how massive goodwill will be channelled to you by the creator.

This philosophy has guided my thoughts and actions for over 2 decades. I am convinced it is responsible for advancements I continue to experience in my personal and work life.

And that’s despite many attempts by mean spirited others to pull me down!

You see, the creator always supports – and rewards – those who do what I’m proposing you do.


That’s because he wants us to look out for one another. As his creations we do his will, when we act like Him. And He is NOT mean!

This Russian Video Says It All!

Click here to watch touching examples of people in a society where caring for others is highly valued!

Watching it brought me close to tears. If you watch it, I’m sure you’ll also be touched…and changed!

Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy, and Alive

Yes, that’s the key to good health, looking young, and LIVING LONG.

Sweating enables your body expel many “bad things” that can weaken it!

I took the photo below, this a.m (Friday 22nd Nov. 2013 at 10.00a.m):

Sweating enables you body expel many "bad things" that can weaken it!!
Sweating enables you body expel many “bad things” that can weaken it!!
Above: Photo taken in 2013 – I was 43 at the time
Below: Photo taken in March 2017 – I was 46+  (will be 48 in 6 months from today i.e. July 2018)


I was doing my usual 20 to 30 minute walk, from my place at Barrière here in Cotonou, to a cyber cafe I frequent at the Etoile Rouge area.

As I approached Agontikon, next to the crossroad, a shop owner friend called out to me.

During our chat he kept asking “Ca va un peu?” (It’s a way of asking: “Everything okay?“) in apparent reference to (and concern about) my sweating.

I kept saying “Oui” (i.e. “Yes”) without adding any details …until it dawned on me to explain…

You see, every day (including Sundays), just before breakfast, I do seventy (70) push-ups – sometimes 100.

That’s followed by some yoga-style exercises for 10 to 15 minutes

After that, I eat and then WALK to the cyber cafe as part of a deliberate strategy to “exercise” my lower body.

When I get to my destination, I wipe myself clean of sweat using a towel I keep in my bag.

And my “exercising mission” for the day would have been accomplished!

I ended my explanation, by making the following statement to my friend:

“Si tu veux rester fort, et tu ne veux pas devenir vieux trop vite, il faut perspirer. C’est très important pour la santé!”

(Translation:If you want to stay strong, and you don’t want to grow old too quickly, you need to sweat. It’s very important for the health!“)

For effect, I added:

“J’ai 43 ans” (Translation: I’m 43 years old”).

His jaw dropped, as he looked me over repeatedly…then he exclaimed:

“Ce n’est pas vrai” (Translation: Not true!).

As I walked away, I laughingly told him:

“C’est la verité (Translation: “It’s the truth”)

And he kept staring at me in what seemed a mixture of surprise and wonder.

If he’s smart, he’ll adopt a similar simple exercise regimen

And so will you, if you do not already do it.

It will keep your body in good form to withstand the daily wear and tear, from the activities and foods you expose it to!

In case you’re wondering, this strategy makes me super-productive. And I do not exaggerate.

One Example:

Last Saturday (16th Nov. 2013), I worked 13 straight hours from 9a.m till about 10.30p.m (without getting up, NOT even to drink water), to finish my 4,000 word agri-business case study paper – for entry into an international research paper writing contest. The paper is about the use of Excel-VB driven spreadsheet automation for Feed Formulation.

That same night, I sent it to my co-author Professor friend in North West University, South Africa.

From 7.30a.m Sunday morning, we spent about 2 hours on phone agreeing modifications. Then he sent the final version to the organisers in the Netherlands via email.

So now, we wait till Tuesday, when the judges will notify us about whether or not it’s been accepted.

[UPDATE (12th Sept. 2015): Should have done this way back in Dec. 2013, when the payment happened. But it kept slipping my mind. The paper did get approved, and I did get paid for it. Read this article: PDF Agribusiness Research Paper] Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria – Complete my Questionnaire Survey & Download FREE PDF Copy]

The point I’m making is my diligent exercising enables me near-effortlessly get work done – to meet tight deadlines – even if I have to continue for long stretches of time. And I mean physical, as well as mental work.

You see, I believe that without my disciplined dedication to fitness, I could not have gotten that paper done, in combination with other work I had to do. And that included traveling to Nigeria to administer a questionnaire survey to farm business CEOs, and then returning to Cotonou to collate the data for use in the paper!

In truth, many much younger people often find it hard to keep up with me. As do my peers and older persons.

For instance, I’ve had clients and staff go round farm premises with me, after which we returned to the “farm office/house” for our meals.

Subsequently however, they struggled to keep their eyes open, as I tried to explain how the software I built for them worked :-)

The reason this happened was that they often lacked both physical and mental stamina, aka STAYING POWER.

People who succeed usually have STAMINA. If you want to succeed, YOU WILL NEED IT!

And to have it, you must commit to diligent exercising on a regular basis.

As a writer (or expert in any other field), it will boost your productivity tremendously. And your quality of work will also improve!

By the way, nothing I’ve said here is meant to be bragging.

I simply feel it’s important that I share with you a strategy that’s worked quite well for me, over the past 20 years now.

Yes, I’ve been doing it this way for over 2 decades – with great results to show for it!

You don’t need to become some physical fitness guru or anything.

And you’re not necessarily going to be aiming to win any competition against others here. What I refer to is the adoption of a disciplined habit of daily exercising.

In a past issue of my newsletter, I wrote on this same theme. It was titled: No. 94: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips).

You should read it.

One last thing…

It might interest you to know, that ever since quitting competitive handball in 1992 (when I left the university), I’ve used this strategy to maintain my fitness right through paid employment, up till today.

Many who know me will confirm this.

And that’s why I’m this confident, that it works. So do use it :-)

Are Those Who Do Bad Things, From Outer Space…Or From Amongst Us?

[Update 22nd Nov. 2013 @ 11.28: PDF download link to FULL write-up now added!] Everyday I read comments and posts on social media by smart thinking, well educated Nigerians who live in the country, and elsewhere. 99% of the time they seem to be lamenting another gory news item served to them by their trust sources.

Very often, it’s about some naughty act committed by a politician or two.

But probably just as frequently, there’s news about a sadistic act committed by one citizen against another e.g. abduction of aged persons, or children by kidnappers; use of human beings for money making sacrifices; a teenage child smashing an object on his fathers head’ inadvertently killing him, a pastor sleeping with his girl-child.

And so on.

These smart people ask “Why? They also ask “When is it all going to end?”

This PDF report is my contribution to that discourse. I tried posting a contribution to a friend’s recent post on the above theme – and soon saw I had almost 960 words! So, in light of my resolve stated above, it’s morphed from a Facebook comment into this PDF paper!

“Are Those Who Do Bad Things, From Outer Space...Or From Amongst Us? (IDEAS for Making Nigeria Better) – By Tayo K. Solagbade

Writing Is Serious Business. Not Doing It Can Cost You Money!

For the sake of those who may be misled, I feel obligated to write this piece. Especially after reading this status post by Mike, a Facebook friend. In a recent facebook wall post, he noted the comment made by a certain associate of his, about the usefulness (or lack thereof) of “writing”. Hmm???


People in developed societies our people often scramble to “copy”, often wonder why we never copy the really important things e.g. the “know-how”!

That’s why one of them once said:

“If you want to hide something from a (…..) man, put it in a book”

Despite the outrage some of us readily express when the above phrase is quoted, our attitude to life often confirms its accuracy.

How ironic!

Ever Wondered Why Richard Branson – a Word Class Billionaire Entrepreneur – Writes …Regularly?

The man who has bills to pay fails to notice billionaire Virgin brand promoter – Richard Branson.

Despite being too rich to run out of money, Branson STILL writes articles that get widely syndicated – and read – by smart business persons.

Understand that Branson is not doing it because he just wants to be a nice guy.

He KNOWS it’s an effective way to achieve what is called zero cost TIMELESS marketing.

The mentality that keeps many of us from doing intelligent, results-focused writing, is what makes us continue to believe in manual labour…in sweating, in using “muscles” (brawn instead of brains) and…in piling papers on desks to show we’re “working”!

In contrast, people in developed economies, focus on setting up systems to get more work done, with LESS effort, in LESS time, and using much less MONEY.

No wonder they successfully get us, as a people, to buy their franchises, and sell to ourselves…LOL!

If you still don’t get it – ask yourself:

Where does Wole Soyinka get money to feed, clothe and live well?

Or has anyone seen him running a business centre or restaurant to make money????

We all know he has not worked in public service. So he gets NO pay from that end.

Most people do NOT know this…

But from the day a person becomes a Nobel Laureate, his/her written works often become recommended text across the world’s learning organizations.

Do you know how much that comes to in terms of royalties….in dollars most times…for ONE man??

Chinua Achebe was not a Nobel Laureate. But his first book alone (i.e. Things Fall Apart) sold millions from way back when we were kids.

Today it’s still selling.

I hope those who don’t get what “intelligent” writing can do realize that even now, as I type these words, royalty checks still arrive for that book’s sales!

Let’s return to the business plane.

I ask: How can a 21st century business owner say he is too busy trying to get bills paid, to write?

Does he not understand that “Writing is now used for low cost, high mileage and impact marketing“?

The world’s smartest professionals in various fields (including LAW and REAL ESTATE) do it.

Yet some, in Nigeria, cling to stone-age ideas about business marketing.

There is something called Cost of Customer Acquisition (COCA).

And because of the growth of PC and Internet technology, it has become even more important to CALCULATE it.

1. How much do you spend on newspaper adverts?

2. How do you measure the return on THAT investment?

3. How many people buy from you as a result of that “advert” before you have to pay for another?

4. How can you be sure that’s the best way to reach your audience?

5. Should you not be looking to use a COMBINATION of techniques that will let you win more sales at LESS cost.

6. Is that not going to give you MORE profit i.e. higher margins?

7. And when that happens, will it not put you in a better position to pay your bills????

If you STILL struggle to understand why I argue that you can – and should – aim to spend LESS to get more buyers, you need to read my 3 part series titled:

Why You Need a Web Marketing System (WMS)

Whenever I hear someone say he’s too busy trying to make money, to write, 2 things strike me. Neither is good (for him/her):

1. Either the person cuts corners to make money in the business s/he does, and so really has no reason to look for smarter ways to do business…or

2. S/he is too lazy upstairs to think up topics to write, and to put in the effort to do the needed writing

I say this because, all over the world today, we hear of traditional print media organizations moving more online. Brick and mortar stores are doing the same thing.

And it’s simple common sense.

No company can win a war against the advancement of the digital age.

It is the future, which is now becoming our present day reality – across the world!

Some business people in Africa continue to delude themselves ,that it’s too early to use the web in the same way.

I sell my products and services by using writing as my main marketing instrument. To refuse to accept this new way is to deny yourself useful opportunity for growth.

Even worse, you miss out on the opportunity to become a leader in your market, even if you’re smaller than other players.


Because the web is the greatest leveler so far known to mankind.

A one man business, can make him/herself look more credible, and so sell MORE, than a much bigger company using the web.

What makes this possible is the fact that the web can be harnessed – on a SHOE STRING budget – to achieve such powerful business outcomes.

Here’s my advice to any who are unable to wrap their minds around this concept, to make profitable use of it:

Go and LEARN how to use your “intelligent writing” as a high impact and LOW COST business marketing tool.

Start by “googling” that phrase!

If you wish, you can contact me. I offer a coaching/support service – for persons who want to learn how to use writing the way I do: to promote products and services at low to zero cost.

Writing Can Be Lucrative, IF You Know Where to Go

Some people even say writing does not reward one adequately on earth.

Bible believers often read the phrase “My people perish for a lack of knowledge. “

Never has it been more apt than in this matter being discussed here!

I find it saddening that people refuse to get off their butts and investigate what the world offers.

NB: Another problem with “us”. We do not like things that take too long to work. We want quick, easy, if possible instant results. Writing is not for people with such “short cut mentalities”.

So, it may be tough for people from our part of the world to break into it, but it’s doable.

I now offer verifiable information anyone can review – below.

1. Writing Research Papers/Publications for Pay

The research paper I’ve been commissioned to write on “Using ICT for Feed Formulation” has payment attached to it.

The organization based in the Netherlands, that made the “Call for Papers” has already sent me the contract and an invoice template to fill my domiciliary bank account details in.

Once the paper is accepted, the 2,500 EUROS payment will be made to the account. 

You do the math.

It may interest you to know that such “Call for paper” events are not one off.

They happen regularly – but it depends on what field you’re in.

My Professor friend knew my work would appeal to the organizers of this contest, so he sent me the papers. I sent my proposal in; they accepted it, and told me to write the full paper and submit.

[Update 21st Dec. 2015: I forgot to return and note here that I got paid in December 2013 – read this article for details: PDF Agribusiness Research Paper] Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria – Complete my Questionnaire Survey & Download FREE PDF Copy.]

Apart from the above, I, as a non-academic, also earn passive income (click here to see screenshots of royalty payments), from sales of works written years ago, via my online store at

2. Smart Businesses Use “Intelligent Writing” for High Impact Marketing

It is my regular article marketing, which has gotten hundreds of people to contact me about my products and services.

And that regular writing also got me the above mentioned opportunity, to write a research paper for such hefty payment.

My professor friend in a South African university was aware of my feed formulation handbook and software for farmers.

It was he who informed me of the “Call for papers.

And he also proposed co-authoring it with me.

Now, apart from the fact that we knew each other, my writing (which gives me massive visibility in Google – see screen shot below), also convinced him.

My regular article writing gives me useful Google visibility

But he’s not the only one.

A female researcher in another South African university contacted via email, last week, while I was still in Nigeria.

We went on to speak for 30 minutes on Skype.

She excitedly told me how impressed she was with my useful write-ups on farm business.

Among other things, she told me international conference organizers would want to have me speak at their event – and would cover my expenses.

That same day she subscribed to my newsletter mailing list.

Maybe one day, she’ll convince herself to buy my feed formulation software :-))

I’ve had other conversations with prospects from Canada, Tanzania (see screen shot below), and even a Nigerian based in Saudi Arabia. All of them have since purchased my feed formulation software and/or handbook.

I’ve had conversations with prospects from Canada, Tanzania (see screenshot below) and a Niegrian based in Saudi Arabia - all of who purchased my feed formulation software and/or handbook.

NB: In this article I expained major challenges I’ve had trying to setup reliable payment oprocessing on my website. For now, I’m forced to improvise, as shown above.

Yet it only cost me the effort to write the many articles these people found in Google, and followed to my You tube videos, website, and/or blog!

That’s what article marketing, done using “intelligent writing”, makes possible.

It’s a habit that EVERY smart-thinking, results-focused, modern day business owner should develop!

2. Profitable Freelance Writing Is Possible (Hint: A 19 year Old Nigerian Based in Ibadan, Nigeria, Who Earns 5 Figures Monthly in US Dollars!)

Many freelance writing opportunities exist for serious minded persons with integrity.

Most of them however remain difficult to access for people from our part of the world – because people who offer them are scared of getting cheated e.g. they pay and get no write-ups delivered to them.

Too often WE expect “success” to be “noisy”: We are so addicted to the entertainment industry’s kind of success.

If you are successful, people should know you. If you have money, people should see it.

Really? Says who??

We forget that Warren Buffet, despite being in the top leagues of the world’s billionaires, still lives a relatively simple and quiet life.

We are told he still drives the same car he first owned, and has lived in the same house for over 3 decades.

Does that stop him being one of the the worlds richest people.


But if he walked past many of us in the streets today, it’s likely we would not even give him a second look.

Same applies to the late Steve Jobs!

…as it does to a record setting teenage Nigerian I now talk about…

Bamidele Onibalusi‘s Accomplishments Put to Shame Any Doubting Thomas!

At 19 years old, he is a well recognized online celebrity based in IBADAN.

He earns five figures in US dollars monthly!

And today he has up to 7 people in his employ, writing for his website.

Get this: He’s been featured on, among other high profile websites and blogs.

I’ve been screaming about him since last year here, and here, and most recently, here

At a point, I even posted about this young man on Goodluck Jonathan’s facebook page.

I don’t know if the above had anything to do with it, but he’s since been interviewed by Nigeria’s Guardian newspaper.

Plus, I recently came across this comprehensive interview of Oni, done by the respected Digital Journal.

I Mentioned Oni as Guest Speaker, in May 2012, at Yaba College of Technology’s Centre for Entrepreneurship Development.

I told graduating students of entrepreneurship in the packed hall to visit Oni’s website.

This was to challenge them to see what was possible, if they put their minds to productive use – WITH PERSISTENCE.

Hopefully some of them did. And hopefully they now know anything is possible.

That guy is making waves from the ancient city of I-B-A-D-A-N!

3. Financially Rewarding Writing Contests Also Exist

On a final note, every year there are writing contests in various genres.

Cash prizes range from $100 to as much as $3,000 possibly more.

A number reward the top 3 or more “winning entries”.

Virtually all of them allow – indeed require (for anonymity/fairness) – online submission.

And many actually allow writers from any part of the world to enter.

Sometimes the works will be fiction. But non-fiction entries can also get called for. You just need to know where to find such opportunities.

Many organizers make it clear you need not be a previously published author to send your work in for consideration.

I actually have four(4) such contests I’m aiming to submit entries to, between now and February 2014.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” …said Albert Einstein.

Einstein was right.

Sometimes I just don’t understand how we let our traditional schooling “mind set” keep us from maximizing our abilities!

The day we start letting our brains do what God created them for (i.e. to IMAGINE!), we will actualize our full potentials like people in developed societies.

Why I Relocated from Nigeria to Benin Republic (Hint: A “Poor” Country Where Even Poor People Live Well!)

If you’ve ever been second-guessed, doubted, and treated with suspicion, you’ll know it can be very unpleasant. As a Nigerian, I’ve had (and HAVE!) to endure the stigma of being from a country renowned for scams – in countries I’ve visited, and – ironically – even back at home :-)))

Like a well traveled Beninese professional once told me”.

“Look Tayo, I’ve traveled all over the world, and met with lots of Nigerians. Even Nigerians don’t trust themselves. So why should people here in Benin trust you?”

And he was right.

Indeed, in my first few months in Benin Republic, I encountered lots of raw distrust from locals, who had bad stories about “Nigerians” to tell me!

ONE EXAMPLE: Read the article below, that I wrote recently…

It tells the story of a how a young student in the university at Calavi (outside Cotonou) called me a thief.

And that was because he only ever saw me working on an Internet connected PC!
That happened back in June 2013.

Today, I enjoy great recognition and credibility in a growing number of formal business and social circles – including the NIGERIAN EMBASSY right here in Cotonou.

But it was not easy; I had to prove myself – by being creative and tenacious.

Two major achievements that have really opened doors of opportunities for me are:

1. My Quick and Dirty Guide to English for French Speakers (and French for English Speakers) – which I now sell.

Like I said, today, my perseverance is being rewarded. People now accept me here – even though I offer no solutions most of them can use or afford.

But they want to relate with me – and a few do purchase my products.

For instance the very first buyer of my “Quick and Dirty Guide to English for French speakers” CDROM was Cyriaq – a Beninese medical doctor, and now, friend.

He paid for it in advance, and picked it up 2 weeks later.

See what I mean by the level of trust I now enjoy? That would not have happened in May or June 2013!

Back then I was still working to win people’s trust – as I explained in this article titled “What Do You Do When People Are Scared To Trust You?” :-))

Gaining people’s trust is the key to success in ANY area of life.

I’ve learnt to do it quite well. That’s how I got this far. My ideas can help you do the same – or better!

Since then, I’ve written two other pieces on the subject of trust – all based on my personal experiences and observations.

a.Can You Be Trusted? (Real Life Farm Business Sales Conversations With People Just Like You)

b. Proven Strategy for Succeeding by Winning People’s Trust

Read them. They will help you keep going in times when no one seems to be ready to give you a chance.

2. My Pineapple PEEL based drink which I am working towards offering for sale from a “snacks bar” before the end of the year.

I was already a known face in the Nigerian embassy, here in Cotonou, with at least one senior official, before coming up with this drink.

However when I took a bottled/labeled sample of the drink to the embassy, things went to a whole new level!

Details will come in future articles I’ll be writing.

Now, Some Direct Answers to Specific Questions People Keep Asking Me

Plenty of skepticism is naturally directed at a person like me who claims to earn income selling “his knowledge and expertise online”.

Most Nigerians simply cannot believe that is possible. The socioeconomic environment in our country makes most people feel there are no viable alternatives.

And that’s why I do what I do via this blog, and my website.

I’m using myself to PROVE to people they can pursue and succeed with viable alternatives like those I’ve discovered or developed.

But anyone who wants to use my methods simply cannot be lazy. And you cannot be in a hurry either.

1. Why did you leave Nigeria to Live/Work in Benin Republic?


I’ve just returned to my base in Cotonou, Benin Republic, from 2 weeks in Lagos-Nigeria. I went to administer a questionnaire survey to farm industry stakeholders (for the international research paper I’m writing on “Using ICT for Feed Formulation”).

It all began on 1st April 2013, when I implemented my plan to become a Location Independent Entrepreneur – with my base in Benin Republic.

That decision was greatly influenced by a need for steady, reliable power supply and generally conducive environment free from annoyances I totally hated.

I was spending over N800 daily on fuel to power my generator in order to do my work on the laptop. And that did not even let me do as much as I needed to each day. Yet, NEPA would send in crazy estimated bills and insist one pay – other wise you would be disconnected. And this, from people who rarely supplied more than 25% of power supply one paid for.

What really nailed my resolve was when I visited the neighborhood NEPA office, and told them I wanted to be removed from the National Grid.

My argument was that I never got enough electricity and still got issued bloated bills to pay!

The newly appointed power station looked me in the eye and said “Even if we disconnect you, we will still bring you bills every month, and you will have to pay!

At that point I knew I needed to relocate, because I was sure I could literally kill someone, if I kept living and working in an environment like that.

I’ve always believed I should get value for the money I pay.

And that’s why as a service provider I ALWAYS go the extra mile to give buyers of my products and services more than they pay for.

The Nigerian environment had tested my patience to the limits. So I began investigating alternative locations to move to.

Read “You’re Not Crazy to Follow Your Inner Voice” in which I explained the “psychological dilemma I overcame to settle on Benin Republic.

Another article in which I explain is “No. 110: Why You Need to Think With Your Whole Body (and How)!

Yet another is: Change Your Environment to Succeed – If Necessary

Since arriving Benin Republic, it’s been like relocating to heaven from a version of hell.

No exaggeration.

My productivity has dramatically improved.And more online work has come my way as a result of the useful output I’ve been able to produce.

2. But how do you get enough business? There really is not much business in Benin Republic for someone like you who does freelance writing, software development, public speaking, web marketing coaching/support, information publishing etc


My adopted approach remains strange to many Nigerians – indeed Africans. To learn a bit about what it means to be a Location Independent Entrepreneur (which is what I now am), read this article: A New Generation of Entrepreneurs PROVES That Our Schools Need To Offer a Different Kind of Education!

Note that my target audience has NEVER been people in Benin. Indeed the only clients I’ve so far had here are foreigners (Nigerians, and a Cameroonian)

My work has always been focused on selling my solutions online.

Since moving here, MORE buyers from in and out of Nigeria/Africa (as far as Canada) have purchased my feed formulation handbook, and software in particular.

For those unable/unwilling to buy my products, who still want to do feed formulation, I recently published a new PDF titled “Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy – But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself)“.

(NB: Anyone who uses MS Excel for serious work should download that PDF report – or risk making avoidable errors. )

Payment is made to me via transfers to my GTB account or through an alternative arrangement I made to receive online payment.

My efforts to use foreign payment processing platforms have been frustrating. I do NOT use Nigerian payment processing platforms because – for now – I simply do NOT trust that they will remain reliable.

And since I deal a lot with foreign buyers of my offers, I am NOT prepare to risk damaging any hard won credibility by letting any system glitches scare people away!

3. Is your family still in Nigeria?


Yes they are. I call them regularly, and visit once in a few weeks. But my plan is now to do the needed work to move them over.

I’ve done the math. And it makes sense to do that.

It costs me half to one third of my normal expenses, to live here (feeding, transportation etc). And that applies to catering to the needs of children.

On food, let me use this analogy:

A full plate of rice with one boiled egg on it, can be had for 300 FCFA. I know this because  I eat it often just next to where I live. Details in another article to follow.

Note that that is NOT the exception. It’s actually the norm.

Food is dirt-cheap here compared to Nigeria.

Look, one boiled egg in Lagos costs N50. If raw, it costs N30.

Now, N30 is approximately, 100 FCFA. That means the full plate of rice, with a boiled egg placed on top (see real life photo of one below) sold in Cotonou for 300 FCFA actually costs N100 approximately.

This full plate of rice, with a boiled egg placed on top sold in Cotonou for 300 FCFA - meaning it costs N100 approximately.

Since a boiled egg in Lagos costs N50, that means the above plate of rice (sprinkled with beans, and spaghetti!) costs only N50!

But we all know it’s impossible to buy any decent plate of food for N100 in Nigeria.

That amount would only get you a small piece or fish or meat!

Then you would need anything from N200 upwards to get your plate full!

I shared one picture above for illustration. There will be more, in a special report I intend to do soon, comparing the cost of living in both societies.

Another thing: In Benin Republic, public tap water is drinkable. I’ve been drinking it – like everyone else – since 1st April 2013.

So there’s no need to buy water to eat a meal. Except you want cold water or prefer it bottled.

That’s so unlike Nigeria, where you dare NOT try drinking water that’s not packaged. And even those can sometimes be “unhealthy” for drinking – as cases of related disease outbreaks have periodically shown.

This is why drinking water adds an extra layer of expense to every meal in Nigeria. Imagine how much a family spends on bags of pure water daily in Nigeria! I say this from personal experience.  A totally avoidable expense!

But Why the Focus on Food, Tayo?

Actually, it’s not only food. Transportation and other basic activities are mostly cheaper here.

I have a vision to help Nigerians achieve financial empowerment, to fight bad governance.

Once they can feed themselves, they will be less prone to manipulation by corrupt people – or politicians.

That’s the situation in Benin Republic.

Even “poor” people eat well in this “poor” country.

In contrast, many who do not consider themselves poor, in Nigeria, struggle to feed their families well!

That’s also why the crime rate is VERY low here.

It’s not a perfect place.They have their own problems – but nothing that makes life a literal living hell like in Nigeria.

That’s why they appear so laid back to the rest of us. You see, their society works for THEM…even when they put in what appears to be little effort!

I’ve always felt that life is not meant to be such a struggle…to be so hard…so brutish…like it is in Nigeria!

Believe me. I’ve visited different parts of Nigeria, and Ghana, Cameroon, and England, Scotland, and now Benin Republic. Nigeria is a tough place to live and work.

Henry David Thoreau reportedly said:

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them”

For Nigerians, I’d rephrase it this way:

“Most Nigerians lead lives of NOISY desperation, and inspite of it all, still go to the grave with the song still in them”.

I’ll be spelling out what I believe Nigeria (and Nigerians), need(s) to do to change things, in future write-ups.(Hint: What I do today is an example of what more people need to start doing in Nigeria).

Part 2 of this post – with more photos, and answers to questions sent me by enquirers, will be published in a day or two.

“Biafra Born” Micro-Refineries Operating in Nigeria? Lessons for Nigeria/Africa!

Chinua Achebe wrote:

“Let me give one more dimension of what we were hoping to do in Biafra…We were told, for instance, that technologically we would have to rely for a long, long time on the British and the West for everything. “

This is Issue No. 3 in my “IDEAS for Making Nigeria Better” series.

Click below to read the full PDF!

PDF - “Biafra-Born” Micro-Refineries Operating in Nigeria? Lessons for Nigeria/Africa!

No. 115: Why Persistent People Succeed (Hint: A Silent But Irresistible Force!)

You may have heard about – or read – Napoleon Hill’s book titled “Think & Grow Rich”.

In this issue of my newsletter, I highlight what is perhaps the most potent message in that book for ANY reader, to take away.

Especially one who desires to know how to succeed, no matter how tough things get!

Here’s the quote:


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 11th November 2013


Title: Why Persistent People Succeed (Hint: A Silent But Irresistible Force!)

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!


No. 115: Why Persistent People Succeed (Hint: A Silent But Irresistible Force!)

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


You may have heard about – or read – Napoleon Hill’s book titled “Think & Grow Rich”. In this issue of my newsletter, I highlight what is perhaps the most potent message in that book for ANY reader, to take away. Especially one who desires to know how to succeed, no matter how tough things get!

Here’s the quote:

There is a silent but irresistible force, that comes to the aid of those who carry on in the face of discouragement.

You see, I have found from studying human beings – adults especially – that many people are unwilling to endure prolonged hardship, adversity or delays in the “arrival” of that which they seek.

The human nature is such that it seeks the easiest, shortest route to achieve a goal or desire.

People do not like to WAIT long to get what they want.

Technological and industrial advancements in the 21st century have made instant gratification even more fashionable.

The Internet itself further fuels the “habit” through “instant downloads and access” to wide variety of high demand products and services.

In a way, I think our modern world has actually created a “weaker” generation of people.

Many of today’s men and women have gotten used to living “sheltered” lives.

It’s one in which most things they want can be had almost as soon as they “think” about it, or say they want it.

The problem that occurs as a result, is that when things don’t go the way they want them, such people tend to give up quickly/easily.

Or they turn to unethical avenues to achieve the same end.

The message from Hill’s book however is that anyone who can persist, in spite of major delays in the “arrival” of success, will get eventually support from an “unseen” source.

That’s What Hill Called “A Silent But Irresistible Force”

Think about it:

Who or what can possibly successfully anticipate and/or withstand a force that makes no sound, and cannot be resisted?

I say “No one and Nothing” can!

Also consider the fact that Hill says in order for you to get the help of that “force”, all you need to do is carry on in your struggles – making intelligent changes over time.

If you do the above, you will eventually succeed, no matter how much failure, discouragement, delays or setbacks/adversity you experience.

I have experienced many, many – very many – instances of help from this unseen force in truly amazing ways.

And I have many stories I can share i.e. verifiable stories.

E.g Helped by a Beninese TV and Radio presenter, who I did not know, and had never met before.

It was just my third day in Cotonou, Benin Republic.

This happened back in April 2013, when I relocated (despite myriad challenges/setbacks) from Lagos- Nigeria to Cotonou.

He walked up to where I stood asking for directions from a commercial cyclist, and said (in French):

“Hello, what’s the problem? Is there any way I can help?”.

Surprised, I turned towards him and explained that I was trying to locate the office premises, of certain high profile establishments I’d checked out online.

This gentleman said: Ah, you must be a visitor out here, not to know those places.

He sent the bike rider off, and motioned for me to follow him into an open air snacks bar, close to us.

Next, he motioned for me to join him at a table, ordered two large bottles of soft drinks, and began asking me questions.

I explained what I did, why I’d come down, and my purpose for wanting to visit those organisations.

To my surprise, he said – among other things: “I like your courage. To move to another country, without knowing anyone. I think I can help you“.

He then told he me ran a weekly show on one of the popular local channels.

And that he had access to top people in some of the establishments I was interested in.

Many of them had visited the studios at some time in the past, for one function or the other. And in some cases, he had interacted directly with them.

Believe it or not, this guy – who barely knew me – went on to make phone calls to his contacts.

By the time we parted, he’d given me direct, personal phone numbers to call.

I’ll never forget the looks of incredulity I got from my new friends back then, when I began calling, and meeting those people.

They asked: “How did you manage to connect with such people in the short time you’ve been here?”

I told them what I’m telling YOU here, in THIS article…about a silent but irresistible force that comes to the aid of persistent people!

It might interest you to know, that we’re friends on Facebook today.

And once in a while, when we meet online, he typically says:

“How are things going? Do let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

Wow, one would think he owed me money. Yet I AM the one who owes him!!

In my previous articles and books, I have told other similar stories. I continue to receive help from this “force” in many uncanny ways.

My plan is to share more specific and graphic examples via story telling, via “one hour talks” I offer on-demand.

Interested? Contact me.

Not sure I’m for real? Read more of what I offer on my blog and website. Then subscribe to my mailing list (using the form below), to get latest updates.

Let Me End by Repeating Myself…

Napoleon Hill’s claim is true.

Even if no single human being is offering to help you – or aware of your need for help.

If you persist inspite of your circumstances, you will eventually find yourself the beneficiary of an uncanny kind of support.

That help will typically come from an unknown, and often unexpected source.

And it will most likely leave you continually baffled!

I Live This Stuff…and One Man’s Words Helped Me Learn to Believe

One more thing I need to say…

Persisting, no matter what obstacles come your way, is NOT easy!

I did not just start getting it right from day one.

Many periods of doubt and frustration occurred.

However, a red-hot desire to succeed made me search for ideas to keep me going.

And I found answers in the writing of many other experts.

But one man stood out, in how he communicated IT.

His name is Burt Dubin.

He coined a phrase that resonated powerfully with me.

A phrase that’s easy to remember, and helps anyone stay focussed on not quitting.

I quickly adopted it as a mental/psychological anchor.

Since 2000, when I first read it on Burt’s website, it’s helped me overcome the storms of adversity I’ve encountered.

What is the phrase used by Burt?

It’s “Have Bulldog Blood“!

Without bulldog blood, you cannot achieve long term success in the face of adversity. (If you’d like to know what he means by that expression, read this article).

Burt is renowned as a veteran mentor of some of the world’s highest paid speakers.

He has been around for over 3 decades!

That’s the kind of person I would pay serious attention to.

Especially now, that he’s launched a web based preview version, of his latest book titled “On Being a Master“!!

Final Words: You Too Can Succeed by Persisting!

Keep the words of Burt Dubin on “having bulldog blood” (see below) in mind – and you will not go wrong!

Bulldog blood quote by Burt Dubiin

Need More Ideas on How to Use The Above Information?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form – with “Re: No. 115: Why Persistent People Succeed (Hint: A Silent But Irresistible Force!)” in the subject line.

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

Share this issue!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Customizable Excel-VB Driven Poultry Layer Farm Manager Software (Video Demonstration)

Watch screen shot demonstration video of the Excel-Visual Basic Driven Poultry Farm Manager I build from scratch, or customize/scale down to suit the needs of different farm business sizes.

It allows users make daily entries of farm production/operating data.


Click here to watch on Youtube

And it instantly generates Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), like Mortality Rates, Feeding rate, Feed to egg conversion ratios, Hen Day Production Percentage (HDP) %, and other parameters.

The user is able to use drop down menus to dynamically generate the KPIs on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis.

Summary “Farm Operations” report, and “KPI” reports are auto-generated, and they come with summary tables and charts.

Click the link below to learn more about Tayo Solagbade’s Farm Support Excel-VB Software, and Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS)

Click here now.

Tayo K. Solagbade works as a multipreneur, with a bias for Farm Research & Extension Advisory/Best Practice Services provision.

Apart from a growing library of popular farm business articles, Tayo’s Feed Formulation Handbook, and his customisable Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator (Click here), bring him in constant contact with farm business owners, feed manufacturers, policy makers and extension professionals in and out of Africa.

Among other services, he develops custom Excel-VB driven software used in measuring Farm Key Performance Indicators for timely/accurate farm planning and decision making. See mind map based video explanation of BOPMS for farm businesses at:
Click here)


Self-Development Academy’s Excel Heaven™ – Click here) is the FIRST provider of Pre-programmed and Custom Spreadsheet based solutions in Nigeria.

We offer Workbook Auditing/Optimisation and VBA Automation; Custom Spreadsheet Software Development; Sales; Job-Based Spreadsheet Coaching; and Consulting/Advisory Services on effective application of spreadsheets for business use.

See more video demos of our apps with modeless data entry forms here.

Visit our Excel Heaven Facebook page here.


SDAc’s Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas mini site offers custom best practice farm management systems (and software) development at affordable rates to farm owners in Nigeria/Africa.

Ours is a new, unconventional, but practical approach to provision of Modern Extension Services for farm businesses in this part of the world.

We work with crop and/or livestock farmers to develop and implement intelligent decision making systems that help their farm businesses become more efficient and profitable, through low cost adaptation of technology, while building on indigenous knowledge systems.

Visit our website.

Connect with us on our Facebook page

Get in touch via tayo at tksola dot com or +229-122-136 (in Benin Republic) or 234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)

10 Farm Business Best Practice Ideas Articles

Some of the articles below touch on various aspects of what I call a Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS)™ for Farm Business Management – or at least mentioned the need for it, towards achieving consistently profitable farm business performance.

If you’re interested, click the link below to request a copy of my questionnaire survey workbook (for the international research paper I’m writing on using ICT for Feed Formulation) that allows clicking of the article links right from inside the downloaded spreadsheet.

[NB: By way of interest, the deadline for delivery of completed research papers, to the organising body was revised to Sunday 17th Nov. 2013. I forgot to reflect that in the last batch of questionnaires I sent out. So, if any of you still have yours, do send them in, as I still have a week to go. Thanks in advance!]


1. Your Business Should Free You, Not Restrict You

2. Adopt Standard Operating Procedures to Succeed More With Less Effort (This Works for Solopreneurs and Large Organisations)

3. Five Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records

4. Practical Poultry Farm Business Performance Calculations

5. Five Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health

6. Five Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices

7. Producing Good Catfish is Important, But Finding Good Buyers is Imperative!,-But-Finding-Good-Buyers-is-Imperative!&id=3209812

8. Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Part 1 of 2

9. Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Part 2 of 2

10. Top 10 Ingredients Used in Livestock Feed

Visit Tayo’s New Self-Development Nuggets Blog at:

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Enjoy your weekend!
