Category Archives: My DN Travel News

Be Proud of Who You Are, No Matter What (Hint: Speak Your Language, Bear Your Traditional Name, Practice Your Culture – Lessons from Fela Anikulapo Kuti)

Fela Anikulapo Kuti’s legend has spread globally, decades after he passed on, because he practised what he preached i.e being a mentally emancipated, proud black African (free from what he termed “Colonial Mentality”).

His story is as compelling as the Afrobeat music he invented, and used to preach his messages.

Fela stood unapologetically, for the rights of the oppressed Nigerian masses, despite suffering repeated physical abuse at the hands of corrupt government regimes that he relentlessy challenged on behalf of the people.

And that’s why people all over the world recognize him today.

If you want people to buy into you, then you need to first SHOW them that YOU are already sold on yourself. That you are the number ONE fan of yourself. Not just by saying, but also – and much more importantly thinking and acting it – ANYWHERE you go, in relating with ANYONE you meet.

Your choice of name, hair style, food, clothes, language(s) etc that you invest in, will speak loudest to those around you about how well you’ve bought into yourself, and it will determine how willing others will be, to buy into you.

Click here to read the excellent thoughts shared by Jaja King and his Facebook friends on the need for us Nigerians to take pride in speaking our native languages over English.

Fela Anikulapo Kuti, in an interview I once listened to, said:

“No, no, no, no. English is not expression. Expression is in all other languages all over Nigeria.”

And to prove his point, he asked the interviewer to translate “E ku ile” the common Yoruba greeting to English. The latter could not.

All his life Fela tried to help us embrace our Africanness with pride.

The Lyrics of his 1976 hit song, “Upside Down” reproduced below are very instructive in this regard (Source:



Open that book dem call dictionary

…..OPEN AM MAKE YOU SEE*** (After every line)

I said, Open that book dem call dictionary

Upside down na there dey proper

Dem recognize the word for sure, yes

Because him get him meaning too

…..HEAD FOR DOWN, YANSH* FOR UP [CHORUS After every line] *(ass)

Because him get him meaning too

Upside down get him meaning too

Upside down get him meaning too

I don* travel, I don see *(do)

Like any professor* for this land *(teacher)

The thing wey I see, I go talk

About upside up, and down-side down

For overseas, where I see:

Communication Organize
….PATA PATA* [CHORUS After every line] *Totally
Agriculture Organize
Electric Organize
Dem system Organize
Dem people Organize
Dem people Organize

Englishman get English name
American man get American name
German man get German name
Russian man get Russian name
Chinese man get Chinese name

For Africa man house, I don’t see
Like any professor for this land
I no have to travel anywhere
Everything der under my nose
For Africa man house, I don’t see

Village boku* road no der (there) *(plenty)[there are not many villages]
Land boku food no der [there isn’t much good food]
Area boku house no der [there are not many city houses]

People no give their African name
People no dey think African style
People no know Africa way
For Africa man house, I don’t see

Communication Disorganize
….PATA PATA* [CHORUS After every line] *(Totally)
Agriculture Disorganize
Electric Disorganize
Everything is Upside Down
Everything is Upside Down
Everything Upside Down
Everything Upside Down
Everything Upside Down
Everything Upside Down
[REPEAT LAST 4 LINES// Horns enter]


I am a proud student of Fela’s philosophy of Proud African Consciousness: In fact, WE should all be!

The song “Upside Down”was released by Fela in 1976.

I was 6 years old then, and it’s message really resonated with me.

Note what he said about us not bearing African names. Way back then, over half a century ago…

Isn’t it sad that today, we’re even worse off?

We love what is ours even less than was the case in the 70s!

But all hope is not lost

We can individually infuence a reorientation in society, by starting with ourselves.

For instance, in my home, my wife, Nkechi, who hails from Obosi in Anambra state, has always communicated daily with our kids in her native Igbo language. As a result, the kids are gradually speaking it to her, and to themselves.

I have been trying to do same with the kids (when I’m home), in Yoruba, my native language (which my wife also speaks proficiently). But I have not been able to do it as often as she does.

To pick up the slack at my end, I’ve recently begun creating quick start learning resources, based on Yoruba proverbs, which I discuss with kids, and publish for use by others.

An example is my new ebook, the first in a series: Ten (10) ‘Storyfied’ Yoruba Proverbs for Children – Tayo Solagbade

I chose this approach to overcome the limitation arising from my work related travels, which forces me to employ unconventional (e.g remote) parenting/coaching strategies to better connect with my kids.

Let each person search him/herself and make needed changes, at least for the sake of our offspring, and our African heritage.

Do You Need To Be Error-Free? (Hint: Why It’s NOT a Good Idea, If You Want Authentic Success)

“Success tends not to go to the person who is error-free, because he also tends to be risk averse. Rather, it goes to the person who recognizes that life is pretty much a percentage business. It isn’t making mistakes that’s critical; it’s correcting them and getting on with the principal tasks.” – Donald Rumsfeld, U.S Public Official and Business Executive

Anyone who has followed my writing, will know I started paying my dues in mistake-making from the age of ten, getting into all sorts of serious trouble that caused my parents embarrassment and pain. My Best Practice Parenting book titled “Kukuru Dangers” (sold in my store at narrates full details of those years of truancy.

At a point, my trouble making got so frequent, that family friends/relatives began asking my siblings: “What Tayo had done again?”

Probably sounds funny now, but it was not, for me at least, back then.

You see, due to the fact that I was often getting into trouble around others who were not, I experienced quite early in life what it meant to be different.

However, because I was different in a negative sense (i.e. for doing wrong), I also learnt what if felt like to be an “out cast”.

Most of my peers who did not want to be viewed as wayward, like I was, generally stayed away from me…and spoke about me.

So in 1986, while serving my 2 week suspension for abusing my privileges as Health Prefect, in my final secondary (i.e. high) school year, I did some hard thinking and gained powerful insights that changed my life forever (my book titled “Kukuru Danger” tells the full story – click here to request a free PDF preview download).

I know it may be hard to believe, that so early in life I could achieve this level of clarity.

But that’s what happened.

Maybe it was because I had always been a bit introverted, and only got into trouble because I wanted to be like others I looked up to.

Anyway, after getting into trouble for trying to be that way, I adopted the following 3 guiding thoughts:

1. Always Be Your Original Self:

You will never succeed in being like others.

I think and feel different from other – even my family members. It’s no surprise therefore that most times when I try to share my “crazy” and “childish” perspectives with them, most simply get turned off.

It’s better to be myself, and be comfortable with not being popular with some people as a result. With time, those who deserve to, will discover how my uniqueness can help them, and appreciate me for it.

2. Intelligent Mistake-Making Is Good

When one makes mistakes, it can be painful. People get to see you at less than your best. Some will make fun of you and criticize you.

However, my period of lonely reflection helped me discover that the “many mistakes” I made so early in life had taught me more than I had learnt from being around those who judged me.

Later in life, my expertise at intelligent mistake making would consistently give me an edge over others in every endeavor I embarked upon.

3. Independent Thinking Is Imperative

I will never let anyone, no matter who s/he tell me what to think or do.

That decision will always be mine, even doing so makes me fall out of favor with others.

Why? Because if/when I get into trouble for my actions, I alone will have to answer for it – as has happened in the past.

So, what’s the answer I found to that question: “Do you need to be error-free?”

The answer I found for it, and which I adhere to is: No you don’t.

And never let anyone tell you otherwise!

It will not matter how old, experienced or wise they are. Do not ever let anyone tell you that making mistakes is wrong or bad.

In fact, the only way you can ever avoid making mistakes is if you stop trying to be better than you already are, or to do NEW or different things.

As an expert in your field, your audience (rightly) expects you to give them nothing less than the best of yourself at all times.

If you continue to do what you do, in the exact same way all the time, you do yourself more harm than good.

I recommend you make every single opportunity you have to practice your profession or vocation, to create a truly unique experience, in every sense possible, for those you serve – be they your client or employer..

Your continued relevance as an expert in your field of interest, and focus, is dependent on your willingness to constantly renew and reinvent yourself.

You cannot re-invent yourself, to stay relevant, if you do not have new experiences

That’s why you must be willing to do new things – even though a risk of making mistakes exists!

Otherwise, where would you get new insights from, with which excite those you serve with new ways of adding value to them?

When you avoid leaving your comfort zone, or shy away from taking risks by trying new experiences, you gain fewer – or even NO – new insights.

Why? That’s because you will make mistakes (or be wrong) less often.

When you’re NOT wrong, or NEVER wrong, you’re unlikely to feel a compelling need to check for new or better ways to do what you do. Being free from error is a state of perfection one can aspire to attain, but rarely actualize while one remains human.

Those who claims to be perpetually error free often hide away evidence of the mistakes they make.

But that does neither them, nor those around them any good in the long run!

Final Words: As any accomplished person in any field will tell you, mistakes/failures that befall us have a positive role to play in our growth and development.

Without them our progress towards achieving the full potential put in us by the creator would be greatly limited.

This is why, if you really want to achieve authentic success in life, and have not been doing it before now, you need to go out from today and start making mistakes intelligently.

It’s time to stop trying to be error-free: embrace your imperfections, and learn to use your failures are stepping stones to achieve on new and better levels in your life!

Get a FREE 20 page PDF preview of my new book (available digitally, and in paperback physical book form):KUKURU DANGER™ – 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

Click to visit the online store where you can order a copy of this paperback.

Click here, to request the FREE PDF preview of the new paperback book now.

You will be taken to a request form. Within seconds of filling and submitting it, the download link will be sent to the email address you supply.

I urge you to share it as far and wide as you possibly can!

If you are a parent, teacher or school owner interested in getting my help with regard to Best Practice Parenting, click here to contact me!

There’s a world outside school that your child must be ready for, if she is to succeed.

Because you arrived in it, before her, YOU are an expert in it, compared to her. If you truly love your child therefore, you can – and should – share YOUR EXPERTISE about succeeding in the world, to help her learn how to EXCEL in it.

This book [Kukuru Danger™] uses narratives of true life childhood experiences of a brilliant but wayward child, who later reformed himself, as a basis for offering practical tips and insights you can use.” – Tayo K. Solagbade. Best Practice Parenting Advocate™ & Location Independent Multipreneur.


Speaking Success Is Not About Audience Size

Everything I am about to say here is, as usual, my personal opinion.

To me, a good speaker will be successful in influencing people s/he speaks to, both on and off the platform. So, if you are a genius on the platform and a goof ball in your personal interactions, you have a lot of work to do on yourself before you can claim to be successful.

My stated opinion is based on my belief that we are only successful, to the extent that we are able to apply our skills in different situations, to achieve the goal we want.

And that goal is ultimately to provide satisfactory answers to the audience’s questions, needs or problems, in a way that makes them thank you, and/or ask for more.

When you speak, it could be in a formal, informal or non-formal setting, as I explained some issues back. Your audience size and circumstances can vary depending on a variety of factors. However, YOU will always be the constant, as the speaker who delivers a message to the individual or group audience.

The way I see it, your success as a speaker under varying circumstances has nothing to do with the size of the audience that has to listen to you.

Okay, maybe I should rephrase that. It should have little or nothing to do with the number of people you address.

I say this on the assumption that all other factors remain relatively constant – especially during formal presentations. For instance, with large audiences, the platform, seating arrangement, and acoustics need to be setup to ensure your presentation reaches all audience members effectively. Everyone present should be able to hear what you say clearly.

I also assume that the venue will have been setup to allow you employ your platform skills to maximum effect.

Sometimes however, you may need to put your speaking skills to use in small group settings.

For instance, as the leader of a team in your company, as CEO, or even as the president of your club or other social group. At other times you may have to speak in one-on-one situations with high profile individuals e.g. decision makers in a company you work for.

If you have taken care to prepare yourself adequately, it will rarely matter who you have to speak to, or how many they are. You will find that your passion for your chosen subject will always see you through (to paraphrase a famous speaker).

As usual, and with every sense of responsibility, I am able to say the above, based on personal experience.

In many of my past articles, I have shared anecdotal accounts of how I successfully won appointments with CEOs of companies I approached, even after the gatekeeper had assured me nothing of the sort would happen.

Basically, I act very self-confident every time I get an opportunity to speak to my target individual or group audience. But the confidence I display is always well founded. It comes from knowing my subject throughly. And this has helped me speak with impact even when I addressed large audiences.

Sometimes the “speaking opportunity” with an individual (e.g CEO), would have come at a totally unexpected time, or in an unusual setting.

For instance, I once had to speak to convince a CEO, while members of his team (in a meeting with him) looked on.

Most people feel self-conscious under this kind of situation. I did too.

However, becasue I knew what I had to say, and how to say it, I had no problems passing my message across. By the time I was done, he motioned for one of them to discuss details of what I proposed with me, and arrange a follow up meeting.

Your ability to express yourself in an articulate and convincing manner depends on your speaking prowess.

If you continually nurture it, there is probably no person or groups you speak to, that will not be won over.

That’s why I believe speaking success has little or nothing to do with audience numbers or size.

Instead, it’s about results, in the form of the outcomes you desire, becoming reality. Aim to develop yourself to get what you want, with increasing frequency from those you speak to, and you will succeed just as often.

PS: This article was first published online on Monday 13th August 2012 via


No. 176: Serve Clients Fanatically & They’ll Speak GLOWINLGY About You [VIDEO: Clinical Audiologist Client Speaks About Tayo K. Solagbade]

Due to my diverse client base I get many requests for widely differiug solutions I offer as a Multipreneur. Most come to me because they trust me. So much so that they even ask me to help evaluate prospective employees, or to decide what expert to engage to carry out tasks for them.

They act this way because I have proven myself to be a competent and trustworthy provider of solutions they value enough to pay for.



Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 12th January 2015


Title: Serve Clients Fanatically & They’ll Speak GLOWINLGY About You [VIDEO: Clinical Audiologist Client Speaks About Tayo K. Solagbade]

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

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View it in your browser.[Click to view Archives]

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS newsletter is published online on the “reincarnated” version of my Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog. I continue to put finishing touches to the content. If you encounter ANY bad/dead links, and you can spare the time, email them to me via tayo at tksola dot com. Thanks in advance :-)

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 176: Serve Clients Fanatically & They’ll Speak GLOWINLGY About You [VIDEO: Clinical Audiologist Client Speaks About Tayo K. Solagbade]

Due to my diverse client base I get many requests for widely differiug solutions I offer as a Multipreneur. Most come to me because they trust me. So much so that they even ask me to help evaluate prospective employees, or to decide what expert to engage to carry out tasks for them.

They act this way because I have proven myself to be a competent and trustworthy provider of solutions they value enough to pay for.

Many have complimented me on my versatility, which enables me delievr on promises I make to provide solutions regardless of the industry the client operates in.

I am able to do this NOT because I have training in their fields, or know better than them.

No. Instead, I serve them so well because I have learned to painstakingly RESEARCH and INVESTIGATE what every single client does, to gain useful insights into how the solutions I provide can help him/her succeed MORE at less cost, and with less effort.

I invest this kind of effort and time, to study and better understand my clients’ needs, because I truly want them to succeed.

You see, I know that if I help them succeed, they will naturally appreciate having me around. And that ensures not just a positive relationship, but also possible opportunties of repeat business in future.

My decision to work this way, is based on yet another of Burt Dubin’s articles that I have read.

It was titled “Turn Your Clients Into Ardent Advocates This Way” (click to read).

In it, Burt advocates doing for your clients, MORE than any other expert who does what you do, in his/her right mind, would EVER do.

By following Burt’s recommendations, I am getting more and more clients I work with, raving about me, on and off the web, within Nigeria/Benin Republic and even outside Africa, as far as Canada (in 2012), and more recently, in Abu Dhabi (December 2014).

Watch a Clinical Audiologist client I have served since 2007, speak about me in an impromptu video at: (Or click the image below to read the verbatim text transcript of the video testimonial)

Verbatim text transcript of video testimonial about Tayo K. Solagbade at by Mr. Simeon Afolabi, Clinical Audiologist, BSA Hearing & Speech Centre, Lagos/Abuja – Nigeria

Click here to watch the video

Hint: If you’ve been reading my writing a while now, you must have deduced – quite correctly – that I am a keen student of Burt Dubin’s works in the areas of public speaking and business marketing.

It goes withou saying that I’ve had to adapt Burt’s ideas to suit my unique socio-cultural setting, as YOU should also do, if you choose to make use of them.

The results I’m getting PROVE I’m learning from the right source.

And that’s why I urge others to make Burt their mentor!

When you do the above – which I like to call “Serving Fanatically” – you instantly stand out from others who do what you do.

Your clients may however intially wonder to themselevs “How can he do so much or give so much, without being sure of getting anything in return?

Some may even get suspicious and say “Hmm, maybe there’s something he wants. There has to be a catch of some sort. Let’s wait and see!”

They may not ask you, but they could think it…

Regardless of the feedback you get (if any), however, just focus on continuing to serve fanatically!

Also make sure you keep delivering way beyond what you promise. Over time, it will become apparent to them that THAT is how you work.

That discovery will make them realize that anytime they invest in your services or products, they are sure to get A LOT MORE than they pay for…which will often make them LEAN towards havign you serve them.

That is what serving clients FANATICALLY can do for you, if done right!

Let me emphasize here, that I also do this with people who are NOT yet clients i.e prospects or potential clients/buyers.

Yes. So it’d not just with people who have already bought from me, that I do it.

And I do it without expecting that they will buy.

It goes without saying, of course, that I want them to buy, and hope they will. But I do it without having ANY regrets if they do NOT.

You can however ONLY serve in this manner, if you truly CARE about people, and want the best for them!

I do CARE, and my demonstrated attitude is making those who come into contact with me take particular note of me.

In the process I am gaining more and more credibility, and name recognition, which further boosts the reach and impact of my marketing efforts.

A Warning: But not everyone will deserve your “fanatical support” – so learn to screen then out!

I have attracted high quality clients to myself for YEARS by serving in this manner. During that time however, some have displayed exploitatve tendencies, trying to take advantage of me.

It took me a while, but I eventually learned how to identify such people and gently offload them from my social space.

Today, I can confidently assert that over 95% of clients I have are those with whom I enjoy mutual respect and consideration.

I now want them to have more cost-effective access to my multidisciplinary solutions…

Many are showing interest in more and more of the new products and services I offer.

Especially my Farm Business software (Poultry Farm Manager, Ration Formulator, Payslip Generator etc) – as well as my Web Marketign Systems Development services.

To help such persons, I launched (on Thursday 8th January 2015) my Inner Circle Membership offer

Through it, any interested persons can get as much as 65% off the prices of ALL the solutions I offer.

If YOU have EVER considered (or if you ARE currently considering) any solutions I offer – or in having me provide any other solutions for you – joining my Inner Circle will be your best bet to get cost-effective access to me.

Join MY Inner Circle for $160 USD per year and Get custom Farm Business Software, Business Plans, Information Products, Freelance Writing,  plus Web Marketing, & Software Development Services – ALL at 65% off for LIFE! Get fanatical support that my clients enjoy. Watch a Clinical Audiologist client I have served since 2007, speak about me in an impromptu video below, or on Youtube at: – Tayo K. Solagbade

IMPORTANT NOTE for Prospective Buyers of Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Solutions

If YOU are considering investing in Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Products and/or Services, join my Inner Circle and get ALL the benefits I promise AND also get an attractive discount (NOT available anywhere else) from Burt himself!

Let me point out a MASSIVE benefit choosing to buy Burt’s products via THIS offer-within-an-offer will give YOU:

I will build for you, an elaborate Web Marketing System similar to what I use via, to promote your expert business & speaking service. That will include a response generating website, blog, article marketing, video marketing, information products publishing etc.

See why you simply cannot lose with this?

Click here to tell me which of Burt’s speaker mentoring products or services you are interested in.


Learn about Burt Dubin’s speaker mentoring products (books, audios etc) below…

If you need help purchasing ANY of Burt’s products (like “Presentation Magic”), call me on +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic, my base) or +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)  or email

Have a great week :-))



“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”

In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.

Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt's Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:


Self-Development/Parenting [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:


Want me to write for you? Click here to send me a message - Invite me to here!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to

Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organisations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting,

freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organisations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods

and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, and then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy Limited.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes his Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS

newsletter(which he uses to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus


Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

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more information

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Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

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How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

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Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read


NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)


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NEW: Get 2 Real Life Poultry Layer Farm Start-up Business Plans (PLUS Customization)!

Screenshot of the 1,000 bird Poultry Layer Farm Business Plan I prepared and sent to a new client in Nigeria - click to read the article I wrote on it.

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New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Farm Management (& Performance Measurement) for Profits – No. 1 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (57 pages): Farm Business Start-up (Information, Education & Inspiration) – No. 2 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Livestock Farm Business Feed Formulation – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (58 pages): Best Practice Farm Business Marketing – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

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Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

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Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

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NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

Click here to learn more

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

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FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

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NEW: Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success

Tayo Solagbade's Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success (Verbatim Text Transcript of Introductory Video)


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 


Glaring Contrast Between Cyber Cafes in Lagos and Cotonou (The Need to Create Enabling Environments) – True Story

Traveling helps one gain useful perspectives and insights, making one broad minded. My travels have taught me that one does need to be rich, or make big money to enjoy great QUALITY of life.

In well managed societies, even the poor can afford a decent existence devoid of avoidable annoyances.

The story I share below illustrates a glaring contrast in the conditions under which people running the same type of business have to operate in their respective countries – which share a common border.

In Cotonou, most Cafe’s I use open as early as 8a.m, and I sometimes work in Cafe’s well past midnight.

I once arrived from Lagos about 15 minutes to Midnight and got a bike rider to take me around till I found a Cafe still open (and many users in it), where I was able to quickly publish my blog post for the day.

But no matter how late it was, I never had problems getting home. Within minutes of stepping out on the sidewalk, I would flag down a commercial bike rider, who I would confidently allow to take me home.

Whenever I’m in Lagos however, things get very complicated.

Cafes here open as late as 9.30 to 10a.m. The owner of the one close to my home told me his staff lives 2 hours away in another state (Ogun) and the traffic makes it hard to get in earlier.

So I’m usually waiting till 10a.m before I can start work. My attempts to use other cafes had taught me few promised good value for money and time. This one does. But unlike the Cotonou cafes, it closes, almost unfailingly at 9p.m(sometimes 8p.m, if the boss is away as the staff needs to leave for home early)..

I asked why, and the guy explained that staying open longer would expose them to thugs or robbers coming in to hold up the place, which had happened before, and the loss was painful.

Compare the guy in Cotonou with my man in Lagos, and it becomes obvious the latter has to battle daily to be profitable.

A. Starts 2 hours later

B. Stops 3 hours earlier

C. Incurs high generator fueling and repair costs due to poor public power supply

D. Yet he charges approximately the same rate per hour, as the Cotonou guy.

This means the Lagos cafe retains considerably less profits compared to the one in Cotonou, despite doing more work.

The above makes me empathize greatly with cafe owners here in Lagos, indeed Nigeria in general.

And that’s why I did not get upset when I had to miss achieving a goal I set to publish my new book on Yoruba proverbs on Thurs 8th Jan 2015, due to the unavoidable closure of the cafe at 9p.m as usual.

[NB: It’s now live: See Ten Storyfied Yoruba Proverbs for Children]

Click to visit store

I had so much client work to do, and had been there from 10.30a.m till 6.50p.m, then went out to get a bite to eat and buy some groceries for the kids.

By the time I returned, it was 8.40p.m and I knew there would not be enough time to setup the book in the online store.


That’s why my operational base for building my brand via passive income generating products creation is Cotonou.

Over there, I would have easily returned to the cafe and finished publishing the new book.

Generally, when I come to Nigeria I get much less creating done and focus more on promoting what is already created for sale.

But you probably wonder why I don’t use my own private Internet USB stick?

The answer is that I used to, both in Lagos and Cotonou.

However, being the heavy duty user that I am, I discovered that option rarely gave me value for money. The bandwith assigned either ran out too fast or poor connectivity forced me to keep shuttling to the cafes to get important client work done.

That made no sense, especially since one made a hefty payment for it.

In contrast, the bulk time purchase I make in Cotonou cafes especially, can be paused when the connection is slow. And the best part is that it never expires!

Hopefully this disparity will be rectified when a government that can deliver steady power and security of lives and properties comes into power in Nigeria this year.

Acquire Real World Relevant Skills. Create the Future You Want.

Real world relevant skills immunize those who have – and make diligent intelligent use of – them against failure.

I always tell people of a news report I once read over a decade ago, when Daddy Showkey (who invented the unique dance styles and music genre that made him famous) explained how he survived his early years in poverty.

He said "Anytime I needed money, I would just start singing and dancing".

He did that in almost any public space. Crowds often gathered quickly and by the time he was done, a good number would have dropped money to show their appreciation.

Showkey has since used that skill of his to inspire many others, as he grew his brand to success. Today, he owns his own house, and lives comfortably with his family.

But we cannot all be skilled entertainers.

Not everyone will be gifted in that department or interested in pursuing success in that field.

And that’s great, because the world is badly in nee, today, of skilled persons with unending passion for what they do in many diverse areas of life, or markets.

Having useful skill better equips you for success.

I especially love those skills that eliminate the need to search for big startup capital.

That’s why I’m partial to catering (especially baking), PC and Internet related products/services creation and delivery, hair dressing, electrical problem solving, and other vocations

Once you acquire a skill, nobody can take it away from you.

The above is what drives me daily to support my kids to acquire and develop multiple, potentially useful real world relevant skills.

It is also why I remain a relentlessly fervent advocate of the work being done by organizations like Omowale Ola’s Field of Skills and Dreams in today’s world.

In case you still don’t get my point about skills and raising capital…

It is interesting to note that many skilled people, who do get it, often use their skills to earn money they then channel as capital to startup brick and mortar or physical entreprises they dream of owning.

For instance, a web marketing expert could channel 80% of his earnings towards starting a grocery store business managed by his spouse.

Since he works from home and has few overheads, this would be a good way to establish and grow over time, an additional stream of income to secure his family’s future.

Those who do this often end up with little or no debt to worry about. That’s why skills matter so much!

Quite often, skilled people are able to make money simply by creatively putting their skills to use, at low to zero cost, in the SERVICE of others towards solving problems or even providing entertainment.

Examples include the skilled hairdresser, PC/mobile phone repairer, automobile technician, electrician, tailor/fashion designer, dancer/singer, web marketing solutions provider etc

My personal experiences and achievements, as a Location Independent Multipreneur convince me that skills make the impossible possible

That’s why I have a keen interest in telling others to acquire skills.

I’ll end with this quote by Napoleon Hill, which perfectly captures my sentiments:

"It should be encouraging to know that practically all the great fortunes began in the form of compensation for personal services or from the sale of ideas. What else, except ideas and personal services, would one not possessed of property have to give in return for riches?" – Napoleon Hill, from his evergreen bestseller "Think and Grow Rich"

Everything You Want for Your Business Success…and MUCH MORE!

UPDATE: Good news. Apart from 65%discount on ALL my products/services, every member of my InnerCircle now gets ONE of my products of his/her choice FREE(e.g my Poultry Farm Manages, Ration Formulator, Payslip Generator etc). Read the updated offer pdf click here and let me know which product you want. Tayo K. Solagbade

Watch a Clinical Audiologist client I have served since 2007, speak about me in an impromptu video below, or on Youtube at:

“Join MY Inner Circle at for $160 USD per year and Get custom Farm Business Software, Business Plans, Information Products, Freelance Writing,  plus Web Marketing, & Software Development Services – ALL at 65% off for LIFE! ” – Tayo K. Solagbade

NB: Those who pay $200 will get lifetime membership. Such persons won’t need to renew their membership annually and they still get 65% Discount Off EVERYTHING I offer for Life!

Every Inner Circle member gets a PERSONAL login username and password access to benefits.

I recorded this video in his office (on 8th Dec. 2014) and DELIBERATELY left it unedited, as you’ll hear us…

Below: Verbatim text transcript of video testimonial by Mr. Simeon Afolabi, Clinical Audiologist, BSA Hearing & Speech Centre, Lagos/Abuja – Nigeria


(Tayo Solagbade’s voice in Yoruba) “E duro, e duro. Oya” (i.e Yoruba for “Wait, wait. Okay”)

“Mr. (Tayo) Solagbade is a very industrious person. Very very committed to his work. He’s always full of ideas and solutions to problems, and for me, he is somebody that can give some great ideas to a business person that is facing some difficulties in any field you may think you are.

I’m in a clinical setting and he has been offering some great solutions to problems we face everyday. I listen to his relations with many of his clients. Some are into Agricultural sector, some are into legal sector, and he has been helping them to improve their practice, and to do better business.

He has a very good customer relationship. He knows how to relate with people, how to talk with people, how to flow with people.

And he’s somebody that when you enter into conversation with him, you ke(ep) on talking without having to end it. (Tayo’s slight laughter in background). He’s good. Good (laughs).”


Click here to give me a date/time you want to call me about joining my Inner Circle.

PDF membership certificates will be issued to members.

Quarterly ($40 USD) & 6 Monthly ($80 USD) memberships available, but 50% off, not 65%.

You can pay:

a. in cash or b. by purchasing paperback books from my online store equivalent to $160 USD.

Examples of What You Get at 65% Off…

PDF - Click to download - Join MY Inner Circle for $160 USD per year and Get custom Farm Business Software, Business Plans, Information Products, Freelance Writing, plus Web Marketing, Software Development Services – ALL at 65% off for LIFE

Click here to continue reading


Click here to give me a date/time you want to call me about joining my Inner Circle.


[NEW BOOK with Optional MP3 Audio files] Ten (10) ‘Storyfied’ Yoruba Proverbs for Children – Goes Live from 8th January 2015 at

[UPDATE: It’s now LIVE in my online store here – click – Watch the preview video at [Audio Book] Tayo Solagbade’s “Ten Storyfied Yoruba Proverbs for Children” Audio Book DVD – YouTube] or below:

After working on it all through December 2014, I’m excited to announce this new learning tool, originally created for my kids, will go LIVE at tomorrow night!

Title: Ten (10) ‘Storyfied’ Yoruba Proverbs for Children

Sub title: Ten popular Yoruba proverbs with contextual translations and story-based examples of their use, in daily life, for young children & and learners in general

Cover Photo - NEW Book titled Ten (10) ‘Storyfied’ Yoruba Proverbs for Children. Subtitle - Ten popular Yoruba proverbs with contextual translations and story-based examples of their use, in daily life, for young children

For those who wonder, this is the first in what will be a series.

I did a preview of it in an issue of my weekly newsletter, few weeks back.

My motivation to do this is MAINLY to empower my kids to communicate proficiently using Yoruba.

It is also to enable them appreciate the beauty of the language – which can best be enjoyed when knows how to use and interpret proverbs and wise sayings appropriately.

I did not have the benefit, during my youth, of deliberate effort being made by adults to FORMALLY expose me to Yoruba

But I was lucky that my Dad firmly insisted, during our teenage years, that we read OUT the Yoruba bible during the daily bible study sessions we had.

That left me with the ability to actually READ the language despite being raised in Lagos city, and speaking English most of the time.

On my own, I went further as I grew older, to learn the phonetic aspects of speaking and writing Yoruba. But not in any structured way. It was all haphazard.

For instance, during my 5 year stay in Ibadan’s University of Ibadan, I was blessed to share a room with 2 guys from my home town Abeokuta, who grew up there and obviously spent most of their years with adults who had superb grasp of the language.

Almost every day my room mates mocked me about my lack of dexterity in the use of Yoruba. I was teased for speaking “Lagos Yoruba”. And they were right!

Rather than resent them, my habit of relentlessly pursuing self-improvement, made me ask them to share their knowledge with me, and by the time I left campus, even though I was nowhere near them, I had picked up enough to build on.

Over time I have consolidated that foundation, and today I have a growing library of learning resources, that I am now using to prepare coaching content for my own kids.

It goes without saying that despite the above, I am NOT in any way, an authority on reading, writing or speaking the Yoruba lanuage today.

However, what I have, I KNOW, can benefit MY kids and lots of others who lack it.

As such, I choose to focus on sharing THAT with them – and where I find others with superior proficiency, I will expose my kids to them as well!

Experience has taught me that one can teach successfully, by INVOLVING the intended learners in the process of creating the learning resources.

That way, the get exposed to it earlier, and come away with deeper understanding in the process.

That’s why the proverbs featured in my book are those that I have already discussed with my kids, and I even got them to create the MP3 audio clips with me – helping to say the proverbs in Yoruba and/or in English.

I initially planned to make it 25 proverbs per issue (click here to read details I gave in a preview)…

Below is a screenshot from the first proverb’s slide.

My “Storyfied” model is designed to facilitate contextual comprehension of proverbs by persons with limited proficiency.

Click to view larger screenshot of page from my forthcoming book - 25 Storyfied Yoruba Proverbs for Children - Read story-based interpretation in photo below

My tight work schedule all through Christmas right into the New Year, has however made me settle for a 10 proverb per issue volume.

This way I can get them out with some regularity. Even if I have to churn out smaller volumes.

This is a project VERY close to my heart.

One that I am simply too passionate about and too determined to ever stop doing UNTIL I complete it (that’s talking thousands of proverbs – so maybe with time I’ll step back up to 25 or more per issue).

In case you’re wondering, my kids understand Yoruba, but they do not speak it so well.

That’s why I want to use my “Storyfied” Proverbs to break them in faster.

The stories will boost their comprehension of the proverbs, and since opportunities to use them will occur in life, they will over time learn to express themselves using proverbs.

The prestige that will result from demonstrating that ability will cause them to pay greater attention to learning MORE proverbs, and in the process they will learn MORE of the Yoruba language and culture itself. ( The language and the culture cannot be separated you see!)

The more contact you have with, and conscious attention you pay to a language, the more you internalize it.

Eventually at a point, you will achieve critical point where you become proficient.

Having said that, I realize there will be others who desire the same for their own kids, but who may not have the time and training to create a resource lik this for them.

This is why I continue to publish various resources I create in a manner that enables interested others purchase, and adapt them for their own use.

Click here to see my online store, where this new book will go on sale from tomorrow p.m.

Final Words: This Storyfied language book project won’t end with Yoruba however…

Each day I see my kids, taking instructions from and communicating in Igbo language with their mother(who is from Obosi inNigeria’s Anambra state), I tell myself I need to do the same thing (i.e create a Storyfied proverbs book) for them with the IGBO language, which also has a rich store of proverbs.

And I already have material I can start with – from a 2002 paid 3 month IGBO language course that I attended in a coaching school at Allen Avenue. But it goes without saying that – as I am doing with the Yoruba version – I will also visit persons proficient in use of the language to LEARN and get guidance to ensure I do a good job of it.

All contributors names will be acknowledged in the publication – as has been done with this Yoruba book.

PS: By way of interest, those who have followed my work since I relocated to Benin Republic in April 2013, will know that I have a Quick and Dirty Guide to French Language for English Speakers/English Language for French Speakers that I created and have been selling.

Before creating the above guide, I’d published my ebook titled “Proven 5 Step Formula for Learning ANY Language in 3 Months or LESS“.

It was based on my experiences learning to read, write and speak the French Language, within 3 months in 1999 (traveling to stay in Cameroon to improve my fluency).


Sell What You KNOW for Profit – by Presenting it Professionally (True Story)

“Thanks Mr. Tayo for the visit, timely n wonderful. Thankx. Mr. K (name removed for privacy).”

[Lagos, 6p.m] I just returned from a 5 hour long visit to Lagos’ Oko Oba-Agege’s equipment suppliers, vet shops and feed mills. The above message was sent to me by a poultry farming expert I consulted there. So why was he thanking ME, when I was the one who went to consult HIM?

SMS sent to me by a farm business expert I visited in Oko Oba - “Thanks Mr. Tayo for the visit, timely n wonderful. Thankx. Mr. K (name removed for privacy).”

Well, like I tell people all the time, I adhere to a success philosophy that requires one to CREATE AN IMPRESSION OF INCREASE to everyone s/he comes in contact with.

Read on to find out how I did that, to the extent that this gentleman felt obliged to send me a thank you message after I’d left (NB: I strongly recommend YOU form the habit of doing same)!

Mr. K is a poultry farm business consultant who specializes in helping people start-up/manage broiler and poultry enterprises.

I found him when I did a Google search for farm businesses located in Oko Oba. I do this all the time when I wish to save time in visiting an area. Most people simply get dressed and go around asking for directions.

I happen to know that more and more farm business owners are taking the pains to put their business online via one or more platforms – often free ones. Most are not very web savvy, but they know the web offers potential benefits that can help them make more money or reduce operational (e.g. sales and marketing) expenses.

My search threw up about 2 pages of useful addresses, one of which was an abandoned facebook page setup in about 2 years ago, by Mr. K for his business.

He had posted a few updates and then stopped. But his mobile phone number was still visible.

I was browsing on my Blackberry, so I clicked on the phone number, and after 2 rings he picked up.

I explained to Mr. K, that I wanted to visit Oko Oba to consult with him and a few others, towards getting information to prepare an elaborate Broiler and Poultry Farm Business Plan for an old client, who wishes to venture into both areas.

This is an independent consultant client I’ve known since 2007, and who has hired me to develop several Excel-VB software for him over the years.

Now, he’s planning to retire from consulting to a property in his home town, which he wants to run the poultry business on.

Mr, K agreed to meet with me, and promptly gave me directions to find my way to his office. Around 12 noon, I arrive there, and he readily gave answers to all my questions relating to the data I needed for the plan I need to prepare.

In my usual manner, I went out of my way to find out how I could also add value to him – as a way of giving back…

I asked why he’d not continued using his Facebook page. He explained that he’d launched it to promote a broiler production project for a client, and once that ended, he’d stopped.

When he said this, I pointed out the fact to him that our meeting would never have happened if he had not left his mobile phone number on that page. I then added that many Nigerians today, readily use the web to search for information on how to start-up poultry and other farm businesses and that most were looking to hire a competent expert to help them begin.

I went on to tell him that if they encounter even a simple Facebook page regularly updated with useful information along the lines of their interest, they are likely to connect with owner of that page – if not immediately, then over time.

Quite often they would start by LIKING the page and monitoring the updates from it.

What I was saying was not theory: I promptly showed him a real life example of a Facebook page doing just that from Ibadan, in South West Nigeria.

This chap basically has built a captive audience of fans for his business on his page, and regular conversations are visible, in which they ask for his products and services, in response to offers he makes. And sometimes they simply thank and commend him for the useful information he shared (e.g. a Facebook note on a topic of interest) on the page.

Like I told the owner of that page, when I called him late last year to make my usual no-strings-attached suggestions, he can do SO MUCH more and reap even better monetary rewards, if he were to setup a system to automatically capture and use the contact information of his fans to reach them OUTSIDE facebook. So far, it does not appear that he has acted on my suggestion.

But even without doing what I proposed, it’s obvious the Ibadan based CEO is getting useful results from his Facebook page based marketing (click here to request the link to view his page)

I just do not like the rather manual, and non-viral/non-syndicated, Facebook limited nature of his model.

Having said that, I knew Mr. K would benefit greatly from adopting a similar model, which is basically zero cost. So, I showed him the Facebook page on my phone, and emailed him a link to it at the same time.

Then I forwarded 2 other emails containing links to other resources I send out to interested persons, which explain more about how to use what I call a Web Marketing System to boost marketing of your products, and also to sell your knowledge.

I told him that rather than simply let people make him prepare broiler production plans and have it free, promising to get back to him (which they rarely did), he could prepare a special handbook or guidebook on Starting a Broiler Production Business, and offer it for sale to those who contact him.

That way, when they call, he can simply offer a brief cost-free consultation and they say “If you want more detailed information, buy my information pack or e-book etc”.

No serious minded enquirer will say no to this!

But even if s/he does say NO, you can still say “Okay, I offer a one hour consultation session for say N5,000 or N10,000”. In certain cases you may choose to apply your discretion, and waive this condition, if you perceive the person is not likely to pull a fast one on you. I do this all the time.

What is important is to have a formal procedure in place for dealing with people who come to you for INFORMATION and/or EDUCATION which your unique experience and expertise makes you qualified to give.

Do NOT give everything away: You have the right to sell what you KNOW for profit. It is the key to lasting success and profits.

What I’m saying here applies to ANYONE in ANY line of business.

The key is to know how to go about it.

Note however, that no textbook explains how, and no limits exist to what you can do and how. If you need help thinking up ways to apply what I’ve said here, click here to tell me your unique needs.

Final Words: If you are good at what you do, there is absolutely NO REASON why you should not monetize what you know, to earn useful passive income – for LIFE!

No matter your field of specialization or vocation, even if it’s painting or broiler farming, if you’ve been at it a while, there will be knowledge and insights you have, that others lacking your experience and exposure will want.

In other words, apart from the physical products you offer, you should be able to earn useful income, for the long term, selling your “knowledge” (NB: I have been doing this for years selling my Feed Formulation Handbook and other information products listed in my online store).

However, your target audience will NOT know you have what they want, or need, IF you do NOT let them know.

Which brings us to the logical question: How do you let those who need what you know, discover that you have it?

That is what I have tried to explained to you in this article. Hopefully you can take what I’ve told you and run with it by yourself.

If not however, I can help you develop and implement a Web Marketing System to make it happen for YOU – like it does for me, and for my clients.

Call me on +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) for more.

Related Articles:

1. Barter Your Digital Products to Make More Money (True Story)

2. No. 175: Why Speakers Who Barter Products and Services Will Make More Money

No. 175: Why Speakers Who Barter Products and Services Will Make More Money


Unconventional ideas, used intelligently, can yield superior results compared to “popular” ones. Years of testing ideas advocated by myriad experts, in my search for success have taught me that what WORKS, and NOT necessarily what’s popular, is what REALLY MATTERS.

This has made me a fervent advocate of seasoned, and highly successful experts like Burt Dubin, Terry Dean, Dan Kennedy etc.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 5th January 2015


Title: Why Speakers Who Barter Products and Services Will Make More Money

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

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View it in your browser.[Click to view Archives]

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS newsletter is published online on the “reincarnated” version of my Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog. I continue to put finishing touches to the content. If you encounter ANY bad/dead links, and you can spare the time, email them to me via tayo at tksola dot com. Thanks in advance :-)

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 175: Why Speakers Who Barter Products and Services Will Make More Money

Unconventional ideas, used intelligently, can yield superior results compared to “popular” ones. Years of testing ideas advocated by myriad experts, in my search for success have taught me that what WORKS, and NOT necessarily what’s popular, is what REALLY MATTERS.

This has made me a fervent advocate of seasoned, and highly successful experts like Burt Dubin, Terry Dean, Dan Kennedy etc.

In studying their works, I found they possessed the rare ability to NOT care about conforming with the majority…

Instead, they displayed a readiness to go out on a limb, if necessary, to test and find out what worked for them, and once they found it, they fearlessly put it to use, and taught willing others to do the same.

With the exception of Burt Dubin, who I have represented as Sole Agent for marketing his Speaker Mentoring products and services for a few years now, the other 2 experts, probably do not even know I exist.

So this is not some attempt to curry favours or seek recognition on my part.

Instead, my purpose is to point out, as we start this new year, that sometimes, sticking with what everyone else knows and does, may do you more harm than good, in your business!

You need to get into the habit of TESTING what you are told, to see if it really adds value to you, in the way you want, so you can achieve YOUR valued goals.

The fact that it works for some big-name-expert, does NOT guarantee you will get the same results!

That’s why TESTING ideas and strategies to see how they work, for YOU, is so crucial!

Today, I have gotten useful experiences under my belt, doing tons of testing, and emerged with my own original concepts, ideas and strategies for achieving the kinds of success I seek on a regular basis (Note that I continue to TEST…it’s a never ending process!).

Now, a key area in which I have reaped the greatest rewards has been discovering the use of “barter exchange” – an ancient concept – but used in a modern way.

I have used it in the modern way now for years, since first reading about it in several of Burt Dubin’s articles and reports over a decade ago. .

Basically, you have to keep in mind that sometimes you can sell more, if you’re flexible and open minded about HOW you get paid your stated fee or price.

In his articles, Burt explains that when he was still a speaker (today, he’s a renowned mentor of some of the world’s highest paid speakers), he often let companies that invited him to speak, pay in kind and/or cash, to the tune of his full fee.

Sometimes he got part of his payment in form of hotel accommodation across a weekend, for him and his wife, in the city the event would hold. The client could have a hotel in the city in which a special arrangement enabled them get FREE rooms for a limited period, for their staff.

This tends to make it easy for the buyer/client company’s decision to commits, since s/he may have other things that limited funds need to be spent on.

Or better still, s/he could then use the savings from that barter exchange to purchase some other product or service YOU offer that they would not have had the funds for if they had paid your full fee in cash!

In other words, bartering your products and services can make it easier for you to not only close sales, but also to attract repeat – or additional purchases – from the same or other clients (since delighted clients are likely to tell potential others)!

Even farm business owners can use this barter approach (e.g to cut down Variable Costs) as I explain in my guest post on titled “5 Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices“.

I have written several articles in the past, in which I shared stories about how I used the bartering technique to win client projects and walk away with physical products I went on to sell (see below).

True Story No. 1:

Some years back, a small Telecom & IT equipment installations company in Ikeja, Lagos, wanted me to build a Web Marketing System (WMS) for them.

When the CEO asked for a discount, I proposed a barter exchange that would enable them pay me part cash and part via a product they already had in stock.

He was open minded enough to let me explain further. They had a new subsidiary that did beautiful Heat Transfer prints on T-Shirts. I told him I wanted some branded T-Shirts made in bulk.

So we went to the printing room and I pointed out the white T-shirts they had in bundles, then showed then my high resolution Eyo Masquerade graphic on my flash drive, that I’d modified in Photoshop based on a friend’s Pointillism artwork.

One of my branded Eyo Masquerade T-shirts on sale in my online store

My request was that they print my design onto enough of the T-shirts that would total 50% of my fee for developing the WMS for them.

The operatives did the calculations and announced that I would get 70 branded T-Shirts, ready to wear or sell.

That was good by me. I would NOT have to buy ANY materials, neither would I need to do any hard work printing anything. They would do it all and hand them over to me once I was done with the WMS.

So, it was agreed.

And here’s the best part: I got the 50% cash in advance, and the T-shirts were put on record as the balance I would get on job completion!

Since the work to be done in developing the WMS was a service that required no significant expenses (other than my internet costs and generator fueling), this meant I was more or less eating my cake and having it.

Yet, the client was also happy to be able to pay much less cash than he would normally have had to part with.

Isn’t that just great? I think it is!

[Click here to view the online gifts store I setup the images to be impressed using print on demand technology onto T-shirts and other items (NB: I will be updating the URLs from to in a few days) ]

My online store with branded gift items for sale

There are no rules about how one can barter, or what one can barter!

Yep. And that means your only limitation is your creativity.

Burt Dubin shares with his mentees, many proven strategies for using this Bartering techniques and others, to reap profitable benefits. Need help? Click here to send him a message.

In my case, I’ve taken a lot of what I learnt from Burt, and added several twists, over the years, to come up with new ways of doing it. This especially to leverage my own unique skills as one who creates a unique range of high profile digital products like my Excel-VB software.

Which bring me to True Story No. 2:

Last month/year – on 1st December 2014, a Filipino gentleman (Nelson) who works with a company in Abu Dhabi, but runs a piggery business back home in the Philippines, purchased my Feed Formulation Handbook PDF from my online store.

He did so on my recommendation, after we spoke on phone.

In actual fact, he’d contacted me asking about my Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator software.

However, after speaking with him, I’d advised that since he did not have formal knowledge about the science of Feed Formulation and Compounding, that he first buy my handbook and read up on that.

But our conversation also revealed a potential problem, which has affected other international buyers.

Since he was outside Nigeria, in order to buy the software, Nelson would either have to send payment via Pay pal (through a 3rd party – my brother in law) or Wire Transfer (which is not so reliable and tends to take long).

Neither option sounded appealing to him, from the response he emailed me. He ended by saying he would get back to me, once he decided.

Later in the month however, I was sending out my usual Xmas/Year end promo offers to all past buyers and subscribers, when it occurred to me that I could ask him to pay for the software, by purchasing physical copies of some of my new paperback books that I just published with, and shipping them to me (through my brother in law who lives in London)..

The books are available in my online store for delivery to the doorstep of a buyer anywhere in the world.

I had been planning to order copies of some of them (like my Speaking IDEAS book and my Best Practice Parenting book titled “Kukuru Danger”).

This was because I wanted to give out as gifts to a few relatives and my kids. The opportunity to have the physical books without spending ANY money from my pockets therefore instantly appealed to me, and I quickly drafted a modified version of my Xmas/Year End promo and emailed it to Nelson.

Not only did my offer afford him a considerable discount, it was also a SAFER alternative compared to sending money directly to me – since he had to “buy” from’s secure platform.

On 30th December 2014, he sent an email confirming that he had taken up the offer and made the purchases, for delivery to my brother in law’s home in London as I’d requested. Click to see the screenshots of the invoice, he sent me in this article.

Click to see the screenshots of the invoice, and email he sent me in this article

So, now we wait for confirmation that the books have arrived London.

Once that happens, I’ll simply email him the download link to his personalized copy of the Ration Formulator, its PDF user guide and the 4 video tutorials.

(NB: Last week’s piece titled “Barter Your Digital Products to Make More Money (True Story) features the verbatim emails we exchanged – click to read it)”

If I had not employed this barter strategy, it’s likely Nelson would probably still TODAY, have been trying to make up his mind how to send me payment for the software.

But this barter option I gave him helped him decide quicker. Plus, I’m now getting copies of my new books that I need!

Meanwhile all I have to give in exchange is my Excel-VB Ration Formulator software that I’ve been selling since 2004 – digital, zero cost item!

Final Words: Anybody can use the ideas I’ve shared above!

So many possible applications can be explored – and it will not matter what field you are in.

As an expert-who-speaks, you can really make profitable use of this “barter” approach to win over more clients, and rake in more money.

All you have to do is keep an open mind.

In 2015, the ability to do THAT (i.e. keep an open mind), and also constantly think outside the box, while NEVER letting yourself be limited by the opinions of others, will help you excel way beyond the limits you (think you) have!

I wish you success!

[NB: This write up is the promised sequel to last week’s piece titled “Barter Your Digital Products to Make More Money (True Story)” that I published on 31st December 2014, to close the year.]


Learn about Burt Dubin’s speaker mentoring products (books, audios etc) below…

If you need help purchasing ANY of Burt’s products (like “Presentation Magic”), call me on +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic, my base) or +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)  or email

Have a great week :-))



“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”

In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.

Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt's Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:


Self-Development/Parenting [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:


Want me to write for you? Click here to send me a message - Invite me to here!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to

Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organisations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting,

freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organisations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods

and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, and then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy Limited.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes his Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS

newsletter(which he uses to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus


Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

Showmanship Strategems

177 Wow! Wow!

Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

more information

Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

You hear performance strategies you can emulate. You shorten your learning curve. You see ways to engage and delight audiences with both content and stories . . . plus you experience a bit of fun.

With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information


Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read


NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)


Download above PDF


NEW: Get 2 Real Life Poultry Layer Farm Start-up Business Plans (PLUS Customization)!

Screenshot of the 1,000 bird Poultry Layer Farm Business Plan I prepared and sent to a new client in Nigeria - click to read the article I wrote on it.

Download above PDF


New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Farm Management (& Performance Measurement) for Profits – No. 1 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


New Ebook (57 pages): Farm Business Start-up (Information, Education & Inspiration) – No. 2 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Livestock Farm Business Feed Formulation – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


New Ebook (58 pages): Best Practice Farm Business Marketing – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

Download above PDF

Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

Download above PDF



Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Learn more here


NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

Click here to learn more

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

Download above PDF

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

Download above PDF

NEW: Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success

Tayo Solagbade's Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success (Verbatim Text Transcript of Introductory Video)


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo…