PII 153 [TRUE STORIES]: Using a Web Marketing System Yields Residual Sales Leads Generation Power – Bonus Commandment No. 3 of my 10 Commandments of Web Marketing for Business Success
This issue of my Performance Improvement Ideas (PII) newsletter, doubles as BONUS COMMANDMENT No. 3 of my 10 Commandments of Web Marketing for Business Success.
In it, I explain how using Web Marketing, the way I recommend can help you establish what I call RESIDUAL SALES LEADS Generation Power that channels a valuable timeless stream of high quality sales leads into your sales funnel on a regular basis.
Below: A Recent Web Request Form Submission by Visitor to www.tayosolagbade.com
Date: 2019-01-13|13:05:57
Name: Tunde [XXXXXXXXX]
Email: xxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com
Business: Poultry Farm
Country: United Kingdom
Phone Number: 07xxxxxxxxx
How did you find us: internet
Comment: I will like to discuss your software (EXCEL-VB DRIVEN POULTRY LAYER FARM MANAGER SOFTWARE) with you. I am looking to purchase one for my business with is going live soon. I have tried calling you Nigeria number but no luck.
The above web contact form submission is just one of many hundreds, I have received for well over a decade, since I began using the web. And especially since 2013, when I focused my efforts on generating sales leads for solutions I offer primarily from the Internet.
That enquiry was sent in on the 13th of January. However, I did NOT see/respond to it, until the 1st of February (last week). In other words, it took me over 2 weeks to get back to him.
Definitely not an ideal way to handle sales enquiries, and for those who know me, it is very out of character. However, I had no way of knowing he had made the enquiry, because his was one of those affected by the yet-unexplained disabling of email delivery from the script handling web contact forms on tayosolagbade.com
I mentioned in a previous newsletter that this has been happening for about 4 months now, making me unaware of over 30 enquiries sent to me using my web contact forms. Only an accidental incident led to my discovery of the submissions.
I have since begun implementing the alternative system I’ve thought up, to ensure I no longer have to worry about missing enquiries like this one.
But I mention this particular gentleman’s enquiry because it shows how a smart Web Marketing System (WMS) can motivate the prospect to:
- actively pursue you – sometimes using multiple alternative channels for answers about how s/he can buy from you
- patiently wait, to get response from you about what to do and how
- diligently go the extra mile to make the payment using whatever options you recommend.
Let me warn here that the intention is not to present the prospective buyer as one who is begging the seller for access to the latter’s solution.
Far from it.
Indeed the exact opposite is the case, and THAT is why the prospective buyer is often willing and able to act along the lines mentioned in a, b and c above.
In other words, a Web Marketing System makes those who fit your target audience profile SEE that you offer what they consider not only a valid solution to a need they have, but also that gaining access to you and your solution would obviously be in their best interests, because it would be apparent to them that YOU are an authentically passionate solution provider who delivers what s/he promises.
All of this can be inferred from a well developed and implemented Web Marketing System, without your saying a single word to a prospective buyer of ANY solution you offer.
An even better example of how a WMS can motivate prospects, can be seen in the case of the Malawi based Farm CEO who first emailed me on 23rd September 2018 but had to persist in exploring ways to send me payment – right up till 8th February 2019 (well over 4 months) last week!
Like many others before them, the Farm CEOs whose enquiries and conversations with me are reproduced above have experienced what it feels like, to be on the receiving end of my Web Marketing efforts.
It should be noted that the UK based Nigerian tried reaching me on phone, without success and that was why he settled for sending a web form enquiry.
Imagine therefore, if I had failed to provide a web contact form on my website?
Some people make that mistake. Others have the web contact form on their site, but it does not work.
I have used web forms for years and never let any of mine exist without functioning as they should. This new experience I’m having with non delivery of submissions to my email is one that I have studied and adopted an alternative solution to, so as to ensure I stop having delays in seeing messages sent to me.
The point I’m making therefore is that the foundation for a successful Web Marketing System is a fully functional response generating website.
Without it, you will most likely be pouring water you fetch, into a basket – to paraphrase a Yoruba saying which implies WASTING your efforts,
Having said all of the above, I now offer you the key message I want to pass on in this issue of my newsletter, which is that I have not been doing anything resembling the volume of writing I did from April 2013 to mid 2018, in a long while now.
Back then I wrote at least ONE new article daily, to promote various aspects of my multidisciplinary range of solutions. This was a well established routine that earned me great search engine visibility, generating leads/enquiries that I converted to sales.
Yet, despite the fact that I have not been doing as much active writing for marketing purposes online, as before, I have notched that enquiries have continued to come in for various solutions I offer.
If you have been following my writing over the years, you will have noticed that I share LOTS of true stories about sales conversations, and client support experiences I have quite often.
The reason I do that is to SHOW to my readers that far from being on an ego trip, with regard to what I offer online via www.tayosolagbade.com and other platforms I use, I am actually engaged in high profile money making interactions that add value to the lives of those I engage with.
This is why majority of those I relate with, both on and off the web, take me seriously. They SEE that I am the REAL DEAL, That I offer solutions that work, which I regularly, provide useful information and education about, to help them make up their minds.
Indeed, some of them found me because some other person who knew about me, but had up till then never needed to buy from me, recommended that they do so. Did you get that?
A person who has only heard of you, or followed you online, but neither met with you in the flesh or hired you him/herself, recommends you so strongly to another person seeking a solution you offer, that the latter decides to buy from you…sometimes to the tune of over N50k!
It takes a rare kind of marketing effectiveness to get that sort of response from totals strangers. This is why I so boldly proclaim to any who will listen that a Web Marketing System, used the way I recommend is the ultimate, most cost effective and efficient marketing tool ANYONE can hope to have access to.
BUT you need to know how to use it right, to get the promised results. I offer lots of free ideas about how to do that here at tayosolagbade.com, Contact me and I will send you links you can study.
Or, better still join my Web Marketing for CEOs club and enjoy FREE coaching as I help you develop and implement a custom Web Marketing System to cost effectively and efficiently promote your brand to potential buyers/your preferred target audience.