Category Archives: My DN Travel News

To Succeed More, You Need a Real World Understanding of the Meaning of Intelligence

We often hear (or read) this word – “intelligence” – being used in different situations by different people e.g an intelligent "writer", intelligent "student", intelligent "speaker", intelligent "artist", PLUS on a less approving note, an intelligent THIEF ! :-)

In this article, I advocate the adoption of what I consider ONE all embracing,and real-world relevant definition of intelligence, which can help those who use it live more successfully.

The word intelligence basically refers to some form of ability to do things. In conventional use for instance, the term typically describes a person’s (academic) aptitude regarding the use of words, figures, and various forms of computation.

A broader application is inclusive of body skills (e.g. an intelligent footballer), familiarity with concrete materials, ability to adjust to new conditions and/or facilities in solving new problems etc.

But, What Exactly Is Intelligence?

The brain can be developed just the same as the muscles can be developed, if one will only take the pains to train the mind to think” – Thomas Alva Edison

Intelligence is also used to describe how a person deals generally with people, things, ideas and events.

Research has shown that about 20% variation in the Intelligence Quotient (IQ – expressed as a ratio of an individual’s mental age to her chronological or real age) of individuals is caused by factors like quality of nutrition; health; sleep; experience; social contact; drugs taken by mother and general upbringing.

But age has been found to have little influence on the level of intelligence as measured by IQ.

In fact it’s been found that maximum mental growth is achievable at age 13, stabilizing at about 70. Also, and contrary to societal myth, modern brain research has now shown clearly that mental abilities of human beings do not reduce with ageing.

Tony Buzan (inventor of the world-famous Mind Maps®) is widely regarded as a world authority on the brain, memory, creativity, and speed reading, reports. In his Speed Reading book, Tony stated that Dr. Marion Diamond of the University of California confirmed via research findings that “there is no evidence of brain cell loss with age in normal, active and healthy brains”.

It was found that if a person actively uses and “trains” her brain (Buzan’s Centers and books teach HOW), there is a “biological increase in its inter connectivity complexity resulting in a significant rise in the person’s intelligence”.

This explains why after people in their sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties are “brain trained” at Buzan’s centers, measurable, statistically significant and permanent improvements are achieved by the old people in every area of mental performance!

By the way, one (long-discovered) way of training your brain is by frequent reading and thinking – according to geniuses like Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein.

Most debated probably has been the issue of how Sex and Race affect intelligence. It was once believed (and some still do today) that the black race was less intelligent than their white counterparts, and females less than males.

There is however no research evidence to support those assumptions.

A Definition I Advocate For Adoption(Using "Academic Performance", "Murder Investigations", And "Interpersonal Communication" As Case Studies)

Over the years it’s been agreed that IQ is limited as a measure of intelligence – even in the academic dimension. Intelligence has increasingly become recognized as a result of one’s total life experiences.

This means intelligence tests results express how well one has learnt to achieve in the areas, which are being measured by the test. This is why I believe that Robert Kiyosaki’s father’s definition of Intelligence, as “the ability to make finer distinctions” is most appropriate for real-life use.

1. Schooling: When Robert Kiyosaki was ten years old, his friend and classmate Andy was announced to the class(after an IQ test the entire class had taken), as a “genius with a high IQ”.

But Robert’s father in response to his son’s subsequent queries about the definition of intelligence simply told him it referred to a person’s "ability to make finer distinctions”.

Robert said he learnt from his Dad’s explanation that Andy his friend was smarter than him in the classroom because he could learn better there, but that did not mean Andy was smarter than Robert(THAT was the "finer" distinction"). This understanding went a long way to make him finish his schooling instead of dropping out for fear of being called stupid etc.

"A person does not need to go to college to learn facts. He can learn them from books. The value of a liberal arts college education is that it trains the mind to think…Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

2. Murder Investigations: In the society I live/work in some types of law enforcement agents are renowned for their aversion for "making finer distinctions".

For instance, when one of them sees a dead body, a knife and a man seemingly "loitering" nearby, s/he immediately decides the loitering man MUST have killed the dead person – else what could s/he be doing there at that point in time(God help us all!).

So s/he conveniently puts the "loiterer" in jail and tells his/her boss a suspect has been found. Soon (except the poor "loiterer" has providence on his side), the case is announced as solved, and a possibility innocent person sentenced to time in prison!

Why do they do this? One school of thought has it that maybe because that option requires the least thinking – or quickly satisfies people that justice has been done, and frees the agency from having to answer questions about how far investigations have gone and so on.

Under different circumstances, a murder investigation would be prosecuted more thoroughly. Typically, the lead detective/investigator will go the extra mile to do some thinking.

Often s/he would try to establish a “motive”, and in the process probably discover something others missed and (maybe) end up finding the “true” killer.

The logic is that except a person is confirmed mad or insane, he/she would have had a “convincing enough reason”(motive) for committing a crime.

The investigator has to establish what that motive was, and get concrete evidence to support his findings. If he cannot, the law prevents him from holding on to the suspect longer than a specified period. So he continues digging. This method has helped detect people being “framed” or who decided to own up to crimes they did not commit so as to protect loved ones.

Agatha Christie’s suspense filled detective stories provide an excellent example of how deep thinking is(and should be) applied by investigating officers in solving cases of crime. The lead character – Inspector Hercule Poirot – solves cases by applying deductive reasoning and making finer distinctions.

The moral here: Actually derives from looking at the methodology employed by the investigators. They get information, then subject it to logical reasoning against the background of prior information, and based on that make deductions which then guide them on deciding what action to take – leads to follow etc. It takes people who do plenty of deep thinking and strive to make finer distinctions(so as to avoid jumping to wrong conclusions) to work like that.

Sometimes the obvious thing is not always the correct or most important thing.” – Tayo K. Solagbade

3. Interpersonal Communication: Successful communication has occurred when the words I write/speak to another person(s) are received and understood by my target audience exactly as I intended it.

However there are two sides to the communication process – that of the "communicator" and that, of the "communicatee". If the former does a good job of passing her ideas across, it does not necessarily follow that the latter will receive(or “admit“ receiving) the intended communication!

This may be so for 2 main reasons. One, the communicatee may unconsciously have “noises” (like biases, preconceptions, past experiences etc) interfering with his interpretation of the message. Secondly, he may simply deliberately feign misunderstanding to make a point.

Both cases happen all the time. Sometimes it is said that people will hear only what they want to hear – no matter how many times you tell them what you actually mean. (Re: Inter-tribal, ethnic or racial conflicts).

This almost hopelessly booby trapped situation that anyone who has to communicate with others faces, I believe is what led Dan Kennedy to refer to what he called a "Communication Minefield".

For a sincere hearer to truly understand a message, he/she must be objective, listen actively(and not pretend to) and be able to make those finer distinctions i.e. apply intelligence.

But then not everyone knows how to do the last part i.e. make the distinctions.

And that’s why I am writing this article( to impress upon the reader the NEED for him/her to begin to do this from now on). It is also why we must thank Robert Kiyosaki for sharing his father’s definition.

A reporter once asked Albert Einstein: “What is the speed of sound?”, to which the genius replied: “I don’t know. I don’t carry information in my mind that is readily available in books”.

Always Weigh "The Evidence" Or "Information" Or "News" About A Person/Issue Against Your Personal Observations BEFORE Taking A Stand!

Let me put it this way. A Police investigator that arrests, jails and get conviction of an innocent person for a crime the latter did not commit will likely be called “stupid” or “unintelligent” by his boss if/when eventually his error is revealed.

So, to appear intelligent, you must not only strive to employ objective, deductive reasoning and thinking, but you must also have the courage to follow your resultant insight/convictions right to the end, so that your actions end up being appropriate and justified. Let’s face it there is hardly anyone who doesn’t’t want to be called intelligent !

So when next someone comes up to you, for instance, with some "gossip" or negative information about another person, you might want to (and I do mean "literally"!) pick up up a teaspoon of salt and put it in your mouth.

The objective will be to jolt your senses, and help you remember to "make finer distinctions" in assessing the person you have been told about. I have seen many highly educated and otherwise extremely intelligent persons so readily draw conclusions about someone they have NEVER even met, based on negative information fed to them by another person.

It is my considered opinion, that evidence of a persons true intelligence – and education – can be readily seen in how s/he weight information available about a person or issue against actual observations s/he is able to make through deliberate personal effort.

Many times those who fail to look below the surface fall victim of deliberate manipulation by devious persons against their perceived rivals or opponents I do not like being used, and will never try to use anyone against another.

However societies tend not to be lacking in people who readily resort to campaigns of calumny to discredit someone they dislike.

And this works quite well when those they feed the bad information fail to "apply their powers of discretion and discernment" by checking to confirm that what they have been told is a true and accurate representation of the person or issue in contention.

The result: reputations are ruined; characters assassinated and lives/careers destroyed. If not for anything else, I urge you – for the sake of your own good name – to begin making finer distinctions today, in deciding how to use information that those you meet or relate with pass to you.

Chances are great that over time, you will not only discover those around you whose word cannot be depended upon, BUT you will also avoid being named as one of those responsible for spreading falsehood about others.

Final Words: Some People’s Egos Keep Them from Learning!

And that’s because they hold faulty definitions of intelligence in their minds. They think being intelligent means appearing to be “cool, calm and collected”; never making mistakes, failing or being at fault i.e. always being right.

In fact they MAKE SURE of this by doing everything possible to hide away ANY and EVERY evidence of their failures or mistakes, so no one ever gets to know!).

But that does not really work in the end, as the limited and mediocre, accomplishments they record in their lives very often attest to the fact that they have not been sincere in their past actions!

"When you fearlessly pursue excellence by repeatedly failing and learning from those failures in order to succeed at newer and higher levels in life, you ALWAYS gain an edge over those who choose to play safe." – Tayo K. Solagbade

Learning is a never-ending journey. Yet after one little achievement, some people “hang up their gloves” and go ahead to live on THAT “old glory” till they die. Worse still they seem to be able to find others who praise them for doing so!

The reverse obtains where there is an entrenched culture of striving perpetually for excellence. In such successful societies, people have a habit of "making finer distinctions" – and so never settle for average, since they always realize they can do better if they try harder.

To achieve our full potentials as individuals and as a nation, we must adopt the right definition of intelligence, and begin to make finer distinctions in our everyday pursuits so as to achieve sustainable progress.

NB: This article was first published online by Tayo K. Solagbade, via his former 9 year old primary domain ( – & later – several years ago.

Email to a Farm CEO About Powerful Reasons For Using a Blog

Today I sent an email message to a new Farm CEO client, who’d purchased my Monthly Poultry Farm Manager app.

The email was however NOT about the app or his farm.

Instead it was about a blog I discovered he created in 2012, then later abandoned, which I wanted him to know could be VERY useful to him, if used right.

If you’re not sure why, and how regular writing and/or blogging – done intelligently and with purpose – can help you, this article offers insights you can use.

Here’s the message


I just browsed through your blog experiment, and felt compelled to send you my impressions, and a suggestion…

I know your last post indicated you got the maiden posts contents from your course work.

However, from what I read, I get the impression that you’re likely to make a good go of non fiction writing in particular, and blogging in general.

The thing is that it takes time and plenty of DOING to get the hang of it, and make it 2nd nature.

But once you succeed it can prove a powerful self (and business) promotion tool – when done right.

I say this based on the many dimensions of name recognition, and sales/marketing benefits my regular article and email newsletter marketing brings me.

That’s why I wonder why you’ve not continued with “Beyond Quarantine” and other ideas you hinted at since 2012?

If it’s due to zero comments or reactions, to the ones you did, let me assure you it does not mean anything.

For many months after I started my blog in 2012, I got very few readers and not a single comment.

But I focused on adding new useful content weekly. Then later I began doing it daily.

However, I did not stop there.

I also went outside the blog to add useful creative content in satellite websites (e.g Youtube, G+, Facebook etc), using different media (e.g audio, video, infographics, slideshows etc) to attract more of my target audience to my blog and website.

Eventually, views ramped up, and some people began commenting, but most important and useful were the sales enquiries via my email address and website contact forms for my services and products.

It’s now over a year and a half since you did this blog project.

You could be thinking you don’t need it or the time is not right. Believe me when I say you would be wrong to think either.

Give what I’ve said some thought.

From what I’ve read in your posts, you only need to narrow down to the subject and theme you’re passionate about (mine is “Best Practice Performance Improvement in Key Areas of Personal and Work Related Lives” of my target audience members).

Once you know what to write about, and identify a niche of people who want it, and who would go out of their way to get it(including buying something from you), your writing/blogging success in ANY market or industry will be INEVITABLE.

Just my heart felt opinion…


If you wonder how I found your blog, it’s thanks to Google who sent me a notification asking if I knew “Ekene N……” and 2 other persons.

I followed the link to your Google+ profile and saw the blog posts and URL to the blog.

Amazing how the web works isn’t it?

Used correctly it can reliably deliver subtle, and timeless, yet potentially powerful content propagation at zero cost.

That’s why I use it so dedicatedly!

I urge you to do the same Ekene. And there’s no better time to do so than NOW.

In your service.


No. 158: To Achieve Sustainable Selling Success, NEVER Stop Marketing!

In late 2007, I had a setback when I broke a fundamental rule which I’ve summed up as:

“Never stop marketing. Not even when business is so good that you’re over booked!”

Ignoring this is often what causes the feast-famine cycle many people pass through! In this issue of my newsletter, I use a true personal story to explain why this is so, and what you can do.



Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 8th September 2014


Title: To Achieve Sustainable Selling Success, NEVER Stop Marketing!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS newsletter is published online on the “reincarnated” version of my Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog. I continue to put finishing touches to the content. If you encounter ANY bad/dead links, and you can spare the time, email them to me via tayo at tksola dot com. Thanks in advance :-)

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 158: To Achieve Sustainable Selling Success, NEVER Stop Marketing!

In late 2007, I had a setback when I broke a fundamental rule which I’ve summed up as:

“Never stop marketing. Not even when business is so good that you’re over booked!”

Ignoring this is often what causes the feast-famine cycle many people pass through! In this issue of my newsletter, I use a true personal story to explain why this is so, and what you can do.

When I made that mistake in late 2007, things got so bad I could not fuel my car…

For up to 3 weeks, I left my car parked in front of a public secondary school (where it had run out of fuel) off the major road leading to the popular Berger roundabout in Lagos.

Each day I walked past it at 5.00a.m to 5.30a.m, on my way to Ikeja – which was 1 hour away on foot (I did not have money to pay for local transportation either).

To help you put the above in perspective, I should mention that I’d started the year doing fairly well, and with no reason to imagine that things would not get better.

I mention this to warn you that “good times” have to be “nurtured” by you, to ensure they last.

In my case, I completed various custom Excel-VB software development projects during the year. And things had been looking really good.

But I had not learnt enough to NOT make the mistake of NOT marketing while working.

So, when I went through a prolonged period without winning new work, I got into trouble with my cash flow.

I was sorely tested during this period. But I dug deep and forced myself to re-read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.

It’s amazing how suffering brings great clarity to the human mind, The things you read and feel, and SEE, offer much deeper meanings and insights.

This is why “fasting”, and meditating can be very beneficial when done right.

One day, I visited a business centre in the Opebi area of Ikeja to make photocopies.

I noticed they were having problems accurately computing total sales and expenses for the past week, using detailed records kept in notebooks used by the employees.

They had no formal book keeping system in place, so they were using a large calculator. The problem was it got very confusing and they kept mixing things up as customers came and went.

After a while I got involved and studied the records while trying to help them decide on the best way to go about it.

However, in my mind an idea was already forming. I saw the PC on their table, and knew it had a copy of MS Excel on it.

But I knew from interacting with the owner, that asking them to use MS Excel to solve the problem themselves was unlikely to work, and possibly lead to major errors.

So, I quietly resolved to build a little app for them to use.

48 hours later, I’d finished the first version of what I called Excel-VB driven”Business Centre Cash Inflow & Outflow Tracker” (click here to request details of it, including screenshots and Youtube video demonstrations).

Excel-VB driven”Business Centre Cash Inflow & Outflow Tracker” (click here to request details of it, including screenshots and Youtube video demonstrations).

Ironically, when I went back and showed the app to the business centre owner, she indicated no interest. This was despite the low price I offered her i.e. N1, 500.

It is instructive to note here, that earlier in the year, before the setback, I’d completed a N100K project earlier to build a “Hotel Records Management System (HRMS)”.

It worked via the hotel’s intranet (internal network) allowing different departments to access the modules relevant to them.

Compared to that hotel app, however, I had already done the work to build the BCCT app, and I knew MANY others would find the app useful. That was what informed my low pricing.

As a result, when the business centre owner declined, I simply went out to market it to others.

Sales did not happen immediately…but eventually they did!

It took me time to perfect my sales (elevator) speech. And I also had to learn how to profile those most likely to buy, and how to win their confidence.

I copied the app on to multiple branded auto run CDROMs I created. Then I walked from office to office from morning till evening, taking breaks when I could.

In the evenings, getting back home often involved walking for 1.5 hours from Ikeja to my place in the Ojodu area. However, since I was cash strapped, I decided to visit business centres in the Ogba area, closer home, so I could walk for about 45 minutes to get home.

This led me to discover shortcuts and side streets, which if I’d been driving I would never have noticed.

Later on, when my car was back on the road, I made good use of my new knowledge of those side streets to avoid major holds up and get to my destinations with minimal delays.

In Lagos, that can be a valuable ability!

To cut the long story short, the struggle I went through in late November 2007 helped me develop my street smart marketing aptitude.

I emerged better equipped to get people to buy from me – within minutes of our meeting.

One Example: I vividly recall the lady owner of a Travel and Tours company in a plaza at Ogba-Ikeja, saying (as she signed my receipt):

“Mr. Tayo. You are really a good salesman. I can’t believe I’ve agreed to pay for this software now, and then let you come back to install it tomorrow!”

In truth, I never imagined she would agree either!

You see, TRUST is one thing very hard to find between people transacting business in Nigeria – it’s “pay and get the product or service instantly”. Few will accept to let you come back the next day to give them what they pay for. Especially when you are an individual they do not know!

The lady CEO had watched my demonstration on the CD, and said she was interested in the app. But because she had an appointment at the airport, she suggested I come back the next day so she could pay, and I could install the app and teach her to use it.

However, my – now – keenly honed selling instincts made me counter-propose that she pay and have me come in first thing the next day to do the installation and training:

“That way, you will be sure that you’ve tied it down at this special price I’m giving you” I said.

And what was the price?

It was a mere N2, 500 – for a 650KB workbook app!

(NB: Today, the latest version sells for N5, 000, and is about 6MB in size, with superior enhancements – like my trademark automated modeless floating data entry form – to make it Excel-novice proof. It’s come a LONG way. Tomorrow, I’ll publish a blog offering it for sale to interested persons. Click here to request details!).

Using my painful 2007 experience, I hit the ground running with my marketing in 2008…and it paid off!

Starting in January 2008, an old client hospital called me in to build a Cash Office Payments Manager, for use in tracking indebtedness of patients.

My much improved negotiation skills and gut level instincts helped me win a profitable payment for the project, which I wrapped up in 48 hours!

2 months later, I won a new client, who paid me to build a Hotel Restaurants and Bar Manager application for her popular neighbourhood hotel.

3 weeks after finishing that project, I used my pavement pounding skills to sell the app to a much larger hotel (well known for events by musical celebrities) in the Ikeja area.

By the middle of the year, the MD of a cookies manufacturing company called me based on a referral by his cousin (the manager of a professional photography studio) who had purchased my “cheap” N2, 500 BCCT app.

I would go on to execute multiple highly profitable projects for that company i.e. marketing my “cheap” app opened doors to high paying projects with large clients companies!

Final Words: Spending is unavoidable. If you do not keep getting money in, you will most definitely continue spending. That means you WILL eventually run out of cash!

That’s what happened to me – more than once. I’m wiser now.

But I first had to learn the hard lesson, to NEVER stop marketing while I had a job in hand.

Today, those who follow my work know that I continue using multiple channels, to promote my products and services to my target audiences.

Even when I had multiple projects in hand about a month ago, in Cotonou, I NEVER stopped my various marketing activities. And this has continued to generate multiple quality sales leads, some of which have resulted in sales of my products, and profitable clients for my services.

As I type this, I’m in Lagos-Nigeria, approaching the end of a Web Marketing Systems development project for an Ota-Ogun state based NGO.

Few months back, in June (2014) they’d invited me to give a paid Web Marketing Coaching talk to members of their media unit. Then last month, they’d paid to have me develop the WMS.

Apart from a referral by a relative who is a member of the board, and requested I meet with the CEO in Lagos. their decision to hire me was based mainly on marketing resources I supplied: before we met, and which I left AFTER giving my talk.

Even after I leave, my marketing resources continue to “speak” to them on my behalf.

A good example was an auto run CDOM based slideshow version of the talk I gave them, along with 3 MP3 audio versions of a 3 part article on Web Marketing published on my website.

And since I practice what I preach online, ANYTIME they visit my website or blog, those I market my work to will encounter new and often useful content.

Here’s what Burt Dubin said in one of his business marketing articles for experts-who-speak, that he mentors across the world:

“You are a marketer first, and an expert second.” – Burt Dubin

That’s powerful wisdom that has helped countless experts find more consistent marketing success. If you remember and act on it, you will achieve similar results!



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In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.

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So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

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Have a great week :-))

Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts
(PDF…Click!) - Invite me to Speak FREE Anywhere in here!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to

Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organisations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting,

freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organisations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods

and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, and then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy Limited.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes his Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS

newsletter(which he uses to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus


Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

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Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read
Click to read article titled: 'Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive'...and ONE other. Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur. 

NEW:Click here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book” titled “KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

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“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


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Introduce Your Kids to the Philosophy of Personal Success Achievement (A Real Life Example) – Part 2 of 2

Yesterday, in part 1 of 2, I ended my true story at the point where I asked my kids: "What do you call a child of God?". They said: "A child of God."
But I told them: NO! [And they looked at me in confusion]. When I told them THE answer, I saw the looks of surprise on their faces.

This article is based on excerpts from a verbatim transcript of an MP3 audio presentation I now offer for download. If you’d like to get the MP3 to learn the answer I gave to that question, as well as hear my full message on this subject to boost your chances of personal/parenting success, fill/submit this form (click).

Important Note : Whether parents or school owners choose to listen to me is immaterial.

"This is just my own way of giving back. Without access to…without exposure to the contents of that book (Think and Grow Rich), I would not be who I am today, as an entrepreneur.

If you go to, you will find out more about me, and you will understand what I’m trying to say.

I want to share with other how I discovered that what I learnt in school – the traditional education that I got – would not help me achieve the success I desired passionately, to achieve and which I set out to pursue, in 2002 January, after I left my job as a high flying manager in Guinness Nigeria Plc.

I will NOT put up the information for direct public access. YOU will have to take the step to request it – fill/submit this form (click)

Introduce Your Kids to the Philosophy of Personal Success Achievement (A Real Life Example) – Part 1 of 2

On Sunday 17th August 2014 a.m, I had my first Personal Achievement Coaching (PAC) project conversation with my children. I asked them: “What is a child of God called?” and told them it was NOT “child of God”.

If you truly believe in God, know that this is a message from God to you. If you say I’m not a pastor (or other religious leader), I urge to keep your ears open, and your mind free from bias as you read. You will learn TRUTHS that will convince you.

[NB: If you’re not familiar with my PAC™ programme, read this article(click). I launched this coaching programme to share the magic formula for personal success I discovered by studying Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich – which has helped me achieve unrelenting success in spite of adversity over the past 2 decades.]

That morning, I sat them down – all five of them….

We’ve come a long way as a family. And they know the suffering we have been through.

They know the humiliation I have suffered as a member of my bigger family. I have said this in many articles recently.

At a point I became the "Bambialla" (local term for "beggar") of the Solagbade family. This is no secret. I have mentioned it in several past articles.

Apart from that, if you meet anybody who…is my relative, say my siblings, parents etc, they will confirm that I have told them I have no problems, I don’t feel any embarrassment of any sort – if they tell what they know happened to me.

For me, what happened to me is proof that there is something wrong with our educational system.

I don’t have a problem talking about it. Failure is never anything you should allow to be personal.

You MUST externalize failure at all times. Understand that if you fail, it is because there is something you need to learn.

These are some of the things you need to learn: The Philosophies of Success!

If you understand that, you will know you’re just on a journey of discovering how to succeed.

I understood that, because I had been exposed to the right books. But still, it didn’t make it any less painful.

But like I said, I have no problems hearing that somebody else is telling my story saying "Oh you know they were lending him money etc"…it is IMMATERIAL!

Like the saying goes: "It does not matter what happens to you what is important is how you deal with what happens to you."

Funny thing about the above saying is that people use it all the time, and yet they will not let the person who is going through it, and choosing to be courageous about it, focus on being courageous and succeeding!

Instead they begin to refer all the time to his failures. This is the reason why we know that the schooling system we have is FAULTY!

This is why people use success quotes like the above, and still turn around to mock the person that is going through failure, and persisting in spite of it!!

One example: Let’s say you have a radio program, and voice a quote like: "It does not matter what happens to you. What is important is how you deal with what happens to you."

Then 2 months later, you encounter a former school mate who is struggling in life, but is dealing with his challenges with courage – and YOU start LAUGHING at him! That would be a sign that you don’t understand the quote you shared on your radio program!!

And that’s the problem I see a lot in society today.

People read all these books and talk and talk and talk, but the fact is that in their lives, they do not apply the things they say with their mouths!

It’s the same thing when they take the affirmations from the bible and voice them. The way they live their lives, show they do not believe those things they say from the bible.

And this is the fundamental problem.

Now, with books like Think & Grow Rich, when the contents are properly taught, people discover that they change in form of their habits.

Their thinking habits and their habits in the real world change.

They become TRANSFORMED BEINGS and then they begin to act consistently, along the lines of what they have READ, and what they have been TAUGHT.

That is when they become SUPERIOR BEINGS and begin to achieve at a level that what we call MERE MORTALS will not be able to comprehend.

So, what I’m saying is that you need to understand that there are some things your school will not teach you. Yet you will need to learn those things to succeed authentically for the long term in your life, and also be able to teach your children to do same.

That was why I called my kids together that Sunday morning. I wanted to begin formally sharing the magic formula for achieving personal success with them

So, I asked them: What do you call the child of a Lion?

My children answered: A Lion.

Then I asked: What do you call the child of a Cat?

"A Cat!" they chorused.

I said: What do you call the child of a Goat?

They said: A Goat!

I said: Good!

Then I asked them: Can a Cow give birth to a Goat?

They said: No.

I asked: Can a Lion give birth to a Tortoise?

They said: No.

Then I asked: Can a Cat give birth to a Dog?

Again they said: NO

By this time they were beginning to look at me as if saying "What is wrong with this man today??!"

I continued by asking: Okay, now what do you call a child of God?

They said: A child of God.

Shaking my head in the negative, I told them: NO!

I then repeated the question: What do you call a child of God?

They were looking at me (in confusion).

When I told them THE answer, I saw the looks of surprise in their faces:

…end of part 1

[The 2nd and concluding part will be published on this blog tomorrow]

Is That Nice Person “Nice” To Everyone – Or Just YOU?

"A person who is nice to you, but is NOT nice to the waiter, is NOT nice" – Author unknown.

The foregoing quote captures my preferred definition of being nice, which is essentially entails treating others with "respect and consideration".

In this article, I offer five (5) practical ways to evaluate the "quality" of your relationships with persons you associate with – as it relates to being "nice".

Most people who consider themselves to "decent", try to treat others they meet with respect and consideration. They also (rightfully) expect others to do the same for them.

But life is not always straightforward. Good people do not always get treated fairly.

Indeed, sometimes bad people can seem to get a better bargain from the world than good people – possibly because the former actively work to subvert the will of others, so as to gain an unfair advantage.

This does NOT however make being good a BAD option to adopt. And part of being good is being "nice" to those around us.

What Does It Mean To Be Nice?

Nice could mean a whole lot of things, but mainly – to me – it comes down to the phrase I used earlier: "respect and consideration�. In essence, for me, being nice essentially entails treating others with "respect and consideration".

Therefore, every now and then, in moving around society, I quietly evaluate myself (and others) with respect to how "nice� I am (or they are).

Sadly, what I have found is that many people, especially adults, tend to be "selectively nice".

By this I mean their "niceness" seems to depend rather greatly on WHO they are relating with.

For instance, I have noticed fairly consistently that some people who act friendly and talk "nicely" to me, adopt very (I and do mean VERY) nasty dispositions in talking to "poor" relatives, or their hired hands – such as office workers, house helps, mechanics etc.

They typically display impatience, and intolerance at the slightest opportunity.

Indeed I have seen some instances where an acquaintance of mine (with his wife’s encouragement!) chose to needlessly ridicule a new employee right before me, by mocking the latter for his "slow" speed and lack of familiarity with the computer.

I could not help wondering why he did not think of coaching the young man to develop the missing skills, using more encouraging words to boost his morale. Past experience with this individual however made me keep my opinion to myself.

Speak Out Against Unfair Treatment Anywhere You See It

I have chosen to write on the subject, because such "selectively nice" people go around in their preferred social circles – like religious groups – being "nice" (e.g to the pastor, and other church members).

Few who see them in THAT mode would imagine they can be psychologically abusive to those under them, back in their homes or offices.

The rest of us need to avoid being fooled by such people. Then again, if anyone is guilty of being selectively nice, this article is a call for such a person to change.

It is instructive for you to note, at this point, that a person who maltreats others, while treating you nicely, WILL have his/her reason(s) for being nice to YOY, which is (are) likely to be ulterior.

Maybe you have more of something s/he values e.g. money, status, fame, a special skill etc. Whatever it is, for as long as s/he feels there is benefit to be had from continuing to be "nice’ to you, s/he will.

BUT, mark my words – the day s/he feels being nice to you no longer serves any useful purpose, the same "un-nice" treatment reserved for the "lesser" humans, will be handed down to YOU too!

And that is why no matter what you feel you stand to gain, you MUST, as a rule speak out (or caution) against any unfair treatment of others that you notice.

If you fail to do this, chances are NO ONE will stand up for you, if/when the same happens to you – and it can! (Re: Karma)

Here are some quick checks you can use to ascertain just how nice, THAT nice person you know is:

1. Does s/he openly relate with you regardless of who else is around?

Or is there a noticeable attempt to limit interaction with you to seemingly "safe" environments or situations?

Specifically, how does s/he introduce you to others – in a manner that enhances they way the other person sees you, or one that puts you in a one-down position?

2. How does s/he treat workers generally?

In passing out instructions, giving feedback or correction? Is there a noticeable effort to make people feel good about themselves.

Or does s/he go out of his/her way to put them down. Is the working environment positive, or are most of the workers scared stiff?

3. Does s/he demonstrate a healthy respect for YOUR experience, and knowledge? 

Or is s/he often keen to tell you (directly or indirectly) that you are not as "good" as s/he is?

Do you find that s/he is "nicest" to be around when you AGREE with his/her opinion, and gets very difficult if you insist on holding a position at variance with his/hers?

4. Does s/he call you a "good" friend when you say YES to his/her requests for help?

Or ANYTIME you say NO, s/he throws a tantrum and accuses you of being undependable?

5. What about when you NEED his/her help?

Does s/he readily give it, or is it often done grudgingly (complaining to your face, or behind your back)?

Does s/he expect you to be ready to go out on a limb for him/her? Do you think s/he would do the same for you, if the need arises?

The above are just to offer you some practical ways to evaluate the "quality" of your relationships with persons you associate with.

What I’ve said here is based on what I do – which is why I share it.

I honestly believe if we all try to be nice in the way I have described in this article, our societies can only become even BETTER than they already are, with people truly living to their fullest potentials.

To end this article, I recall the very apt quote I began this piece with…

"A person who is nice to you, but is NOT nice to the waiter, is NOT nice" – Author unknown.

That says it all, doesn’t it?

NB: This article was first published on 15th October 2009 by Tayo Solagbade via

Top Twelve Ways to Achieve Results Focused Self-Development

Too many people claim to do Self-Development, when what they do is mostly wishful thinking, with little or NO ACTION TAKING! The ideas I offer will help you practice results-focused Self-Development that yields tangible benefits!

1. BREAK the bad habit of idolising paper qualifications

Don’t rush like others to acquire the latest certification unless you’re sure it can really help you improve. Don’t feel inferior to another person for any reason – especially not because he has an MBA when you only have an

Ask yourself: Do I really need this qualification to get ahead in my job/life – now or in the future?

2. Find a role model – Within your company or outside it

There are people who have done similar things to what you wish to achieve in their time, and who have chosen to write about how they did it. Make them your role models – use their methods or modify to suit your self/purpose.

3. Stop begin afraid to stoop to learn

Ask yourself who you work with that you have no idea what he does. Begin to show interest in understanding what your co-workers or subordinates do and how they do it. You WILL learn a lot and MIGHT have some useful ideas on improvement to pass on to them. And of course the personal interest you show in their work will do a lot to boost their morale.

4. Start knowing a little about everything

Show interest in other parts of the business for instance. Be interested in knowing how the production department did last week, what their problems were and how they resolved them. Before long you’ll begin to sound like you actually know a bit about what goes on there.

Better still; the department’s members may begin to see you in a more positive light.
At a point, managers not as close to Production as you are, may begin to regard you as a reliable source of information about that department.

Don’t be fooled – all these will be noticed/eventually filter to the decision-makers at the top and they will take note of it for the future.

5. Read, Read, Read and Read!

Build a personal library. Buy books that teach you what you want to know. Apply what you learn from the books.

6. Develop the right attitude toward problem-solving: Be a change agent!

Always seek ways to improve the way things are done. Never avoid problems. Problems are challenges that present us with an opportunity to learn “a little more” (in addition to what we already know) by trying to solve them.

7. Become a deep thinker

Be reflective. I do not mean that you should “worry”. Start doing the little things that others never seem to think matter. You must have depth. People who come to you should come away feeling that you have a lot to offer them.

They should feel that you have revealed something new about what they thought they knew to them. Others will enjoy working with you because they will get nourishment from you.

Never be superficial. Never lose interest in detail. It might appear fashionable, but it can be quite costly too.

8. Always finish what you start

To put it another way, never leave ANY job unfinished. You can delay or put off a job you started, but ensure you go back and finish it. It does not pay to have someone else come around to discover you did not do a complete job, when you had NO reason not to!

Your integrity automatically gets called to question…not good!

9. Learn from EVERY experience – be it failure or success

There are two sides to a coin – what you see depends on which side of the coin (the situation) you choose to look at. Do not fear failure – use it as a stepping stone instead.

10. Stay in the line of action

Always try to be in the thick of the action. Be ready to take risks.

Some people will tell you to avoid being too out in the open, but you will gain absolutely nothing by doing nothing. Confidence only comes from doing. Only when you have been a member of a problem-solving or project team, do you begin to understand how such a team works, what they do etc.

This immediately takes away whatever fears you had about being in such team when next the issue comes up. The knowledge/skill you pick up in the process will eventually serve you well if you get re-deployed or seconded in the future to an area where it becomes useful.

11. Believe in yourself & Think Positive ALWAYS

Free yourself from the discouraging limitations that naysayers may try to impose on you. That it has never been done before – or that they tried it and it did not work – does not mean you cannot do it.

What’s the point of saying “it’s been tried before and it did not work” anyway? We learn nothing by giving up! Conversely, we learn a lot by persevering through determination till we succeed.

12. Avoid re-inventing the wheel

Ask those who have been there and done it before, then modify what you learn to suit the present situation.

Use the Internet to see what is available that might be of use. The Internet is filled with various tools and resources put online by generous minded individuals and groups with a view to ensuring they make it easier for others across the world to do solve their problems quicker and more efficiently.

If you use it intelligently, you will find that you save yourself many hours of work and become more efficient and effective in the process.

Final Words

If you practice “Deliberate, Performance Enhancing” Self-Development, those around you WILL notice a major difference.

And they will eventually acknowledge you for it.

If that does NOT happen, there’s a good chance you are NOT doing it right – in which case, re-reading and diligently acting on – the 12 tips offered in this article may be what you need!

PS: Subscribe & get one month of confidential Self-Development/Performance Enhancing Coaching

Read this to learn how I can help you achieve the goals you set for yourself more consistently (click for details)

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To Succeed, You Need to Avoid Advice from Wrong People!

Who are you taking advice from in your business or personal life? Every day in Nigeria, and I am sure all over the world as well, people find themselves on the receiving end of advice from speakers, writers, presenters etc. On radio, TV, newspapers, the web, tons of advices are offered by (mostly) well meaning "experts".

But I cannot help periodically wondering about where some of those I hear dish out advice – especially about how to succeed IN NIGERIA – get their ideas from!

I have said it in past writings, and I am saying it again: The rules for success in developed societies, do NOT work as well out here.

Why? Simple: We are a nation of MANIPULATORS . We do not believe in following laid down guidelines to achieving a set goal. We are not prepared to nurture ourselves to develop needed competencies to achieve success. We always want to have an unfair advantage – to win, no matter how.

That’s why for instance, we got found out to be AGE cheats in the FIFA age group competitions. For instance, towards the 2009 U-17 world cup, the country had to endure the embarrassment of being told the tests conducted on our selected team members revealed about 18 of them were over aged!

And that was NOT a one-off occurrence. It goes way back.

If you doubt me, I’ll let you in one a little secret of mine: Nigeria has been age-cheating for a long time – at least as far back as 1983.

I say this because I played active competitive handball from school to state level for over 10 years (1983 to 1993), and during that time, I found myself in age group teams playing alongside individuals MUCH older than the maximum allowed age limits.

One example. Following my performance in the 1985 Kwara secondary schools state Handball competition finals, I was invited to join the Kwara state team in camp for the 1985 National Sports Festival. Towards the start of the competition, the coach asked each player for his age.

When I told him I was 15, he retorted "No, I mean what is your REAL age?".

Before I could respond, some of my team mates told him, "Coach, that’s his real age". The man looked me over in surprise, apparently because he thought my 5ft 11inches height suggested I would be older than that.

The intention, as I would later learn, was to find out how far above the 18 year maximum age limit I was, so he could tell me what under-18 "official" age he would put on the team list to be submitted .

I will also NOT forget how (in 1983, I think) I got dropped from the state team that went to the World Youth Championships in Sweden and Denmark. This was because the coach saw me in the line up for pictures to be taken for use in preparing our international passports, and pulled me out, saying "Ah, you are too tall".

I got replaced by a colleague who was smaller in stature, even though older than I was!

I look back now, and realise that THAT was (probably) why 3 Nigerian state teams kept winning those World Youth Handball competitions (sweeping first, second and third positions annually!) back then. We were fielding over aged players, who naturally over ran their much younger counterparts from other countries!

So, you see, we’ve been doing this age-cheating in sports thing for a long time.

It is against the back drop of all this that I wonder where all our wonderful "advice-givers" get their ideas from.

For heaven’s sake, how can anyone tell young Nigerians to DARE TO DREAM, when almost EVERYTHING in this society TELLS them VERY often, it’s not how good you are, that determines if you get what you want in life HERE in

Instead, it is – among others things:

(a) where you are from in the country

(b) who you know in a position of influence

(c) how much money you have

(d) how much of what you
have you are willing to give up, no matter how unfair that may be to YOU.

Consider this: Five Nigerian bank MDs got hammered few years back, following the crisis in the banking industry, when it was found that they had given out UNSECURED loans to the tune of billions of naira, to friends, associates, and in certain cases, themselves.

All this happened in an economy where struggling business owners repeatedly have their bank loan applications turned down! Isn’t it just amazing?!

Yet, these same MDs before their exposure had been variously invited as guest speakers to "advise" the rest of us at different times on our finances – and even on the subject of "success".

If only we had known what they were doing behind closed doors, we would have been wiser. Some of us would probably not have lost so much money trading their "manipulated" stocks in the stock exchange for instance!

I can already hear those phony patriots screaming that I am bad mouthing Nigeria by writing all the above negatives about the country.

I respond by asking: what good has sweeping our bad habits under the carpet done us so far? What good has our unwillingness to bring unpleasant issues that retard our progress on the table for discussion brought us? Today, things are even WORSE than ever!

My patriotism requires me to QUESTION bad practices I notice, in a manner that influences CORRECTION to be effected.

I do NOT believe turning a blind eye to wrong doing will yield any positive long term benefits for anyone – EXCEPT of course the perpetrators.

Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, Gana Fawehimni (both now late) and Wole Soyinka are the PRACTICAL role models I can relate with. It is their example I will gladly follow.

Look at the Americans.

They do not even spare their presidents, when the need for corrective feedback is identified.

Ask Bill Clinton – who had to endure having the minutest details of his affairs x-rayed on TV, the web, radio and all other media for many months as his case with Monica Lewinsky progressed. Why can’t we copy America in this area – the way we ape them in their fashion, music etc?

You see, I believe we have other more useful lessons we can learn from the Americans, but we choose NOT to see them, because we are INSINCERE. That is also why we do not progress. American speakers, authors, radio/TV presenters etc can rightly tell their citizens in America to DARE TO DREAM.

This is because their society has in it, people (and systems) that will ALLOW those who are BEST qualified, those with proven competence, to WIN.

When we invite them to Nigeria, to speak to our people about achieving similar results, we must be prepared to CREATE an environment similar to that which the Americans have created for success to become a WAY OF LIFE.

Final Words: You owe yourself a duty to INVESTIGATE the credentials, and so called "achievements" of the numerous advisers that parade themselves today, in this society.

Take it from me, there are among us for instance, "success coaches" who speak and write about being able to weather hard times or adversity, but who will cave in, and compromise on all fronts, at the slightest sign that tough times are headed their way.

I have met them in large numbers out here.

And they are the ones usually most visible and available to offer advice to the rest of us in society.

Beware, therefore, who you take advice from – whether in your business or personal life!

To Succeed, You Need a Reason for Writing

If you use your writing to directly or indirectly earn income (e.g. by writing for others, selling written works, or winning buyers for your products and services), this truth may shock you. But I’ve seen enough proof of it in 10 years, to be sure it’s accurate!

If you happen to write just "for the sake of it", this may NOT concern you!

I know some who fall into this group. They have no emotional or psychological connection to the writing they do. Not because there’s no room for such, but because they simply don’t care.

In my part of the world, some work with media houses, and get paid salaries to write for dailies.

Most times they take on subjects or themes that rarely interest them. That they lack passion for. Sometimes they do it based on inducements in cash or kind from others with vested interest in gaining publicity through their medium.

No, I am not referring to writers of this kind.

I refer to original thinking persons who write to earn income, generate sales leads or achieve any other valued goal – like the examples at the start of this article.

You see, doing writing for which there is WHY is most often what keeps the writer SANE – which is why stopping for him/her would be like madness!!!

I say this as one who has done it for over a decade now…

Knowing WHY keeps you burning with desire to continue. And it’s very unlikely you’ll ever burn out or feel a need for a prolonged break.

This implies the writing will be a means to achieve your desired end, and not an end in itself.

That is why no matter how tired you feel, it will not be too hard to tell yourself to do more, as and when the need arises.

Once again, what I say here is what I do – and have done for YEARS.

And I do it, to achieve my ultimate goal of earning greater name recognition and credibility in the minds of my target audiences locally and internationally, at low to zero cost.

The "WHY" is what made me carefully study the various possible ways to promote my writing to different outlets.

I soon realized that I could not simply keep writing without thinking of how to make my writing get read by MORE of those who needed it.

So, I began reading and exploring widely on and off the web, the various low cost strategies I could use to promote my writing to those I wished to reach.

All the while, I kept writing, but I also kept looking…

Soon, I’d narrowed down to a set of techniques and resources I could use to achieve a self-sustaining promotion of my writing to the outlets I needed it to go.

Then I carefully setup a system to leverage the knowledge and resources I’d discovered, over time tweaking the combination, to improve it.

The idea was to ensure that I had a system that basically kept itself going, pushing my writing to the various outlets I wished it to go, without needing my active intervention.

All that has since paid  off.

Looking back, I realize that what I did has helped me achieve a multiplier effect in the promotion of my writing to my target audiences.

I did it without actually having to manually engage in it each time. By this I mean that I employed zero cost intelligent automation.

That brings me to the message of this post.

I was able to find this kind of solution because I KNEW why I was writing.

I knew it was NOT to get the compliments of others who read it. Instead, it was to get “share of mind” amongst members of my target audience.

I also knew that to get "share of mind", I needed to reach such people as often as possible with my content.

That meant that beyond doing the writing, I had to do the PROMOTING of the writing.

But doing that manually could – and does! – tend to take much time and effort.

And that is in addition to wearing you down, which would most likely affect your ability to not just write, but also write COMPELLINGLY.

Since I knew my writing would yield the best results if it made compelling reading, I knew I could NOT afford to be worn out when writing!

All of that made me look for ways to PROMOTE my writing using timeless techniques i.e. means methods that never expire, or stop working – and often at no cost.

It took time – a lot of time, and reading…

But I eventually succeeded in doing just that. It is why I’m getting increasing website conversation rates weekly, despite losing my 9 year old primary domain as recently as 4th May 2014 (almost 4 months ago)!

Today, I offer to help others do what I did. Starting with knowing why you write…

With my help, you will find out why you write, or why you need to write!

Then, I will help you use that to develop a system to keep you going towards achieving that goal, no matter what.

If you’re interested, fill and submit this form to get details.

To Ensure Others Easily View Your Pictures, Optimise Them BEFORE You E-mail Them (Here’s How!)

Before you excitedly email those pictures to your contacts, do them the favour of reducing the image file sizes (via web optimisation) in a graphics software. Owners or employees in fields like real estate and entertainment, often have to send digital camera, or scanned images (e.g of contracts) to contacts via email.

But doing so without first "pruning" the file sizes by optimising them for viewing on the web, can sometimes create problems for the recipient.

For instance:

(1). His/her email inbox gets clogged because pixs attached to your email are huge.

(2). Even where s/he has access to unlimited email storage, time required to view EACH image may still turn off the recepient..

Web users are not patient people plus, and NOT everyone uses broadband! If you’re in business in my part of the world, you will be wise to take this into consideration when reaching out to clients and prospects with your images.

I wrote this article-tutorial back on 3rd September 2007, to offer some ideas.

However, I encourage you to explore additional options that are now available- including web based services that make it possible to reduce your file sizes online within a matter of seconds.

Three Web-Relevant Graphics File Format Acronyms And Their Meanings

In case you are unfamiliar with the subject of graphic file formats, I provide brief descriptions of the three main graphic file formats used on the web, and which I have mentioned at least once in the body of this article:

a). JPEG means "Joint Photographic Experts Group" : useful for displaying "photographic or continuous tone" images.

b). GIF means "Graphic Interchange Format" : useful for displaying images with large areas of flat colours(e.g logos, icons, and navigation buttons).

c). PNG means "Portable Network Group": An improved replacement format for GIF.

One Example of How Optimise An Image for Viewing On The Web

1. Load the graphics editing software on your PC (If you have none, ask around for advice from people who know, about which one to buy – and where . It won’t take you long to find someone who can help).

Note: in this example, I use Adobe Photoshop 7.0.

2. Click "File-Open" in Adobe Photoshop, then use the "Open" dialog box that appears, to navigate to the folder/location of the image(s) you wish to optimise.

Note: In my case I’ve done this with all sorts of images. One time it was a JPEG graphic of the front cover of my ten ways manual (the Self-Development Bible™) that I had designed for screen printing onto T-shirts I intended to print for sale locally. The initial file size was 1.8MB approx.

I call it up into Photoshop using steps 1 and 2 above.

3. Once it opens, I click "File-Save For Web…" on the main menu and a "Save For Web" dialog interface appears.

4. Looking at the "Settings" panel to the top right, I notice that the JPEG setting (which can be any one of four possible settings for "desired image quality" namely: Low, Medium, High & maximum) is currently set to "Maximum".

A display on the bottom left of the image reads "JPEG (indicating the image’s file format), 1.653M (indicating the displayed image’s size), 603 sec @ 28.8Kbps (indicating estimated image download/view time at 28.8 kilobyte per sec internet connection speed).

Remember : Your purpose is to bring the image size(& by implication the download/online display time) as low as possible without significantly losing image quality.

You need to understand graphic file formats to do this right.

To learn the difference between the different graphic file formats and when it is best to use each one, press F1 in photoshop and click "search" on the browser based help interface that appears, then type "About file formats", and click "Search".

The results page that appears to the right offers – among other things – links to explanations about different file formats. Also there is a link that leads to information about "choosing a Web optimization format".

Explore the links and you should soon be familiar with why JPEG is often the preferred format for web optimisation of photographic images etc.

NB: Another way to learn about the different graphic file formats (such as JPEG, GIF, and PNG) and when best to use EACH is to do a search on the web.

5. Next I click the graphic file formats selection drop menu and choose "Medium". The interface soon changes, and the resulting image display quality still looks acceptable. So I check the bottom left display which now reads: "JPEG (for image format), 339.9KB (for the optimised image’s size), 133 sec @ 28.8Kbps (for the optimised image’s download time at 28.8 kilobyte per sec internet connection speed).

Doing a quick calculation, I am pleased to discover that I have achieved a MASSIVE 81.7% file size reduction (from 1,800KB to 339KB!) using this quick and easy process, without impairing displayed image quality.

Now imagine if I had six(6) such files to email to my friends. Rather than slam their mail boxes with 10.8 MB worth of picture attachments, they will only have to contend with approximately six files totalling 2 MB altogether(!) – each of which would take about 122 secs to download at 28.8kbps. But it’s actually likely to be BETTER than that because in reality, the simplest/most basic net connections today run at 56kbps and higher, so that it would actually take 60 seconds or less to view the optimised images!

6. Next I click the "Save" button to accept the optimised image. Then I navigate to the desktop using the "Save Optimised As" dialog box drop menu, and add "_optimised" to the default filename of the image.

Next, I click "Save" to store the new image to the desktop, where I will later find it and send it as an email attachment to an acquaintance for his comments.

Note that not only does the optimised image look almost (if not just as) clear as the original, it also has the exact same dimensions, so nothing really is lost – at least to the human eye, which is the benefit of the lossy compression format called "JPEG".

Summary: Web Users Are a "Click-Happy" (i.e. Impatient) Lot, So, to Keep Their Attention, Employ Methods and Formats That Ensure Speedy Delivery of Quality Content!

Many people come online in a bid to quickly check their mails or find some information or upload some data etc. Quite often, this causes them to have little time or patience to "WAIT" for top- heavy web pages or "fat" images to download.

As a result they tend to be "click-happy" – and if your pictures take too long to appear – could "click away " to do other more pressing things (possibly promising themselves they will come back another time to view the lovely pictures – but often "forgetting" to do so).

If you really want people to take time to look at the pictures you send to their email boxes, make the extra effort to optimise those pictures(using any good graphics application) for quick/easy display on the web.

Most good graphics editing software will offer something similar to Adobe Photoshop’s "Save for Web" tool.

Play around with with your program a bit, read up the instructions provided in the Help section, and you should soon be up to speed with making your pictures/images web optimised AND viewer-friendly :-)

…a multi-disciplinary blog for people passionate about reaching their goals!