This article has been re-located/republished in a new issue of my Performance Improvement Ideas Newsletter as a special feature on Potential Applications of Custom Excel-VB Programming.
Click here to view it
It’s NOT enough to be competent in your profession/vocation. You must be able to make money PROFITABLY, to really succeed. Primary Target Audience: Trainees/learners in ANY Centre for Entrepreneurship Development [2 to 4 Hour Breakout Sessions also available]
1. Tried & tested best practice ideas for producing/marketing your offers at less cost, in less time, with less effort.
2. Proven strategies to earn EXTRA income “selling” your knowledge and expertise to others at zero cost.
3. How doing the above can help you overcome lack of/inadequate capital.
4. Ten (10) Avoidable Mistakes No One Will Warn You About In Starting/Running Your Business.
5. Real-life case studies/true stories based on the facilitator’s experiences applying these strategies, over the past 12 years, as a multipreneur in Nigeria’s challenging market, as well as in Benin, Ghana, and Cameroon.
Visit the link below to send Tayo a message about this event:
Tayo K. Solagbade is a bilingual Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others. He reads, writes and speaks English/French languages, and is based in Cotonou – Bènin Republic’s commercial capital.
Since 2002, Tayo has earned multiple streams of income providing personal development coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, Web Marketing Systems, Freelance Writing Services, and Best Practice Extension Support services (for farm business owners).
He is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ (see, the Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook, and developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™, as well as the increasingly popular Monthly Poultry Farm Manager™ (see
He has delivered talks/papers to audiences at the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Corona Schools Trust Council (and all 6 Lagos branches), Adrao International Schools, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalizers Fast Foods and others. In 2012 he was invited Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos (click here to watch short video clip).
In a previous life in Guinness Nigeria (Oct.1994 to Dec. 2001), before quitting to be self-employed, Tayo built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerise report generation processes where he worked.
Over four (4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.This was in addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes. As a result, he rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager. Today, he develops Excel-VB apps for clients.
Tayo is an Associate Member of the UK based Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy Limited.
Tayo’s talks provide practical education about using creative thinking & technology to excel, regardless of society’s limitations.
Click here to download the PDF version of this Speaker One Sheet
This PDF speaker one sheet announces a new talk I now offer farmer business owner groups and organizations.
1. Learn five (5) proven ideas that can start earning your farm a lot MORE money at same cost from TODAY!
2. You already have most – if not ALL – of what you need on your farm, to get started making this EXTRA money..
3. Most of it will be passive income i.e. you’ll work LESS while earning more!
4. These 5 ideas can create awareness about your farm business better than paid marketing & are near zero cost
A 4-part video on the DVD (see shows how to derive a real life ration formula based on data supplied by an Algerian Ph.D student. Also, fifteen (15) step-by-step videos demonstrate how to use the various interfaces in the Poultry Farm manager™ app. (see
View normal product prices at
Malcolm Gladwell conceived the 10,000-Hour Rule, based on which he said:
“Studies suggest the key to success in any field has nothing to do with talent….It’s simply practice. 10,000 hours of it. 20 hours a week for 10 years.” – (Source: click here)
I agree with him!
I became self-employed in Jan 2002 i.e. almost 12 years ago. Today (compared to when I began), I actually work VERY MANY HOURS LESS, for MUCH GREATER compensation, from relatively few, carefully selected clients, who GREATLY VALUE the solutions I provide.
When facing hard times, READING to educate, inform and inspire yourself to weather the storms of your life WILL help you. However, WRITING about your experiences CAN help you even more – as I explain below.
For over a decade as an entrepreneur, I have repeatedly overcome prolonged periods of heart breaking struggles in my pursuit of personal achievement and success.
When delays, disappointments, setbacks and failure relentlessly come at you as sometimes happens in life, there is a serious tendency to get overwhelmed.
Indeed, persons who others normally look upon for inspiration and encouragement, being human themselves, sometimes in their life also end up needing others to do just that for them too.
And if they do not get it, that could mark the onset of a downturn in their fortunes. NOT because they lack the physical ability or strength to recover, but because they are mentally and/or emotionally spent, or defeated.
In other words, you can defeat an opponent mentally before you have to engage him/her physically.
Simply by doing things that either make him/her lose self-confidence or interest. Once you can successfully create such an internal state of affairs in the mind of your opponent, his/her ability to focus on the task of winning against you becomes much more difficult.
Generally in warfare or confrontation, the above principle is used successfully by smart warriors or fighters.
I doubt that I need to give you examples of what that great man did, and how. Most of us readily recall them. He’s a legend today because of how he did it.
We can all learn by reading about people like Muhammad, and how they came back from defeat, and exposure to prolonged periods of adversity. Just like Ali did through those years of being stripped of his title and banned from boxing, to come back and WIN again.
I have done that, and as one writer noted, I discovered that reading does indeed help to “strengthen the mind”.
That brings me to the message of this article.
You see, I got to a point in reading a wide range of books that there were gems of insight and experience based wisdom, anecdotes etc, that I wanted to be able to read and re-read those “special sections” without having to flip through each book all over again to find them.
1. Napoleon Hills’ Think and Grow Rich, and Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude
2. How to Win Friends and Influence People – by Dale Carnegie
3. The Startup Entrepreneur – by James R. Cook
4. How to Succeed in Business by Breaking All The Rules – by Dan Kennedy.
…and several others
Each book at different stage of my life as an entrepreneur, offered me useful inspiration and education that helped me keep going in spite of hardships I encountered.
One day it occurred to me that I could extract those special “blocks of text” from each book and condense them into a separate document for my personal consumption. That way I would be able to come back and reread them as often as I needed to, whenever I felt down.
The idea to do this came to me one day as I reread the final chapter in James Cook’s book in which he admonished to reader, to pick up and read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich ANYTIME s/he felt like giving up. He assured that doing so would help him/her rediscover the sense of purpose, inspiration and passion to keep going – adding that THAT was what he did, that led him to eventual success.
So I began typing them into an MS Word document that I names Starting a Business – the theme reflecting the phase I was passing through.
As the weeks progressed, I soon discovered that I was inadvertently adding my personal experiences in my writing, to support the excerpts I was taking from the book.
This was because most of the experiences I was having were what I knew others had had in the past, and which many more would still have.
Yet, nothing in the Nigerian marketplace – books especially – really offered any formal guiding philosophy for them to follow.
I felt I could use myself as a guinea pig to fill that gap.
Then I would append the excerpts at relevant points in my writing, sharing relevant explanations and insights.
By the time I was done, I have typed almost 80 pages!
I then read through and edited it, till I was satisfied – splitting the contents into chapters, and naming them according to the key lessons I felt each one taught me.
Later on, I rephrased the titles as “mistakes” to be avoided. More and more, I began to see the 80 page document as a book.
That was when I knew I could help others. If the book did that for me, then it could do the same for others. So, I called it the Entrepreneurs Survival Reference Manual. That basically described how I had been using it.
However, I soon made that the subtitle and instead adopted what I considered a more catchy title: 25 Avoidable Mistakes No One Will Warn You About In Starting Your OWN Business – in Nigeria.
However, my desire to help others made me include an offer on the cover I designed, of a FREE 4 hour workshop, for all buyers of the app.
More schools and universities are including some form of entrepreneurship education/training in their formal curricula.
We are seeing more and more Centers of Entrepreneurship Development springing up.
This will give their students an accurate impression of what awaits them in the real world, when they “graduate” – and HOW to survive, until they can flourish and excel.
Right now, it appears not much of that is happening.
Maybe they are having a hard time finding authentically successful entrepreneurs who are willing, or available.
As for other entrepreneurs who may struggle to do same, I recommend you consider using the approach of writing as a form of self-therapy, that I’ve described here.
It will help you “create” a formal body of original material you can use to offer YOUR own experience based information, education and inspiration to aspiring others!
Photo: My 3 sons pose for a photo with the musician – Beautiful Nubia – just after completing their 3 hour FREE Music Workshop session at his EniObanke Arts Centre at the Ikeja-GRA premises. They were taught rudiments of percussion (agogo, shekere, etc.), talking drum, rhythm guitar, bass guitar etc by experienced musicians and teachers.
Elaborate research evidence abounds that shows a high correlation between early music training and brain development.
Apart from improved critical thinking skills, early music education has been shown to result in kids having larger vocabularies, superior reading skills, and a series of other unique abilities.
As I have told those who asked me, my intention is NOT to push my kids into music as a profession. If it happens that they choose to follow that route however, I will support them.
This is especially important in a society like ours. Most of our local artistes have little or no formal music training – and only few know anything about songwriting, which is why so many turn out songs with watery lyrics.
Artistes like Beautiful Nubia are trained in these areas, and make music that is designed to impact society. They reflect on their environment and write songs that are both edifying and entertaining. Those are the kinds of musicians I wish my kids to learn from.
It was a school day, and they even had tests going on. But I have always known that real world education must be incorporated into schooling that one gives kids. So, it is just as important. The principal and I found we agreed on this, and he enthusiastically assured me there would be no problems, promising to inform the teachers for each of my son’s classes.
The kids had a great time. I dropped them off and went to find a cafe to carry on with my work. By the time they called me that they were done, I got back too later to see them playing – but Beautiful Nubia told me he was impressed by their enthusiasm.
Then he reminded them that they could come around during the week for more lessons (free) and also that the forthcoming Grand Concert would take place on Sunday – and entry for kids is free.
If you are a parent, I suggest you consider taking your kids down to the concert.
1.11 Facts About Music Education
2. The Benefits of Music Education (PDF from The Royal Conservatory)
3. 10 Ways music benefits children
4. Twelve Benefits of Music Education
Data recording without analysis and interpretation is ultimately useless. Such data makes little or no meaning. Don’t keep records for the sake of it. Records only add value when they tell us one or more of the following 5 things:
1). If we are doing well or not;
2). How well – or badly we are doing;
3). When we are doing well – or badly;
4). WHERE we are doing well or badly;
5). And if possible “point to” WHAT – is probably responsible for our performance at any point in time.
The key imperative for most people who handle data is to use it to monitor – and where feasible – control performance i.e. they study/anticipate trends in a way that helps decision making towards ensuring REPRODUCTION of desired results, while minimizing – or eliminating – undesirable ones.
The Excel workbook applications I develop for my clients help them do the foregoing and a lot more.
I am always careful to take into consideration the peculiarities unique to each client’s situation, which many traditional software programmers would be unlikely to cater for – at the same rates that I am able to offer my clients.
But not everyone knows that MS Excel can be used to develop high profile industry level applications that can hold their own against (or even outperform) conventional off-the-shelf software.
In this article, I offer detailed insights to help interested business user better appreciate how and why Microsoft Excel’s Visual Basic development interface offers them a unique opportunity to achieve superior custom, data analysis and interpretation, at a fraction of the cost, using less effort, and time.
Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for recording, reorganizing, analyzing and presenting information.
By Excel VB, I refer to Excel VBA – where VBA means Visual Basic for Applications(VBA). VBA refers to the highly extensive and flexible macro programming language developed by Microsoft for use in their MS office applications – Word, Power Point, etc.
VBA is therefore different from the Standalone Visual Basic program used (by conventional programmers) for developing “standalone” or “executable” (.exe) software applications – though it borrows many of the latter’s features.
Think of Excel VBA as being the standalone Visual Basic software built into Excel for the benefit of Excel users/developers who are not traditional-minded programmers, but who are keen to exert more control over the application to enhance user productivity.
So, Excel VB offers any interested persons the necessary tools to make the application deliver more functionality. The final product is still an Excel document, but with extra functionalities added using VBA..
Read this article: Use Custom Automation Of Your Spreadsheet Reports To Drive Down Costs And Increase Your Profits.
Let me elaborate. If a method is available that allows us to achieve the same desired result(s) at LOWER cost, with LESS effort and in LESS time, why should we fail to adopt it?
Certain IT persons insist that developing executable applications using the standalone Visual Basic programming language is “better” as it does not limit the user to a particular user application software environment. I concede that this might be a valid point under certain conditions. However, I point out that there are many users who have very specialized, peculiar needs that do not necessarily require complex solutions.
A lot of people today simply want to get their data recording, (re)organization, and analysis for decision making done quicker and with less effort. They also want to spend as little money as possible to do this. In other words, they want a cost-effective solution that gives them independence from the solution provider in the long term – without requiring them to undertake laborious skills acquisition immediately.
This category of everyday users of technology described above are the ones I believe need Excel VB solutions of the type I describe/provide. I anticipate that some of these users will over time develop an interest in acquiring advanced skills needed to develop their own solutions – which is why I also offer coaching services.
My experiences(and those of others who favour the use of Excel VB like I do), confirm that to organize, and analyze data for (financial/management) report generation and decision making, you will save hundreds of hours using already in-built, pre-programmed Excel functions compared to a situation where you used Visual Basic proper.
All the functions needed to achieve the above purposes already exist in Excel, so that you don’t have to write them all from scratch as would be the case if you were to use Visual Basic.
Even though I had always felt this way, my encounter with a similar justification stated by a Microsoft Certified Professional, Pierre Leclerc on his website(, gave me greater insight and clarity, that made me decide to stick with Excel VB even though I had attended a full training course in Visual Basic in 2002.
Over the years, the need for faster, more sophisticated, robust, and secure Excel-based software has led Professional Excel Developers to – whenever they consider it necessary – actively utilize ANY other applications and programming languages (such as C/C++, VB6 or VB.Net) to deliver better performing applications (learn more below).
Today, there is a huge army of Professional Excel Developers who develop Excel-based software solutions for a living – worldwide. Their software can be found in use alongside those developed using more traditional programming languages like C++, and VB6, in some of the largest corporations in the world – including Microsoft itself.
Professional Excel developers typically would use Excel VB in conjunction with other programming languages(e.g. C/C++, VB6 or VB.Net etc) and applications(e.g. databases like MS Access, Oracle, SAP etc) to develop flexible, fast/easy to use, high performing, robust and maintenable Excel Solutions.
The implication of the foregoing is that ExcelVB occupies it’s rightful place as the true development platform that it is. Many times, it is even able to deliver a significant performance edge over other applications due to its powerful calculation engine that the developer is able to leverage – thereby saving time while delivering more functionality to users.
Read this article: Use Custom Automation Of Your Spreadsheet Reports To Drive Down Costs And Increase Your Profits.
For the purposes of creating custom financial and management solutions that solve your identified problems, and give you control/ownership, without burning a hole in your pocket, Excel VB offers an amazing variety of possibilities, in the hands of an adequately skilled user.
In addition, an Excel VB – better still, a Professional Excel – Developer ( who in many cases will tend to be a user turned developer, and is therefore likely to easily see things from your perspective) – unlike a programmer – is more likely to be positively disposed to working with you to ensure the application meets your practical needs.
S/he will readily understand that the final application is meant to help solve a real problem(s), and will therefore build it to match those expectations.
It’s not enough to have a professional with the technical skills to solve your problem, s/he also needs to have the right attitude and background/experience – else the relationship will not work. This is where an Excel VB resource is more likely to add value to you.
I believe the foregoing are compelling justifications for choosing Excel Visual Basic over Visual Basic.
a. Learn Excel-VB programming by yourself – Google will throw up lots of useful FREE resources you can begin with.
b. Engage me to coach you (even remotely) on Excel-VB programming – using customized PDF tutorials and video demonstrations I will create based on the unique needs I determine you have. Click here to request a PDF coaching course outline with full details of what I offer.
c. Hire me to develop a custom Excel-VB driven app for you/your business. Click here to send me a message,
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Last year, I published a post titled “10 Valuable Lessons I Learnt About Blogging for Passive Income, from Yaro Starak’s 60 Minute Podcast Interview with Patrick Meninga (click to read).
By diligently applying those lessons on this blog, I’ve been recording a lot of success which I’ve described in several past articles.
Without the insights I gained from studying Patrick’s methods (which includes reading MANY of his blog posts), I would not have progressed as rapidly as I have.
Like I wrote in a recent article, I was able to quickly recover from the loss of my 9 year old domain loss, by continuing with his recommended strategies of daily passion based purpose driven blogging.
However, what really has made me feel most fulfilled is that I now have a rapidly growing body of work that enables me quickly create new products I now sell.
To keep easy track of them, I’ve setup a page (see here) on which I list my available products and to which I add any new ones as they become ready.
You see as I kept writing my daily posts on each blog category, over the months, it occurred to me that I could compile the top performing posts per category into an Information Product or book for sale.
I’d actually done that with 25 of my articles back in 2006. My first 25 Articles PDF e-book (titled 25 Articles/True Stories On Self-Development, Entrepreneuring & Web Marketing To Help You Succeed More Often) that resulted has been on sale in my online store at since then.
So, I already knew the idea worked. All I needed to do was review and choose from hundreds of articles in my archives!
Today, I’ve gotten so used to it that my work rate has shot even further up. I am able to turn out my write-ups at more than twice the rate I used to.
This has made me more effective in delivering to meet the stated needs of my clients, and I’m getting repeat jobs from them as a result.
I went about my blogging with the deliberate intention of delivering real value to my readers, as he’d advised. I continue to do that even now.
As a result, I’ve ended up, for instance, writing the full story of my troubled teenage years in form of several LONG articles, which now make up my new book on Best Practice Parenting: Kukuru Danger: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – and Misadventures! – of a School Age Child, Trying to Find Purpose in Life.
It’s a book I’d always wanted to write, but never knew how to start.
When I began writing daily however, I was able to deliberately write one article on various aspects of my life back then, till I had most of the stories written. Then I simply added an introduction, a conclusion, and designed the covers etc!
Now, I am ready to place orders for copies of the paperback version to be delivered to me, so I can present a copy to EACH of my kids as part of the coaching I’m giving them, to prepare them for life.
My new book on Public Speaking, came into being in similar fashion – as did the 4 part e-book series I just launched on Farm Business Best Practice.
If I’d tried to sit down and just write each book from scratch, I would NEVER have gotten it all done this quickly!
If it can work for me, I am convinced it will work for YOU as well.
The only requirement is that you apply yourself to following the tips provided by Patrick, with diligence, persistence and passion. You simply cannot go wrong with that. Take it from me. I know from first hand experience.
1. Listen to Patrick’s Interview with Yaro Starak, on Yaro’s website – here.
2. Read my bloy post titled “10 Valuable Lessons I Learnt About Blogging for Passive Income, from Yaro Starak’s 60 Minute Podcast Interview with Patrick Meninga.Then follow the instructions provided at the end to request a FREE download copy of the verbatim transcript version of the interview, that I produced as a PDF document.
3. Waste no time in getting started with your writing. The only way to do it is to BEGIN. As you progress, you’ll learn anything else you need to know, and improve yourself. That’s what I did. So, don’t make the mistake of learning perpetually, and becoming a professional student in the process.
If you need any help getting started with your blogging, click here to send me a message.
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Mid-2005, Lagos – Nigeria. Kazeem(not real name), the owner of a restaurant and bar operation grossing a million naira in monthly sales approached his bank for funding towards expansion. Unfortunately, after some meetings, the bank was forced to turn down Kazeem’s request, but NOT due to lack of collateral!
Most of the records were on paper, disorganised, and therefore not easily retrievable. The bank manager, who knew Kazeem well, was shocked to learn that Kazeem did not even have a paper based accounting system in place, that tracked the inflow and outflow of cash in the business.
As a result there was almost no way to accurately determine how much sales and expenses had taken place over a particular period. As money came in, portions were often taken, for routine purchases and expenses, without formal documentation being done by those involved.
Only at the end of the week did the manager try to collate receipts and invoice totals, to arrive at estimates for reporting. But that did not happen regularly, and was often done in a haphazard manner.
All of this came to the fore, when the bank requestred for records to enable the bank estimate the turnover volume of Kazeem’s operations. Before then, even Hakeem had paid little attention to the need for proper record keeping, based of a formal system.
Luckily, all was not lost. The benk told him to get his records in order, and then return with them for discussions.
Kazeem called up Wale(real name) his accountant/auditor – who had repeatedly advised this line of action for years – about the most cost-effective way to do what the bank requested.
Wale recommended that an external developer be engaged to develop a custom application – and suggested a self-taught Excel spreadsheet solutions developer* he knew, having seen work the latter had done for other clients at a fraction of the cost of other software solutions.
Over the weeks that followed work progressed on the development of the app, with review meetings held intermittently, with the manager, to discuss progress, and conduct trial runs/demonstrations.
The manager of the restaurant (who had NEVER attended a single day’s computer training prior to the time) was already confidently using the “Restaurant and Bar Operations Manager” Excel VB application developed for use in the restaurant – on a daily basis.
NB: The bank had requested for up to one year of records to be provided – so data entry continued in earnest.
The new staff was specifically recruited to post daily entries into an improved version of the application. This was done so the manager could focus on monitoring daily operations.
A user-friendly, custom floating form based worksheet navigation menu and login authentication interface was added to the app, to prevent unauthorised users from gaining access to the data posted.
It was built to help owners:
1. Use the computer to very easily, and accurately record their restaurant and bar operations raw sales/expense data for data analysis, trending and report generation, without having to undergo the pains of acquiring elaborate PC/Software user skills.
2. Maintain an accurate inventory of all food products, prices and period ending totals(you get daily, monthly and Year Till Date/Annual totals and percentages; profit margins estimates etc). You simply had to do daily posting of raw sales/expenses data using the automated custom data entry forms provided.
The app can be customised – or built from scratch – for other outfits to accommodate any peculiarities in their individual operations.
One is called “Hotel Restaurant & Bars Manager (HRBM)™” – a single workbook application, like the Restaurant & Bar Manager.
The other app is called “Hotel Records Management System (HRMS)™“. It works across an intranet, allowing different hotel departments to post entries into seperate but interlinked workbook modules, which were all connected to a central reports generation workbook.
For details of how to purchase above described apps, and/or how a custom app can be built for you/your business, click here to send me a message.
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As an expert in your chosen field, your ability to excel will depend on how well you stand out from others who do what you do, in terms of the results you deliver. That means you need to be exceptional.
Or to paraphrase Jean Houston, you cannot stand out if you refuse (or fail) to “leave your littleness behind”.