Category Archives: My DN Travel News

No. 222: Make Money When You Guest Blog on [Hint: Get Paid $50 USD]

Starting January 2016, I will begin paying $50 USD for guest posts/articles on this blog at

Authors must be either:

(a). CEOs/Experts with new, innovative ideas, discoveries or experiences to share.


(b). Writers/bloggers with verifiable knowledge/expertise & a track record of writing useful content.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Tayo K. Solagbade’s
Weekly Public Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 7th December 2015

No: 222

Title: Make Money When You Guest Blog on [Hint: Get Paid $50 USD]

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Last Week: Read articles published on my blog here

Newsletter Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Is this email not displaying correctly?

View it in your browser.[Click to view Archives]

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays)

in line with this publishing schedule :-)




View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

1 of 2: PUBLIC SPEAKING – Make Money When You Guest Blog on [Hint: Get Paid $50 USD]

Starting January 2016, I will begin paying $50 USD for guest posts/articles on this blog at

Authors must be either:

(a). CEOs/Experts with new, innovative ideas, discoveries or experiences to share.


(b). Writers/bloggers with verifiable knowledge/expertise & a track record of writing useful content.

I get paid to write articles, reports, website content and books, by clients in various markets, in and out of Africa.

My vision is to challenge more of my target audience to use writing for experience sharing, business promotion & income generation.

Full details/WRITER GUIDELINES will be published this week.

To get notified by SMS when it goes LIVE, send email titled “YES GUEST POST” to tayo at tksola dot com

How a new partnership opportunity led me to launch this Paid Guest Posting offer

It’s interesting how potentially beneficial opportunities sometimes come from the least expected sources.

I’ve recently been doing some HARD re-thinking about how I want to hit the ground running in 2016.

This became necessary, after I got a new Joint Venture partnership offer from someone I admire and have learnt important lessons about blogging and web marketing from.

What he proposed was an opportunity that appealed to me.

However, I knew it would require putting in lots of time and effort to make it work, and I was not sure if I would be able to meet up my “quota”.

I was concerned about how to keep my own blog updated with useful new content, do client jobs, and still put in quality time and effort to play my agreed part new venture.

The process of thinking through the possibilities during the past week, was what made me decide to offer payment to Guest Bloggers.

Basically, I decided to begin paying for Guest Posts from January 2016, so as to buy me some free time I can channel into working with on the new venture. To implement this plan of paying for Guest Posts, I resolved to redirect some of my USD earnings.

It also occurred to me to give setup of traffic based monetization on the blog another try.

When I first tried it 3 years ago, my domain was still, and the content on it was NOTHING near what I have today on

As an advocate of best practice and continuous improvement, I am NOW launching a new initiative to take advantage of traffic I’m getting to boost my earnings further.

This involves monetizing this blog using adverts in various forms.

I don’t often mention it, but I get offers of all kinds through my daily SD Nuggets blog. Quite often it’s the guys offering me access to some high database of potential customers they assure me I can send bulk mails to and reap excellent responses from.

Sometimes it’s the guys who want to do a link exchange, or those suggesting that I include links to certain URLs on my Recommended Websites list.

At other times, I get an offer from some individual or company, to PAY me to place an ad on my blog.

This last one has been happening with more frequency over the past 2 months or so, and it got me thinking that it was time to try monetizing this blog by connecting with relevant online companies again.

Over this past weekend, I’ve been checking out various providers, installing plugins, adding code to templates and pages, and test running scripts. So far, I’ve not had the outright rejection I reported getting back in 2012, when I first tried it (this blog was VERY young then).

But 2 of the main providers I have my mind set on have told me “we are currently reviewing your website, and will get back to you in a few days”.

So, I’m waiting to hear from them. But I’m running with those I have activated – and waiting to see what happens earnings wise.

We’ll see if things will turn out better with the monetization of traffic.

One thing is certain for now: My offer of payment to authors of Guest Posts is VERY likely to attract attention (and traffic) to this blog, and good things can come from there!

I’ve now been able to take up the offer made by my new partner, and if all goes well, we should be able to make a formal announcement about our TEAMING UP soon.

If you do it right, your writing/blogging can generate multiple streams of income for you…AND you should reinvest some of your earnings to GROW your brand

My blogging has been instrumental to the success I have recorded in selling my custom Excel-VB Software and Information Products – especially the Ration Formulator and Poultry Farm Manager, as well as the Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook.

They have been my main sources of passive income, complemented periodically by royalty earnings from my other publication in my online store at

Apart from selling my products (and services), I also earn income via a joint venture partnership, which involves using this blog (and my email newsletter) to promote a high profile range of products and services to a specific target audience.

Final Words

As you can see, this week’s issue of my newsletter has been an update of sorts about the strategies and plans I’m putting in place to ensure I can close 2015 on a HIGH and hit the ground running in 2016.

I hope this makes you decide to do something similar for yourself, before the New Year rolls in.

No matter what you think you’ve gone through – or are GOING through – in this closing year, it PAYS to take time to PLAN for the future you are about to encounter!

Good luck.


This newsletter (which I use to promote Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Products/Services) serves

experts-who-speak. Starting – Monday 13th April 2015 – it MORPHED in name and content served, to a 2 part Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, to better serve them.

You just read the “Public Speaking IDEAS” part above. What follows below is the “Web Marketing IDEAS” part.


Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how

you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter

[Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional


Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click


2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]

2 of 2: WEB MARKETING: To Achieve Sustainable Success, Closely Monitor News About Current Affairs and


“If you want to achieve sustainable success in business (especially in a volatile market place like Nigeria), it’s in your best interest to develop interest in

current affairs and politics, because those are the two key ingredients that really keep this country from having a stable sociopolitical climate.
And for as long as that stable sociopolitical climate does not exist, every person running a business will probably have to sleep with one eye open.” – Tayo K.


It’s FREE for all my Web Marketing/farm business clients, and ALL members of my Inner Circle as well as for ALL subscribers to THIS newsletter.

If you are not yet ANY of the above, just send me a message here to let me know.

If you want me to send you the full MP3 recording, just say so in your message.

NB: If you’re already a client or subscriber, email me via tayo at tksola dot com and let me know you want it

Alternatively, click here to request the FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD.



Did you know that as an expert in your field you can make more money by speaking professionally? Or do you already speak-for-money, but want to know

how to do it better AND/OR how to make more money even when you do not speak?

If you said YES to any of the above, THIS offer is for you.

Burt Dubin can teach you to do ALL the above and more. You can learn from him via direct mentoring (regardless of distance) or using the many home study

packages he offers.

Get FREE Lifetime Membership of My Inner Circle (OVER $250 USD) when

you do 1 or more of the following:

1. Signup for Burt’s Speaker Mentoring Service (click here for details)…

2. Purchase Burt’s Speaker Mentoring Products up to $500 USD or more (click here to see a popular one)…

NB: Membership of my Inner Circle comes with a FREE product of your choice e.g. my custom Excel-VB software, Information

Products etc. (click here for full details of what my Inner Circle members get)…PLUS you get a LIFETIME 65% discount on ALL my

other existing/future products and services.


If you purchase $1,500 USD or more of Burt’s Speaker Mentoring Products/Service, and choose to promote your speaking business online, I WILL develop and implement for YOU, a Web Marketing System at 50% of my standard fee, and manage it for 3 months – at NO COST to you – as per my Promotional Retainership Offer (See

Click here to tell me which of Burt’s speaker mentoring products or services you are

interested in.


Buying up to $500 USD or more from Burt will also qualify you to receive my personalized MS Excel VB home study tutorial workbooks/videos – over N100k


Learn more on my Excel Heaven solutions website at

Click to visit my Facebook page (opens in new browser window)

Click here to tell me which of Burt’s speaker mentoring products or services you are

interested in.

Question: But who is Burt Dubin, and why do I (Tayo K. Solagbade) think you should you learn from


Answer: Burt is a 3 decade veteran in the professional speaking business. After achieving top level cross continental success as an

expert-speaker, he has established a reputation for mentoring some of the highest paid speakers in the world. He owns, and

Burt helps those he mentors (experts-who-speak) to Position, Package, Promote, and Present* themselves successfully to clients (*He calls

them the 4Ps). That’s why it’s no surprise that on Burt’s website, considerable space capital is devoted to useful business marketing articles as well as products.

It might also interest you to know that MANY years back, Burt established himself as one of the best marketing minds in the world. To really put this FACT in

proper perspective, I’ll provide more specific details in form of an example.

A few years ago, Burt contributed an article to a powerful publication titled “The Most Effective Articles Ever – By The World’s Top Marketers“. That 574 page ebook features timeless marketing advice from 71 of the world’s top marketers – including Jack

Trout, Joe Vitale, Yanik Silver…and Burt Dubin.

That’s ample proof that (in addition to Public Speaking), Burt would be a great resource to learn business marketing from!

Full Disclosure: I represent Burt as Sole Agent for his products/services, which means if YOU buy from him, I get paid.

But that’s NOT the main reason I represent and recommend him. I have benefited in many ways by learning from Burt. Through his writing, his audio recordings,

and from directly relating with him.

Before we teamed up in 2011, I’d been studying his work and adapting it to succeed in my work from way back in 2002. It does not matter what part of the world

you’re in. If you know how to adapt them to suit your peculiar local needs, Burt’s ideas and strategies WILL work for you. I am living proof of it!

That’s why I never tire of CONFIDENTLY recommending him to others.

If you need help putting the ideas shared above to use, let me know HERE.

Click here to tell me which of Burt’s speaker mentoring products or services you are interested



Learn about Burt Dubin’s speaker mentoring products (books, audios etc) below…

If you need help purchasing ANY of Burt’s products (like “Presentation

Magic”), call me on +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic, my base) or +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)  or email

Have a great week :-))



“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”

In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER

YOU SPEAK OR NOT. Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt's Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking  Business Success Secrets

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in

a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or

higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true

speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people  who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Showmanship  Strategems


177 Wow! Wow!

Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

more information

Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform

mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

You hear performance strategies you can emulate. You shorten your learning curve. You see ways to engage and

delight audiences with both content and stories . . . plus you experience a bit of fun.

With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Presentation Magic -  Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before!

See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven

principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information

Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read


NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those

Aspiring (Volume 1)


Download above PDF


NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories

About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick  here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying  to Find Purpose in Life

Download above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard

work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to

start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 


Nuggets Blog™

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:


Want me to write for you? Click here to send me a message - Invite me to here!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement

Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to

Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting,

freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the

popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm

Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in

various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods

and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly

traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training

& Technical Development Manager, and then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’

competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy Limited.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes his Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS

newsletter(which he uses to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African


You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your

personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to

SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus



Make Me Your Secret Weapon for Harvesting High Quality Sales Leads!

Do you want to boost your chances of attracting a regular stream of sales leads for your products and services?

If YES, then you need to implement the 12 strategies listed by Steve Roller in his article titled Reap What You Sow.

I created my mind map based on it (see image below).

In other words, I’m saying those 12 strategies NEED to be added to your marketing arsenal…AND if you need help, the 12 month offer I make at the end of this piece might interest you!

[NB: A video presentation in which I use my mind map to explain how to use the 12 strategies is on the mind map’s download page – here.]

Downloadable mind map I've created, that distills the wisdom from Steve Roller's article 'Reap What You Sow' - into a diagrammatic one-page format for easy reference

However, adopting some of them may require expertise you do not have, or cannot find the time to use or develop.

That’s where I come in for my clients, using my skills as a seasoned Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur.

If there is ANY of those 12 areas you struggle to get things right, simply let me know and I’ll work with you to set it right.

The best part is that my pocket-friendly payment system enables anyone who engages me to do the above, literally eat their cake and have it, as far as what they spend to hire me is concerned.

By this I mean that I go the extra mile to give them more than DOUBLE the value they pay for, in form of products and services bonuses that NO OTHER professional in his/her right mind, who does what I do would EVER accept to do.

Below are examples of key solutions I offer, towards helping you develop and implement each of the 12 strategies recommended in Steve Roller’s article.

1. Scheduled Email Auto responder Course Creation

2. Ghost-Writing of articles, books, reports etc

3. Web Marketing Systems Development

4. Branded Email Marketing Newsletters

5. Print-On-Demand Book Publishing

6. Guest Posts Authoring

7. Mobile Apps Development for businesses

Do an audit of your current marketing and identify which of Steve Roller’s 12 strategies you’re missing. Then contact me to help you with it.

Sometimes, you may be doing EVERYTHING, but NOT in the right way to harvest the profitable returns you need!

In that case, a simple conversation with me, and/or some tweaking of your adopted strategy, with my help, may just be what you need.

That’s what I had to do for myself, back in 2013, AFTER I read Steve’s article!

My resulting success made me create the mind map, to help others quickly appreciate insights contained in that excellent article.

So, tell me where you’re at, and what you need help with, in your business’ web marketing.

I have BIG plans to demonstrate how powerful and cost-effective web marketing can be, when done right, and I’m looking for a few clients willing to stand as models of what is possible.

My reward to them, for taking the leap of faith to signup, will be to serve them with many times more value than they pay for, way beyond what any other competent professional, who does what I do, would be willing to do, in his/her right mind.

Below is a screenshot of a Special Offer page I recently launched:


Note that I already have ONE client, a business coach based in the United Kingdom, who has signed up.

For 12 calendar months, I will handle ALL aspects of his web marketing, in line with the promise I made on THIS offer page.

If you’d like to enjoy similar benefits, click here to let me know! [Note that I only have 2 slots left to fill]

It costs you nothing to reach out and ask for help (If not me, maybe someone you can confirm has the requisite competence to guide you correctly).

To get in touch with me NOW, and find out how I can help you, click here to send me a message.


4 Web Marketing Tips You Need to Achieve Success [True Story]

I have used the ideas I offer in this piece to successfully build name recognition, and generate increased pre-qualified sales leads, for myself.

They are not new. But I did not follow convention in putting them to use for my purposes.

Instead, I had to creatively adapt them to suit my needs. Indeed I was forced by circumstances to creatively adapt them to suit the unique challenges I encountered (details below) in marketing my products and services!

In the rest of this article, I share four(4) experience based tips about achieving sustainable web marketing success … Continue reading

THE FARM CEO (Issue 26): Farm CEOs Lack of Sales and Marketing Savvy REMAINS a major problem, Products (e.g. Delicious Chin Chin) made from Cassava – Going beyond Fufu, Gari etc, Agro Nigeria: a 100% Nigerian magazine on Agriculture, 300 Ha Pineapple Plantation in Nigeria’s Calabar – Rivers State, Specialty Fats & Oils Made From Different Parts of the Palm Fruit [FREE Download – Complimentary: Special Issue. Agra Innovate Exhibition Visit Report]

In this special FREE issue of The Farm CEO, I present the promised report on my visit to the 2015 Agra Innovate exhibition on its last day (Thursday 26/11/2015), at Landmark Centre on Victoria Island.

Here are the headlines, reviews – and links – for this week’s featured news items:

[URL] Farm CEOs Lack of Sales and Marketing Savvy REMAINS a major problem P.1

[URL] Products (e.g. Delicious Chin Chin) made from Cassava – Going beyond Fufu, Gari etc P.2

[URL] Agro Nigeria: a 100% Nigerian magazine on Agriculture P.2

[URL] 300 Ha Pineapple Plantation in Nigeria’s Calabar – Rivers State P.3

[URL] Specialty Fats & Oils Made From Different Parts of the Palm Fruit P.3

Below: Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 26 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 30th November 2015) – Click HERE, or the cover to download PDF!

Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 26 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 30th November 2015)


What follows below is the FULL issue reproduced here with my compliments.

Badge issued to me at Agra Innovate entry

Sadly, my smartphone camera acted up during that event, such that the video I recorded emerged “corrupted” while most of the photos came out blurred to various extents. I still cannot explain what happened.

However, all is not lost. I salvaged some photos and took time to create digital versions of materials I picked up from stands I visited. You’ll see them as you read the notes I’ve prepared below.


1. Farm CEOs Lack of Sales and Marketing Savvy REMAINS a major problem.

It’s a serious challenge limiting what I estimate to be over 90% of farm business owners and agro allied enterprises.

In less than 3 hours at the exhibition venue, the conversation I had with various stakeholders there proved most still do NOT understand that they have to THINK as entrepreneurs, with smart marketing drive, if they want to succeed with their agro based businesses.

My interaction with a VERY animated group of farm business owners was instructive in this regard. At the stand for a seeds production company, I silently waited to let them finish so I could move closer.

That was when one of them, a lady, said “Look, we’re buying all these stuff now. But what we forget is that after producing, finding buyers who will pay well will be the challenge”

The others nodded in agreement and began recalling previous unsavoury experiences at the hands of exploitative buyers.

I’d engaged a tall young man in the group in discussion by this time, but could not help over hearing what the others were saying.

At a point, as I listened to them, I could no longer help myself, and decided to speak up.

I began by saying I always felt really pained to hear farm business owners who had worked so hard to turn out products, complaining about being held to ransom by prospective buyers.

Then I told them the following true story, to illustrate…

Just a week before, while I was still in Cotonou, I’d called up a Farm CEO who’d taken up a promo to purchase my Poultry Farm Manager, and become a member of my Inner Circle in the process.

One of the benefits of Inner Circle membership is that I make periodic offers to help each member in any way I can. Sometimes I research, compile and send information across. At other times I go further to make hefty discount promo offers of products or services I discover a member(s) need(s).

In this gentleman’s case I’d called to ask if he was interested in having me ghost-write a book in his name on a topic related to his vocation or field of expertise (he works with a popular manufacturing multinational, and runs the farm in his spare time).

However, before I brought that up, I asked how the farm business was doing.

He sighed and replied that he was not happy.

I asked why, and he said “These market women are just making things difficult for me. I have money set aside to expand this business, but if I cannot sell and make good profit I don’t see any point in doing that!”

When I heard that, I wasted not time in telling him about a solution I was working on, to help members of my network attract profitable bulk buyers for their farm produce, AHEAD of the time they’ll need to sell.

His interest was piqued on hearing that. I promised to send him details of the offer, once the web page with details was ready.

By the time I finished that story, the farm business owners knew I understood.

With the exception of aspects having to do with using print on demand publishing, the rest of what I told them is more or less what I have written in my VERY popular article on this theme titled “Producing Good Catfish is Important, But Finding Profitable Buyers is Imperative!”

The ideas I share in that piece are universally applicable to all businesses. That’s why I often tell those I refer to it, to simply – in their minds – replace “Catfish” in the title, with “Products”.

Not long after I began, the lady suggested that they sit down to listen to me explain further. We moved away from the stand to an empty table. They got chairs, and arranged themselves into a semi circle.

By the time I was done, it was obvious that they could see that I was right in saying the POWER to find better buyers AHEAD of time, for their intended farm produce was 100% within their control.

As I left, the lady told me they would be in touch to tell me how they’re making successful use of the ideas I’d shared with them.

I replied that THAT would make me truly happy, because too many Farm CEOs let themselves get frustrated out of business because they lack these insights.

For details of specific case study examples I gave them, click here to send me a message.

NB: I’ve embedded some photos of the items mentioned above. If you want the full package, email tayo at tksola dot com or fill/submit the form at

Click HERE to download FREE PDF version of this issue of The Farm CEO!

2. Products (e.g. Delicious Chin Chin made from Cassava – Going beyond Fufu, Gari and other basic food items.

Websites: and

The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) describes itself as “Nigeria’s partner for sustainable development since 1974”.

It’s a German Not-for-Profit which has established itself in Nigeria as a force to be reckoned with in supporting micro, small and medium scale farmers to develop sustainable strategies to process their farm produce into high profile products e.g. chin chin

I was given a package I have made digital copies of and offer download links to. If you want it, email tayo at tksola dot com.

They also gave me a sample of one of their cassava chips.


There was also a booklet on making Potato cakes.

giz-booklet on making Potato cakes

giz-booklet on making Potato cakes

giz-booklet on making Potato cakes

The key here is taking basic farm produce and using processing to create new products that command superior pricing and yield better profit margins for the farmer.

NB: I’ve embedded some photos of the items mentioned above. If you want the full package, email tayo at tksola dot com or fill/submit the form at

Click HERE to download FREE PDF version of this issue of The Farm CEO!

3. Agro Nigeria: a 100% Nigerian magazine on Agriculture*


It’s amazing that MORE people are not talking about this magazine.

On my part, I’ve been buying magazines on Agriculture from local newsstands, which I found are actually published abroad – even though they have “Africa” in their titles!

With Agro Nigeria, what we have is a magazine whose content is devoted to our market, and designed to add useful value to help various sectors of our industry grow.

I spoke with the MD (Richard-Mark Mbaram), and we found several areas in which we shared similar sentiments about what is needed to move the industry forward.

Example: Nigeria’s Comatose Extension Services

I glimpsed a subtitle on an issue of the magazine that described Nigeria’s extension services as Comatose, while speaking with him

When I told him I agreed with the use of the word “comatose” to describe that state of Agricultural Extensions Services, I could see that I struck a chord.

The truth is very little REAL extension work is happening where it is most badly needed.

The reason is little exists on the ground to make competent extension professional willing to play their roles.

Many gladly take up appointment with international organizations or in foreign institutions. Lots of research work being done by Extension experts from these parts tend to be financed or sponsored by foreign governments with a mandate to generate findings relevant to their own economy, industry and markets – NOT ours.

What is to be done?

Well, WE also have to create similarly attractive working conditions locally, to make our own extension experts willing to stick around and put their hearts into doing what they’ve been trained to do, with the required dedication and professionalism!


agronigeria 1

agronigeria 2

*Before I left the stand, the young lady manning it requested I answer some questions (in an audio recording) regarding my view of the exhibition, as well as my opinion on the future of Agriculture in Nigeria.

NB: I’ve embedded some photos of the items mentioned above. If you want the full package, email tayo at tksola dot com or fill/submit the form at

Click HERE to download FREE PDF version of this issue of The Farm CEO!

4. 300 Ha Pineapple Plantation in Nigeria’s Calabar – Rivers State

Websites: |

I spent about 20 minutes talking with Ms. Lillian Sadoh, Group Head, ITMIS & Strategy, at the Dansa Agro stand (Dansa Agro Allied Limited – member of Dangote Group)

My interest was ignited when I saw their displays of pineapple fruit replicas and cartons.

She explained that they have over 300 hectares planted with Smooth Cayenne and MD 2 varieties of the fruit, and that they export their produce.

Flyer Dansa 4

I was surprised to hear that and told her so. I never knew Nigeria had any Pineapple plantations, talk less of one that exported the fruits.

By the time I left her stand, I’d told her as much as I could about my idea to get companies like hers, engaged in using the fruit to make drinks, to consider going a step further to use the peels at that large scale to make another range of drinks products. This would be done at low to zero costs, since the processing overheads would be the same.

I later ran into a young lady who showed interest in my flyer about the pineapple peel drinks, and noted that she’d visited Blue Skies, a UK company operating out of Ghana, engaged in processing and export of fresh cut fruit.

According to her, the company, when she visited it had begun making use of the peels to produce drinks. But she could offer no specific details.

I’d known about Blue Skies in the course of developing my ideas for making drinks using the pineapple peels, back in 2013.

Then I’d found a PDF document authored by the CEO, with impressive details of the company’s performance, including the fact that they got an award from the Queen of England herself.

For me, I continue to look for ways to get more people at various levels, to develop interest in getting more of the pineapple fruit, by using its peels for drinks/cake making like I’ve proven can be done.

Dansa 1

Dansa 2

Dansa 3

NB: I’ve embedded some photos of the items mentioned above. If you want the full package, email tayo at tksola dot com or fill/submit the form at

[PS: In case you’re not aware, I plan to launch a family business with my kids and we will be using my specially developed production process to produce own unique range of branded specialty drinks and cakes, for sale.

If you’re a regular on this blog, you’re probably familiar with the work I’ve been doing since 2013, developing my own unique range of home made drinks (fermented and non-fermented) using waste Pineapple peels.

It all began when I tried to show some Beninese women pineapple sellers on the university campus in Benin Republic’s Calavi, that they could make drinks to sell, using the large quantities of peels they kept throwing away at the end of each day’s sales.

My kids now make the drinks using charcoal stoves. I’ve also taught them to bake pineapple peel based cakes without ovens.

Visit to view photos and learn more about FREE training I offer interested groups.]

Click HERE to download FREE PDF version of this issue of The Farm CEO!

5. Specialty Fats & Oils Made From Different Parts of the Palm Fruit

Website: |

I’ve known about this Presco Plc since I worked in Guinness Nigeria Plc – Benin Brewery (Oct. ’94 to Dec. 2001)

They are based in Edo State.

But I never really had any clear idea of the nature of business they did – especially how they extract specialty oils of about 7 kinds from different parts of the palm fruit.

My ignorance ended when I saw the glass jars put on display at their stand during the last day of the exhibition.

I was one of several people who looked in wonder at the different coloured oils, in a row of jars, as one of the company’s 2 employees manning the stands explained how the oils were made.

Yesterday (Tuesday 1st December 2015), I placed a call to the company’s Head of Sales and Marketing – Jalaj ARORA, and I suggested that the company consider employing low to zero cost Web Marketing to create more awareness about this interesting ways the palm fruits gets used to produce the range of high quality oils Presco Plc is known for.

Done right, this can really create buzz about the company and boost more awareness and recognition for them, in a way that would enhance public perception, and lead to better business opportunities.

He told me he liked the idea, and asked that I do a write-up on what I proposed, and send it in so he could forward it to the Head Office.

However, I did some thinking and decided to create a mind map to share with readers here on this blog, using this idea as a Case Study. As is my habit, I want to kill as many birds as possible with one stone. This way, others who have similar needs can use the ideas from here.

So, the mind map will FIRST be shared here, and then to my email subscribers, AFTER which I’ll send him a link to download it from here.

If you’d like to be notified when it goes LIVE, click here to let me know.

Presco 1

Presco 1a

Presco 2

Presco 3

Presco 4

NB: I’ve embedded some photos of the items mentioned above. If you want the full package, email tayo at tksola dot com or fill/submit the form at

Click HERE to download FREE PDF version of this issue of The Farm CEO!

PS: Since I’ve only featured 4 companies I visited in this report, I imagine you’re thinking THIS:

Question: But Tayo, what about the other companies that were present at the exhibition? Don’t you have any information about them and what they put on display?

My Answer: Well, I got a copy of the Agra Innovate brochure which offers useful information about all the exhibitors, the sponsors, media partners and so on.

Agra Innovate brochure 1

Agra Innovate brochure 2

Agra Innovate brochure 3

Agra Innovate brochure 4

To get a zipped folder containing digital versions of ALL the pages in that document, email me via info at the farm ceo dot net or fill/submit the form at

*I could have uploaded all the digital versions of the items I referred to above, but I simply do NOT have the time or patience to do that. Plus, there is a potential bandwidth issue to consider. That’s why I’d prefer to email the zipped folders to any interested persons. So, if you want it, let me know!


Click HERE to download FREE PDF version of this issue of The Farm CEO!

To Make More Money You Need to Study Your Buyers

In this “opinion” piece, I express (not for the first time) what some might call a puritanical view regarding how to get “LIKES” for MY Facebook pages (Emphasis on “my” = VERY deliberate).

2 years ago, it boasted less than 40 fans.

Then I reinvented my Web Marketing System, using ideas I picked up from Patrick Meninga on what I call “Blogging with Purpose”, and insights I gained from studying Steve Roller’s excellent article titled “Reap What You Sow”, while featuring that page on my blog and website, as well as my email newsletter.

My major purpose at the time, was to attract more sales leads for my custom ExcelVB software, especially the popular ones used by Farm Business Owners e.g the Livestock Ration Formulator and the Poultry Farm Manager

Today, at 274 LIKES, my MS Excel Heaven Solutions Development page boasts a growing international community of followers from across Africa, as well as Asia, UAE, Canada and the USA.

Most of them found the page on their own, through contact with various aspects of my Web Marketing System.

Every now and then, some have reached out and made purchases.

The experience has been similar with my Cost Saving Farm Business iDEAS page which I’m now attracting more REAL “LIKES” for using this same strategy.

Now, some would call the number of page followers I’ve mentioned “tiny”, but I know where I’ve been, and what I’ve had to do to win buyers over the years – especially given the harsh socio-economic environment in which I’ve had to operate in my part of the world

Given the unconventional solutions I offer, therefore. and especially considering how I have earned those page followers, I consider that number very significant!

By way of interest, I plan to do more networking by attending meetings of niche groups and possibly forging alliances. So those numbers are likely to ramp up faster, while the QUALITY of engagement will most likely be enhanced.

2 years ago, I had no idea how to attract such authentic zero cost fans for my unconventional business pages

People told me (and I read about) buying LIKES to get a confidence inspiring number of fans on the page before launching. Others emphasized inviting friends to boost the numbers.

I do not condemn anyone using those methods. However, I’m a student of best practice. I like to study things to see how they work, so I can get reproducible output from them.

I have learned from experience that you must understand the mental attitude of your potential buyer, if you want to stand a good chance of selling to him/her successfully.

For me, marketing is not only about reaching out to, and connecting with large numbers of people, but also connecting with the RIGHT groups of people, who I know can be accurately described as potential buyers

It makes no sense having hundreds or thousands of followers that have little or no interest in what your page offers, or worse, fans who actually are just phoney facebook accounts!

Experience has taught me that serious prospects will readily LIKE a page that offers information or education about something that interests them.

This is why paying to get LIKES, that some people habitually do simply does not appeal to me.

The nature of my target audience, for instance, is such that they will often prefer to read quietly and then email or phone me, rather than post a comment, or comments!

I estimate that 70% of those who connect with me in that manner, eventually go on to buy. Often the same day, within minutes or hours of receiving payment details they request from me!

If I had gotten followers to my page by purchasing them, the quality of engagement would not be as much.

I happen to know, for instance, that the republished multidisciplinary SD Nuggets blog RSS feeds that appear on my Facebook pages contribute significantly to my website traffic.

In other words followers on that platform actually take the pains to click on the links for my blogs, to read my new content.

This is why I argue that you must carefully study people who fit your target audience profile, and come to a clear and accurate understanding of how they prefer to connect with you, then leverage that insight to make more of them do so, as often as possible.

It goes without saying, of course, that you don’t have to agree with me on this. We can always agree to disagree :-)

Related Article

1. Is Your Blog Productive, Or Just Plain Busy? (Interesting (Arguments for and Against Comments)

2. Six Potentially Useful Measures of Your Blogs Performance (Hint: Comments Vs Five Others)

No. 221: CEO Spotlight Interview With Burt Dubin, USA Based 91 Year Old Creator of the Speaking Success System™, and Mentor to Some of the World’s Highest Paid Speakers [FREE PDF & VIDEO]

UPDATE (15TH DEC. 2015 @ 2100): Click here to watch the 4 part video version of this interview.


Tayo: Hi Burt. Thank you for accepting to respond to questions on my CEO Spotlight Interview. I feel truly honoured. Can you give us an introduction of yourself?

Burt: Thank you for investing a few moments of your life with me. I am Burt Dubin, long-time student of the human condition. My special focus in the human mind and its potential. Brain-mind science is the name I coined for the object of my study.

Most people are ordinary mortals. They dwell in a shrouded world. They are unaware, and evidently do not want to know, the higher truths of human existence.

About 2400 years ago, Plato was the disciple of Socrates. He wrote the words and observations Socrates shared with him. His observations regarding the human condition are in the sixth book of his Magnum Opus, The Republic.

If you choose to Google Plato’s Cave, you can see for yourself dozens of views of the life of ordinary mortals as perceived by Socrates and related by Plato.

Tayo (Q 1a): Why did you write BUST LOOSE? Why now and not before?


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Tayo K. Solagbade’s
Weekly Public Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 30th November 2015

No: 221

Title: CEO Spotlight Interview With Burt Dubin, 91 Year Old Creator of the Speaking Success System™, and Mentor to Some of the World’s Highest Paid Speakers [FREE PDF & VIDEO]

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Last Week: Read articles published on my blog here

Newsletter Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Is this email not displaying correctly?

View it in your browser.[Click to view Archives]

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays)

in line with this publishing schedule :-)




View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

1 of 2: PUBLIC SPEAKING – CEO Spotlight Interview With Burt Dubin, 91 Year Old Creator of the Speaking Success System™, and Mentor to Some of the World’s Highest Paid Speakers [FREE PDF & VIDEO]


Tayo: Hi Burt. Thank you for accepting to respond to questions on my CEO Spotlight Interview. I feel truly honoured. Can you give us an introduction of yourself?

Burt: Thank you for investing a few moments of your life with me. I am Burt Dubin, long-time student of the human condition. My special focus in the human mind and its potential. Brain-mind science is the name I coined for the object of my study.

Most people are ordinary mortals. They dwell in a shrouded world.  They are unaware, and evidently do not want to know, the higher truths of human existence.

About 2400 years ago, Plato was the disciple of Socrates. He wrote the words and observations Socrates shared with him.  His observations regarding the human condition are in the sixth book of his Magnum Opus, The Republic.

If you choose to google Plato’s Cave, you can see for yourself dozens of views of the life of ordinary mortals as perceived by Socrates and related by Plato.

Tayo (Q 1a): Why did you write BUST LOOSE?  Why now and not before?

PDF Cover page - CEO Spotlight Interview With Burt Dubin, 91 Year Old Creator of the Speaking Success System™, and Mentor to Some of the World’s Highest Paid Speakers

PDF Inside page - CEO Spotlight Interview With Burt Dubin, 91 Year Old Creator of the Speaking Success System™, and Mentor to Some of the World’s Highest Paid Speakers

In this issue No: 221 of my Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, I publish my 2nd CEO Spotlight Interview, this time with Burt Dubin, Creator of the Speaking Success System.

He shares inspiring insights from his wealth of wisdom, in response to my questions about success/personal achievement, dealing with adversity, his new book titled “Bust Loose”, as well as age/aging as it relates to living a purpose-driven life.

Click here to download the PDF and continue reading…

NB: A video trailer version of this interview, with Burt Dubin answering EACH question in his own voice is currently being put together.

Once it is ready, I will publish it in my Youtube channel, and post the update on my website, this blog and other channels (Facebook etc).

Click here to join my mailing list so as to get notified via email broadcast once it goes LIVE.


This newsletter (which I use to promote Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Products/Services) serves

experts-who-speak. Starting – Monday 13th April 2015 – it MORPHED in name and content served, to a 2 part Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, to better serve them.

You just read the “Public Speaking IDEAS” part above. What follows below is the “Web Marketing IDEAS” part.


Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how

you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter

[Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional


Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click


2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]

2 of 2: WEB MARKETING: To Achieve Sustainable Success, Closely Monitor News About Current Affairs and


“If you want to achieve sustainable success in business (especially in a volatile market place like Nigeria), it’s in your best interest to develop interest in

current affairs and politics, because those are the two key ingredients that really keep this country from having a stable sociopolitical climate.
And for as long as that stable sociopolitical climate does not exist, every person running a business will probably have to sleep with one eye open.” – Tayo K.


It’s FREE for all my Web Marketing/farm business clients, and ALL members of my Inner Circle as well as for ALL subscribers to THIS newsletter.

If you are not yet ANY of the above, just send me a message here to let me know.

If you want me to send you the full MP3 recording, just say so in your message.

NB: If you’re already a client or subscriber, email me via tayo at tksola dot com and let me know you want it

Alternatively, click here to request the FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD.



Did you know that as an expert in your field you can make more money by speaking professionally? Or do you already speak-for-money, but want to know

how to do it better AND/OR how to make more money even when you do not speak?

If you said YES to any of the above, THIS offer is for you.

Burt Dubin can teach you to do ALL the above and more. You can learn from him via direct mentoring (regardless of distance) or using the many home study

packages he offers.

Get FREE Lifetime Membership of My Inner Circle (OVER $250 USD) when

you do 1 or more of the following:

1. Signup for Burt’s Speaker Mentoring Service (click here for details)…

2. Purchase Burt’s Speaker Mentoring Products up to $500 USD or more (click here to see a popular one)…

NB: Membership of my Inner Circle comes with a FREE product of your choice e.g. my custom Excel-VB software, Information

Products etc. (click here for full details of what my Inner Circle members get)…PLUS you get a LIFETIME 65% discount on ALL my

other existing/future products and services.


If you purchase $1,500 USD or more of Burt’s Speaker Mentoring Products/Service, and choose to promote your speaking business online, I WILL develop and implement for YOU, a Web Marketing System at 50% of my standard fee, and manage it for 3 months – at NO COST to you – as per my Promotional Retainership Offer (See

Click here to tell me which of Burt’s speaker mentoring products or services you are

interested in.


Buying up to $500 USD or more from Burt will also qualify you to receive my personalized MS Excel VB home study tutorial workbooks/videos – over N100k


Learn more on my Excel Heaven solutions website at

Click to visit my Facebook page (opens in new browser window)

Click here to tell me which of Burt’s speaker mentoring products or services you are

interested in.

Question: But who is Burt Dubin, and why do I (Tayo K. Solagbade) think you should you learn from


Answer: Burt is a 3 decade veteran in the professional speaking business. After achieving top level cross continental success as an

expert-speaker, he has established a reputation for mentoring some of the highest paid speakers in the world. He owns, and

Burt helps those he mentors (experts-who-speak) to Position, Package, Promote, and Present* themselves successfully to clients (*He calls

them the 4Ps). That’s why it’s no surprise that on Burt’s website, considerable space capital is devoted to useful business marketing articles as well as products.

It might also interest you to know that MANY years back, Burt established himself as one of the best marketing minds in the world. To really put this FACT in

proper perspective, I’ll provide more specific details in form of an example.

A few years ago, Burt contributed an article to a powerful publication titled “The Most Effective Articles Ever – By The World’s Top Marketers“. That 574 page ebook features timeless marketing advice from 71 of the world’s top marketers – including Jack

Trout, Joe Vitale, Yanik Silver…and Burt Dubin.

That’s ample proof that (in addition to Public Speaking), Burt would be a great resource to learn business marketing from!

Full Disclosure: I represent Burt as Sole Agent for his products/services, which means if YOU buy from him, I get paid.

But that’s NOT the main reason I represent and recommend him. I have benefited in many ways by learning from Burt. Through his writing, his audio recordings,

and from directly relating with him.

Before we teamed up in 2011, I’d been studying his work and adapting it to succeed in my work from way back in 2002. It does not matter what part of the world

you’re in. If you know how to adapt them to suit your peculiar local needs, Burt’s ideas and strategies WILL work for you. I am living proof of it!

That’s why I never tire of CONFIDENTLY recommending him to others.

If you need help putting the ideas shared above to use, let me know HERE.

Click here to tell me which of Burt’s speaker mentoring products or services you are interested



Learn about Burt Dubin’s speaker mentoring products (books, audios etc) below…

If you need help purchasing ANY of Burt’s products (like “Presentation

Magic”), call me on +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic, my base) or +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)  or email

Have a great week :-))



“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”

In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER

YOU SPEAK OR NOT. Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt's Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking  Business Success Secrets

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in

a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or

higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true

speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people  who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Showmanship  Strategems


177 Wow! Wow!

Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

more information

Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform

mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

You hear performance strategies you can emulate. You shorten your learning curve. You see ways to engage and

delight audiences with both content and stories . . . plus you experience a bit of fun.

With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Presentation Magic -  Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before!

See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven

principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information

Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read


NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those

Aspiring (Volume 1)


Download above PDF


NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories

About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick  here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying  to Find Purpose in Life

Download above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard

work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to

start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 


Nuggets Blog™

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:


Want me to write for you? Click here to send me a message - Invite me to here!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement

Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to

Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting,

freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the

popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm

Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in

various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods

and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly

traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training

& Technical Development Manager, and then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’

competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy Limited.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes his Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS

newsletter(which he uses to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African


You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your

personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to

SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus



CEO Spotlight Interview with Burt Dubin, Renowned USA based 91 Year Old Mentor of Some of the World’s Highest Paid Speakers [Coming Mon 30th November 2015]

When a 91 year old with over a half century track record of exceptional self-made success in sales, sales management, public speaking and international speaker mentoring, publishes a book on Personal Achievement, wise others pay serious attention!

Tomorrow Monday, 30th November 2015, in Issue No: 221 of my Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, I will publish the full unedited text of my 2nd CEO Spotlight Interview, this time with Burt Dubin, Creator of the Speaking Success System.

He shares inspiring insights from his wealth of wisdom, in response to my questions about success/personal achievement, dealing with adversity, his new book titled “Bust Loose”, as well as age/aging as it relates to living a purpose-driven life.

For now I leave you some background information and links to give you an idea of who Burt is:

1. Last year, to commemorate his 90th birthday, the Las Vegas chapter of the National Speakers Association in the USA, organized an event in his honor.

The link below features highlights from a humour based presentation made on that day by a good friend, and professional colleague of Burt Dubin.

2. Burt Dubin Quick Facts:

Author of the Speaking Success System, a 3 volume, 800+  page collection of tools, keys and techniques that yield success in the business of speaking.

Mentor, coach, consultant to hundreds of fellow professional speakers on 4 continents. 

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be paid speakers and with speakers who want to be masters.    

Those who know him consider him to be a master of the craft of speaking for money.

He is recognized as a master educator. His Speaking Success System, in use on 4 continents and in 2 island nations,is now the world standard against which all others are evaluated

Click here to read more quick facts on Burt on his profile.

Visit Burt’s website:


Full Disclosure

I must not fail to add, in the interest of full disclosure, that Burt Dubin is my mentor, and several years ago, we teamed up so I could promote his speaker mentoring solutions to experts-who-speak, and those aspiring.

PS: By way of interest, Burt Dubin is mentor to Efe Ohwofasa

Efe is a UK Based Nigerian born Professional Speaker, Business Growth Coach and Marketing Consultant with an amazing rags to riches story.

Just this past week, Efe hosted UK based CEOs and Independent Consultants to a business seminar sponsored by Bournemouth Chamber of Trade & Commerce (1st of its kind in its over 100 year history).

Efe will be my 3rd CEO Spotlight Interview Guest.

Click below to read a recent piece I did on Efe:

No. 218: Meet a Nigerian Expert Who Speaks to – and Coaches – British CEOs to Succeed

[VIDEO] How To Get The URL for a FACEBOOK Post, status or comment

Sometimes you want to tell OTHERS about a certain Facebook post, that interested you.

The “Share” feature does NOT work in cases when you need to share the Post in a comment or outside Facebook(e.g. via email).

You NEED the URL of the Facebook post.

Do you know “How to get the URL or Link of a Facebook post or status”?

The video linked below, published via my Youtube channel on Dec 7, 2011, demonstrates the steps I described in the answer to my first FACEBOOK PRODUCTIVITY QUESTION (posted 4th December 2011) – reproduced above.

Many who have watched the video found it useful enough to take a few seconds to say so in the comments area.

That’s why I’m publishing it on this blog for others to benefit from.

Please share with others.

PS: Request the PDF version of the video, containing the 3 step answer by submitting the form at ‪

How a Hilarious definition of “Black Friday” Made Me Offer THIS Black Friday Sale on [True Story | Goodies Inside!]

Yesterday, after returning from the Agra Innovate Exhibition on Lagos-Nigeria’s Victoria Island, I stopped at the office of a small firm to see the CEO.
While waiting, I overheard a young female employee voicing the following truly hilarious definition of Black Friday sales based on a TV ad being shown on the office TV about their (then impending) Black Friday (today’s) sales offers:

“These people are not serious with this Black Friday thing they are doing. So they plan to only sell products that have patches of black on them? What is the sense in that?”

I was still trying to get my jaw that had dropped to go back into its normal position, when her equally clueless male colleague said:

“Nooo, that’s not why they call it Black Friday O. It began in the USA to encourage black people who did not have enough money, by selling at low prices on that day.”

“Haba, this is serious misinformation!” I exclaimed to myself.

But just then I was called to see the CEO and never got to suggest they try using Google to learn the right meaning for the expression.

The truth is I’ve known about Black Friday for years, and it always comes the day after Thanksgiving Day in the US (I.e the 4th Thursday in the month of November)

According to Wikipedia, it generally signals the start of the festive Christmas shopping season.

Learn more at

I’ve actually taken advantage of Black Friday sales to buy products at 90% discount from online merchants, especially those based in the US.

But I’ve never had a Black Friday promotional sale of my own – before today, that is!

The key principle in Black Friday promotional selling is the surprise element: Buyers do not get to know exact details of the offers to be unveiled, until the D-day, otherwise they could plan ahead and the sellers would be shortchanged.

That’s why I’ve not given any hint of my plans before now.

However, in my usual habit of putting a twist to any idea or concept I adopt from other cultures, I’ve been calling up individual clients I’ve made offers they’ve not taken up, to subtly sound them out.

Most responses I got told me it would be good to make a Black Friday offer to them.

So here’s my hacked Black Friday blanket promotional selling offer:

1. Regarding services I offer, I’ll I’m sending phone SMS Black Friday offers to sweeten the deal for clients I made offers. For those I can’t SMS, I’ll call them up to get the required Yes or No response.

The time is now 2a.m.

If you’re a client and have not received my Black Friday offer by 10a.m Nigerian time, send me SMS on +234-803-302-1263 or call.

2. Regarding products I offer:

A. For clients/past buyers:

Get any product(s) of your choice at 70% discount throughout today.

Go to:



[Customizable Excel-VB driven software for individuals and businesses]

IV. [The Farm CEO newspaper and Farm Business Support Solutions]

Or simply email with details of what you want.

B. For new buyers/clients:

Get any product(s) of your choice at 50% discount throughout today.

Use above links to learn more or simply email with details of what you want.

Got questions or require clarification? Click here to send me a message

Happy shopping!

[Highlights from 2015 Agra Innovate Exhibition] Farm CEOs Lack of Sales and Marketing Savvy REMAINS a major problem, Products made from Cassava – Going beyond fufu, gari and other basic food items, AgroNigeria – a 100% indigenous magazine on Agriculture…Details Coming Soon!

[Update: Click here to read the FULL report here]

Arrived from Cotonou yesterday p.m and managed to visit Landmark Centre, venue of the Agra Innovate exhibition on Victoria Island here in Lagos.

The event certainly proved to be great for networking. Almost got myself dragged to do a full lecture on Farm Biz marketing with a group. Before then I’d run out of flyers I could give out!

I’ll write in more detail by weekend. But here’s an appetizer of talking points I’ll be focusing on, based on my discussions and interactions with various stakeholders.


1. Farm CEOs Lack of  Sales and Marketing Savvy REMAINS a major problem.

It’s a serious challenge limiting what I estimate to be over 90% of farm business owners and agro allied entreprises.

In less than 3 hours at the exhibition venue, the conversation I had with various stakeholders there proved most still do NOT understand that they have to THINK as entrepreneurs, with smart marketing drive, if they want to succeed with their agro based businesses.

I’ll be sharing highlights from my interaction with a VERY animated group of farm business owners who found my ideas in this regard so compelling that they arranged themselves into a semi circle, to listen to me explain further.

2. Products made from Cassava – Going beyond fufu, gari and other basic food items.

I came across a German Not-for-Profit which has established itself in Nigeria as a force to be reckoned with in supporting small and micro scale farmers to develop sustainable strategies to process their farm produce into high profile products e.g chips.


I was given a package I will make digital copies of and put on my website for viewing. They also gave me a sample of one of their cassava chips. There was also a booklet on making Potato cakes.

The key here is taking basic farm produce and using processing to create new products that command superior pricing and yield better profit margins for the farmer.

3. AgroNigeria – a 100% indigenous magazine on Agriculture


It’s amazing that MORE people are not talking about this magazine. On my part, I’ve been buying magazines on Agriculture from local newstands, which I found are actually published abroad – even though they have “Africa” in their titles!

With AgroNigeria, what we have is a magazine whose content is devoted to our market, and designed to add useful value to help various sectors of our indistry grow.

I spoke with the MD, and we found several areas in which we shared similar sentiments about what is needed to move the industry forward. I intend to highlight a few when I write my full report on this outing.

There’s more, but these are the main ones I felt most impacted me. If you were there, maybe you could say a word or two in the comments, now, or when I post my full report on this. I intend it to be a downloadble PDF so as to send it to other stakeholders who may find the information useful.

Stay tuned!

