Category Archives: Excel-VB Solutions

White Paper (PDF), Blueprint for a Low Cost Automated Spreadsheet Hospital Management Information System (HMIS)™

In August 2007, an old client engaged me to write a research based paper on development of a low cost networkable Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) for a South Western state in Nigeria. We later traveled down from Lagos, to the state, so I could present the paper, but were unable to meet with top decision makers.

I’ ve published a revised version now on sale as an ebook White Paper titled <a href=”” target=”blank”>Blueprint for a Low Cost Automated Spreadsheet Hospital Management Information System door Tayo Solagbade (e-boek) – Lulu NL</a>.

Below is the ebook cover, and an outline of the Table of Contents (The numbers in front of each section title are page numbers)

White Paper ebook cover - Blueprint for a Low Cost Automated Spreadsheet Hospital Management Information System (HMIS)™

Subtitle: A highly participatory approach to the design & implementation- using Excel Visual Basic – of a Low Cost, but highly Effective/Efficient Integrated HMIS that makes medical care delivery easier/more rewarding for providers.

















If you run a hospital or medical clinic/facility of ANY kind and would like to learn how this kind of solution can be developed and implemented for you, click here to contact me.


To Succeed, Make Your Excel-VB Software Complement Others

“Tayo, what is your honest opinion about commercial off-the-shelf accounting software, compared with the custom applications you build?”

I am sometimes asked the foregoing question in various forms, by prospective clients trying to make up their minds about what option to choose (i.e off-the-shelf apps versus my custom Excel-VB application development service).

Here’s a typical example of the answer I normally give them…

I have helped clients (in different professions/industries) develop 100% custom Excel-VB Driven Software to overcome peculiar limitations of traditional software (or manual/paper-based) systems that they use for their financial and operational data handling/analysis and report generation .

Accountants/Finance Managers of large organisations in particular have so far made made the most demands for my services. Excel-VB afford you the advantage of being able to extend the capabilities of your existing software – or manual systems – using my 100% customisable Excel-based software that empower you to get more work done with LESS effort via efficient time/cost-saving automation.

In other words, my custom Excel Software COMPLEMENT rather than REPLACE your existing software and/or systems.

You therefore LOSE NOTHING since your prior investment in the latter is protected.

All that I have already said above is effectively what I tell prospects/clients in general.

However, for those in my part of the world (i.e Africa), I emphasise that I DO NOT build Accounting software – except a clients specifically requests it.

Instead my applications are custom Entreprise Information Systems(EIS) which help their owners manage operations (e.g. materials usages) &/or accounting data for more reliable business decision making:

1. The commerical accounting software work well for anyone whose needs are fully catered for by the various useful features and functions they offer.

I have seen many organisations – including schools – that have found this to be so. They confidently told me they did not have any unmet needs from using the programs they chose.

2. However, the accounting applications are built to prepare accounts in line with standard reporting formats used mainly in developed societies.

As a result, they often cannot accomodate the business/accounts data handling/report generation needs/peculiarities extant here. This is due to our largely unregulated environment in this regard. That’s why many who use the programs still find themselves periodiocally/repeatedly turning to programs like MS Excel to cater for areas not covered by their commercial software.

It is the above type of situation that creates a need for the solutions I offer.

In other words, if you have a software system in place and STILL find need to do some of your important work OUTSIDE of it, then a custom solutions development service like mine is likely to benefit you greatly.

3. For prospects who indicate interest, I go further to refer them to a very insightful/experience-based opinion expressed by a financial consultant which shows that MS Excel-based solutions can indeed help OVERCOME limitations that accounting software may have.

Incidentally, this is why you will hardly find any off-the-shelf  accounting software which do not offer the user an option to export data stored in them into MS Excel!

Final Words

Like I always tell my clients and prospects, if there is an alternative that works satisfactorily and is cost-effective, it would make NO sense to hire me.

It is when you have searched for one and found NONE, that my custom Excel-VB solutions development becomes relevant – and potentially VALUE adding. At this point, it WOULD be justifiable to invest in it.

Read this article: Use Custom Automation Of Your Spreadsheet Reports To Drive Down Costs And Increase Your Profits.

Need help?

Click here to send me a message or request

Boost Your Supermarket Bookshop or Factory’s Profits With a Custom Excel-VB Software [Hint: View Screenshots of an Excel-VB driven Pure Water Business Manager™ app built for a Pure Water Factory in Ogudu, Lagos-Nigeria]

UPDATE – 29TH DECEMBER 2020: Watch video demonstration of NEW version with Auto Cashbook, KPI Charts etc.

Watch video demonstration of 2020 ExcelVB Pure Water Biz Manager Software version with Auto Cashbook, KPI Charts

The Typical Scenario

Some bookshop/supermarket owners (especially in my part of the world – Nigeria/Benin/Africa) focus – almost exclusively – on capturing sales and recording expenses using cash registers/POS tools (sometimes in conjunction with a PC based financial reporting software).

[NB: POS = Point Of Sale].

Customers come in and make purchases daily. At the day’s end, records reconciliation is then done. Usually, income is compared with items “sold” and resulting physical stock balance of products checked to agree with “book values”.

Sometimes a few things don’t agree with their expectations.

Genuine efforts are made to resolve the differences, but without success. Somehow, the decision is taken to let it go or write it off and “start over”. Sometimes, the problem resolves itself at a later date, with someone saying. “Hey! I found the item we were looking for the other day!”

The Problem

We all know that any business, desirous of growth and profitability NEEDS to be in firm control of records of sales income made, buying patterns, expenses incurred etc, so as understand her customers interests/preferences and better serve them by supplying relevant products/services.

Even though doing so may not harm their business, continuing that way is bound to prevent them from discovering better ways to make more profits at less cost.

This is because there’s a LOT more that owners can do with data obtained from daily transactions, which when done right, would significantly boost sales and increase profit margins.

The Viable Alternative

A simple yet extremely functional Custom Automated Spreadsheet application could be developed using Excel-VBA. The application will run in Excel, so you need not incur additional cost via purchase of new software.

Below: Screenshot of the splash screen of a Pure Water Busienss Maneger app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, as it loads in MS Excel 2003. My apps are typially built to be backward and forward compatible with different Excel versions

Screenshot of the splash screen of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, as it loads in MS Excel 2003. My apps are typially built to be backward and forward compatible with different Excel versions

Anyone (attendant, accountant, or manager, etc) can be taught to post routine sales/expense records into specially designed spreadsheet table – immediately sales occur – or at specific intervals through each day.

In cases where POS machines are used, the records may be posted into the app later in the day or at the weekend. Or if the POS device used has cross-compatibility, the Excel-VB app could be setup to auto-import sales records from it, to auto-generate needed analytical reports.

Below: Screenshot of the LOGIN screen of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, in MS Excel 2003.

Screenshot of the LOGIN screen of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, in MS Excel 2003. My apps are typially built to be backward and forward compatible with different Excel versions

Once the app can access the raw sales data, the manager can then use the drop down menu provided to view the summaries of products purchased/income made.

The few (if any) variances picked out would be more easily resolved, since s/he would not need to try remembering every single detail of jobs done.

The owner would be able sit back at the end of each day and review template summaries of items purchased (even to the extent of showing “which” customer bought “what”, if you desire to offer personalised services to your regular customers).

Comparison of one period with the other could be done using charts. Areas with greatest contribution to income could be easily identified and effort put into consolidating them to ensure consistency.

Below: Screenshot of the MAIN NAVIGATION MENU interface of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, in MS Excel 2003.

Screenshot of the MAIN NAVIGATION MENU interface of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, in MS Excel 2003.

Final Words

A cash register/POS device DOES NOT and CANNOT offer the range of functionalities you will get from using a low (or zero cost) custom automated spreadsheet application.

You need to be able to study the trends in products purchases by your customers so you can make better decisions about what products to buy/stock next time e.g. you can then use what you learn to have your application auto alert you to predetermined product to buy/stock next time.

Read this article: Use Custom Automation Of Your Spreadsheet Reports To Drive Down Costs And Increase Your Profits.

Need help making use of the ideas shared here (or would you like to purchase the Pure Water Business Manager app featured in the screenshots?):

Click Here to send me your Customized Spreadsheet Solutions Development Request

Below: Screenshot of daily pure water bag deliveries/sales recording interface in a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory

Screenshot of interface of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, in MS Excel 2003.

Below: MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT – Screenshot of dynamic financial report summaries auto-generation interface. Note the drop menus used to choose DAILY, WEEKLY and MONTHLY reporting options. Note the button that is clicked to generate the YEAR TILL DATE report

Screenshot of interface of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, in MS Excel 2003.

Below: YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT – Screenshot of dynamic financial report summaries auto-generation interface. Note the drop menus used to choose DAILY, WEEKLY and MONTHLY reporting options. Note the button that is clicked to generate the YEAR TILL DATE report

Screenshot of interface of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, in MS Excel 2003.

Below: Screenshot of dynamic Vehicle Maintenance Running Expenses Schedule interface. Note the drop menus used to generate different filtered reporting options.

Screenshot of interface of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, in MS Excel 2003.

Below: Screenshot of  data entry interface for checks/cash based expenses

Screenshot of interface of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, in MS Excel 2003.

Below: Screenshot of dynamic Monthly Operations Report – Note the drop menu used to auto generate the factory’s operations data summaries in a ready-to-print reporting interface

Screenshot of interface of a Pure Water Business Manager app I built for an Ogudu-Lagos based factory, in MS Excel 2003.


Click Here to send me your Customized Spreadsheet Solutions Development Request

Use Excel-VB to Create Limitless Possibilities BEYOND What Off-The-Shelf Software Make Possible

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for recording, re-organising, analysing and presenting information.

By Excel VB, I refer to Excel VBA – where VBA means Visual Basic for Applications(VBA). VBA refers to the highly extensive and flexible macro programming language developed by Microsoft for use in their MS office applications – Word, Power Point, etc.

VBA is therefore different from the Standalone Visual Basic program used (by conventional programmers) for developing “standalone” or “executable” (.exe) software applications – though it borrows many of the latter’s features.

Think of Excel VBA as being the standalone Visual Basic software built into Excel for the benefit of Excel users/developers who are not traditional-minded programmers, but who are keen to exert more control over the application to enhance user productivity.

So, Excel VB offers any interested persons the necessary tools to make the application deliver more functionality. The final product is still an Excel document, but with extra functionalities added using VBA..

Read this article: Use Custom Automation Of Your Spreadsheet Reports To Drive Down Costs And Increase Your Profits.

The truth is that using MS Excel can ENHANCE the performance of your existing data handling/analysis and report generation software. This is why most off-the-shelf data analysis apps — especially for financial reporting – have EXPORT TO MS EXCEL features, to enable their users take advantage of Excel’s more flexible data handling capabilities to make better sense of their data.

Why Excel-VB?

Below I discuss 2 key reasons why I settled on using MS Excel-Visual Basic as my development platform for solving clients’ data handling, analysis and report generating solutions.

1. I always answer this question by asking the following question: What would be the point of “Killing A Fly With A Hammer”?

Let me elaborate. If a method is available that allows us to achieve the same desired result(s) at LOWER cost, with LESS effort and in LESS time, why should we fail to adopt it?

Certain IT persons insist that developing executable applications using the standalone Visual Basic programming language is “better” as it does not limit the user to a particular user application software environment. I concede that this might be a valid point under certain conditions.

However, I point out that there are many users who have very specialised, peculiar needs that do not necessarily require complex solutions.

A lot of people today simply want to get their data recording, (re)organisation, and analysis for decision making done quicker and with less effort.

They also want to spend as little money as possible to do this. In other words, they want a cost-effective solution that gives them independence from the solution provider in the long term – without requiring them to undertake laborious skills acquisition immediately.

This category of everyday users of technology described above are the ones I believe need Excel VB solutions of the type I describe/provide. I anticipate that some of these users will over time develop an interest in acquiring advanced skills needed to develop their own solutions – which is why I also offer coaching services.

2. Another question I ask, in answering the “Why Excel VB?” question is : “Why re-invent the wheel?”

My experiences (and those of others who favour the use of Excel VB like I do), confirm that to organise, and analyse data for (financial/management) report generation and decision making, you will save hundreds of hours using already in-built, pre-programmed Excel functions compared to a situation where you used Visual Basic proper.

All the functions needed to achieve the above purposes already exist in Excel, so that you don’t have to write them all from scratch as would be the case if you were to use Visual Basic.

Even though I had always felt this way, my encounter with a similar justification stated by a Microsoft Certified Professional, Pierre Leclerc on his website, gave me greater insight and clarity, that made me decide to stick with Excel VB even though I had attended a full training course in Visual Basic in 2002.

NB: LeClerc’s website has morphed in name, shape and form/content over the years since I first found him back in 2004, to what now exists at

Important Note: The fact that one uses Excel VB or VBA does not mean one will not have need to use VB or other languages.

Over the years, the need for faster, more sophisticated, robust, and secure Excel-based software has led Professional Excel Developers to – whenever they consider it necessary – actively utilise ANY other applications and programming languages (such as C/C++, VB6 or VB.Net) to deliver better performing applications (learn more below).

ExcelVB Is Used To Develop Commercial Quality Excel Software

Today, there is a huge army of Professional Excel Developers who develop Excel-based software solutions for a living – worldwide. Their software can be found in use alongside those developed using more traditional programming languages like C++, and VB6, in some of the largest corporations in the world – including Microsoft itself..

Professional Excel developers typically would use Excel VB in conjunction with other programming languages(e.g. C/C++, VB6 or VB.Net etc) and applications(e.g. databases like MS Access, Oracle, SAP etc) to develop flexible, fast/easy to use, high performing, robust and maintenable Excel Solutions.

The implication of the foregoing is that ExcelVB occupies it’s rightful place as the true development platform that it is. Many times, it is even able to deliver a significant performance edge over other applications due to its powerful calculation engine that the developer is able to leverage – thereby saving time while delivering more functionality to users.

Read this article: Use Custom Automation Of Your Spreadsheet Reports To Drive Down Costs And Increase Your Profits.

Summary: Excel-VB Creates Limitless Possibilities BEYOND What Off-The-Shelf Apps Make Possible

For the purposes of creating custom financial and management solutions that solve your identified problems, and give you control/ownership, without burning a hole in your pocket, Excel VB offers an amazing variety of possibilities, in the hands of an adequately skilled user.

In addition, an Excel VB – better still, a Professional Excel – Developer (who in many cases will tend to be a user turned developer, and is therefore likely to easily see things from your perspective) – unlike a programmer – is more likely to be positively disposed to working with you to ensure the application meets your practical needs.

S/he will readily understand that the final application is meant to help solve a real problem(s), and will therefore build it to match those expectations.

It’s not enough to have a professional with the technical skills to solve your problem, s/he also needs to have the right attitude and background/experience – else the relationship will not work. This is where an Excel VB resource is more likely to add value to you.

I believe the foregoing are compelling justifications for choosing Excel Visual Basic over Visual Basic.

Further Reading

1. In 2007, I acquired a physical copy – with sample tutorials CD attached – of the book titled Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing … – by Stephen Bullen and others – the foregoing link leads to the online store for the second edition.]

2. Read my article titled: Use Custom Automation Of Your Spreadsheet Reports To Drive Down Costs And Increase Your Profits.

Get Started: Click Here to send me your Customized Spreadsheet Solutions Development Request

Adults Learn Best by Doing: Power User Experiential Coaching Learning Event

Become more productive in using Microsoft Excel through my Power User Coaching. I employ an "Experiential Coaching" technique which emphasises job-based case studies as a medium for imparting knowledge/skills to adults, so as to ensure increased retention. By "Power User" I mean a person who demonstrates:

a. superior proficiency in using an application to the extent that s/he is able to perpetually optimise its use to achieve maximum productivity.

b. the ability to quickly learn &/or master(via self-tutoring) additional features s/he has not had cause to use previously, in the same application – as the need arises.

Click here to request a sample real-life Experiential Power User Coaching workbook

Through this programme, you(or a member of your team) can become a Power User. If you desire maximum returns on your investment, choose this Power User Learning Event. Request for a FREE MS Excel Coaching Skills Matrix workbook or an Excel VB Programming Coaching Course Outline! It details all that you will learn.

Adults Learn Best By Doing

That’s why I offer a Power User Experiential Coaching/Learning Event. However, it is instructive to note here that it WILL be plenty of hard work – and ONLY YOU will determine how fast and well you learn. In other words, you must demonstrate the commitment to learn by doing the numerous exercises you will be assigned.

You will be required to manage your learning. If you do, you will end up with the ability to do everything you learn just as well as your learning facilitator, if not better. Remember it’s Experiential Learning – which implies you need to DO the exercises you will be given, in order to gain practical experience which will in turn facilitate your learning comprehension.

If you diligently apply yourself in doing the above, I can assure you that your resultant proficiency will amaze you, and those you work with.

Organisations can deliberately expose their employees to two main types of learning events on offer here. Such employees can then be challenged to develop in-house solutions that effectively address the business’ peculiar data analysis /report-generation needs as they arise.

Click here to request fully customisable on-demand coaching for yourself and/or members of your team.

Learning Event No. 1: Mastering Microsoft Excel(Power User)

This event is for those who wish to acquire advanced knowledge/skills in the use of MS Excel spreadsheet functions and formulas, such that they will be able to more quickly and efficiently organise/analyse data for report generation and decision making. Click here to Request for the FREE MS Excel Training Skills Matrix workbook. It contains full details of all that you will learn.

IMPORTANT! Please note that you cannot attend Learning Event No. 2 if you cannot demonstrate mastery equivalent to what will be taught in Event No. 1. We have practical exercises that will be administered to assess whether your proficiency in the use of MS Excel will be adequate to make your attendance of Event No. 2 a worthwhile endeavour for you – as well as for the facilitator.

Click here to request fully customisable on-demand coaching for yourself and/or members of your team.

Learning Event No. 2: Microsoft Excel VB Programming

This coaching programme is designed for Excel Users who already have considerable mastery of Excel and now wish to learn how they can combine their mastery(gained from 1 above – or from past training/ experience) of MS Excel, with sound knowledge of Excel Visual basic to automate the routine and repetitive tasks they carry out in Excel, in a way that saves them time,while making them more productive.

A person with proven competence in this area CAN become "notorious" for developing spreadsheet applications which eliminate drudgery from the process of using MS Excel to handle large amounts of data. Typically, work that takes hours or days will suddenly take minutes or seconds to finish.

The claims I make above are NOT exaggerated. They are in fact based on my personal experiences doing the foregoing:

(a). As an manager in the challenging, fast-paced manufacturing work environment of a corporate multinational

(b). As a solutions developer for individuals and businesses who use MS Excel for their work.

I am keen to encourage individuals and organisations to explore using advanced MS Excel formulas and functions, in conjunction with Excel VBA programming, to develop customised spreadsheet applications that will solve typical problems end-users encounter daily in trying to record/analyse data and generate reports.

The savings in terms of money and man-hours alone will quickly justify the investment you make – especially, when you compare what you spend with the cost of purchasing a commercial software application – or even engaging the services of an Excel VB resource like myself. Click here to request the one-page Acrobat PDF coaching outline for the Excel VB Programming learning event. It contains full details of all that you will learn.


The two learning events described can be delivered one-on-one or to a group of up to 10 -15 people at once, so long as all the needed resources(PCs etc) are available for each attendee. If you need more information or have any queries, fill/submit this form.

Excel-VB Automation Can Boost Employee Productivity in Your Company [Hint: Custom Manufacturing Business Manager App Built for a Lagos-Nigeria based SME]

The Situation:

In most progressive companies (regardless of size) busy managers/executives routinely handle business data and information generated daily, to prepare standard reports for use by senior management/decision makers etc.

The Problem:

Generating the needed reports is often not easy. Some data needs to be tabulated/charted – possibly correlations drawn as well. Often times the data collation and report generation process – though done on spreadsheets – is not well managed. The boss sometimes has to get involved in sorting out the resultant confusion so as to get the report out on time!

Some people are comfortable working without any particular format specified. Some are not. The latter wish an easier way to “put it all together” could be put in place.

As a result of the above, the integrity of the final report produced is what suffers, because when someone else does the reports, s/he will often do something different from the previous person!

Every business leader knows that NOTHING could be worse than using “inaccurate” reports for decision making? Indeed, so many examples abound that show the devastating damage that companies can suffer as a result of decision making based on wrong reports!

The Viable Alternative:

A computer pre-installed with Microsoft Excel (and the rest of the MS Office Suite) is easily acquired today. Most companies already have them.

Using MS Excel, a simple, yet extremely functional Custom Automated Excel Spreadsheet application can be developed. The application will run in MS Excel, so you would not need to incur any additional costs via purchase of some prohibitively priced off-the-shelf app, which may not be easily modified to suit unique needs of some facilities.

Managers/executives in the organisation can be taught to use the app to generate periodic departmental, functional or corporate level reports.

Routine data handling tasks could be pre-programmed (e.g. import of data from a single worksheet sales into an app to auto-generate charted summaries of a week’s sales etc). This way, only entry of raw data which does not occur in a manner that allows auto insertion, will need to be done, to compute any other needed reporting parameters – saving time and effort.

Manufacturing organizations in particular will find the “Usage Rates Tracking and Variable Cost Analysis” spreadsheet applications (like those I develop – see screenshots below) invaluable for more efficient reporting.




A lot more is possible with MS Excel-VB automation…

Alternative reporting templates could be prepared and printed from. Also, updating and backup of the reporting application can be automated to make usage as simple and easy as possible. There would be no need for the user to have any specialized MS Excel competence. Especially if Excel-novice proof Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs), like those used in my custom apps (see below), are adopted.



Depending on the needs in the workplace, the application could be made accessible from ANY computer connected to the intranet – if one exists. That way, multiple users would be able to access it.

All managers would be able to generate equally “accurate” reports more often, if a system like the above is put in place. The application would be designed to suit the specific processes or operations in the organisation.

The above are real life examples of possible ways in which custom Excel-VB driven apps can be used, that I have successfully implemented in various organizations over the past 2 decades.

Corporate organizations and SMEs across the world are continually striving for efficiency in their routine operations.

The area of data handling and report generations is one that poses severe challenges to many. The solution being adopted by a growing number of smart thinking companies (regardless of size) is the use of custom automated spreadsheet applications development.

It is a flexible option that allows for modifications (in line with changes that may occur in your processes/operations over time) without your needing to hire an expensive software programmer.





You Can Do It Yourself, or Hire an Excel-VB Solutions Developer…Like ME :-)

Like I always say, a custom Excel-VB app can be developed by ANYONE, if s/he has the needed time and training (e.g. managers, executives and other employees in the organisation).

I’ve told stories in past articles (like this one) of how I worked over a 7 years period, as a self-taught developer of in-house automated spreadsheet software (in my spare time as a Shift Brewer and later Training Manager), which were formally adopted for use in Guinness Nigeria’s Benin brewery. See some details in my resume (click here).

However, if competent in-house expertise does not exist in your company, you can hire an external developer to build the app, and/or train an employee to develop custom apps in-house. The latter option is likely to result in savings of money and time especially, over the long term.

Final Words: Through my MS Excel Heaven™ Spreadsheet Solutions Development I can help you develop an app(s) that do(es) what you want, without burning a hole in your pocket.

And/or if you want, I can train your people to develop such apps, or maintain those I build. Either way, you’ll spend much less, and reap more long lasting benefits than would be the case if you purchase an off-the-shelf app.

If you’d like an app built for your factory or company, and/or need training on custom Excel-VB automation to build or maintain such an app, I can help you.

Click here to tell me what you need help with.



Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Learn more here


NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

Click here to learn more

NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)


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NEW: Get 2 Real Life Poultry Layer Farm Start-up Business Plans (PLUS Customization)!

Screenshot of the 1,000 bird Poultry Layer Farm Business Plan I prepared and sent to a new client in Nigeria - click to read the article I wrote on it.

Download above PDF


New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Farm Management (& Performance Measurement) for Profits – No. 1 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (57 pages): Farm Business Start-up (Information, Education & Inspiration) – No. 2 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Livestock Farm Business Feed Formulation – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (58 pages): Best Practice Farm Business Marketing – No. 4 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

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Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to download

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NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

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FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

Download above PDF

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

Download above PDF

NEW: Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success

Tayo Solagbade's Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success (Verbatim Text Transcript of Introductory Video)

Click here to view a page I’m adding ALL my products previews/prices/offers to…


Boost Hospital/Clinics Records Management Using Smart ExcelVB Automation [Hint: Custom MS Excel-VB app built for a Lagos-Nigeria based Medical Clinic]

This article has been re-located/republished in a new issue of my Performance Improvement Ideas Newsletter as a special feature on Potential Applications of Custom Excel-VB Programming.

Click here to view it


Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom?

If you’ve been following me online before May 2014, you most likely will want to know why I moved my website to

My first online presence was located on the primary domain And I built it up over a period of 9 years to one that generated high value income generating sales leads that won me clients within and outside Africa.

On 1st April 2013, I began traveling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur, sharing updates on this blog.

But on 4th May 2014, my 9 year old domain was taken over and made inactive by – a web host that I moved my website from 2 years ago, in protest about VERY base service and support they were giving me.

THIS (i.e. – see screenshot), is the “reincarnated” Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog,  to which I just successfully installed the MAIN database containing over 630 posts, on my new domain:

So this was not the first time I was getting a raw deal from that company.

Click here to continue reading

Click here to continue reading on my new flagship website...
Click below to continue reading…


Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series is Now Available!

It’s taken a LOT OF HARD WORK, but I knew it would be worth it.

This is because I get to offer many busy Farm CEOs who’ve contacted me” a viable alternative to traveling down to attend the forthcoming LIVE workshop in Lagos, Nigeria.

And it’s a better option compared to even holding a webinar online – considering that in this part of the world, Internet connectivity is generally poorer and also expensive.

On my part, this home study package now makes it unnecessary for me to go through the hassles of managing the logistics of preparing for live workshops etc.

Indeed, I’m sure many people will appreciate being able to watch/listen REPEATEDLY, as compared to attending a live event and not being able to recall all that took place etc.

Now, to ensure maximum value is derived by buyers, I’ve decided to offer a COMPLETE package with this home study video series.

The fee for the complete package is NOW N50k(Up from N25k on 10th April 2014 at 05:30).

But all members of my Farm Biz Ideas club, enjoy a lifetime 40% discount on my products and services.

That means they only pay N30k (Up from N15k on 10th April 2014 at 05:30)..

So, each buyer will get a parcel delivered via courier (or s/he can pick it up), containing the following:

A. The FULL set of home video CDs that run for approximately 4 hours.

I use EACH page of the handbook as a basis for providing detailed explanation and instruction, on the theory and practice of Feed Formulation/Compounding.

BELOW: One page flyer I’ve created to announce this On-Demand Feed Formulation for Farm CEOs Workshop (

One page flyer for On-Demand Feed Formulation for Farm CEOs Workshop

Read: On-Demand Feed Formulation for Farm CEOs Workshop [Hint: FREE Entry for Owners of Tayo Solagbade’s Feed Formulation Handbook & Software]!

B. One printed/spiral bound copy of your personalized version of the Feed Formulation Handbook.

C. A CD ROM containing the following:

1. Your personalized copy of the 70 page PDF Feed Formulation Handbook.

2. Your personalized copy of the latest 2014 version of the Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator software, which auto computes ration formulas using the Pearson Square technique described in my Feed Formulation Handbook.

NB: This new version is actually a distributable EXE version which does NOT require enabling of macros, and is tamper proof. I’ll soon have a video put on my Youtube channel to demonstrate. It works in MS Excel, but behaves like a full fledged software application. All past buyers – regardless of whethere they buy this home study video series get it FREE.

3. Your personalized copy of the detailed PDF user guide for the Ration Formulator

4. Your personalized copy of my 30 page PDF introduction to livestock feed formulation ingredients.

5. A copy of my PDF report titled “10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation”

6. Each buyer also gets a limited trial version of my Poultry Farm Manager software

7. CDs containing 8 video tutorals/demonstrattions of how to install and use the software

(NB: See list of the tutorial videos for users of the software, and what they demonstrate below)

7. Lastly, a PDF invoice covering the payment you made and listing the items delivered to you.

This extended version of the Ration Formulator stores 3 FORMULAS for easy retrieval (*Space for 7 EXTRA feed ingredients now provided in the table). And it allows you to export them into a separate worksheet outside of the application. I’ve sent it out FREE to every past buyer who requested it.

As a FULLY paid buyer, you get ALL future upgrades FREE. Your payment makes you a member of my Farm Biz Ideas club, so you get a lifetime 40% discount on ALL other products and services.

Read full details of what you get as a member of the club at:


Eight (8) Demonstration Videos For Using the Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Below is a screenshot showing the videos as they will be found in the “video demonstrations” folder on your CDROM.

Below is a screenshot showing the videos as they will be found in the "video demonstrations" folder on your CDROM.

Below, I offer short descriptions of what each video demonstration is about.

What to do to Watch the Videos

When you click the “Watch Videos” button on the CDROM’s autorun menu, click the name of the video you want, to watch it.

Video 1 – enabling_macros

How to Open the Ration Formulator in MS Excel

Video 2 – login_update_feed_ingredients

(Posting the names of your feed ingredients and their nutrients composition into the software’s nutrients composition table)

Video 3 – ration_formulation

How to Use the Ration Formulator to derive a balanced ration formula – part 1

video 4 – ration_formulation2

How to Use the Ration Formulator to derive a balanced ration formula – part 2

video 5 – 2013-FREEUPGRADE Version

Features of the new, free upgrade version introduced in January 2013

Video 6 – 2013-FREEUPGRADE Version

Space Added For 7 Extra Ingredients, in free upgrade version introduced in January 2013

Video 7 – Copying the files to your PC

Demo created for Yakub – a past buyer. Useful for others

Video 8 – copying data from MS Word to Feed Ingredients Nutrients Composition Table in the software

Demo created for Yakub – a past buyer. Useful for others

What to do to Watch the Videos

When you click the “Watch Videos” button on the CDROM’s autorun menu, click the name of the video you want, to watch it.

Below: Screenshot of the autorun CDROM containing the Ration Formulator, and videos, sent to a Farm business CEO buyer in Uyo, Akwa Ibom.

Screenshot of the autorun CDROM containing the Ration Formulator, and videos, sent to a Farm business CEO buyer in Uyo, Akwa Ibom.

Below: Screenshot of shipment tracking report for the parcel I sent to the Farm business CEO buyer in Uyo, Akwa Ibom. As at 9a.m this morning (Thursday, 12th March 2014, it arrived their Portharcourt office.

Screenshot of shipment tracking report for the parcel I sent to the Farm business CEO buyer in Uyo, Akwa Ibom. As at 9a.m this morning (Thursday, 12th March 2014, it arrived their Portharcourt office.

From what I was told when making the order at their Allen office in Lagos on Tuesday at about 1p.m, it should arrive at the destination this p.m. I’ve already sent word to him to that effect.


If you need details about how to order my new Feed Formulation and Compounding Home Study Package, get in touch with me via tayo at tksola dot com.

Working As A Farm Hand Enabled Me Create My Self-Cleaning Aquariums

In 2002, I apprenticed on Muyiwa Adediran’s Belewo specialised fish rearing farm for a period of about six (6) months. This was in line with my plan to acquire skills and knowledge to eventually startup my own Integrated Fish Farm later on. During this time I would come in on specified days (usually Sundays) to work full time – 7.00am till 7.00pm – as a farm hand.

Learning By Working As A Farm Hand

In 2002, I apprenticed on Muyiwa Adediran’s Belewo specialised fish rearing farm for a period of about six (6) months. This was in line with my plan to acquire skills and knowledge to eventually startup my own Integrated Fish Farm later on. During this time I would come in on specified days (usually Sundays) to work full time – 7.00am till 7.00pm – as a farm hand.

My daily activities included cleaning the concrete ornamental fish breeding tanks, checking the tanks containing paired male and female ornamental fish (Gourami’s and Paradise mostly) for floating bubbly masses of fertilised eggs etc.

If I found any, I would quickly remove the male(s). If I noticed hatched fries in a tank, I would use a hose to siphon them into a plastic jar, which would be used to move them into glass tanks in the nursery section of the farm.

I also checked the water quality and level in the concrete ponds holding adult catfish – making necessary water changes and topping up with fresh water where necessary. Then there were the wooden vats containing catfish fries, which I checked for dead fries or fingerlings, removing any that I found. Over the course of the day, I would prepare and add appropriate feed to the different fish groups in the respective sections.

Putting What I Learned To REAL-LIFE Use

Not long after I completed my last week on that farm, I began preparing marketing flyers offering aquarium building services to individuals and business. One Friday afternoon, I visited the business premises of a well known and highly successful alternative medicine practitioner.

During my presentation, I explained how my natural aquariums NEVER go green with algae growth, due to the balanced ecosystem I am able to establish by taking advantage of natural processes like the Nitrogen cycle. That process deliberately cultivates friendly bacteria (in a gravel bed), along with live aquatic plants.

Pix of a 6 gallon wood framed natural aquarium - donated to a Fish Farmers organisation. Click now to learn more about how our aquariums work. Pix of a 12 gallon wood framed natural aquarium sold to a school in 2004. Click now to learn more about how our aquariums work

He got curious and asked if the same principles could be used to “clarify” the water in the waterfall/fish pond at his house, which had gone so green that the fish in it could no longer be seen. I responded in the affirmative.

He invited me to his home, the next day (Saturday), where he commissioned me to do an evaluation of the problem, and propose an action plan. Realising that I lacked the field experience to successfully carry out a project of this scope on my own, I promptly contacted Muyiwa Adediran, briefing him on the problem, with a view to enlisting his help towards doing a competent evaluation.

Muyiwa was able to find time to go to the site with me, and with his guidance, I prepared a report for the client, stating the findings and proposing possible lines of action to be followed to correct the problem.

Below, I offer highlights of the ideas contained in the report, which you may find useful for application to your own situation:


During the Preliminary inspection visit conducted, I made the following observations:

a. That the water in the fall’s “basin” was colored by green algal growth. As a result, transparency/visibility was severely impaired making the fish difficult to observe.

b. That the sides and bottom of the water fall “basin” were also covered by algae.

c. That there was floating debris (appearing to be mainly leftover fish food) on the pond water surface.

The findings of the MAJOR/ROOT CAUSE of the algae growth and water discoloration were given as:

Green algae proliferation caused by excessive light entry into water in basin. This was deduced especially because the waterfall was located in an open area, where the wind-transported spores of algae could readily gain access to it.

Other Possible contributors that could be investigated were also mentioned viz:

a. The type of fish food used; the feeding regime observed and also hygiene practices employed. For instance, I asked what happened to residual food not eaten up by fish in the event of overfeeding.

b. The nature/source of water could also contribute to the problem. I suggested that it probably had high amounts of essential plant nutrients favored by algae. (The report however emphasised that this could only be verified AFTER aquatic plants had been introduced to compete).

The SOLUTION proposed: The following were proposed for mitigation or possible eradication of the problem:

a. The base/sides of the water fall “basin” to be covered up with epoxy-resin layer of a thickness to be specified. The objective was to create contrasting underwater background that would enhance water transparency, and fish visibility.

b. Dense luxuriant growth of live aquatic plants like Vallisneria spiralis (Water Grass), Cabomba Caroliniana (Water Fan), Lagarosiphon Muscoides (African Elodea) etc to be initiated. The plants introduced will mostly be fully submerged. (Measurements had already been taken during the preliminary inspection)

The upper layer of water in the “basin” would be left free of vegetation to allow for easy sighting of ornamental fish varieties present. The luxuriant plant growth would filter out some of the light, while simultaneously consuming most of the essential nutrients in the water, so that the green coloring algae could be “starved” and their growth drastically reduced.

c. If fish food type or feeding regime/hygiene practices were identified to contribute to problem, necessary recommendations/guidelines would be given as appropriate.

d. The client might wish to consider incorporation of underwater lights to better accentuate waterfall beauty/fish visibility – especially at night. In this regard, the concept proposed was similar to that used in swimming pools.

e. The client might wish to consider applying gloss paint to the railing/walls that run around the waterfall. This would make cleaning of those surfaces (due to its proximity to wet soil) easier if/when need for it arose.


It is important to note that the report presented to the client proposed adoption of a NATURAL solution to the identified cause of the problem. Other options were considered. But none were evaluated to be as reliable, affordable and long-lasting as the natural method.

I offer the above report content summary as possibly useful reference information for persons who may encounter a similar problem in the course of managing similar water based facilities – including their aquariums.

Get a FREE Chapter Preview of my Practical Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook

The complete handbook is available as an ebook at But you can get a free chapter preview here.

Learn more about the Custom Spreadsheet Software Development & Best Practice Extension Advisory Services that Tayo offers farm businesses, through his Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas mini site.

You can learn more about my Natural Self-Cleaning Aquariums For Schools, Offices, Homes and Hospitals here.

NB: This article was first published online on this page of Tayo’s Farm Business ideas mini site, on 17th November 2009.