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Adults Learn Best by Doing: Power User Experiential Coaching Learning Event

Become more productive in using Microsoft Excel through my Power User Coaching. I employ an "Experiential Coaching" technique which emphasises job-based case studies as a medium for imparting knowledge/skills to adults, so as to ensure increased retention. By "Power User" I mean a person who demonstrates:

a. superior proficiency in using an application to the extent that s/he is able to perpetually optimise its use to achieve maximum productivity.

b. the ability to quickly learn &/or master(via self-tutoring) additional features s/he has not had cause to use previously, in the same application – as the need arises.

Click here to request a sample real-life Experiential Power User Coaching workbook

Through this programme, you(or a member of your team) can become a Power User. If you desire maximum returns on your investment, choose this Power User Learning Event. Request for a FREE MS Excel Coaching Skills Matrix workbook or an Excel VB Programming Coaching Course Outline! It details all that you will learn.

Adults Learn Best By Doing

That’s why I offer a Power User Experiential Coaching/Learning Event. However, it is instructive to note here that it WILL be plenty of hard work – and ONLY YOU will determine how fast and well you learn. In other words, you must demonstrate the commitment to learn by doing the numerous exercises you will be assigned.

You will be required to manage your learning. If you do, you will end up with the ability to do everything you learn just as well as your learning facilitator, if not better. Remember it’s Experiential Learning – which implies you need to DO the exercises you will be given, in order to gain practical experience which will in turn facilitate your learning comprehension.

If you diligently apply yourself in doing the above, I can assure you that your resultant proficiency will amaze you, and those you work with.

Organisations can deliberately expose their employees to two main types of learning events on offer here. Such employees can then be challenged to develop in-house solutions that effectively address the business’ peculiar data analysis /report-generation needs as they arise.

Click here to request fully customisable on-demand coaching for yourself and/or members of your team.

Learning Event No. 1: Mastering Microsoft Excel(Power User)

This event is for those who wish to acquire advanced knowledge/skills in the use of MS Excel spreadsheet functions and formulas, such that they will be able to more quickly and efficiently organise/analyse data for report generation and decision making. Click here to Request for the FREE MS Excel Training Skills Matrix workbook. It contains full details of all that you will learn.

IMPORTANT! Please note that you cannot attend Learning Event No. 2 if you cannot demonstrate mastery equivalent to what will be taught in Event No. 1. We have practical exercises that will be administered to assess whether your proficiency in the use of MS Excel will be adequate to make your attendance of Event No. 2 a worthwhile endeavour for you – as well as for the facilitator.

Click here to request fully customisable on-demand coaching for yourself and/or members of your team.

Learning Event No. 2: Microsoft Excel VB Programming

This coaching programme is designed for Excel Users who already have considerable mastery of Excel and now wish to learn how they can combine their mastery(gained from 1 above – or from past training/ experience) of MS Excel, with sound knowledge of Excel Visual basic to automate the routine and repetitive tasks they carry out in Excel, in a way that saves them time,while making them more productive.

A person with proven competence in this area CAN become "notorious" for developing spreadsheet applications which eliminate drudgery from the process of using MS Excel to handle large amounts of data. Typically, work that takes hours or days will suddenly take minutes or seconds to finish.

The claims I make above are NOT exaggerated. They are in fact based on my personal experiences doing the foregoing:

(a). As an manager in the challenging, fast-paced manufacturing work environment of a corporate multinational

(b). As a solutions developer for individuals and businesses who use MS Excel for their work.

I am keen to encourage individuals and organisations to explore using advanced MS Excel formulas and functions, in conjunction with Excel VBA programming, to develop customised spreadsheet applications that will solve typical problems end-users encounter daily in trying to record/analyse data and generate reports.

The savings in terms of money and man-hours alone will quickly justify the investment you make – especially, when you compare what you spend with the cost of purchasing a commercial software application – or even engaging the services of an Excel VB resource like myself. Click here to request the one-page Acrobat PDF coaching outline for the Excel VB Programming learning event. It contains full details of all that you will learn.


The two learning events described can be delivered one-on-one or to a group of up to 10 -15 people at once, so long as all the needed resources(PCs etc) are available for each attendee. If you need more information or have any queries, fill/submit this form.

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