Category Archives: Excel-VB Solutions

Creating Demand for Custom Automated Spreadsheet Software Solutions in Nigeria/Africa (True Story by Tayo K. Solagbade)

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Download this PDF ebook to read the true story of how I literally single-handedly created a market for my Excel-Visual Basic solutions development service in Nigeria/Africa.

Since 2004, I’ve helped individuals and businesses in Nigeria/Africa (in recent years Asia/America as well) get MORE productivity boosting value out of the Microsoft Excel® on their PCs, at a fraction of what it would cost them if they purchased an off-the-shelf software application.

When I began, NO MARKET existed for solutions of the kind I now sell so readily today. I’ve had to single handedly build demand for them using creativity and persisistence, over the past decade…

My Story: From early 2002 until mid 2004, I continuously marketed my Excel VB Spreadsheet Solutions Development Services to individuals and organisations.

I kept doing this even as I pursued other income generation opportunities.

Despite all the effort I put into creating different flyers, sending our letters, creating case studies to demonstrate the potential benefit of spreadsheet automation, I never got more than one or two invitations for discussion after which I was never called back!

It was in late 2004 – more than two(2) years later that I first found a client willing to consider – and PAY for! – this service.

This gentleman engaged me to build a menu-driven e-version of a 314 page paper-based Department of Petroleum Resources document(Environmental Guidelines And Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria – EGASPIN), for a client company in the Oil & Gas Industry.

I had previously built a website for his company, during which time I had told him about my Excel VB Solutions Development Services.

He would later offer me the DPR project, and even though it wasn’t my idea of how ExcelVB could be best applied, I felt it was at least a start.

Since then, I’ve developed other applications to demonstrate the various uses to which Excel VB solutions can be applied if off-the-shelf commercial software are not flexible enough or are too expensive for their purchase to be justified.

My first breed of applications were not meant for direct sale.

Instead I used them to show prospects (via demonstration) what could be done for them, should they have a need to get more out of Excel.

But since those early years, I have used feed back from various clients to develop a range of time tested apps that I now sell, with on-demand customization to clients in various markets.

Some of my passive income generating custom Excel-VB apps include my Payslip Generator, Ration Formulator and more recently, my Poultry Farm Manager.

You may be wondering how convinced that first Excel VB client was, that I could deliver what he wanted?

Well, if you go by the fact that he paid N100,000(One Hundred Thousand Naira) 100% up front(I can supply FULL evidence to back up this claim), I guess one could say he was quite convinced that it would be worth it.

And I did not disappoint.

That project was completed within ten (10) days, because I got him to specify exactly what he wanted up front. That way I was able to progress without having “scope” changes introduced by him subsequently based on after-thoughts etc.

Today, I have his completed/signed copy of my Job Completion/Feedback Form (which I would be willing to make available to any interested persons to see) indicating that what he got was indeed to his satisfaction.

Not long after I finished that first project, I visited Ghana, to explore opportunities for business partnerships/collaboration, but was unable to make much headway from meetings I had, during my 2 week stay.

Upon returning(mid-July 2005) from thao Ghana, I started a spreadsheet automation project for a restaurant and bar operation in Lagos.

Basically, the owner realised the business had grown too big for paper-based recording and analysis of daily sales and expenses to be adequate for performance monitoring and measurement.

Also, whilst trying to source funding to expand the business, from his bankers, he found they wanted certain detailed historical records of the operations over a period, which were not exactly obtainable in an easily retrievable format in the paper based records.

I successfully completed that project, and later created demos to promote my work to other clients, based on it. As the years passed, I won more complex projects that challenged me to take my work to the next level.

At a point, I realized I had to find ways to add to what I knew, so as to deliver more robust solutions. Eventually, following weeks of research online, apart from useful websites and discussions I learnt from, I purchased the excellent book titled “Professional Excel Development”.

It came with a CD containing very useful workbook examples based on the book’s contents. And they all had their Visual Basic modules accessible.

In no time, I began using what I learnt to build a superior breed of applications. And that has enabled me deliver better value to buyers of my apps, for much greater remuneration.

Over The Years, I’ve Had to Deal With Doubting Thomases of All Kinds

From people in developed societies and even amongst my own countrymen, a seeming stereotype has periodically surfaced in the feedback I’ve gotten.

After browsing through my Excel Heaven website, watching demo videos and downloading sample apps I offered…

1. A Singaporean gentleman (also an ExcelVB developert) wrote me from saying the degree of sophistication of my apps made him doubt that I could be based in Nigeria, as stated on the contact page.

It took calling him from my mobile phone, to convince him it was true. We’ve been online friends since 2007, and even shared ideas on client projects we’ve had to handle over the years.

2. A Pakistani inquirer challenged me to chat with him on Skype, if I was sure my Poulry Farm Manager app existed.

Within 10 minutes of responding to his questions, including posting some screenshots, he post: “Wow. It is good to see something like this coming out of Africa”.

I found that quite amusing.

3. A Nigerian business owner wanted to know if I did my coding myself, or whether I just (like so many do) represent a foreign software development firm, who do all the work, based on specs I send them, and send me the finished apps.

I told him how I began building spreadsheet software using self taught skills from back when I was a trainee brewer in Guinness.

I did it in my spare time. It was not my job. But over time my apps got adopted for formal brewery level reporting, and I enjoyed company wide recognition and rapid career advancement for my efforts.

It is instructive to note here, that I began buiding spreadsheet apps by writing macro programs in Lotus 1-2-3 in 1995, as a Graduate Management Trainee in Guinness.

I only began using MS Excel VB when the company moved from Lotus Smartsuite to MS Office. So, I have been doing this for quite a while – 2 decades to be specific. Hopefully that explains how I am able to turn the quality of apps people see, and use, all by myself.

I work with no one. No partners. I work alone writing my code, designing my spreadsheet and graphic user interfaces to meet clients needs and specifications.

Customizable Excel-VB Driven Poultry Layer Farm Manager Software (Video Demonstration)

Watch screen shot demonstration video of the Excel-Visual Basic Driven Poultry Farm Manager I build from scratch, or customize/scale down to suit the needs of different farm business sizes.

It allows users make daily entries of farm production/operating data.

Click here to watch on Youtube

And it instantly generates Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), like Mortality Rates, Feeding rate, Feed to egg conversion ratios, Hen Day Production Percentage (HDP) %, and other parameters.

VIDEO 1: Tayo Solagbade demonstrates how to use the newly introduced “Extra Ingred!” button on the main floating data entry form of his popular Excel VB driven Ration Formulator

Clicking it loads a smaller drop menu driven data entry form that can be used to add up to 7 extra feed ingredients to a ration.

You are now able to formulate rations with 19 ingredients instead of 12 as used to be the case.

All past buyers get it free. Just get in touch via tayo at tksola dot com

Click here to watch on Youtube

Many People Don’t Know Excel’s Amazing Capabilities

It was challenging going through the repeat rejections from those I approached with this service for 2 years. But not once was I discouraged. For one thing I knew what I was offering had enabled me achieve phenomenal success as a process manager – over a 7 year period – in the fast-pace corporate multinational I worked in.

I had repeatedly developed – in my spare time, and with no formal IT training – custom spreadsheets that dramatically boosted workplace productivity. It was because I had seen how useful my applications had been to such a large organisation, that I was convinced other organisations would make similar huge savings by adopting custom spreadsheet solutions.

I KNEW the response was poor due to the fact that those I spoke to, did not really understand what I was telling them I could do

Back in Guinness, it started like that, until I developed applications that helped individuals finish weekly/monthly reports in a fraction of the time it used to take them – and with more accuracy and reliability. In no time at all, four of my applications were adopted for brewery level reporting. When I entered into business, I knew I only had to continue showing prospects what could be done till someone developed enough interest.

I also tried approaching many IT Training organisations that I noticed offered training in Excel(especially advanced Excel).

But I found repeatedly to my surprise that either the person in charge of the Training had never heard of Excel VB, or s/he believed there could be no value to be had from teaching employees how to automate Excel using VBA, so they could develop in-house solutions cheaply(th way I did as an employee).

In most cases, these IT training persons insisted that developing executable applications using the standalone Visual Basic programming language, and other more conventional coding languages was “better”.

A Microsoft Certified Expert Explains Why Excel-VB is a Smarter Way to Achieve Rapid Custom Solutions Development

What they failed to realise was the truth stated by a Microsoft Certified Professional, Pierre Leclerc, who runs a widely recognised and successful Excel Spreadsheet automation business (

“Let’s say that VB is for programmers and VBA is for users (or developers). Personally, I took hundreds of hours of training in VB but I do all my work in VBA (Excel and Access). You don’t need to learn VB to be good at VBA. I adopted VBA because most of the functions I need to organize and analyse data are pre-programmed in Excel and Access. It costs a lot less to develop financial and management applications in Excel and Access than to re-invent the wheel and do everything in VB.”

By the way, if you’re still wondering what the difference is between Excel VBA and Visual Basic, click here for an explanation.


Everything You Want for Your Business Success…and MUCH MORE!

UPDATE: Good news. Apart from 65%discount on ALL my products/services, every member of my InnerCircle now gets ONE of my products of his/her choice FREE(e.g my Poultry Farm Manages, Ration Formulator, Payslip Generator etc). Read the updated offer pdf click here and let me know which product you want. Tayo K. Solagbade

Watch a Clinical Audiologist client I have served since 2007, speak about me in an impromptu video below, or on Youtube at:

“Join MY Inner Circle at for $160 USD per year and Get custom Farm Business Software, Business Plans, Information Products, Freelance Writing,  plus Web Marketing, & Software Development Services – ALL at 65% off for LIFE! ” – Tayo K. Solagbade

NB: Those who pay $200 will get lifetime membership. Such persons won’t need to renew their membership annually and they still get 65% Discount Off EVERYTHING I offer for Life!

Every Inner Circle member gets a PERSONAL login username and password access to benefits.

I recorded this video in his office (on 8th Dec. 2014) and DELIBERATELY left it unedited, as you’ll hear us…

Below: Verbatim text transcript of video testimonial by Mr. Simeon Afolabi, Clinical Audiologist, BSA Hearing & Speech Centre, Lagos/Abuja – Nigeria


(Tayo Solagbade’s voice in Yoruba) “E duro, e duro. Oya” (i.e Yoruba for “Wait, wait. Okay”)

“Mr. (Tayo) Solagbade is a very industrious person. Very very committed to his work. He’s always full of ideas and solutions to problems, and for me, he is somebody that can give some great ideas to a business person that is facing some difficulties in any field you may think you are.

I’m in a clinical setting and he has been offering some great solutions to problems we face everyday. I listen to his relations with many of his clients. Some are into Agricultural sector, some are into legal sector, and he has been helping them to improve their practice, and to do better business.

He has a very good customer relationship. He knows how to relate with people, how to talk with people, how to flow with people.

And he’s somebody that when you enter into conversation with him, you ke(ep) on talking without having to end it. (Tayo’s slight laughter in background). He’s good. Good (laughs).”


Click here to give me a date/time you want to call me about joining my Inner Circle.

PDF membership certificates will be issued to members.

Quarterly ($40 USD) & 6 Monthly ($80 USD) memberships available, but 50% off, not 65%.

You can pay:

a. in cash or b. by purchasing paperback books from my online store equivalent to $160 USD.

Examples of What You Get at 65% Off…

PDF - Click to download - Join MY Inner Circle for $160 USD per year and Get custom Farm Business Software, Business Plans, Information Products, Freelance Writing, plus Web Marketing, Software Development Services – ALL at 65% off for LIFE

Click here to continue reading


Click here to give me a date/time you want to call me about joining my Inner Circle.


Barter Your Digital Products to Make More Money (True Story)

This UAE based buyer’s 24 hour old email provides a perfect ending for MY fairy tale run in 2014:

From: Nelson Jr. s
Date: 30 Dec 2014 15:43

Dear Tayo,

First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family…‬

‬Hope I was not too late for your year end promo, as I was fully engaged with my work as I’m planning to take vacation to Philippines by next week. :)‬

‬‪I’ve read your email and can’t resist the offer. As such, please find attached the receipt of the items I purchased from as mentioned in your email below.‬

‬Hope to receive your Ration Formulator along with your freebies at the earliest so I can start familiarizing myself with the program while I’m on vacation. This will be of great help in expending my piggery business.‬

Once again, Happy new year!!!‬

Many Thanks!!!‬

‬‪Best Regards,‬

This is the email he sent me width=

If you’re curious about details of the promo offer I made him, here it is below…

To: Nelson Jr. s
Date: 18 Dec 2014 15:29

Hi Nelson,

Like I said, I wanted to find out if you’d be taking up any of my year end promo offers.

But I realized that since you are into hog farming, the offer of my Poultry Farm Manager may not be so useful to you.

So, instead I’ve come up with something different for you as follows:

If you can purchase the following paperback books from my online store and have them shipped to my brother in law’s address below:

Segun Ogunlana

United KingdomIf you take up this offer, you get to pay only N10,192.8, instead of N12,500.Once the books are received in London, I will send you a FREE copy of my Ration Formulator fully personalized for you, along with FREE copies of my 4 part Ebook series on Best Practice Farm Business Management (see, I will send you a FREE PDF copy of an Agribusiness research paper I was paid 2,500 Euros to write, by a Holland based NGO last December (2013). It was about the rate of adoption/use of my Ration Formulator, by Farm CEOs.The items I need you to purchase and ship to my brother in law’s in London are:A. My new Speaking IDEAS book (paperback version NOT Ebook)

Price is $12 USD

See it on sale at:

Number of copies to buy: 1 copy

B. My new Kukuru Danger book (paperback version NOT Ebook)

Number of copies to buy: 3 copies

C. The SHIPPING/HANDLING fee for delivery of the books…

From checking at my end using the shopping cart with the intended shipping address inputted, it will be about $13 USD (The actual value shown in the checkout interface was under $13 USD)

In summary, I have worked out the total amount that A, B and C above will come to, as follows:

A. 1 copy @ $12 USD  = $12 USD

B. 3 copies @ $9.60 USD each = $ 28.8 USD

C. Shipping and handling  = $14 USD (worst case estimate)

Likely total cost will be  $54.8 USD on the whole.

I have converted that into Nigerian Naira using an exchange rate of N186 to $1 USD (which is to your advantage, because it is currently at about N185 or less to a dollar)

That brings the $54.8 USD to N10,192.8, which is LESS than the N12,500.0 price for the Ration Formulator.

So, you get to save N2,307 (18%), and also get my other bonus gifts.

Plus, this removes the problem of sending money to me to pay for the software!

If you’re interested in taking this offer up, do let me know.
In your service,

PS: In case you’re curious, I’ve put excerpts below from the offer I made to other Farm CEOs with Poultry ventures…


I offer to help you develop and implement a Web Marketing System to cost-effectively boost your company’s branding/marketing efforts…

You probably read the preview in Monday’s newsletter.

Click the link below to read the full story about the Nigerian Farm CEO who attracted bulk buyers at zero cost to his farm in South West Nigeria, using a simple online strategy…

This is the invoice he sent me width=

Wouldn’t it be great if you could use the above strategy to boost local and international sales of your products and services?

Think about it carefully, and you’ll see that I end up literally eating my cake and having it by operating this way.

It might also interest you to know that Nelson had earlier (on 1st Dec 2014) purchased my PDF feed formulation handbook, for $82 US Dollars from the same online store at

In otherwords, this was his second purchase in 4 weeks, which you will agree indicates he was satisfied with what he got the first time!

On Monday 5th January 2015, in the first issue of my weekly newsletter for the new year, I will explain in detail, why every business owner that adopts this strategy that I used with Nelson, will end up making more money and profits in the long run.

Here’s wishing you happy holidays and a prosperous 2015!

Stay tuned!

To Achieve Business Success, You Need More Than Credentials and Expertise (Hint: Lots of Unspoken Rules Exist for You to Master)

"(The Church Records & Accounts Manager has) really helped me in the preparation of my monthly Accounts..(Tayo Solagbade’s Excel-VB service is okay. He is always on ground whenever you call him and solution to problem is (provided) without delay or alteration of data"- Finance & Admin Manager, Anglican Church Of The Ascension, Opebi, Lagos."

The above handwritten testimonial (received in 2008) is one of a number I got from users of custom MS Excel-Visual basic driven apps I built, back when I still used to give out my specially designed client feedback forms.

I have since dispensed with the use of those forms, and no longer request testimonials from clients, as I resolved, to do less development work, and focus more on promoting custom Excel-VB apps I build for sale.

Most people, the uninitiated especially would have considered my decision to stop requesting testimonials an unwise move…

Especially since I was doing something very unpopular, and basically having to create my own market, where none previously existed.

The results I have since gotten however point clearly to the fact that I was right. It’s been a long journey to get where I today, at the level of mainly passive income earning success. A lot of persistence, and courage, had to be applied, diligently, over the past decade, starting from a very humble beginning.

When I say "humble" beginning, I mean that in every sense of the word. Like I have noted in several of my past articles, in 2002, I quit my high paying, promising career as a high flying manager in Guinness to pursue a long standing dream of owning my own business.

However, like many others before me, I soon discovered that success in business, especially in my part of the world (Nigeria/Africa), required a lot more than credentials and hands-on competence/expertise at what you do…

You also have to understand a lot of the unspoken rules (e.g. about spending on sales/marketing in micro, small or medium business), how to deal with mind game playing counterparts you will encounter, and various forms of intrigue!

Quite often, mastery of these aspects have to be picked up from the streets as you go along. No formal learning institution can teach you the ropes in this regards. You simply have to undergo the experience to acquire critical street wisdom that will help you compete effectively!

That was what I did, and it was VERY painful, but I knew it would be worthwhile, so I gritted my teeth and endured.

One of the most important lessons I learnt was the need to drastically cut down ALL spending, and to be VERY slow to commit funds to expenditures. But I learnt it a little too late, at a point when I had exhausted the funds I left Guinness with.

In the long run however, that experience provided me the incentive or stimulus I needed to uncover the valuable lessons I needed to learn.

Over time I found out the hard way, struggling with no funds, to market and promote the solutions I offered to my target audience, that I could successfully get A LOT done without having to spend much …sometimes without spending ANYTHING monetary.

As you can imagine, that was a discovery that excited me greatly, and I explored it with great zeal subsequently. Today, I use all that I’ve learnt to repeatedly and consistently attract and sell to paying clients/customers at low to zero cost. Plus, I help my clients – those who diligently put what I do for them to use – do the same.

Some have complimented me on my seemingly uncanny creativity, which enables me continually come up with practical solutions to challenges they need to overcome. I always reply by saying that I honed my skills in this regard during the periods of extreme and prolonged financial hardships I passed through. During those times I learned to dig deep, and THINK all the time of how to get what I wanted without paying money …since I often had NO MONEY.

After coming into better times, I have remained committed to using the same principle, because it enables me reap fatter profit margins from what I do, than if I chose to spend more.

In other words, even though I can afford to spend more to get more, what I continue to do is actively challenge myself to explore even more ways to spend less and less, and less, to earn more and more and more.

Guess what? I AM succeeding in doing so!

Plus, I want to help others do the same. It does not matter what field, or vocation you’re in. Neither does it matter how much you make currently. I also do not need to know the technicalities of what you do.

What matters is that you be convinced and willing to diligently apply the solution once it’s setup for you.

If you want me to help you, click here to let me know.

I’ll end this piece by repeating something I first said in an article titled "There Is Nothing Wrong With A Humble Beginning: Achieve YOUR Success With Honour & Integrity"…

For those who may feel that the "tone" of this article suggests I am trying to show off or blow my trumpet (i.e. I am not being humble…or not humble "enough"), I will say that my attitude has always been that it does NOT do me or anyone else any good to keep useful information in my possession away from those who may benefit from using it simply because I want to avoid being perceived to be "UN-HUMBLE"!

Frequently Asked Questions About My Spreadsheet Solutions Development

Who I Am/What I Do?

I work with individuals and organisations to cost-effectively leverage Microsoft Excel for their business data management/decision making, so they can do what they do with less effort, at less cost, in less time and using less resources. This boosts their productivity, and helps them retain more of their revenue as profits.

Who I Serve?

Owners of Small Businesses – Restaurants/Bars, Hotels, Hospitals, Factories, Consultants etc; Decision Makers/Job Holders in Corporations – Materials Managers, Sales/Marketing Analysts, Financial Analysts/Accountants, Project Engineers; And Anyone desiring to make BETTER sense – and use – of data!

What I Can Do for You?

1. Automation – I develop Excel VB driven spreadsheet software – with friendly Graphical User Interfaces(click here to view a custom data entry form and intuitive user interface in one of my apps) – to make your data handling, analysis and report generation less difficult/time consuming and at the same time more accurate and useful.

2. Optimisation – I review existing workbooks for improvements and with the client’s agreement incorporate modifications/additions using appropriate advanced Excel functions and Excel VB programming where necessary.

3. Coaching – I offer Power User™ Experiential Coaching and User Support services in Excel (and Excel VB Programming).

How I Work?

a). Online – You can send me your data and the report layout you use(or that you want) and I will develop an application that will generate the report(s) you want.

b). On-Site – You can bring me in to work with you/study your work processes and develop the most suitable application that will help you achieve your purpose (terms apply).

c). I Empower You – While working on your project, I will gladly share my expertise with you – or any member(s) of your team. This way, you end up with in-house expertise to maintain the application I develop after I am gone. I build my applications for the "future" by working with clients to anticipate changes they expect to occur in their work over time, and incorporate interfaces that allow users make adjustments.

Why I Work This Way?

Because I want my clients to see that their interests will ALWAYS be protected, and their needs always MET. This way they know that they have gotten a worthwhile bargain – and will be more likely to (a). Engage me again and/or (b). Tell others about me.

Why MS Excel ?

Because MS Excel is already on your PC. It therefore becomes much easier and CHEAPER to train your people to use the applications I develop(complete with PDF or browser based user guides containing screenshots and detailed notes) than if they had to learn to use an off-the-shelf commercial application.

Why You Need Me?

I am not a programmer. Like you, I am a user – only I have developed my skills in Excel Visual Basic programming combined with extensive knowledge of many time/cost-saving advanced functions of MS Excel.

As a result, I am able to develop professional quality Excel Software that help YOU achieve levels of productivity that you would normally have imagined IMPOSSIBLE. I am driven by a vision to make my Excel software boost clients’ productivity, by solving their data handling/report generation problems so quickly and effortlessly, that they feel like they’re in "heaven"!

NB: I don’t need to be an expert in your field to help you.

And that’s because I have you. You will tell me what you do, how you do it, and what you WANT TO DO with Excel to make life easier for you,and those you work with. I will then use my knowledge, skills and experience, in conjunction with guidance to develop a 100% custom, automated spreadsheet application that meets your needs. A conventional programmer willing to do the foregoing, would be hard to find/pay.

Contact Me

Fill/submit this contact form to tell me what you want me to do for you.


You can learn more about me here.

Get Started: Click Here To Send Me Your Spreadsheet Solutions Development Request

Sell my Spreadsheet Software and Keep the Money

Today, I live my dream – earning passive income via multiple channels selling my digital products and services…especially my custom Excel-Visual Basic software. In this article, I point out the fact that you can sell spreadsheet software you get from me, and keep the money

It has been gratifying to have growing numbers of my target audience responding to my offers. As this year (2014) draws to a close, I’ve been making special promotional offers of a combination of my custom Excel software and Web Marketing solutions.

Specifically, I’ve been offering my Poultry Farm Manager at a zero cost to persons who choose to sign up for my Xmas promotional Web Marketing System Development offer.

Starting from January 2015, some of my products and services will feature new prices and terms/conditions for purchase.

However, I am keen to make it easier for more people to take up the solutions I offer – especially my custom Excel Software.

My conversations with many Farm CEO clients and subscribers to my newsletter mailing list, made me realize the need to give them as many options as possible to choose from.

That’s why I’ve revived a series of options I first began using back in 2004, but which I later put aside due to non-interest from clients who hired me.

Back then I still worked on site and face to face with clients. Today, I no longer do that.

Below, I highlight key benefits intending buyers can reap, if they choose to purchase my custom Excel-VB solutions

Since 1st April 2013, I have focussed on developing apps for sale, rather than take on custom development projects. This change of strategy has enabled me rapidly build a library of Excel-VB apps and information products, that I now actively promote to my target audience.

I intend to continue that way, and will only accept custom application development projects that offer remuneration I consider worthy of my investment of time and effort.

For persons who choose to buy my apps or hire me to build apps for them, you can explore one or more of the following options

1. You Can Make Money By Reselling Them

You can RESELL any application I build for you, to others.

Yes. All we have to do is formally discuss and agree what you want to do, and who your target audience are. Then I’ll build and/or customize the relevant app for you, and brand it 100% in your (or your company’s) name.

If you wish, I would also help you setup a marketing plan to promote the product to those you want to buy it.

You keep ALL the money you make. I would have NO say in it.

2. You Do Not Need to be PC Literate to Use my XL Apps

This is one of the key features of the solutions I offer. I’ve had to work with users who had minimal (sometines NO) PC or Excel familiarity. In order to ensure they could make use of the apps independent of me, I had to develop my own unique Graphic User Interfaces, that are intuitive and automated.

It took me thousands of hours of trial and error and countless sleepless nights to get it right, but eventually I did.

Today, the floating modeless, dynamic menu driven data entry and report generation custom forms are my trademark. I use them to present the user friendly login interfaces and navigation menus. In some of my more sophisticated applications, the user can carry out virtually all key tasks on the floating form without have to interact directly with the Excel spreadsheet.

The foregoing is what makes it possible for novices to use my Excel software. They need not know Excel. Within 30 minutes most users can be taught to use my apps, and over time become capable of independent operation.

This is why I tell clients that: if you can use a mobile phone, then you can use my applications.

3. You are Unlikely to Need to Replace Them for YEARS

I work with clients to think ahead, and try to anticipate likely need(s) that would necessitate modifications in the application. Then I build in user-friendly interfaces that allow the user modify the program’s behaviour to accommodate the identified need(s).

The experiences I gained from developing applications for clients use in various industries, since 2004, have served me well in building the apps I now offer for sale. As a result, buyers are attracted to the solutions I offer because they are often comprehensive and based on tested models.

4. You DO NOT Have to Pay me CASH!

In making your payment, rather than send me money, you can, for instance, purchase – and ship to me (or yourself) – copies of my paperback books from my online store, equivalent in value to the invoiced amount, plus shipping and handling.

The idea is that you need not pay the full fee 100% in cash or with money.

Up to 50% of the price of any product or service I offer can be paid for in this manner. Indeed, I welcome suggestions or proposals from intending buyers on alternative ways to make payment for up to 50% of the fee.

Want to know more or get started? Click here to send me a message.

Achieve Greater Success Using Spreadsheet Automation (Special Service Offer)

As a Data Analyst, Report Designer and Custom Spreadsheet Solutions Developer, I work with clients to develop solutions to boost their productivty. Are you a business user of MS Excel? Would you like to get more of your spreadsheet work done with less effort, in less time, and without loss of accuracy? If YES, consider my 2 step offer below (terms apply).


1. Do you have a workbook that has to be updated regularly with additional data (and/or formulas/functions) such that it gets bigger in size and complexity?

2. Is the workbook becoming slow in opening and during usage – to the extent that your productivity is being negatively affected?

3. Have you had instances when you had difficulty locating data in the workbook due to its large size or complexity?

4. Do you find that only you(or a few others) can competently use the workbook to generate needed reports for your business or company – due to its complexity and the fact that not many employees have the required advanced Excel skills?

5. Would you like to be in a position where most of the routine tasks you currently do in your important workbooks could be reduced to a few mouse clicks, and done via a user friendly Graphic Interface?

6. Would you like to be able to get all your Excel workbook related tasks done in less than half of the time it currently takes you to do them?

7. Would you like a secure multi-user login username and password interface incorporated in your workbook to protect confidential data in it from prying eyes?

8. Are there other output you would like the workbook to generate for your business performance evaluation/decision making, but which you lack skills to build into it?


If you said "Yes" to even ONE of the above questions, then I urge you to:

a. Click HERE to fill and submit this form NOW(terms apply) and AFTER that..

b.Email me your Excel workbook (replace sensitive data with dummy figures – but ones which will help make sense of formula output PLEASE) to me – via tayo at tksola dot com with the following essential information:

1. Details of what you use your workbook for – For instance data recording, analysis and report generation for business performance evaluation and/or decision making. Where possible please email along with the workbook, samples of reports you normally use the workbook’s data/output to prepare.

2. Specific tasks you carry out in the workbook, that you would like to have automated(if possible) or features/formulas you want re-built to enhance its efficient usage.

3. A clear statement of specific things you expect the demo EXE version of the workbook I send back to you WILL be able to do, that will convince YOU that I have delivered to YOUR satisfaction. This will help me know where to stop, and also guide me to match your expectations.

4. The version of MS Excel you use and with which you created the Excel Workbook you will be sending in for automation.


You can contact me if you have need for clarification on the procedure outlined on this page – or if you would prefer to have a different arrangement setup for your organisation.

For instance you could decide you want me to develop an automated workbook from scratch to eliminate some manual data management and report generation process(es) in your workplace or business. I would be glad to help. Click here to let me know.


a). It is extremely important to ensure you send in your request with responses covering the areas I have specified above(1 to 4) – else I may be unable to start work on your project.

If you do not get a reply e-mail from me, confirming that I will be starting on your project, PLEASE prepare your request again, addressing all 4 areas, then return to this site to re-send it using the Automation Request Form..

b). I strongly recommend that you watch videos of some of my real life applications (e.g these 15 user guide videos of my Poultry Farm Manager) to get a feel for what can be done for you. You could subsequently simply refer to any features in that application when making your own request for automation.

c). My experience so far in spreadsheet programming spanning over the past 2 decades (from before 2002, when I built spreadsheet apps adopted for formal reporting in Guinness – read my resume – click), convinces me that with Excel VB and the Advanced Functions available in Excel, what can be achieved in terms of automation is only limited by what the user thinks is possible.

So, I urge you not to hold back from asking for that extra functionality you would love to have in your workbook!

No. 172: How a Poultry Farm CEO Attracted Bulk Buyers at Zero Cost (True Story) – Includes details of how to get a FREE copy of my Monthly Poultry Farm Manager software (N75k value)

This is an End-Of-year Offer issue of my WEB MARKETING FOR CEOS TIPS NEWSLETTER – open to Non-Members.

INSIDE:  Learn how to get a FREE copy of my Monthly Poultry Farm Manager software (N75k value). Watch 15 user guide videos for it at


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 15th December 2014


Title: How a Poultry Farm CEO Attracted Bulk Buyers at Zero Cost (True Story) – Includes details of how to get a FREE copy of my Monthly Poultry Farm Manager software (N75k value)

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

Is this email not displaying correctly?

View it in your browser.[Click to view Archives]

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS newsletter is published online on the “reincarnated” version of my Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog. I continue to put finishing touches to the content. If you encounter ANY bad/dead links, and you can spare the time, email them to me via tayo at tksola dot com. Thanks in advance :-)

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 172: How a Poultry Farm CEO Attracted Bulk Buyers at Zero Cost (True Story) – Includes details of how to get a FREE copy of my Monthly Poultry Farm Manager software (N75k value)

This is an End-Of-year Offer issue of my WEB MARKETING FOR CEOS TIPS NEWSLETTER – open to Non-Members.

INSIDE:  Learn how to get a FREE copy of my Monthly Poultry Farm Manager software (N75k value). Watch 15 user guide videos for it at

Here’s a brief preview excerpt from the 3 page PDF newsletter. Click the link at the bottom to read the full version:

Dear WM4CEOs Club Member,

As the year end approaches, it’s likely you will have begun taking stock of your business fortunes. How successful were you at making sales, and saving money, time and effort to make such sales?

If you did well, the truth is you can always do better.

Would you like to use less time, effort and money to make more profits? If YES, the solution I offer below CAN help. That’s what it delivers for me, and for my clients who use it right.

This solution is one I have implemented for years, for CEOs in various markets – health, fitness, real estate, consulting, hospitality, entertainment etc.

In this PDF newsletter, I use the case study of a smart thinking Farm Business owner to demonstrate that ANY business model can successfully make use of this unique cost-saving solution.

1. Zero Cost Strategy for attracting Bulk Buyers

View the sales message posted by a Nigerian Poultry Farm owner on a popular FREE forum at:

http://www.<url removed>bulk-supply-chicken-egg-affordable

(Fill the form below, and the full link to his forum post will be emailed to you)

The date he posted his offer was Feb. 23, 2012 – Over 2 years ago, and he wrote as follows:

Click here to request the full FREE PDF and continue reading…

Click here to request the full FREE PDF and continue reading...


Learn about Burt Dubin’s speaker mentoring products (books, audios etc) below…

If you need help purchasing ANY of Burt’s products (like “Presentation Magic”), call me on +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic, my base) or +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)  or email

Have a great week :-))



“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”

In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.

Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt's Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:


Self-Development/Parenting [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:


Want me to write for you? Click here to send me a message - Invite me to here!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to

Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organisations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting,

freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organisations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods

and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, and then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy Limited.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes his Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS

newsletter(which he uses to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

Showmanship Strategems

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Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

more information

Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

You hear performance strategies you can emulate. You shorten your learning curve. You see ways to engage and delight audiences with both content and stories . . . plus you experience a bit of fun.

With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information


Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read


NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)


Download above PDF


NEW: Get 2 Real Life Poultry Layer Farm Start-up Business Plans (PLUS Customization)!

Screenshot of the 1,000 bird Poultry Layer Farm Business Plan I prepared and sent to a new client in Nigeria - click to read the article I wrote on it.

Download above PDF


New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Farm Management (& Performance Measurement) for Profits – No. 1 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


New Ebook (57 pages): Farm Business Start-up (Information, Education & Inspiration) – No. 2 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Livestock Farm Business Feed Formulation – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


New Ebook (58 pages): Best Practice Farm Business Marketing – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Download above PDF


NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

Download above PDF

Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

Download above PDF



Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Learn more here


NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

Click here to learn more

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

Download above PDF

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

Download above PDF

NEW: Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success

Tayo Solagbade's Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success (Verbatim Text Transcript of Introductory Video)


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 


[Hope for Nikel] Let’s help Nikel Lakise (Patrick Meninga’s Friend) to Beat Leukemia

Most regular readers know that Patrick Meninga is the popular US based blogging expert whose blogging strategy I adapted (in 2012) to make this blog succeed: and we’ve since become friends. Yesterday, Patrick emailed me this link (, about a care-giver colleague he says he’s worked with for 5 years:

It’s about Nikel Lakise’s story of battling with Leukemia. As soon as I read it, I decided to share it, as one of several ways I plan to play my part in helping her get the help she needs.

The linked page describes several different ways by which anyone can help Nikel – even YOU!

Click here to learn more. Let’s join hands to build a team of Hope for Nikel to beat Leukemia!

What’s The Future Of Spreadsheet Automation?!

I build custom Excel-VB driven software used by a growing number of individuals and businesses within and outside Africa.

Over the past decade in particular, I have successfully tailored the solutions I offer to SUIT the local environment we have, in my part of the world (Africa). And I did it in a way that appeals to many results-focussed business users who are enthusiastic about using Information Technology to IMPROVE the way they work.

It is therefore only natural that such existing clients – and the prospective ones I approach – should wonder about the continuing relevance of the platform I use for developing and maintaining the solutions I provide them.

This matter has become even more important since the first version of Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO)/Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA). The first version has since been improved upon – and continues to get better.

Discussions have raged among active members of the VBA community about how this new resource from Microsoft affects Visual Basic for applications (VBA) and its usefulness to end users.

Here’s my take on the whole matter…

For those who believe the "entry" of VSTO/VSTA" marked the end of VB for Excel, here’s some advice: Don’t count on it.

The debates have continued even as Microsoft continues to roll out newer/richer featured versions of the new platform.

One TRUTH that remains clear to all objective "viewers" is that except it wishes to commit financial suicide, Microsoft will continue to ensure VB for Excel functionality in newer versions of MS Excel it releases.

I can attest to this being true because the Hotel, Restaurant & Bar Manager software I built for a client was developed to run on MS Excel 2007 and higher versions. All I did was to ensure its backward compatibility with lower versions down to MS excel 2000.

The fact remains that many small businesses and departments in large corporations will continue to NEED the kinds of quick/easily developed and deployed solutions that VB for Excel allows.

Of course, with VSTA getting better, more use is likely to be made of it, but I believe it remains critical that POWER still be left in the hands of end users as has been the case with VBA if maximum user benefits are to be derived.

I say this because it is highly inconceivable that corporate IT departments will EVER have time to cater for different departments’ needs – in terms of developing rapid custom software solutions – on the scale that VB for Excel solutions allow.

I first wrote the original article on which this piece is based, back in April 2008 i.e. six years ago.

To arrive at the conclusions I stated in this piece, I tapped into my own experience based insights, and also reviewed discussion threads involving some prominent members of the VBA community.

They included professionals who have built custom Excel-VB driven software used by some of the world’s largest corporations, including Microsoft itself!

Today, in 2014, everything I said remains VERY relevant.

If you’d like to know more, I recommend you Google "Is VSTO/VSTA intended to replace VBA?"