Category Archives: Writing/Blogging

Writing Can be Great Therapy to Deal With Adversity [Hint: FREE Workshop – “25 Avoidable Mistakes No One Will Warn You About In Starting Your OWN Business”]

When facing hard times, READING to educate, inform and inspire yourself to weather the storms of your life WILL help you. However, WRITING about your experiences CAN help you even more – as I explain below.

I say this from over 10 years of personal experience…

For over a decade as an entrepreneur, I have repeatedly overcome prolonged periods of heart breaking struggles in my pursuit of personal achievement and success.

When delays, disappointments, setbacks and failure relentlessly come at you as sometimes happens in life, there is a serious tendency to get overwhelmed.

Even the strongest of us can get demoralized and disillusioned when hard times hit!

Indeed, persons who others normally look upon for inspiration and encouragement, being human themselves, sometimes in their life also end up needing others to do just that for them too.

And if they do not get it, that could mark the onset of a downturn in their fortunes. NOT because they lack the physical ability or strength to recover, but because they are mentally and/or emotionally spent, or defeated.

You may have heard about the principle used by martial arts practitioners about winning a fight without even fighting.

In other words, you can defeat an opponent mentally before you have to engage him/her physically.


Simply by doing things that either make him/her lose self-confidence or interest. Once you can successfully create such an internal state of affairs in the mind of your opponent, his/her ability to focus on the task of winning against you becomes much more difficult.

Generally in warfare or confrontation, the above principle is used successfully by smart warriors or fighters.

Muhammad Ali is one famous example of a fighter who use psychological warfare as a weapon to weaken his opponent before the actual fight took place in the right.

I doubt that I need to give you examples of what that great man did, and how. Most of us readily recall them. He’s a legend today because of how he did it.

We can all learn by reading about people like Muhammad, and how they came back from defeat, and exposure to prolonged periods of adversity. Just like Ali did through those years of being stripped of his title and banned from boxing, to come back and WIN again.

I have done that, and as one writer noted, I discovered that reading does indeed help to “strengthen the mind”.

However, I also discovered that writing about my experiences, especially based on what I read, and the lessons I learnt, had a powerful healing effort on me.

That brings me to the message of this article.

You see, I got to a point in reading a wide range of books that there were gems of insight and experience based wisdom, anecdotes etc, that I wanted to be able to read and re-read those “special sections” without having to flip through each book all over again to find them.

Some of the books included the following…

1. Napoleon Hills’ Think and Grow Rich, and Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

2. How to Win Friends and Influence People – by Dale Carnegie

3.  The Startup Entrepreneur – by James R. Cook

4. How to Succeed in Business by Breaking All The Rules – by Dan Kennedy.

…and several others

Each book at different stage of my life as an entrepreneur, offered me useful inspiration and education that helped me keep going in spite of hardships I encountered.

I found myself using highlight pens – very often – to mark specific sections I wanted to remember…

One day it occurred to me that I could extract those special “blocks of text” from each book and condense them into a separate document for my personal consumption. That way I would be able to come back and reread them as often as I needed to, whenever I felt down.

The idea to do this came to me one day as I reread the final chapter in James Cook’s book in which he admonished to reader, to pick up and read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich ANYTIME s/he felt like giving up. He assured that doing so would help him/her rediscover the sense of purpose, inspiration and passion to keep going – adding that THAT was what he did, that led him to eventual success.

I realized that I had several books in which certain sections really helped me, each time I read them.

So I began typing them into an MS Word document that I names Starting a Business – the theme reflecting the phase I was passing through.

As the weeks progressed, I soon discovered that I was inadvertently adding my personal experiences in my writing, to support the excerpts I was taking from the book.

At a point, it occurred to me that beyond helping myself, I could deliberately continue writing in a way that would enable me help others.

This was because most of the experiences I was having were what I knew others had had in the past, and which many more would still have.

Yet, nothing in the Nigerian marketplace – books especially – really offered any formal guiding philosophy for them to follow.

I felt I could use myself as a guinea pig to fill that gap.

Over a 2 and half month period I continued writing based on the experiences that had made me extract those book excerpts.

Then I would append the excerpts at relevant points in my writing, sharing relevant explanations and insights.

By the time I was done, I have typed almost 80 pages!

I then read through and edited it, till I was satisfied – splitting the contents into chapters, and naming them according to the key lessons I felt each one taught me.

Later on, I rephrased the titles as “mistakes” to be avoided. More and more, I began to see the 80 page document as a book.

One day, after reading through it again and getting the much needed relief, the thought occurred to me that the book was helping me SURVIVE the hardships of my new life as an entrepreneur.

That was when I knew I could help others. If the book did that for me, then it could do the same for others. So, I called it the Entrepreneurs Survival Reference Manual. That basically described how I had been using it.

However, I soon made that the subtitle and instead adopted what I considered a more catchy title: 25 Avoidable Mistakes No One Will Warn You About In Starting Your OWN Business – in Nigeria.

However, my desire to help others made me include an offer on the cover I designed, of a FREE 4 hour workshop, for all buyers of the app.

That FREE Workshop offer remains open to this day – especially with the growing wave of interest in entrepreneurship now happening (click here to request details)

More schools and universities are including some form of entrepreneurship education/training in their formal curricula.

We are seeing more and more Centers of Entrepreneurship Development springing up.

I however believe most of them need to get REAL life authentic entrepreneurs to come in as external facilitators (at the least).

This will give their students an accurate impression of what awaits them in the real world, when they “graduate” – and HOW to survive, until they can flourish and excel.

Right now, it appears not much of that is happening.

Maybe they are having a hard time finding authentically successful entrepreneurs who are willing, or available.

By way of this article I announce that I am willing and available to play such a role with interested organizations (terms apply).

As for other entrepreneurs who may struggle to do same, I recommend you consider using the approach of writing as a form of self-therapy, that I’ve described here.

It will help you “create” a formal body of original material you can use to offer YOUR own experience based information, education and inspiration to aspiring others!

25 Avoidable Mistakes No One Will Warn You About In Starting Your OWN Business – in Nigeria.

Proven Blogging Strategy That Works for Anyone Who Works it Correctly (Hint: How I’m Succeeding With My Blog Using Lessons I Learnt About Blogging from Patrick Meninga’s Interview With Yaro Starak)

Last year, I published a post titled “10 Valuable Lessons I Learnt About Blogging for Passive Income, from Yaro Starak’s 60 Minute Podcast Interview with Patrick Meninga (click to read).

Cover - 21 Valuable Lessons I Learnt About Blogging for Passive Income, from  Yaro Starak’s 60 Minute Podcast Interview with Patrick Meninga

By diligently applying those lessons on this blog, I’ve been recording a lot of success which I’ve described in several past articles.

Not only has my name recognition/authority status continue to grow, I have also been earning higher quality sales leads/paying clients for my range of products and services.

Without the insights I gained from studying Patrick’s methods (which includes reading MANY of his blog posts), I would not have progressed as rapidly as I have.

Like I wrote in a recent article, I was able to quickly recover from the loss of my 9 year old domain loss, by continuing with his recommended strategies of daily passion based purpose driven blogging.

However, what really has made me feel most fulfilled is that I now have a rapidly growing body of work that enables me quickly create new products I now sell.

For instance, in the last 3 months or so, I have launched several new books (in both digital and print format) based on 3 of my blog categories: Parenting, Public Speaking, Farm Business (this one being a 4 part series).

To keep easy track of them, I’ve setup a page (see here) on which I list my available products and to which I add any new ones as they become ready.

You see as I kept writing my daily posts on each blog category, over the months, it occurred to me that I could compile the top performing posts per category into an Information Product or book for sale.

I’d actually done that with 25 of my articles back in 2006. My first 25 Articles PDF e-book (titled 25 Articles/True Stories On Self-Development, Entrepreneuring & Web Marketing To Help You Succeed More Often) that resulted has been on sale in my online store at since then.

So, I already knew the idea worked. All I needed to do was review and choose from hundreds of articles in my archives!

Patrick’s recommendation to write as many articles as possible every day, was what inspired me to go all out and write so many MORE articles (especially since I knew it was possible from his achievements).

Today, I’ve gotten so used to it that my work rate has shot even further up. I am able to turn out my write-ups at more than twice the rate I used to.

This has made me more effective in delivering to meet the stated needs of my clients, and I’m getting repeat jobs from them as a result.

You see, doing what Patrick recommended made me DIG deep into myself to unearth/recall long forgotten yet highly valuable experiences and insights I’d gained over the years.

I went about my blogging with the deliberate intention of delivering real value to my readers, as he’d advised. I continue to do that even now.

As a result, I’ve ended up, for instance, writing the full story of my troubled teenage years in form of several LONG articles, which now make up my new book on Best Practice Parenting: Kukuru Danger: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – and Misadventures! – of a School Age Child, Trying to Find Purpose in Life.

It’s a book I’d always wanted to write, but never knew how to start.

When I began writing daily however, I was able to deliberately write one article on various aspects of my life back then, till I had most of the stories written. Then I simply added an introduction, a conclusion, and designed the covers etc!

Now, I am ready to place orders for copies of the paperback version to be delivered to me, so I can present a copy to EACH of my kids as part of the coaching I’m giving them, to prepare them for life.

My new book on Public Speaking, came into being in similar fashion – as did the 4 part e-book series I just launched on Farm Business Best Practice.

If I’d tried to sit down and just write each book from scratch, I would NEVER have gotten it all done this quickly!

Simply put, Patrick’s blogging model/formula works – unlike SO MANY other experts’ whose methods I had adopted without reaping the promsied rewards.

If it can work for me, I am convinced it will work for YOU as well.

The only requirement is that you apply yourself to following the tips provided by Patrick, with diligence, persistence and passion. You simply cannot go wrong with that. Take it from me. I know from first hand experience.

To get started, I recommend you proceed as follows:

1. Listen to Patrick’s Interview with Yaro Starak, on Yaro’s website – here.

2. Read my bloy post titled “10 Valuable Lessons I Learnt About Blogging for Passive Income, from Yaro Starak’s 60 Minute Podcast Interview with Patrick Meninga.Then follow the instructions provided at the end to request a FREE download copy of the verbatim transcript version of the interview, that I produced as a PDF document.

Podcast interview transcript with headshots and time stamps.

3. Waste no time in getting started with your writing. The only way to do it is to BEGIN. As you progress, you’ll learn anything else you need to know, and improve yourself. That’s what I did. So, don’t make the mistake of learning perpetually, and becoming a professional student in the process.

If you need any help getting started with your blogging, click here to send me a message.



Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Learn more here


NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

Click here to learn more

NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)


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NEW: Get 2 Real Life Poultry Layer Farm Start-up Business Plans (PLUS Customization)!

Screenshot of the 1,000 bird Poultry Layer Farm Business Plan I prepared and sent to a new client in Nigeria - click to read the article I wrote on it.

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New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Farm Management (& Performance Measurement) for Profits – No. 1 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (57 pages): Farm Business Start-up (Information, Education & Inspiration) – No. 2 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (55 pages): Best Practice Livestock Farm Business Feed Formulation – No. 3 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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New Ebook (58 pages): Best Practice Farm Business Marketing – No. 4 of 4

Screenshot of ebook in online store

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NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

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Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to download

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NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

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FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

Download above PDF

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

Download above PDF

NEW: Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success

Tayo Solagbade's Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success (Verbatim Text Transcript of Introductory Video)

Click here to view a page I’m adding ALL my products previews/prices/offers to…

If You Never Stop Believing in the Creator, Haters Will NEVER Stop YOU! (True Story)

On 4th May 2014 my 9 year old was taken over by But within a few days I moved my content to what I boldly declared would be a SUPERIOR reincarnation at

As at October 2014, I’d surpassed ALL performance levels I achieved with my old domain

Indeed, with the exception of traffic, when I wrote about this incident about 4 months ago, I was already recording more than double my old newsletter subscription rates, as well as sales leads generation and conversions.

However, website traffic on was still much lower compared to what it used to be on my lost domain, which peaked into May 2014 at just under 2,500 visits per day. And I was feeling quite cool about it back then – especially since I was getting formal emails from advertising companies wishing to partner with me to post ads for my visitors.

Other than that, I’ve never been one to make much of a fuss about traffic.

It goes without saying though that attracting more traffic – especially if it is the right kind i.e. from a pre-qualified target audience – implies more eyeballs on your offers/content.

Over time, this does boost name recognition and search engine visibility as well.

I always knew the traffic to my website – especially the blog – would eventually pick up.

I knew this from past experience. It was just to be a matter of time.

If you’ve been a follower of my writing for a while, you most likely know that I have said that authentic success is always repeatable and reproducible.

And I have always been an advocate and keen practitioner of authentic success achievement.

You see, the key to achieving that kind of success is carefully studying what you do to find out WHY you succeed, then making diligent efforts to do those things that make you succeed, again and again.

Where possible, you will employ improved methods and strategies, to increase your rate and quality of success achievement.

If you do it right, it’s just a matter of time before you climb right back up to the former levels of success and eventually exceed them.

That is exactly what has been happening on this blog over the past month and a half.

In my usual habit of periodically checking to see how things are progressing, I’ve been monitoring the website visitors “Stats” auto generated by the WordPress  plug-in installed in the right panel of this blog.

[NB: I know this is not necessarily a finely accurate indicator of actual traffic. But it serves my needs because, what I use it mainly for is to get a “feel” for the difference (be it an increase or decrease) in visits over time.]

Since May 2014 when I moved my blog to, I’ve had to start from zero visits showing on that widget.

Then for several weeks on end, I saw only single digit counts for Daily Visits. But gradually those numbers began to rise – though only to a few hundreds per day.

Rather than fix my attention on that however, I focused on creating new and varied content daily, as had been my practice with the old domain.

But this time around, I drew from the lessons I’d learnt from over a year of daily making DAILY blog posts.

Not too long ago – on 18th October 2014 – my eye caught an unusually high number of visits (over 3,000) for the day before (i.e. 17th). Also, the visits for that day itself were already above 2,000 even though the time  was still around noon!

It was the first time in a long time that I had bothered to look at the stats.

Weeks before then, I’d seen numbers around the 1,500 to 1,800 visits per day range.

But they never went up to 2,000 visits per day!

So this made me pay attention over the next few days, and that was when I realized how far my efforts had gone.

By the 21st October 2014, I was seeing visits shoot well over 5,000 per day several times, and generally stay above 4,000 for others!

See some screenshots I took below…





Now, I hasten to note again, that I’m not so interested in traffic. I only discuss this development because it shows another way to measure the impact of one’s blogging efforts.

For me, since I don’t do adverts and do not get paid for “traffic”, it’s not my priority.

However such noticeable improvements provide useful feedback. I was keen to see which aspect of my content was getting that much attention.

So I began checking views per posts to establish some trends.

Eventually, I narrowed down to my weekly newsletter on public speaking and weekly blog posts on entrepreneurship (especially those on farm business), followed by those on parenting, and career development – in that order.

These are some of the categories under which I publish posts on this blog.

I believe most of the visits are from people with interests in those areas, and the experience based stories I often tell resonate with them – hence the growing interest.

Other than that, I cannot think of any other thing that could have generated that much interest.

This brings me to my main reason for recalling the above and writing this piece…

As with everything else in life, the above described positive development has also attracted some negative attention, from mean spirited individuals.

In this case I refer to hackers.

It’s nothing new. Most websites online, especially those deemed to be getting good traffic, ultimately become targets of hacking attempts.

Years ago, I had a spammer hack into my website (on via a security flaw in the code contained in a CGI script I naively installed. He then used a spam robot to launch massive spam campaigns from my old domain – and that got my hosting account suspended by my webhost for a week at the time, because they assumed I had done it!

More recently, before I lost (my 9 year old domain), I wrote several blog posts sharing security issues I was alerted to by Google via email updates they sent me.

At a stage mid-last year (2013) I even had a case in which efforts were made – over several months – to use negative SEO strategies to discredit my website with Google etc.

For instance, some people went to great lengths to link BACK to different pages on my website from ADULT (i.e. pornographic) websites!

Yep. It happened!

Each time I discovered this during my checks, I would use the DISAVOW tools in Google Webmaster interface to try dislodging them.

But a week or two later, I would discover more simply got added!

Eventually, I chose to ignore them and instead began “fighting back” by focusing on publishing better content MORE often.

Over time, that problem went away. That happened with

I could be wrong, but it would appear’s success has begun to attract some negative attention…

Something VERY strange and unusual has been happening.

This blog’s website statistics widget (which I earlier showed screenshots of) NOW periodically gets reset to zero!

I don’t know how or why it happens, but it has now happened several times over the past few weeks. And the frequency of occurrence is increasing.

In fact, earlier this afternoon, the abuse level had been taken up a notch:

Instead of just the day’s visit being reset, even the week and month’s visit have also been reset so the numbers now make no sense – see below.


I already know what I need to do, but I share “news” of this development here, only to point out that pursuing success will sometimes attract detractors, and negativity.

Rather than complain, we should always aim to use those attempts to pull us back or bring us down, to MOTIVATE ourselves to do even better than we are already doing.

Remember that if you were not doing well they would not bother about you.

You would be where they WANT you to be i.e. down, and out.

So, if they are coming after you, it can only mean they see that you’re going places – and that bothers them.

Be proud of yourself for achieving that!

Rest assured in the knowledge that as long as you keep your heart pure and your faith in the Creator strong, NOTHING they do can ever stop you.

They can hurt you, but it will only be temporary.

You WILL always bounce back to even greater reckoning if you don’t quit.

And if you keep doing that, your progress will ultimately take you out of their reach.

Enjoy your weekend!


EMUFEST 2014 (Nov 10th to 16th) : Free Music Workshops, Talent Night and LIVE Concert for Your Kids & You – by Beautiful Nubia at EniObanke Arts Centre, 19 Adekunle Fajuyi Way, GRA Ikeja.

[This post is a Public Service] EniObanke Music Festival (Monday 10th November to Sunday 16th November 2014):

[a]. *November 10-12 – FREE MUSIC WORKSHOPS

Click here to download Beautiful Nubia’s Information slideshow (no sign up needed) with ALL the details about EMUFEST 2014!

Come and learn the rudiments of percussion (agogo, shekere, etc.), talking drum, rhythm guitar, keyboard, bass guitar, drum set, songwriting and music production, etc., from experienced musicians and teachers.


Workshops will run from 10am-1pm and 3p-6pm each day.

To register and reserve a space, send an e-mail to or send sms to +234-803-454-9778. Include name, phone number, the specific instrument you wish to learn and your preferred date.

Venue: EniObanke Arts Centre, 19 Adekunle Fajuyi Way, GRA Ikeja.

[b]. *Thursday, November 13 – TALENT NIGHT

Click here to download Beautiful Nubia’s Information slideshow (no sign up needed) with ALL the details about EMUFEST 2014!

25 new and emerging music artists from all over Nigeria will perform their original materials in various genres live.

Free entry.

Time: 4pm-10pm.

Venue: EniObanke Arts Centre, 19 Adekunle Fajuyi Way, GRA Ikeja.

[c]. *Sunday, November 16 – EMUFEST GRAND CONCERT.

Click here to download Beautiful Nubia’s Information slideshow (no sign up needed) with ALL the details about EMUFEST 2014!

Featuring Beautiful Nubia and the Roots Renaissance Band and several notable artists, including:

1. The legendary 86-year old Chris Ajilo

2. “Egbe Awon Omo Alaketu” (a large ensemble of traditional folk singing grandmothers from Yewa)

3. Tthe 18-member Brave Voices Children Choir

4. Ibadan-based multi-instrumentalist and singer Femi Ajayi

5. Soulful songstress Amoke Olarinde

6. Lawyer-musician Akin Akinola

7. The Akoko-Edo vibes of the Ososo Moonlighters

8. Latoya Aduke (longtime partner, singer and dancer for Afrobeat legend OJ Ekemode stepping out in her own right)

9. The Bolojo-Egbado sounds of Prince Ejiwunmi Ege

10. The folky jazz of Olatunde Obajeun

11. And last year’s EMUfest discovery, Mr. Hat and the Quadlibet Band.

Fee: N1500 (Students with ID Cards and children get free entry).

Time: 2pm-9pm.

Venue: EniObanke Arts Centre, 19 Adekunle Fajuyi Way, GRA Ikeja.

Screenshot - Click here to download Beautiful Nubia's PowerPoint slideshow (no sign up needed) with ALL the details about EMUFEST 2014

Connect with Beautiful Nubia on Facebook (click here)


You can SUCCEED MORE by being a Multipreneur – A True Story (Hint: New Book Coming Soon)

“Specialization is for insects: A human being should be able to change a diaper….butcher a hog…balance accounts…set a bone…comfort the dying…take orders/give orders…cooperate/act alone…analyze a new problem…pitch manure…cook a tasty meal…fight efficiently…die gallantly.” – Robert A. Heinlein [NB: This is an abridged version. See complete/verbatim quote at the end of this piece.]

I coined the phrase “Jack of Many Trades” for use in a 10 page report I wrote on this subject back in March 2003.

It was titled “How to be a Jack Of Many Trades AND Why It Can Make You Succeed More Often!”.

Since then, I have written several other articles in which I shared various income generating successes I’ve recorded, as an entrepreneur, which would never have happened if I had not always functioned as a Multipreneur.

But long before I became a multipreneur in business, I had succeeded as a multipreneur in paid employment, and before then, as a multipreneur as an undergraduate in the university.

Being A “Jack Of Many Trades” In Paid Employment – My Story

I recall vividly that as an ex-Graduate Management Trainee Green-horned Brewer in Guinness Nigeria (in 1995/96), my keen interest in computers initially attracted criticism from some of my peers and senior colleagues in Benin brewery.

One particular individual often readily seized the opportunity of any shortcoming I displayed in doing my job as a Shift Brewer, to insinuate that the time I spent working on the computer (something not at that time in widespread use) prevented me from mastering the essential practical requirements to successfully function as a brewer.

As time went on, I was of course able to demonstrate beyond any shred of a doubt that such assumptions were wrong. Not only did I mature into a competent brewer/shift manager (who got repeated secondments to several other departments to fill sudden vacancies), but I also went on to use my computer (specifically spreadsheet automation) skills to develop over five customized applications.

All were formally adopted in place of the manual reporting systems being used at that time in the various departments I worked.

My abilities got me noticed early by senior management, so that within 2 years of joining the company, I was already actively involved in, and even responsible for collation/preparation of brewery-level reports. These were activities which required an understanding of key manufacturing performance parameters, as well as sound knowledge of various calculation for estimating monetary gains/losses in brewing, for decision making. In the process, I got to know/work closely with senior managers in my function, well ahead of my peers.

Yet, I did all this while still doing my regular job as a brewer.

I was so proficient in doing it all that I felt no strain combining it with my normal job. Looking back, and even considering the sources from which criticism for my multidisciplinary approach came, I have come to the conclusion that many times, people assess the “workability” or “viability” of what another person is trying to achieve from THEIR own mind frame.

If they think it will be difficult for them to do, then they will believe it would be so for the other person. What they forget is that we are not all alike. In fact, there are certain people who cannot stay doing just one single thing for long. They would be bored to death (I happen to be ONE such person!). As one self-confessed multipreneur – Gary Havener – put it, “I guess I just have a short attention span”.

Two Real Life Examples In Pictures

Photo 1: The senior manager presenting me a certificate of Beer Tasting Training completion, was the brewery head, when that photo was taken in 1997 (I was 27). Two years before that, when I’d arrived that brewery, he’d assigned me to work directly with him in his office for 2 weeks.

During that time I prepared all sorts of spreadsheet tables and charts for planning manning and production of brewery packaging operations.

Photo 1: The senior manager presenting me a certificate of Beer Tasting Training completion, was the brewery head, when that photo was taken in 1997 (I was 27).

Photo 2 (L to R = Commercial Services Manager, Engineering Services Manager, then ME): The 2 managers next to me were departmental heads, in 1998 when that photo was taken. In contrast, my title was “Shift Brewer” – 2 steps below their on the management hierarchy. Yet, I got nominated to attend the best practice conference with them.

Photo 2 (L to R = Commercial Services Manager, Engineering Services Manager, then ME): The 2 managers next to me were departmental heads, in 1998 when that photo was taken

In addition to that, I was BY FAR the youngest by age and years in service amongst ALL the attendees.

In fact, virtually all the others were substantive heads of department, and had spent close to 10 years in the company, while I was less than 4 years old in the company!

As you can imagine, therefore, without my demonstrated skill in use of spreadsheets, which I’d employed to develop solutions that decision makers took note of, I could not have earned such high level access to top decision makers.

In reality, minus that skill, I was just like my peers – a green horned young brewer yet to prove himself. And that would not have earned me any special attention!

See how being multi skilled can open unexpected doors of opportunity for YOU?

Indeed, I have ALWAYS been driven to do more than one thing at a time.

Today, despite countless setbacks since I first become self-employed, I succeed in business as a multipreneur doing just that. Again, several past articles provide examples.

The above make it obvious that I really do EXCEL when I operate in that mode!

Simply put, being a Jack Of Many Trades enables me make the MOST of my God-given abilities, to the benefit of myself and all those I come into contact with.

Incidentally, there are MANY multipreneurs, well known for what they do in the world…!

Richard Branson is an example of a multipreneur who has been at it for ages.

And look how he’s doing for himself!

Imagine if he’d stuck to just ONE thing i.e. chosen to specialize? He would NOT be where he is today. And WE would not have been this blessed by many of the brands he’s nurtured and supported to success.

In other words, by following his true passions as a multipreneur, thereby making the most of himself , he’s simultaneously making the world a better place!

Consider Google, Microsoft and other successful organizations and individuals – even entertainers: many are multipreneurs!

If they are not starting new ventures from scratch, they are acquiring controlling shares/interest in other businesses or concerns, with a view to increasing their influence and market share.

It only makes common sense to do this, if one is to achieve long term success and relevance!

And that’s why I believe any person(s) who have multipreneurial tendencies should NEVER be subjected to negative criticism or discouraged.

Instead, they should be helped to develop that unique ability, because if they achieve mastery at it (like I have), their ability to deliver superlative performances, will make them a useful ASSET virtually anywhere they go!

The above is why I’m putting together a collection of real life case studies from my time in paid employment, as well as in business, towards publishing a revised and expanded version of the earlier mentioned report that I wrote a decade ago (see cover below).

Report cover - I coined the phrase 'Jack of Many Trades' for use in this10 page report I wrote back in March 2003. It was titled 'How to be a Jack Of Many Trades AND Why It Can Make You Succeed More Often!'

Persons who wonder how I did it while in paid employment, OR how I DO it now that I’m self-employed, will (through that new book) have the step-by-step guidelines I’ve conceived based on my experiences, and achievements.

But that’s not all.

Readers of my book will also get to read a wide ranging compilation of real life narratives I’ve penned, which illustrate the multidimensional benefits to be had from being a true multipreneur.

And they will also learn how to prepare their kids to make the most of their multipreneurial abilities as early as possible in life.

But all who consider this route must understand that it’s not one that leads to overnight success…

Too many people today do not easily accept that getting what they want may not happen quickly or easily. That mental attitude can present a challenge for anyone who wants to succeed via multipreneuring.

It would be naive for anyone to expect that as soon as s/he commences learning or doing something, success will follow. If the world worked that way, EVERYONE of us would become a millionaire overnight.

So, let’s be honest here, it won’t be easy. Some people find it hard to do just ONE thing they do well. Talk less of you wanting to do several different things well at the same time!

But you have an advantage in the sense that you KNOW it can be done. What you need to understand is that you will need to apply focus, discipline, determination and persistence, to achieve your goal.

EXAMPLE: I spent MANY night shifts as a brewer combining supervision of the brewing plant operations with improving my typing speed using a Typing Tutor, and also working on different spreadsheet solutions on the brewers’ office computer.

One afternoon, the Brewery Manager’s secretary saw me typing and exclaimed:

“Solagbade, you type so fast! What is your speed?”

Since I’d never bothered to check what the typing tutor recorded for me, I could not answer her question readily. But I knew I was much faster than I used to be before I began using the tutor. And that was enough for me. That day I realized my ability in that area could also earn me added recognition – and respect!

Neither the secretary, nor a senior manager who had a habit of calling me “TK Computer” really knew how many hours of hard work I had expended, in my personal free time, to become that good at those things they acknowledged me for.

And if you recall, from my story, I made many blunders at work initially, that caused others to criticize me for lacking mastery of my primary job, because (in their opinion) I spent too much time on the computer. What they did not know was that even after they had gone home, I would often stay back in the brewery to learn directly from the process operators on duty, the rudiments of successfully managing the shop floor process operations.

Many times I would leave the brewery for my house as late as 1.00a.m, even though I had actually worked on morning shift, and close at 2.00p.m the previous day!

Now, may not have to do what I did. But you will have to pay YOUR dues. If you do, you will get to a level of mastery that will make others marvel!

Final Words:

I once watched an edition of Oprah Winfrey’s show in which Venus Williams was interviewed along with her sister, Serena. Both ladies were questioned about criticisms levelled against them by other Tennis stars for engaging in other vocations while still active in top-flight tennis. Venus owned her own fashion design company, and actually designed her own clothes. Serena had been appearing in some new films/movies playing leading roles.

According to Oprah, Martina Navratilova had stated that the sisters were being arrogant by doing that, since it was “expected” that they, as professional tennis players, would concentrate on playing tennis – like all others. In response, Venus said (quite sensibly), that they believed it would be unwise to assume they would continue to do well in tennis indefinitely, and following their parents’ advice, decided to explore other vocations early on.

So long as you are not getting inefficient from doing multiple tasks or acquiring multiple competencies, don’t let people tell you you’re a Jack-of-all-trades.

I once read an article on career development, which advised people in paid employment to “Know A Little About Everything”, if they wish to get ahead on their jobs. In fact, most start-up entrepreneurs HAVE TO be that way for a major part of their start-up life, because they cannot afford(due to limited capital) to do otherwise! Companies – and even individuals – will in the future be looking for a one-stop solution to their needs, and will tend to settle for entrepreneurs(or employees) with proven multiple competencies.

You can be a successful Jack Of Many Trades™, so long as you avoid crossing the not-so-thin line that leads to becoming a “Jack of all trades”. All you need do is intelligently decide on relevant competencies that will help you attain your personal/career advancement goals. Then acquire and put them to use in ways that benefit you, people around you, or the client/organisation you work for. The results you get will excite you perpetually!

PS: Here’s the complete version of the quote I began this article with…

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” -Robert A. Heinlein

We Who Are Authentically Connected with our Creator MUST Remain a LIGHT for Others to Follow [Hint: Dealing With False Accusations]

How would YOU deal with a FALSE ACCUSATION if it’s leveled against YOU? If you think it can’t happen, you need to read THIS article!

All my life, I have been taught to take the high road, and never to dignify salacious or false accusations. And I have been taught never, never to lie. Not only do I never lie, I never respond to lies, no matter how vicious, no matter how hurtful. ~Paula Abdul

In this article, I explain why we all need to STOP and THINK CAREFULLY when we hear of someone getting PUBLICLY accused of doing any kind of wrong – before passing judgement!

There may be more than meets the eye going on. And if you’re not careful, you could get USED to do evil…and one day, it may come right back at YOU!

I’ve told my kids how a female primary school classmate falsely accused me of peeping at her in the girls room.

That story appears in my new parenting book – Kukuru Danger™ (you can get a FREE PDF chapter preview here). Each of my kids will get a physical copy as a gift, to remind them of what can happen…to even the innocent!

We’ve talked about it several times – me and my 3 boys (15, 13, and 11 years old), and I’ve also discussed it with my 8 year old daughter.

The boys I asked: What would you do if a girl accused you in that manner of doing something you did not do?

It was all fun and laughter, as they tried to give answers. But I did my best to impress upon them the fact that stuff like that happens all the time. And that’s why I wrote my story book – Kukuru Danger™ – to share my experiences and guide them as best as I can.

This aspect of false accusations being leveled against an innocent person is one that really strikes me as having the most devastating potential of all.

It seems as the quality of THINKING in larger society is dropping –partly due to less preference for self-improvement – fewer people are capable of critical thinking.

Now, many people don’t immediately realize that the above has far reaching implications. So I’ve formed a habit of pointing out some of them.

1. When people are too lazy or distracted to do critical thinking, most lame ideas proposed to them will either get accepted or ignored.

Either way, they will not engage in conscious, deep seated examination of issues that occur. As a result, others with manipulative intent will find it easy to exploit their shallowness and naivety, to do naughty things.

The above is why it is so easy today for someone to discredit another person simply by coming forward to make unsubstantiated allegations.

Even if afterwards, nothing is found to incriminate the person wrongfully accused, many people go on thinking “well there’s no smoke without fire”. Maybe s/he was so smart that they could not find evidence to pin it on him/her.

2. Taking it further, and again this does happen, a person with ulterior motives, who sees another person as a potential rival threatening his/her ambitions, may decide to launch a campaign of calumny against the latter.

For instance, people have been known to pay individuals and/or groups, to publicly make false allegations against a rival, so as to drum up public outrage.

In the process, the “rival” often gets discredited, or at least some doubts are raised over his/her credibility.

What is most shocking is the fact that PERMANENT damage can be done to another person’s reputation – SO EASILY today!

…by someone, from virtually anywhere, choosing to come out and say s/he did (or did NOT do) something!

It seems to rarely matter whether the accuser is lying or not. Most people today seem not to be too keen to consider that possibility. This is often so when the “news” is disseminated gleefully by the mass media, or via some powerful or connected person(s) or organization.

In other words, if you want to take a stand on an issue that could pit you against a powerful person, or someone with media links, you could end up getting badly burnt, image wise.

Indeed, if you’re not careful, you could end up serving some punishment e.g. a fine or worse, jail time…and STILL be innocent. History offers useful examples!

I ask: Why is it so easy for these kinds of extreme injustices to happen?

1. Why are those who make all sorts of false accusations that literally destroy the lives of others allowed to do so, and to get away with it?

2. And why is it that even after the truth is discovered, the same people who publicized the lies, do not circulate the truth with the same zeal?

More importantly, I ask the reader to consider the following questions:

1. Do you consider yourself safe from this pandemic of false accusations?

Especially in this day and age when unscrupulous news channels grant audience to those willing to narrate outrageous accounts of phony incidents, to reap financial and other benefits?

2. Do you realize that there was a time when journalists did proper investigation to ascertain the veracity of claims made by those who offered them news? Are you aware that very little of that happens anymore?

3. Does it bother you AT ALL you that an excellent role model in society, who paved the way for others to achieve success, can end up having his/her name discredited via false allegations?

Can you imagine what it must feel like to be the spouse, child, grandchild, brother, sister or parent to such an individual?

Do you know how much pain will be inflicted on multiple souls related to him/her, every time those false allegations are made the subject of the court of public opinion?

The embarrassment and humiliation of bearing the same name with someone who previously one was proud to be related to!

And yet, not because s/he did wrong. But because a mean spirited few chose to discredit him/her for their own gain or out of envy…or both!

More questions for the reader…

1. Have YOU ever played a part in any of the above described incidents?

What did you say, or do? Were you willing to examine the facts, if any were provided, objectively, before coming to a conclusion?

And if no compelling facts or evidence were provided, did you have the courage to point that out, and demand that something be done?

2. Lastly, has it ever occurred to you that whether or not you partake in any such acts as I’ve described above, YOU, and/or YOUR loved ones could also be on the receiving end some day?

All it takes is for one of such mean spirited persons to identify any of you as a target…and before you know it, your lives could take a dramatic turn for the worse!

Now, you could argue that you’re not a celebrity orpublic figure and that they are the ones who often get treated that way.

But consider the REAL possibility that as YOU/YOUR kid or loved one climb the ladder of success/fame, or even after you “arrive”, some person(s) can decide to do that to any of you?!

Did I get your attention there? Hmmm!

Well, chew on that over the weekend…

Then in the new week, I hope you emerge with a resolve to NOT let false accusers get an easy ride wherever you are, if you have a say. By the time we begin to resist their advances, fewer will be able to boldly come out and do their evil at the expense of the lives of others.

These people make a living from destroying what others spend decades of their lives building.

And majority of others in society just stand by and let them. You don’t have to take sides – just seek the truth. Don’t let them win you over with ridiculous claims that lack substance!

I’m saying all this because I have experienced what it feels like to be falsely accused – more than once too!

Luckily for me though, I always had persons guided by the creator to help me.

The first time, as I said earlier, I was 8 years old. So you could say it was not so serious.

The second instance occurred over 2 years ago…and it was dead serious!

As a custom spreadsheet software developer, I had a client (who proudly displayed a picture of himself standing next to a former Vice President of Nigeria on his office wall) make false accusations against me to the police.

Not just him – he also got his accountant and manager to do the same thing!

I was shocked to my bones to see/hear those 2 employees of his, who I’d often chatted with while working on the project bold facedly saying I’d done things I never did.

It was bizarre, as if they were drugged. In truth however, the ONLY “drug” influencing them was a FEAR of losing their jobs…LOL!

Their boss – the client – wanted me to resolve a problem they had using the software  – but he bluntly refused  to pay my overdue balance which I’d been requesting for over 2 months, after handing over.

I stood my ground, and told the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) why.

The latter (a graduate of Nigeria’s University of Ibadan!) proved to be a rare man of integrity, gifted with excellent skills of persuasion.

That same day, he got the client to pay me my balance soon as I was done.

The same client and his staff went on to use that software for SIX solid years (paying me several times a year to provide call out support).

Then at the tail end of the 6th year, he paid me twice what he paid 6 years before (all of it 100% up front), to add a billing system to the app – only to repeat the same thing later on during the test run phase.

Long story short, I got TIRED of being treated that way, and today (with the help of the Attorney General’s office) we’ve parted ways.

But I kept copies of all our correspondence, as proof of all that transpired. Just in case.

I’ve shared that client’s story with my kids as well.

That experience was however the one that broke the camel’s back for me. I decided I NEEDED to better protect myself from such abuse.

It subsequently occurred to me that I needed to FREE myself from exposure to exploitation or situations that could lead to false accusations being leveled against me. This led me to focus more on providing online products and services.

Today, less than 20% of the income I earn comes from working directly with clients. That’s why I’ m so HAPPY and FULFILLED, working as a Location Independent Multipreneur – the photo below says it all!

Photo: Click to view LARGER size. Taken around Cotonou's Etoile Rouge. I cherish the freedom that a mobile office affords me, as a Location Independent Multipreneur. As long as there's an Internet connection I can do work that I need to do. Whenever I want, I can take a break. My self-discipline developed from well over 2 decades serves me well, ensuring that I can deliver what I promise!

Today’s world is full of mean spirited people, who will stop at nothing to have their way – even if it means harming others.

Those of us who are connected with our Creator MUST ensure we remain a LIGHT for others to follow.

We must continue to be the conscience of our respective societies. And we must prepare our offspring to do the same thing.

We are the hope of the world.

We are the ones who can HEAL it.

If we fail, society is doomed!

I hope you will join me.

PS: In the event that it does happen, hold on to the faith you have in the creator, and let these wise words of Paula Abdul guide you in dealing with ANY false accusations that may come your way…

All my life, I have been taught to take the high road, and never to dignify salacious or false accusations. And I have been taught never, never to lie. Not only do I never lie, I never respond to lies, no matter how vicious, no matter how hurtful. ~Paula Abdul

[NEW BOOK] SPEAKING IDEAS™ – 25 Articles & True Stories for Experts-Who-Speak (& Those Aspiring) – Volume 1

This book (155 pages thick following typesetting and available in both print and digital formats) is based on a collection of 25 top performing past issues of the author’s Weekly Public Speaking Ideas™ newsletter published over the past 3 years.

If you’re an expert-who-speaks, or one aspiring, the unconventional, yet high impact experienced based ideas in this book, can help you.



UPDATE – 29th Oct. 2014 @2.40p.m: Poor connectivity is really making simple tasks take MUCH longer than they should in the last 3 days out here in Cotonou. But I refuse to be deterred!

Click the corrected link below to view the Ebook in it’s online store. And the link for the print version is at number 2 below it.

Click here to read the preview on the book’s Back Cover



1. EBOOK VERSION: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Click here to read the preview on the book’s Back Cover

2. PRINT (PAPERBACK) VERSION: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)

Screenshot of paperback book in online store

Click here to read the preview on the book’s Back Cover



No. 165: Achieve Your Book Writing Goal Using This Proven Strategy (Hint: 135 Page Speaking IDEAS Ebook LIVE tomorrow!)

 [Photo below: My 135 page Speaking IDEAS book goes LIVE tomorrow]

Most experts author books, to share their expertise and establish authority status. But writing can be tough when client projects demand your time. That’s why smart experts write their books in chunks e.g. an article at a time. I explain how…


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 27th October 2014


Title: Achieve Your Book Writing Goal Using This Proven Strategy (Hint: 135 Page Speaking IDEAS Ebook LIVE tomorrow!)

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS newsletter is published online on the “reincarnated” version of my Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog. I continue to put finishing touches to the content. If you encounter ANY bad/dead links, and you can spare the time, email them to me via tayo at tksola dot com. Thanks in advance :-)

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 165: Achieve Your Book Writing Goal Using This Proven Strategy (Hint: 135 Page Speaking IDEAS Ebook LIVE tomorrow!)

[Photo below: My 135 page Speaking IDEAS book goes LIVE tomorrow]

Most experts author books, to share their expertise and establish authority status. But writing can be tough when client projects demand your time. That’s why smart experts write their books in chunks e.g. an article at a time. I explain how…

My Speaking IDEAS Ebook: 25 Articles & True Stories for Experts-Who-Speak (& Those Aspiring) - Volume 1

My Speaking IDEAS Ebook: 25 Articles & True Stories for Experts-Who-Speak (& Those Aspiring) - Volume 1

If you’re proficient in ANY vocation or subject, the truth is you have useful expertise that others interested in that area may want.

It may not even be what you do for a living. Instead, it could be a hobby or your in-depth understanding of a language (e.g. proverbs in Yoruba – a language spoken in West Africa).

Your unique insights, if creatively prepared, packaged and presented can make those who seek them willing buyers – or at the least, your fervent advocates.

However, if you’re like most “experts” (which is what being as described above makes you), it’s likely – as I said earlier – that you may consider yourself (or are indeed) too busy to find time to write that book or article or report.

My purpose here is to share with you ideas about probably the EASIEST way to get your writing done.

I’ve written an ebook titled “Proven Techniques to Start & Finish Writing Anything” – which offers various ideas.

However, this time around I’m focusing on ONE strategy that I have found to be the most reliable, and easy to sustain of ALL that I have known and used.

And it’s actually quite simple….

It’s the HABIT of writing a book ONE article at a time – without necessarily “thinking” about the book.

But the problem is too many of us are too rigid in the ways we think.  

We’ve been taught to look at issues from what is often a one-dimensional perspective.

However, the truth is that to go to through life, we often find ourselves constantly forced to consider a variety of perspectives.

As you leave home for work, you have to drop the kids off at school, then remember to order drinks for the party to be held at your home.

Then there’s the client update report you need to finish and dispatch via email. And after that there’s some other task…

You get my drift.

It’s simply impossible to tell “life” to hold on till you’re ready before it introduces another “variable” in the “equation” of activites you’re trying to solve!

As they make themselves apparent, you simply have to attend to each and every one of them.

This analogy applies to getting your book written if you decide you want to write one.

And why not? There is a lot you know, that others can benefit from, if you were to properly articulate it in writing (and other relevant forms).

I do this kind of writing all the time – so much so that I’m now publishing new books ranging from 50 to 140 pages in a matter of days.

But rather than go on to give you a lecture, I’ll simply give you 2 examples I just finished within the last 7 days…

1. My Farm Business Best Practice Educational E-books Series

This is a 4 part series comprising a collection of top performing articles on Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas I’ve written over the years.

The 4 e-books cover different themes:

a. Farm Business Best Practice Management

Screenshot of ebook in online store

b. Farm Business Start-up

Screenshot of ebook in online store

c. Farm Business Feed Formulation

Screenshot of ebook in online store

d. Farm Business Marketing

Screenshot of ebook in online store

Related to the above 4 e-books is my new my PDF Farm Business Start-up primer shown below – which I now offer also for sale.

If you came looking for my PDF Farm Business Startup primer shown below click here to submit a  request for details of how to purchase it.

2. My Speaking IDEAS Ebook: 25 Articles & True Stories for Experts-Who-Speak (& Those Aspiring) – Volume 1

This 135 page book will be available in print as a paper back and also an ebook.

It goes LIVE in my online store tomorrow

My Speaking IDEAS Ebook: 25 Articles & True Stories for Experts-Who-Speak (& Those Aspiring) - Volume 1

This book is based on a collection of 25 top performing past issues of my Weekly Public Speaking Ideas™ newsletter i.e. THIS newsletter you’re reading right now.

Today’s issue is No. 165.

So, if you work backwards, you can see that I’ve been writing it weekly – without fail – for 3 years.

That gives you an ideas of the VOLUME of material I have to choose from. And I can tell you that a lot of the stuff I’ve written has gotten good feedback to me, so I know they are perceived as useful. It’s far from being fluff!

My Speaking IDEAS Ebook: 25 Articles & True Stories for Experts-Who-Speak (& Those Aspiring) - Volume 1

That is the beauty of the technique of writing ONE article at a time, that I use – and which I recommend to you in this piece!

What makes it even better is that I NEVER have to pressure myself to think of writing a particular e-book.

Instead, I let situations and circumstances – and in some cases my intuition – guide me to write articles on various categories I have expertise in.

Day in day out, I scribble insights, ideas, and thoughts in my diary, on pieces of paper, and on my Blackberry.

Then over a period of days or weeks, I flesh out my ideas. At some point, one or more of the articles would appear “ready” for publishing in my estimation – and I would put it online…often on this blog.

Afterwards I would watch the level of interest from the number of views it gets. And that would help me gauge the interest level or popularity – guiding me on what to write on in future.

When I see that I’ve amassed enough new articles, to make a book or two, then I then choose a selection and publish – like I’m NOW doing!

People who have been watching me publish article after article Every Monday to Saturday (sometimes Sundays) over the past year, for instance, may have been wondering what “madness” I was about…ha ha!!

Well, as it turns out, there was some purpose in the “madness”. Always has been!

Apart from the fact that my articles have boosted my search engine visibility and won me new subscribers/buyers, they have also been adding to my “bank” of articles, for my new book projects.

I kept researching my topics and writing on them knowing that one day I would be able to pool them together into a comprehensive body of knowledge (i.e a book) that I could offer for sale.

It’s not the first time I’ve done this. I’ve had a 25 articles e-book on sale since 2006(click to see).

Apart from that, I’ve sold several of my individual articles in the past, on different platforms.

But my plan has always been to amass a collection of written works that would boost my passive income earnings, even as it further cements my credibility as an authority on the subjects I’ve written about.

The approach I’ve described is one that ANY expert can easily use to start and finishing writing ANY book s/he wants to author.

It’s a system that makes you motivated to write a little bit on a regular basis. An article per week or per month.

Whatever works for you.

Just be sure to choose a topic or theme you have passion for, and deep interest in.

One that you know well enough to NOT have to strain yourself to come up with what to say about it from different angles or perspectives.

Here’s a TIP: As an expert-who-speaks (or aspires to), imagine a journalist comes to interview you on a different aspect of your subject each day or week or month.

Then try and write down what your answers to those questions would be. From the stuff you put down, the essence of your book’s contents will eventually emerge.

This is what I have done for years. And now I’m simply picking and choosing which articles to publish in what volume of each book I plan to publish!

For instance the above mentioned Speaking IDEAS E-book that goes live tomorrow, has 25 past issues I’ve chosen from about 75 issues in my archives that I’ve reviewed.

And now, they’re due to publish in print and digital form as a book!

Once the book is published, I’ll simply add it to my newsletter display, and promote it along with the others, while I write MORE articles for future books.

The interesting thing is that apart from the 75 past newsletter issues I’ve reviewed, there are still over 80 others I have yet to even look at!

Now, for those who think the sales from one’s book may not be much, if one does not write a “bestseller”, you must understand that you have nothing to lose.

First of all, there’s is great prestige to harvested from being the author of an authoritative body of writing in your field – bestseller or not. If some people find them useful in your target market, they are worth having and keeping.

Once the articles are written they can just sit there on your PC or website…or you can try and make the most of them – like I do!

And as for the aspect of sales, a lot of it has to do with the effort one puts in.

Before now, I’ve not really paid much attention to promoting my books, and yet I’ve been making sales!

However, I intend to begin promoting my books more actively now, to increase the passive income I already earn from book sales.

Screenshot of flyer I use at my speaking events to feature some of my passive income generating book products

When you have many of them, over time, the sales DO ADD up…!

Here’s another benefit: When you have a speaking event, back room sales and orders from attendees can ramp up your earnings!

Would it not be great to stand before an audience and tell them to check out your library of books they can purchase from you??

If nothing else, that’s likely to put you ahead of many other experts they may come across!

Let me know (click here to send a message) if you need help getting started with this.

Meanwhile, look out for my announcement tomorrow of the new Speaking IDEAS E-book as it goes LIVE!

Have a great week :-))



“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”

In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.

Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt's Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts
(PDF…Click!) - Invite me to Speak FREE Anywhere in here!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to

Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organisations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting,

freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organisations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods

and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, and then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy Limited.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes his Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS

newsletter(which he uses to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus


Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

Showmanship Strategems

177 Wow! Wow!

Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

more information

Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

You hear performance strategies you can emulate. You shorten your learning curve. You see ways to engage and delight audiences with both content and stories . . . plus you experience a bit of fun.

With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information


Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read

Click to read article titled: 'Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive'...and ONE other. Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur. 

NEW:Click here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book” titled “KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

Download above PDF

Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

Download above PDF

NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

NEW: Your Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series Is Now Available

Click here to learn more

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

FREE TALK: How a Best Operating Process Management Sysem (BOPMS)™Will Earn Your Farm MORE Profits!

Download above PDF

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

FREE TALK: 3 Zero Cost Strategies to Attract Profitable Buyers for Your Farm Products!

Download above PDF

NEW: Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success

Tayo Solagbade's Coaching Program for Farm Products Marketing Success (Verbatim Text Transcript of Introductory Video)


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:


Self-Development/Parenting [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging/Entrepreneurship [Saturday]:

Want me to write for you? Click here to send me a message


Find ALL my PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT products (Books, Excel-VB apps etc) in ONE place

This page (click) lists and links ALL my PAID products (books, Excel-VB apps etc) in ONE place – and I will continue to add more e.g Real Life Poultry Layer Farm Start-up Business Plans (PLUS FREE preparation service), Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager software, Ration Formulator software, Feed Formulation Handbook, E-BOOKs on Best Practice Farm Management, Feed Formulation, Farm Business Marketing, Farm Business Start-up, Self-Development Bible etc.

Important Notes:

Click here to view the page's display of products and their features, prices etc.

a. Some links may lead to this web contact/request form through which you can send me a message indicating your interest in making payment.

This may apply to both products I have in my online store (where you can use Paypal and credit/debit cards) as well as other products I do NOT put in my store.

b. Prices displayed on this page supersede those displayed ANYWHERE else.

c. Changes can be made to the prices and terms stated for each product without notice.

d. All members of my Farm Business Ideas club get 40% discount off ALL my products & services – with the exception of my Feed Formulation solutions (handbook, software & training).

e. I will continue adding new products as they become available.

Click here to view the page’s display of products and their features, prices etc.

Why You Need “Sales & Marketing Education” – Even If You’re a “Job Seeker” or Employee! (Based on a True Story)

I sat down for one week in 2002 (my start-up year), and wrote what is now my popular Feed Formulation Handbook (photo below). It was based on my knowledge/experience as a key member of the self-funding Student’s Farm Research Foundation (SFRF) in the University of Ibadan. But…my first sale did NOT happen until 2004! (NB: But it came early, and with feedback that led me to build the Ration Formulator software that now accompanies the app).

By way of interest, my decision to write the book came after I read Michel Fortin’s “10 Commandments of Power Positioning” and “Burt Dubin’s Why & How to Get Published”(click that link if you want to know what those guys said that made me decide to write a book).

Holding a Ready-to-Dispatch Print Copy of My Popular Practical Feed Formulation Handbook

It took me just ONE week to type all 65 pages in MS Word – but 2 years to make my first sale!

I know several people who’ve written books but keep waiting to get it published with a big name publisher, to make the “selling” process easier. Well, in my case, I could not be bothered. I went into selling mode as soon as I got it printed out from MS Word onto A4 paper, and spiral bound (more on this later).

Like I said, it took 2 solid years to make my first sale of that book.

I KNEW the subject inside out, having been involved in formulating and compounding rations for livestock we (SFRF) reared commercially on the university’s research and teaching farm.

We never had to beg for patrons to give us money etc.

It was also 100% run by us, the students. We had lecturers as patrons, but they only gave advice. They never interfered.

And we had a bank account, managed by elected executives who ran the foundation’s affairs competently.

I know all this, not just because I was a member, BUT because I was an active one. In fact, within ONE year of joining, I got so active that in my second year as a member (a year before my graduation), I was elected (without my indicating interest in contesting!) as “Supplies Coordinator”.

That executive position enabled me get to see the inner workings of the executive team.

It was impressive to observe the professionalism that undergraduates displayed in their affairs back then. As Supplies Coordinator, I often had to work out the ration formulas or get them from the Project Coordinator (the overall head) and then get the needed funds to visit the feed mill to have them compounded.

I would then return with a pick up van of compounded and bagged feeds to be used for 2 or more weeks. An exciting experience it was!

Sometimes I would be told a particular ingredient was in short supply, and I would have to use my knowledge of ration formulation to choose a suitable substitute ingredient to replace it in the ration without significantly affecting the ration’s formulated balance etc.

You must understand that despite being a “foundation” we were PROFIT focused. So, it was important to get things right as often as possible.

To ensure we could repeat our success, we kept good records. We frequently reviewed the performance of our chicks, layers, broilers, cockerels etc, over time, against different batches of formulated ration fed to them.

That guided us on what ration formula to use in future. And it was that diligence that led us to make healthy profits by keeping our feeding costs low while boosting productivity.

These are the same factors I try to point out to Farm CEOs. They are not complex, but they require diligence to get right. And that was why I wanted to explain in my book, how we derived such cost-effective ration formulas to reap healthy profits.

We did so well, that we were able to organize end of year parties, and even give ourselves gifts of eggs and chicken to take home!

When you have seen and experienced something on such a deep personal level, it’s NOT hard to talk (or write!) about it…

That was why the contents of that book that’s still purchased today by Farm CEOs (and those aspiring) for N8,000.00 came pouring out of me in just ONE week!

But selling the book proved to be much more difficult than writing it!

Once I was done, I went out and printed/spiral bound a copy.

Then I printed flyers and began visiting farm businesses all across Lagos.

Each day, as I found free time from my other business startup activities, I drove to farms in Ipaja, Egbeda, and even as far as Epe, then back to Oko Oba in Agege.

I even went to farm support experts in the Ministry of Agriculture. And YES I did meet with leaders of farmer groups/associations about introducing my book to their members…but nothing ever came of it, other than “Ok. No problem. Call me later, and let’s talk“, then “Ah, let me call you back after I leave the meeting I’m going for now“…LOL!

In essence, I was unable to make a sale!

Stupidly, I tried placing small classified ads in some newspapers and magazines. For 2 years I tried selling it that way.

Even then, NO SINGLE enquiry came in!

Have you ever experienced being SURE that something will work, but having to contend with the reality that it just is NOT working?

Well, that was my experience with my Feed Formulation Handbook in those startup years.

I knew the contents would be cherished by livestock farm owners looking to lower their costs of feeding, and boost their farm output.

And that was why I felt it was best to go straight to them and show them the book: Makes a lot of sense that way doesn’t it?

Well, I found out the hard way, that it was NOT the best way to go about it!

But I did not know what I was doing wrong until the rejections and lack of sales FORCED me to go back and re-read Michel Fortin’s book and Burt Dubin’s articles…

I read a few others too…

Then I sat down and did some deep reflecting on what I had read.

Within a few days the insights began to come to me…in trickles. I realized I had been doing the marketing bit completely wrong.

I had read those write-ups the first time around without INTERNALIZING the most important lesson…

That lesson was that you MUST ESTABLISH authority status FIRST, to make profitable buyers seek YOU out – and so that YOU don’t have to go looking (or is it “hunting”?) for them!

I’ve since learnt those lessons well, and even come up with a few of my own.

The book has been on sale via my online store as a downloadable PDF for years now. I sell it as a spiral bound book, and also email it as a PDF attachment to buyers from within/outside Nigeria who send payment directly to me, instead of using my online store.

All I had to do was change the way I was trying to sell.

I did NOT need to go back to school, or get another degree to make that happen.

Instead, I only had to pick up some Unconventional Sales and Marketing Education – the kind that is NOT taught in schools!

And it so happens that one of the 2 main gurus I learnt what to do from (who is world renowned in his field, and recently turned 80 years) describes himself as a high school drop out!

I have to say though that I was lucky, to have persisted in digging long enough to find out where I was going wrong. Otherwise I would have probably ended up frustrated – or concluded I was a failure…

Now, hat I’m saying here applies to job seekers, as much as it does to those who choose to start their own businesses

Most people often miss this…Sales & Marketing Education – of the right kinds – can often help with Passing Job Interviews!

In other words, with the right experience based sales/marketing “education”, YOU can record better results in searching for jobs than those who lack those abilities.

Among other benefits, your “know-how” will guide you right from when you write and submit your resume, to what you do and say when invited for the job interview!

Look around you, and you’ll see signs that this is true

Carefully observe people as they relate with one another – and you will see that WE ARE all in the business of WINNING one another over.

Maybe it’s to make them like you, or to make them give you something you want. We are all trying to “influence” one another!

Every now and then you are trying to “sell” a point of view or perspective to others, in a way that makes them LEAN towards your line of thinking. That makes them TRUST you more.

And when they trust you more, they are more likely to make decisions in YOUR favour.

This is why companies pay celebrities handsomely to “front” for their products by making them BRAND ambassadors. They know fans will tend to “adopt” something if they see that someone they admire, respect or trust (e.g. a celebrity), ENDORSES it.

So, to succeed, just LEARN how to gain the positive attention, interest, and ultimately TRUST, of those you need to decide in your favour.

It could be a prospective employer, or a potential client…a pretty girl or handsome chap…

Once you can win their “trust”, you will find that those who really need you, or what you offer, will choose you more often, over any others they may be considering.

And that’s what results in success…

In my case, that’s what leads to successful selling of my Feed Formulation Handbook, my other books, in addition to my Excel-VB software as well as other solutions I offer.

Yet, you must remember, that I basically had to go and discover how to succeed like this on my own. I had to re-learn and unlearn MANY things I was taught in school in the process too!

So, here’s my challenge to you: ASK YOURSELF...

Why don’t our schools teach US what we need to EXCEL in the real world?

Why do we so often leave school and then find we need to go and learn so many others things in order to succeed in the real world?

[NB: A possible exception is if we find paid employment that readily suits formal schooling we got. But that’s harder to find these days]

And why is it that when we retire, resign or get kicked out of our jobs, and we start our own businesses, one thing we struggle the most with is how to profitably MARKET whatever we offer???

To take this further, let ME now ask YOU this…

Don’t you think that our schools should be teaching us “sales and marketing that works” LONG before we are due to enter the real world?

Isn’t that what school is meant to do i.e. to EQUIP us with the knowledge and skills to care for ourselves in the real world ?

Even YOU in paid employment right now…these thoughts also apply!

For instance, should you NOT be learning “sales and marketing that works” in preparation for your inevitable departure from your salaried job???

After all, when that happens (e.g. you retire), you may have to “open a grocery shop, or supermarket”…or even start a consulting firm or cookies factory (ALL of which will benefit and do better with effective sales and marketing)!

The implications are however more far reaching that most people readily see…ASK YOURSELF this second set of questions:

What is school teaching MY own kids right now????

What has school BEEN teaching MY own kids since I began sending them there???

Does any of it include the stuff mentioned above, that is likely to determine their ability to succeed by profitably “sell” themselves???

If NO, what can I do to “CORRECT” that deficiency in the “education” my kids are getting???

Now that I’ve gotten you thinking all these (scary?) thoughts, what will you do?

Or should it be what CAN you do?

I say CAN, because there is indeed something you CAN do to change things if your questions reveal the need for that to happen!

Let me refer to myself from this point on…

Here’s what DRIVES me, to keep writing on this theme at every opportunity.

It’s also pushing me to TAKE concrete action to coach my kids to be better prepared for the real world.

Example 1: Their recent Selling Skills Development Project

At the end of August 2014, I made my go out to try marketing their cup cakes, to compare with how they sell to their classmates in school. It was a most revealing experience for them. I shared photos in my Facebook album.

Flyer for the Selling Skills Development Project

Screenshot of the Selling Skills Development Project Facebook Album - click to view photos

Example 2: Our forthcoming book titled “How We Cheaply Make Cup Cakes without an Oven or Cooker (PDF) – By Tayo, Fela, Emeka,and Chika SOLAGBADE

Just before leaving Nigeria during my last visit earlier this month, I got them together to quickly record a video in which they demonstrated the process they follow in making their cup cakes using only a pot and charcoal stove.

I’m now using the photos and video clips in writing a book that we will jointly publish as co-authors, for sale in my online store.

The purpose? Click the sneak preview cover image below to find out in the PDF report I’ve published about it.

This is a precursor to our forthcoming Quick Start Guide Book titled “How to Cheaply Make Cup Cakes without an Oven or Cooker & Sell Them for Profit” – based on what we do, as a family.

You see, dear reader, EVERY single day that passes, I ask myself: What can I do to SPARE my kids the painful hassle of re-learning – AFTER SCHOOL – in order to succeed in life that I experienced???

Hassles that made me a clueless “job seeker” post graduation.

Humiliating hassles that made me a “clueless” startup entrepreneur for years after I quit my job to run my own business in the real world!

These are HARSH truths, but I use them to keep myself awake to the realities my kids are bound to face, if I leave them to learn based on the SAME system that I passed through!!!

That’s what makes me determined to show them that a better way exists.

In fact, let me share a secret with you: If I have my way NONE of my kids will EVER become an employee.

I’ve told them this already, and we are all agreed on it in principle.

Judging from the way things are going for us right now, we’re already headed in that direction e.g. with our plans for a family based business.

This picture of the resulting cakes (though without pineapple peels added), prove they were right.

What will YOUR (and YOUR children’s) story be???