Category Archives: Writing/Blogging

THE FARM CEO (Issue 03) – Low Cost Protein Sources for L/S Feed, Good Aquaculture Feed Manufacturing Practice, Replacement of fish meal with maggot meal in African catfish, Soybean Meal Alternatives, Pre-Feasibility BROILER FARM (7500 Birds), Evaluation of Locally Available ingredients used for Ration Formulation for African Catfish

Issue No. 03 of THE FARM CEO:I got a phone question from Uchenna A., a Farm CEO client based in Abakaliki, on Sunday 21st June 2015, few hours after I arrived in Lagos from Cotonou. His question, was…

Q: What other alternative protein sources can I explore using if I cannot afford (or find) conventional ones like Fish Meal, Soyabean meal, and Groundnut Cake?

A: This Issue No. 03 of THE FARM CEO™ was deliberately devoted to addressing Uche’s question. You will therefore notice that I’ve featured several resources and publications offering tested ideas and guidelines for replacing the above mentioned protein sources.


this issue

[PDF] Low Cost Protein Sources for L/S Feed? P.1

[PDF] Good Aquaculture Feed Manuf. Practice P.2

[PDF] Replacement of fish meal with maggot meal in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) diets P.2

[PDF] Soybean Meal Alternatives P.2

Pre-Feasibility BROILER FARM (7500 Birds)!  P.3

Evaluation of Locally Available ingredients used for Ration Formulation for African Catfish (PDF) P.3

Your Questions Answered P.3

Your FREE Ad Space P.4

NB: Send in your questions. I’ve added this section to make sure I’m serving you what you need. Send me your requests, responses, and questions, early in the week, and I’ll dig up as much information as possible, review and publish here for your consideration.

THE FARM CEO™ content publishing objective is to save you time, effort and even money searching, researching, studying and/or making sense of the mass of information that’s available today, towards making intelligent, timely decisions to boost your farm’s long term success.

Click here to learn how to subscribe to get this latest issues as well as past issue of this newspaper.


THE FARM CEO (Issue 02) – Rat Control, Integrated Farming, Economics of Egg Production, Agribusiness Handbook: Poultry Meat & Eggs, Watch Songhai’s Award Winning Snails Feeding Video, Songhai’s Leadership Academy – SLA

In this second issue of THE FARM CEO newspaper, you get my reviews of, and links to:

(a) A 3 part write-up on Rat Control – VERY useful, by a UK based expert!

(b) A PDF Manual on Integrated Farming

(c) A PDF paper on The Economics of Egg Production

(d) A PDF document titled “Agribusiness Handbook: Poultry Meat & Eggs

(e) Watch Songhai’s Award Winning Snails Feeding Video

(f) Read about Songhai’s Leadership Academy – SLA

Below: Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 02 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 15th June 2015) – this is the formal look for the newspaper.

creenshot of the cover for Issue No. 02 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 15th June 2015) - this is the formal look for the newspaper

Subscribe to THE FARM CEO HERE, and get ALL back issues, in addition to your full subscription of 48 weekly issues.

Content to expect

1) Useful feed formulation/other findings from trusted sources

2) Cost-saving ideas from farm visits as I travel across West Africa.

3) Ads by farm providers/suppliers of all genres.

4). Special promo price offers of my Software and Book products

Learn more at

It Pays to Keep Truth-Based Relationships (Lesson from True Story by Beyoncé)

What Kinds Of Friends Do YOU Want – And Keep?

I want to surround myself with TRUTH all the time. I do not want to keep diplomatic and “anchorless Social Chameleons” (as Daniel Goleman described them in his book on Emotional Intelligence) in my social circle.

Does not matter if they are relatives or friends. I want people around me who will say what they mean and mean what they say – NO MATTER whose Ox is gored in the process, even if it’s mine! I want these things because I know they will bring out the best in me and those I relate with. What about YOU?

A Lesson About Truth-Based Relationships From A Celebrity

I was watching an interview of the highly successful female singer – Beyoncé- some time ago in which her gutsy venture into production of a solo album in secrecy and (as the reporter put it) without the luxury of a “safety net” to fall on (in event of failure) was discussed.

When asked how she felt about people making up stories about her life and commenting on her as a celebrity, she (among other things) said she felt lucky to belong to a family where people (unlike what obtains for some other stars) don’t tell her everything she says or does is “cute”. She added that as a result, she has always been surrounded “by truth” which has helped her remain herself.

Adults In Society And The Challenge Of Keeping Truth-Based Relationships

Listening to Beyoncé and reflecting on what she has achieved as a member of the immensely successful group – “Destiny’s Child” – and in her subsequent solo career, makes me certain that my belief that “surrounding oneself with truth in order to succeed with integrity” is valid.

Too often in society, especially amongst adults, duplicity, denial and outright dishonesty/insincerity feature prominently in relationships. It is so much so that I sometimes feel it would take only a blind person NOT to see it!

The truth is that inside each of us is a sixth sense, which equips us (if we develop it) to be able to “detect” insincerity in others – to some extent. Unfortunately, vanity, selfish interests and the need for ego gratification, make many people close their eyes to these obvious signs of insincerity when they see them.

I once read the following quote : “We ask for criticism, even though what we actually want to hear is praise”. I’ll take it further and say “…As a result, when we get the criticism we ask for, we take offense against the person(s) who is/are sincere enough to tell us the TRUTH”.

What Kinds Of Friends Do YOU Want – And Keep?

I think I like the “Beyoncé” kind of surrounding a lot. I want to surround myself with TRUTH all the time. I do not want to keep diplomatic and “anchor less Social Chameleons” (as Daniel Goleman described them in his book on Emotional Intelligence) in my social circle.

Does not matter if they are relatives or friends. I want people around me who will say what they mean and mean what they say – NO MATTER whose Ox is gored in the process, even if it’s mine! I want people around me who will tell me what they think of my words and actions to my face and not smile that I’m OK and then go behind my back to complain to others!

I want people who will give me (and/or anyone who needs it) the help or support I need UNCONDITIONALLY and without complaining or murmuring, and who will be decent enough to let me know when it is NOT convenient enough for them to help/support anymore – instead of continuing to help GRUDGINGLY. I want these things because I know they will bring out the best in me and those I relate with.

And if I cannot find people who fit the foregoing descriptions to be around, I would prefer to be on my own/keep to myself!

Is It The Number Of Friends You Have That Matters – Or The QUALITY of EACH ONE?

Incidentally, the attributes outlined above are those I have always striven to exhibit in my relationships with others. They are powerful qualities that I encourage YOU to also develop (if you do not already possess them), because you will make yourself EXTREMELY valuable and useful in the lives of others as a result.

Let me end with this question, which will be followed by what I consider a VERY powerful quote:

Question: What would be the point of your claiming to have many friends/associates/relatives etc for instance, when most (or all?) of them are not true to you?(i.e. say one thing to your face and another when you’re not around OR they say one thing and do another etc).

Blaise Pascal probably had the above in mind when he reportedly said the following words:

“I lay it down as a fact that if all men knew what others say of them, there would not be 4 friends in the world”.

What do you think?

NB: This article was first published online on 31st October 2007



A Proven Solution That Enables Any African Write And Publish An International Quality Physical Book At Zero Cost!

This article is based on a letter dated 31st October 2005 written by Tayo K. Solagbade following a 2 week exploratory business visit to Accra-Ghana, during which time he met with the President of Pan African Writers Association(PAWA).

Tayo emailed the letter to Media Houses in Ghana (e.g. Graphic Ghana), Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, South Africa etc challenging them to do a story on how POD Publishing could enable African writers publish and sell international quality print books at ZERO COST.

I am writing to suggest a story about How Print-On-Demand (POD) publishing companies based on the Internet have made it possible for anyone, living anywhere in the world – including Africa, to:

Click here to continue reading

THE FARM CEO™Newspaper – Alternative Livestock Feed Ideas [FREE MAIDEN ISSUE – Monday 8th June 2015]

THE FARM CEO™[Screenshots below]

Tagline: If it can help your farm business, you’ll find it in THE FARM CEO Newspaper

This FREE MAIDEN ISSUE is packed with reviews and links to the following useful resources: thefarmceo-maiden1



1. Alternative Feed Ingredients in Swine Diets(PDF): Parts 1 and 2

2. Poultry feed availability and nutrition in developing countries [Subtitle: Alternative feedstuffs for use in poultry feed formulations] – PDF

3. Make Money from Snail Farming (2 FREE E-Books):

a. by Forest Development Authority of Liberia

b. by National Agricultural Extension & Research Liaison Service, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria



“THE FARM CEO will run into at least 2 pages per issue. It will feature my reviews of news compiled from research and industry sources, including farm visits as I travel across West Africa. My mission is to make THE FARM CEO newspaper a preferred source of innovative, cost-saving/performance enhancing farm business ideas in Africa. If it can help your farm business, you’ll find it in THE FARM CEO newspaper!” – Tayo K. Solagbade,

Subscription to THE FARM CEO = $36/Yr [You get a FREE copy of the Feed Formulation Handbook( $82 value]

Download FREE maiden issue from


A WMS Will Help You Generate ZERO COST Sales Leads [Hint: The best way to sell is to target a list of potential buyers who CAME TO YOU BY themselves, with your offers: Like I’m NOW doing with THE FARM CEO Newspaper!]

Below: Screenshot of my auto-generated website contact form database of over 500 people (with names/personal details hidden) from different parts of the world, who found my website ( via my Web Marketing System (WMS) & contacted me about my products/services, over the years.

Screenshot of my auto-generated website contact form database of over 500 people (with names/personal details hidden) from different parts of the world, who found my website ( via my Web Marketing System (WMS) & contacted me about my products/services, over the years.

ALL of them are subscribers to my newsletter…and some have since gone on to become customers/clients by buying from me…

But here’s my point: Over 95% of them came to me on their own i.e. they found me while searching online for solutions they needed: mainly Farm Business related, and used my website contact forms to reach me.

In the process (based on my website terms, stated on my website contact forms – like this one) they signed up to my newsletter mailing list.

The above is why products/services I create tend to interest them.

Can you imagine how cost-effective it is to KNOW that the messages you send out are likely to be WELCOME by the recipients?

Don’t bother to imagine it. I’ll tell you: VERY…and that’s why I KEEP working my WMS by creating and propagating new content (articles, books, videos, audios etc) as often as possible!

Not surprisingly, a growing number are repeat buyers – of stuff I promote via my weekly newsletter.

See how this works??

The best way to sell is to target a list of potential buyers who CAME TO YOU BY themselves, with your offers!

Yes it’s true…one can BUY a mailing list of potential subscribers/buyers.

However, you will agree with me that it’s much better to use a list that costs you NOTHING…PLUS when you send sales messages to people who came to you on their own (as against the ones on a list you buy), you’re likely to get better responses.

A WMS will help you BUILD such a ZERO COST list of sales leads/prospects/potential buyers.

NB: You can get more by using other conventional methods: I use smart telephone calls, and email with my WMS.

Your Sales and Marketing will as a result become EASIER and CHEAPER to do…and you’ll attract potential buyers WILLING to pay more to get what you offer …yielding HIGHER sales margins for you.

The above is WHY I am already promoting “THE FARM CEO”, my new digital/print newspaper which goes LIVE from Monday 8th June 2015, to my list of over 500 subscribers with interests in farm business.


This strategy can yield useful EXTRA income in – at least – 2 powerful ways:

1. Subscription income

Interested persons have to subscribe for a YEAR ($24 USD) i.e. 48 issues of “THE FARM CEO”.

Those who do not subscribe will receive a “teaser” preview.

2. Advertising revenue

I’m offering advertising space for sale in “THE FARM CEO” newspaper:

a. to farm owners

b. to farm support providers of various genres e.g. Consultants, raw materials/feed suppliers, equipment suppliers, disease diagnostic service providers etc

Both groups mentioned above are likely to be attracted to my offer if they see/are convinced about the QUALITY of my mailing list of subscribers. I WILL NOT make the contact details of my subscribers available to ANYONE. What I will be doing is simply broadcasting ADVERTS placed by others to my mailing list – and publishing it in relevant issues of “THE FARM CEO”.

It goes without saying that this will not succeed overnight…but it is bound to succeed!

This is a new initiative I’m launching, so there’s no doubt that it may take time to catch on. But I have PLENTY of experience to draw from, based on my past achievements.

So this will not be a problem for me. Indeed, what I know to day makes me better equipped to get faster results.

And that’s the beauty of using this approach: you end up more competent to do what you do with INCREASING proficiency over time.

In my case, just like when I began using my WMS years ago, you can be sure THE FARM CEO newspaper will soon begin to enjoy PLENTY of useful attention from stakeholders in farm business and agriculture within and outside Africa.

Click here to learn more about the “THE FARM CEO” newspaper.

For details of how to purchase your subscription, click here to contact me. [NB: You get a FREE copy of my popular Feed Formulation Handbook, and FREE ad space in “THE FARM CEO” newspaper: click here to get details]

PS: Would you like to learn how to develop a WMS that will help you BUILD such a ZERO COST list of sales leads/prospects/potential buyers?

Or would you like me to DO IT FOR YOU?

Click here to let me know…


Download My Feed Formulation Handbook FREE (it sells for over N8k at…

Download My Feed Formulation Handbook FREE (it sells for over N8k at…when you subscribe to THE FARM CEO, my new WEEKLY PDF/PRINT newspaper. Also get FREE Bi-weekly ad for YOUR business!

Continue reading…



NEW: Subscribe to “THE FARM CEO: A “Small” Niche Digital/Print Newspaper for Farm Business Owners

[Update: Cover for Issue 02 added] On Monday 8th June 2015, I’ll publish the maiden issue of Self-Development Academy’s “THE FARM CEO:” a “small” niche digital newspaper (which will be available in PRINT to interested subscribers).

Below is a screenshot of a teaser preview.


I serve a growing base of mainly Farm Business CEOs. This newspaper aims to help them do what they do better.

Every week, it will serve them results from research and investigations I conduct into ideas and strategies/latest findings for farm business improvement.

To subscribe, EACH intending reader must provide satisfactory proof that s/he runs (or has plans to establish) a REAL life farm business.

It does not matter what part of the world you are based.

I have farm CEO clients from in and out of Africa – as far as North America and the UAE – and I guarantee they WILL also find this paper’s contents useful.

What is important is that you contact me, indicating your interest in getting a copy.

Note that you will receive the first issue FREE – digitally. Subsequently, you will be required to subscribe at $3 USD per month, to continue receiving weekly issues.

If you wish, the PRINT copies will be mailed to you via post (terms apply).


Subscribers to this newspaper will receive my reviews of news compiled from research and other industry sources, both on and off the web (including farm visits I do as I travel across West Africa).

In other words, you will get access to ready to use information and education from stakeholders across the world, delivered to you via this paper. This will give you smart ideas of what’s working and how to apply it to make your farm business succeed more. If you had to do this yourself, it would take you MUCH more time, effort & money!


Advert spaces available for purchase by farms & providers of all genres e.g.  Consultants, raw materials/feed suppliers, equipment suppliers, disease diagnostic service providers etc

For details about subscribing or advertising, click here to contact me.


All my existing farm business support products including my popular Feed Formulation Handbook, Ration Formulator Software, Poultry Farm Manager Etc will be periodically offered at special discount prices.


This publication will run into at least 2 or more pages, per issue, depending on the volume of useful news  to be served. Note that where relevant URLs to relevant sources for further reading will be provided.

My vision is to make this the No. 1 most reliable compilation for Farm CEOs.


SDAc’s Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas mini site offers custom best practice farm management systems (and software) development at affordable rates to farm owners in Nigeria/Africa.  Ours is a new, unconventional, but practical approach to provision of Modern Extension Services for farm businesses in this part of the world.

We work with crop and/or livestock farmers to develop and implement intelligent decision making systems that help their farm businesses become more efficient and profitable, through low cost adaptation of technology, while building on indigenous knowledge systems.

Visit or Connect with us on our Facebook page at

For details about subscribing or advertising, click here to contact me.

Below: Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 02 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 15th June 2015) – this is the formal look for the newspaper.

creenshot of the cover for Issue No. 02 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 15th June 2015) - this is the formal look for the newspaper

For details about subscribing or advertising, click here to contact me.


This morning I had an interesting phone conversation with a Poultry Farm CEO based in an East African country. He’d emailed me yesterday about my Feed Formulation Handbook, Ration Formulator and Poultry Farm Manager apps.

After requesting price details, before ending the call, he expressed interest in promoting my products to other buyers in his country. That appealed instantly to me because teaming up with others to boost my marketing reach/impact is one of the main objectives I have!

Indeed, like I told him, I’ve always had a 50% commission affiliate partnership STANDING offer.

However, his request has now made me open it up to ALL members of my Inner Circle i.e. anyone who joins my Inner Circle WILL instantly become MY 50% affiliate partner.

In other words if a member of my Inner Circle refers ANY person to buy my product(s), I WILL send him/her 50% of that product(s) sale amount.

We just need to agree modalities for working together. It’s simple.

So if YOU, reading this now are interested, get in touch, to find out how to earn 50% as my affiliate partner.

Here’s the best part: As a member of my Inner Circle you get: ONE product of your choice FREE (e.g Custom  Software, Biz Plans, Best Practice Books) PLUS 65% off ALL my other products & services  (e.g. Web Marketing, Freelance   Writing, Mentoring etc) – for LIFE

With regard to the 65% discount on my Web Marketing System (WMS) Development service…if you want it, I will build a branded Joomla website, a branded WordPress blog, a branded Facebook page and a branded Twitter page for your business at 65% discount off my normal N100k (One Hundred Thousand Naira) fee.

You pay N35K plus a special N10k domain/hosting fee, making N45k instead of over N132k!

NB: Examples of what you get can be seen at and and and

But that’s not all: When your WMS is up and running, I will go further to create a page on your website/blog and mine, announcing that my products can be obtained in your country through you.

That way, all who wish to buy from me will HAVE to go through you, making MORE people come to you, and ensuring that you get payments due to you from me for any sales I get.

Incidentally, what I said above is the basis on which I represent Burt Dubin as Sole Agent for his Speaker Mentoring products/services across Africa.

See my name etc at &



And there’s more: Membership of my Inner Circle also gets you my Home Study Excel –VB Workbook Tutorial Videos. PLUS  you get access to My Excel-VB Club & Competition.

You will learn to automate MS Excel using Visual Basic programming – and that would make you look good in paid employment, and you can earn income by selling your Excel-VB apps like I do!

Screenshot: The interactive map of Nigeria in my Elections Results Compiler app, that I use to auto-generate reports for ANY state I click on the map.- another example of how I use Custom Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs) to help users find their way around quickly. The intuitive GUIs that I creatively incorporate is why I call my Excel-VB apps "Excel Novice Proof!". It's also why I use the tagline: "If you can use a mobile (or smart) phone, you can use my custom Excel-VB apps".

For instance, the above interactive map of Nigeria, that I use to auto-generate reports for ANY state I click on the map in my latest app – can be customized for use in ANY business to generate instant reports/charts of production, sales, expense data.

Watch videos of the above shown app in use, and view screenshots/explanations at

As a member of the Excel-VB club, you’ll learn advanced spreadsheet programming skills and get to take part in the competition.

Watch THIS Video: Spreadsheet Automation Can Boost Your Success [What MANY African Professionals Are Missing]

Full details about the MS Excel-VB club and competition available at


As you can see, joining my Inner Circle comes with many multiple benefits. I’m keen to establish and nurture long term relationships with persons fitting my target audience profile, like you.

That way, when you need help with anything you buy from me, I will be able to provide solutions that quickly address those needs with minimal delays, because I would KNOW YOU, and what you do well enough.

For full details of what you get as a member of my Inner Circle…click here to read the PDF offer document.

If you’d like to start EARNING 50% AS MY AFFILIATE PARTNER, by joining my Inner Circle, click here to send me a message.


On 13th April 2015 I announced that ANYONE who purchases Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring products/service to the tune of $500 US dollars or more, WILL get FREE Lifetime Membership of my Inner Circle. If you’re an expert-who-speaks or one aspiring, THAT is an opportunity to eat your cake and have it. You get ALL the benefits of my Inner Circle memberhip (click to learn what they are) – including those stated in the above article i.e. you become eligible to EARN 50% AS MY AFFILIATE PARTNER !

Click here to let me know you want t purchase Burt’s offers…as a means to joining my Inner Circle now.


SDAc’s Microsoft Excel Heaven™ Visual Basic Club & COMPETITION [For Business Users & School Kids] – Download 9 Page Offer Slideshow

(a). The Microsoft Excel Heaven™ Visual Basic club offers serious minded business users a platform to learn useful spreadsheet automation skills using MS Excel-Visual Basic.

(b). The competition provides such business users with a REAL WORLD relevant challenge that they can use to test their new skills, thereby building the confidence to deliver greater value to their employers or clients – leading to increased productivity and income.

(c). The Kiddie’s arm of the club aims to promote zero cost spreadsheet programming skills development in kids, to solve everyday problems.

Cover for the 9 page PowerPoint slideshow - click to submit a web form request to get the download link

Who is this club/competition for?

a. Paid club membership is open to all business users in all fields e.g accountants/financial/tax consultants, sales/marketing professionals, corporate executives, Quantity Surveyors/engineers etc.

b. FREE membership open to persons preparing for professional examinations at accredited tuition centres. No payment is required from the students. However, the tuition centre is required to pay the $65 USD MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Club annual membership fee . That single payment covers ALL student in that centre.

NB: Professionals (who have passed exams and already practicing) can also compete – but must join the club independently, by paying the annual fee of $65 USD per annum.

Sponsor the competition or the MS Excel-VB Club for Kids…

There are various ways you can come on board as a partner or sponsor (financial and non-financial) for the club and the competition. A special dimension is the MS Excel Heaven™ VB Club for Kids. Aimed at build income earning coding skills in school kids. Contact me for details of the foregoing and more.

The MS Excel Heaven™ VB Club for Kids:

No payment required from kids. Instead each school (or parent) pays ONE TIME membership fee.

That makes the school (or family) instant members – with FULL benefits.

Call Tayo Solagbade on +229-66-122-136 (Benin) or +234=803-302-1263 (Nigeria).

To learn more about how to join the club or compete, OR to be a SPONSOR, send a message/request the 9 page slideshow from