Category Archives: Writing/Blogging

People With Skills and Entrepreneurial Savvy Achieve Financial Success Easier and Faster [ Recommended: Omowale Ola’s Foundation for Skills Development – FSD]

“It should be encouraging to know that practically all the great fortunes began in the form of compensation for personal services, or from the sale of ideas. What else, except ideas and personal services, would one not possessed of property have to give in return for riches?” – Napoleon Hill

People with USEFUL SKILLS, who also have entrepreneurial savvy or know-how, are often able to make money profitably, by using those skills to SERVE others.

It is instructive to note, that quite often such people need little or no capital to get started earning income in this manner. Instead they simply need to find someone who needs their SERVICES, then provide it and get paid.

This is why Skills Acquisition is a powerful way to empower ANYONE to achieve financial independence.

I say this as one who earns 100% of my income this way, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, shuttling between 2 countries (and planning to visit more), while SERVING an international audience both on and off the web.

My advice to you, is contained in the tag line I use to promote on-demand learning solutions I offer:

Acquire Self-Development Skills. Create The Future You Want™

That’s what I’ve been doing in my own personal and work life for over 2 decades. I excelled in paid employment for 7 years doing so, and I’m NOW excelling as an entrepreneur (defying visitations of failure and hardship) doing the exact same thing.

Anyone familiar with my past, and who is willing to be objective, will agree: I AM CREATING the future I want, for myself and my family!

You can do the same – and so can your kids incidentally, if you set them up to do so

I’m doing that for mine already via a special Personal Achievement Coaching for Kids (PACK)™ program I’m taking them through.

For you, or your kids, a good place to acquire USEFUL real-world relevant skills (that command the paying attention of others), and which I PERSONALLY endorse, is Omowale Ola’s Foundation for Skills Development (FSD).

There may be others, but THIS is the one I know, and am sure of.

What makes FSD’s programs effective is that in addition to training their learners in specific vocations, they also give them entrepreneurship education.

This equips their trainees with the crucial understanding of how to use their newly acquired skills for profit making business purposes.

This latter aspect (i.e real world relevant entrepreneurship education) is often neglected by providers of most vocational skills programs.

That’s why graduates of such programs often go into the real world unable to find – and stay – on their feet financially, via money making, for the long term.

Less than 2 weeks ago, I saw the post shown below, from Omowale Ola on Facebook…announcing that registration is ON.

Less than 2 weeks ago, I saw this post from Omowale Ola, on Facebook, announcing that registration is ON. Click now to view post on Facebook.

Go to for details of courses on offer. They have a rich variety to serve people of different interests, needs, and talents.

Below: Photo of page 8 that I cut and kept, from Sunday Punch of 11th July 2010 – it’s a special report on Omowale Ola’s Foundation for Skills Development (http:// www.fieldofskillsanddreams. com/).

Click now to view full size version - As I said, my thinking in this book differs from when I wrote the script as a 17 year old in 1987.

In my new book titled Defeating The Devil Inside (Subtitle: Travails of a Young Believer, and His Misguided Female Convert), I deliberately used FSD as a reference in the story line, for the main character (John)’s self-transformation: After losing his job, and suffering major hardship for a prolonged period, he eventually attended a 7 month “carpentry” program at FSD and launched his own business venture – employing workers of his own.

Click here to learn more about the book, and the real-life play script it is based on.

Click here to visit Foundation for Skills and Dreams

Full disclosure: In case you wonder, I have NEVER met Omowale Ola before, and she did NOT ask me to say all this (nor will I be getting – or asking for – anything for doing it) but I have seen, read, and heard enough over the last 10 years to know FSD is a good place to learn.


Use Your Custom Web Marketing System Correctly (Hint: What NOT to Do If You Want to Attract Profitable Buyers)

To attract profitable buyers with a Web Marketing System(WMS), you have to define and differentiate yourself.

In other words, you must create content that is original, and unique – one that cannot be found anywhere else. Doing anything different, will amount to effectively killing the WMS created for you. It just won’t work as it is designed…which means you will NOT get the full spectrum of benefits promised.

That’s why in developing and implementing my customizable Web Marketing System (WMS) for myself and my clients, the number ONE thing I watch out for, is the integrity of the content used.

In case you’re new to this, click here to learn more about what a WMS can do for you.

The articles I create for myself and my clients epitomize the above. Nobody will find anything them anywhere else on the web, except on the specific website they were prepared for.

I have seen business owners who public articles on their blog that are not original to them. In many cases, they are exact duplicates of what the original author has on his own blog. To their credit, they leave the name of the author at the end of each piece.

The truth however is that if you’re using a WMS like the kind I develop and implement, you cannot afford to do that!

You simply cannot take somebody else’s contents and put on your blog, especially when there is no indication on that person’s website that s/he has permitted for that to be done.

Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I’m saying you cannot republish other people’s write-ups. You can – but there’s an accepted, ethical way to go about it.

For instance, if you go to a website like, there are write-ups by various expert authors there (mine are there too – click).

Website owners and publishers online come to that website, and browse through to select articles of their choice for republishing on their own websites.

It’s called content syndication – and every publisher who picks up my article from for example, is required to retain my by-line at the bottom, in exchange for access to my content.

So, yes, you could do that i.e. get content to republish from an approved source like the above mentioned articles directory.

But you cannot do that with unique content from the website of an expert author, who has NOT submitted his content to a syndication platform like

Except he explicitly states otherwise on his personal website, you simply cannot go there and pick up his/her content and use on your own website.

Having said that, even if s/he did add an invitation under each article on his/her blog, for you – as a reader – to republish it on yours, my point is you cannot hope to achieve the degree of web marketing success possible, with my kind of WMS, by reproducing other people’s content.

It will not work.

You see, the WMS is designed to enable you establish yourself as an authority in your field. When that happens, the authority status you develop will make people decide (and prefer) to buy whatever you offer, from YOU, even if they are aware they can get it elsewhere.

Reproducing another expert’s articles on your blog, instead of writing your original pieces, will effectively deny you the opportunity to establish yourself as an authority.

And if you cannot establish yourself as an authority, you will not be able to sell using a WMS.

Some of the above mentioned business owners who reproduced other people’s articles on their blogs, inserted articles, images and links for their products within, and at the end of the articles.

They focused only on inviting people to buy, with clickable links your sales pages. But the content itself was not created by them. When using a WMS, this will yield poor results.

If you want to succeed with web marketing, for the long term, you cannot copy and paste other people’s writing on your blog/website.

Doing so doesn’t command respect from the people you are hoping to attract. You will not command the buying attention of serious minded followers.

In other words, if you continue that way, you’ll be shooting yourself in the foot.

A better way: You can quote another expert whose idea you like… maybe a line or two.

Refer to him/her via a link to the article, for readers to learn more: don’t copy and paste it all!

Having said the above, I can tell you, based on YEARS of success from using my own custom WMS, that it’s much more important to express YOUR OWN views/ideas

You have to do your own writing. Think up your own original thoughts. And voice out your own perspective on issues relating to what you’re selling.

You have stories of your own, about the experiences you’ve had doing the business you’re engaged in.

You need to write them out and share them with your audience. You can also create audios, videos, info graphics, mind maps versions of your ideas and publish via relevant channels.

That is the way to use a WMS – IF you want authentic, long lasting web marketing success!

If you have any questions, visit and use the contact form to ask me.


THE FARM CEO (Issue 14): 5 Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health, 5 Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices, Five (5) Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records, Automate Your Farm Record Keeping and Accounts to Succeed Profitably, What is a BOPMS for Farm Improvement? (a Mind Map Based Explanation)

[Tagline: If it can help your farm business, you’ll find it in THE FARM CEO™ Newspaper ]

Below is a preview of THE FARM CEO newspaper for this week (Issue No. 14) – It is 100% dedicated to the important issue of Best Practice Farm Management and Performance Improvement.

Here are the headlines, reviews – and links – for this week’s featured news items:

[URL] 5 Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health P.1

[URL] 5 Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices P.2

[URL] Five (5) Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records P.2

[URL] Automate Your Farm Record Keeping and Accounts to Succeed Profitably P.3

[URL] What is a BOPMS for Farm Improvement? (a Mind Map Based Explanation) P.3

Below: Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 14 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 7th September 2015)

Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 14 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 7th September 2015)

Subscribe to THE FARM CEO, and get this new issue, as well as ALL back issues, in addition to your full subscription of 48 weekly issues.

1) Useful feed formulation/other findings from trusted sources

2) Cost-saving ideas from farm visits as I travel across West Africa.

3) Ads by farm providers/suppliers of all genres.

4). Special promo price offers of my Software and Book products

Full details at

1 year’s subscription = 48 issues.

Subscription Fee = $36 USD (approx) N6.8k [You get my $82 USD Feed Formulation Handbook FREE, as well as FREE Bi-weekly ads for YOUR biz]

ARCHIVES: Click here to view previews of ALL past issues of the newspapers

Can You Possibly Publish and Sell Books (not Ebooks) at Zero Cost?

A new subscriber recently emailed me to ask:

a). I would like to know how one can possibly publish and sell books (not ebooks) at Zero capital?

(b). How can I get your proven techniques and strategies for starting to finish to write anything?

Both questions were in apparent reference to offers announced on banners I put up on my flagship website at

I share excerpts from my response email below, for the benefit of interested others.

Question a: I would like to know how one can possibly publish and sell books (not ebooks) at Zero capital?

***My answer starts***

See full details at: click here

I’ve been doing it for myself since 2005.

Many buyers from in and out of Africa have purchased my physical books and had them delivered to their doorsteps – some are clients who also bought my Excel-VB software, as far as places like the Philippines, the US and other places.

I’ve also helped other CEOs get their own PRINT books published in and out of Nigeria. Indeed, I am currently working on doing just that for a UK based business coach.

The above linked page shows pictures, screen shots and other details to help you understand how this works, and where I’ve so far been with regard to doing it.

I’ve tried to get media houses to talk about this powerful alternative to brick and mortar book publishing houses, but for some strange reason, they simply won’t pay attention.

My argument is that ANY smart CEO today should position him/herself uniquely by becoming a published author in his/her area of expertise.

Today, using the technology I describe on the above linked page, ANYONE who knows how, can do it successfully.


2. How can I get your proven techniques and strategies for starting to finish to write anything?

***My response starts***

Since you’re already on my mailing list, I’ve attached the ebook to THIS email.

Otherwise you would have needed to fill/submit the downloads access form at click here to get it

Filename = writeanything.pdf [Size = 282KB]


I published this write-up as an article several years ago on my old domain (

However, due to its popularity, I decided to convert it to a PDF ebook to boost marketing of my freelance writing service.

Unfortunately due to the large number of such resources I have (over1,000), I have not gotten around to modifying relevant pages in it to reflect my new website (

So, you’ll still see links starting with in it. That’s my 9 year old domain that’s now defunct (full story at click here)

Wherever you see the above URL, simply change it to

Aside from that, I believe every other thing in the Ebook remains valid.


Final Words

If you’re interested in getting a copy of the documents mentioned above, that I emailed with my response, click here to send me a message.

THE FARM CEO (Issue 13): The Transport of Live Fish – A Review, Catering Services and the Poultry Industry Value Chain in the Niger Delta,Poultry (Chicken) Farming In Nigeria: The Nature of the Egg Market, Profitability analysis of small-scale catfish farming in Kaduna State, Nigeria, Catfish Farmers Discussion Forum Nigeria

[Tagline: If it can help your farm business, you’ll find it in THE FARM CEO™ Newspaper ]

Below is a preview of THE FARM CEO newspaper for this week (Issue No. 13)

Here are the headlines, reviews – and links – for this week’s featured news items:

[URL] The Transport of Live Fish: A Review P.1

[PDF] Catering Services and the Poultry Industry Value Chain in the Niger Delta P.2

[URL] Poultry (Chicken) Farming In Nigeria: The Nature of the Egg Market P.2

[PDF] Profitability analysis of small-scale catfish farming in Kaduna State, Nigeria. P.3

[URL] Catfish Farmers Discussion Forum Nigeria P.3

Below: Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 13 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 31st August 2015)

Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 13 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 31st August 2015)

If you’re involved in the business of fish farming, you most likely know that transporting live fish can rarely be done successfully without proper know-how. So many things can go wrong if it’s not done right.

My first experience of the potential hazards associated with live fish was when I apprenticed with Muyiwa Adediran (aka The Fish Man™) on his Belewo Specialized Fish Rearing farm at Abesan Estate in Iyana Ipaja area of Lagos back in 2002.

For about 6 months, I learned by working as a farm hand – often – on weekends, caring for the stocks of catfish and ornamental fish bred on the farm.

Every now and then Muyiwa had to arrange for live fish (both kinds) to be transported to different parts of the country. It was NEVER a process he took lightly, as the dangers of DOA (Dead On Arrival) batches always threatened.

He had told me stories about the days when he exported indigenous ornamental fish (collected from key location) to countries in Europe and Asia, and how he gained valuable experience in preparing and packaging live fish to go on such “journeys”.

Done wrongly, it could mean the end of an exporter’s lucrative investment – and also a loss of confidence on the part of his/her international buyers…

Subscribe to THE FARM CEO, and get this new issue, as well as ALL back issues, in addition to your full subscription of 48 weekly issues.

1) Useful feed formulation/other findings from trusted sources

2) Cost-saving ideas from farm visits as I travel across West Africa.

3) Ads by farm providers/suppliers of all genres.

4). Special promo price offers of my Software and Book products

Full details at

1 year’s subscription = 48 issues.

Subscription Fee = $36 USD (approx) N6.8k [You get my $82 USD Feed Formulation Handbook FREE, as well as FREE Bi-weekly ads for YOUR biz]


UPDATE: The Farm CEO is no longer for sale. All Farm CEOs who purchase products/services worth N20.5k or more get it FREE for life – including all past issues.

ARCHIVES: Click here to view previews of ALL past issues of the newspapers

Get a Custom “WMS” to Attract Profitable Customers at Zero Cost for Your Business (Time Limited Offer)

[NB: “WMS” means “Web Marketing System”]

This offer is meant – primarily – for ALL my past buyers/clients. In other words you have purchased a product or service from me, sometime in the past.

NB: If you’re not yet a client, and wish to benefit from this offer, see the notes at the bottom of the page.

For those who are my clients, my custom WMS was what helped YOU find, and eventually contact me, without my placing a single advert or reaching out to you before then!

That’s how a WMS works: And it continues working that way for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…even on public holidays, AND while you sleep.

Setup and used properly, for the right length of time, your WMS can help you cut down the time, effort and money it costs you to “attract” potentially PROFITABLE buyers.

As I conceived it, a WMS has 9 key components.

You can view a one page mind map I created to explain it at the link below:

Based on the mind map, the following 4 are the minimum components of a WMS that I always recommend and/or build for use by my clients in ANY industry…

1. A branded Joomla! website integrated with Facebook/Twitter – containing response generating content written specifically for your business & RSS feed autopublishing content from your blog (see one example of mine at

2. A branded WordPress blog integrated with Facebook/Twitter – with business marketing articles targeted to generate pre-qualified leads (see 2 examples of mine at and

3. A branded Facebook biz page & a Twitter page – with RSS feed auto-publishing content from your blog (see example of my Facebook page here and my Twitter page here)

4. A branded Automated Email Newsletter – to inform and educate potential buyers/clients/subscribers till they take action to buy from you (see a past issue HERE)

Most clients that have hired me (withing and outside Africa) already had websites when they discovered me.

So, this is NOT about building a website for you. Indeed, I do that FREE for my clients, IF they ask me for it! Interestingly, many who have hired me (over 80%) already had websites online when they did.

Most of my clients engaged me to make their online presence more EFFECTIVE (via development of a custom WMS) so it could generate TANGIBLE returns on their investment in the use of the web for business marketing.

The basic rules for success with what I call an “Effective Online Presence” (aka Web Marketing System) remain the same across industries…

Basically, to be worth the investment you make in it, your online presence should generate sales leads so you can close more sales/make more money – and also save you money by reducing your need to spend in order to generate such leads.

YOU found this website, and have read up till this point. Believe it or now, that means you have experienced the power of a WMS, in terms of how it subtly “entices” persons who fit the owner’s target audience profile to explore information and/or solutions s/he offers!

I can help you setup a WMS customized to help you attract pre-qualified prospects or potential buyers, like I do. And if you apply yourself diligently, you will get results similar to or better than mine.

SPECIAL OFFER: Purchase my custom WMS promo offer and get MY 3 MONTH RETAINERSHIP SERVICE FREE

Pay N120k instead of my standard fee of N150k to get your own custom WMS, PLUS my 3 month retainership service FREE.

NB: If this offer interests you, you can pay in 3 installments i.e. pay N50k to tie down the offer and N35k by the first Monday of each of the following 2 months.

The 3 month FREE retainership service bonus means AFTER I finish building your WMS, I will – for 3 FULL months – personally handle ALL your website content updates/marketing, while coaching you or your staff (e.g your webmaster) to do what I do, until you can carry on by yourself.

Click the link below to view the one page PDF that outlines details of my 3 Month Retainership Service, which you get FREE if you take up THIS offer:

You see, I know from experience that it won’t be easy to succeed with your own WMS. That’s why I offer to work with you via a retainership arrangement till it begins to work FOR you!

The way I see it, only when my clients succeed do I really succeed.

That’s why I serve ALL my clients with FANATICAL dedication…

Click the link below to listen to client I’ve served since 2007, speak about me in a short video:

Take up my promo offer by paying N120k (instead of N150k), and you’ll get my 3 month retainership offer FREE (N150k value).

REMEMBER: If this offer interests you can pay in 3 installments i.e. pay N50k to tie down the offer & N35k by the first Monday of each of the following 2 months.

Final Words

If you are a business owner, and are interested in THIS offer, but have not yet made a purchase from me, visit If you’re NOT a Farm CEO, consider purchase options at and, as well as

The above linked pages offer details of my products you can purchase (I will extend the deadline for you to take up THIS offer, once you purchase one or more of the featured products).

Click here to contact me if you have any questions or require clarification.

POULTRY VISION 2013 – 2023 BY DR. AYOOLA ODUNTAN, NATIONAL CHAIRMAN, POULTRY ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA [A Review published in Issue No. 12 of Tayo K. Solagbade’s The Farm CEO™ newspaper]

This is a review (by Tayo K. Solagbade, publisher of The Farm CEO™ newspaper) of a thought provoking paper presented by Dr. Ayoola Oduntan – the National Chairman of the Poultry Association of Nigeria – at the 2015 Poultry Summit held in Lagos.


Dr. Oduntan makes a compelling case for concerted efforts to be channeled towards boosting global food production to keep up with the rapid population growth across the world. Eye opening statistics that among other interesting perspectives feature Nigeria as the leading producer of chicken meat and eggs boost the impact of this well researched presentation.

Dr. Oduntan notes the inevitable limiting effect of the ban on use of cages in Europe, combined with the increasing “campaign for welfare chicken” in the same region.

On the other hand African markets remain largely open for major growth and expansion.

He however notes that feed costs may continue to rise due to diversion of maize to ethanol production – which has further increased demand pressures on that key poultry feed ingredient.

In the rest of the paper, he proceeds to provide an interesting review/analysis of the different areas of poultry production –layers, broilers etc – noting challenges faced, such as rising cases of rearing depletions, and the possible link to vaccines used.

The highlight of the paper was however the challenge of rising feed costs, which plagues farmers today. Soyabeans and Maize continue to remain limited in availability, even as their prices rise. To meet the needs of the industry, heavy importation has to be done.

All of that inevitably adds to operating costs, leading to higher prices passed to the consumers – making poultry meat increasingly expensive.

Reading through this paper, I got the distinct impression – which his closing statement seems to support – that Dr. Oduntan put it together, especially the various tables of statistics included, to invite discussions from readers – especially stakeholders.

While I see nothing wrong with that approach, I would argue that the leadership of PAN needs to take ownership of the major challenge of SYSTEMATICALLY exploring the use of alternative low cost, locally available feed ingredients for producing poultry feed.

This can be done on a formal level, in collaboration with farmers. I know this from my interactions with Farm CEOs who already do it for themselves, using pilot scale projects on their farm premises. Such farmers can be invited to share the Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) with others in learning for that PAN can organize.

From there, a project team can be put together to tap from the knowledge and experience of such farmers, towards establishing standards for use of the viable alternative feed ingredients identified, to guide their successful use by interested farmers.

I’ve written several articles on this theme in the past, in which I reviewed research findings by Nigerian/African researchers on studies they did of locally available low cost alternative feed ingredients.

If you’re interested, I can send you an email with URLs to the different articles, which actually offer ready-to-use information, and in some cases contact details of the researchers so you can consult them. Just fill and submit this web request form.

Read Dr. Ayoola Oduntan’s full paper on the website of the Farming Advice Digest magazine at: or use this short URL :

NB: This article is an excerpt from the page 3 feature of Issue No. 12 of Tayo K. Solagbade’s The Farm CEO newspaper – click here to view table of contents

Learn more about The Farm CEO newspaper at

Below: Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 12 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 24th August 2015)

Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 12 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 24th August 2015)

THE FARM CEO (Issue 12): Show African farmers how to profit, NIGERIAN COMPUTER TABLET (“Inye”), AFRICA BUSINESS-With iCow and M-Farm, Smartphones reboot African agriculture, An Affordable Smart Tractor For African Farmers & Their Tiny Farms, Poultry Vision 2013 – 2023 – Dr. Ayoola Oduntan, National Chairman Poultry Assoc. of Nigeria

[Tagline: If it can help your farm business, you’ll find it in THE FARM CEO™ Newspaper ]

Below is a preview of THE FARM CEO newspaper for this week (Issue No. 12)

Here are the headlines, reviews – and links – for this week’s featured news items:

[URL] Show African farmers how to profit [URL] P.1


[URL] AFRICA BUSINESS-With iCow and M-Farm, Smartphones reboot African agriculture – P.2

[URL] An Affordable Smart Tractor For African Farmers & Their Tiny Farms P.3

[PAPER] Poultry Vision 2013 – 2023 – Dr. Ayoola Oduntan, National Chairman Poultry Assoc. of Nigeria P.3

Below: Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 12 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 24th August 2015)

Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 12 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 24th August 2015)

ARCHIVES: Click here to view previews of ALL past issues of the newspapers

Subscribe to THE FARM CEO, and get this new issue, as well as ALL back issues, in addition to your full subscription of 48 weekly issues.

1) Useful feed formulation/other findings from trusted sources

2) Cost-saving ideas from farm visits as I travel across West Africa.

3) Ads by farm providers/suppliers of all genres.

4). Special promo price offers of my Software and Book products

Full details at

1 year’s subscription = 48 issues.

Subscription Fee = $36 USD (approx) N6.8k [You get my $82 USD Feed Formulation Handbook FREE, as well as FREE Bi-weekly ads for YOUR biz]

You Need Spontaneous Coaching™for Passive Income

Quick Take Away: This article explains why I’m launching my Spontaneous Coaching for Passive Income (SC4PI)™ generation programme next week. It’s a confidential  support service to help clients conceive, develop , package and promote their own unique range of passive income generating products.


If you’re a regular visitor to this blog (, you probably know my primary target audience are Farm Business CEOs – and those aspiring.

But as a multipreneur I have clients in other industries e.g financial consultants, legal experts, hospital owners, restaurant owners, medical consultants, NGO operators, HR consultants etc

A growing number of the Farm CEOs, actually hold full time jobs, while running their businesses part time – often in partnership with their spouses.

The do this typically because they dream one day of settling into a freer life – and safer – outside the requirement of 9 to 5 job, without worrying about  how to make the money to maintain the lifestyle they want.

Based on the above, if you’re reading this, know that I have a wealth of knowledge, and experience based insights from exposure to a variety of market opportunities that I can share with you, in helping you.

In fact, that’s why I’ll be launching my Spontaneous Coaching for Passive Income (SC4PI)™ generation programme next week.

As I said earlier, the purpose is to offer a confidential hand-holding support service designed to help clients conceive, develop , package and promote their own unique range of passive income generating products.

I actually already have clients I’ve been doing this with already – but it is based on a promo offer I made few weeks back. They are the ones who took up my first offer to help them build their own Money Making Product. So, this is not exactly new.

However, it’s the insights I’ve gained from working with the current clients that has convinced me I need to make this a formal offering for members of my target audience to take up.

You see, it’s become apparent to me that people are going to be “coming around” to the realization that they NEED to boost the amount of money they make without necessarily doing more work.

They are discovering that earning passive income, in addition to the money they already make, can dramatically boost their ability to achieve financial security.

As that realization hits them, some may remember what I’ve been saying, and decide to try launching out.

The problem I anticipate is that if they do not connect with professionals that work with integrity, they may do it wrong, and get frustrated. Or worse – they could get exploited and end up NOT achieving the desired end.

So, to assuage my conscience that I’ve done all that I can, and in line with the prompting I continue to get from the Creator, regarding this matter, I’m launching this SC4PI™ programme.

Here’s an offer for Early Sign ups…

The first 10 people to sign up will get EXACTLY the same offer package as that given to those who took up the promo for the trial run I announced on Monday 13th July 2015.

Get full details of the offer I made back then at: No. 201: Your Own Money Making Product Built by Me [Offer Expires MNT Wed 15th July 2015]

The formal announcement will come sometime next week, via my blog and email newsletter broadcast.

Click here to send me a message if you’d like to get a bulk SMS message informing you when it goes LIVE.


1. No. 201: Your Own Money Making Product Built by Me [Offer Expires MNT Wed 15th July 2015]

2. A Tried & Tested Strategy For Achieving Financial Freedom (Hint: Get My Audio DVD Information Product titled “Proven Ways to Generate Useful Passive Income”)

3. The Best Way to Make Money (True Story)


Below: Photograph of my latest Audio DVD Information Product titled “Proven Ways to Generate Useful Passive Income” (sitting on my copy of Robert Kiyosaki’s “Why ‘A’ Students Work for ‘C’ Students, and ‘B’ Students Work for the Government”)

Photograph of my latest Audio DVD Information Product titled Proven Ways to Generate Useful Passive Income (sitting on my copy of Robert Kiyosaki's Why 'A' Students Work for 'C' Students, and 'B' Students Work for the Government)

[NEW BOOK!] How to Bust Loose: and use Mental Alchemy™ to take command of your life – Paperback By Burt Dubin (Creator of the Speaking Success System)

I’m excited: But Dubin‘s new book “How to Bust Loose: and use Mental Alchemy™ to take command of your life” is on sale at (click here). When he began writing it, he told me.

I'm excited: But Dubin's new book

Full disclosure: Burt – a renowned mentor of some of the highest paid speakers in the world – is my mentor…AND I also represent him as SOLE AGENT across Africa, promoting his speaker mentoring products and services.

As one who has learnt from Burt for years – and also corresponded with him while he was writing THIS book – I can tell you it offers timeless wisdom for achievement of self-actualization by ANYONE no matter you status.

If you want to achieve your God-given potential in life, get this book and read it. Take it from me, as one whose success today stems from over a decade of adapting a LOT of the wisdom from Burt’s written works to achieve my goals.

Without any attempt at exaggeration, I make bold to say that if I had NOT encountered Burt’s writing, I would NOT be where I am today, succeeding the way I do. There is NO doubt in my mind about that!

Below is a preview of the book, with a link to the full copy in Burt’s store

This book is a treasure trove of wisdom.

Within its pages you discover how to make yourself the master of your life experience. You see how to assert your autonomy, how to liberate yourself from imposed imperatives and how to master the real power of your mind.

And that’s just the start.

When you apply the principles within the ten Parts of this book you proceed to live the life your heart desires.

For 37 years the author researched and emulated the thinking processes of Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein.

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