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You Really Do NOT Need a Website: What You Need Instead is a Web Marketing System (WMS)

I’m sure that title GRABBED your attention. That’s why I used it – and I AM serious: You really do NOT need a website. What you need instead is a Web Marketing System(WMS). You see, a WMS can help you establish a timeless marketing Effective Online Presence (EOP) that will do the following for YOU:

a). Makes visitors contact you via the channels you create (e.g. contact forms and other platforms etc)

b). Makes potential customers – fitting your target audience profile – find you via search engines (i.e. your search engine visibility increases – your website, youtube channel, facebook/twitter pages, Google+ etc)

c). Make visitors become subscribers to your online newsletter.

d). Give your company superior leverage in the minds of potential customers via Power Positioning™. By this I refer to the way you can make your website RESPONSE GENERATING via the web marketing systems that cause you to have dramatic increase in name recognition – both offline and online.

I have had clients argue with me about this as I started out working on their existing websites to incorporate a custom web marketing system for them.

Most times they found my methods and ideas too unconventional to simply accept. But most become fervent advocates of the system I setup for them later on when they SEE results coming in.

The rest of this article highlights key reasons why you need NOT just a website, but a web marketing system.

Your web marketing system will be driven by a web marketing strategy – which is a step-by-step outline of tasks you will carry out daily, weekly, etc to keep your website working optimally to bring you new potential sales leads.

What You Know Matters – But Not As Much As What You Need To Learn

1. Turn the equation around.

Use your website to ensure 80% of new customers find you online by themselves – and NOT because you gave them your card. Imagine – you cannot reach all possible customers. Let your website find MORE for you. It won’t hurt you to let it.

2. There is a NEW generation of customers and buyers.

The advent of the information age saw to that. More and more people today are getting technology friendly – they WILL not mind to use the net, if they see your offering that INTERESTS them there.

That YOU are the expert in your field is NOT in doubt. However, unavoidable changes in the demographics of potential customers in your market over time, will likely make it imperative that you adopt a web marketing SYSTEM and not just a website.

3. The most important goal of a website is to make people contact you – that is to generate potential sales leads.

For it to do that, you need to put up NOT JUST your product/service information, but also offer potentially USEFUL CONTENT through a variety of channels, that entices the visitors while on your website to take action to do business with you.

4. Not everyone will be ready to buy when they visit your website!

Indeed we know that rarely do people buy anything on first contact with the seller online. So, ensuring you can STAY in touch with people who come to your site, will enable you persuade them to buy – over time.

Here’s ONE tangible benefit to be had:

Would it not be better if over a period of months, you build a database of email subscribers to whom you can ALWAYS send email notices via your website newsletter about your new products and services? If you say YES, then it follows that you must be prepared to let your website incorporate functionalities that will transform it into a web marketing system for you – such as conspicuously displayed newsletter signup forms etc.

I will end by saying that your website design constitutes less than 20% of what makes up your web marketing system.

Things like newsletter marketing, articles marketing, search engine optimization are MORE crucial in importance for the success of your site.

You will need to accept this reality, if you want your website to pay for itself (recall you WILL be paying money ANNUALLY to renew its hosting).

This article has been written to provide you useful education, so that the choices you make towards setting up a website presence for your business, will be guided by accurate insight.

Click to read more - Screenshot of autorun DVD menu for 'Spend Less Money & Time to Make Customers Find & Contact You, Even While You Sleep.'


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