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The World Will Step Aside For YOU, If You Know Where You’re Going…But DO YOU?

“The world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going” – Abe Lincoln

Wise words, from a very great man, who survived serial failures for more than half of his life, to become president of the most powerful country on earth! Do you know where your life is headed? Have you found your purpose in life? Are you in the right business, or job? Are you studying the right course or learning the right skill(s)? This article describes detailed information – and a solution – that can help you.

2 Months Ago, I Became a Location Independent Entrepreneur

Saturday 1st June 2013 made it exactly 2 full months since I arrived in Benin Republic on my slow trip across West Africa.

It’s been interesting, and I’ve learnt a lot. Not just about this country, but also about the people, culture, the food, business life and even a little politics.

When I arrived here, I could already communicate in French, verbally and in writing.

However, it had been over 14 years since I last got exposed for a prolonged period of time, to people who could converse with me in that language.

So, I was naturally rusty. The last 2 months have seen me working hard to get back my fluency. And I’m succeeding tremendously.

In fact, my success has been so challenging to those I relate with here (very few speak any English where I’ve chosen to live), that some now insist they want to do what I’ve done.

So, now they try to speak to themselves in English, reminding each other playfully that if I can do it, they can as well. And I always tell them to go for it!

Are You Pursuing The Right Goals In YOUR Life?

This is one of the major messages I’m trying to pass to people through my work. YOU have within you the capacity to do anything you set your mind to.

Nothing can be worse than failing to achieve your God-given potential. Your creator himself would frown at you for it.

Each one of us has been gifted with certain unique abilities and talents, with which we are expected, indeed required, by our creator, to make the world a better place.

We are supposed to use our gifts to add value to others around us. And it is by so doing, that we will ultimately fulfill our purpose.

The vocation you settle on, should be one that enables you make the most of your God-given abilities to be of service to your fellow human beings.

Why Is It So Important To Choose The Right Goals?

Well, if the creator did not think it would make any difference, he would never have given you such unique abilities. We would instead ALL have the same abilities. But we don’t. So that’s a clue!

The problem is many of us grow up without being helped to identify what makes us special. And so with conditioning from our societies, we blend in with others, and lose our uniqueness.

Then when we later run into people who have discovered themselves, and are forging ahead in making an impact on the world, we marvel at their seeming awesomeness.

What we however fail to realize is that we possess a similar capacity to be awesome. Indeed, ALL of God’s creations have the SAME innate capacity to be awesome – EACH in a unique way!

When You Find Your Purpose, You Become Unstoppable!

The fact that your friend runs a restaurant business does not mean that what you should. You need to carefully evaluate the qualities you possess, to narrow down to what’s best for you!

That’s what I’ve done at every stage of my life. It helped me discover my purpose back in 1995, as a young Graduate Trainee in Guinness. As a result, I made myself a force to be reckoned with at the highest levels in that organization, within 5 years.

It’s the same process that I’ve followed since becoming an entrepreneur. You are reading this – ten years after I started – because I did find my purpose!

Once you discover your true purpose, everything changes. You develop a driving passion to progress it DAILY. And nothing that gets in your way daunts you. You literally become unstoppable!

My Coaching for Self-Discovery Service Can Help YOU

Sign-up for my “Situation Analysis” chat on Skype. The session lasts 30 minutes to one hour.

Apart from questions I’ll ask, and insights I’ll share with you, you’ll also get a 2 page PDF report from me 24 hours afterwards – specifically prepared for you, based on our chat.

It will contain a 4 week DAILY action plan. If diligently followed, that plan can help you make sense of where you are, and what you need to do to find your purpose, and gain fulfillment.

I offer no silver bullets. No one can.

However knowing practical steps to take, to discover your real purpose, can be a liberating experience.

You will no longer wonder if you’re doing the right stuff or not. You will be led to it.

And even if you’re already sure about your purpose, my report also includes real-world relevant tips about how to boost your capacity to fulfill your purpose.

Don’t let yourself waste away. Choose to unleash yourself on the world in a positive way today.

I can help you. Click here to sign-up for my Situation Analysis chat for starters.

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