Category Archives: Writing/Blogging

How to Use Niches & Specialties to Boost Your Profits (Article & Infographic)

I once got – in 2003 – a LONG email response to a proposal I submitted. It was from the CEO/founder, of a company regarded as one of Nigeria’s foremost brand marketing and advertising companies.

He politely declined interest in my proposal of a Strategic Partnership between my start-up Self-Development Academy, and his well established, highly respected company.

But that’s not why I’ve recalled our exchange.

Instead, it’s the comment he made towards the end of his email that I find worthy of mention.

It confirmed what I’d read, that even great minds won’t always see benefit in every good concept. But that’s only because they are human – not that they’re mean or any less smart. The problem is not all of them are willing to admit when they “cannot see, or do not know”.

Each of us, who has to relate with them, must therefore ensure we are well grounded in what we know.

This is to avoid letting them throw out our “idea babies”, with the bath water, presumably “for our own good”!

So what exactly did he say at the end of his email?

He noted that I “seemed to have my hands in many pies”, and wondered why I did not make things easy for myself by narrowing down to one. As he put it, doing so would boost my chances of making an impact faster, and more successfully. He then closed the paragraph with a rhetorical question:

“Or do you want to become another Henry Ford?”

I found that curious. What could be bad in becoming another Henry Ford?

Except for some trouble he got into in relation to racisim or so, nothing that man did is unworthy of emulation!

But there was no opportunity to further discuss the matter.

The CEO’s final words made it clear he expected me to decide whether to act on what he’d said, or not.

In my case, I felt – back then – exactly the way I still feel today.

What did I do?

I simply kept doing what I was doing. Have done so till this day. My multidisciplinary approach works for me.

In fact, I do better when I work this way. And I’m not alone.

What’s more, my achievements – including feedback and testimonials from others – confirm I’m right! However, back then many people around me made comments similar to his.

My seeming lack of “focus”, to them, meant I could not possibly be competent enough in one area to command reliable patronage.

But what exactly was it that I was doing then that bothered people so much you might ask?

Let me start by saying it’s been ten years since then, and I’m still doing EVERY single one of the things they all criticised back then.

Not just that – I have repeatedly done so quite successfully, with buyers paying handsomely too!

1. Custom Excel-Visual Basic driven Spreadsheet Software Development

2. Web Marketing Systems Development

3. Public Speaking/Training/Coaching

4. Information Publishing/Sales

5. Freelance Writing/Author Publishing Support Services

All Over the World, Things Have Changed, and Keep Changing

Over the years, economic realities have made more people, and business shift away from the narrow strategy of sticking to just one thing. Now, they actively explore profitable ways of providing interrelated products and services to various target audiences.

Take a look at MTN for instance. They are a telecommunications company. But over the years, they’ve found ways to integrate what they offer seamlessly with other business models. They do not make smart phones, but you can buy MTN branded phones on special sales, with a promotional service package attached to it.

To offer smart phones branded with their names, they did not have to open a phone making factory. They simply teamed up in a mutually beneficial arrangement with a phone maker to offer it.

Another thing MTN sells: Ring tones.

The company comes to some kind of agreement with musical artistes and then offers ring tones of their popular songs for download by customers on their network.

So, in addition to selling phones and airtime, they also make money selling ring tones and other digital products to the same customer base. Again, they’ve been in the talent hunting business in an industry they know has an active population of buyers.

Every season, a group of young people,with singing talents, are selected to participate in a reality show sponsored and organised by MTN i.e. Project Fame. The company spends money to make it happen every season.

A lot of money. But we all know the voting done by millions of viewers every day, gives them massive returns on their investment.

So the question could be asked: What exactly does MTN do – or what should it be doing…perhaps?

Are they into the telecoms business or they are also a phone maker and entertainment company?

Do those running the company need to be told to make up their minds what to focus on?

I doubt it. The ultimate determinant of where to “focus” effort is often “volume of profit margin gain” to be made.

And so far, dabbling into multiple markets seems to have paid off quite well for them!

And it’s not just them.

Many of today’s successful companies, who are able to competently navigate the waters of harsh economic times globally, behave the same way.

A good example outside Africa, is Richard Branson’s Virgin Group ,which has a myriad of product and services companies serving different target markets.

What won’t these companies stick to just ONE thing, like companies used to do in the past?

A quick answer: Many companies evolved this way over time as a survival strategy. The global economic crisis forced many companies to spread their offerings to include interrelated products and services.

But to do that successfully, ONE must understand two important concepts.

They are: Niches and Specialties.

Many people use them loosely. Only very few really have a sound understanding of what they really mean, and how to apply them to what they do.

Incidentally, I did not gain clarity about this subject by myself.

It took my reading the 27th May 2001 issue of Philip Humbert’s Weekly TIP(The Innovative Professional)’s Newsletter to get it right.

That’s right. I read it over 12 years ago, and I’ve kept the printout, in my files, for re-reading since then!

How to Use Niches & Specialties to Boost Your Profits (Infographic) - click to download now

Philip defined “a specialty as the particular skills or benefits you provide for your customers.” I like the word “benefits”.

I tell people my specialty is “Performance Improvement”. That’s the benefit I provide.

Willing and diligent clients become better at doing what they do, as a result of my intervention.

But my specialty – according to Philip – will NOT say anything about the “market niche” I can serve.

Niches are “the people who buy from me” – that’s how Philip said a client of his put it.

And I really liked the clear language used there!

If we now put it all together:

My specialty refers to what I do, or provide, or help others achieve.

In my case it’s Performance Improvement.(Think about what yours is!)

Then my niche refers to those who pay me to do what I do i.e. people who buy from me.

But we’re not done yet. In fact, this is where it all gets very interesting!

What follows below, explains why MTN, Virgin and multipreneurial individuals often survive/flourish in harsh business times more than others.

Business owners can generate huge profits by creatively using their specialties and niches.

Philip gave the example of Martha Stewart, who he described as “specializing” in Elegant Living.

He said she “identified many separate niches”.

Did you get that?

Not one niche. But many separate niches.

In other words, she found different target markets to offer her appropriately tailored “specialty”.

Very smart thinking by Martha!

To illustrate, Philip gave examples…

For instance, her deal with a large store chain (K-Mart) enabled Martha sell to a completely different audience, from those who watched her TV show.

In addition, the audiences served by her magazine, were distinctly different from those interested in her Internet businesses.

To paraphrase Philip, Marta understood her specialty.

And that enabled her multiple income streams/huge profits selling to many different niche audiences!

How I Put It All to Use for Myself

As a Performance Improvement Specialist, I earn multiple streams of income helping people in different industries do what they do better.

1. Independent consultants/professionals buy my books ( and custom Excel-VB software (

2. Groups/Organisations invite me to speak at their events (–qBe8) – sometimes sell my products.

3. Businesses in different industries hire me to develop custom software, implement web marketing systems, do freelance writing, training etc.

To do the above, I “customize my specialty” to meet peculiar needs, wants and interests of each different market niche.

That’s why I have custom software that computes/chart farm operations Key Performance Indicators (; another does automated feed formulation (; yet another auto-generates payslips for employees in hotels, hospitals ( etc

In all cases, my role remains that of a Performance Improvement Specialist, who helps them find practical, reliable ways to do what they do better.

You Can Do The Same!

Remember: By spending time to think of how your specialty can be used to help people in different market niches, you can dramatically boost your income earning ability.

Think about it.

Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy, and Alive

Yes, that’s the key to good health, looking young, and LIVING LONG.

Sweating enables your body expel many “bad things” that can weaken it!

I took the photo below, this a.m (Friday 22nd Nov. 2013 at 10.00a.m):

Sweating enables you body expel many "bad things" that can weaken it!!
Sweating enables you body expel many “bad things” that can weaken it!!
Above: Photo taken in 2013 – I was 43 at the time
Below: Photo taken in March 2017 – I was 46+  (will be 48 in 6 months from today i.e. July 2018)


I was doing my usual 20 to 30 minute walk, from my place at Barrière here in Cotonou, to a cyber cafe I frequent at the Etoile Rouge area.

As I approached Agontikon, next to the crossroad, a shop owner friend called out to me.

During our chat he kept asking “Ca va un peu?” (It’s a way of asking: “Everything okay?“) in apparent reference to (and concern about) my sweating.

I kept saying “Oui” (i.e. “Yes”) without adding any details …until it dawned on me to explain…

You see, every day (including Sundays), just before breakfast, I do seventy (70) push-ups – sometimes 100.

That’s followed by some yoga-style exercises for 10 to 15 minutes

After that, I eat and then WALK to the cyber cafe as part of a deliberate strategy to “exercise” my lower body.

When I get to my destination, I wipe myself clean of sweat using a towel I keep in my bag.

And my “exercising mission” for the day would have been accomplished!

I ended my explanation, by making the following statement to my friend:

“Si tu veux rester fort, et tu ne veux pas devenir vieux trop vite, il faut perspirer. C’est très important pour la santé!”

(Translation:If you want to stay strong, and you don’t want to grow old too quickly, you need to sweat. It’s very important for the health!“)

For effect, I added:

“J’ai 43 ans” (Translation: I’m 43 years old”).

His jaw dropped, as he looked me over repeatedly…then he exclaimed:

“Ce n’est pas vrai” (Translation: Not true!).

As I walked away, I laughingly told him:

“C’est la verité (Translation: “It’s the truth”)

And he kept staring at me in what seemed a mixture of surprise and wonder.

If he’s smart, he’ll adopt a similar simple exercise regimen

And so will you, if you do not already do it.

It will keep your body in good form to withstand the daily wear and tear, from the activities and foods you expose it to!

In case you’re wondering, this strategy makes me super-productive. And I do not exaggerate.

One Example:

Last Saturday (16th Nov. 2013), I worked 13 straight hours from 9a.m till about 10.30p.m (without getting up, NOT even to drink water), to finish my 4,000 word agri-business case study paper – for entry into an international research paper writing contest. The paper is about the use of Excel-VB driven spreadsheet automation for Feed Formulation.

That same night, I sent it to my co-author Professor friend in North West University, South Africa.

From 7.30a.m Sunday morning, we spent about 2 hours on phone agreeing modifications. Then he sent the final version to the organisers in the Netherlands via email.

So now, we wait till Tuesday, when the judges will notify us about whether or not it’s been accepted.

[UPDATE (12th Sept. 2015): Should have done this way back in Dec. 2013, when the payment happened. But it kept slipping my mind. The paper did get approved, and I did get paid for it. Read this article: PDF Agribusiness Research Paper] Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria – Complete my Questionnaire Survey & Download FREE PDF Copy]

The point I’m making is my diligent exercising enables me near-effortlessly get work done – to meet tight deadlines – even if I have to continue for long stretches of time. And I mean physical, as well as mental work.

You see, I believe that without my disciplined dedication to fitness, I could not have gotten that paper done, in combination with other work I had to do. And that included traveling to Nigeria to administer a questionnaire survey to farm business CEOs, and then returning to Cotonou to collate the data for use in the paper!

In truth, many much younger people often find it hard to keep up with me. As do my peers and older persons.

For instance, I’ve had clients and staff go round farm premises with me, after which we returned to the “farm office/house” for our meals.

Subsequently however, they struggled to keep their eyes open, as I tried to explain how the software I built for them worked :-)

The reason this happened was that they often lacked both physical and mental stamina, aka STAYING POWER.

People who succeed usually have STAMINA. If you want to succeed, YOU WILL NEED IT!

And to have it, you must commit to diligent exercising on a regular basis.

As a writer (or expert in any other field), it will boost your productivity tremendously. And your quality of work will also improve!

By the way, nothing I’ve said here is meant to be bragging.

I simply feel it’s important that I share with you a strategy that’s worked quite well for me, over the past 20 years now.

Yes, I’ve been doing it this way for over 2 decades – with great results to show for it!

You don’t need to become some physical fitness guru or anything.

And you’re not necessarily going to be aiming to win any competition against others here. What I refer to is the adoption of a disciplined habit of daily exercising.

In a past issue of my newsletter, I wrote on this same theme. It was titled: No. 94: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips).

You should read it.

One last thing…

It might interest you to know, that ever since quitting competitive handball in 1992 (when I left the university), I’ve used this strategy to maintain my fitness right through paid employment, up till today.

Many who know me will confirm this.

And that’s why I’m this confident, that it works. So do use it :-)

Writing Is Serious Business. Not Doing It Can Cost You Money!

For the sake of those who may be misled, I feel obligated to write this piece. Especially after reading this status post by Mike, a Facebook friend. In a recent facebook wall post, he noted the comment made by a certain associate of his, about the usefulness (or lack thereof) of “writing”. Hmm???


People in developed societies our people often scramble to “copy”, often wonder why we never copy the really important things e.g. the “know-how”!

That’s why one of them once said:

“If you want to hide something from a (…..) man, put it in a book”

Despite the outrage some of us readily express when the above phrase is quoted, our attitude to life often confirms its accuracy.

How ironic!

Ever Wondered Why Richard Branson – a Word Class Billionaire Entrepreneur – Writes …Regularly?

The man who has bills to pay fails to notice billionaire Virgin brand promoter – Richard Branson.

Despite being too rich to run out of money, Branson STILL writes articles that get widely syndicated – and read – by smart business persons.

Understand that Branson is not doing it because he just wants to be a nice guy.

He KNOWS it’s an effective way to achieve what is called zero cost TIMELESS marketing.

The mentality that keeps many of us from doing intelligent, results-focused writing, is what makes us continue to believe in manual labour…in sweating, in using “muscles” (brawn instead of brains) and…in piling papers on desks to show we’re “working”!

In contrast, people in developed economies, focus on setting up systems to get more work done, with LESS effort, in LESS time, and using much less MONEY.

No wonder they successfully get us, as a people, to buy their franchises, and sell to ourselves…LOL!

If you still don’t get it – ask yourself:

Where does Wole Soyinka get money to feed, clothe and live well?

Or has anyone seen him running a business centre or restaurant to make money????

We all know he has not worked in public service. So he gets NO pay from that end.

Most people do NOT know this…

But from the day a person becomes a Nobel Laureate, his/her written works often become recommended text across the world’s learning organizations.

Do you know how much that comes to in terms of royalties….in dollars most times…for ONE man??

Chinua Achebe was not a Nobel Laureate. But his first book alone (i.e. Things Fall Apart) sold millions from way back when we were kids.

Today it’s still selling.

I hope those who don’t get what “intelligent” writing can do realize that even now, as I type these words, royalty checks still arrive for that book’s sales!

Let’s return to the business plane.

I ask: How can a 21st century business owner say he is too busy trying to get bills paid, to write?

Does he not understand that “Writing is now used for low cost, high mileage and impact marketing“?

The world’s smartest professionals in various fields (including LAW and REAL ESTATE) do it.

Yet some, in Nigeria, cling to stone-age ideas about business marketing.

There is something called Cost of Customer Acquisition (COCA).

And because of the growth of PC and Internet technology, it has become even more important to CALCULATE it.

1. How much do you spend on newspaper adverts?

2. How do you measure the return on THAT investment?

3. How many people buy from you as a result of that “advert” before you have to pay for another?

4. How can you be sure that’s the best way to reach your audience?

5. Should you not be looking to use a COMBINATION of techniques that will let you win more sales at LESS cost.

6. Is that not going to give you MORE profit i.e. higher margins?

7. And when that happens, will it not put you in a better position to pay your bills????

If you STILL struggle to understand why I argue that you can – and should – aim to spend LESS to get more buyers, you need to read my 3 part series titled:

Why You Need a Web Marketing System (WMS)

Whenever I hear someone say he’s too busy trying to make money, to write, 2 things strike me. Neither is good (for him/her):

1. Either the person cuts corners to make money in the business s/he does, and so really has no reason to look for smarter ways to do business…or

2. S/he is too lazy upstairs to think up topics to write, and to put in the effort to do the needed writing

I say this because, all over the world today, we hear of traditional print media organizations moving more online. Brick and mortar stores are doing the same thing.

And it’s simple common sense.

No company can win a war against the advancement of the digital age.

It is the future, which is now becoming our present day reality – across the world!

Some business people in Africa continue to delude themselves ,that it’s too early to use the web in the same way.

I sell my products and services by using writing as my main marketing instrument. To refuse to accept this new way is to deny yourself useful opportunity for growth.

Even worse, you miss out on the opportunity to become a leader in your market, even if you’re smaller than other players.


Because the web is the greatest leveler so far known to mankind.

A one man business, can make him/herself look more credible, and so sell MORE, than a much bigger company using the web.

What makes this possible is the fact that the web can be harnessed – on a SHOE STRING budget – to achieve such powerful business outcomes.

Here’s my advice to any who are unable to wrap their minds around this concept, to make profitable use of it:

Go and LEARN how to use your “intelligent writing” as a high impact and LOW COST business marketing tool.

Start by “googling” that phrase!

If you wish, you can contact me. I offer a coaching/support service – for persons who want to learn how to use writing the way I do: to promote products and services at low to zero cost.

Writing Can Be Lucrative, IF You Know Where to Go

Some people even say writing does not reward one adequately on earth.

Bible believers often read the phrase “My people perish for a lack of knowledge. “

Never has it been more apt than in this matter being discussed here!

I find it saddening that people refuse to get off their butts and investigate what the world offers.

NB: Another problem with “us”. We do not like things that take too long to work. We want quick, easy, if possible instant results. Writing is not for people with such “short cut mentalities”.

So, it may be tough for people from our part of the world to break into it, but it’s doable.

I now offer verifiable information anyone can review – below.

1. Writing Research Papers/Publications for Pay

The research paper I’ve been commissioned to write on “Using ICT for Feed Formulation” has payment attached to it.

The organization based in the Netherlands, that made the “Call for Papers” has already sent me the contract and an invoice template to fill my domiciliary bank account details in.

Once the paper is accepted, the 2,500 EUROS payment will be made to the account. 

You do the math.

It may interest you to know that such “Call for paper” events are not one off.

They happen regularly – but it depends on what field you’re in.

My Professor friend knew my work would appeal to the organizers of this contest, so he sent me the papers. I sent my proposal in; they accepted it, and told me to write the full paper and submit.

[Update 21st Dec. 2015: I forgot to return and note here that I got paid in December 2013 – read this article for details: PDF Agribusiness Research Paper] Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria – Complete my Questionnaire Survey & Download FREE PDF Copy.]

Apart from the above, I, as a non-academic, also earn passive income (click here to see screenshots of royalty payments), from sales of works written years ago, via my online store at

2. Smart Businesses Use “Intelligent Writing” for High Impact Marketing

It is my regular article marketing, which has gotten hundreds of people to contact me about my products and services.

And that regular writing also got me the above mentioned opportunity, to write a research paper for such hefty payment.

My professor friend in a South African university was aware of my feed formulation handbook and software for farmers.

It was he who informed me of the “Call for papers.

And he also proposed co-authoring it with me.

Now, apart from the fact that we knew each other, my writing (which gives me massive visibility in Google – see screen shot below), also convinced him.

My regular article writing gives me useful Google visibility

But he’s not the only one.

A female researcher in another South African university contacted via email, last week, while I was still in Nigeria.

We went on to speak for 30 minutes on Skype.

She excitedly told me how impressed she was with my useful write-ups on farm business.

Among other things, she told me international conference organizers would want to have me speak at their event – and would cover my expenses.

That same day she subscribed to my newsletter mailing list.

Maybe one day, she’ll convince herself to buy my feed formulation software :-))

I’ve had other conversations with prospects from Canada, Tanzania (see screen shot below), and even a Nigerian based in Saudi Arabia. All of them have since purchased my feed formulation software and/or handbook.

I’ve had conversations with prospects from Canada, Tanzania (see screenshot below) and a Niegrian based in Saudi Arabia - all of who purchased my feed formulation software and/or handbook.

NB: In this article I expained major challenges I’ve had trying to setup reliable payment oprocessing on my website. For now, I’m forced to improvise, as shown above.

Yet it only cost me the effort to write the many articles these people found in Google, and followed to my You tube videos, website, and/or blog!

That’s what article marketing, done using “intelligent writing”, makes possible.

It’s a habit that EVERY smart-thinking, results-focused, modern day business owner should develop!

2. Profitable Freelance Writing Is Possible (Hint: A 19 year Old Nigerian Based in Ibadan, Nigeria, Who Earns 5 Figures Monthly in US Dollars!)

Many freelance writing opportunities exist for serious minded persons with integrity.

Most of them however remain difficult to access for people from our part of the world – because people who offer them are scared of getting cheated e.g. they pay and get no write-ups delivered to them.

Too often WE expect “success” to be “noisy”: We are so addicted to the entertainment industry’s kind of success.

If you are successful, people should know you. If you have money, people should see it.

Really? Says who??

We forget that Warren Buffet, despite being in the top leagues of the world’s billionaires, still lives a relatively simple and quiet life.

We are told he still drives the same car he first owned, and has lived in the same house for over 3 decades.

Does that stop him being one of the the worlds richest people.


But if he walked past many of us in the streets today, it’s likely we would not even give him a second look.

Same applies to the late Steve Jobs!

…as it does to a record setting teenage Nigerian I now talk about…

Bamidele Onibalusi‘s Accomplishments Put to Shame Any Doubting Thomas!

At 19 years old, he is a well recognized online celebrity based in IBADAN.

He earns five figures in US dollars monthly!

And today he has up to 7 people in his employ, writing for his website.

Get this: He’s been featured on, among other high profile websites and blogs.

I’ve been screaming about him since last year here, and here, and most recently, here

At a point, I even posted about this young man on Goodluck Jonathan’s facebook page.

I don’t know if the above had anything to do with it, but he’s since been interviewed by Nigeria’s Guardian newspaper.

Plus, I recently came across this comprehensive interview of Oni, done by the respected Digital Journal.

I Mentioned Oni as Guest Speaker, in May 2012, at Yaba College of Technology’s Centre for Entrepreneurship Development.

I told graduating students of entrepreneurship in the packed hall to visit Oni’s website.

This was to challenge them to see what was possible, if they put their minds to productive use – WITH PERSISTENCE.

Hopefully some of them did. And hopefully they now know anything is possible.

That guy is making waves from the ancient city of I-B-A-D-A-N!

3. Financially Rewarding Writing Contests Also Exist

On a final note, every year there are writing contests in various genres.

Cash prizes range from $100 to as much as $3,000 possibly more.

A number reward the top 3 or more “winning entries”.

Virtually all of them allow – indeed require (for anonymity/fairness) – online submission.

And many actually allow writers from any part of the world to enter.

Sometimes the works will be fiction. But non-fiction entries can also get called for. You just need to know where to find such opportunities.

Many organizers make it clear you need not be a previously published author to send your work in for consideration.

I actually have four(4) such contests I’m aiming to submit entries to, between now and February 2014.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” …said Albert Einstein.

Einstein was right.

Sometimes I just don’t understand how we let our traditional schooling “mind set” keep us from maximizing our abilities!

The day we start letting our brains do what God created them for (i.e. to IMAGINE!), we will actualize our full potentials like people in developed societies.

10 Farm Business Best Practice Ideas Articles

Some of the articles below touch on various aspects of what I call a Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS)™ for Farm Business Management – or at least mentioned the need for it, towards achieving consistently profitable farm business performance.

If you’re interested, click the link below to request a copy of my questionnaire survey workbook (for the international research paper I’m writing on using ICT for Feed Formulation) that allows clicking of the article links right from inside the downloaded spreadsheet.

[NB: By way of interest, the deadline for delivery of completed research papers, to the organising body was revised to Sunday 17th Nov. 2013. I forgot to reflect that in the last batch of questionnaires I sent out. So, if any of you still have yours, do send them in, as I still have a week to go. Thanks in advance!]


1. Your Business Should Free You, Not Restrict You

2. Adopt Standard Operating Procedures to Succeed More With Less Effort (This Works for Solopreneurs and Large Organisations)

3. Five Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records

4. Practical Poultry Farm Business Performance Calculations

5. Five Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health

6. Five Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices

7. Producing Good Catfish is Important, But Finding Good Buyers is Imperative!,-But-Finding-Good-Buyers-is-Imperative!&id=3209812

8. Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Part 1 of 2

9. Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Part 2 of 2

10. Top 10 Ingredients Used in Livestock Feed

Visit Tayo’s New Self-Development Nuggets Blog at:

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Enjoy your weekend!


(FREE PDF) Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy – But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself)

Everybody knows a little MS Excel. It’s so easy to use. However, I make sure to warn – from over 20 years of supporting users of Excel-apps I develop – that Excel’s “friendly“ nature is also what makes it a potentially dangerous tool.

Especially for users with inadequate knowledge and experience, or indeed absent-minded competent users: The proverbial Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO) phenomenon!

Farm industry stakeholders unable/unwilling to purchase my automated Excel apps (which I build to help prevent  occurrence of this potentially devastating problem) often get told, by me, to try using MS Excel to achieve their goals.

To protect yourself, I suggest four (4) practical steps you can take.

Click here to request the FULL PDF report

Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to download

Smart Farm Owners Will Write Articles

The gains from low production costs will be wasted if selling costs are not kept in check. The more it costs you to sell your product or service, the lower your profits will be (and vice versa). This is basically common sense. But not every business owner “gets" or "remembers" it, when it matters most.

Farm business owners in particular, from my close observation of them, have a tendency to get drowned in the day to day running of their businesses.

They focus so much on doing what is needed to make their farm animals and/or crops flourish.

But there is one danger they often ignore.

And it intermittently hurts them where it can be most painful: their pockets!

How do I mean?

Well, take the owner of a poultry layer farm enterprise with 5,000 birds laying at 75% Hen Day Production (HDP) percentage.

S/he wakes up each day, and joins the farm manager to go round the pens to see how the birds are doing. They discuss egg collections for the previous day, and also review sales records. A few mortalities may catch his/her attention, to which the manager may attribute isolated attacks by say rodents.

At the end of the tour, s/he will retire to the farm office or house. Sometimes shortage of feed on site may necessitate liaising with the supplier to get new stocks to the farm. To hasten the process, s/he may take this up, so the farm manager can follow up other pressing duties.

Here’s the problem I see with a farm owner operating a schedule like that described above.

A well planned farm business workplace will minimise the need for the owner to engage in routine running of the farm.

At least not if you have a manager on site…unless that individual is not competent to bear that title! (In which case, one could ask, why YOU appointed him/her to such a delicate position?)

You need to operate at a higher level of farm management “thinking and acting”.

Take a global view of the business. For instance, feeding is a key area of expense in most livestock enterprises.

Carefully investigate what happens when your birds are fed for one month on feed supplied from a particular manufacturer.

1. How well do they lay eggs?

2. What is the feed to egg conversion ratio?

3. How much food is consumed per bird?

4. Do they appear to display depressed appetite?

5. Could that be related to the feed they are being fed?

6. Does there appear to be a change in body weight of your birds?

7. Does a shift to purchasing commercial feed from a different maker result in better or worse results with respect to the above?

8. Would the trends you notice justify making your own feed?

9. Or if you periodically make your own feed, what is the performance of your birds like, compared to periods when they are/were fed commercial rations?

As long as you operate a functional farm enterprise, you can successfully position yourself as a farm business expert.

Some people are stuck with the notion that as a farmer, one’s primary focus should be on farming. I argue that farmers have a duty, an obligation in fact, to TALK – verbally, and in writing – about what they do on their farms, and how they do it.

This will help them, and it will help those who read what they write or hear what they say.

What Would You Write About?

A good starting point would be what you learn from exploring the series of questions posed 4 paragraphs earlier.

Who Would You Write To/For?

At different times, depending on the topic, you’d be writing for different target audiences. Examples include policy makers, researchers (in the academia etc), farm support organisations, colleague farm business owners, and also the potential buyers/users of your farm products and services.

This article cannot cover all aspects of what I mean by the above statement. However, one good example of how “talking” can benefit farmers is in generating potentially powerful marketing exposure for them.

Writing Articles Can Dramatically Lower Your Need for Paid Marketing & Advertising

Avoid wasting scarce money, effort and time shopping for advertising spaces in ANY medium.

I have closely observed and interacted with all kinds of farm business owners (and support service experts/enthusiasts) in person, and remotely – via the web/email and phone.

My conversations with them convince me that smart farmers can successfully generate useful awareness and sales leads by “talking” more about what they do.

Not just online – though I recommend starting with that – but also offline as well.

Some farmers argue against my proposal saying:

“Look, Tayo, forget this American style of doing things. People who come to buy from me are mostly those who cannot even afford to use the web, or computers. “

My response is always this:

“Mr/Ms. XYZ. Set aside 20% of what you produce to cater for those small buyers you refer to. Then to attract big enough sales you need, focus on promoting the rest 80% of your farm products and services to the attention of your ideal type of customer.

That would be those with the means to buy at prices and in quantities that will generate handsome profits for you.

Investigate and identify where you will find such persons in the largest possible numbers. Once you’ve done that, begin “talking” in social circles where such ideal buyers will encounter what you say.

For instance, you could offer to “talk” in newspapers as a columnist; on radio/TV as a guest on an agri-business show; in magazines, and of course on relevant third party websites.

Your Best Strategy: Maintain Your Own “Branded Medium” for "Talking by Writing "

Most importantly, in my opinion, have your own “official” medium through with you will “speak” about your farm business.

Make it one that adds little or nothing to your sales and marketing expenses.

A well planned Web Marketing System will enable you easily achieve the above. With it, you can achieve multiple objectives simultaneously.

For instance, you can offer articles, special reports and videos, in which you discuss issues affecting your business – with respect to the harsh economic climate prevailing today.

Over time, the stuff you put up online can be put to effective use OFFLINE.

You can copy them on to CDs/DVDs (which are quite cheap to obtain), or even print, copy/bind, and offer to your farm visitors – even for a fee!

You can also offer them to other farm owners; send them to policy makers, and journalists/reporters – and even hand them out – selectively – to contacts you meet as you move around.

The ideas would be to present yourself as a serious minded farm owner with a passion for exploring better ways to do what you do i.e. a Best Practice orientation.

In all your communication, you would aim to share useful learnings you achieve in your farm business, in ways that can help or better inform and educate others.

For instance, a video about how you rear your animals, narrated in your voice, could help demonstrate that your farm does not use unhealthy inputs or practices.

Health conscious people could take positive note of you/your farm because of that.

Your video, if available on Youtube for instance, can be easily used to make you look good.  You’d typically just send relevant persons a link to it, or include it in a piece you author.

The truth is that even if people initially do not know about you, or your farm business, this strategy can make them discover you quickly.

Over time, if you keep it up, they will come to see you as a reliable source of useful information on farming and farm business.


Because talking about what you do (without of course giving up confidential information) – will show them, you are a practicing expert who’s also THINKING actively about how to improve.

This Strategy Will Attract Opportunities for Additional Income Streams Beyond Farm Products Sales

At some point, those who encounter your works will begin approaching you via emails, phone calls, saying things like …

“Do you have eggs we can buy in large numbers – free from XYZ defect?”

“My wife and I are planning to start our own farm business, do you offer a consultancy service for startups?

“I need a feasibility study for a piggery I want to start, can you help us”

Even policy makers and researchers from the academia may reach out to you for collaboration (I provide 2 personal examples below).

Most will come offering to pay for access to more of your experience based wisdom, and expertise. That’s how powerful “talking” intelligently about what you do can be in “selling” you to others!

It will NOT happen overnight. But as long as you continue doing your “talking” – intelligently using feedback from your audience, to guide your efforts – MORE potential income generating attention WILL come your way.

Why You Should Believe Me

1. This strategy enables me attract the serious attention and interest of key farm industry stakeholders

a. A government officer met with me late last year, after reading my article on catfish marketing.

b. As I type these words, I’m back in Nigeria, writing a research paper on using ICT for Feed Formulation. I’m co-authoring it with a research academic, who proposed we collaborate to publish it (there’s payment).

2. It also helps me sell my knowledge and expertise as a best practice farm business support specialist…

Over 80% of those who pay me – from different parts of the world – do so without ever meeting me in the flesh.

They typically found me via my writing in search engine results pages.

And many times they have to take MASSIVE leaps of faith to send me money!.

It’s the “talking” I do via daily article writing on this blog, periodic publishing of information products, and demonstration videos that wins them over.

Examples of what they pay for include:

1. My popular Feed Formulation Handbook (selling offline from 2002, then came online in 2006).

2. My Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator software (selling offline from 2004, then came online in 2006).

3. My Poultry Layer Farm Operations Management software (built/customized for farms since 2008).

Other products and services (like the BOPMS for profitable farm management and my Payslip Generator) exist.

If I can get results like the above, without owning a farm, it only follows that YOU, a farm owner, can do much more!

Need help getting started with using the ideas described above? Get in touch with me. Click here now :-)

Click here to watch a screenshot video in which I use a mind map to explain the Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS)™ and it's components.

An Eye Cannot See Itself (Hint: Are men by their nature promiscuous?)

“An eye cannot see itself. That’s why it’s best to look in the mirror often!” – Tayo K. Solagbade

I always try to look in the “mirror” – literally and figuratively speaking – as often as possible.

By this I mean FREQUENTLY doing a hard and honest self-evaluation.

It helps me identify areas I need to “make a change” for the better (to paraphrase Michael Jackson, from his “Man in the mirror” lyrics).

Sometimes life’s storms (or pleasures!) cause us to forget why we are here. If you’ve discovered your Magnificent Obsession, you’ll understand what I mean. If you’re yet to do that (i.e discover your magnificent obsession), read this article for ideas you can use.

In your freelance writing – or any other vocation you’re engaged in – it’s important you stay true to your purpose, and core values. The things you hold important, and which define you.

People who succeed in life are often those who stay true to themselves.

They typically refuse to betray their consciences in order to gratify selfish desires. They never let themselves forget why they do what they do. And they always strive to put their best efforts into every endeavour they are privileged to partake in.

Simply put, they want to be (as Zig Ziglar put it) “meaningful specifics”, and to make useful impact.

Nothing, in my opinion, beats standing for something worthwhile in life.

It’s about having HONOUR!

But sadly, in today’s world, honour seems to mean increasingly little to most people. The desire for easy advancement has seduced people into forgetting that integrity is worth preserving.

That’s why we keep hearing disappointing news about people we thought were great achievers. They are getting found out for being frauds.

People we have previously celebrated for achieving legendary sporting feats are being asked to return the medals given them. They’re being stripped of titles awarded them. Not because they did something wrong elsewhere, but because it was discovered that they “cheated” to win the medals!

Some even denied for years – boldly too! – till undeniable proof finally emerged.

But Why Do People Feel a Need to Cut Corners So Much?

I’ve written about this in the past. I’m writing about it again, because the trend persists…even grows!

At work, in school, and even in personal relationships. More people seem to  find it hard to stay true to themselves. And to those that place trust in them. From bosses, to clients, friends, and spouses!

So many seem so keen to engage in naughty, soon as they think no one will find out!

And it seems not to matter that they’ve heard about another person getting caught. Indeed sometimes, like Edentu Oroso, a friend, noted, that “sweet taboo” is what really drives some into naughty acts!

In other words, they get a psychological high from being able to do it without getting caught!

What About those Who Cut Corners In Marriage?

The environment in the home, shapes behaviours and habits members develop.

Building homes is therefore key to raising people who value honour and integrity.

If a father and mother lie habitually, their kids may likely grow up seeing lying as normal.

And when it comes to infidelity, the same rule applies!

Lots of people know this. Yet it continues to happen. Sometimes to the most unlikely people too e.g. smart, intelligent, (supposedly) God-fearing!

Edentu Oroso recently started an online discussion on this. And it provoked interesting contributions. He asked “Are men by their nature promiscuous? Why do men cheat on their wives or girl friends?”

At a point, I decide to jump in and offer my opinions. As usual, I ended up writing one of my LONG epistles!

I recently decided to “archive” my ideas on issues to help resolve problems in society in PDF format. My maiden PDF (No. 1.0) was titled Generate Ideas to Solve YOUR Country’s Problems (Hint: Time for a female president in Nigeria?).

The thoughts I expressed on how to prevent marital infidelity, will soon be in PDF format. Once it’s ready, I’ll link to it HERE, and also send to my mailing list.

The Right Mental Attitude Can Help Spouses Stay Faithful!

In the PDF, I advocate a mental attitude for adoption. 14 years of successfully using it (despite storms!) in MY marriage, convince me spouses who do so will effortlessly remain faithful to one another.

Psychologically healthier home environments will result. And they will turn out their kids as “better” human beings into society!

Final Words: Look In the Mirror, and Change Your Ways Where Necessary!

Form the habit of looking in the “mirror” of your life DAILY.

Whenever you do, carefully ask yourself what you see.

A cheating husband or wife? A phony friend, or dishonest business partner?  An exploitative client?

Or do you see an uncommitted freelance writing service provider…who rarely meets agreed deadlines?!

If what you see in the “mirror” is GOOD, then keep doing what you’re doing.

But if it’s not, then – as Michael Jackson sang…MAKE THAT CHANGE…today!

What Video Interviews Don’t Reveal About What It Takes to Succeed

I have a deep passion for analyzing success stories, and extracting useful learning points from them. My most recent obsession has been ESPN’s video about how a guy, born without arms, rose to world class success as a vehicle engineer.

The video however lasts only 7 – short – minutes.

But It Actually Took That Guy 22 LONG Years to “Make It” That Far

That’s how long Richie Parker, and his wonderful parents, worked hard to get where they are today.

And I dare say that those must have been very lonely years too.

T-w-e-n-t-y T-w-o LONG years.

The video makers could naturally not capture full details of what really transpired during those 2 decades.

Yet, for those who wants to know how the Parkers really did it…THAT LONG PERIOD IS what we need to examine!

See screenshot below – which I took from the video.

Sreenshot which I took from the ESPN video about Richie Parker. My kid would have used her hands to caress the dog. Richie, as a little child, had to settle for using his legs!

Above: My kid would have used her hands to caress the dog. Richie, as a little child, had to settle for using his legs!

The video does not say it. But this guy had to contend –right from the day he was born – with the reality of what should have been a crippling disability.

Most people don’t want to endure LONG – and sometimes LONELY – periods of hard work to succeed.

Oh…they love to hear stories of those who did it, and will heartily applaud, even idolize them. But they’d rather NOT have to go the same route to their success!

Which is why quick and easy “formulas” for success sell so well in our world!

Unfortunately, success that is had “quickly and easily”, often departs just as “quickly and easily” :-)

Richie’s kind is however an excellent example of authentic success – the one that lasts, and is reproducible.

But whoever wants it, MUST be willing to pay the price of working hard, and long…most times at least.

Other Victories Richie Has Won DAILY (for Decades), Which the Video Did Not Show Us

It’s possible most people have NOT considered it. But there are other realities Richie has successfully dealt with for 30 long years.

Get this: The ESPN video does NOT tell us, how Richie Parker ALSO successfully does these UN-AVOIDABLE tasks – daily – without arms…

1. Brushing his teeth…applying toothpaste takes two hands for most of us…how does he do his?

2. Taking his bath…how does he turn the tap or shower on…and off?

3. Putting on his shirts, trousers, shoes etc…every day…?

4. Unbuttoning or taking off his trousers to use the toilet…?

I could go on, but so can you. Just think how he does ALL the stuff YOU do without even thinking about it.

For him, it must take him great effort to do each of those things.

And yet, he still does them (otherwise he would not be where he is today).

And in addition to doing them, he does his work just as well as others who HAVE arms, in a field as demanding as vehicle engineering.

Watch the Video and Listen to Richie speak. He is so self-assured!

Watch the Video and Listen to Richie speak. He is so self-assured! He learnt (with the help of his parents) to believe he could do anything he wanted to do.

Listening to Richie Parker, one is left in no doubt that he is supremely aware of his capabilities.

Yet, I’ve lost count of many able bodied persons I’ve ment who are insecure about themselves!

Why is this so?

It’s partly – often mostly – the result of how they were brought up by their parents.

What Mr. and Mrs. Parker did for Richie is what all parents should do for their kids from DAY 1 – to paraphrase Richie.

Make your kids develop and independent and confident mindset.

Let them know they can go through life not .looking to continually lean on, or need others to do stuff for them!

But We Must Not Fail to Give Rex Stump Credit for Making Richie’s Success Story Happen

You see Rex was smart enough to LOOK BEYOND Richie’s (seeming) disability, to see the potential he had, to ADD VALUE to Hendrick.

That’s the way a competent decision maker acts. S/he will always take decisions in the best interests of the organisation, and those he manages!

No room for bias or discrimination here.

Richie’s parents are, to me, the greatest heroes ever!

They coached him to believe in himself and achieve. And they painstakingly documented EVERY way he overcame his disabilities to do just that.

I happen to LIVE for my kids – and I mean that literally.

And when I see other people’s kids, I FEEL towards them, what I feel for mine: a strong desire to help them BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE…and to refuse to live below one’s full potential.

And Richie’s life, to me, presents us all a massive challenge to DO MORE With Our God-given Potential!

And I’ve chosen to respond to that challenge, by LEARNING from his story, and telling others to do the same.

For myself, my kids, and any others who may be interested, I’ve created a FREE, Printable Power Point Slideshow(see cover below).

I created this PowerPoint slideshow (and published it on, to give people with poor (or zero!) connectivity, an alternative means of “learning” about Richie Parker.

In particular, I have considered many in my part of the world, whose circumstances probably make it impossible, or difficult to use the web.

They may never see the video unless someone takes an offline version to them. I plan to do what I can with the offline version I’ve recorded.

But I believe printing out, and sharing this Power Point version I’ve created, will go an even longer way.

Even those of us who’ve watched the video will find it useful to read through the transcript version.

I published it on since last Saturday 19th Octover 2013 – click here to view it.

The download link appears in this blog post (click here).

Download, print out, and share it FREELY with people OFF the web, who may probably never “encounter” this story otherwise!


NEVER Let Anyone Tell You What YOU Cannot Do! (Transcript Slideshow Version of ESPN’s July 21 “SportsCenter” Profile video about Richie Parker)

I created this PowerPoint slideshow (and published it on, to give people with poor (or zero!) connectivity, an alternative means of “learning” about Richie Parker.

NB: To get the Power Point file version, CLICK HERE NOW to download it in a zipped folder (3MB approximately).


Read the article I wrote about Richie: It’s titled “All You Really Need Is Ingenuity…aka Creative Thinking (True Story: Man Born Without Arms Designs Championship Winning Race Cars)


Richie was born in 1983, without arms.

Today, he has a college degree, lives on his own, drives his own custom car, and has worked over 8 years as a world class vehicle engineer (with NASCAR’s Hendrick Motor Sport)…designing chassis and body components for championship winning race cars…Using His FEET!


Watch the ESPN video about Richie Parker at this link:

…and, don’t forget to Google “Richie Parker” – there’s lots to read about him on many websites!

Download and Read Other Useful Video/Audio Transcripts/E-books:

I have created transcripts in the past, of other videos/audios (or put up book previews) I felt had powerful messages that would add value to the lives of others.

Below is a list of links for you to explore:

1. 10 Valuable Lessons I Learnt About Blogging for Passive Income, from Yaro Starak’s 60 Minute Podcast Interview with Patrick Meninga”

Download FREE PDF Transcript: (instructions for downloading a 30 page PDF transcript of the 1 hour video are provided in this blog post that I published Mar 9, 2013 @ 18:58)

2. Breakthrough to Purpose – Andy Brine Interviews Efe Ohwofasa (Verbatim Text Transcript)

3. On Being a Master (Preview of Burt Dubin’s Forthcoming NEW Book)

READ: Why I Manually Transcribe Video/Audio Presentations (Especially Interviews) – CLICK HERE


Read the article I wrote about Richie: It’s titled “All You Really Need Is Ingenuity…aka Creative Thinking (True Story: Man Born Without Arms Designs Championship Winning Race Cars)


Announce Your Goals, and You’ll Be Forced to Achieve Them

Just today, I replied to an enquiry by a facebook friend, about progress I’d made with my Pineapple Peel based drinks production project. He’s not the only one who has been asking me this question. Clients, friends and relatives have intermittently requested to know how far I’ve gone.

Thankfully, I’ve always had significant progress to report(update post coming up on Tuesday, next week). And one reason for this – apart from the natural interest I have in this – is that I announced it on Facebook, and my website some months back. With pictures and even a web page dedicated to it.

So you see, by announcing my plan to the world, I effectively enrolled others in “pushing me” to implement it!

But wouldn’t that amount to either being perceived to be a “show-off” or exposing your plans to your “rival(s)”?

As is the case in all aspects of life, there is possibility that either or both of the earlier mentioned problems could arise if you adopt this approach.

However, having used this technique successfully on numerous occasions to “force” myself to actualize objectives I set for myself, I can tell you with certainty that the benefits far outweigh whatever costs it may attract.

One example: Years ago, while typing the e-book on which this article is based, my wife sat beside me watching. She got me to start writing the book back then because I had once told her I intended to write it.

By telling her my intention I unwittingly enlisted her to “remind” me about the target I set for myself, thereby helping to motivate me to do it.

When you tell people what you intend to do, you are no longer the only one who knows you intend to do it. So it becomes more difficult for you to one day decide to push that target or goal under the carpet and forget about it.

Those you tell will ask you about it. Since you know they will ask you about it, you will want to avoid looking unfocussed by making sure you have a positive progress update to give them!

Simple, yet not-so-obvious – is it?

Maybe just one more example – this time from outside the language-learning arena.

I finished writing a 45 – page management research paper titled “Self-Development As A Tool For Achieving Career Advancement (A Practical Guide Based on Experience)” in December 2001.

Now, that was the same month in which I resigned my appointment as Training and Technical Development Manager of Guinness Nigeria Plc (Benin).

It was a period when I had to combine preparing handover notes, and doing my job with finishing up the paper for which I had to produce/circulate 100 questionnaires across Lagos/Benin.

Out of the 100 questionnaires, over 40 completed ones were recovered and used in deriving my findings. Now, not only did I do the questionnaire design/data analysis myself, but I also typed the entire paper myself in the little free time I could find – which was not much I assure you!

The whole process began in September 2001, and by 31st December 2001, I had a paper that was ready for entry, into the 2002 edition of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s Young Manager’s competition.

That was just as I had planned, and told as many of my friends, colleagues and relatives who would listen!

I’d told them I intended to write a paper with which I hoped to win the national finals of the competition in 2002 (I was placed 5th in 1997 in my debut).

They had, over the months, variously enquired about what progress I had made toward achieving it. This, more than anything else, helped me stay focused on finishing the paper!

In addition, on the questionnaire’s cover letter, I had promised to send an electronic copy of the final paper produced as a reward to each respondent.

Since many of them had indicated interest in getting a copy, it became even more imperative for me to finish the paper.

That offer was made as an incentive to get them to help complete my questionnaire. I therefore had to fulfil my promise or risk looking “bad” in their eyes.

As you can see, announcing your plans can be a great way to avoid taking the easy (or lazy?) way out, when you set bold or “stretching” targets for yourself!

Final Words: Adopt this Strategy, and Coach Your Kids to Use It As Well

This post is based on excerpts from my Proven 5-Step Formula for Learning ANY Language in 3 Months or less ebook.

I strongly recommend applying the ideas descried above, and also coaching your kids to use them.

Over 2 decades of using this strategy to consistently achieve exceptional outcomes, in various endeavours, convince me they will work for you.