Category Archives: Writing/Blogging

PII 017: Tested Ideas You Need to Make Your Web Marketing System (WMS) Work

In this issue, I publish key practical tips I share with my web marketing clients, regarding the best way to optimize the WMS I develop.

Let me start by saying:

Once your WMS is in place, you need to keep publishing new content and republishing it via as many other platforms online as possible.

Doing so will gradually build up the number of websites that link back to you, while increasing the density/quality of useful content as perceived by potential buyers.


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

Tested Ideas You Need to Make Your Web Marketing System (WMS) Work

In this issue, I publish key practical tips I share with my web marketing clients, regarding the best way to optimize the WMS I develop.

Let me start by saying:

Once your WMS is in place, you need to keep publishing new content and republishing it via as many other platforms online as possible.

Doing so will gradually build up the number of websites that link back to you, while increasing the density/quality of useful content as perceived by potential buyers.

Over time you will find that more people will discover you online because of your relatively higher content volume and quality.

What they do AFTER they find you is however something that cannot be controlled.

YOU alone will have to work hard to CLOSE those sales opportunities that their coming to you will provide. It means you have to carefully research what you can offer to them that they find will find compelling enough to BUY from you.

I cannot guarantee you will get the same results I get, or have gotten. Indeed I cannot guarantee a specific outcome. This is because so many variables can affect the outcome of any business activity at any point in time, including timing.

2. One thing is however certain:

If you sustain the content quality that has been set so far, your visitors are likely to be impressed enough while on your site, to eventually choose to contact you through any of the channels you have listed on the site. At that point, your ability to convince them to buy, will deternine what happens.

My experiences also confirm that if you stay committed to following out recommended actions, making intelligent adjustments based on your diligent investigation of what is working for you, then you can be sure that over time MORE of the results you want will happen.

3. Please note: It is NOT the number of visitors to your site that matters, BUT the number of those who choose to go a ste further and contact you.

4. Consider this analogy: Standard website conversion ratio is between 1:100 and 3:100.

This means for every 100 visitors to your site, you can only reasonably expect that 1 to 3 of them will take action to CONTACT you, after which maybe 1 may eventually do business with you.

A website can get 1 million visitors, but have only 5 who contact the owner and maybe one decides to purchase his/her product or service.

This could be because the owner just paid for someone to direct large traffic (number of visitors) to his site without considering what the visitors are interested in.

Another website can get just 500 visitors per month, but also have only five(5) contact the owner, with maybe one (1) deciding to purchase his/her product or service.

That could happen because the owner invested in a strategy that makes people who need the kind of product/service s/he offers to visit the website.

This way, a larger number of the visitors are reasonably likely to be pre-qualified prospects, with potential interest in the product/service on offer. Which site would be doing better? The second one of course. You Web Marketing System has setup your site top behave like the second website.

Next steps to follow in making your WMS work::

1. You need to submit at least ONE new article per week on your website

2. You need to re-publish your articles at other sites that accept articles, like Do this for each ONE of your articles at least each week.

3. You need to publish your newsletter at least MONTHLY, because visitors who subscribe to it when they visit your website will expect it to come to them.

4. You need to login to your Google webmaster and analytics accounts and study the reports about your website – in addition to investigating your Google Alerts. Use that information to guide your next choice of next article/newsletter topics.

5. Try developing one or more new download resources periodically, to offer your readers. It is a powerful promotional technique – that costs almost nothing, but can give you great marketing exposure.

Final words (Important Warning)

Please note that the WMS setup for you was NOT promised as a cure-all for your business marketing problems.

It is meant to COMPLEMENT your efforts online and elsewhere.

Also, recall that I explained that it is mainly a COST-SAVING strategy, with powerful potential for increasing your marketing reach at LOWER expense, even as it boosts your chances of converting those who are impacted to customers.

The truth is that you will get out of it, as much as you put into it.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*







Protected: Think Like a “Problem Solver” and NOT a “Programmer”, to Make Money With Your ExcelVB Coding Skills [Hint: Meet The Man Whose World Class Web Based Learning Resources Helped Me Take My Problem Solving Excel-VB Solutions Development to the Next Level!]





Protected: THE FARM CEO (Issue 48): How to Survive Hard Times in Your Farm Business [Compilation of 7 Best Practice Articles]


Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Creator of the Mastering Adversity for Perpetual Success Achievement Coaching Program

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement

Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.

Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to

SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

Home |About | Contact | SD Nuggets™ | Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS | Web Marketing Systems | Freelance Writing | MS Excel® Heaven™ | Cost-Saving Farm Biz Ideas


Common Sense Evaluation of ROI from Your Social Media Marketing (Hint: A Busy “EMPS” Driven Facebook or Twitter Page is No Guarantee of Sales)

Quick Take-Away:

My growing web marketing success achievements over the past decade, using my customizable Web Marketing System to sell digital products/services to buyers within and outside Africa at zero cost, make me an authority on this subject.

Take it or leave it.

As usual, I pull no punches in expressing my views. This needs to be said, and I’ve decided to say it, if others won’t or can’t say it, or don’t see/know it.

Let me begin with a statement of undiluted fact:

If you want to really experience the true (zero cost, time and effort saving) benefits of Internet driven high-quality-buyer attracting marketing, do NOT – and I repeat DO NOT EVER – stoop so low as to engage in the use of “EMPS”.

That acronym (EMPS) has nothing to do with Science’s Electro Magnetic Pulse…

Instead I coined it to mean “Ego-Massaging-Parapo Self-Promotion” (where “Parapo” translates to something like “Clique-based” in my native Yoruba language).

EMPS is something I see periodically practised by groups of self-acclaimed experts (especially in my part of the world) who thrive on arrogant-self-promotion.

“Arrogant” in the sense that they self-promote with no regard for what the larger market comprising their ideal target audiences NEEDS from them.

As a result, 9 times out of 10, their marketing communication tends to include lots of back patting amongst themselves, with VERY little else that persons seeking VALUE can take away.

Go to their walls or pages and each of them has his/her own photo posted along with every bit of content – even repetitively.

They typically LIKE one another’s Facebook pages and follow one another on Twitter, then get friends and relatives to do same.

Outside that, very little that is ORGANIC happens as a result of the marketing they do.

Simply put, their marketing is frequently all about them and others in their “parapo” and how “good” they look.

What they refuse to “get” is the truth that Google’s search engine algorithms are NOT designed to factor ego-massaging in rating content quality to serve serious minded searchers!

Consequently, you don’t catch them, or their websites, or other web resources they own getting indexed and thrown up in Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for total strangers, in need of their solutions to discover and contact them.

And that’s what proves that their approach is wrong I.e the fact that they rarely have such true and verifiable web marketing success stories to share.

The Internet is a living thing – an organic medium. To think otherwise in using the World Wide Web based on THAT Interconnected network of computers, while doing your marketing, would be equivalent to shooting yourself in the foot.

That’s why crooked marketing does not last long on the web, and it often costs more in terms of time, effort and money required to keep it going.

On the other hand, authentic marketing, done with a clinical focus on relentless creation and propagation of useful quality information and education NEVER fails online – can often be done at zero cost for as long as one wants.

Quality content based web marketing works because the Internet is no respecter of physical (office or brand) size, social status, educational level, bank account size or even connections.

If you choose to use paid adverts for instance to drive your online marketing, it does NOT follow that a bigger sized ad banner will get you more attention from serious prospects than a competitor with a smaller paid one!

But I’m not even talking paid marketing or advertising here.

Those who follow my work online know that my focus has always been on self-promotion via creation of name/brand recognition at zero cost.

I argue that the person who has nothing but his/her idea or solution, can come online and succeed in earning money from buyers, by making intelligent use of zero cost organic search engine based marketing – like I have successfully done for years now!

My niched self-promotion success online and that of better known others in this regard (e.g Jumoke the bread-seller turned Internation model’s unplanned version), prove YOU CAN start out as a complete noboby both offline and online, and over time have your name in the consciousness of hundreds, thousands or more of your target audience, on and off the web, just based on the content that you (or indeed others – as happened for Jumoke) put online about you(rself).

You need to understand that today’s offline world gets directly impacted in real time by what happens online

Decision making by leaders in government, business, religion etc across the world is today influenced by agitation implemented entirely online.

I don’t need to give you examples, I’m sure.

Even in Nigeria’s offline world sometimes shrouded in mystery, blogs and social media based campaigns have since gone on record for their roles in changing the course of events in the lives of people who previously would have been considered lost causes e.g think police cases initially destined to be swept under the carpet…

The web works the same way in business.

That’s why your web marketing competence is crucial to your marketing success both online and offline!

Accept that truth now, or remain relegated to the background in marketing relevance when using the web!

Today’s mass media – TV, Radio, Newspapers – wisely take their cue from what’s trending online.

So if, for instance, you want them to talk about you without your paying them a kobo (Americans would say “a dime” – but I’m not American) – just use the web in a way that gets them to notice you.

They don’t have to like what you say or do, or how you say or do it. Just go ahead and say or do it in a manner that is hard to ignore and that is worthy of being talked about, or reported – aka NEWSWORTHY.

To get noticed that way, you need to develop a Web Marketing Strategy or Plan – and it needs to be implemented based on a system that is self-perpetuating.

That will generate organic traffic of mainly total strangers interested in what you sell, way beyond what any EMPS networks can possibly deliver to you, leading to real selling opportunities that could put real money in your pockets if/when you close a sale(s) with those prospects that connect with you.

I see experts who keep showing off high numbers of likes, comments and followers, but who cannot boast of even 0.5% sales converted from all of it combined.

Yet their facebook and twitter feeds remain busy due to streams of conversations with their ever admiring “likers and followers”.

If those “likers and followers” are mainly EMPS click-buddies with whom you’ve agreed to cross promote content, then very little real-potential-buyer attraction is likely to happen for you, outside of that circle.

If that suits you, keep doing it!

Personally, I cannot waste my scare time resource like that, because I have a bigger God-given Vision I”m pursuing, to make a difference helping others as a Multi-disciplinary Performance Improvement Specialist

I don’t know about YOU, reading this right now, but I do NOT just want to be liked on Facebook and followed on Twitter, for instance.

Instead, I use those platforms because I want to have quality sales conversations, and ultimately close some sales – while helping those who need me!

So I prefer to be liked and followed by people who have potential to become buyers of solutions I sell. If that means having a small number of “likers and followers” to show, so be it.

Get this: The number of people you connect with does not always matter in selling.

If for instance, you land a long term supply contract with Strive Masiyawa’s Econet Wireless, to serve all their offices worldwide, the income from that ONE single client could dwarf all you earn from 100 other smaller clients combined.

Who says you can’t get noticed and land such a contract using your web marketing? Masiyawa himself has continually written that it’s happened to others and it can happen for anyone.

My point in essence is that you’re better off having few high paying buyers or clients to serve, than having hundreds of low paying, bargain seeking ones to deal with as a result of poor marketing.

What I’ve learnt from studying many brands marketing online is that a busy facebook or twitter page is no guarantee of sales.

Some websites, blogs and social media pages are high maintenance (in terms of time/effort/money expended to keep them going), but low to zero income generating channels for their clueless owners!

Indeed, my experience as one selling custom Excel VB software and other unconventional products and services online indicates, is that you CAN repeatedly make sales to people who do NOT even bother to subscribe to your website newsletter, or like your Facebook page, or follow you on Twitter, before they call you up on phone, send you a sales enquiry via email or web contact form, and ultimately buy from you.

This has been my reality over the years: I’ve made sales that way MANY times!

So you see, the number of likes and followers you get on Facebook and Twitter, are important – but what matters more is the INTENT of those liking and following you on those platforms.

Indeed, persons who have not even liked or followed you (as my online success story continues to show) may be even more likely to buy from you than those already in your network!

That’s why you need to keep thinking big picture when posting promotional content on your pages. Don’t focus only on those “talking” to you there, and patting you on the back, screaming how they love your posts.

Quite often the talkers rarely do more than that (I.e talk): some derive feelings of validation from being paid attention by THE page owner. That’s all they’re there for.

But you’re in business to make money, so you (should) know you need more than that for your efforts!

That’s why I recommend you do the following:

1. Ask yourself how many of them fit your target audience or ideal client/buyer profile.

2. Then of those that fit in, ask yourself how many have ever purchased your product or service at market price, without making it look like s/he was doing you a favour.

How many did you count?

I dare say they will be less than 1% of the total number of talkers you find yourself responding to most times.

For a presumably busy expert of your stature, that’s not a productive use of your billable effort and time!

Such people may be interested in you and what you have to say, but they may not be driven to NEED what you sell!

To sell successfully, you need to attract and connect more with people who need solutions you offer, and are willing to pay the price you request for it.

Maybe you need your ego massaged periodically by admirers.

We’re all human after all :-)

But your sales and marketing success depends less on “ego tripping” and much more on having quality content created and propagated using an intelligent time, effort and cost-saving Web Marketing System!

Pay those massaging your ego too much attention and they’ll do 2 things to you – both starting with the letter “D”, and both bad I.e they will DISTRACT and DRAIN you.

You deserve better than that!

Make Extra Money at Zero Cost (Plus: Get 1 Year Web Marketing Support) – Special Offer for Individuals and Organisations Serving Farm Businesses

Indeed a section in my PDF Entrepreneur’s Survival Reference Manual (titled “25 Avoidable Mistakes No One Will Ever Warn You About In Starting Your Business in Nigeria) is devoted to JV Marketing.

See One Sheet Talk PDF reference to it here, and my 2006 reference to it here.

In that manual, I noted that many fail in business because they fail to explore use of JV marketing. I used excerpts from that book chapter to publish an article on the subject in Aug 2014 on my blog at

Many times, I included specific examples of ways I try to use them – and how others have proposed them to me.

3 months ago, for instance, on 26th Feb 2016, in Issue 003 of my Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter, I offered a PDF report download, along with details of a Joint Venture proposal I made to Travel and Tours companies in Africa, regarding my Freelance Writing services.

That effort got me several useful Twitter mentions and retweets by notable players in the South African market.

Having said that, I must say that my personal experiences indicate that many Nigerian/African business owners and entrepreneurs need to explore using JV partnerships to boost their marketing reach and impact, while cutting their costs of marketing and customer/client acquisition by half or more.

I continue to explore ways to connect with others I identify, using this powerful strategy – the one below being a more recent example I’m promoting for consideration by individuals and organisations who serve Farm Businesses with non-competing solutions

This is an offer letter I sent out to the CEO of a magazine publishing outfit who reached out to me earlier in the year.

I share excerpts from it, for consideration by others who may be interested in this offer – and also to serve as useful information and education to those in need of ideas.

Dear (name removed),

Our previous phone conversation regarding your interest in Web Marketing Systems I develop for clients refers.

Thanks for connecting with me recently on Facebook. I was in Cotonou at the time, and made a mental note to contact you once I returned to Nigeria…

I’ve been thinking of ways to help you achieve your stated goals, along with mine, and I’m pleased to say I’ve found one that can work – if you’re interested.

I propose we start a Joint Venture Marketing partnership

Since we serve similar markets (I.e Farm business owners and stakeholders in the agriculture industry) we can use a barter exchange type arrangement to work together.

My offer:

One Year (12 Full Months) Web Marketing Support for your (magazine name removed) brand – (magazine URL removed).

This will be as per the details spelt out on the Dec 2016 offer page for my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service at

Ignore the past due offer dates on that page.

Ignore also the N150k service offer fee.

Here’s what I request instead:

1. Payment to develop a custom Web Marketing System to boost your marketing reach and impact, on or off the web.

The Dec 2016 Promo fee = N150k.

My JV Partnership Offer to you = N120k

However, if you take up the offer on or before:

I. MNT today (deadline date removed), you can pay N80k.

If that’s not possible, take it up on before…

Ii. 12 Noon tomorrow (deadline date removed), and you can pay only N100k.

NB: Regardless of which option you choose above, after developing it, I will manage the WMS I build for you, as described on the above page, for 1 year or longer – at zero cost to you.

What I will do for you is what I do for my brand (via which led YOU to me) I.e to generate quality sales leads.

A WMS, when well designed, and used, gets you noticed by (and attracts to you) those who need the solution(s) you offer.

I. View a mindmap I use to explain the key components of a WMS at the link below:

Ii. In the email that will follow this one, I will attach a zipped folder containing a video in which I explain how a WMS works, using the above mindmap.

2. In exchange for managing your WMS FREE for one year, I would like to have FREE ad slots for my 3 Farm Support Products which I’ve sold for years using my own WMS (see details in the attached proof PDF) on your website, and in every issue of your magazine for as long as our JV partnership continues

3. Make N4k to N35k or more per sale of my products

The partnership I propose can also yield Passive Income benefits for you:

This is because regarding the adverts for my products that I propose you publish on your website and in your mag, I offer you 50% of any resulting sales – upfront – as JV partnership commission.

A special enquiry form designed to auto-copy enquiries to your email will be linked to the ad banners on your website.

Enquirers from your network will always be asked to make payment through you.

That way, you will be aware of sales made, and you’ll simply take out your 50% from payments made to you, before sending the rest to me.

All order fulfilment notes will be copied to your email box, for your use as Quality Control check that each buyer got what s/he paid for.

My 3 farm business support products are tried and tested in the market (having been on sale for years) and they meet a felt need of majority of farm businesses.

So this can make our partnership quite lucrative on the income generating front, even as I implement a custom WMS to better attract your target audience.

See the attached proof PDF document for 3 real life case studies of sales I made of my customizable ExcelVB Monthly Poultry Farm Manager software in a 6 week period, totalling N230k – all via my WMS, and without meeting any of the buyers in person.

4. Other benefits you get:

I. I will place FREE advert banners for ALL your magazine’s advertisers on, in addition to, and

Ii. In addition, I will explore ways, in liaison with you, to implement other key components of a WMS for you. See the attached PDF mind map showing all 9 components.

5. Becoming my WMS client will get you lifetime membership of my Web Marketing for CEOs Club (see the closed/private Facebook group at )

Apart from FREE Web Marketing coaching, tips, ideas, information and strategies shared to members, this comes with 50% discount for life, to buy any other products or services I offer.

See examples at

Summary: That’s my offer!

I strongly believe we can make this JV partnership work, and that’s why I’ve put together this ready-to-implement offer, with significant concessions.

Some of the offers I’ve made are time limited, mainly because the discount concessions and benefits attached are quite hefty.

Many clients I have today are long term friends from years back because they too the required leap of faith to signup for my time bound offers.

The normal fees remain accessible upon expiration of the promo offer deadlines.

Let me know if you have questions or require clarification.

With kindest regards,

Tayo K. Solagbade*
Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist & Multipreneur

*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club & Competition

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) [Flagship Performance Improvement Website] [The Farm CEO Newspaper] [Custom Excel Visual Basic driven Software Development] [Response Generating Writing and Web Marketing Solutions]

Make Me Your Secret Weapon to rapidly Propagate Marketing Messages to the Right Target Audience [Special Promo Offer to CEOs]

Imagine a system that makes new clients come to you instead of YOU having to go around or sending people out to find them?

Visualize for one moment a system that answers most questions that such clients often ask.

A system that will make them contact you about buying even though you place NO paid adverts. Click here to request a proof PDF of the results I get.

Imagine a system that ensures that your online presence never gets stale in content!

In other words, you will be confident that anyone who goes there will be enriched.

Using this system, you can control what Google says about you or your business/company. Indeed, you can make Google feature pages and other contents about you in its results page, more than it does for your competitors.

The above will make you spend less money, time and effort to get found by more people who want to buy from you.

Not just that, this system will make the clients you have proudly tell others about you!

Most importantly, you will attract enquirers during holidays, after office hours, while you sleep.

TV, radio and newspaper advertising are often too expensive and always expire.

You can use a timeless WMS that markets your products for free and never expires!

A WMS can be used to improve other marketing efforts you make e.g. reducing cost, time, effort. It works by getting you noticed by those who need the solution you offer, so they decide to contact you by email, phone etc.

This system makes them believe what you tell them, and they also believe you are a better choice, compared to others they may be aware of.

As a CEO, your busy schedule can make it hard for you to implement a Web Marketing System as much as it should be done to get it up and running.

That’s why I’m offering 1 year support.

Think of me as the secret weapon you will have to overcome that problem so as to rapidly prepare and effectively propagate the exciting information, education and news that will get your business noticed by more potential clients.

See full details of what I will be doing for you here – click now.

What I want: Ignore the fees on the above page.

Instead pay N 120,000.0, and I will do everything on that page for you. Click here now to send me a web form message indicating that you read this Special Offer.

Know Your Rights As An Electricity Consumer in Nigeria [Source: Publication by Dr. Anthony Akah,mni, Ag. CEO/Chairman,NERC]

The text of this publication (signed by Dr. Anthony Akah,mni, Ag. CEO/Chairman,NERC) was sent to me by a Farm CEO client. I found the contents worthy of publication on my blog. In light of the suffering and abuse that Nigerian electricity consumers are routinely subjected to, access to this documented enumeration of consumer rights, by the top officer in NERC puts power back where it belongs: in the hands of the consumers!


Many Nigerians do not know that they have certain rights as electricity consumers in the nation.

The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), the body empowered to meet the yearnings of Nigerians for stable, adequate and safe electricity supply, has taken the bulll by the horn by releasing to the public, the rights of every electricity consumer.

Read the rights below:

1. All new electricity connections must be done strictly on the basis of metering before connection. That is, no new customer should be connected without meter first being installed.

2. A customer who elects to procure meter under the Credited Advance Payment for Metering Implementation (CAPMI) Scheme must be metered within 60 days, after which the customer will neither be billed nor disconnected by the electricity distribution company.

3. It is the customer’s right to transparent electricity billing. Unmetered customers should be issued with electricity bills strictly based on NERC’s estimated billing methodology.

4. It is the customer’s right to be notified in writing ahead of disconnection of electricity service by the electricity distribution company serving the customer in line with NERC’s guidleines.

5. It is the customer’s right to prompt investigation of complaints arising from the customer’s electricity service disruption

6. It is not the responsibility of electricity customer or community to buy, replace or repair electricity transformers, poles and related equipment used in supply of electricity.

7. It is the customer’s right to contest any electricity bill. Any unmetered customer who is disputing his or her estimated bill has the right not to pay the disputed bill, but pay only the last undisputed bill as the contested bill go through the dispute resolution process of NERC.

8. All complaints on your electricity supply and other billing issues are to be sent to your nearest business unit of the electricity company serving your premises. If your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, you can forward your complaint to the NERC Forum Office within the coverage area of your electricity distribution company. Customers also have the right to appeal the decision of the forum at the NERC headquarters in Abuja.

Log into: for more details or contact:

08164201445 Joseph John southwest; 08130363581 Tony Ray Ene South South; 08062219714 Ekeh Samuel Chukwuemeka Southeast;
07061117416 Hassan GWANDU north west;
07061097132 Mohammed Umar fufore North East;
07036948408 Friday Sule North Central.

Please share this information and help us protect your rights. However,note that you have an obligation to pay your valid electric bills,avoid meter by-pass or stealing of electricity and protect power infrastructure from being vandalized.

Together,by doing our part, we can get the power sector we all desired.

Dr.Anthony Akah,mni
Ag. CEO/Chairman,NERC

Smart Web Marketing Works (Hint: First Order Received for my Newly Launched “Custom Sewn Traditional African Outfits from Cotonou” Delivery Service!)

A few days ago, I published on this blog a new post titled “TKS Mode: Order Custom Sewn Traditional African Outfits from Cotonou“. The title is self-explanatory and details can be read by clicking the foregoing linked article.

TKS Mode: Order Custom Sewn Traditional African Outfits from Cotonou

So, that is not why I’m writing this blog.

Instead, I’m writing this to share the news that the very first client has signed up for this announced service – making payment in full 100% upfront as required.

He’d written me the Facebook message shown below, a few hours after I published the product page on my blog and posted a link to it on Facebook:


I replied by supplying my phone number and asking him to connect with me on Whatsapp:

5/14/2016 12:53 PM: WMSTops: Got u bro


5/14/2016 12:53 PM: î…„ Messages you send to this chat are now secured with end-to-end encryption. Click for more info.


5/14/2016 1:04 PM: Tayo K. Solagbade: Hey Topsy!

5/14/2016 1:10 PM: WMSTops: Yes bro

5/14/2016 1:11 PM: WMSTops: Tried calling u now but was told u can’t be connected on what’s app call ; guess it netwk palava


5/14/2016 1:13 PM: WMSTops: Love those African dresses o and how do we go about it


5/14/2016 1:14 PM: WMSTops: Do I have to send my measurement to u?


(Text deleted for relevance and privacy)


5/14/2016 1:41 PM: Tayo K. Solagbade: Had to call the tailor to verify specifics before replying. Yes you need to send me your measurement.

5/14/2016 1:42 PM: Tayo K. Solagbade: The tailor’s price (including buying the fabric) is FCFA 30k. A year ago, this was N10k. But the current exchange rate at the border is about N1k to FCFA 1.8k (banks here do not deal in Naira). That means FCFA 30k will cost about N16.7k to buy.


5/14/2016 1:42 PM: Tayo K. Solagbade: He says if you order for 2 such outfits, he’ll do them for FCFA 55k. The 2nd could be for you or a friend who will also have to send in his measurements.


5/14/2016 1:44 PM: Tayo K. Solagbade: A separate N5k payment is required to cover the role I have to play from start all thru to getting the finished outfit to clients. However you can pay N2.5k


5/14/2016 1:45 PM: WMSTops: Ok bro and that’s noted . How do I make the money available to u ?

5/14/2016 1:46 PM: WMSTops: Lol…. That is service charge

5/14/2016 1:47 PM: WMSTops: They are always very good at their trade and that’s why I love dresses being made by them cumin with good finesse


5/14/2016 1:50 PM: WMSTops: Use to have a Senegalese tailor like that I’m lagos b4 he relocated to only God knows where ……. Very goo at his trade . He doesn’t even need measurements but just looking at u and will give u a good job

5/14/2016 1:50 PM: WMSTops: Thanks bro and just let me know how to make money available to u


5/14/2016 1:50 PM: WMSTops: Cheers

5/14/2016 2:00 PM: Tayo K. Solagbade: Like I said in my Facebook message, I’m coming to Lagos on Monday to sort out some issues regarding my Online banking so I can make website hosting renewal payments for 2 clients that just paid me cash here in Cotonou. (Text deleted for relevance and privacy)


5/14/2016 2:01 PM: Tayo K. Solagbade: You can pay to the GT account below which I use for the online banking payment processing with my Paypal account, so I can cash and return to Cotonou with it during the week.

5/14/2016 2:02 PM: Tayo K. Solagbade: Bank: (Text deleted for relevance and privacy)

5/16/2016 9:41 AM: Tayo K. Solagbade: Quick update: Today turned out to be a public holiday, so there’s no work or school. A document I am supposed to have renewed for me at the Cotonou Commiserait Central (Police HQ) for my trip can only be obtained tomorrow. I can’t travel without it, so I’ll be waiting to get it 8a.m tomorrow. That means I arrive Lagos tomorrow and I’m likely to return latest tomorrow nite, as I have a Web Marketing Lecture I’m giving to small scale manufacturers I met during the recent trade fair at the Cotonou Stadium here.


5/16/2016 9:42 AM: Tayo K. Solagbade: <image omitted>

5/16/2016 9:58 AM: Tayo K. Solagbade: Not sure if you are aware, but I created the Pineapple drink in 2013 while staying on the national university campus in a town called Calavi, on the outskirts of Cotonou,


5/16/2016 9:59 AM: Tayo K. Solagbade: Here’s the basic product page I setup then:


5/16/2016 10:03 AM: Tayo K. Solagbade: Confession: I intend to use everything I’ve said above as content for the article I plan to publish on my blog with photos of me holding the pizza. I often write details via email etc to others as a time/effort saving way to create new and interesting content to publish on my blog loool. Hope you enjoyed the read!


5/16/2016 10:07 AM: Tayo K. Solagbade: By the way, if you’d like me to bring back your money with me, for the tailor to start work when I return, it’s best you pay in the funds to that GTB account so I can cash it and bring down with me tomorrow p.m or latest Wednesday a.m. This is just FYI. Don’t bother to respond if NO. Have a great week.


5/16/2016 2:02 PM: WMSTops: Bro, paid 35k into your account for those dresses . Confirm receipt


5/16/2016 4:04 PM: Tayo K. Solagbade: Yes. Seen the alert. On the road. Will email you next steps later today. In your service, Tayo


5/16/2016 5:31 PM: WMSTops: Ok bro and no wahala . Cheers


Below is a screenshot of the email alert I got, confirming the payment:


I was visiting a friend in a town outside Cotonou, when the final 3 exchanges shown above took place. Right after that, I promptly called up Modiu, my tailor, and told him the payment had been made in full.

He was silent for a few seconds then he asked if I was serious.

I had expected this, because he’d not shown much enthusiasm on Friday, when I was creating the sales page, mainly because the idea behind it was strange to him, having sold his services using offline methods only for over a decade.

I replied that I was, reminding him that I’d told him I was confident we could attract enquiries at low to zero cost, and in less time, using less effort too.

The excitement in his voice when he spoke after that was unmistakable, and I’m sure that by this singular achievement, I’ve won myself a new believer in my Web Marketing skills, due to the personal benefit that has accrued to him so unexpectedly!

Next step: I’ll be sending the buyer a template for use in sending his measurments across to Modiu.

Lesson to take away: Web Marketing WILL work for ANY business no matter how ancient or unconventional it is. You just need to be willing to apply your God-given creative intellect to find the ways to make it work for you. If you need help, consider joining my Web Marketing Club at

Smart Marketing Systems Move Prospects Closer to Buying, Long After You’re Gone [Hint: Why It’s Better to Let People Convince Themselves to Buy from You, Instead of “Pushing” or “Chasing” Them!]

Every now and then I have conversations in which people ask me how I am able to generate such regular enquiries online for my Excel-VB software products, software development service and other solutions I offer – without placing any form of paid adverts in any medium.

My answer is always the same:

Over the past decade, based on careful experience based research, and lots of trial and error, I’ve developed and use (while continuing to tweak for better results) what I call a customizable Web Marketing System (WMS).

After telling them that, I try to illustrate what I mean by sharing true stories about how my WMS has generated quality sales leads for me in the past, with some eventually leading to highly profitable sales.

What I have however found is that very few of those I explain this concept/strategy to really “get it”, and yet they see (or have been on the receiving end – as buyers – of) that same WMS at work!

For many, even though they do not say it, but I sometimes sense they think I’m hiding something or even lying.

One cannot however blame them. This is because what I claim to achieve on such a regular basis sounds more like magic than reality.

After all how many Africa based African experts can claim to make regular 5 to 6 figure income from sales of custom ExcelVB software products, books and other solutions to buyers in and out of Africa via the web – without face to face meetings?!

To help more people “get it” about 2 years ago I created and began using a Mindmap to explain the WMS to prospects and other interested persons.

Later on I added a screenshot demonstration video in which I use the mindmap as a basis for explaining the 9 key components of what I call a WMS.

I share the above details here to illustrate one of many ways I use my creativity to manipulate my WMS to effectively communicate the benefits that my solutions can deliver.

By creating the mindmap and supporting it with a video explanation, I’ve eliminated the need to devote conscious effort, time, energy or indeed money to market my WMS development service to any interested person(s).

Once s/he indicates interest in learning more, I simply request his/her email (and phone number) and then send him/her a generic message, with a personalised introduction.

By the time this happens, I conclude my work is done as far as marketing goes.

All I then need to do is wait.

Yes, waiting is what I do from this point – not chasing and not calling to follow up.

I just wait – patiently, like a hunter, meme (French for “even”) a Ninja!


Because at that point I know s/he would learn everything else I could have told him/her by listening to me in the video, while studying the mindmap – all of which can happen even while I sleep: talk about putting your marketing on autopilot!

Waiting like I’ve described above is something majority of people who want to sell find very hard to do.

Yet the process of selling is more of a psychological than physical process – and the art of “waiting” is a crucial element.

I am able to wait like that – with confidence and without fear of loss – because my WMS enables me know for a certainty that I’ve done virtually everything needed to convince the prospect to buy.

So if s/he still balks or walks away at this stage it will often not be wise to push or chase him/her.

Instead you simply stay away for a while, and since s/he would have joined your mailing list from the onset of your interactions, in order to connect with you, just let your email newsletter keep working on him/her.

Some prospects I’d long given up on came back 1, 2 even 4 years later to buy from me in this manner I.e because I used my newsletter to stay indirectly in touch, making them NOT feel they were being pressured.

As a result, they took their time to study me and my work enough to convince themselves they really needed my help.

This is why I say it’s better to let people to convince themselvesto buy from you, than it is for you to convince them to do so!

The former results in buyers who are motivated and often willing to pay what you ask – and they tend to be more willing to trust you and accept your guidance as well I.e easy to work with.

The latter can often be the exact opposite of the former.

I don’t know about you, but do NOT like to work with such people, because they tend to be too difficult to satisfy!

Like I tell those who ask all the time, the best marketing systems are those that keep moving the prospect closer to making a buying decision, long after you and the prospect cease communicating or separate.

In other words, the marketing system would be designed to keep him/her focused on the alluring benefits of the solution you offer, offering additional logical insights that ultimately influence the prospect to RETURN to you, often to ask few questions for clarification and ultimately request payment details, or simply pay – depending on how you sell.

I’ve closed countless sales effortlessy with prospects in various countries using this time, effort and cost-saving approach as part of my WMS, and that’s why I recommend it so highly.

Below is an example of an email I sent to an existing client looking to invest in my WMS development service.

Notice the details I provide in it are consistent with the explanation I’ve given above.

If you’re interested in getting copies of the mindmap and video, click here to send me a message.

Dear Alhaji S(name removed for privacy),

Our recent phone and Whatsapp conversations refer.

After listening to your Whatsapp message I decided you may find it useful to view the mindmap and watch the video explanation for what I NOW believe will best suit your company’s needs.

I call it a Web Marketing System or an Effective Online Presence. 
Below is a generic message I send out to explain what it is all about to potential clients.

A. Find attached a mindmap image that shows key components of what I call a customizable Web Marketing System (WMS).

The WMS is what I propose to develop and implement for your company to boost your business marketing reach/impact, measurable over time in terms of:

1. time, effort and money you WILL save 
2. Quality sales leads/enquiries you will generate

B. Find attached a zipped folder containing a video for you to watch offline, in which I explain what the WMS components are about and how they benefit businesses that use them.

Download the attached zipped folder to your desktop and unzip the contents.

2 files will emerge. Double click on the web page file to launch a browser window in which the SWF video file will playback.

Note that if you see THE browser prompt shown in the linked PNG image below, all you need do is simply click “Activate Adobe Flash” (or the equivalent linked text displayed in your browser), and follow the instructions to get the video to display and play.


To watch the video, YOU MUST (and this is important!) REMOVE or EXTRACT the 2 files in the zipped folder, and place them in the same location on your PC.

Next, double click on the web page file (the one with the browser icon) among the two, to watch the video in your browser. If you get a prompt to activate “Adobe Flash Player” click on the prompt to activate it by following the instructions that appear.

WARNING: If you click on the 2nd SWF file, it WILL NOT play the video.

AND if you click on the files without REMOVING them from inside the zipped folder, you will get an error message. The video will not play.

For the video to play, YOU MUST copy out or EXTRACT both files from inside the zipped folder and place on your PC in the same location, TOGETHER. Then click the one with the browser icon.

Let me know if you need help.

In your service


Creative Web Maketing Content Propagation Yields Multiple Benefits (Hint: A Little Known Plugin That Can Help You)

You need LOTS of interest generating content on your website to attract and increase the chances of retaining potential buyers when they visit.


At the very least, you want them to go away only after having taken action to connect with you in a way that gives you the opportunity to keep them in the sales loop by contacting them using details they optin to provide.


<h3>One effective way to recruit potential buyers as recommended above, is to integrate your web marketing content with use of the <a href=”” target =”blank”> plugin</a>.</h3>


The plugin is designed to enable website owners (content publishers) capture paid subscribers using “dripped” content.


To really succeed in using the system to market your brand, and especially to generate potentially unlimited passive inceome you need to visit the site and read their detailed notes on how to use their system to recruit readers/visitors willing to pay to read protected content served on your site.


If you don’t have a useful volume of content, this plugin may not yield the full range of potential benefits it can deliver.


That’s why your efforts need to be focused on creating as many new articles, videos, reports, case studies etc as possible.


All of the above can be offered free or for a fee to site visitors to generate passive income fir you in trickles that can add up over time with large numbers of subscribers.


But that’s just one side to the potentially useful benefits you can reap.


<H3>Another – even better – benefit the plugin gives is the opportunity to get valuable information to guide your efforts to upsell your big ticket solutions/offerings!</H3>


This is something I learned the hard way over the years regarding focusing my marketing/brand promotion and buyer recruitment efforts online.


It’s important to study trends as a means to more intelligently determine what to do next, where to do it, and how.


You see, a system like’s gives people who fit your target audience profile a low risk entry opportunity to check out the solutions you offer.


We all know potential buyers of a product or service need to trust and believe that it can help them, before they can take the leap of faith to invest in it in a big way.


<H3>My hard won experience has shown that low risk entry offers help to identify those I should focus on the most among visitors and enquirers on the site.</H3>


A person willing to subscribe for a month via the system to access an ecourse on your site, or to read a 4 part educational piece on achieving personal breakthrough will be more likely to be interested in an offer of your big ticket solution…


BUT that will be IF the experience s/he has with the low risk entry offer s/he signs up for is good.


This is why I always admonish clients to devote relentless energy to creating new top quality response generating website content,


Beyond paid adverts on any platform, original zero cost response generating content copywriting and propagation is a proven and timeless strategy for achieving high search engine visibility.


If you need help generating such content on a regular basis, I can do it for you (via my Ghostwriting service) or coach you to do it yourself. Alternatively, <a href=”” target=”blank”>you can engage me to do both, like I do for clients who signup for my 1 year FREE Web Marketing support service (click for details/to contact me)</a>.

[Recommended Resources] Stop Chasing Sales and Start Providing Value or Lose to Price – By Jeffery Gitomer

Jeffery Gitomer is a guru in sales from USA who influenced my use of article marketing a lot when I was struggling in the early years of my business.. In this article I feature examples of how he uses his Youtube channel (and how Google LOVES to shown them) and his book (the Sales Bible) etc


I continue to borrow some ideas from the way he operates to build to develop and implement Web marketing for you.


For now, here are links to some of his stuff’;


<H3>1. The Sales Bible – Jeffrey Gitomer</H3>



<a href=”http;//­products/samples/­Pages-from-Sales-Bibl­e.pdf” target=”blank”>http;//­products/samples/­Pages-from-Sales-Bibl­e.pdf</a>


Practical sales information you can read daily and use immediately. Read it from cover to cover. Open it anywhere and learn.


<H3>2. Jeffery Gitomer in PDF</H3>


This is a Google results page for the string “Jeffery Gitomer PDF”


<a href=”https://­­search?q=jeffrey+gito­mer+pdf&oq=jeffery+g­it&aqs=chrome.5.69i5­7j69i59j0l4.7679j0j7-&sourceid=chrome&es_­sm=93&ie=UTF-8″ target=”blank”>https://­­search?q=jeffrey+gito­mer+pdf&oq=jeffery+g­it&aqs=chrome.5.69i5­7j69i59j0l4.7679j0j7-&sourceid=chrome&es_­sm=93&ie=UTF-8</a>



<H3>3. Jeffrey Gitomer’s Sales Training Channel – YouTube</H3>


<a href=”https://­­BuyGitomer” target=”blank”>https://­­BuyGitomer</a>


<H3>4. Jeffery Gitomer on Youtube





<a href=”https://­­search?q=jeffrey+gito­mer+pdf&oq=jeffery+g­it&aqs=chrome.5.69i5­7j69i59j0l4.7679j0j7-&sourceid=chrome&es_­sm=93&ie=UTF-8″ target=”blank”>https://­­search?q=jeffrey+gito­mer+pdf&oq=jeffery+g­it&aqs=chrome.5.69i5­7j69i59j0l4.7679j0j7-&sourceid=chrome&es_­sm=93&ie=UTF-8</a>


This guy built a reputation for writing 300 to 400 word articles. Short but full of practical, ready to use wisdom. Notice his unusual dressing in the videos.


<H3>A critic in one of the video comments (<a href=”https://­­watch?v=fTFhHY4YUqo” target=”blank”>https://­­watch?v=fTFhHY4YUqo) went as far as saying:</H3>



Sennanchie3 years ago

Funny. He’s an experienced salesman with a lot of good advice, but he always dresses like he’s a mechanic.



Funny how some people tend to leave the substance and chase shadows.


For Gitomer to have achieved the amazing success he enjoys, anyone can see that his dressing did little or no damage to him – because he PRODUCED results that mattered to those willing to pay him for it…looool!


Succeed More by Using the Web Creatively [Features True Story]

I posted a blog yesterday, featuring 3 adverts I have published on my buyers-meet-sellers platform using a plugin I found that does exactly what I want.

Like I explained in that post, the FREE advertising opportunity is for my paid clients who I have a vision to support in as many zero to low cost ways as I can.


Because my philosophy in business and in life has always been to continually find ways to make others better off from having contact with me. The Science of Getting Rich philosophy that I subscribe to advocates adoption of that philsophy, if one is to achieve authentic long lasting success in life.

The quote below captures the above sentiments perfectly:

“I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view that, for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as well.” – Alan Greenspan

What follows below are verbatim excerpts of an response I wrote to an enquiry sent to me by a Nigerian gentlman who happened to see the adverts I posted on behalf of my clients.

As shown in the screenshot below, he wrote in as follows:

Good Morning Sir,

I am interested in the UPIB law program. Is this in English? Can I please have your phone number?


To be honest, I must admit that I was not expecting anyone to indicate interest in any of the adverts so quickly – at least not within 24 hours! So when I saw the enquiry I was not quite sure how to handle it, since I hadn’t even spoken with the client about what I’d done!

Long story short, I called up the client and told him about the enquiry, then asked his permission to give his mobile phone number to the enquirer.

See the text below for the details.

I share this post to prove that it pays to use the web in creative ways to attract potential buyers. I do it for myself and get great results continually. Same happens when I do it for clients as well – as shown in this example!

Hi Ola(name partially removed for provacy),

Thanks for your message.

Regarding the Law program, YES it is in English. Incidentally there have been updates posted by the course coordinator himself about the Law Week recently on Facebook.

For example this one:

In order to give you a proper response, I first had to speak with Barrister (Dr.) Nana ARNOLD this morning, that you’re requesting details of the Law program, which he coordinates for the university as Head of Department.

He has given his consent for me to send you his mobile phone number: (removed for privacy)

You can also send him a message via his contact page on the website at:

(See attached: I’ve taken a further step to send you a photo of his complimentary card that I have in my possession, if that would be of use)

By way of interest, the university – UPIB – is a client for whom I built and have hosted the website at since 2014.

As part of my best practice vision, ALL my clients get to feature ONE free ad on my site – hence the one you saw, alongside those for 2 farm CEO clients in Nigeria.

Dr. Arnold Nana Kouayep ( the Founding Director of Administration and Admission for UPIB, who also happens to be a personal friend, with a private consulting firm I’ve developed various solutions for (see and

Hope this helps.

Let me know if you have any questions or require clarification. My mobile numbers here in Benin as well as Nigeria are listed in my signature below.

I hope the above story or case study excites you enough to consider investing in using the web to promote your business.

No matter what kind of business you are in, or where you are based, a well developed Web Marketing System can give help you cut your marketing costs, while generating more sales leads for you at very low to zero cost.

I LIVE this stuff – and my experiences/studies over the past decade tell me it will work for ANY business model in ANY market, if you know how to use it.

If you need help doing it, let me know!


  1. You Are an “Illiterate of the 21st Century” If You Cannot Learn, Unlearn and Relearn
  2. No. 166: Seek Success by Being CREATIVE and NOT by being COMPETITIVE
  3. No. 180: 3 Key Strategies for Making Clients Want to Hear From You
  4. Stop Hurrying – And You’ll Get Anything You Want