Category Archives: Self-Development

Geniuses & Highly Successful People Are NOT Always Nice Guys! (E.g. Steve Jobs & Bill Gates)

In fact, many people who achieve phenomenal levels of success, can be quite difficult to LIVE WITH or GET ALONG WITH – especially if/when you fail to meet the high standards they strive to maintain.

I believe this does not make them bad. They are just so ruthlessly focussed on achieving their goals that they feel compelled to dispense with niceties, if they feel it will aid “progress”.

Majority of us in the public never get close enough to see this side of them however. Those who have to live with, and work for hugely gifted and driven people like Jobs, are the ones that enjoy that “privilege”. In Steve Jobs Was A Jerk, You Shouldn’t Be , a reflection on this “dark side” of the late Steve Jobs, by David Coursey , this timeless TRUTH once again comes across as reality.

Because we humans do not like to speak ILL of the dead, it is understandable that news about them rarely dwells on their faults – especially when they achieved positive things that benefited the majority.

I recall reading articles in which Bill Gates was reported to erratically throw tantrums at employees in meetings when someone said something he did not like. A favourite expression he had was “That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard!”.

Here’s an excerpt from one of many reports of this “Bill Gate-ism” on websites results returned in Google: Continue reading