Category Archives: Self-Development

Making the Right Purchase – Seven (7) Questions That Can Help You

Let me begin by stating that the ideas I offer here were obtained from studying the writings of experts like Jeffery Meyer. Adapting them to my purposes has actually helped me repeatedly convince prospects to buy from (or hire) me.

If you are an entrepreneur, understanding the ideas I offer here, if you apply them correctly, CAN help you close more sales. I say this from experience. Simply use the questions enumerated below to help them realise they NEED YOUR products/services.

But I’m writing here, NOW, for prospective buyers of products/services – the prospect or existing client, who is considering buying a product/service from a provider.

In the course of my work, I have learnt that some buyers only want one thing: The lowest price (s). To them, the lowest price means they’ve gotten the best value for every Naira spent.

However, even in the Nigerian market, it could prove severely wasteful to base your purchase decisions solely on price. There ARE other things to look for.

Are you scared of paying more than you should?

Well, there is something you can do, to ensure you minimise chances of making that mistake. To spend “wiser”, simply make it a habit to think up YOUR answers to the following questions, before making your purchase decision. I call them the “Prospective Buyers’ Decision Making Questions”.

1. Why do you need the product/service?

Another way to ask this question is “What do you want to use the product/service for?” If you cannot think of a good reason to justify purchasing it, then it would be obvious that doing so, would be likely to be a bad decision – money wasted or poorly spent.

2. How did you go about deciding the kind of product/service you need?

Okay, so you have convinced yourself you NEED the product/service. But just before you go out and get it, why not question yourself further about HOW you arrived at your choice of product/service. For instance, a person could decide s/he needs a new vehicle for the company’s sales department. But buying a luxury car (e.g. BMW) to meet that need might not be the way to go.

3. Why doesn’t the existing product/service meet your needs (i.e. assuming you already have one)?

If you already have something that addresses that need, why is it that you feel a need to purchase this other product/service. Is it that you feel what you have does not fully meet the existing need? Or is it that you anticipate future needs may outstrip the capacity of the existing resource? Take time to carefully reflect on this, as it would go a long way to enable you accurately determine whether or not to go ahead.

4. Because the present product/service doesn’t serve your needs (or because you have none), how is this impacting on your establishment’s effectiveness?

This is related to the preceding question. By implication, you will find reflecting on this question useful in further deciding on how relevant the product/service you are contemplating buying is to your real needs. So, if you are able to identify and enumerate specific/tangible ways that the existing product/service is negatively affecting your company’s performance, it would provide further justification to purchase the new one.

Note however that one possibility you could equally consider is CHECKING to see if there is a way you can get the current product/service to IMPROVE, so that you do NOT have to purchase a replacement or addition, which would require more spending.

5. What will happen if you don’t purchase this new product/service?

Of course, if the existing product/service is not addressing the important needs of your company, the company will continue to suffer for it. Failing to correct that situation will likely result in more negative impact. So, ask yourself what will happen if this trend continues. If the answer you get is NOT what you want for your company, then you’ll have to seriously consider purchasing the identified alternative(s).

6. How did you determine the price you said you want to pay for this product/service?

And this is the most sensitive one of them. Money! Everyone these days is thinking of how to use less of it, to get more of what they want. And who can blame them? It’s plain common sense! The only problem is that some people tend to take it a bit too far. They begin to think of getting EVERYTHING for little or nothing.

Having gone through the process of reviewing the questions before this one, you should have come to terms with the reality that the product/service you wish to purchase is capable of FILLING the need you have identified, or SOLVING the problem you have discovered.

Either way, you will have accepted that it is worth paying for, and since it will be IMPROVING on what you currently have in place, there is a good chance it will not be “cheap”. But it could be affordable. So, I suggest you aim to NEGOTIATE a good bargain, to get it.

7. What if the product/service you purchase doesn’t work properly OR what if it fails to serve the needs you identified?

But we must NOT be academic about this. No one is perfect, and no process is fool proof. This implies that following the above outlined steps may not ALWAYS result in making the right purchase. This could happen for so many reasons. One example is your understanding of the situation that created the need you identified.

If you are not well informed about the dynamics of that situation, you could draw the wrong conclusions about what the need is! The moral here is that you MUST strive to be conversant with whatever aspects of your operations you are evaluating. Be honest with yourself in this regard, and if you are unsure about your ability to do this, consult one or more persons that have the competence (your staff, colleagues etc) to help you make the right assessments.


To end, I now share some details of additional information I provide to my prospects or clients, to further “educate” them about why buying from (or hiring) me would be the right thing to do.

a. We believe in establishing long term relationships.

“A customer who is only interested in doing business with the supplier with the lowest price has no interest in developing long term relationships.” – Anon

For the person contemplating making a purchase, this has already been addressed in the preceding discussion. If you focus only on getting what you want at the lowest possible price, you are likely to end up getting what you don’t want i.e. lower quality. Or the supplier could walk away. If s/he decides to sell to you on that unfair basis, s/he may not be forthcoming when you need after sales support etc. So, be careful!

b. We want to help you become better at what you do.

Jeffery Meyer recommended politely informing the prospect or client that you “are not just a vendor selling products/services”. You will tell him/her that “your vision is become a valued advisor whose knowledge, training, education, and experience will enable him/her get better results”.

For the prospective buyer, the above statement is just as relevant. You should carefully study the “provider” of the service/product you are contemplating, to see if s/he shows signs of abiding by a code of ethics that makes him/her willing to be a “Valued Advisor” to those s/he serves. If YES, that gives you more confidence to do business with him/her. If NO, the logical line of action is obvious!

Final Words: I believe if you as a prospect buyer of product/service adopt the above steps in your decision making thought process, you are likely to make more accurate purchase decisions that you used to. Good luck!

To Get Lasting Improvements In Employee Performance, Avoid Use of Money As Primary Reward”

Do you want to have a lasting and sustainable training system in your company? If YES, then you must avoid the TRAP of trying to use money to motivate your employees. If you don’t you’ll keep training them and they’ll show little or no improvement in their performance.


Because money is like a chemical stimulant which helps the “receiver/user” achieve a “high” for a limited time period only after which s/he gets lowered to (and sometimes below!) the base state – no permanent IMPROVEMENT achieved in him/her!

Ask yourself this question:

Do you currently have any staff or employees/team members who willingly Go The Extra Mile (GTEM) on the job, without demanding material or monetary reward for doing so?

If yes, what is the payoff that keeps him/her motivated to continue working for the company in that manner?

It’s CRUCIAL that you find out what that payoff is for 2 key reasons:

a. It could give you insights into what you can do to keep him/her working that way, to the benefit of the company

b. It could also help you discover team members who are reaping undue personal rewards by exploiting “waste” points or loop holes in your process to reward themselves without your consent.

Both a. and b. happen a lot.

In the latter case, we have recorded cases of employees who were – for instance – diverting their employer’s products for monetary gain.

They found it was easier to do this by pretending to work late, so that they could carry out their pilfering and other naughty acts when fewer people were left on the premises.

To add insult to the injury, they would still turn in claims forms at the month end to request payment for overtime spent working after office hours!

The above anecdote proves that managing human resources in an organization can be quite a complex and messy process – filled with lots of intrigue.

However, when a best practice workplace organization system is put in place, the controls that are implemented drastically limit opportunities for mischief making on the part of the staff.

Indeed, best practice workplace organization effectively eliminates waste in man hours as well as process operations.

Basically, each and every member of the team from the shop floor to the CEO ends up with clearly defined Job Descriptions on which they are then assessed for productivity. In addition Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are derived and routine systems put in place to track, measure and analyse them for decision making.

Most importantly, rewards and recognition (as well as sanction) systems that improve career advancement opportunities for employees, along their lines of expressed interest are put in place.

When a system like this is established, and its feedback and reward systems are executed as and when appropriate, the need to use money as an incentive to get desired behavior from employees drops.

This is because each member will see that s/he will be found wanting if s/he does not play his/her role properly for the company’s operations to function effectively, leading to goal achievement.

Best practice workplace organization philosophies (like the 5S system) are powerful weapons for getting results from team members without needing to use monetary incentives that rarely endure in their impact.

Click here to contact me if you want to learn more about setting up such a system in your company.

To Succeed In Today’s World, Your Kids Will Need REAL WORLD Experience

No amount of “formal classroom based schooling” at ANY levels in the BEST (whatever that means) learning institutions in the WORLD, can compare to QUALITY time spent gaining real world relevant hands-on experience in any field of endeavor.

This is why students are asked to go on INTERNSHIPS, or INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT etc.

You need to take what you have been taught in the controlled environment of your learning institution, and make diligent conscious effort to put it to PRODUCTIVE use in the REAL WORLD you intend to apply it once your learning is completed.

MANY MANY MANY people fail to understand this, and that’s why even when they are truly gifted, academically and otherwise, they enter society and literally struggle to achieve the full potential that EVERYONE knows they have.

This is however often not entirely the fault of the affected individuals. Instead it’s due to the way society trains us to think.

We leave the most important things for LAST.

The most successful lawyer in court when everyone graduates, may not have been the best in school work.

Indeed we have notable examples that prove this here in Nigeria, and elsewhere – in various fields!

Which brings me to the point I wish to make:

As parents, if we love our kids and want them to truly succeed, we MUST go out of our way to EXPOSE them to real world experiences.

We must challenge them to connect with their environment by engaging in activities that will help them develop the needed awareness and emotional intelligence to take what they learn and use it to achieve their goals, regardless of what LIFE may throw at them.

Are you doing that for YOUR kids yet???

If not, NOW is the time to start. Your kids will thank you for it later. Today’s world demands it – book knowledge alone, will NOT be enough for lasting authentic success in or out of paid employment – especially OUT of paid employment.

When you consider that decent jobs are getting fewer and harder to win, it only makes sense to prepare one’s offspring for the possibility that they may have to work for themselves.

If that’s to happen successfully, they will need bucket loads of REAL WORLD experience under their belts.

PLEASE give it to them now, so they can make the best use of it as they grow!

Photo: My 3 sons pose for a photo with the musician – Beautiful Nubia – just after completing their 3 hour FREE Music Workshop session at his EniObanke Arts Centre at the Ikeja-GRA premises.

They were taught rudiments of percussion (agogo, shekere, etc.), talking drum, rhythm guitar, bass guitar etc by experienced musicians and teachers.

Click to read full article titled:

Studying Music Can Make Your Child Achieve More Success

Photo: My 3 sons pose for a photo with the musician - Beautiful Nubia - just after completing their 3 hour FREE Music Workshop session at his EniObanke Arts Centre at the Ikeja-GRA premises.

THE FARM CEO (Issue 02) – Rat Control, Integrated Farming, Economics of Egg Production, Agribusiness Handbook: Poultry Meat & Eggs, Watch Songhai’s Award Winning Snails Feeding Video, Songhai’s Leadership Academy – SLA

In this second issue of THE FARM CEO newspaper, you get my reviews of, and links to:

(a) A 3 part write-up on Rat Control – VERY useful, by a UK based expert!

(b) A PDF Manual on Integrated Farming

(c) A PDF paper on The Economics of Egg Production

(d) A PDF document titled “Agribusiness Handbook: Poultry Meat & Eggs

(e) Watch Songhai’s Award Winning Snails Feeding Video

(f) Read about Songhai’s Leadership Academy – SLA

Below: Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 02 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 15th June 2015) – this is the formal look for the newspaper.

creenshot of the cover for Issue No. 02 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 15th June 2015) - this is the formal look for the newspaper

Subscribe to THE FARM CEO HERE, and get ALL back issues, in addition to your full subscription of 48 weekly issues.

Content to expect

1) Useful feed formulation/other findings from trusted sources

2) Cost-saving ideas from farm visits as I travel across West Africa.

3) Ads by farm providers/suppliers of all genres.

4). Special promo price offers of my Software and Book products

Learn more at

MS Excel Automation Education in African Institutions Can Boost Jobs Creation & Self-Employment!

Universities and business schools across the world often offer full, real world relevant Excel-VBA programming courses. But NONE in Nigeria, Benin, possibly all of Africa do.

This write-up is targeted mainly at educators  and providers of learning solutions in Africa. There is a massive dearth of MS Excel learning in general and Excel-VB programming education in particular.

Countless certified accountants in the UK, America, Australia, Canada and Asia excel by developing automated Excel-VB driven applications for their employers and clients.
MS Excel Automation Education in African Institutions Can Boost Jobs Creation & Self-Employment!

Same applies to their colleagues in engineering fields. They are able to do this because many of their institutions offer formal training in Excel-VB programming.

In this paper, I explain why this is so, and how it may be limiting the ability of many of their graduates to excel in their working lives, be it in or out of paid employment.

I have a vision to influence the initiation of an Excel-VB programming awareness “movement” across Africa’s educational landscape, in a way that leads to jobs creation and self-employment outcomes for participants – just like it happens in developed societies.

This White Paper has been published to propagate that message. If you run a learning centre or institution and would like to partner with me on this, or you would like to download the full PDF white paper (it’s FREE), send me a message via

It Pays to Keep Truth-Based Relationships (Lesson from True Story by Beyoncé)

What Kinds Of Friends Do YOU Want – And Keep?

I want to surround myself with TRUTH all the time. I do not want to keep diplomatic and “anchorless Social Chameleons” (as Daniel Goleman described them in his book on Emotional Intelligence) in my social circle.

Does not matter if they are relatives or friends. I want people around me who will say what they mean and mean what they say – NO MATTER whose Ox is gored in the process, even if it’s mine! I want these things because I know they will bring out the best in me and those I relate with. What about YOU?

A Lesson About Truth-Based Relationships From A Celebrity

I was watching an interview of the highly successful female singer – Beyoncé- some time ago in which her gutsy venture into production of a solo album in secrecy and (as the reporter put it) without the luxury of a “safety net” to fall on (in event of failure) was discussed.

When asked how she felt about people making up stories about her life and commenting on her as a celebrity, she (among other things) said she felt lucky to belong to a family where people (unlike what obtains for some other stars) don’t tell her everything she says or does is “cute”. She added that as a result, she has always been surrounded “by truth” which has helped her remain herself.

Adults In Society And The Challenge Of Keeping Truth-Based Relationships

Listening to Beyoncé and reflecting on what she has achieved as a member of the immensely successful group – “Destiny’s Child” – and in her subsequent solo career, makes me certain that my belief that “surrounding oneself with truth in order to succeed with integrity” is valid.

Too often in society, especially amongst adults, duplicity, denial and outright dishonesty/insincerity feature prominently in relationships. It is so much so that I sometimes feel it would take only a blind person NOT to see it!

The truth is that inside each of us is a sixth sense, which equips us (if we develop it) to be able to “detect” insincerity in others – to some extent. Unfortunately, vanity, selfish interests and the need for ego gratification, make many people close their eyes to these obvious signs of insincerity when they see them.

I once read the following quote : “We ask for criticism, even though what we actually want to hear is praise”. I’ll take it further and say “…As a result, when we get the criticism we ask for, we take offense against the person(s) who is/are sincere enough to tell us the TRUTH”.

What Kinds Of Friends Do YOU Want – And Keep?

I think I like the “Beyoncé” kind of surrounding a lot. I want to surround myself with TRUTH all the time. I do not want to keep diplomatic and “anchor less Social Chameleons” (as Daniel Goleman described them in his book on Emotional Intelligence) in my social circle.

Does not matter if they are relatives or friends. I want people around me who will say what they mean and mean what they say – NO MATTER whose Ox is gored in the process, even if it’s mine! I want people around me who will tell me what they think of my words and actions to my face and not smile that I’m OK and then go behind my back to complain to others!

I want people who will give me (and/or anyone who needs it) the help or support I need UNCONDITIONALLY and without complaining or murmuring, and who will be decent enough to let me know when it is NOT convenient enough for them to help/support anymore – instead of continuing to help GRUDGINGLY. I want these things because I know they will bring out the best in me and those I relate with.

And if I cannot find people who fit the foregoing descriptions to be around, I would prefer to be on my own/keep to myself!

Is It The Number Of Friends You Have That Matters – Or The QUALITY of EACH ONE?

Incidentally, the attributes outlined above are those I have always striven to exhibit in my relationships with others. They are powerful qualities that I encourage YOU to also develop (if you do not already possess them), because you will make yourself EXTREMELY valuable and useful in the lives of others as a result.

Let me end with this question, which will be followed by what I consider a VERY powerful quote:

Question: What would be the point of your claiming to have many friends/associates/relatives etc for instance, when most (or all?) of them are not true to you?(i.e. say one thing to your face and another when you’re not around OR they say one thing and do another etc).

Blaise Pascal probably had the above in mind when he reportedly said the following words:

“I lay it down as a fact that if all men knew what others say of them, there would not be 4 friends in the world”.

What do you think?

NB: This article was first published online on 31st October 2007



Teaching People To Make Money Helps Them Better Than Always Giving Them Money

I believe, from years of careful observation, that: People Who Always Get Helped Without Being “Taught” Seldom Stop Needing Help. The following quote explains why…

“The more is given, the less the people will work for themselves, and the less they work, the more their poverty is increased” – Leo Tolstoi (1892)

For some reason, people who get “help” READILY handed out to them in an atmosphere that does not CHALLENGE them to LEARN how to take control of their situation so as to eventually become self-sufficient, SELDOM (if at all ever) stop needing help.

In contrast, those who get help that includes being TAUGHT HOW TO develop/empower themselves and others like them, to overcome the limitations of their circumstances, quite often end up become self-dependent and highly motivated.

It is a common fact of life that certain persons will sometimes need “help” to achieve progress they seek in some areas of their lives.

Over the years, I have taken time to carefully study – as the opportunities presented themselves – how such people over time fared.

One thing came out quite clearly: For some reason, people who got “help” READILY handed out to them in an atmosphere that did not CHALLENGE them to LEARN how to take control of their situation so as to eventually become self-sufficient, SELDOM stopped needing help!

In contrast, those who got help that included being TAUGHT HOW TO develop/empower themselves, to overcome the limitations of their circumstances, quite often ended up becoming self-dependent and highly motivated.

Why does this happen? I personally believe it is due to the fact that when people get used to being given things to cope with the difficulties or limitations they face, they become CONDITIONED to expecting help to come in that manner.

With the exception of a few individuals who may have “spirits” that make them reject being dependent on others for long, many people tend to be quite content to wait till they are given rather than wanting to LEARN how they can on their own find/get what they need.

In my country, there is a very common practice of “helping” less fortunate relatives, friends etc by giving them cash gifts.

A successful person out here will often find him/herself besieged with demands for money for schooling, feeding etc from various members of extended families – and even beyond. If s/he happens to experience any setback that negatively affects his/her income source, there is a rippling multiplier effect down through the chain of dependency that’s been formed.

The irony is that few if any of those who had been receiving money regularly from him/her would at this point be able to turn around to offer help in return. This is because in most cases they often spend it all and begin preparing to come back for more!

Incidentally the point being made here is one that I strongly believe can help many charities/donor agencies MODIFY their approach in providing “help” to their respective target groups, so they can record MORE sustainable successes.

In the next section I explain my perspective on this issue, and what I believe can be done to help those dependants we care about from falling into this kind of trap.

Gradually Teaching Your Dependants To Make Money, Helps Them Better Than Giving Them Money ALL The Time!

I believe VERY strongly that my peace of mind is MUCH more important than the “opportunity” to feel important by having those who need something from me KEEP coming back to me.

I don’t want to have anyone chasing me around for money. I would rather quickly show him/her how to make the money s/he sees me making so s/he can get out of my hair. :-)

I would NOT want anyone harassing me every now and then to help him/her type a letter on the PC. Instead I will ask him/her to commit to a programme to learn from me – FREE if necessary – how to do it.

If s/he fails to honour the commitment, I would be justified to refuse to type any documents for him/her in the future. Same applies to the guy who every week wants me to use MS Excel to help him prepare a weekly report he sends to members of his cooperative.

Same applies to…YOU get my drift by now I’m sure. :-)

I love helping people, BUT I prefer showing people HOW TO help themselves, because by so doing, I help them EVEN MORE – and in the process I HELP MYSELF too!

Think about it. Not only will those YOU “help” in this manner be grateful to YOU for a long time, they will also tell others about what YOU did for them.

Most importantly for me however, I would have my FREEDOM from worrying about when next she, he (or indeed THEY!) will be coming back to ask for more help, in whatever form or shape!

If more people in a society form the habit of coaching and influencing others around them in order to make such persons MORE self-sufficient and independent, THAT society will over time achieve major progress.

PS: Manny NGOs that habitually dole out so called “aid” (to non-disaster victims) will need to give the argument presented above some serious consideration, if they really want to achieve useful IMPACT for the long term!

PPS: This article is based on a piece that was first published online on 17th May 2007


“Do Not Ally Yourself With Power Against The Powerless!” – Chinua Achebe

Sometimes people need to be rebuked for trying to protect their vested interests, at the expense of others.

Chinua Achebe once said: “there is a moral obligation “not to ally oneself with power against the powerless.” (See [The Boston Globe] Achebe: Fighting corruption with fame – The Boston Globe)

As a leader in a developed society – EVERYTHING you say, and do, is noted by the press, and the citizens, and it WILL be used for or against you in future. We need to become like that in Nigeria, to progress.

The question is how many of us are prepared to do that? Does it occur to us that by FAILING to speak out against errand boys of selfish leaders in power, who are “planted” among us (e.g. on Facebook) to keep us in line, we “ally ourselves with power against the powerless”??

Considering how many times he has tried and failed at getting elected into office (note that I have never voted for him), Pat Utomi, could justifiably sit back and say I tried but they gave me no support.

When I started out in self-employment in 2002, (then Dr.) Utomi invited me on appointment to his office at LBS (as a result of a management research paper I sent to him, which I would later present at CMD). His parting words to me that day were “Remember…Tenacity! Tenacity!!”.

Looking back at the efforts he made, I give him kudos, for walking his talk for years in taking PERSONAL ACTION continually, to influence positive change in Nigeria.

Below is a post he once made to his facebook wall, that captures my feelings/sentiments about complacent Nigerian elites(See ): 


Years ago in India I read that a candle loses nothing when it lights another candle. I wonder therefore that there is so much darkness in a land of many candles. As I see the failure of citizenship with many educated middle class people hugging their comfort zones I think how sad we can not see the masochist in us. How we hurt our own long term interests” – Pat Utomi (See original post here)


I have always been VERY sensitive to the existence of extreme imbalances in society that leaves some shortchanged.

I feel the pain of people who suffer because the government/society’s leaders fail to do what is right. Because I ALSO bear part of that suffering, it becomes even more personal, for me.

And that’s why when I READ stuff written by a member of the “jeun soke” (“chop up”) elites, claiming NOTHING is wrong with the status quo, or the slow pace of promised reforms, or that the WHITE we all see the government doing is actually GREEN, I get really upset.

These days, ONLY people in BIG SALARY jobs (and those enjoying “arrangee” business, via connections of all sorts), are reasonably “insulated”, from the negative impact of the many wrong things happening in Nigeria, due to bad leadership.

Sadly, they also constitute majority of the “complacent elite”. 

The status quo in Nigeria RIGHT NOW is very very bad. It often ensures perpetual socioeconomic oppression of the majority, regardless of merit or competence.

There is an extreme lack of a fair and impartial opportunity to succeed here in today’s Nigeria.

I do NOT like what I observe and experience in Nigeria daily today. So, when I see/hear any person BLINDLY justify or rationalise it, in a manner that indicates s/he is biased, I WILL rebuke him/her.

I WILL continue doing this, because years of deep thought and reflection have revealed to me that keeping quiet, or sighing and saying “Lef am for God”(i.e. leave it for God) , has never worked for Nigeria or Nigerians.

Those who do NOT like my approach should therefore simply avoid being associated with me. Period.

A Proven Solution That Enables Any African Write And Publish An International Quality Physical Book At Zero Cost!

This article is based on a letter dated 31st October 2005 written by Tayo K. Solagbade following a 2 week exploratory business visit to Accra-Ghana, during which time he met with the President of Pan African Writers Association(PAWA).

Tayo emailed the letter to Media Houses in Ghana (e.g. Graphic Ghana), Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, South Africa etc challenging them to do a story on how POD Publishing could enable African writers publish and sell international quality print books at ZERO COST.

I am writing to suggest a story about How Print-On-Demand (POD) publishing companies based on the Internet have made it possible for anyone, living anywhere in the world – including Africa, to:

Click here to continue reading

THE FARM CEO™Newspaper – Alternative Livestock Feed Ideas [FREE MAIDEN ISSUE – Monday 8th June 2015]

THE FARM CEO™[Screenshots below]

Tagline: If it can help your farm business, you’ll find it in THE FARM CEO Newspaper

This FREE MAIDEN ISSUE is packed with reviews and links to the following useful resources: thefarmceo-maiden1



1. Alternative Feed Ingredients in Swine Diets(PDF): Parts 1 and 2

2. Poultry feed availability and nutrition in developing countries [Subtitle: Alternative feedstuffs for use in poultry feed formulations] – PDF

3. Make Money from Snail Farming (2 FREE E-Books):

a. by Forest Development Authority of Liberia

b. by National Agricultural Extension & Research Liaison Service, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria



“THE FARM CEO will run into at least 2 pages per issue. It will feature my reviews of news compiled from research and industry sources, including farm visits as I travel across West Africa. My mission is to make THE FARM CEO newspaper a preferred source of innovative, cost-saving/performance enhancing farm business ideas in Africa. If it can help your farm business, you’ll find it in THE FARM CEO newspaper!” – Tayo K. Solagbade,

Subscription to THE FARM CEO = $36/Yr [You get a FREE copy of the Feed Formulation Handbook( $82 value]

Download FREE maiden issue from