Category Archives: My Ideas for Making Nigeria Better

Financial Freedom Goes Beyond Just Having Money, to Also Being FREE to Live Your Life the Way You Want It [True Story: How Relocating to Cotonou on 1st April 2013 Helped Me Succeed As a Location Independent Multipreneur]

“(The Church Records & Accounts Manager has) really helped me in the preparation of my monthly Accounts..(CB Solutions’ service is okay. The personnel is always on ground whenever you call him and solution to problem is (provided) without delay or alteration of data“- Adebisi Folayan Finance & Admin Manager, Anglican Church Of The Ascension, Opebi, Lagos.

(The General Accounts Manager) has been a tremendous improvement in our weekly and monthly report.. my Medical Director expressed his happiness when he saw the report…Mr Tayo, I am impressed by your talent, you’re thorough in your job, sincere and friendly with your client. Keep it up.” – Rev. Mfon Inyang, Manager-Accounts, Med-In Specialist Hospital & pharmaceutical Company, Ogudu, Lagos.

Preparation of staff salary has now been reduced from days to just two days. (The Payslip Generator) has helped me a lot…I really commend the CB Solutions* for (an) excellent job. It has solved my organisation’s accounting problem. More grease to your elbow.” – Adeniyi S. Elegbede, Accountant Motayo Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos.

The above are just a few examples of handwritten testimonials written in 2008 by some of my clients, after they had been using custom Excel-VB software I built for their organizations. Click here to learn more about the apps.

I made the very first sale of my Excel-VB software development service in 2004, to a consultant who hired me to build an app, branded in his company name, which he sold to an oil and gas service company.

Like I’ve said in past articles, the market for custom Excel-VB software was practically non-existent at the time I quit my job in 2002, to begin offering the service.

No one was even offering anything like Excel-VB consultancy, talk less of providing software development services.

I visited big name business and computer schools and found that despite offering what they called “Advanced” Excel Training, few of them offered anything resembling my On Demand 4 Day Excel-VB Programming Coaching Workshop. Actually the closest they came was “Introduction to the Macro Recorder”.

Up till today, over a decade later, NONE of them offer training for interested persons on commercial Excel-VB Software Development Services, like the one accessible via my One-On-One Coaching (or the pocket-friendly Excel-VB Annual Membership Club and Competition)

As I’ve noted in sharing details about the maiden edition of my FREE Monthly Excel-VB Workshop for club members, I stopped taking on client projects requiring me to work on client premises back in 2011.

This became necessary following a series of not-so-pleasant experiences of attempted abuse by some exploitative minded ones.

Instead I followed my long standing dream of working from home to earn 80% or more of my income.

When I initially took that decision, few people around me, that I told about my plans, felt it was a wise decision. In their view, I was trying to adopt a strategy used in foreign societies like the USA, in selling my products and services to Nigerians in Nigeria – a people and society unwilling to accept that approach.

I disagreed, and told them so – adding that my approach would be a modified version of what was being done in the USA and other developed markets.

You see, I understood the psychology of the people in my target market and knew what I needed to say/write and do, to make them buy from me, without seeing me.

However, the challenge of a lack of conducive working environment kept me from getting my plans up and running like I knew I really needed, if I was to achieve my goal.

From erratic power supply to hostile socioeconomic and political climate, so many negative forces conspired to repeatedly throw me off balance.

In late 2012, after I got a crazily inflated electricity bill for November 2012, from PHCN – the country’s power company – I knew I needed to change my environment, if I wanted to make any meaningful headway with my plans.

So, on 1 April 2013, I relocated to Cotonou, in what would eventually mark the beginning of a successful transition to a life I’d always dreamed about. Click here to read my very first blog post in that country, from my hotel room.

It took over 6 months of hard work but I made it happen. I had all I needed. 24 hour electricity, stable polity and socioeconomic circumstances.

My new life was characterized by my ability to rapidly build up a critical mass of response generating web marketing/business promotion content online, in a way that triggered a regular flow of sales leads and passive income to me, without my leaving home.

On the average, I worked round the clock – typically 19 hours on the average, creating and uploading new web marketing content online. Stopping only to take a meal, rest a bit and get right back to work.

I was setting up my products and services to get found and purchased even when I was asleep, based on principles advocated by Robert Kiyosaki.

To lean more about how what I did back then, and which I still do today, generates regular passive income for me, read my article titled How You Can Create Income Generating Assets Without Having a Job or ANY Money! (True Story).

Today, I enjoy a life of financial freedom – which goes beyond what some wrongly assume equates to being rich.

Robert Kiyosaki said his rich dad defined intelligence as the ability to make finer distinctions in life.

I imbibed that definition way back in 2000 when I first read his book (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) and over a decade later, his other books that I’ve read, plus countless email newsletters have convinced me that he practices what he preaches!

For instance in an email broadcast he sent out yesterday(see screen shot below), he noted that being rich does not mean the same thing as being financially free.

So many people do not get this. Robert points out that there are lots of rich, broke people. By this he refers to those who spend all they make such that they are often one “job” or payment away from losing all they have if they get nothing to replace all they spend.

For instance in an email broadcast he sent out yesterday(see screen shot here), he noted that being rich does not mean the same thing as being financially free.


In contrast, financially free people are those who have a mindset that enables them do anything they want in life, so that they are free from stress or fear or worries and other negative emotions.

To paraphrase Mr. Kiyosaki, Financial Freedom goes beyond just having money, to also being FREE to live your life the way you want it.

And that’s what I successfully began to do for myself when I resolved to stop going to work for clients and focused my energies on selling my market tested products and services to a global online audience of paying clients.

Since I began doing this, and especially within the last 3 years since I found my way to Benin Republic’s amazingly conducive environment, I’ve been able to live MORE like this than ever before.

Today, my new found status enables me to travel and stay ANYWHERE I want, for as long as I please, without worrying about my income or clients.

The above is what makes it possible for me to accurately describe myself as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

Virtually all I do to make money can be done remotely, using the web. As a result, I enjoy the freedom to spend time with those I care about, without experiencing any loss of income.

That is what it means to be financially free.

You do not need to be a money bag to start experiencing it. But adopting the recommended mind set WILL eventually make you RICH!

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PII 006: Succeed by Becoming an Expert at Solving Real World Problems [Hint: Highlights from Maiden Edition of Tayo Solagbade’s FREE Monthly Workshop for his MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club Members Held on Sat 19th March 2016 in Lagos-Nigeria]

How You Can Create Income Generating Assets Without Having a Job or ANY Money! (True Story)

The gentleman posted as follows:

“…so how can young people in South Africa create Assets with out having jobs?…”

This article is based on a comment I recently posted in response to the above question posed by a South African follower of Robert Kiyosaki(RK)’s Facebook business page, in response to a post announcing a new series of Rich Dad Financial Education Seminars.


Details indicated the events were planned for certain locations in South Africa – but it was clearly stated that they would be conducted by RK’s team, and that he would NOT be attending.

Something about the comment posted by that South African, and the way he ended it, alerted me to the fact that the insights I’d gained over the past decade, about how to use RK’s ideas to make money using non-physical zero cost “Assets”

So, I decided to post a response to his comment.


By the time I was done, I realized others with similar need for insights would find it useful if I published it on this blog.

What follows below is the verbatim reproduction of my original comment…

If you mean physical assets like rental properties that RK often describes, persons without jobs would certainly struggle as your question implies..,

Such persons – indeed anyone – can however get started and grow his/her wealth using an alternative strategy of creating what I’ve named Digital Cash Flow Generating Assets (DCFGAs)

I’ve been reading RK’s books since 2000, and quit paid employment in Dec. 2001 to start my own business.

It took me years to find a way to successfully adapt his ideas to work for me, in my harsh socioeconomic environment of Nigeria. But my passion forced me think creatively in using his definition of assets as “anything that puts money in my pockets”.

I looked more closely at what he did and realized his real estate formula would not work so well in my society, for someone lacking ready access to tangible funds/risk capital, and reliable connection/networks etc

But I noticed he had quite a lot of passive income coming to him from his prolific authorship of information products. Apart from royalties from book sales, he also earned lots of money via licensing of publishing rights for his books and creation/sales of ebook, video, audio etc versions.

I realized I could focus on doing the same thing too I.e Monetizing my Expertise. The best part was that I built Excel VB software products for niche markets, but had previously focused on marketing them via pavement pounding/door to door selling and cold calling.

I realized I could get better results by building a digital marketing system and delivering my products online to buyers in complete packages.

It’s taken me time to perfect it, and I still continue to tweak, refine and reinvent it. But I can tell you that today I live my dream earning over 80% of my income passively.

If I could have done it, others can do it as well.

Below are links to 2 pages on which I share details of what I do and how I do it, with regard to using the above strategy.

1. The Best Way to Make Money (True Story)

2. Spontaneous Coaching™ Program: Monetize Your Expertise to Make EXTRA Money With LESS Effort by Creating Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™

I refer you to them simply to offer a real world example of what I’ve described here, and NOT in an attempt to recruit you or any other reader(s). I have no need to use such “tricks” because my marketing system drives pre qualified motivated prospects to me even while I sleep.

Hope this helps :-)


PS: Hmm…I think I’ll publish this later today as a blog on my website, so others with similar concerns can read it.

Re: “Agatu Killings and Buhari’s moral weakness” [Alternative Perspectives and a Possible Way Forward]

I finally managed to read the Punch opinion piece from last week titled “Agatu killings and Buhari’s moral weakness” this evening.

It was sent to me by a “friend”…who preferred not to share it directly online…ahem…

As is my usual habit, I kept my mind OPEN like an umbrella in reading it from start till end.

To be honest, I only read it once – that was enough. I needed no second round.

The author’s points were clearly made and only a fool would argue that they were not valid ones – worth bringing up.

Long story short:

PMB was/is…

a. Refusing, for some strange reason, in the opinion of the writer, to address the issue of Fulani herdsmen killing people in Agatu

b. Doing what Nigerians call “eye-service” by sending condolence messages to other countries for terrorist related loss of lives while “massacres” continued in his own domain

c.”Reading from (GEJ’s) playbook” by being too lethargic in taking decisive action against the fulani herdsmen. She noted especially Buhari’s statement that the government would search for “root causes” and “act immediately to address the root of the problem”

She also took a swipe at Oga patapata of police – IGP Solomon Arase – in passing, with regard to his pronouncements on the reported activities of the Fulani herdsmen & that Buhari’s evasiveness encouraged the IGP’s attitude…

Here’s my take:

1. It is impossible for MOST Nigerians to accurately argue for or against any of the points raised – except for a tiny few who may REALLY be in the know.

Reason: Just like it is in PMB’s government, so it was in GEJs and those before them.

There is information that the rest of us will probably NEVER get to read or hear, about some topical issues of this kind, which will often influence what we see our leaders do and what we hear them say.

This is why I personally refuse to expend too much intellectual glucose on these kinds of issues.

Think about it:

In other climes, the kind of worldwide movement that the #BringBackOurGirls campaign initiated would have resulted in most if not all of the Chibok girls being found before GEJ left office.

Instead, what we heard/read is that at some point the USA pulled out from helping our people search for the girls because something was not right on OUR side of the equation and THEY did not like it.

How does one explain THAT??!

2. It is my considered opinion that too many well educated Nigerians fail to realize that the fact that we all dress well and speak good english to one another does NOT mean we are all equally sane.

Yes, I mean SANE as in sanity – opposite of insanity aka madness.

Many Nigerians in Nigeria, rich, not-so-rich and poor, are in different stages of insanity, influenced by the socioeconomic environment we operate in.

[NB: Let him who the cap fits wear it. For me, I categorize people based on their actions – what they do, and not what they say about themselves!]

As a result of the state of mind of majority among us, NORMAL thinking habits that people in progressive societies employ rarely appeal to us.

This is why it is said that even Jesus Christ or Islam’s Muhammad would get corrupted if they had to spend time in Nigeria, working with Nigerians.

3. I bring the above points up because I believe we need to ask ourselves why we always demand straightforward solutions from leaders, when we KNOW we are not straightforward people, and our society is far from being a straightforward one???

When I still used to pound the pavement as an entrepreneur in Nigeria, in my early startup years, I kept doing what the books said one should do to market products and services e.g. I placed ads, designed and printed flyers and made sales calls. I attended networking events and conferences. I subscribed to magazines and so on.

Yet, I got little or nothing in terms of client projects from all those efforts. And the few I got made a mockery of my skills, experience and educational qualifications!

The problem was I could not figure out why I struggled even as I saw many crooked and less competent others getting client jobs I wanted.

One day I visited a higher institution based on an advert I’d seen in a daily, to speak with the owner of an engineering training firm about an idea I had for a Joint Venture. It turned out the gentleman was also a lecturer in the engineering department.

After I introduced myself, we got talking about what he did and at a point I mentioned that I’d once been a guest speaker at the Centre for Management Development(CMD) – Shangisha in Lagos, and that the feedback in the forms filled by the centre’s directors had encouraged me to develop a one-day seminar based on the theme of the talk I’d given there.

I however noted that despite hand delivering over 50 copies to organizations in Lagos (many of which were multinationals or large indigenous ones), I’d gotten nowhere with it.

He looked at me in amusement as I spoke, then smiled as he pulled out a one page document with names, and signatures as well as a stamp on it.

Pointing to the fee per head column, he told me that the training manager in the company he did that training for had bluntly told him to give up N4k out of the N15k for EVERY one of the 15 attendees who got nominated to attend.

He then told me these words:

“My friend, you will not hear from them. They expect you to know what to do. If you know what to do, and make them an offer, they will then tell you what they want. From what I see on this booklet, this program of yours is loaded, but if you refuse to do what I’m telling you, I really doubt if you’ll make headway with it.”

That conversation happened in 2004 – 2 years after I became self-employed. 2 years after I’d spoken at CMD and the training manager had told me “If you say you’ve spoken here, they’ll invite you to speak”.

I went on to hear many variants of those words uttered by that engineering lecturer, from others I had cause to speak with (including close relatives!) as the years progressed.

But no one had ever told me I needed to “know what to do” along these fraudulent lines when I started out as an entrepreneur. What I later found out was that almost everyone around me already knew and/or also did it (relatives included!)

They just assumed and expected I would find out and eventually fall in line, having LEARNED that it was impossible to fight the system.

Well, here I am today. I succeed on an international level as a multipreneur, earning income without needing to leave my home – and while traveling between countries.

But I did not need to continue wasting my time fighting the system to get here. Instead, after YEARS of suffering doing that, I conceived a strategy that enabled me completely EVADE the system.

In other words, I found a way to do what I LOVED doing for a living, without needing to relate with people who believed in the system in a way that gave them power over me!

4. How does ALL this relate to the issue of Buhari and the points made by the author of the Punch opinion piece?

Well, it’s simple really.

Nigerians, from what I’ve seen over the past 14 years as an entrepreneur, are over 80% a duplicitous lot.

Forget schooling, status, class, income level etc. Duplicity has become a way of life for most!

So, anyone who wants to achieve meaningful progress working with Nigerians will probably have to be psychic to SEE through their double-facedness.

As a president, Local Government Chairman, head of a small parastatal, or a mere chairman of the building community awarding contracts in your small church(!) you will find yourself surrounded by conniving characters who show one face to you today, and another tomorrow. Scheming to get what they are not qualified to have!

Based on the above situation, no matter how good your intentions are, you may find that pleasing Nigerians will be hard – because even those crying that they are being victimized today (as well as the ones working with/for you) will often gladly let themselves be used against you – if it benefits THEM!

Example: What does it take to get 80% of Nigerians to go out and bear false witness about something that did not happen?

We’ve seen it happen again and again – accusations and counter accusations with those in charge of deciding who is telling the truth even eventually getting fingered for also joining in!!!!

5. It is possible that the above is why Buhari said he wanted to search for the “root cause”….maybe the man is seeing a lot of the duplicity on all sides as I have seen in my own small corner of Nigeria(?)

Maybe that’s what makes him so reluctant to act I.e he’s struggling to make sense of the mixed signals he’s getting(?)

Or maybe the man is just confused….or biased – as some would have us believe (NB: I do NOT agree with this school of thought).

Possible Way Forward

Hopefully it will be obvious I’m making no case in support of Buhari or his IGP here.

In fact, I’m making no case in support of, or against anyone here.

Instead, I’m simply saying the major problem of Nigeria is that it is a society of over 80% dishonest SOULS who never want to let truth prevail and always put self-interest first!

In such an environment, even an angel will struggle to get anything right as a leader.

This was why GEJ struggled to lead Nigeria, as did others before him.

My argument against GEJ was however that he was too weak, and showed no strength of character.

In Buhari’s case I have yet to see enough to justify drawing any far reaching conclusions about him.

After he’s spent 24 months in office I’m convinced I will have enough material to use as a basis for doing an accurate, fair and impartial evaluation of his leadership of Nigeria.

For now, I will continue to work and pray in every way I can for his success, because PMB’s success will benefit all Nigerians, regardless of tribal or party affiliations, including me, you and all our loved ones.



Why I Voted for Buhari (Despite Voting Against Him in 3 Previous Elections), and Why I Believe He Has What it Takes to Reform Nigeria Now That He’s President

My attitude towards any personality – be s/he celebrity or public office holder – is that s/he could be my brother/sister/father or mother or even a good friend.

So, regarding the many unsavoury campaigns launched against Buhari during the countdown to the elections, I always asked myself:

How would I have felt – as Buhari’s son – when all those false claims were being made about his lack of results or original certificates to back up his claims of schooling?

And after he got into office, would I not want my “father” to be given a fair and impartial opportunity to SHOW what he can do…especially when his success would BENEFIT even his critics???

For each of us, it never feels as bad as when it’s happening to a loved one!

Those same considerations guided ALL I did and said even while GEJ was in office.

I carefully studied him over time. Especially what he said with his own mouth and what he DID – or said he did.

Most times I came away not very happy.

But it was his scandalous exchange with the CNN lady (Amanpour) in that January interview that finally did it for me. I arrived at my own assessment of him – and boldly stated it. For me, he simply could not meet the mark. He lacked the depth to do so – and, I believe it was not his fault. He simply got promoted beyond his level of competence without knowing it. Period.

As a result of the above observations, the last thing I expected GEJ to do was run for office again. But he apparently saw himself differently.

Still I did not “hate on him” for that. He had every right to contest again!

However I decided I would do my bit to ensure someone I considered better got in ahead of him.

So I chose Buhari…

What most people do NOT know is that I did NOT vote for Buhari on ALL his previous outings…!

If I recall correctly, I voted twice for Okotie (despite being a non-church-goer O!). Then I voted for Ribadu.

But after I saw how they ended up, and noticed how Buhari remained as constant as ever in his resolve, I realized he had a rare strength of character that had obviously made him immune to what I considered the chronically corrupting influences of Nigerian society.

It is my considered opinion that MANY who do not appreciate Buhari have NOT really experienced Nigeria the way I have as adults with family responsibilities outside paid employment.

Have you EVER had to function as an ADULT with dependants in THIS Nigerian society, outside of salaried employment for up to 5 years at stretch?

If YES, then – unless you had connections with crooked people making things happen for you – it is VERY likely you will have SEEN the naked evil that people do to others in such circumstances in Nigeria. They do it with impunity – even to relatives.

In my case, I’ve been functioning as an adult with wife and kids outside paid employment and NO CONNECTIONS now for 14 years

During that time, I have been to Nigeria’s hell on earth and back, more times than I care to count!

When you lack money in Nigeria as a self-employed person and are not lucky to hold salaried employment of any kind to guarantee some income to SUPPORT those that you are responsible for as spouse and parent, you will KNOW that there are multiple levels of suffering, humiliation and downright evil doing in Nigeria.

For Buhari to have been kicked out of public office when he was, and still remain without blemish till today, such that nothing could be found to use against him during the elections spoke VOLUMES to me.

I have been on the streets in Nigeria. I have SEEN/FELT suffering caused by corruption in this society as an entrepreneur trying to earn income the honest way.

And I can tell you that ANYONE who has tasted power in this society (like Buhari did), and can still RESIST corruption like Buhari has done – and is DOING – has what it takes to CHANGE this nation for the better.

Character and integrity are qualities that make it possible for any person to achieve ANY goals s/he sets his/her mind on – Buhari WEARS them like a cloth!

And that is why I am convinced Buhari is our best bet for reforming Nigeria.

We must not forget that we have MBA and PhD holders engaged in all sorts of fraudulent dealings in and out of the public as well as private sectors daily.

These are brilliant minds that have soiled their hands and compromised themselves, so that it’s now impossible for them to demand for others to do what is needed to change Nigeria.

Does it occur to us that Buhari has no PhD and yet no one has been able to pin any corrupt dealings on him?

Whether Buhari has intelligence or IQ or a wall covered with degrees and awards for leadership excellence, or not, is immaterial – because we have too many examples of people who boasted all those and still failed to deliver, and even stole out money!

I argue that even Obama, with all his distinguished accomplishments after running 2 terms in the USA would be made to look like the biggest FOOL on the planet, if by some strange miracle, he was allowed to contest for office in Nigeria and won the elections to lead us for 4 short years.

We all know what would have happened to Obama if when the republicans were trying so hard to discredit him in office, the country had been NIGERIA, with full blooded Nigerians in it, and NOT the HIGHLY discerning Americans that son of a Kenyan immigrant has had to preside over!

It would have been a mess and Obama would have been buried under it!

This is why I believe a man like Buhari who has successfully defied Nigeria’s corruption machine is the best bet we have.

But we don’t ALL have to agree on this. Each person has a right to his/her own opinions.

I AM a citizen of Nigeria and because I wanted Nigeria to succeed, I acknowledged the Good I saw done by GEJ while he was in office (my posts are still there on his Facebook page, and on my own wall). Same thing I did when OBJ was in power.

It is the same thing I do now. I refuse to sit back with a wait and see attitude. Instead I will hope and pray, and do what I can in my own little way (like I did all the time the other presidents were in office) to make Nigeria succeed with Buhari’s leadership.

By so doing, I believe I would be setting a good example for my kids to follow.

I hope others will do the same.

Related Article:

A People’s Ability to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable is Crucial for Societal Advancement [Hint: Why Too Many of Today’s Nigerians Are Often Too Angry to be Reasoned With!]

A People’s Ability to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable is Crucial for Societal Advancement [Hint: Why Too Many of Today’s Nigerians Are Often Too Angry to be Reasoned With!]

It’s something that first began to really strike me when I visited Nigeria for the first time about 6 months after relocating to Cotonou.

I mean the fact that there are a LOT of (indeed too many!) VERY angry people within the geographical entity called Nigeria.

One time I was in the chauffeured 4 wheel drive of a Cotonou based Nigerian diplomat as we drove through the border town of Badagry, on our way to his farm house in Ekiti.

I could not help pointing out to the driver how readily one could see people shouting insults and curses at one another on either side of the road. Some were even fighting – right next to the highway, with most others simply walking past.

Motorists themselves acted no different as we continued. The tiniest misdeed on your part as you drove readily earned you a torrent of insults – or if you were lucky an impatient look of contempt!

This was in stark contrast to what I’d seen and experienced during the tough first 6 months I’d stayed in Benin Republic. Indeed, the only time I ever saw ANY form of aggression displayed by locals in Cotonou was when 2 robbers were given the beating of their lives, and left bleeding for the police to pickup, after they tried to rob a woman emerging from a bank around Etoile Rouge.

Look, as I’ve said in past articles, I once spent 3 months – in 2013 – living among undergraduates half my age, in a room on the National University campus Calavi, when I failed to find accommodation in Cotonou.

It was a last resort arranged by a friend I made which saved me from getting further duped of 2,000 FCFA multiples, by the greedy estate agents I naively trusted to take me around to see flats I could rent.

But my housing problem apart, I NEVER once saw a single fight occur on that campus all through my 90 day stay there. Not once – and believe me, I moved around a lot.

If anything, I discovered from being among those young Beninese male and female students, that theirs was an environment in which PEACE MAKING valued in the larger society, was not only actively promoted, but also strictly enforced.

Indeed, if you were heard or seen shouting at one another, without so much as physically touching one another, chances were good that those involved would get summoned and possibly disciplined.

I saw that happen at least once, before I left that campus.

One day in Cotonou, after I’d left Calavi and found my own apartment, I recall seeing a commercial bike rider accidentally splash water in a pothole on a man standing along the road.

The latter angrily called out to him, and the bike man stopped and retorted in like manner. Before they could do anything more, a 3rd person who was just passing by, stepped between both of them and said, in French “Ici au Benin, c’est toujours la paix!” (Translation: “Here in Benin, it is always peace!”).

Magically, that simple statement instantly deflated the anger in both men, and I marveled as all 3 men smiled, shook hands and parted ways!

That was the day I realized that citizens of a nation have the power to determine whether or not they get along – regardless of the antics their leaders may try to use to cause conflict among them.

Sadly, this is one more truth I see too many people in my country, Nigeria, simply do not understand: As a result, they routinely let their emotions get out of control in relating with one another, especially when holding opposing views, to the extent that understanding and peace become strangers in their societies.

I argue that we must “learn to disagree without being disagreeable“.

It’s hard to remember where I first read or heard the above phrase used, but it has stuck in my mind since.

Life would be a joke, or an exercise in deception if human beings did not periodically disagree with one another.

There is a quote I once read that:

“Where everyone thinks alike, no one is doing any thinking!”

For some strange reason, people raised in the Nigerian society arrive adulthood with a notion (and a VERY faulty notion it is!) that one must accept the reasoning or thinking adopted by the majority.

Some will even parrot the popular saying (used most times out of context) that “majority carries the vote” – to justify going along with what others say, and demanding that you do the same.

Anatole France, the shipping magnate however wisely noted as follows:

“If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.”

Sadly, Nigerian society is a place where those willing to express divergent views on an issue often find themselves in the minority…

This is because most others would rather quietly align with the majority to avoid criticism, or worse, from others who have been taught o be viciously intolerant of opposing views.

It does not matter what the subject is – be it religious or intellectual. It does not matter how logical the arguments made need to be: If it so happens that some people are more “friendly” with one another, chances are good that they will simply gang up against those with opposing views – even if their own argument makes no sense!

After observing this happen for some time, and having it done to me several times, I conceived the following quote in an article published back in 2006, to describe those who allow themselves to be brow beaten and stifled by irrationally argumentative others who predominate in society.

“Some people join the crowd in order to become “hidden” or “protected” from criticism or scrutiny. Since they also take care never to voice contrary (and at times ANY) opinion, they are rewarded with the anonymity they seek – and the insignificance that results from it.” – Tayo Solagbade

I’ve done additional research on this subject and found that such irrationally argumentative people also exist in other societies around the word – including the wonderful US of America!

The difference I’ve noticed however, especially in the developed societies, is that those who hold divergent views from the irrationally argumentative group, generally REFUSE to give up their rights to FREELY EXPRESS their difference of opinion in public or private.

Not just that, the various sociopolitical structures extant in those countries make it literally impossible for ANYONE to stifle or intimidate others, even if they are a minority, from VOICING their opinions as and when they please, where and when they want.

It’s every human being’s fundamental right to speak FREELY what s/he believes about an issue. You do NOT have to accept it, but you must RESPECT his/her right to do so.

That is how a civilized society functions. We must never let our emotions blind us to the proper ways of doing things – or stop us from acting with consideration for the feelings of others around us!

It is my considered opinion that given what I see in today’s Nigeria, if Socrates had been born in our time, in our country, Nigerians would probably have lynched him to death before he could make a name for himself!

Yep. He would have probably been shouted down – or worse killed – for his adopted questioning technique, which forced those he debated with to furnish credible logic based arguments to defend their adopted positions on issues.

People intolerant of others unwilling to agree with them would find a person like Socrates simply intolerable!

Yet, if Nigeria is to evolve and mature into a progressive society, the QUALITY of debates we are able to have among ourselves, without rancour, really needs to improve.

I’ve witnessed lively debates on various issues under the sun by Beninese adults holding opposing views over the last 3 years, and NOT once have I ever seen it end in broken friendships, or harsh language. It seems to be something they’ve learnt to do from their youth – as my stay on their campus indicated!

Now here’s one quote I especially LOVE, because I think many people fail to realize how doable it is:

“I don’t have to agree with you to like you or respect you.” – Anthony Bourdain

You see, it is my considered opinion that unless a person you like, love or respect has done something UNWORTHY or UNBECOMING or simply BAD, you really have NO NEED whatsoever to CHANGE how you feel about him or her.

So, if s/he chooses to support a different candidate during the elections for instance, you will understand that s/he holds a different view of what that person is capable of achieving in office, compared to the candidate you prefer.

That should not stop both of you from remaining friendly with one another during or indeed after the elections are over.

I recall we used to say back in my undergraduate days that:

“We can agree to disagree”

Only people who take things too personally, fail to understand the need for this matured way of living. They believe they must either win you over to their line of thinking or stop liking you or speaking with you. Haba!

The quotes below provide a fitting end to this piece, and also throw a challenge to ALL of us, regarding our adopted attitudes towards debatable issues.

“I will never compromise Truth for the sake of getting along with people who can only get along when we agree.” – D.R. Silva

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” – S.G. Tallentyre, The Friends of Voltaire

“Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are incapable of forming such opinions.” – (Essay to Leo Baeck, 1953) Albert Einstein

“It’s okay to disagree with the thoughts or opinions expressed by other people. That doesn’t give you the right to deny any sense they might make. Nor does it give you a right to accuse someone of poorly expressing their beliefs just because you don’t like what they are saying. Learn to recognize good writing when you read it, even if it means overcoming your pride and opening your mind beyond what is comfortable.” – Ashly Lorenzana

Final Words: The ability to act in line with the above admonition will often be a function of the DEGREE of Emotional Intelligence(EI) an individual possesses.

It’s a shame that in this part of the world many still do not realize that EI is more important than IQ for achieving success in life.

Actually most do not even know what EI is or means!

And the few who do fail to understand that unlike IQ, it can be improved by any person willing to make the effort. Indeed, many progressive societies are modifying their schooling systems to incorporate activities that help learners (especially kids) develop their EI.

Click here to read my widely syndicated article on EI – based on what I learned by reading Daniel Goleman’s similarly titled book back in in 2006.

Here’s one final quote to drive home my point…

Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it. – Maimonides, The Guide for the Perplexed

So, dear reader, I say this to you:

Engage in intellectually stimulating debates with others, without letting your emotions get out of control. And while doing so, be sure to remain objective in looking at the issues from all perspectives, while keeping an open mind to acknowledge possibilities you may not have considered previously.

Most importantly however, AIM to always end your debates on a positive note with him/her or them.

Make it your resolve to never take anything that is said personally. The world NEEDS diversity to evolve – but the truth, about all issues, even if initially hidden will eventually be revealed to all!!!

Related Article:

Why I Voted for Buhari (Despite Voting Against Him in 3 Previous Elections), and Why I Believe He Has What it Takes to Reform Nigeria Now That He’s President

You Have to Believe In Yourself First, Before Others Can Really Believe in YOU [Maiden Edition of FREE Monthly Workshop for Tayo Solagbade’s MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club Members Holds Today – Sat 19th March 2016]

This afternoon I will meet with members of my Excel Heaven Visual Basic Club (and some invited professionals/prospective members), to conduct the MAIDEN edition of the FREE Monthly Workshop for paid club members.

When I conceived this idea in May 2015, of launching a club to teach MS Excel to business users (with a kiddies arm for youths), nothing happened for the rest of the year, despite my efforts to create awareness using ALL resources/channels I had access to.


But, years of experience building my brand based on provision of a previously unknown solution (MS Excel-VB software development) had taught me to resilient!

It’s been like this for me since 2002. I have ALWAYS had to start out by BELIEVING all by myself, until others who needed what I offered EVENTUALLY realized they did!

If you expect people to jump instantly at your offers, or ideas, you are fooling yourself. You have to believe and persist, with creativity and determination, UNTIL they see what you see and begin to believe WITH YOU!

[EXAMPLE 1] Here’s an article I first published online over 10 years ago which proves that I practice what I preach.

Title: Achieve Business Success Using Spreadsheet Data Analysis & Reporting Automation

Data recording without analysis and interpretation is ultimately useless. Such data makes little or no meaning. Don’t keep records for the sake of it. Records only add value when they tell us one or more of the following 5 things:

1). If we are doing well or not;

2). How well – or badly we are doing;

3). When we are doing well – or badly;

4). WHERE we are doing well or badly;

5). And if possible “point to” WHAT – is probably responsible for our performance at any point in time.
All of the above of course happening in a timely manner that enables us take appropriate actions.

The key imperative for most people who handle data is to use it to monitor – and where feasible – control performance i.e. they study/anticipate trends in a way that helps decision making towards ensuring REPRODUCTION of desired results, while minimizing – or eliminating – undesirable ones.

The Excel workbook applications I develop for my clients help them do the foregoing and a lot more.

I am always careful to take into consideration the peculiarities unique to each client’s situation, which many traditional software programmers would be unlikely to cater for – at the same rates that I am able to offer my clients.

But not everyone knows that MS Excel can be used to develop high profile industry level applications that can hold their own against (or even outperform) conventional off-the-shelf software.

Click here to continue reading

[EXAMPLE 2] Here’s a 1 Hour Talk I’ve been offering since 2014

Key Target Audience: CEOs & Corporate Executives, Sales/Marketing Managers, Clubs/Association Presidents etc [Breakout sessions available]

“Everybody knows some Excel, but stop seeing Excel as an office program that everybody MASTERS and that is used to organize numbers in columns and make a few calculations. Excel is the best reporting application on the market and it is fully programmable with its own PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE within called VBA” – Pierre LeClerc PLI Consulting Inc

Attendees will learn proven strategies for:

Click here to continue reading…


All you need to succeed is vision, faith, determination, creativity and persistence!

This afternoon I will meet with members of my Excel Heaven Visual Basic Club (and some invited professionals/prospective members), to conduct the MAIDEN edition of the FREE Monthly Workshop for paid club members.

I’ll end by saying this:

If you want to know what it means to practice LIVING with FAITH – take a close look at my “history” in paid and self employment. Better still, take a look at my timeline RIGHT on Facebook!!!

I offer myself as a reference or model, not out of arrogance, but to indicate, especially to people from my part of the world, or anyone who feels s/he has no background upon which to reasonably aspire to innovate and create in a noteworthy manner, that ANYONE can do it.

You need no connections and success is NOT about genetic or heredity.

You don’t need to come from a family of entrepreneurs to succeed as one. You do not need to be the first to be the best.

I am proof of it, as I commence this NEW journey of creating an army of Excel-VB Solutions Developers with smart real world relevant know-how, who will be able to provide time, effort and cost saving business solutions for their employers and/or clients over time.

I’ve been developing high profile, bullet-proof automated spreadsheet apps for over 2 decades.

As an employee in Guinness I gain company wide fame for building custom spreadsheet apps that completely eliminated manual reporting systems in the departments I worked. I did this in my spare time – and I was NOT employed as an Information Technology staff. I was just a brewer/manager with self-taught spreadsheet programming skills.

In 2002, I followed my dream of developing custom spreadsheet software for a living, by quitting my job to become self-employed.

There was NO market for such a solution or service and over a 4 year period I had to create a market for myself.

Today, I have a library of apps I’ve built for clients in varying industries e.g. hotels, hospitals, medical clinics, independent consultants, health and fitness clubs, farm businesses, factories etc. I’ve not only sold my apps locally, but also to clients outside Africa – in places like Canada, Philippines, the UK etc. [See also the links at the bottom of this post for videos and other details]

What I have to offer MS Excel business users/learners – especially in Nigeria/Africa – goes beyond what you will find in ANY books or websites.

The insights I have about creating and SELLING custom Excel-VB solutions in our part of the world (and indeed beyond are drawn from thousands of hours of trying and failing until I found a way that worked.

Below, I offer more information for those willing to accept my guidance – be you corporate multinational or one man operation.


Below are some links with information that throws light on potential applications of Excel-VB Automation for Boosting Business Productivity and Profitability

1. 1 Hour Talk(No. 5): Proven Strategies for Using MS Excel to Boost Employee and Company Productivity

Go to

I offer the above linked FREE talk to organizations and business groups/associations that meet the terms for providing it.

2. Conversations About Productivity Boosting Excel Visual Basic Automation, True Stories, Enquiries from a business user in India and Nigeria

This is a new article I published yesterday…

3. Achieve Business Success Using Spreadsheet Data Analysis & Reporting Automation

This article offers VERY useful insights for business users like yourself and other members of your profession.


2. Learn more about what you get on the DVD below:

Title: Get My Home Study Excel-VB Programming Video Tutorial DVD

3. This page provides a detailed background (including a 9 part slide show presentation) about my Excel-VB Club and Competition:

Title: Welcome to my MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club [Introductory Videos You Need to Watch]

4. My Excel-VB Club’s Closed/Private Group on Facebook

Here’s the URL…


[Advice for Smart Parents] You Need to Give Your Kids Real World Relevant Coaching NOW, If They Are to Succeed…In Their Adult Lives!

Here’s my key guiding philosophy as a Best Practice Parenting Practitioner & Advocate:

“If I fail as a parent to my kids, I’ve failed in life. A parent is meant to share his/her experience based know-how in a way that gives kids EQUAL or BETTER preparation (than s/he – the parent – had), to succeed in the real world. Any parent who does NOT do that, has failed…no matter how successful s/he may be in his/her personal life!” – Tayo K. Solagbade

The only parents who MAY disagree with what I say here, will be those benefiting from the problems I highlight in my discussion – and they happen to be the majority in the Nigerian society.

I however have no thoughts to spare for them. They will be rewarded by the creator for failing in their parenting duties to help the kids entrusted to them achieve self-actualization. And when – NOT if – that happens, I will shed no tears on their account.

I call myself a Location Independent Multipreneur because I RARELY need to physically meet clients to serve them

In other words, I do virtually nothing for my clients that I cannot do remotely from any location I choose to be – as long as I have web connectivity.

The major reason I prefer staying in Benin Republic’s Cotonou, as I’ve said in past articles, is that my spreadsheet based estimates clearly tell me that it costs me 3 times LESS to work from there, compared to Nigeria’s Lagos – and it’s also a more conducive sociopolitical environment e.g. I can walk around at 3a.m without fear of getting mugged etc.

But a recent review of my absence from home, especially when I stayed away for over 6 months at a go in my first 2 years in Benin, revealed a parenting problem I knew I would have to address.

When I relocated from Lagos to Cotonou on 1st April 2013, it was to reinvent my brand to fully establish my Web Marketing System in a way that would enable me generate 80% passive income.

Within 6 months to a year, Benin’s steady power supply and conducive socioeconomic situation enabled me do the quality and volume of work that enabled me achieve the critical mass of quality content to attract pre qualified prospects for my products/services.

Today, that system continues to work for me, and I’ve even survived a poaching of the 9 year old domain I started with (, to take it to even higher levels of productivity in terms of buyer recruitment and sales.

The above progress has since made it easier for me to travel with more frequency, away from Benin, and to stay longer periods before going back. My system continues to generate leads for me, regardless of my physical location.

If there was ever a time I needed that advantage, it has been between last year and now.

You see, I discovered that the impact of my prolonged absence as a father, from my kids (I have a soon-to-be 17 year old, who 2 other teenage brothers, along with 2 sisters – 10 and 7 – as well as a 2 year old brother)…was showing up in them via wayward behaviour, and a scary lack of appreciation of what awaited them in the real world of the society they had been born into.

What I saw convinced me I needed to devote deliberate time and effort to COACH and TRAIN them – to develop the right character and more importantly, to develop the SKILLS to function as independent minded, competent income-earning adults in society.

Considering the decay I’ve seen out here, I realize that what sets me apart from the crowd is what I must give my kids: And THAT is my strength of character and versatility in earning income.

That’s why I decided that I would begin staying home longer to coach my kids – especially since my plans to bring the family to join me in Benin was still work in progress.

The Nigerian society has corrupted TOO MANY people I know, for me to make the mistake of NOT giving my kids what they need to RESIST its corrupting influences!

Sadly, Nigeria has too many phony parents raising phony kids! The 2 quotes in the images below confirm what I’ve said above. They are words uttered in a TV show by a guest and a caller just a few days ago.



My priority are my kids. I will continue to say that wise parents will take time to read my parenting articles – and use the ideas I offer to prepare their kids to emerge as authentic achievers, and role models, that the Creator himself will reckon with.

I’ve now gotten my kids their bank accounts – as they have been starting their micro businesses e.g. my 10 year old daughter and her sister are in their 3rd week making cookies, chin-chin and home made bread.

Flyer - Temi & Oluoma's No-Oven Charcoal Stove Cookies

Here’s the Facebook page I setup for them(click) and which I’ve been challenging them to share their “experiences” and true stories on. This is my way of training them to develop thinking and writing skills while internalizing practical product making and marketing lessons they are learning. :

We have now printed labels for them (see below), and use my impulse sealer to seal the packs. Last weekend I went with her to make her second sale in a residential estate they periodically visit to attend a function.


Some weeks back, I got my soon-to-be 13 year old son to record the stages he went through to build a battery powered toy bike, which he learnt to do from a 3 minute video.

Click here to watch my video recording of the first functional bike he made at his very first attempt just 24 hours after he watched the video.

Click to watch video - Teach Kids to Develop (& Monetize!) Market Relevant Abilities EARLY In Life [VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: After Watching Short DIY Video, 12 Year Old Builds Battery Powered Toy Power bike Using Sticks from Sweets as Frames, a Rotor from Damaged DVD as Engine, Plastic Coke Bottle Covers as Tyres & a Microphone Battery from his Mother's Church As Power Source]

I told him how a small made-in-China toy car that does NOT move was put on sale – for N200 (two hundred naira) – in a neighbourhood shop, and suggested that we explore making painted versions of his for sale to kids, with a a FREE after sales repair guarantee to every buyer.

He bought the idea, and with help from his soon-to-be 15 year old brother, they did a 4 part video recording that we now plan to give out on DVD to kids who attend a practical workshop I want him to conduct, in which he will teach interested kids how to make the bikes themselves.

NB: My 16 year old’s blog on a subject he’s so naturally gifted about is to go LIVE soon. I’ve been guiding him to prepare content for it, and the intention is to build traffic and then monetize in various ways.

Indeed, if you’ve been following my writing a while, you’ll have read MANY past articles of other projects the kids have been exposed to.

In case you don’t know EXPERIENCING or DOING is the best way for human beings of ANY age to learn.

And when you stir up the interest of young minds in doing and especially CREATING original stuff of their own, that they see can add value to others in a way that earns them financial and other rewards, they WILL embrace it.

I am a PARENT first, and an entrepreneur 2nd. I have completely LOST faith in the Nigerian schooling system’s ability (regardless of how “classy” it is!!!) to protect the genius – and build the character – of my child.

Over 90% of the people I see around and interact with, especially in the Nigerian society, continue to behave in DUPLICITOUS (say-one-thing-but-do-another) ways that convince me I MUST COACH my kids to develop the STRENGTH of CHARACTER and skills to defy such 2-faced people!

Like I said in Kukuru Danger (my best practice parenting book), things were NOTHING like this when I was growing up.

Back then we had “societal parenting”: adults in schools, churches and other areas of society acted as parents to every child with fairness and impartiality.

During that period, when a child failed to pass the promotion exams. s/he had to repeat that class, and his/her parents would accept it as necessary. For those who failed their final year exams they had to enroll for “Remedial Classes” run after normal school sessions, or in private tutoring centres.

And then they returned to retake the exams till they passed. The best part was that when you met such a person who had “passed” exams, s/he often was able to demonstrate competence and proficiency to convince one that s/he indeed sat and passed by him/herself.

All of that is gone now. No one repeats for failing anymore. And today, in place of remedial classes/tutoring centres, we now have those that GUARANTEE 7 distinctions, for instance, at first sitting!!

It’s so bad now, and since the majority are doing it, it’s VERY hard for kids with young impressionable minds to see anything wrong with it – especially when those doing it are in such numbers that they gang up to manipulate evaluations systems everywhere to get ahead of those unwilling to cut corners.

I say the above because even well schooled persons from “good” homes are increasingly being revealed to readily compromise their values and/or morals often in a bid to get more without earning it.

A culture of intellectual and physical laziness has overtaken us, today, to the extent that those who display a willingness to earn what they get are actually looked down upon as “fools” – or as NOT smart (in Yoruba: “Awon ti o ja si”) by majority in the Nigerian society!

That’s why I’ve resolved to stay longer with my kids and give them that guidance. Thankfully, being a Location Independent Mulitipreneur affords me the freedom to adopt this parenting strategy.

I see today TOO many people who think spending money on kids equates to parenting properly.

That’s a BIG mistake.

This period of their lives requires the greatest amount of personal attention you can give your kids. Once they leave this phase, your ability to influence them will dramatically diminish!

A Warning: Best practice parenting – of the kind I advocate for adoption here – is NECESSARILY messy!

Yes, I need to end with this warning: nice as the rewards to be reaped may sound, you will need to do a lot of hard, unrelenting work to make it happen!

Don’t expect your kids to just fall and stay in line. There will be lots of mistakes, and they will get discouraged and distracted – but THAT is where your role is critical as a COACHING parent.

You must provide the needed guidance, and inspiration as well as support to keep them focused on getting to the desired end!

One example: This past weekend, my girls, with usual support from their brothers, made a new batch of chin-chin, but unlike last weekend, it did not all go well:

1. They used more flour than was specified in the recipe, because they added excess amount of water. The chin chin came out fine, but we knew our cost per pack would be greater. Meaning lower margin gains. (Yep: I’ve taken them through basic product costing calculations several times).

2. Due to a fault with the generator, the finished chin-chin could not be packed into their N50/pack nylons using the impulse sealer. So we had to keep them in a bowl till the next day (i.e. this past Monday) when the generator was fixed.

I was away from home when the sealing was done, but when I arrived at 9.30p.m, and asked to see the labeled packs, the tray they brought to me had ONLY 5 packs.

When I asked what happened to the remaining chin-chin, all the kids began pointing accusing fingers at one another. Simply put, they’d been eating the chin chin since they were produced, until all that was left could only make 5 small packs – which were even smaller than the ones from the previous Sunday for which we’d used LESS flour!

I was upset, and told my girls I was disappointed in them – then I proceeded to give 2 packs to their 2 year old brother, while I sat down and gobbled up the remaining 3 packs – completing the cycle :-)

But I gave them a pep talk about why letting that happen again would keep them from making sales to grow the money in their bank accounts. I think that got their attention, and I believe we’ll go back to our “winning ways” in the next run.

Like I said this will NOT be easy, but mark my words, dear parent-reader: If you do the hard work now, you will end up with kids you have little or no reason to worry about in your old age!

I have helped other people’s kids discover their purpose and aim for self-actualization over the years(click to read some testimonials).

It goes without saying that I MUST put this gift I have to the benefit of my own offspring!

The funny thing about “coaching” kids as a parent is that it is a slow – invisible – process, and the results will rarely emerge quickly. But if done right, the child will rarely be in doubt as to how s/he “made it”. S/he WILL thank you for your great parenting efforts!


Your Certificate DOES NOT Define YOU! [Mind Map for my Presentation at Yaba College of Technology’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture on 3rd May 2012]

Below: This is the Mind Map I used to deliver my core presentation  as Guest Speaker at Yaba College of Technology’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture – held at Grillo Hall, under the auspices of the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, on 3rd May 2012.

My core message was this:

Your Certificate DOES NOT Define YOU! Polytechnic graduates bring badly NEEDED skills to the Nigerian market place. You just need to learn how to effectively trade your skills and knowledge for money. Nigerians NEED you more than you know.

A year later I implemented my plan of becoming a Location Independent Multipreneur, and have since used the ideas I shared in my talk to take my brand to a whole new level. Simply put: they WORK!

To request a copy of the Power Presentation, email your Name, Occupation and WhatsApp number to

Back in 2012, I used to point to, which was my flagship domain name at the time. Both URLs have since been dropped.

Today (12th March 2016) is my flagship domain and I use the URL forwarding and redirect features of and to point to different subdomains on it for solutions I offer.


Developing Positive Income Earning Competence In Nigeria Is The Key to Eliminating Corruption Amongst Nigerians [Case Study: Aljazeera “Africa Investigates” video report titled “Nigeria’s Baby Farmers”]

If you have not yet watched the Aljazeera “Africa Investigates” video report titled “Nigeria’s Baby Farmers”, starring Ghana’s famous under cover journalist – Anas – and Rosemary an investigative journalist from Nigeria, then click here to watch it now. The revelations of the sickening yet vibrant trade in babies, actively engaged in by hospitals and clinics, in connivance with the country’s infamous baby factories, are simply heart breaking.

However, for me, this video report further reinforces my belief that equipping as many members of society as possible with competent income earning capabilities, is a critical requirement, if they are to stand a chance of resisting financial pressures in their lives.

And that is the problem we face in Nigeria today.

What we see today – represented in the above mentioned video – is the irrefutable evidence of the fact that:

1. Many Nigerians lack the income earning competence to stay away from crooked ways of making money.

2. And for some who possess skills adequate to earn income for themselves, they engage in naughty corner cutting due a lack self-confidence!

They do not believe enough in the abilities they possess, to focus on using them to earn a living. This is often coupled with wrong – even warped – values they grow up having, from observing others who are misbehaving in society, without getting punished for it.

3. On top of all that, there is the reckless greed and need to own and spend, which drives many in Nigeria, due to the showy culture we have.

(Almost) everybody wants to keep up with the others who seem to be doing well. So, people live desperate lives going out of their way to get more money to outdo one another – even if they have to do dishonest and criminal things!

That’s why when someone proposes a dishonest or criminal/illegal way to earn extra income almost without having to lift a finger, they readily go for it!

The above are just a few of the reasons I vowed LONG ago, to invest all of myself in PREPARING my own kids to arrive adulthood VERY differently from me, and most others I’ve seen.

This was especially after I found myself enduring serious hardships – despite my demonstrable competence – at the hands of those who chose to be crooked, as I went about my affairs as a young adult.

I saw and experienced it in paid employment. But that was mild, compared to what I later saw and experienced at the hands of MANY, after I quit my job to become self-employed.

The sad thing is that it has progressively worsened, with seemingly no sign of improvement in sight – at least not in the near future.

So, I’ve been practicing what I preached in an article I first e-published on 31st July 2003 via titled “Pre-Marital Sex Amongst Teenagers – A PROPOSED SOLUTION

But contrary to what the title suggests, the ideas I shared in that article actually apply to everyone.

If every member of society is helped to develop the needed competencies to overcome the socio-pyschological pressures mentioned above, they will be less willing to engage in naughty acts.

The foundation that needs to be laid is that of income earning competence.

Without it, nothing else can work. I’ve been practicing what I preach with my own kids and in my own circle of influence with other adults and youths.

It is why I have been helping EACH of my kids develop his/her passion into a micro business that generates income. I’ve shared many stories of the progress they are making in past articles on this blog.

But that’s been mainly with regard my 3 boys, supported by their 2 younger sisters.

In the last month or so, I’ve been especially excited to be working directly, and closely, with my 10 and 7 year old daughters to launch their Cookies baking project using our family’s trademark No-Oven Charcoal Stove baking system.

Two weeks ago, they made their first batch of cookies and sold N110’s worth at an event they attended with cousins and friends. Then last week, they made Chin-Chin as well as Cookies – and made another sale, with the buyer asking for a pack of 10 chin chin sachets.

Just this morning, I joined them, along with their brothers, to bake home made bread – using a French chef’s recipe we saw on Youtube – and it tasted great.

Then they went out to give taste samples to their grand parents and customers. When they returned, my 10 year old daughter came up to me and asked when I would be printing the labels for the packs, as I promised. I assured her I would.

On one night we’d gone out, she’d asked if we could market her products to people working in offices and I’d told her “Of course”. I could see from the look in her eyes that she had tasted blood. And her questions showed that she was hungry to do more.

Their Facebook page (Temi and Oluoma’s No-Oven Charcoal Stove Cookies) tells their story in photos and words, and at some point, videos will appear.

Indeed, we’re already creating home study demonstration videos that interested persons can buy to learn how to make the same products on their own, using our low cost techniques.

Once a person discovers a passion that makes him/her willing to do what it takes to get the results s/he wants, in a way that is adequately financially rewarding , s/he becomes self-driven and MUCH more difficult to distract.

This is my purpose with my kids.

And I believe it is the kind of purpose other parents should have for raising theirs as well.

As for the government, they need to create programmes that encourage and encourage people to become micro-entrepreneurs – even as they hold on to day jobs.

That way, they will be sure of augmenting whatever salaried income they earn, in a way that prepares them to deal with unexpected financial challenges, as well as the inevitability of retirement, or forced exit from paid employment.

It is my considered opinion that the above is the most viable way to get most people to stop looking for short-cuts in life.