Category Archives: My DN Travel News

THE FARM CEO (Issue 67): A BOPMS™ Will Enable You Run Your Farm Business Profitably Even When You’re Away!, To Succeed, Your Farm Does Not Just Need a Software – It Needs a BOPMS!, Your Business Should Free You, Not Restrict You

Over the past 2 weeks I have made more sales of my Excel-VB Ration Formulator, Feed Formulation Handbook and Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager, to Farm CEOs  – 2 within Nigeria and one outside (specifically Uganda via Western Union).



Aside from those who have made purchases I have had some call me to make enquiries. For all of them, I ALWAYS did the same thing – which was to challenge them to adopt a best practice mindset in running their farm operations.

Like I always tell them, I have a vision to help Farm CEOs engage best practice strategies to boost their farm output at less cost, using less effort and fewer resources, so they can retain more profits.

In line with that vision, I send them links to articles I’ve written on this best practice theme, as no-strings-attached gifts, regardless of whether they buy from me or not.

In this no-password issue of the Farm CEO newspaper, I offer previews of, and links to 3 of such articles, for your consideration. I hope you find them useful.

1. PII 020: A BOPMS™ Will Enable You Run Your Farm Business Profitably Even When You’re Away!

There is a saying that if you cannot be away from your business for fear of things not going right, that’s not a business – it’s a job.

Now, it is my considered opinion that if there is any kind of business that the owner needs to be able to get time away from, without fear of things going seriously wrong, it’s the farm business.


Because starting and running a farm business is a very demanding process, that requires investment of money, time, effort and resources by the owners and members of his/her team.

PII 020: A BOPMS™ Will Enable You Run Your Farm Business Profitably Even When You’re Away!

2. PII 015: To Succeed, Your Farm Does Not Just Need a Software – It Needs a BOPMS!

Below is a message I received from a Farm CEO few days ago, asking for a software solution:

“…I’m currently running a piggery business with no record keeping. At best, very poor and would love you developing a software that can help in terms of reporting, analysing and profitability including growth, effectiveness and efficiency.

I also have several colleagues needing same and it would be my pleasure leading them to you based on your productsdelivering my needs.

Let us explore this further please.”

I’ve been getting requests like these more frequently in the recent past, indicating that more Farm CEOs are keen to adopt best practice management of their farm businesses.

PII 015 [TRUE STORY]: To Succeed, Your Farm Does Not Just Need a Software – It Needs a BOPMS!

3. Your Business Should Free You, Not Restrict You

If you own a business – with employees – that won’t make money/do well unless you’re there, what you have is NOT a business, but a job! This article offers guidance to help you get maximum value from your business – even when you’re not physically present. Indeed if you do it right, you’ll develop a system that actually lets you stay away from your business, and return to find it doing just as well as (if not better than) you left it.

As an extension professional, my aim is to provide farm business owners with useful information and education, to guide them in daily running of their farms. Especially in the routine planning and decision making they have to do. In certain cases, I develop resources to enhance their ability to do what they do better.

Your Business Should Free You, Not Restrict You


Reading This Ultimate Story of FAITH Can Help You Succeed Everytime

Many people claim to believe in “God”, yet their actions suggest that their willingness to act based on that belief they claim to have in this all-seeing, all-powerful being depends on how well what they are “required” to do conforms to what they are “prepared” to do.

The same thing applies to the way they react to what happens in their personal/work lives.

Especially when it’s (seemingly) “bad”.

The more “bad” it “feels” to them the LESS willing they are to BELIEVE it has anything to do with the WILL of the God they say they believe in, for THEM.

This is why most of them NEVER like to read stories like those of Job in the bible.

Suggesting to them that they APPLY lessons available from Job’s story during periods of adversity in their lives is therefore likely to upset them.

And YOU could end up being branded an enemy, or even a “devil”.

For them, their professed faith or belief in God is supposed to exempt them from such extreme forms of testing as those Job passed through, before he achieved his second level of breakthrough.

Or the prolonged and painfullly extreme form of suffering in isolation that Nelson Mandela had to endure for 27 solid years BEFORE he emerged from prison, and arrived on the world stage as an icon and living legend.

This unwillingness to pay the price to achieve what we want is why some of us cut corners and/or compromise so readily.

Too few people are willing to “stick with it” for the long term. They want quick success. Quick results. Quick benefits, Even as they want to invest LESS effort and LESS time to get all they want.

It is also why we betray one another so easily, making our societies today so susceptible to chaos. Causing those with potential to excel among us to fail and fall too often.

All this denies our societies the needed benefits of quantum leaps those people’s efforts could produce.

That’s why I LIKE Job’s story. A lot.

Job’s story proves that even when everyone stops believing in you and desert you, YOUR FAITH in the Creator’s purpose for you, coupled with your UNRELENTING self-belief and passion to achieve/succeed can make you unstoppable.

You can become one who turns around the worst looking circumstances of pain, lack and suffering, to achieve ANY goal you set your mind on.

Funny thing is you really don’t need to read Job’s story many times to know it well.

Once or twice will often be enough, because it’s details are so shocking, and compelling.

You cannot escape feeling the despair that must have engulfed Job. And you will definitely marvel as Job’s unyielding refusal to denounce the Creator as others challenged him to do.

That’s why I like his story so much. 

It’s the ultimate story of FAITH. The kind that “moves mountains” or makes the impossible possible!

I LIVE based on that kind of faith.

I do so because I recognise that even though I may be good, I am NOT perfect. Therefore I need faith  to help me get around any limitations my imperfections may otherwise impose on me.

And that’s why it is impossible for me to fail. Not now. Not ever.

No matter what comes my way, I will always find a better way.

Now, I want YOU to end by thinking of this article as being YOURS.

Read it as if you are reading your own words. Take ownership of the message for yourself.

Do that till it becomes a mental habit, and you WILL become like Job – unstoppable in your ability to exercise FAITH in God, and in yourself, to achieve ANY goal you set your mind on.

PS: This is not an article on religion. I simply made use of the Job story to pass a message across. Hopefully, I will succeed with at least a few of those who read it, and they will “go out into the world and MULTIPLY” by way of their unstoppable achievements :-)

The Real Reason Marriages Fail [Hint: Ideas You Can Use to Evaluate Your Relationship]

“If true love really exists between a couple, no change in the financial, physical or other circumstances of either or both parties in the union will EVER make them change the way they FEEL about being together, talk less of their even contemplating separation, or worse – divorce. True love knows no limits – and deep down all couples know it. But not all partners are prepared to practice it – and that’s the real reason marriages fail.” – Tayo K. Solagbade

Most people will not admit this, but the major reason couples split when the woman earns more than the man is that the relationship was – in the first place – NEVER based on UNCONDITIONAL love symbolized in the vows they took at their wedding!

You simply cannot vow before God and men/women that you’ve left your parents to become ONE with your spouse, till death do you part, only to later break up because of money related conflicts!

When 2 people become ONE, what belongs to one should automatically belong to the other – regardless of the gender of the owner!

Only a lack of true love will make the above difficult for any couple to do.

Sadly what happens is that sometimes one person is willing, because s/he really loves the other, but the other partner may not be ready to reciprocate mainly because s/he is not prepared to give that much..

And where both parties start out ready to live that way, in true, unconditional love and harmony, if they fail to tune out busy body friends or relatives (who may say stuff like “Chai see how s/he is using you”) seeds of discord may end up being sown in their minds, leading to breakdown of that ONE mind they share!

If truth be told therefore, not everyone is ready for marriage – and money is often a major factor (I said that much in this article – click to read).

Indeed historical evidence continues to show, quite clearly too, that money, especially in terms of the amount it occurs, can seriously test any marital union.

When it’s not enough, it can pose problems (e.g. couple may bicker over domestic expenses, child care etc).

But when money is abundant, new problems can arise (e.g. higher earning husband starts keeping mistresses, or the wife starts talking down to the lesser earning husband etc).

It is therefore my considered opinion that any couple that has not gone through challenges posed by a lack of money for one or both parties in the relationship, cannot be sure that what they share is real, and unconditional…or that they are both truly ONE!

Since we cannot ask people to go and become poor to test their unions, I offer a few ideas to those who may seek insights below.

In my 2006 article linked below, I discussed the question:

Can lack of money put your marriage asunder?


Is Your Level Of Self-Confidence Directly Proportional To The Size Of Your Bank Account?

Final Words

To reinforce the ideas I propose in the above linked article, I will end by saying the following:

You will need to do a careful study of yourself and your partner, to establish the basis of your relationship. That will equip you to know what potential damage a lack of money can do to what you both currently share.

Then you will be able to take needed steps to safeguard your union.

For instance, if your honest analysis reveals your spouse will love you less, if you have less money, then you will by all means want to ensure you do not lose your job, fail in business etc :-)

I would however add that you need to realize and accept that the creator’s plans for you may include your having such “painful’ experiences, and the right partner for you will ideally choose to stand with you right till the end.

Related Article

Marriage is Not for Everyone [You Don’t Have to Get Married to Prove You’re Normal]

[FREE PDF] Tested, Proven & Ready-To-Use Ideas For Marketing Your Book At Zero-Cost

Quick Take-Away:  This Educational Commercial was prepared in 2011 (and updated in 2016) by Tayo Solagbade for SDA’s Creative Business Solutions arm (CB solutions) to help business owners, writers and authors trying to sell their books (as well as products/services). Click here to learn how to get it FREE.


Title: Tested, Proven & Ready-To-Use Ideas For Marketing Your Book At Zero-Cost

Preview: Would you like to find buyers for that great book you have taken so much time, effort and money to write?

Or let me put that better: Would you like prospective buyers of your book to find you by themselves even if they did not know you beforehand, and you did not place a paid advert?

It is likely that if you are business owner, you would have said YES – at least to yourself. In case you are a business owner who does not yet know that writing a book can help you, let me say this to YOU: I strongly believe EVERY person in business would benefit greatly by publishing at least ONE book in his/her area of knowledge expertise, specifically written to interest potential buyers of his/her products and services.

In this article, I offer some ideas you can use.

Let’s say you’re trying to promote your book and get it in front of as many potential buyers as possible. Note that I assume here that your book would have been well written, proof read, and have digital book covers available in high resolution.

Firstly, I say skip the traditional cost-incurring channels – at least at the start. Give yourself a chance to find out what works i.e. what potential buyers are looking for. You can then use that knowledge later to exploit any other methods that require (big) spending.

If you are in my part of the world, adopting this approach could save you “loads” of money – especially if you are looking to attract a worldwide audience.

The ideas I advocate for adoption here are based on the strategy of Marketing Without Advertising, as well as what Michel Fortin calls “Top of Mind Positioning”.

 Click here to learn how to get this PDF Educational Commercial at zero cost

3 Tested Strategies You Need to Evaluate Your Web Marketing Success [Hint: Ideas for Measuring Your Web Marketing System’s Effectiveness]

This article is based on transcript excerpts from an audio coaching message I once sent to a Web Marketing client.

I want to give you more insight on what you should be looking for to measure your progress or the success of your web marketing system.

A lot of what I have learnt to do over the years from personal experience has gone against what you could call conventional wisdom.

Many so-called Internet Marketing experts in Nigeria and outside, sometimes tend to blindly follow the more commonly talked about ideas about Search Engine Optimization and how to do it.

As a result they just waste their time on mechanical stuff that concerns more of the programming of the web, which many times does not even come close to approximating what the mental attitude of potential buyers they are looking to attract is.

They don’t understand that there is a lot of psychology that influences what people do on the web. That people are not robots, people are not software, and so there is only so much you can do to “control” THEIR ACTIONS!

But what you can do is use your “programming” to present to people who are THINKING, information that will convince them that they need to click and come and do the things you want them to do on your website.

So, how do you know if your WMS is working – and how well it is doing so?

Here are some ideas you can use – including mention of a few performance measures:

1. Monitor Your Web Conversion Ratio:

You want to measure the rate at which people subscribe to your mailing list.

It’s not something that will start happening overnight. It might take you a long time, and will depend on the quality of what you put out, as well as the volume – PLUS how you do it.

So that’s one of the indicators you can use:

You’ll see people subscribing to get your newsletter, submitting your website contact form to make enquiries.

Those can be computed into an index called the Website Conversion Ratio (WCR).

[Tip: Click here to read an article in which I explain more about this concept]

Now, there are 2 levels of conversion that can happen:

A. There is a conversion in which they make contact with you for enquiry purposes.

B. Then there is a conversion in which they make purchases and become customers/clients.

2. Monitor Your savings in Time, Effort and Money Expended on Marketing Your Brand

The benefit here is that your Cost of Customer Acquisition/Cost of Sales DROPS, while you boost the reach and impact of your business promotion efforts.

The WMS will be helping you focus on doing what matters most using the 80:20 Pareto rule, reviewed against results you record over time.

So you’re going to save time, effort and d money in terms of how you do your marketing. There will be some things you used to do that you will eventually realize you no longer need to do or that you can do MORE effectively and efficiently in terms of cost, time and effort you have to expend.

This means you will be able to use what you have to get more done, and by so doing reap improved profits.

For instance, regarding fielding questions from prospects that phone to speak with you.

Your WMS will serve potential buyers with virtually all such routine, generic information they need to arrive at up to 70 – 80% certainty that you can help them with the solution they offer.

In that mental state, they will no longer simply be curious, and will in most cases contact you eager to get final clarification towards making a buying decision.

A good example of content in a WMS that makes the above happen more easily is the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). It is however the basic element. There are more sophisticated others

With such features in place in your WMS you would be able to do your marketing with confidence and peace or mind. No longer would you worry about whether or not you left anything out that could have helped convince the prospect to buy.

Indeed you would often rest assured in the knowledge that most of those who walk away were not serious buyers in the first place.

You’ll therefore feel okay letting such people walk away.

Having said all that, the WMS by making them contact you, would still afford you an opportunity to continue sending them marketing messages via the periodic broadcasts you would be doing to your mailing lists subscribers database (to which they would belong).

Important Note: Correct use of a WMS completely eliminates the need to chase anyone – least of all a prospect.

Never forget that. You NEVER chase them: they come to you. You can follow up, but after that, you let them be, and leave the WMS to do its magic. It’s as simple as that.

3. Monitor Your Search Engine Visibility

This has to do with how you “look” online – especially when people encounter you through natural searches they conduct.

The more you show up in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), especially when you dominate the first page entries for keywords relevant to solutions you offer, the better your WMS is doing for you.

One good way to begin is by checking what “Googling” your name (and keywords relating to what you do) produces in terms of search results on a regular basis, starting from day 1 of using your new WMS.

The evolution that happens over time can be most interesting and pleasing to observe. I’ve done this for myself and many clients over the past decade.

Hint: Let me end here by stating that I NEVER aim to achieve 100% in my use of the WMS at any state.

It makes no practical sense to do that in any area of endeavor.

People who get things done and who achieve authentic, lasting success are rarely those who aim to get perfect results. Perfectionists tend to NEVER finish anything worthwhile.

Instead I operate based on the Pareto principle – aiming to achieve at least an 80% success rate.

You see if out of every 10 things you want to do, you succeed with 8, you’ve passed. Whether it’s an exam, or test – whatever.

The Pareto principle says 80% of the desirable results you get will be due to 20% of the stuff you do. Therefore if you can identify what those 20% that you do are, you will be well on your way to scoring 80% or more on a regular basis for the long term.

In other words, you’d be sure of recording predictable success for the long term in that chosen area of Endeavour.

That’s basically the thinking behind the conception of the WMS I develop for clients. I used myself as the Guinea Pig to make it work, and today, I help others setup theirs.

So you don’t want to approach the use of your WMS with a perfectionist mindset. That would lead you to failure!

So, you need to look at your visibility online and ask yourself a question:

What are the things I can do to get myself noticed favorably in ways that can boost my credibility and ultimately lead to sales?

Those would be the 20% stuff you need to do.

Guess what?

The tasks outlined for you to use in implementing your WMS make up that 20% and they WILL help you record the 80% results you want.

TIP: Make Google Your Standard In Evaluating Online Visibility Delivered by Your WMS

I must note here that is in your best interests to make Google the main platform on which you do your tests and measurements.

This is still related to the Pareto principle.

You see, available statistics indicate that over 80% of people online use Google as their first choice for online searching.

The implication of the above is that your best bet for knowing how well your WMS is helping your visibility is to do searches with your name, for instance, online.

Once you’re okay on Google, chances are good you will have little to worry about in relation to other engines which are much less impactful compared to Google.

If you’ve not used a WMS before, it is possible you may find yourself competing with others for space capital on page 1 of Google SERPs for your name and keywords relevant to your marketing needs.

You’re going to be checking how things are going to evolve. So you’ll take a snapshot of it, and monitor from then on.

Every time you type your name or keyword in Google, what do you see?

One week from now, two weeks from now. A month from now or a year from now?

If you use a WMS the way I recommend it, at the frequency I recommend it and with the quality of material I recommend you put in it, you’ll be unstoppable!


Because there are very few people who will be able to continue at that rate, consistently, for the period of time the WMS will require you do it:

And your period of time is indefinitely i.e. you are going to continue FOREVER!

Therefore your WMS is going to make sure you dominate for your name and the keywords relevant to the offer you are making to your target audience.

Related Articles

1. Back Good Quality Website Content With Delivery of Value Promised, to Achieve Web Marketing Success (Special Offer: Buy My Ration Formulator Software, and get my Poultry Farm Manager Software FREE)

2. The Cheapest, Most Reliable Way to Find Buyers (Hint: It’s NOT What You Think)

3. A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name

Early Exposure to Income Earning Vocations as a Means to Achieving Entrepreneurship Success [Recommended Article: True Story of Ray Kroc, Founder of McDonald’s Corp. – by]

[Tip: Apart from the insights it provides into the business of real estate investing, this article offers powerful wisdom about the potential benefits of early exposure to income earning vocations as a means to developing entrepreneurship aptitude for success achievement in adulthood.]

“The definition of salesmanship is the gentle art of letting the customer have it your way.”-Ray Kroc

Like many entrepreneurs, Kroc began working early in life. While still in grammar school, the would-be fast-food king started a lemonade stand in front of his home in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park, he worked in a grocery store, and he spent a summer behind the soda fountain in his uncle’s grocery store. Through these early experiences, Kroc began to view the world as one big place to sell to.

By the time he was a teenager, Kroc had no patience for school, so he quit to take a job as a salesperson for Lily-Tulip Cup Co. He was a natural. Young, ambitious and willing to work hard for long hours, Kroc quickly became the company’s top salesperson. In the course of selling cups, Kroc met Earl Prince; a client who had invented a five-spindle milk shake-mixing machine called a Multimixer.

Click here to continue…

PII 042: To Use a Web Marketing System (WMS) Successfully, Ignore Nay Sayers, Doubting Thomas’s and Armchair Theorists

Two (or more heads) can often be better than one – as the popular saying goes. However, my experiences over the past 2 or more decades pursuing authentic success achievement from school and into paid, then later self-employment, have taught me that the QUALITY of heads that come together matters greatly.

What I have found is that the degree of practical real world relevant wisdom combined with the right mental attitude that those 2 or more heads bring to the mix, can make or mar the outcome achieved in any area of endeavour.



Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 28th November 2016

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 042: To Use a Web Marketing System (WMS) Successfully, Ignore Nay Sayers, Doubting Thomas’s and Armchair Theorists

Two (or more heads) can often be better than one – as the popular saying goes. However, my experiences over the past 2 or more decades pursuing authentic success achievement from school and into paid, then later self-employment, have taught me that the QUALITY of heads that come together matters greatly.

What I have found is that the degree of practical real world relevant wisdom combined with the right mental attitude that those 2 or more heads bring to the mix, can make or mar the outcome achieved in any area of endeavour.

The above has played out more times in my life than I can count.

This has especially been the case since I became an entrepreneur. I found out that MOST of those I knew, and that I assumed knew me, had absolutely no clue how my mind worked, in relation to experiences I had.

Indeed, I have found that the larger majority in society, when it comes to evaluating entrepreneurial ventures and opportunities, tend NOT to have much to offer an achievement oriented and passion driven person like me.

As a result, I often had to dump most of the ideas they offered me (or to put it more accurately) tried to force down my throat.

Not until I achieved a noteworthy breakthrough did they relent, and even then, they rarely acknowledged that they had been wrong. Instead they typically dismissed the success I recorded as being due to luck or some other factor. Indeed, many would still boldly advise others against following my example, saying I “everyone cannot be like you Tayo – you are too stubborn etc”.

One area in which this has happened most often to me has been with regard to my use of Web Marketing to find buyers for my unconventional range of products and services.

In case you’re reading my writing for the first time, I sell custom Excel-VB driven software and Web Marketing Systems (WMS) Development (as well as Information Products) to Farm CEOs and others.

Today, I have buyers finding me by themselves online via various channels and coming over to make enquiries, with some ending up sending payment to me, from within and outside Africa.

I do NOT meet them in person, neither do I offer them any special guarantees. All they have to go on is the stuff I put up about myself online.

But when I wanted to adopt this strategy of providing my solutions 100% online, about 4 to 5 years ago, I recall trying to sound out close relatives and friends as well as some old clients.

I wanted to do what the books I’d read, advised. I sought the input of others who either had more years of experience in life and/or business than I did. And I also wanted the opinion of persons who were in my field or some area close.

My belief in the power of 2 or more heads coming together drove me to try, repeatedly to do the above.

Unfortunately, I discovered certain hard, harsh and painful truths:

People will often give you advice based on their fears, sentiments, and biases and very rarely based on their objective opinion.

Note here that those fears may be that your success in pursuing your intended line of action would make YOU leave them BEHIND…so even though they see that it would be a good move, they could subtly discourage you from doing that way.

It happened to me, enough times to make me resolve to subsequently keep my own counsel. Today, I rarely feel a need to go out looking for other heads to add to mine in making a decision.

At least not physically – and rarely in my immediate environment.

Instead I have trained myself to develop mental stamina needed to engage in deep thinking needed to gain insights that help me arrive at what often works for me.

Another thing I’ve done, especially when I have felt inadequate despite my deepest meditation, has been to reach out to accomplished experts in places far from mine, who have shared their experience based ideas in relation to my intended purpose.

Quite often what they proposed could not be transplanted wholesale for use in my own market. Most were based in developed societies like the USA and Canada you see.

So, I had to learn to adapt what I picked up from them, in a creative combination with the ideas I had, to arrive at something that worked for me, in my target market.

One of the most annoying things I encountered with others was their nay saying even when they lacked enough experience or knowledge of the activity to offer competent advice.

Quite often I noticed they felt that the fact that I was new to an activity or yet to record notable success in it, or that I had been failing at it for a while, meant that they knew better than I did.

These people simply failed to understand that failure was a necessary ingredient for working one’s way to success in any endeavour. Very rarely will you be able to conceive a plan of action that will instantly deliver the heights of success you desire.

You will have to start somewhere, often without 100% certainty of success, and they refine your approach with every failure, delay, and setback, until you know enough to make more of the right things happen.

I’ve learnt my lessons well, and they guide me to ignore nay Sayers, doubting Thomas’s and most importantly arm chair theorists anytime I’m trying something new.

And I always try to share what I’ve seen in this regard with clients who hire me.

Especially when they hire me to help them develop and implement a Web Marketing System that will deliver similar client recruitment results to mine.

I make a point of warning them upfront that VERY little of what I will be doing for them is conventional – and that an even smaller portion of it is familiar to others who may consider themselves experts in conventional Web Marketing.

My conviction in saying the above comes from years of failing while following the advice of so called gurus online. I found from testing a lot of what they said, that many did not practice what they preached. Most depended on hype and even arranged success.

So, I chose to look inward and start testing what I was doing by myself, to see what worked for me, and why it did. From that process came what I now market to clients as my Web Marketing Systems Development Service.

I derived my inspiration to continue along the unique path I’d found, from studying experts (like Terry Dean and Michel Fortin), who never claimed to be gurus, but recorded powerful results without resorting to hype or misrepresentation.

My experience indicates that if one is to succeed in using my WMS, s/he will have to be willing to ignore the well meaning nay Sayers, doubting Thomas’s and armchair theorists – who will inevitably offer counsel of some sort.

This is not to say all they offer will be useless.

However, I have learnt the hard way that a lot of it will be of little value, but at the same time it will often be served in a manner that either discourages/demoralizes you, or worse, confuses you.

Those are not states of mind that you need, if you want to succeed in using something that is unconventional or unprecedented. You need to be able to dig deep within yourself and find the conviction to go through with it.

And that’s the kind of mental attitude that has helped me succeed in ways that amaze so many people – experts and clients alike – in using my customizable WMS to attract high profile buyers to myself at zero cost.

This is why I never stop reminding my clients to focus on DOING what I tell them, guided by their creative instincts, in using the WMS I develop for them, until it works for them.

To achieve long term authentic and sustainable success, you must develop deep seated conviction in your adopted strategy’s workability – otherwise you will end up getting pushed around in your thinking, by the divergent views bound to be expressed by others.

Related Articles

7. One of the many performance metrics currently used by serious business website owners is the Website Conversion Ratio(WCR). Read full article at:
8. In case you’ve not yet read it, here’s an excerpt from the text transcript I did from Terry Dean’s video. This guy’s wisdom is superior to most of the fance Internet Marketing Gurus. He gets results, because he focuses on doing what works, and NOT on hype and bells/whistles:

“Your direct response website is simply a sales letter.

Pretty websites win awards.
Plain websites with good copy make money.
A website that makes money is never going to be the same one that wins awards.” – Terry Dean

Read full article at

Pay N5,000.0 (Five Thousand Naira) and Get These 3 Publications – Over N10,000 value!

Take up my promo offer of these 3 PDFs – click here to fill/submit the request form.

1. Why You Keep Failing to Achieve Your Writing Goals (Click here to see it on sale in my online store at $6.50 USD)


2. Proven Techniques (& Strategies) You Can Use to Start and Finish Writing Anything


3. Tested, Proven and Ready-To-Use Ideas for Marketing Your Book at Zero Cost


Take up my promo offer of these 3 PDFs – click here to fill/submit the request form.

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2. Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

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Use Custom Automation Of Your Spreadsheet Reports To Drive Down Costs And Increase Your Profits

THE FARM CEO (Issue 66): Ideas for Exploring Low Cost Feed Ingredients, When You Have No Laboratory On Your Farm, Understanding How Ruminant Livestock (Like Cattle) Digest High Fibre Feeds, Understanding Feed Ingredients Used For Poultry Feed Formulation

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement

Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.

Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to

SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

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THE FARM CEO (Issue 66): Ideas for Exploring Low Cost Feed Ingredients, When You Have No Laboratory On Your Farm, Understanding How Ruminant Livestock (Like Cattle) Digest High Fibre Feeds, Understanding Feed Ingredients Used For Poultry Feed Formulation

This week’s issue of the Farm CEO features 3 articles from my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas articles archives, on understanding feed formulation and exploring use of low cost alternative feed ingredients.

1. Ideas for Exploring Low Cost Feed Ingredients, When You Have No Laboratory On Your Farm

In this article, I narrate 2 real-life “Success Stories” – that illustrate how resourcefulness, creative thinking, a little persistence, and a willingness to adapt, can help anyone succeed with an unconventional idea, even under difficult circumstances. I end by offering suggestions (based on the success stories), that you can follow to successfully explore using low cost feed ingredients for making rations you feed your livestock, in order to record substantial savings.

Continue reading…
2. Understanding How Ruminant Livestock (Like Cattle) Digest High Fibre Feeds

Many of us know (or have heard) about the ability of a group of animals called Ruminants to digest cellulose which we, and other non-ruminants, would be unable to utilise in our own nutritional systems. This article provides a brief insight into the features possessed by ruminants, and the complex processes that occur within their bodies, to enable them perform that unusual feat, seemingly without making any noticeable effort.

Continue reading…

3.Understanding Feed Ingredients Used For Poultry Feed Formulation

Feeding is one critical element that determines how well poultry or any other farm animals perform. It impacts not only on growth rates, but also on the disease resistance of the birds(though protection is also afforded the birds through vaccination/medication regimes). To put it another way, it has been acknowledged that ‘Diet is an important component of the environment under all climatic conditions. The potential of the bird cannot be attained if the environment, and notably the diet, is substandard.

Continue reading…

Use Custom Automation Of Your Spreadsheet Reports To Drive Down Costs And Increase Your Profits

[This 2006 writeup was my very first Excel-Visual Basic related article published online –

So Who Needs To Read It?

You will find this article of considerable reading value, if you belong to at least ONE of the following spreadsheet user categories: Owners of Small Businesses – Restaurants/Bars, Hotels, Hospitals, FACTORIES, Consultants etc; Decision Makers/Job Holders in Corporations – Materials Managers, Sales/Marketing Analysts, Financial Analysts/Accountants, Project Engineers; And Anyone desiring to make BETTER sense – and use – of data!

Spreadsheet Automation Facilitates EFFORTLESS Data Handling, Analysis & Report Generation!

Sometimes people don’t really care about learning(or using) all the “cool’ advanced functions, formulas and techniques in the spreadsheet application they use for their work. They just want to punch in their relevant raw data – at any time – and immediately see the computed results generated by the spreadsheet in a manner that can facilitate their IMPORTANT decision making.

At times, they would prefer to click a button that says “Print ABC”, or “Print XYZ” report, instead of having to crawl all over the huge spreadsheet(and get “lost” every now and then), to highlight and print different report pages. Using a custom built data entry form to make data entries into 14 different cells in different parts of a table(at the same time/with one click) would, for them, be “heaven” compared to making the entries one at a time.

This article is meant for those individuals/businesses who sometimes experience a need to use their spreadsheets in the (somewhat “impersonal”?) manner described above, to get the results they want. That need would often arise out of their lack of requisite skills to get the spreadsheet to behave the way they want – or limited time to devote towards incorporating necessary automation to make it do so.

In my article titled You Can Increase Your Profits Without Changing Your Prices, I ended with the following summary:

———————Start Of Excerpt———————

If You Remember Nothing Else, Remember The Following:

1. One good way to maintain and/or significantly increase your profits without raising your prices, is to reduce your Variable Costs(VCs).

2. You can reduce your variable costs by marketing more efficiently (getting more customers at lesser cost, AND maintaining them at lower expense). I once read an article that proposed a new parameter COCS: Cost Of Customers Sold or Served). This could be adopted as a Key Performance Indicator(KPI).

3. You can also reduce your variable costs by innovating more(i.e. developing greater efficiency in your routine internal operations and/or product/service delivery). That way, you would be able to produce/deliver more products and/or services with less effort, in less time, and using less resources. All of these would imply LOWER expenses/costs, leading to INCREASED profit retention per unit of product/service sold.

4. There is saying that: “You cannot manage something, if you do not measure it. Nor can you measure it, if you do not record it”. Spreadsheet tracking will help you conveniently implement and sustain the process of monitoring, controlling and/or reducing your VCs. You will need to do this so as to constantly evaluate progress of your VC monitoring/control and reduction initiatives.

———————End Of Excerpt———————

A DIFFERENT Type Of Automation

The approach to spreadsheet automation that I refer to, is one that seeks to provide functional spreadsheet automation alternatives for ANY spreadsheet user task(s). Typically, solutions like this would require the developer to study existing manual data recording, analysis and report generation systems, then plan – in consultation with users – for incorporation of automation into the spreadsheet to replace them, where possible.

Custom spreadsheet solutions which survive long after the developer has “left the scene”, are often those which users accept because they discover it – among other benefits – makes their work quicker and easier to do. That is why the best person to develop such solutions tend to be one who works in that area, and is therefore familiar with the way the manual system operates. S/he would have an “insider’s” perspective of the best way to introduce automation other users will readily adopt – even as it solves the identified problem(s).

In effect what I am saying is that companies which get the most value from spreadsheet automation(including using it to avoid expenditure on less adaptable commercial off the shelf applications) will be those which empower their users to routinely generate “in house” solutions. In such companies, you will find that only when the requirement becomes considerably specialised or complex, does the IT department get called upon to develop or purchase software solutions for user departments or functions with significant data recording and analysis needs.

So, (when considering the automation I speak about) do not think about spreadsheet documents containing one or two click-able buttons that allow a user print a page or copy some cells from one sheet to another. Instead, I want you to picture an application(or Entreprise Information System) that customises the appearance of your spreadsheet workspace(to take advantage of maximum screen capital available on your PC), and offers you custom “floating” data entry forms.

In addition, visualise it having dynamic query/report drop menu interfaces, and a variety of custom buttons: for navigation(within and between worksheets), printing, data EXPORT (as PDF documents or spreadsheet files), saving, auto-data filtering, auto-charts plotting, auto-backup of files, user login authentication (for documents with sensitive or confidential content) etc.

To experience the type of automation I refer to, you can watch FREE demos of commercial Excel VB driven spreadsheet applications I’ve built for client at

How A Well Known Corporate Multinational Used Spreadsheet Tracking/Automation To Repeatedly Cut Spending – And Increase Profits

During my graduate training(while in paid employment), I was redeployed from Guinness Nigeria Plc’s corporate headquarters training office(in Lagos) to the Benin brewery training department (in Edo state), where I was assigned the – additional – job of using a custom Lotus macros driven Variable Cost Analysis spreadsheet application to generate brewery reports for dispatch to headquarters.

The assignment was not an accident. Before being redeployed to Benin brewery, I had been involved in “validating” the numerous complex formulas in the custom Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet application during its development. The author – Richard Chambers – was at the time in charge(as Training Coordinator) of training new entrants, and upon discovering my keen interest in learning, often gave me his laptop to “proof” formulas, links etc. It was he who had told his counterpart in Benin brewery(Joe Sheehy) that I could help out with a problem they were having using the application. And I did resolve the problem – resulting in my subsequently becoming responsible for the reports collation using the application.

Variable Costs Control/Reduction was a strategy that worked extremely well for the company. Most memorable for me as a brewer, was the manner in which huge monetary savings/profit gains were made by successfully implementing variable cost reduction initiatives. For instance, a brewing ingredient switch was made to a more readily available local alternative which was many times cheaper, resulting in phenomenal savings and progressively increasing profit earnings even though the price of beer produced was not raised. This practice was routinely applied across the brewing and packaging processes in line with a well thought out plan.

To elaborate further: A one-page Variable Costs Analysis report sheet automatically generated by the custom spreadsheet application I earlier described, was a powerful tool used by top management to quickly assess performances of individual breweries. Among other benefits, the report made it quite easy to realistically compare sister breweries in different locations(even across countries) based on common denominators. Apart from summarising brewing/packaging materials in two groups –
“Over-used/Over-spent”(Losses) and “Under-used/Under-spent”(Savings) – on a monthly basis based on data entered, the program also automatically plotted charts showing trends over a 12 month period.

The VISITING head of the technical function only needed to look at the most recently plotted point on the chart (relative to preceding ones) for a Key Performance Indicator like
Cost per Hectolitres brewed(One Hectolitre = 100 Litres), to know if the brewery had stayed within the approved upper limit of spend(plotted as a straight line target across the same period) or not. Discussions would then take place based on identified “Exceptions”(which could be “good” e.g. savings made or “bad” e.g. monetary loss due to materials over-used), and “Actions To Be Taken” to correct or maintain observed performances agreed upon.

Spreadsheet Tracking As A Crucial Element For Business Development

There are ways you can use spreadsheets to record and track materials usages/stocks, product sales, and other business data such that discrepancies will be easily detected when they do occur. The use of spreadsheets when properly done, can help to uncover the cause(s) of “losses” in virtually any aspect of a business operation.

1. The Pareto Principle – Using spreadsheet tracking, you can easily apply the Pareto principle in deciding which of your income sources and expense channels(i.e. products and services sales) to focus on in order to maximize profits. Considering that you are most likely to use the same marketing/sales resources to serve your customers, it only follows that if you focus on your biggest margin selling products/services, you will get increased profits at more or less the same cost.

One Possible Application: Plotting a pie chart based on income contributions from all your products and services(daily, weekly or monthly), and reviewing the automatically computed percentages/visual pie slices, can give very illuminating insight.

The 80:20 Pareto principle is based on Pareto’s theory that 80% of the results one gets in a particular endeavour will be mainly due to 20% of areas to which one has applied efforts. In business this principle has been found to be true. Your data, properly converted into appropriate performance indicators, will show you where your largest margins come from. You can then channel more time and effort in that direction.

For instance if a company had five drink brands in the market but notices that Brand A, which has a profit margin of at least twice the others is in greatest demand, they could (a) focus production efforts on that brand, so that more bottles go out to trade (b) Apply Best Practice/Continuous Improvement initiatives that would result in lower costs of producing each bottle of Brand A so that even though the market price remains fixed, the company is able to earn increasing profit margins per bottle.

2. Sourcing Capital – For Expansion or Startup. You can make it easier for banks and prospective investors to back you financially and/or take the decision to buy into your business. Those already running their businesses will know that banks like to see detailed business records that show in real terms all aspects of a business’ performance. Without detailed and comprehensive spreadsheet tracking, it might be difficult to show this. Agreed there are software applications that capture most of these. However, sometimes, you want to highlight certain scenarios or trends in a way that an off-the-shelf application cannot accommodate due to the uniqueness of your need. It is in this regard that the use of spreadsheet tracking becomes relevant.

The intelligent use of spreadsheets, combined with the application of the 80:20 rule will help to achieve the foregoing and more. One does not need any expert to start doing these things today. Just take the decision to start keeping daily, accurate records and commit to analysing them. You’ll be surprised to find that you will soon become much more aware of how you’re doing and what aspects of your business you should focus on more to get better returns for your efforts – and you will be able to confidently supply verifiable/authentic financial data to back up any claims you make about your business performance to bankers or prospective investors.

Deciding What Spreadsheet Application To Use

This would ultimately be up to you. The big “fight” has always been between Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Excel. I started out with Lotus 1-2-3 back in 1993 and learnt Lotus Macros programming(via self-tutoring). I eventually used this skill to develop – in my free time – various custom spreadsheet solutions(that were formally adopted for use in the departments I worked in as a brewer/manager in Guinness), before switching to Microsoft Excel in 2001. Subsequently, I developed my Excel Visual Basic spreadsheet programming skills (also via self-tutoring), because the company had chosen to adopt MS Office during the roll over to year 2000.

I believe using either of these two applications should not pose any problems for implementing your spreadsheet automation ideas. This is because both have always been “friendly”, towards making it easy for users to get more functionality out of them by way of custom programming.

You can choose to learn how to do it yourself – or call in someone(an Excel VB Solutions Developer for instance) who knows how. Again, this would be dependent on your purpose, how proficient you are, and/or how much time you have at your disposal. Ultimately, even if someone develops a custom application for you, it should happen with YOUR guidance at every point to ensure that it does EXACTLY what you want it to do, and that you can easily – with your developer’s support/coaching – learn how to make modifications to it in future, without needing to call back your developer.

This last point in my opinion is ONE major benefit you must seek to extract, if you choose to engage the services of a developer. S/he should be able to help you develop (in-house) expertise needed to maintain the application AFTER s/he is gone. If you fail to ensure this, all your cost-savings from using the application might end up being spent paying the developer to maintain the application over time in the future!

From this point on, I will refer to only one of the above mentioned applications, because it is my preferred work environment. That is Microsoft Excel. I believe users of other spreadsheet applications will be able to adapt whatever I say from here for use in their own peculiar environments.

Automating Your Spreadsheet Document : What is Excel VB?

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for recording, organising/re-organising, analysing and presenting information. By Excel VB, I refer to Excel VBA – where VBA means Visual Basic for Applications(VBA). VBA refers to the highly extensive and flexible macro programming language developed by Microsoft for use in their MS office applications – Word, Power Point, etc.

VBA is therefore different from the Standalone Visual Basic program used(by professional programmers) for developing commercial quality software applications – though it borrows many of the latter’s features. Think of Excel VBA as being the standalone Visual Basic software, built into Excel for the benefit of Excel users who are not necessarily programmers, but who are keen to exert more control over the application.

So, Excel VB offers any interested users the necessary tools to make the application deliver more functionality. The final product is still an Excel document, but with extra functionalities added using VBA.

Why Excel Visual Basic – and NOT Visual Basic?

1. I always answer this question by asking the following question: What would be the point of “Killing A Fly With A Hammer”?

Let me elaborate. If a method is available that allows us to achieve the same desired result(s) at LOWER cost, with LESS effort and in LESS time, why should we fail to adopt it?

Certain IT persons insist that developing executable applications using the standalone Visual Basic programming language is “better” as it does not limit the user to a particular user application software environment. I concede that this might be a valid point under certain conditions. However, I point out that there are many users who have peculiar needs that do not necessarily require complex solutions.

A lot of people today simply want to get their data recording, (re)organisation, and analysis for decision making done quicker and with less effort. They also want to spend as little money as possible to do this. In other words, they want a cost-effective solution that gives them independence from the solution provider in the long term – without requiring them to undertake laborious skills acquisition immediately.

This category of everyday users of technology described above are the ones I believe need Excel VB solutions of the type I describe. One expects that some of these users will over time develop an interest in acquiring advanced skills needed to develop their own solutions in future – which is why I also encourage them to do so, possibly via self-tutoring, like I did.

2. Another question I ask, in answering the “Why Excel VB?” question is : “Why re-invent the wheel? ”

My experiences(and those of others who favour the use of Excel VB like I do), confirm that to organise, and analyse data for (financial/management) report generation and decision making, you will save hundreds of hours using already in-built, pre-programmed Excel functions compared to a situation where you used Visual Basic proper.

All the functions needed to achieve the above purposes already exist in Excel, so that you don’t have to write them all from scratch as would be the case if you were to use Visual Basic.

3.It works even when you lack “In House” expertise

For the purpose of creating custom financial and business management solutions that solve your identified problems, and give you control/ownership, without burning a hole in your pocket, Excel VB offers an amazing variety of possibilities, in the hands of an adequately skilled user.

In addition, an Excel VB developer( who in many cases will tend to be a user turned developer, and is therefore likely to easily see things from your perspective) – unlike a programmer – is more likely to be positively disposed to working with you to ensure the application meets your practical needs. S/he will readily understand that the final application is meant to help solve a real problem(s), and will therefore build it to match those expectations.

It’s not enough to have a professional with the technical skills to solve your problem. s/he also needs to have the right attitude and background/experience – else the relationship will not work. This is where an Excel VB resource is more likely to add value to you. Most Excel VB Developers have backgrounds in management, accounting, engineering and other fields, which further equips them to be useful to you in “thinking up” better ways to apply your spreadsheet automation to get the most value for your business. You therefore need to choose the right developer, with the appropriate background to match your needs.
I believe the foregoing are compelling justifications for choosing Excel Visual Basic over Visual Basic.

Get Maximum Returns On Your Investment In Spreadsheet Automation By Developing “In House” Expertise

Organisations can deliberately expose their employees to learning events(or self-help tutorials) on spreadsheet solutions development. Such employees can then be challenged to develop in-house solutions that effectively address the business’ peculiar data analysis/report-generation needs as they arise.

A person with proven competence in this area CAN become “notorious” for developing spreadsheet applications, which eliminate drudgery from the process of using MS Excel to handle large amounts of data. Typically, work that takes hours or days will suddenly take minutes or seconds to finish.

The claims I make above are NOT exaggerated. They are in fact based on my personal experiences doing the foregoing (a). As an manager in the challenging, fast-paced manufacturing work environment of a corporate multinational (b). As a solutions developer for individuals and businesses who use MS Excel for their work.

I am keen to encourage individuals and organisations to explore using advanced MS Excel formulas and functions, in conjunction with Excel VBA programming, to develop customised spreadsheet applications that will solve typical problems end-users encounter daily in trying to record/analyse data and generate reports.

The savings – from using your “in house” expertise – in terms of money and man-hours alone, will quickly justify the investment you make in “developing the needed skills” – especially, when you compare what you spend with the cost of purchasing a commercial software application – or even engaging the services of an Excel VB developer.


The key imperative for most people who handle business data is often “how to use it” to monitor – and where feasible – control performance i.e. they study/anticipate trends in a way that helps decision making towards ensuring REPRODUCTION of desired results, while minimising – or eliminating – undesirable ones.

You CAN transform the way you manage/analyse data(or generate reports) in your business today – and get more usable benefits to the extent that your profits increase. One major step you can take towards achieving this purpose, will be to intelligently use spreadsheet automation to improve data handling/analysis and report generation systems in your business operations – while empowering yourself and/or staff to acquire skills needed to maintain the developed spreadsheet solutions for the future.