Quick Take-Away: This article features excerpts from an email I sent to a client, offering experience-based tips about how to send large (video) files to me at zero cost (including how to save time/effort by FIRST of all compressing the large files by as much as 60%).
In developing custom Web Marketing Systems for clients, I sometimes encounter a need to offer tips and guidance to them about how to get samples of their original content across to me (or prospects/clients who contact them) via the web.
This need occurs fairly often due to the fact that I work 95% of the time remotely (and LOVE it). So I very rarely have to meet or work face to face with clients – even when we are in the same city as I am!
Why do I prefer to work this way (i.e. remotely or 100% online) you wonder?
Well, first of all, it enables me avoid dealing with traffic of vehicles and humans, and exerting myself physically in a way that eventually eats into work related stamina I could make better use of.
Secondly, I have found that I am able to provide my services – efficiently and profitably – to a larger number of clients within the same period this way, than if I had to move around and meet each one.
Thirdly and most importantly, I work this way because it gives me the power to make use of my time they way I want, so that I am able to deliver to client’s satisfaction and feel fulfilled at the same time.
Smart business owners today are constantly on the lookout for ways to use PC and Internet technology to get more done with less effort, in less time, and at less cost.
Working the way I do makes that possible for me. I am convinced many others would find it works well for them too. But fear of the unknown holds many back!
But back to the point I want to make: Sometimes a client may need to get some files across to me via the web, but they could be a bit big.
S/he, if not familiar with ways to get that done, would typically ask me for support to get it done – and I would gladly respond by offering a variety of experience based suggestions for him/her to consider.
That happened recently with a client, whose work in providing vocational training in agro-based enterprise startup and management, struck me as being worthy of being showcased as a core offering in the flagship Web Marketing System I am developing for him.
After I’d sent him an email with pointers on possible ways to go, it occurred to me that other persons with similar challenges might find the tips I sent to him useful.
So, I decided to publish excerpts from that email on this blog (see below) – so I’ll be able to sent the URL to any other persons who request similar support in future.
I invite you to read through the ideas I offer below, on this theme, and if you find them useful, do not forget to share this piece with others you know may also need the information it offers!
Hi (name removed),
Regarding getting the big video files to me, I suggest using either option 1 or 2 outlined below.
But before you try to send it, I strongly recommend you try reducing the video file size – and if possible convert it to a popular format like MP4, if it’s not already in that format.
Below is a link to one video compression software that – based on its review by CNET – should work well for you:
Free Video Compressor – Free download and software reviews – CNET Download.com
=Reducing the video’s filesize will make your job of uploading it easier.
So I recommend you try it.
Now, there is a way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone using Youtube.com that you may also wish to explore:.
My experiences indicate you can upload your big video file to your Youtube channel and then download the MP4 version created by Youtube to your PC.
I’ve done that several times with great results to show.
Over 60% file size reduction can be achieved this way, while preserving original video quality.
I’ll send you a Whatsapp audio to explain how to use Youtube as described above
Finally, once you have the video file size you want to send, you can then email the files using either 1 or 2 outlined below:1. How to send large files to anyone for free – PC Advisor
NB: I recommend WeTransfer, MailBigFile – based on the descriptions given. Though I’ve bever used either.
One that I’ve used is Pcloud.transfer.com – with great results. You can check their filesize limits
2. 3 Ways to Email Large Video Files – wikiHow
To email large video files, you can use Google Drive in Gmail, Skydrive in Windows mail, or Dropbox in Yahoo mail.
NB: If you choose this option, I suggest you use GoogleDrive, since we both use Gmail
Let me know if you have questions or require clarification.
Talk later,
Final Words: You can achieve superior marketing reach and impact, if you adopt a custom Web Marketing System in promoting your unique solution(s)
I created a mind map, years ago, that anyone can study and use to develop and implement a WMS for his/her own brand.
In other words, you can either DIY or have someone (like me) do it for you.
See it at:
You can read some of my past articles on web marketing using the links below:
If you’d like me to help you develop a custom WMS, send me a message (click to fill this form) so I can ask you a few questions and further explain to you, how using a WMS can help you better connect with, and win over potential buyers.
The FARM CEO (Issue 77): GFIA – Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture, 5th Commercial Farm Africa