Category Archives: My DN Travel News

Pineapple: Farmers Lament Low Patronage [The Farm CEO’s Review of Guardian Newspaper Agribusiness Report of 1st July 2018]


Below: Screenshot of news report by Nigeria’s Guardian newspaper titled “Pineapple Farmers Lament Low Patronage”.


This report reveals some truths I have tried to point out to other stakeholders in Nigeria’s Agribusiness industry, in the past.

For instance, about 2 years ago, | attended an international agribusiness conference on Lagos’s Victoria Island, where companies from different parts of the world came together to show what they had to offer, exchange ideas and explore potential areas of collaboration with counterparts from across Nigeria.

Farm business owners running enterprises of all sizes, from micro operators to large scale commercial agro enterprises, were present.

Dansa, a subsidiary of Dangote Group PLC, was one of the indigenous large scale brands that was present, and whose stands I visited that day.

Read THE FARM CEO (Issue 26): Farm CEOs Lack of Sales and Marketing Savvy REMAINS a major problem, Products (e.g. Delicious Chin Chin) made from Cassava – Going beyond Fufu, Gari etc, Agro Nigeria: a 100% Nigerian magazine on Agriculture, 300 Ha Pineapple Plantation in Nigeria’s Calabar – Rivers State, Specialty Fats & Oils Made From Different Parts of the Palm Fruit [FREE Download – Complimentary: Special Issue. Agra Innovate Exhibition Visit Report]

My main interest was in their displayed sample of Smooth Cayenne pineapple variety, which the lady I spoke with told me they had devoted large hectares of land to cultivating in Cross Rivers state.

It so happens, that this Guardian newspaper report mentions the same company, as having invested 45m USD in their above mentioned production and processing plant.

That is not a small amount of money, and it goes without saying that the problem of low patronage highlighted by the newspaper, with reference to the Nigerian Smooth Cayenne variety must give producers like Dansa, and others, cause for serious concern.

This is especially true when one considers the fact that the Sugar Loaf pineapple variety imported from next door Benin Republic, continues to enjoy good patronage from the same market that the Smooth Cayenne variety producers are complaining is not buying enough from them!

Efforts by the Guardian to narrow down, via questions posed to stakeholders and experts interviewed in the Nigerian agribusiness industry, to the root causes of the poor sales performance of local pineapple producers yielded the following responses:

  1. Price difference: Pineapples grown in Nigeria are priced significantly high, compared to others flooding the market from neighboring markets. Examples:
  • Small sized locally produced sells for N250 upwards


  • Average sized imported sells for N100 to N150


  • Bigger sized imported sells for N150 to N200

Looking at the above profile of prices, and considering the limited purchasing power of majority in the Nigerian market, their tendency to buy more of the imported variety can be understood.

  1. Availability: Current local production of pineapples in the Nigerian market is low, and due to its bulk use from production in industrial enterprises, limited amounts remain that locals can buy and eat.
  1. Preference: Nigerians supposedly prefer foreign pineapples, especially the one imported from Benin Republic due to its taste.

I think this last point, is linked to the first one.

One of the experts interviewed – Ambassador Sola Bunmi Adeniyi – Executive Director of a Non-Profit outfit, GoGreen Africa Initiative, argued that availability, and NOT preference for imported varieties was the reason for the low selling performance of Smooth Cayenne recorded.

I’m not too sure I agree totally with that point of view. It is true that a lot of what is produced currently in Nigeria, is being used for what Guardian’s report correctly describes as “alcoholic, beverages and food industry production purposes.

However, the fact remains that if one had to choose (and I say this as one who has shuttled the Lagos-Cotonou axis countless times and lived on both sides), people openly express preference for the Cotonou sourced Sugar Loaf variety.

When asked why, most tell me it tastes better, even though it is smaller in size.

It so happens that having tasted both varieties, at least those I found during my travels, I also prefer the Cotonou pineapple for its taste.

I cannot say for sure, if the taste of the local variety that I have sampled was in any way affected by the nature of soil in which it was farmed, or the treatment it was subjected to. What I do know is that it tended not to be as pleasing to taste, in terms of sweetness I could enjoy, as the one from Cotonou.

Whether or not this is something people who eat pineapples in other parts of the country, also experience, I cannot say.

If this issue raised is checked across other states and found to be valid, can anything be done to improve the taste performance of Smooth Cayenne grown here, to match that from Benin?

If not, what are the implications for growth prospects of this variety?

In light of the above issues, I cannot help wondering how Nigeria decided to choose Smooth Cayenne. Did we not explore the possibility of growing Sugar Loaf? Or are there restrictions placed on growing a variety from other markets?

These are some of the questions I believe need careful consideration by decision makers and stakeholders, if progress is to be made on this front.





PII 124: Proven Secret to Drum Up Attention for Your Business at Zero Cost

It is my experience based opinion that the key to long term low/zero cost marketing success is being different – by setting yourself apart from the crowd of others who do what you do, in a way that gets you noticed, by those you want to buy from you.

“When you see most of your associates or most of your contemporaries or competitors in business or most of the people in the country, headed in one direction, go off by yourself in some quiet place, preferably the sort of place where you can commune with nature, and ask yourself this question : Why are they going in that direction?” – James S. Kemper

Below: Photo of my 4 Year Old Son, T-Boy, beating his talking drum

(See short video clip of him under the photo. He’s in love with drumming and has been watching Talking Drum tutorial videos on Youtube lol)


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 2nd July 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 124: Proven Secret to Drum Up Attention for Your Business at Zero Cost

It is my experience based opinion that the key to long term low/zero cost marketing success is being different – by setting yourself apart from the crowd of others who do what you do, in a way that gets you noticed, by those you want to buy from you.

“When you see most of your associates or most of your contemporaries or competitors in business or most of the people in the country, headed in one direction, go off by yourself in some quiet place, preferably the sort of place where you can commune with nature, and ask yourself this question : Why are they going in that direction?” – James S. Kemper

Below: Photo of my 4 Year Old Son, T-Boy, beating his talking drum

(See short video clip of him under the photo. He’s in love with drumming and has been watching Talking Drum tutorial videos on Youtube lol)


The talking drum is unique – it is like no other musical instrument, anywhere in the world!

Indeed, it is an iconic musical instrument famously used by people belonging to the Yoruba culture (to which I belong).

In traditional African society, this unique drum is widely recognized as being useful for communicating messages to discerning audiences, using an intricate combination of musical notes that skilled drummers are able to produce from it.

In other words, the talking drummer is successful in getting his/her message across when s/he has access to an audience that understands how to interpret the sounds s/he makes.

If you think about it, you’ll see that the same logic applies in the process of communication that happens in business marketing.

The marketer who succeeds is the one who is able to make those who hear his/her message correctly understand it, such that they go on to take the action s/he wants them to take e.g make enquiry, subscribe, and/or buy.

One instrument I have found enables cost effective and efficient marketing in terms of time, effort, money and resources used, is what I call a Web Marketing System (WMS).

As a web based sales leads generation tool, I have found that it works best when used to complement other marketing efforts the business owner may choose to make – on or off the web.

The process for developing and implementing a WMS is different from what other conventional methods typically entail.

For each client, the steps to be followed must be adapted to suit his/her peculiar circumstances.

For that to happen, I must understand what s/he and his/her brand are about. To gain those insights, I use a Content Generation Questionnaire, which the client fills and returns to me.

His/her responses then provide me a basis to intelligently create promotional marketing content for use in his/her WMS.

Many clients hire me when I explain the above process that I employ, to them, using the offer page (which features a mind map), and a video presentation I send via email.

Most clients often point out that what I offer is different from what they’ve been exposed to, and/or what other “experts” have told them.

Based on that, some challenge me, questioning the reliability of my approach.

And I welcome that – because it gives me a better opportunity to explain to them, in details how my approach offers them superior benefits – and for the long term too.

However, I do not accept to work for clients who refuse to objectively evaluate the potential value of adopting my method.

Except I fail to discover they have issues accepting to be guided by me, I would rather walk away from projects such prospective clients offer, regardless of how much it may be worth.

If a client is NOT willing to believe in your ability to help him/her, you may have major difficulties getting his/her cooperation to get your work done to the desired standard.

My strong belief in myself, and the methods I’ve developed via hard work and sweat have helped me defeat adversity countless times, to succeed in winning sales from buyers of all kinds.

Here’s a quote that reinforced my beliefs about sticking to and acting based on my intuition and convictions, regarding solutions I developed, like the WMS:

“…to become a successful entrepreneur, you must not be overly concerned about what others think of you or your ideas…A singular quality that all these entrepreneurs had was the ability to think a bit differently from those around them. ..Your fragile idea for a new entreprise will quickly become the subject of ridicule from those around you. It has always been so. No sane person thought Henry Ford’s invention could be anything more than a gimmick. You are in good company when your ideas draw doubt of scorn.” – James R. Cook, in his New York Times bestseller titled “The Startup Entrepreneur”

Quite often, people who balk at using a WMS the way I recommend tend to be people who lack enough confidence in themselves to deliberately stand out from the crowd in marketing their brands.

The need to be different if you want to achieve success beyond what you see others record, cannot be overemphasized.

My ability to succeed in using my WMS to sell my products and services to buyers in and out of Africa, GREW out of the unshakeable self-confidence I have ALWAYS had in myself/

That was what made it easy for me to embrace the idea of standing out from the crowd, to do my marketing.

For every client who engages me, I make it clear to them that their willingness to adopt a similar disposition to promoting their brands would determine how well we work together, and ultimately how successful the project is.

Sadly, every now and then I come across clients, who just do not get it.

And I feel so sorry for them.

The fear of doing things differently holds them captive. So they shy away from letting me help them develop the WMS in a way that helps to drum up awareness about their products and services.

They fear blowing their trumpets, which is what the WMS intelligently does for you – and that attitude holds them back.

My advice: Do NOT make the mistake these people described above make.

Avoid following the crowd. A herd mentality often hurts more than it helps – especially where business marketing is concerned, because it makes you do things others are doing.

That makes it hard to get results different from what they get!

Many times the result is that you end up looking like others, making it hard to get noticed by your desired target audience.

Marketing that works is marketing that gets you noticed and talked about!

Richard Branson has been showing the world how to do it for decades – using his David vs. Goliath philosophy, and extraordinarily creative publicity stunts, to out-market larger companies even when his business was much smaller.

I continue to study and learn from him.

That process has helped me think up smart ways to get more done, with less effort, in less time, and using less money/resources.

As a result I am able to offer premium solutions at competitive prices, with bonuses that potential competitors find hard to match e.g my FREE 1 Year Web Marketing Support Service.

“Talk good about me. Talk bad about me. Just talk about me!” – Author Unknown

A WMS will help you get talked about, and one way or another that will generate buzz in various ways, which you can exploit to generate sales leads, if you know how. Need help? Click here to ask me.

[OFFER] Attract High Quality Buyers At Zero Cost: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*











[DVAM] VIRAL VIDEO > 1m Views – What It Really Means to Be a ‘Strong Woman’: Nigerian Woman Delivers Hard Hitting Message to Peers About Relationships [Download FREE Verbatim Transcript PowerPoint Slideshow created by Tayo K. Solagbade for]

In this post I share a download link to the transcript slideshow I’ve prepared of a VIRAL VIDEO that has been watched over 1million times!

It’s message is VERY relevant to the current times.

The Nigerian woman who authored it (judging from her looks) belongs to the age group of women she addresses. And she pulls no punches in telling those of them guilty of bad habits she describes, in relating with their male partners, why they are wrong, and what they need to do to change for the better.

I strongly recommend that EVERY woman watch this video, and also that EVERY parent make his/her children watch it, so they can LEARN what kind of behavior to emulate.

In creating my transcript slideshow version of it, I decided to give it a TITLE and SUBTITLE, as follows:

Title = What It Really Means to Be a ‘Strong Woman’

Subtitle = Nigerian Woman Delivers Hard Hitting Message to Peers About Relationships

Here’s an excerpt:

“A strong woman is that woman that is matured – spiritually, physically and emotionally. You should be able to manage your emotions. Control them – not them controlling you. Men can say a whole lot of things that can get us aggravated. Yes, it’s normal. We can say that too.”

Click below to download the full verbatim transcript slideshow I prepared. The URL to the full video is provided on the last slide.



The slideshow provides the URL to the full video. Click here to view it now…

This is a FREE VIDEO Based Transcript Slideshow created for my advocacy Facebook page titled “page [Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM) – Ideas for Identifying and Stopping It]” at dvam

PS: Would you like to receive the Power Point Slideshow directly in your email?

So you don’t have to view at your own convenience? Click here to send me a request – and I will email it to your inbox.

PII 123: Ten Commandments of Web Marketing for Money Making Success [10 Week Audio Podcast Series]

This week I launch my new 10 part/10 week educational audio series titled “Ten Commandments of Web Marketing for Money Making Success

The ideas I offer in this audio podcast series can be put to productive use by ANYONE – in any part of the world – to achieve powerful name/brand recognition – leading to low/zero cost sales leads generation – for what s/he does.

All s/he needs is to be willing to diligently persist in applying them, with creative intelligence, based on guidelines I specify.

TIP: Commandment No. 1 (and all the other 9 MP3 recordings published weekly) will be sent to ALL members of my Web Marketing for CEOs club via Whatsapp. Join the club and get yours sent to you in the same manner.


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 25th June 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 123: Ten Commandments of Web Marketing for Money Making Success [10 Week Audio Podcast Series]

This week I launch my new 10 part/10 week educational audio series titled “Ten Commandments of Web Marketing for Money Making Success

The ideas I offer in this audio podcast series can be put to productive use by ANYONE – in any part of the world – to achieve powerful name/brand recognition – leading to low/zero cost sales leads generation – for what s/he does.

All s/he needs is to be willing to diligently persist in applying them, with creative intelligence, based on guidelines I specify.

TIP: Commandment No. 1 (and all the other 9 MP3 recordings published weekly) will be sent to ALL members of my Web Marketing for CEOs club via Whatsapp. Join the club and get yours sent to you in the same manner.


Coming Soon: How to Use Whatsapp On Your PC/Laptop Browser: 

I now use an Android Smartphone to do the stuff described in my popular article titled “Use Your Smartphone To Boost Your Productivity (5 Tested & Proven Tips)“, and LOTS more e.g Providing interactive coaching to clients via private Whatsapp groups like the one in the screenshot below, for my Web Marketing for CEOs club.
Note that the screenshot was taken from my Laptop screen interface i.e. I use a browser app extension that allows me to connect Whatsapp from my phone to my Laptop and use it from there, in a synchronized manner.
That way I need not go back to the phone, if I’m busy on the Laptop. For me, that’s a major time/effort saving convenience that does wonders for my productivity!

Click the screenshot below to view larger version in a new window…


Click here to join my mailing list, so you can be notified when the article goes LIVE.


As long as you have a target audience of potential buyers you wish to attract, for products/services worthy of their buying-attention, these ten commandments, followed correctly, can help you get noticed favorably, then taken seriously, and ultimately connected with, by those you seek to build relationships with.

I say this as someone who has achieved name/brand recognition using this very same strategy, to routinely and repeatedly attract – and win over – serious minded potential buyers for my unique range of unconventional products and services.

Today, my hard won ability to generate sales leads using the Web Marketing System I creatively deploy in my interactions on (as well as off) the web, helps me repeatedly win buyers from within and outside Africa, using less money, time, effort and resources – thereby making me not just more productive, but also more profitable.

But it took a lot of hard work to arrive where I am today, able to do all the above.

Years of blood and sweat tinged suffering, while I struggled and tried to figure out how to make the web work for me, as my last resort for finding serious buyers for what I offered, since I had no funds to spare to use paid advertising.

It took lots of hard work, faith and persistence – driven by my conviction that what I offered for sale to my target audience would benefit them.

Read this article I wrote in December 2013 (over 26k views so far) to get an idea of how I’ve since succeeded: No. 119: How to Achieve Success in Any Field (True Story)

Let me point out however, I’ve had to carefully hone my speaking, writing and especially my THINKING skills to do my “marketing and selling” at very low to zero cost, using this method.

By implication, therefore, if you are to achieve the same or superior level of marketing success to mine, you will also need to invest quality effort, time, resources and money into developing yourself to do what I do, and more.

In coaching members of my Web Marketing for CEOs club, I share the experience based insights that helped me understand the massive difference that exists between marketing using traditional media (like newspapers, TV, Radio and Newspapers) versus smart use of what I call a Web Marketing System (WMS).

To make it easier for them to remember and follow the guidelines I share with them, I came up with the 10 commandments discussed in this presentation.

Each commandment highlights relevant key issues and aspects you need to consider, to make successful use of the web to attract potential buyers.

And I supply real life true story examples to illustrate what to do, and how, to further help your understanding.

Signup to join my Web Marketing for CEOs club and you’ll get an MP3 version of Commandment No. 1 titled “You Shall Use Technology Wisely”, sent to you, with 4 gift resources you can study to learn how to achieve smart web marketing success.


[OFFER] Attract High Quality Buyers At Zero Cost: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*













PII 122: What African Entrepreneurs and Societies Need to Do To Achieve Needed Business Success

In this week’s issue of my newsletter, I share:

1. a verbatim transcript of an audio message I recorded for members of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas club, in a blog post dated 9th September 2017 (See instructions at the end of this post, for details of how to download the full MP3 audio).

It’s titled [AUDIO PODCAST] African Farm CEOs Need to Think Creatively and Innovate Habitually to Achieve Futuristic Success

My decision to make the contents of my message to my club members available to a non-exclusive audience, was greatly influenced by my desire to challenge MORE people, in my part of the world, to realize the need to do what I recommend in it.

2. a verbatim transcript of a video clip titled “Wake Up” in which “Vusi Thembekwayo”, a South African entrepreneur delivers an excellent, no punches pulled pep talk of sorts to an audience of startup entrepreneurs in his country.

What I heard him say, very eloquently too, excited me.


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 18th June 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 122: What African Entrepreneurs and Societies Need to Do To Achieve Needed Business Success

In this week’s issue of my newsletter, I share:

1. a verbatim transcript of an audio message I recorded for members of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas club, in a blog post dated 9th September 2017 (See instructions at the end of this post, for details of how to download the full MP3 audio).

It’s titled [AUDIO PODCAST] African Farm CEOs Need to Think Creatively and Innovate Habitually to Achieve Futuristic Success

My decision to make the contents of my message to my club members available to a non-exclusive audience, was greatly influenced by my desire to challenge MORE people, in my part of the world, to realize the need to do what I recommend in it.

2. a verbatim transcript of a video clip titled “Wake Up” in which “Vusi Thembekwayo”, a South African entrepreneur delivers an excellent, no punches pulled pep talk of sorts to an audience of startup entrepreneurs in his country.

What I heard him say, very eloquently too, excited me.

His words told me I was not the only one who SAW that African entrepreneurs were MISSING the key requirement to make impact in their chosen fields.

Among other things, he noted that African entrepreneurs have a “lazy” and “entitlement” mentality keeping them from creating the future they want.

Before now, I’d wondered – especially, from living and working with my trademark relentless passion, enthusiasm, determination and creativity out here – why I seemed to belong to an endangered species.

Why others I related with, who also ran business of their own, and even had the audacity to claim to be entrepreneurs, often – very often – tended to regard me as “over doing” my pursuit of entrepreneurial success.

They were frequently VERY unwilling to invest their own original time, effort, be it physically or intellectually, to develop unique solutions to meet their needs to succeed.

Below: A post I made on Facebook way back in 2010, on this theme


And when it comes to putting their own money towards making the ideas they claimed to have work, most would readily balk at any suggestion to that effect.

It’s their business, but many times they readily try to skimp on basic requirements for success they need to invest in. I’ve seen this play out time and time again. Yet they wonder why I seem to get MORE long lasting results than they do. Why I seem to be able to bounce back from setbacks more successfully than they do. Why I seem to be able to create more alternative ways of making money, than then do. And why I seem to be HAPPIER and more FULFILLED doing what I do, than they are.

The reason they are like this is captured in the audio message I now offer you text transcript access to below.

And it is also reflected in the insightul message delivered by “Vusi Thembekwayo”.

It is my hope that reading both transcripts (and listening to the original source messages using the links provided) will help you gain useful insights to take your work to the highest possible level you need to be as an entrepreneur.

If you need help making use of any of the ideas offered here, click here to let me know.

Text Transcript 1: [AUDIO PODCAST] African Farm CEOs Need to Think Creatively and Innovate Habitually to Achieve Futuristic Success by Tayo K. Solagbade


This is Tayo Solagbade, I’m doing a quick audio recording, regarding the latest issue of my Farm CEO newspaper, that has to do with the vertical farming concept, in which the technology of aquaponics is used to raise vegetables, and other crops, indoors, with zero sand and 95% less water.

Now, this is a concept that was – I think in the late ’90s, if I recall correctly – proposed by a certain professor in one of the South American countries. The point is that it is something that has caught on wildly, and I do know a few places where it operates in Nigeria, but one of the issues for us in this part of the world, has always been the fact that it is quite expensive.

The inputs/materials required are a bit expensive. As a result, the rate of adoption is much lower. The benefits to be had (therefore) become a bit more difficult to justify, because the people that are the target users or beneficiaries are not able to afford the resulting farm output.

Now, this comment that I made was one of the sentiments that were expressed by a member of the club, when I posted the announcement of it. She was expressing the opinion along th e lines of what I just described, And she was quite right.
However, one of the visions I have – and that’s why I do these periodic podcasts messages – is these are some of the things that will be provided exclusively to members of the different clubs I run.

All of you are paid clients, .so I feel that I can add value to you by sharing my ideas and my thinking. The exposure I had in the kind of organization I worked while I was in paid employment, as a person involved in manufacturing (and I was actually in the technical function) made me understand that at any point in time, if you consider yourself an expert in any particular field, you demonstrate your expertise in a practical way, by showing that you are willing to apply your creative thinking abilities to adapt your expertise and your technology and your processes, to suit the unique requirements of your socioeconomic and sociocultural environment.

So in this case for instance, we have a challenge. We are say the technology imported from Oyinbo (i.e. White man’s) land is not working for us.

That’s great. But again why should we expect them to develop a technology that suits US?

They are developing technology to solve THEIR own problems, in THEIR own socioeconomic situation!

So, if we want to use it, we must be ready to do what is called ADAPTATION of technology – and we don’t have to insist that they come and do it for us.
Why would they want to do it?

Yes, they might want to do it, but they don’t owe us anything.

The way we’ve gone to school, they’ve also gone to school.

So, if we want to borrow their technology, we must be ready to do the work of thinking up a way to adapt the technology to suit our needs.

And so, where are the experts in our own environment?

One of the primary groups of experts that I would imagine (exist) in the farm business industry, are the Farm CEOs themselves.

The farm business owner must begin to see himself as an active player, in bringing about the adaptation of foreign technology to suit his/her needs, if s/he’s not prepared to innovate and invent his/her own technology.

If you don’t want to sit down and come up with your own techniques to do things in a better way, then if you’re going to borrow from other people, be ready to do the adaptation.

We can’t afford to say “Oh it doesn’t work for us, the problem we have with it is this..”.

Well we didn’t create it, so whatever problem we have – it wasn’t created for us.

It was created for THEM and it’s working for THEM!

That’s why they have tons and tons of food.

I was telling one of the Farm CEOs in Jos. He is also a lecturer, and I was telling him that there is a kind of annual event called “Tomatina” in Italy. ‘

You can Google it: T-O-M-A-T-I-N-A

Tomatina is a…I would describe it as one hour of madness, in which I think over 600 tons of tomatoes are delivered to a certain space in a centre of the city -one of the cities. I don’t know where. i can’t recall the name of the city in Italy (TIP to reader: Google for it!).

And basically what happens is that participants then proceed to “stone” one another with tomatoes. I mean well raised, beautiful looking tomatoes, brought in trucks. And for one solid hour, people are throwing tomatoes at each other, falling over into muddy streets, covered with tomatoes,that are all mashed up.

And at the end of the one hour of madness, what they then do is, they take the sweep the streets clean, completely of all the tomatoes. By the time it’s done, you’ll probably find it difficult to imagine that some hours earlier, the who place had been a mess.
So, why are they able to do that? Because they produce such huge volumes of tomatoes anyway, that they have more than enough to meet their needs. And therefore they can afford to go into this kind of – what I consider – crazy form of wastage.

But again, it’s supposed to celebrate some kind of event that took place few years earlier, when 2 young tomato farmers went at each other with tomatoes in that manner.

You so…but the fact that they can do at all is just a reflection of the fact that they’ve already developed their agro production techniques, to more than meet the demands they have, for consumption of tomatoes. And therefore they can afford to indulge in this kind of waste.
Now that volume of tomatoes is what you might want to say could have been exported to Africa.

But the point is why can’t Africa just do the same thing?

Because if you look at it, we are more agro friendly than they are!

And we probably even have larger numbers of people involved in agriculture, but our productivity is much lower per capita.

Now, if we were to adapt technology intelligently to suit ourselves, individually on our respective farms, our output would probably quadruple, or more.

And so it’s left to us to do the thinking and stop thinking “Oh, you’ve done this but you could go and do it better”

What is the incentive you’re giving to these Oyinbo people to do it better?

It’s not like we’re paying them. More often that not they even bring the funding to help us to adapt technology, you know, to suit our needs.

So, the purpose of this message I’m sending out today, is to challenge the Farm CEOs to do what the gentleman (I mentioned in my story above did).

I always refer to him. Funny enough he;s not even a paid client. We’re just friends – when I say friends, we talk once in a while, on phone. Yinka – I can’t remember his surname now. He’s the owner of Zamits farms.

And, the guy, ever since he told me some of the stuff he did, on a trial and error basis,on his farm (He ran some kind of pilot scale trial).. Until he narrowed down to, – if I recall correctly – Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) and Gari (Tip to reader: Cassava flakes)

At a point he began to use Gari at 60% inclusion level, for preparing feed he was giving to adult catfish. And he was getting massively good results that enabled him saye a lot of money.

Now he did those trials on his own. He said he was determined to find a way, to eliminate the problem he was having with the cost of feeding. And so he invested time and energy, to check what the results he was getting from the ponds were, compared to the feeding he was doing.

And over time he narrowed down to the fact that he could actually replace certain expensive ingredients with a much more pocket friendly priced input, which was Gari, along with PKC which gave him a very good result in terms of growth gains.

And so, by doing that, he effectively transformed the performance of his business.

Now, if other farm business owners did that, what would happen is over time we would have what we call a collection of Indigenous Knowledge System that we could share, with other people who are coming into the industry – as best practices.

And then they would begin to operate their own enterprises in that manner. Therefore the productivity from all the farms combined would be much much MUCH higher. And as a result, the country would get a boost in food based output from farms.

Now we’re not doing that.

What we have are pockets of people doing right and wrong. And as a result, we don;t have any consistency in the performances of our farms.

So we’ve got to go beyond the stage of sitting back and waiting for people to bring solutions to us, and then we say (to them) “This one does not suit me O. I don’t have this, I don’t have that, so go back and do another one.”

The thing is there is no reason why anybody would (agree to) do that. In fact, first of all, they didn’t even (ask) us to come and look at their aquaponics.

We were the ones that went and said “Oh see this thing is happening here. Let’s bring it to Nigeria.”

Then we say “Oh it’s too expensive. I can’t use it.”

Whose fault is that?!

If it’s too expensive, study the technology, develop an adapted version that is cheaper.

In other words, take a look at the technology that aquaponics involves: What can we do, to make the aquaponics in this part of the world, cheaper for us to operate.

What are the inputs there? What are the replacements we can put in?

What’s the science behind it?

How can we make the science less expensive?

You see that’s the thing:

The schools we go to, don’t train our kids to be people who are thinkers.

They don’t train us to be innovators.

I was talking with some parents yesterday, where my daughters are learning hair dressing.

One of the ladies was explaining how one of (her) kids had been so taught to memorize, that if he just forgot one or two words, from the sequence of words he was supposed to use in a sentence – where written or when he was speaking – he would completely forget what he was supposed to say…because he had been trained to memorize.

And that’s one of the most damaging things you can do to a child.

So, it doesn’t matter how good the school is – when you have teachers who are teaching children to memorize,(we call it Rote Learning) and they don;t understand that they have to understand – they have to achieve COMPREHENSION i.e reading comprehension, that’s a big problem.

Because in life the child then does not learn to look at the written word as something he wants to interact with (using) his mind. and begin to process, think, analyze, reflect upon – and then come up with understanding, and insights that he can then apply in the real world,, based on what he has understood, from what he’s read.

If the child does not understand that, he’s going to grow up into an adult that cannot think!

When we have an adult that cannot think, he always wants people to to do all the thinking and bring him the finished solution.

Who’s going to do that for you?

Are you going to pay for it?
You don’t even have the money to pay these foreigners to do this, So you’re going to sit down and tell people “Oh, go an invent another thing.”

So we’ll keep waiting for the white guys to invent, because we don’t have the CULTURE of THINKING and INNOVATING and INVENTING.

We talk about it. We even run competitions.

But the truth of the matter is that the society itself, in terms of the attitude of people, (in it) does not encourage people to be THAT way!

And there’s where we have to have a fundamental shift in our thinking, in the way we operate.

Because if we’re going to be able to compete globally, it’s going to have to start with the human beings and the way they use their brains.

And that’s one of the big problems.

So, for the Farm CEOs and businesses in other areas of industry, of commerce and all that, there is a need for a change in the way we use our minds in our businesses.

We have to get more intellectually INVOLVED in the way we EVOLVE our businesses.

We’re not going to wait for the next development of the next improvement in technique or strategy.

Even for service businesses:. We keep waiting for for the Oyinbo guys – the white guys – to come up with new ways. And they we start shouting about it. Then somebody travels and comes back, and says “I attended a conference in Switzerland, ”

Why can’t we make people come and attend conferences, or even encounter us,here, and begin to borrow ideas from us, and present at TEDx conferences abroad?

It can happen, Once in a while it does happen.

But it should happen much more frequently – because we CAN be creative like them!

And the key to the advancement of farm business in this part of the world, is going to be (the) ability to use our intellect, creatively, to IMPROVE the way we do agriculture, in a manner that makes (us) more competitive internationally.

So, that’s what my message is for today. I hope you think about it.

If you need more ideas, or you want us to work on something together, along these lines – for instance aquaponics (who says we can’t study it and improve on it?) – let’s talk. Alright? Cheers.

PS: As always you can get across to me via *i.e. my website – just click the CONTACT button) or you can send me an email directly via tayo at ksola dot com

PPS: The source audio file can be downloaded from the post (click here to open in a new window. It was originally password protected, but I’ve removed the password to enable all interested persons access the MP3 recording at the bottom of the page,)

===Audio Transcript Ends====

NB: The source audio file can be downloaded from the post (click here to open in a new window. It was originally password protected, but I’ve removed the password to enable all interested persons access the MP3 recording at the bottom of the page,)

Text Transcript 2: [VIDEO]: “Wake Up” by “Vusi Thembekwayo”


Just wake up. You guys are sleeping.

You know, there’s em…

The young people would say “You’re sleeping on yourself”

You guys are sleeping. African entrepreneurs, you guys are sleeping…

Em…can I be honest? (Reponse: Yeah)

You’re sleeping, you’re entitled, you’re lazy.

You have a quick return syndrome…

You have too many expectations too quickly.

Just wake up!

Guys wake up.

It took 40…it took 30 years to build Apple.

It took 40 years to build Dell.

It took -I don’t know – 40 years to build Microsoft

And THIS isn’t the world’s largest economy.

You’re in the bottom of the darkest economy on earth – How long do you think it’s gonna take you?

Wake up!

And it’s not just about the effort, but wake up on everything.

Wake up to the opportunities that are alive, wake up to the political systems that govern us.

Just wake up!

Be awake – watch what’s happening around you.

Read, love, live, learn, be in spaces, be involved.

Just get in, get in, plug your…get this plug of your life and plug it into the cord of the system, so that we can all be in it together.

But just wake up!

Too many of us are sleeping. We’re doing the same things we’ve always done, the same thing everyone else has done.

And then you’re waiting for the world to come and meet you halfway – and it doesn’t work that way!

And the minute you wake up, you’ll see that the world is an incredible place.

Quickly let me just say thin:

So…my view is: Books have not yet been written, nor has history been imagined, of our capabilities.

The greatest thing that ever happened to Africa when they denied us endeavor, enterprise, individuality, for hundreds of years, was that they gave us no template to copy.

So why are we copying it?

Every single person in this room you get…when you’re an entrepreneur, you are VERSION ONE.

You’re IT.

There’s never been and US before.

Before this they were in trenches at our age, fighting for stuff.


Just wake up, write the template,

Do the crazy wild things. Let’s make mistakes. Let’s just wake up guys.

===Video Transcript Ends====

Source: [VIDEO] “Wake Up” by “Vusi Thembekwayo”

Related Articles

1. Why Farm CEOs Need Multiple Streams of Income to Succeed

2. Do You Need A Business Plan, If Your Biz Idea Is New, Untested Or Unproven?

3. No. 111: Farm Business Owners Can Speak to Influence Research

4. PII 097 [AUDIO]: Success Is NOT Your Birthright – Saying YOU BELIEVE Will NOT Be Enough!

[OFFER] Attract High Quality Buyers At Zero Cost: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*









[DVAM] How Women Destroy Love (Why Men Fall Out of Love) – by Kara Oh, US based National Relationship Expert | Download FREE VIDEO Based Transcript Slideshow created by Tayo K. Solagbade for

==Excerpt starts===
“Today I wanted to offer a lesson on how to castrate a man. Em, you may wonder, why would you wanna do that? Well, probably the primary reason would be to get him out of your life, because that is the best way to get rid of a man.” – Kara Oh
==Excerpt Ends===

Click the link below to download and view my Verbatim Performance Improvement Video Text Transcript Slideshow version of the wonderfully insightful video message by Kara Oh.

It’s aptly titled “How Women Destroy Love.”

She really GOT IT RIGHT with the explanation she gives about the 3 ways women unintentionally destroy their own relationships by the way they TALK (i.e the – needlessly hurtful – things they, sometimes, SAY) to their male intimate partners.

Why Men Fall Out of Love

Regardless of what part of the world you’re in, even if you are from my part of the world (Nigeria/Africa), THIS lady’s advice WILL WORK FOR YOU, if you are a woman wondering why your “man” just refuses to act towards you, like you want him to.

It could be that you are doing one or more of these NAUGHTY things that Kara Oh discusses.

[NB: Kara is a US based National Relationship Expert  who has been featured, on the major news networks – such as ABC News, CBS News, FOX News, etc]

The slideshow provides the URL to the full video.

Click here to view it now…


This is a FREE VIDEO Based Transcript Slideshow created for my advocacy Facebook page titled “page [Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM) – Ideas for Identifying and Stopping It]” at


PS: Would you like to receive the Power Point Slideshow directly in your email?

So you don’t have to view at your own convenience?

Click here to send me a request – and I will email it to your inbox.

[DVAM] Women Who Emotionally Abuse Men

 of acculturated dot com discusses ways in which (some) women routinely subject their men to emotional abuse in both private and public. He notes that this habit, in the long run can (and sometimes does) make the men turn around to become abusers themselves!

Women Who Emotionally Abuse Men

We’ve all seen it. And heard it. You’re in a restaurant. There’s a man there with his girlfriend. As people are eating and socializing, you can’t help but notice. When the man tries to speak, he is cut off by his girlfriend. She mocks him when he tells a story that might make him look good, and finishes his jokes for him. When the waiter brings the menus, she makes fun of his selection.



PII 121: We Need Schooling Systems That Empower Learners to Maximize Their Potentials in Every Possible Way

This is the first of what will be a series I will be publishing on the theme of Best Practice Parenting. with a focus specifically on education as it relates to schooling – and why there is a massive difference between those 2 expressions.

In other words, I’m saying that there is a massive difference between what people refer to as SCHOOLING and what they call EDUCATION..

The primary target audience I have in mind for this message are people in government, who have any role to play in influencing the so called education that is happening in Nigeria, especially, and other places in general.

The main issue I want to address has to do with:

  1. What is being taught in schools and…
  1. Why, I believe, strongly too, that 80% of the time, most conventional schools in Nigeria and other societies are doing more damage to kids than whatever benefits they say they add to them!


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 11th June 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 121: We Need Schooling Systems That Empower Learners to Maximize Their Potentials in Every Possible Way

This is the first of what will be a series I will be publishing on the theme of Best Practice Parenting. with a focus specifically on education as it relates to schooling – and why there is a massive difference between those 2 expressions.

In other words, I’m saying that there is a massive difference between what people refer to as SCHOOLING and what they call EDUCATION..

The primary target audience I have in mind for this message are people in government, who have any role to play in influencing the so called education that is happening in Nigeria, especially, and other places in general.

The main issue I want to address has to do with:

  1. What is being taught in schools and…
  1. Why, I believe, strongly too, that 80% of the time, most conventional schools in Nigeria and other societies are doing more damage to kids than whatever benefits they say they add to them!

You may not agree with me, especially if you are somebody that is benefiting from the system

The naked truth is that it IS a MONEY MAKING system primarily.

In most of the schools where it is used, they do NOT care about the kids enough to ensure they get the learning they need. Money determines most of what is done.

I say this with no apology – it is, like I said before, the TRUTH.

Most of the schooling systems are just designed to make money for the owners and those who are their partners.

This same situation exists in many tutoring centers. And that’s why this latter group is able to put up promotional banners, posters and boards like the one in the photo below, which make outrageous offers:


How do you explain the fact that a tutoring center (see photo above) is able to GUARANTEE that you WILL get passing grades in ALL subjects you take in the examinations, IF you enroll there?

It’s simple. They’ve got it all cooked up to work the way they want i.e. they have paid their way to ensure it happens.

No Nigerian capable of conscious thought can claim NOT to be aware of the fact that virtually everything has a price in Nigeria. And that in our educational sector, SPECIAL CENTRES abound which offer willing parents and their wards any flexibility they want, to cheat their way to success in exams.

The schools do their own “bragging” about guaranteed exams results success a bit less openly. But the same arrangement exists.

The policy makers and government agencies/operatives who are supposed to monitor and engage in the implementation of the so called educational policies for the most part are just people who are only there for the ride.

They are not actively involved in doing any quality control. My mother was an educator for about 30 years in Nigeria – and worked as a teacher in leading schools for many years till she retired. During this time she taught hundreds of kids, including us, her children. When we came back from school, you would have exercises to do e.g. Lacombe’s in Math etc.

She invested hundreds of hours into teaching ALL her pupils with passion, every day she had the opportunity to interact with them. She told us teaching was her passion  and it was obvious from the way she taught us. That was why it was no surprise that she went on to earn Montessori level certification to boost her work related competence. She wanted to be the best she could be FOR her pupils.

To say that we turned out right academically is stating the obvious – but what many may miss is the fact that THAT did not happen through Osmosis.

That was an example that I saw in my own life a child of what a parent who understands his/her own role as the first teacher in the life of her children was supposed to be.

But you DO NOT have to be a trained teacher to be the first and most important teacher in the life of your child.

You see, this is because your job is not to become an out-and-out teacher.

Instead your role is to guide the process of learning that your child in being exposed to, by interacting with whatever organization, individual or entity that is providing learning to your child.

Before you can regard SCHOOLING as delivering the right EDUCATION (or being the same) we need that activity to take place on regular and reliable basis, where the required QUALITY CONTROL intervention is happening, and is not in doubt in terms of its effectiveness.

My mother told us about INSPECTORS OF EDUCATION

They used to go from school to school and would quietly sit at the back of the class (or stand outside the window), monitoring a teacher in action.

They would then rate the teacher and communicate their findings to him/her in form of feedback designed to aid performance improvement.

That was the kind of arrangement that existed when my mother was learning as a student in the Teachers Training College back then!

Of course such things no longer exist today, in schools, for the most part.

I recall discussing this issue with a Head Teacher in one of Nigeria Public Primary Schools, She explained to me that education inspectors still go round, but they are not in enough numbers to cover all the schools.

But that did not impress me much since it is likely that corrupt advances are likely to be made to those inspectors to influence whatever ratings they award to the teachers – and their schools.

If that was not the case, the terrible fall in standards of teachers as well as pupils/students produced from our schools would NOT have happened

As a result what we have are schools all over the country that simply do NOT meet the basic standards of what should be a school.

So they are just there – physical buildings people wear uniforms to, in order to meet human beings who call themselves teachers but often do not think/act like they are.

Little wonder then that the EDUCATION that should happen is not happening in most of these schools.

However, because learners are wearing school uniforms and carrying textbooks in backpacks, we assume they are getting an education.

Sadly, the reality is that our children are being taken through a process that is actually more damaging, because what they are going through are a lot of activities that don’t add much value to them. Activities that expose them to mind-numbing experiences.

Those children consequently finish from such schooling systems but do not even come out with functional education of any sort.

This is the reality that faces us today.

It is why we have all these products coming out from our institutions, which are being repeatedly described as unemployable by potential employers.

It’s not that the employers hate them.

It’s because they are coming out into society, after finishing their schooling, without ANY relevant abilities, that will solve the potential employer’s problems or meet his/her pressing needs.

No employer is going to “dash” you money for finishing from school.

They want to see that you are going to be useful to them.

No sane business owner, for instance, is going to be paying you money for doing nothing while on his/her payroll!

So the question is:

Do the schools that society is providing, and which the state is telling citizens to send their kids to -(in line with so called law that :”Every child must go to school”) get checked to be sure that those schools will deliver to society, products that will meet the needs of society, and solve its problems?

The truth of the matter is that the answer is NO.

Our people in government are NOT doing that.

Let me make something clear: I’m NOT telling anyone in responsible positions in government that they do not know their jobs.

Instead what I’m doing is to draw your attention to the fact that there is something that you’re missing.

You’re free to decide whether or not to take the points I make seriously, – or discard them.

I will however say this:

The fact that you work in government today does not mean that you will be immune from the negative impact of your actions and/or inactions in the education sector, such as those I’ve continually highlighted in my write-ups.

You see, when you’re giving people inadequate education, they will go and function in society in an inadequate manner.

Now, when you retire or even when your own kids go into society – WITH SUPERIOR COMPETENCE – they’re going to meet those other kids, who will be ready to break any rules and cut any corners to get ahead of your child, who is more competent, – because they will see him/her as a threat immediately, because he has one thing they don’t have.

So what’s the solution?

You simply need to do the right thing: Give children the ability/skills when they are in school, so that when they step out of school, they will instantly be seen by society as useful.

I’ll give you an example:

If your school develops a reputation for producing young people that have the ability to excel at international levels in competitive sports, and therefore becomes a destination for scouts looking for, say, good footballer. Assume your school has a wonderful sports programme.

So the kids are learning all the academics, but the school also has a system that allows them to also get really good at soccer.

My school (C and S College, Ilorin, in Kwara state) had that. We produced many people who were very good at competitive sports – and some of them (like Olapade Adeniken) even went on to represent Nigeria at the Olympics.

That kind of schooling system makes career options quite variable – giving children the opportunity to look at some many possibilities they can explore.

I was there when Olapade Adeniken ran his first race in the 100 meters leaving everybody behind in the dust. The state coaches wasted no time in recruiting him – and his career took off from there.

That kind of thing – a system that allows people to maximize their potentials – is what gets the best results for learners to enter the real world.

You don’t limit them!

That’s the problem we have today. Most of the conventional schools are not interested in the full dimensions of the abilities of the kids.

They just focus on one thing: book learning…

AND the FAULT rests directly with the people in government.

This is because nobody is checking what the schools are doing – so the schools have turned it into a business.

All they do now is to increase the number of subjects, so as to justify raising tutoring fees.

How can kids be studying 14 to 21 subjects at primary/secondary school levels?

When I was schooling at that level, we only had to take about 7 to 9 subjects. In fact, I took 5 subjects I really wanted to gain credits in. But I added 2 extra to make it up to 7.

It goes without saying that studying for those subjects was not easy. So one can only imagine how challenging it must be for today’s kids who have to study double the number of subjects!

The only reason that unhealthy learning situation exists in our schooling system is that the QUALITY CONTROL checks that should be done are NOT happening.

I argue that smart parents will take action to protect their kids from the damaging impact of exposure to this kind of schooling, by getting involved in giving their kids the right kind of coaching – especially in a way that enables the child discover, develop and maximize his/her full potentials in every area of life – especially in use of their income earning vocational skills and talents.

Read: TRUE STORY: An Invitation from the Ministry of Youth and Social Development to Discuss My Paper Titled “Schooling Is a Means to an End and NOT an End In Itself”

TRUE STORY: An Invitation from The Ministry of Youth and Social Development to Discuss My Paper Titled “Schooling Is a Means to an End and NOT an End In Itself”

[OFFER] Attract High Quality Buyers At Zero Cost: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*




[DVAM] The 3 Types Of Nagging That DESTROY Your Marriage




[MUST READ] Sexual predators as academics in Nigeria

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur

*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutionsweb marketing systems/ web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.

Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

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audience profile. I can help to research and investigate the market there, to get firmer details of what it will take to get started etc.

[DVAM] The 3 Types Of Nagging That DESTROY Your Marriage

Expert author, Carin Goldstein MFT of YourTango dot com discusses 3 ways in which a woman can – unintentionally – use nagging to destroy her marriage.

[DVAM] The 3 Types Of Nagging That DESTROY Your Marriage

If nothing or no one is ever good enough for you, consider the common denominator.

“You actually call this making the bed?! This is ridiculous. You need to do it the way I do it.”

“Will you turn the TV off already and help me get these wet, naked children out of the bath?!”

“Thanks for not giving me a kiss goodbye this morning… You know, it would be nice if you thought about me before leaving!”

Do any of the above comments sound familiar? Perhaps the above are something you are nagging your husband with on a daily basis? Are you feeling like a broken record as you continue to repeat yourself while he continues to quietly dismiss the sound (dare I say “the noise”?) of your nagging — only to leave you feeling more dismissed by than ever? If the answer is yes, then allow me to remind you this: It takes two to tango. That being said, part one of the issue is, yes, he’s either not doing things the same way as you or not listening to you.



Making Custom Ankara Footwear by Restoring Old, Discarded Ones –

Making Custom Ankara Footwear by Restoring Old, Discarded Ones

In this post we share photos of our first attempts at making various kinds of simple custom footwear. Today, Temi and Oluoma’s older brother, Emeka whose natural talent for making handicrafts was discovered early, is apprenticing in a custom shoe making outfit, and is already able to make simple footwear (which will be showcased soon on his website that’s currently under construction).

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