[UPDATE: 16th August 2023 – Click HERE to download PRINT-READY PDF version of this article.
The approach described in this article can help you find buyers for ANYTHING you sell, at low to zero cost. And your domain name would NOT really matter.
Incidentally, one group of people I believe BADLY need this kind of solution are Farm Business Owners.
Because what they sell is often produced at a cost that leaves them relatively small margins to play with in fixing their selling prices, compared to counterparts in other industries. What’s more, most farm owners still do not know how to use the web in conjunction with offline effortsm they make, to generate profitable sales!
If the above describes you, then I urge you to read this article right till the end.
This is why I offer a special Sales and Marketing Coaching/Support service for Farm CEOs and any other interested business owners.
The ideas and strategies I teach, cover both online and offline marketing channels. They are unusual, but tried and tested…
“Tayo, get your head out of the American clouds, and bring yourself back down to the Nigerian earth.”
Actually no one ever said those exact words to me. But a good number spoke in tones that strongly suggested the same thing
Only my experience based conviction kept me from making the mistake of listening to them.
Today, despite countless visitations of adversity in various forms, I continue to grow the reach and impact of my brand, using mostly the same “American ideas” harvested from keeping my head in the “American ideas clouds”.
I’ve now arrived at a stage where potential buyers of solutions I offer readily use my name, to find me and my solutions. I say this based on years of carefully studying the trends and patterns relating to sales leads that bring subscribers and buyers to me through the different online channels I employ.
Just today, yet another enquirer contacted me via www.tayosolagbade.com – which he found via a Search Engine Results Page (SERP).
So you see, the domain name matters, but not as much as it used to…
That’s why – as I explained in recent articles – I refused to buy back my 9 year old domain (www.spontaneousdevelopment.com) that got taken over .
In the past, such loss of a domain often meant certain death for online brands.
Back then, in the 90s especially, people spent thousands of dollars protecting and buying back their domains from “thieves” who snatched them up on expiry, if the owner delayed or did not have protective lock on it.
But today – with the exception, possibly of a person’s name – things have changed a lot.
The age of the domain name also matters…but NOT as much as the QUALITY of the content provided…AND the creativity with which it is presented in multiple formats (e.g. video, graphics, text, audio etc) and deployed via key online channels.
Anyone who knows how to do the above consistently will find success in using the web to market his/her offerings to target audiences.
If Domain Age Matters Too Much, New Websites Would Never Stand a Chance!
Think about it. I’m sure Google and other search engines are simply too smart to let themselves make the mistake of placing too much weight on domain age.
It’s just like I’ve written in the past about work-related experience of employees. Forget how long you’ve been on the job. Focus instead on the value you’ve added during that period.
Let Me Use This Case Study of a Fictitious Richard Branson Blog about Angel Investors to Illustrate My Point
Imagine Richard Branson decided to launch a blog about angel investors, and the kinds of businesses they would be interested in supporting.
But there’s one thing: He decides to deliberately do this anonymously!
How well do you think that new website would fare if Branson chose NOT to publicly link himself with it?
Some people would say not as well as it would if he told every one he was the owner.
I argue that it would matter little or none at all, IF the website delivers QUALITY to its target audience.
“How do I mean”? Well, read on to understand…
Let’s say Branson hires a virtual assistant to post weekly updates about a “group” of featured angel investors, and what they are looking to invest in.
Branson also gives him/her tips about what to say, and how to say it.
But ALL the content is published is under a “Pen Name” that visitors cannot link back to Branson.
What is likely to happen, is people will read and respond to the website’s contents possibly via comments and also sending emails or web form submissions.
Even the media would not fall over themselves to report the arrival of the blog, or its evolution.
The blog would therefore have to survive on its own merit for the most part.
Based on the above scenario, a passionate audience of business owners looking for “friendly” source of financing and support for their businesses/ideas, is what will make the blog grow in followership.
But what would attract that kind of audience?
I believe iIt’s the relentless creative publishing, and propagation of information, and featured opportunities, that visitors to the blog perceive as useful and/or potentially rewarding.
That’s what would keep them coming back while also telling others to do so!
Eventually, search engines will follow the human traffic to the blog, and indexed relevant pages…
From then on, and for as long as it continues churning out useful content, search engine traffic to it would climb rapidly.
The above described process, is how authentic authority websites are made! No magic, and certainly no manipulation is involved at all!
The key to cost-effective, long term web marketing success is to get yourself found via NATURAL search engine results and other non-sponsored channels.
At least that is my preferred approach.
I favour a long term investment of time, effort, and creativity, in populating the Internet, with timeless marketing content (i.e. that NEVER stops sending you quality leads) over any paid strategies.
But that is not to say it’s the only way…
It’s just that what I sell, and the part of the world I sell from, make this preferred approach of mine more profitable that it would otherwise be.
For each of us, careful assessment of our circumstances will often determine what will best serve our needs. I will however add that this method I favour is one used by many highly successful experts across the world that I have closely studied and related with. They all confirm it delivers superior long term, and cost effective benefits.