Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

Ethical E-Mail Marketing with Phplist Manager (Demonstration Videos 1 to 4)

This 4-PART TUTORIAL VIDEO series has been moved from it’s original page on my Web Marketing Systems development service mini-siteIt was originally published on 2011-11-08 (November 2011).

I created it as a public service for Nigerian/African website owners (or business persons) who have periodic need to send out LEGITIMATE (and NOT spam/scam) bulk or mass emails to their contacts or subscribers.

NB: I’ve since commenced using’s remotely hosted mailing list management service. If you need help setting up your own custom/branded newsletter management system get in touch using this form.

Many who fit the preceding description are frequently guilty of unethical use of their email accounts to send notices to large numbers of people, resulting in email messages filled with large numbers of email addresses in the BCC line or sometimes in the TO field, to the consternation of sensitive recipients, who disapprove of having their email addresses made visible to others.

This video series demonstrates how to ETHICALLY, professionally and effortlessly send email broadcasts to your contacts by installing and using the FREE, but VERY powerful phpList mailing list management software, which is provided via CPanel by many web hosts, at NO EXTRA CHARGE.

VIDEO 1: How Your Broadcast Email Should Look (Phplist Manager)

In this first video (no. 1 of 4), Tayo Solagbade explains the purpose of this video series, by showing professionally delivered email messages in his webmail inbox, pointing out that they were generated using software similar to the Phplist manager.

VIDEO 2: Installing Phplist Manager Via Cpanel’s Fantastico Interface

In this video (no. 2 of 4), Tayo Solagbade demonstrates the process of installing Phplist manager on a website, via the Fantastico De Luxe interface in Cpanel.

VIDEO 3: Importing Contacts Into Mailing List (Phplist Manager)

In this video (no. 3 of 4), Tayo Solagbade demonstrates the process importing email addresses contained in a text database into a custom mailing list created for them, in Phplist manager.

VIDEO 4: Sending Email Broadcast with Phplist Manager

In this final video (no. 4 of 4), Tayo Solagbade demonstrates the process of customising SENDER information, formatting the email message, then sending it to the imported mailing list from video 3 of 4 using the Phplist manager.


PHP List manager is an automated MULTIPLE mailing list manager, and I have used it to send out mails to hundreds of subscribers for over 2 years now, with impressive results.

Among other conveniences, it delivers PERSONALISED emails to each individual contacts – REMOVING the need to send mails with multiples email addresses on the TO, or BCC fields. It also automatically adds links for subscribing, editing your subscription information and/or unsubscribing etc, at the bottom of EVERY e-mail.

This application gives you a more convenient all-in-one interface to manage multiple mailing lists for different purposes.

For instance, you may decide to have seperate mailing lists for

(a) members of your association

(b) executives of the association

(c) subscribers to your newsletter

(d) applicants for positions in your company or organisation

(e) contractors/supplier to your company or organisation

(f) students in your institution and/or those who have graduated etc

By using a professional mailing list software like this Phplist manager, NEVER again will you need to manually handle/type large numbers of email addresses in order to send messages to the owners.

What’s more, recipients of your mails will no longer have to cope with multiple email addresses in the TO or CC fields blocking their view of the actual message you sent.

Lastly, you also look more professional, when each person SEES that the message you sent to EVERYONE carries ONLY his/her email address in the TO field (and even starts with Dear “Name”) i.e. it is personalised for him/her.


If you have a website and use CPANEL, then the PhpList manager software described above is already available for installation on your website. Follow the steps described in parts 1 to 4 of this video series, to locate, install, setup and start using it today. It’s open source and therefore FREE!


Contact Tayo Solagbade via the contact form on this website.

Tayo K. Solagbade*
Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist
*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263 (Speaking Service) (Information & Education) (Public Speaking IDEAS) (Digital Products & Services) (Web Marketing Systems Development – incl. Audio Presentations) MS Excel Automation) Farm Biz Ideas)
Platinum Quality Author at the Ezine Articles Directory:

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist — TayoSolagbade– works as a Multipreneur, helping individuals/businesses develop and implement strategies to achieve their goals, faster and more profitably.

Depending on his availability, Tayo accepts invitations to deliver customisable talks and keynote speeches on:

a. Self-Development, Workplace Performance Improvement, Spontaneous Coaching™,

b. Using Natural Aquariums To Educate Students

c. Making Your Website WORK For You

d. Automating MS Excel To Boost Productivity

e. Cost-Saving Farm Biz Ideas, Going From Salary To Self-Employment, Entrepreneuring etc) for an affordable fee.

Click here to learn how you can invite Tayo, to speak at your next meeting or event.


Writing Is The Key To Business Marketing Success

One hasn’t become a writer until one has distilled writing into a habit, and that habit has been forced into an obsession. Writing has to be an obsession. It has to be something as organic, physiological and psychological as speaking or sleeping or eating.
Niyi Osundare

Writing when done effectively, can be used to get favorably noticed. And you can also use it to influence change.

It is because I’ve experienced the above powerful truth many times in different stages of my life that I am today simply unable to give up writing.

Without my writing I would not have achieved most of the success and progress I’ve recorded in paid as well as self employment.

What do you do when you have little or no money to spend on marketing and advertising to attract buyers?

When you don’t know any powerful, rich or connected persons to open doors for you to meet important decision makers(bypassing gatekeepers).

How do you establish credibility as an expert in your subject or field before a potentially global audience of readers and potential clients?

It is my experience based conviction that writing is the most cost effective and reliable way to achieve the above.

Indeed, I have achieved all the above through writing over the past ten years.

Even in a socioeconomic environment like mine, where trust can be so hard to earn, I’ve repeatedly generated high quality sales leads and won sales using nothing but my writing.

It has also earned me valuable paid speaking opportunities. I’m building more client relationships and partnerships with people I’ve yet to meet from across the country, and as far as Singapore, Canada and the USA.

If I had not adopted writing, especially web writing, I would NEVER have achieved any of the above. I know this for a fact.

And that’s why relatives close to me will tell you that if I had to choose between eating and finishing off a new article according to my schedule, I’d do the latter without giving it a second thought.

The quote credited to Niyi Osundare above perfectly describes what writing means to me. It’s essential to my progress in business and in life.

In Paid Employment, Writing Helped Me Attract Career Advancement Opportunities

It was in paid employment that I first discovered how powerful writing could be.

In Guinness Nigeria I was trained as a brewer and line manager. I joined the company as a graduate trainee in October 1994, and voluntarily left to become self employed in December 2001.

During that time I was widely recognised – and rewarded with rapid career advancement – for my ideas, initiatives and innovations which I used my writing to bring to the attention of key decision makers.

Quite often my ideas were developed in my spare time or as I went through each day. None of it was in my job description at any time. I just identified an opportunity to make a useful contribution, and simply followed my instincts.

I worked very hard and long hours then. Just like I still do when necessary today

My latest ebook is a product of that process.

I originally wrote it as a guest post to share my ideas about how I get my writing done.

But it was over 3,500 words long, attracting requests to trim down and refine it.

It was while I was rewriting it that I discovered I needed to submit a finished ebook for the October 2012 AWAI Writing Challenge I’d enrolled for.

The thought just struck me that my long article could do well as an ebooklet at least. Since I did not have any other content in readier form, convincing myself to go this route was easy :-)

But I was not lazy about it. I took time to flesh out relevant parts, and rewrite some. Then I prepared a cover and setup the online store.

Completing that process was more important to me than winning any reward.

Here’s an example of how following my instincts led me to use my writing to influence change in paid employment:

2 years after joining Guinness Nigeria Benin Brewery, I wrote a series of papers as a green horned brewer, arguing that a faulty formula had been used for years in computing a performance parameter called “Brewhouse Turn Around Time(TRT)”.

Using spreadsheet examples based on real brewing data, I proved my point, and proposed an adjustment to the formula to eliminate the error.

I ruffled a number of senior colleagues’ feathers, as you can imagine, but my conviction gave me the courage to push my ideas through to senior management.

The changes were eventually accepted.

Later in 1997, I wrote a management research paper based on my experiences for entry into the (now defunct) Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM)’s Young Manager’s Competition. After placing 5th at the national finals in Lagos, I discovered many senior executives suddenly knew my name.

I would later learn that my boss at the time, Greg, had announced my achievement at the brewery management meeting.

Interestingly, my entry to that event was self sponsored while I was on leave. He only got to know because after winning at the zonal finals, I’d resumed work, and had to request days off to travel to Lagos for the national finals.

What I’m trying to say here is that it was a personal goal I set for myself. I just saw the newspaper advert, and – again – followed my instincts. It was never my intention to let my boss know.

But he eventually did. And I got recognised in my company as a result of my efforts to use my writing to share ideas I had from my workplace experiences, with the outside world.

A year later, in 1998, I returned with a paper to senior management proposing the adoption of a brewery performance measure.

I called it “Brewhouse Efficiency%”(BHE) and used the weighted formula I derived for it on five years of real data, with charts.

My argument was that BHE provided a more balanced measure of the overall performance of the brewing department, unlike the TRT which only looked at one of three contributory aspects.

This paper got the attention of top management, and was discussed at the Monthly Technical Review Meetings for 6 months.

During that time, the Lagos brewery was asked to test the formula using their own brewing data. I still recall taking calls from Chizzy Uduanochie, who was then in Lagos Harp Brewery at Ogba, to explain how to go about getting correct raw data to feed into the formula.

During that year I was seconded twice to act as Training & Technical Development Manager.

I have no doubts in my mind that my 1997 and ’98 achievements influenced top management’s decision in that regard.

This especially since other more senior and experienced candidates were passed over in the process. A lot more of that would happen right into the year I left.

The above results are just a few examples of the unique experiences that opened my eyes to the power that writing effectively can confer on anyone.

So, going into self employment, especially after reading online about information publishing, I was convinced I could use my writing to earn income.

Writing Can Also Be Therapeutic – For Coping With Adversity As A Startup

A writer never has a vacation. For a writer life consists of either writing or thinking about writing.
Eugene Ionesco

It’s common knowledge that hard – and harsh – times that new entrepreneurs inevitably encounter often lead many to quit and return to the security of paid employment for instance.

I know what it feels like to enter the proverbial “university of hard knocks” (i.e the real world), from a salaried job, and suddenly find yourself struggling with a perpetual scarcity of money.

And I don’t mean big bucks. No. I’m talking about small money. The kind that I used to give away to others without a thought knowing that I had more than I needed from regular salary payments.

The idea of actually running out of cash never really seemed real to me. Until when I spent the last naira from the entitlement paid to me by Guinness following my decision to resign despite great career prospects ahead of me.

You must understand that I had my kids and their mother to worry about. Having relocated from Benin, we were living in my parents’ home till I could find a place.

Unfortunately business had not gone as planned, and I’d exhausted the funds meant for renting a place in pursuing leads and covering expenses!

The embarassment and humiliation was one I felt could kill me. And that was just the beginning.

I have since gone on to experience not having money to get prescribed malaria drugs for my child, and having to watch him suffer pains and high fever all night till I was able to borrow money the next morning.

It’s amazing how a lack of cash can help one achieve mental clarity. You initially feel a strange sense of terror. But if you keep calm and let the realisation of your situation wash over you, it won’t seem so bad.

During this period the words supposedly utterred by a few former colleagues from Guinness came back to haunt me. I’d heard that they’d called me “mad”, for choosing to resign at a time when I was doing so well.

But I refused to let that bother me. Even in my pain right then in 2003, I knew I would not be happier doing anything else.

Working a 9 to 5 job had become too limiting for me. I wanted the freedom to use my ideas and energies to serve a larger audience, without the restrictions of a structured workplace.

So I turned to reading the books that had inspired me. Napoleon Hill’s Think & Grow Rich and James Cook’s “Startup Entrepreneur” were my favorites.

Out of desperation, I began highlighting phrases and other blocks of text (e.g anecdotes about hardships other successful people experienced and survived) that I found especially helpful.

At a point, I decided to type the highlighted text in MS Word, so I could re-read them to boost my morale. Later I began writing my own anecdotes and experiences into it.

NB: By early 2004, it had grown into an 80 page ebook titled “Entrepreneur’s Survival Reference Manual(25 Avoidable Mistakes No One Will Warn You About In Starting Your Own Business In Nigeria)”.

But I did not put it up for sale. It was mainly for my personal use. Whenever I needed a boost, I got on my PC and opened the PDF.

James Cook wrote that “the entrepreneur needs no samaritans.” I decided to look inwards.

That day in 2003, I got the idea to write my 70 page Feed Formulation Handbook. Not long after, I wrote my “Proven 5 Step Formula for Learning Any Language In Three Months or Less”.

Both books were experience based. I was following the advice in Mr. Hill’s book. I had no money, but I knew stuff that I was convinced people would pay me money to get.
I did not have money to get them published normally. But rather than let that stop me, I chose to print them out, then make neat photocopies which I gave to those who paid.

So, I began telling friends and relatives about both books. The language book quickly earned buyers. I did more thinking and took a copy to Ola Fajemisin, the TV producer for NTA 2 Channel 5 whose name I’d seen scrolling across the screen for years.

I’d never met or spoken with him before. But when he arrived in his office to meet with me, I spoke to him with all the enthusiasm I could muster, proposing a weekly French language show based on my book.

When I finally shut up, he flipped through the spiral bound copy I put on his table, looked at me, and said “I think it’s a good idea. But let’s get you to appear and discuss the book on Saturday’s Morning Ride Show” and see how people call in. We’ll use that to decide whether or not to go ahead.”

That was a show many paid handsome sums to appear on. He put me on it free. My sister called to tell me her friend saw me being interviewed on TV and wanted a copy of my book. So I made more sales. And I knew I could do more.

The TV show idea did not make it due to poor response, but I’d earned useful achievement to put on my resume, and on the book’s sales page: Featured on NTA 2 Channel 5′ Morning Ride. Many clients till today refuse to believe I never paid a kobo to get that exposure for my tiny book!

In 2005, my relentless search led me to use Print On Demand publishing.

Not long after, I discovered article marketing and began using it to promote my books and services.

As An Entrepreneur Writing Has Helped Me Achieve Low Cost Name Recognition & Leads Generation

I’ll be 43 in July. This month 10 years ago, I was starting out as an entrepreneur, distributing spiral bound copies of my paper (Self-Development As A Tool for Achieving Career Advancement(A Practical Guide Based On Experience) to the HR/Training Managers and key executives in over 40 organisations across Lagos.

Notable examples included Lagos Business School’s Pat Utomi (he was not yet “Prof.” then) and Dr. J. Maiyaki of Center for Management Development, among others.
I’d typed the entire 45 page management research paper during my final weeks on the job I’d resigned from as Training and Technical Development Manager.

My plan was based on ideas I’d gotten from reading Michel Fortin’s “10 Commandments of Power Positioning” ebook.

Knowing that I needed low cost avenues to get my training and speaking services noticed by my target market, I’d excitedly adopted Fortin’s recommendations.

Using writing to attract potential clients was central to the message in his ebook.

Apart from Utomi who had his PA invite me to meet with him over my management research paper, only Dr. Maiyaki and his team went further to invite me to deliver a lecture (for which I was paid a honorarium).

Final Words: Web Writing Offers Financial Security In Today’s Uncertain Economy

Since then I have achieved even greater progress in my business using my writing – especially online.

The results I’ve gotten led me to recently sign up with as a writer offering my articles and services for sale.

In June 2012, I reinvented my online presence to revolve around THIS new blog as a central point for promoting my products and services.

As it is with everything else in life, one has to learn new ways to get more of the results he wants. I was excited when Constant Content sent me payment for my first and so far only sale.

But I know I need to master the art of writing what buyers want to read out there. I’m reading up on that.

Same applies to my sales on I’m keen to get back to the times when I recorded sales of my books monthly.

There’s nothing more gratifying than being able to earn income from what you write or have written. The overheads are so low. And the margins potentially limitless.

I am also driven by a vision to show others how to earn income in this manner.

Especially people in parts of the world (like mine) with limited alternatives. And I’ve already started by teaching my kids what I know.

One thing is certain. I can never stop writing because I know it is the key to my dream of achieving financial freedom, especially via passive income streams from sales of my written works.

The way you define yourself as a writer is that you write every time you have a free minute. If you didn’t behave that way you would never do anything.
John Irving

Learn Practical Feed Formulation

Requests I’ve gotten from persons wishing to learn Feed Formulation last year made me decide to offer an in person coaching service.

I’ve already had someone travel all the way from Akwa Ibom state specifically for this learning event. We met at the
Agric. Development Authority premises and had a great time visiting feed mills along the Oko Oba, Agege road.

Apart from developing Automated Excel Software (like my popular Livestock Ration Formulator), I also develop and implement web marketing systems, in addition to freelance writing for clients and on my own websites/blogs.

This is why the attention I pay to the Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas service is designed to be on a needs basis.

If you’re interested in booking a similar session, I provide relevant details below

1. To “teach” you practical feed formulation in person, one-on-one, will require a 100% advance payment of a non-refundable fee of N50,000.00.

This will get you a 4 hour session with me, in which I will take you through the theoretical aspect of using the Pearson Square Calculation to formulate your livestock ration.

This will be followed with the physical selection, weighing and milling of the feed ingredients in the appropriate quantities at a feed mill.

You will get a printed and bound copy of my popular Practical Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook at NO EXTRA CHARGE (N8,000 value).

2. I’ve had some ask me if I’ll provide on-farm practical training on livestock feed formulation.

First of all, I do NOT run a farm currently. I am a multipreneur, earning income using a variety of skills.

As is stated on my Cost Saving Farm Business Ideas website, I plan to establish a Farm Business Support and Extension Advisory Services Center at some point in the future.

But for now, I do NOT run a farm.

However, a read through the website will reveal I have reliable farm business exposure, experience and network of contacts with farm business owners within and outside Lagos.

Now, I’m not sure how much experience or knowledge you have of feed compounding, but the truth is most of what it entails can happen right in your bedroom – and you’ll only need to step out when you want to measure out the different ingredients in your formula, so as to take them down to the feed mill.

What I’m saying in essence is that typically a farm owner, if knowledgeable about feed formulation, will do his/her calculations, and then measure out the different quantities of feed ingredients based on his computed feeding formula.

S/he will then grind them all together to the right consistency for the livestock s/he aims to feed.

Indeed, you may find you go from your home, to the feed mill FIRST, and only arrive the farm when you have the milled feed ready for use in feeding your animals.

Simply put therefore, “on-farm practical training on livestock feed formulation” is not really an issue to worry about.

Once you understand the practical science of feed formulation, and gain insight into how to select good quality ingredients (with reasonably accurate nutrient composition data), you are good to go.

A Suggestion For You

It’s up to you to decide, but I believe unless you doubt your ability to understand written notes and follow step by step guidelines, you would save a lot of money by simply purchasing the feed formulation handbook, and/or the software with it’s user guide and video tutorials. This entitles you to get FREE support via phone and e-mail whenever you need help.

Learn More About The Feed Formulation Handbook & Software

You can learn more about my Feed Formulation Handbook and software by visiting this page:

Among other things, you’ll:

A. gain access to links leading to a video demonstrations of the spreadsheet software being used to formulate a ration

B. read answers to Frequently Asked Questions from past buyers and enquirers

Get The New/Enhanced Ration Formulator

Below is a screenshot showing newly added user interfaces in the software. Price is N12,500.

It now provides 7 additional rows for feed ingredients, making a total of 19.

Click to enlarge

Past buyers get this new version free.

Download the PDF guide from

How The New Ration Formulator Works

Included in the attached zipped folder along with the app is a workbook named “RF-Export.xls”.

This is where the Ration Formulator will export each of your derived formulas when you click the Export Formula button.

Please note that all 3 files (i.e the app, the export file and the PDF userguide) MUST always be kept in the same location when you’re using the Ration Formulator!


The app also enables storage, edit and export of derived ration formulas.

Click to enlarge

It is assumed that you will use the floating data entry form FIRST, to generate a new ration formula, before you try to store a formula using the newly introduced form.

So, before anything else, you MUST FIRST click the “Use Automatic Form” button. This will prepare the spreadsheet to allow changes you’ll be making via ANY of the floating forms.

When that form loads, if you have no wish to use it to generate a formula, close it.

(NB: If you do not do the above, you are likely to encounter problems making use of the new form for storing formulas.)

Next, proceed as follows:

1. Click button labelled “Store THIS Formula…” to call up the newly added formula storage/retrieval form.

2. Storing a formula:

To store the formula currently displayed in the Ration Formulation table, type the name you want to use for it into the “Name” field and click the “Store This Formula Here” button.

3. Deleting a formula:

Clicking the “Erase ” button will generate a confirmation prompt that you must click YES on, if you wish to have the corresponding formula and name erased.

You will visually notice the update done by the app, as the formula’s name is removed from the form to complete the process.

4. Don’t Forget To SAVE Your Formula:

You must click the “…Save Changes” button provided (and complete the saving process) BEFORE you exit or close the software, if you want any formula(s) you named or erased to be updated permanently.

Note that by defult, the new form will load the names for any formulas already stored when you call it up. You can always REPLACE or typeover such preexisting names to store a new formula. But the new formula will also replace the preexisting formula.

EXPORT FEATURE: See the PDF guide for full details of this and the above, complete with annotated screenshot images. should get it right soon, and it’ll be sent after full testing to all existing users.

Order The Least Cost Ration Formulator

I’ve now finished the user guide for the Least Cost Ration Formulator which a number of past buyers enquired about.

Apart from enabling a user set criteria (e.g. target protein, energy etc) and generate a least cost ration, it also comes with ALL the new features in the free upgrade version of the Basic Ration Formulator.

But it does even more, as it stores, edits and exports formulas in thousands.

Click to enlarge

This makes it potentially useful for consultants formulating rations for others.

Price = N25,000.00

As stated on my website purchases of N8,000 and above entitle buyers to a lifetime discount of 40% and one year membership of my Farm Biz Ideas online club.

That means you pay only N15,000 as a past buyer.

Videos and a PDF guide will be put up soon for this latest product.

Essential Features Of Broiler Starter Rations

This is the first post in an enlightenment series I’ve decided to progressively publish on my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas. Other posts in the series will follow, for Broiler Finisher Ration, Chicks Starter Ration, Growers’ Ration and Layers’ Ration.

NB: The series will be based – in part – on excerpts from my Feed Formulation Handbook.

Efficiency of Feed Utilisation Is Critically Important

A key area to watch when looking to improve your broiler operation’s efficiency and profitability is the efficiency of feed utilisation. This is determined to some extent by the genetic strain of the birds used in your broiler production process. Once you get the birds on site however, you’ll have to make do with whatever performance they can deliver.

That’s why you will need to pay serious attention to supplying the birds with feed that facilitates optimal feed to flesh conversion by your birds.

With respect to the above, broiler chicks differ from layer chicks in that they have relatively higher protein (between 22 – 24%)* and energy (3,000 – 3,200 kcal/kg of ration)* requirements. To achieve proper amino acid profile balance, fish meal is required at 5 to 7%* of broiler feed. And an energy booster may sometimes be added in form of oil, to the feed, but this should not generally exceed 5%*.

The obvious reason for this is their need to achieve rapid growth to table size within a short period of 8 weeks or less.

The broiler’s need for high feed utilization necessarily implies that feed it consumes be fairly low in fibre content. The foregoing greatly enhance digestibility of the feed for broilers – as does a calcium level kept between 0.6 to a maximum of 0.8%*, and a phosphorous level of 0.4 to 0.6%*.

Avoid Costly Mistakes: Formulate Your Own Broiler Rations

As can be seen from the above, quite a number of parameters need to be tracked towards achieving productive feeding of commercial broilers.  And given the time sensitive nature of this venture, it goes without saying that you cannot afford to make avoidable mistakes especially where it relates to feeding.

Apart from feeding the birds with the right ration formula, you also want to avoid spending more than you should. Otherwise, when it’s time to go to market with your market ready birds, you may be looking at slimmer and less profitable margins – or indeed a loss.

You can take care of the above concerns by doing what more profit and performance conscious farmers now do: Start making your own feed for your animals. That way, you can be sure they’re getting the nutrients you want them to get, in the quantities they need to get them.

Aim For Least Cost Rations: Use Automation To Reduce Errors And Save Time/Effort

However, because feed formulation and compounding can be a tasking exercise, you may wish to employ some automation in doing them repetitively. For instance, to achieve the twin desirable goals of balanced feed for your broilers, and the least cost, a mathematical programming model would come in handy.

Some people use linear programming. Others use the diagrammatic Pearson Square Computation method. Both these methods have been successfully incorporated into spreadsheets that make their use less intellectually demanding.

The idea here is to use the computer to generate the cheapest possible broiler ration that has all the key features mentioned above. That kind of ration is called a Least Cost Ration. And it is quite different from a lowest priced ration. Read more about it in my article titled “A Key to Livestock Farming Success”.

Final Words: To Feed Them Right, Know Your Broilers’ Actual Nutrient Needs!

What you need to keep in mind is that successful use of the above methods and relevant automation will depend greatly on your sound knowledge of the “essential features of YOUR broiler starter ration”!

Like I have said elsewhere, no two farms will ever function exactly alike. There will always be differences in modes of operation, and standards of performance.

Your farm will be equally unique in that regard. So, you must do your homework and ensure the data you use for your planning and computations towards feeding and managing your broilers are accurate and reliable. Otherwise, your broiler farm’s output will be disappointing in the long run.

*PS: The nutrient values mentioned in this article are general estimates based on the author’s observations and experiences.  It goes without saying that they are not representative of what obtains for feed used on all broiler farms.

Get The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

This new version allows you to:

1. Include 7 EXTRA feed ingredients in your rations.
2. Store 3 FORMULAS you derive for future recall/refinement
3. Export your stored formulas into a separate workbook!

A new PRO VERSION goes even further to allow you specify target values for your ration’s protein, energy, calcium, fibre etc. After that, a single click automatically generates a Least Cost Ration Formula for you. I call it the "Least Cost Ration Formulator". (To understand why you should use a least cost ration and NOT a lowest-priced ration, read this article:

Send your enquiry, along with your name, and mobile phone number to tayo at tksola dot com. If you already own the basic Ration Formulator, you get the new upgrade version FREE. 

Get in touch: Call 234-803-302-1263.

Click to view larger screenshot

Fig 1 Above: Extended data form with currency specification, and a button for initiating addition of 7 extra ingredients (ADD INGR)

Click to view larger screenshot

Fig 2 – Above: New data entry form for adding 7 extra ingredients loaded by clicking "ADD INGR" button in Fig 1.

Click to view larger screenshot

Fig 3 – Above: New data form for STORING, RECALLING and EXPORTING derived ration formulas.

Knowing Why You’re In Business Can Make You Unstoppable

“When I got cut from the varsity team…in high school, I learned something. I knew I never wanted to feel that bad again. I never wanted to have that bad taste in my stomach. So I set a goal of becoming a starter on the varsity.
– Michael Jordan

What is your reason for being in (or wanting to go into) business as an entrepreneur? Maybe you realised you might never get as rich as you really want to be by remaining in paid employment. Maybe you have some ideas about how to change the world around you to a better place by introducing a new way of doing things (like me).

We can all usually find some compelling reason when we think deeply enough about it. The point is that one should KNOW why one wants to embark on this kind of journey. Knowing why you want to do it, as Jim Rohn said, makes it easy to know why you cannot give it up – ever!

Having Reasons Helps You Achieve Your Aims Faster

And that’s because it gives you conviction.

Some successful people have advised that you avoid making money your major focus. This is because, (from their experience) when you relentlessly pursue
your vision, success inevitably comes with significant monetary rewards (there are those who think differently of course). So,
why bother your self about it up front, they ask. That’s probably why Marsha Sinetar said, “Do what you love, and the money will follow”.

Know yourself! “For most successful entrepreneurs, the real motivation comes from within. Money should not be your motivation. The journey is the thing. Climbing the mountain, not reaching the summit, is what you remember and enjoy. It should be the challenges, the competition, the sense of accomplishment. If you have that inner drive and use it wisely, the money will come on its own.” – Fran Tarkenton (Former Football Star/Millionaire Entrepreneur)

Real Life Examples

My personal experiences so far – even from when I was in paid employment – also make me lean towards this line of argument. I used my ideas to help my former company manage her brewing operations better using my spreadsheet solutions development/problem solving. That earned me attractive career advancement opportunities. And they were accompanied of course with significant monetary and other benefits.

I also remember that many people used to ask me then how I thought all the time I spent collating brewing records on the computer could help me advance my career as a brewer. In their opinion, I needed to spend more time on the shop floor chasing
the men around to do the day’s job.

What they were blind to was the fact that I was already doing that – sometimes staying back in the brewery for extra 5 hours after completing my shift! Only thing was that I never really let on that I was. I had already decided that I wanted to turn around the data management and report generation done manually in the department, to an automated format.

And I had a reason for doing that. It was that I thoroughly disliked the idea of spending hours and hours over 3 or more days (as often happened then) doing weighted average calculations to determine performance indicators for week/month end reports.

Did I achieve my goal, you ask? Yes, I did –and got a lot of recognition for it in the process. But if you notice, my reason for embarking on that activity was initially to solve a problem I
personally found distasteful. So I had
a passionate drive to solve it. And I relished the challenge it presented me with.

In other words, I enjoyed doing it. But in the process, others found my alternative
to be something they also wanted. And that made my department adopt the packages/solutions I developed.

In entrepreneuring, it is generally recommended that your business idea be one that you are passionate about, and which solves a problem that others will appreciate. You usually identify such opportunities from those instances when you experience feelings of frustration/anger or dissatisfaction with a particular situation, product or service condition.

When you feel that way, you might find that others also feel the same, but have no idea what they can do to eliminate the problem. If you can provide that solution, it is likely to be readily accepted by others. You will have met a NEED.

“You must desire a lot of money and acknowledge that you are an entrepreneur in search of this reward. You must stick with it. Remember, the big winners suffer and ache through five, six, or seven years of highs and lows. You may
wind up in a business far from your original venture, but success is inevitable. ” – James Cook

I’ll end by saying if you don’t have a compelling reason for doing whatever it is you’ve chosen to do as an entrepreneur, you will not have enough motivation to keep from giving up
when things get tough.

“If you don’t do what you love you will fail, and fail big time.” – Michael Ross

4 Reasons To Make Writing Your Key Marketing Strategy

Are you charged with getting good marketing mileage for your company on a slim budget?

If yes, then writing offers potentially great rewards you may want to seriously consider.

This article discusses 4 advantages you stand to gain by using writing for your business promotion or marketing.

NB: I draw from my personal achievements and observations over the past six years.

It’s A Tested And Proven Strategy

For years, many smart thinking and results focussed website owners have used writing as a low cost strategy for building organic traffic and backlinks to their websites.

It’s a tested and proven strategy, that is implemented in various forms.

Examples include article marketing, ebook publishing, blogging – and probably most popular now is Guest Blogging.

Below, I Outline 4 Key Benefits You Can Reap From Using It

1. It’s Cheap – And Can Be FREE

Everyone loves to be able to get more done for less.

When done right, writing can deliver amazing marketing reach and impact for relatively little or no monetary investment.

Therefore, the only reason any serious minded business/website owner would NOT adopt this pocket-friendly method, would probably be a lack of time (or skill).

However, even the above mentioned limitations present no real problem.

And that’s because the benefits to be had would readily justify outsourcing the necessary writing to a competent (and ethical) content provider.

2. It Attracts The Attention Of Potential Buyers

“Potential buyers” are also referred to as “Pre-Qualified Prospects” I.e people who already nurse interests or needs related to the topics your write-ups cover.

If you do it right, your writing will be deemed useful and relevant to the needs of your target audience.

And that will reflect in the good quality traffic your website will receive.

By quality I mean that you will experience increasing views per blog post for instance, and also lower bounce rate (or longer times spent per visitor) and so on.

3. It Builds Credibility That Ultimately Facilitates Selling

When a reader sees that you are named as “Author” for an article or ebook she finds useful, she’s likely to regard you as an expert or authority on the subject covered in the write-up.

And as she discovers more of your writing, she’s likely to gradually become more positively disposed towards marketing offers inserted at strategic points in the body of your written works.

What’s more, your readers likely mention you to others verbally, and possibly by sharing your published content to their social media contacts – thereby generating referral traffic to your website.

Some of that “attention” will eventually translate into sales leads, that you may end up converting to actual sales.

4. It’s Timeless Marketing & Therefore Never Expires

Except you run foul of guidelines set by your host or the search engines, any writing you publish (on or off the web) will remain accessible indefinitely.

And if you take care to make your articles evergreen (by avoiding time limited topics or themes), your write-ups will continue working for you for years to come.

That’s unlike other expensive business promotion strategies which promise quicker results, but have limited shelf lives.

Final Words

It goes without saying, that the benefits described above will happen (and keep happening), ONLY if you write regularly and consistently.

Otherwise your visitors will eventually run out of new/regularly published write-ups to read, and eventually stop coming!

Sadly, the above point is a common reason why some people fail at using this strategy.

They start writing, but when quick results fail to come, they stop…often too soon.

What I have said above is based on authentic successes I have achieved for myself, and my clients, in using writing to market products and services across various industries and markets.

It’s important to note also, that the perspective I’ve adopted here is that of the average sales or marketing professional (whether self employed or in paid employment), who is NOT an SEO savvy web marketing professional.

In other words, as you progress, you will be looking to learn a few SEO strategies, to facilitate effective use of writing to drive your business promotion or marketing efforts – especially online – to higher levels.

You Need To Adapt To Succeed

“The majority of people are ready to throw their aims and purposes overboard, and give up at the first sign of opposition or misfortune.” – Napoleon Hill

The basic habits required for achieving LONG TERM success in business or personal life are generally the same (Note that the capitalised emphasis on “long term” is deliberate).

This article illustrates potential benefits of being habitually adaptable, using the true story of how I achieved my goal of improved fluency in spoken French, by spending 3 “challenging” weeks in Cameroon.

(NB: It ends with a link to a longer article that explains how I got stranded in Douala without money, and had to “adapt” by finding a way to return to Nigeria in a boat!)


In 1999, I travelled while on annual leave from my job as a Shift Brewer in Guinness Nigeria, to spend 3 weeks in Cameroon improving my spoken French by conversing with native speakers.

Earlier that year, I’d attended an intensive 3 month French Language Training Course conducted by Chi Valentine Alake, a highly entreprising Cameroonian who (was based in Nigeria at the time, and) ran a language school in Benin City, Edo state where I was based.

After my 3 months intensive classroom training ended, it was obvious I had major difficulty making basic conversation, despite my reading and writing proficiency.

So Valentine arranged for me to spend time in his country. The idea was that I needed to be in an environment where few people spoke English. That way I’d be forced to use my spoken French more often, and consequently improve.

(TIP: If you really want to be able to speak any language you learn in class, keep the foregoing tip in mind. It’s worked for me, and others I know. My experience based insights are documented in this ebook I published some years ago.)

I travelled by road for over 24 hours through rough terrain, from Lagos to Calabar, then through Ikom (a border town in Nigeria) to Ekok (in Cameroon). From there, I took a car going to Kumba, and finally a bus that arrived in Douala.

Below: Picture of my passport showing stamped immigration border control passes with dates for my entry to and exit from Cameroon. Note the stamp to the extreme left with ORON control printed in it. As I stated in my article I came by by Sea via Idinao port in Cameroon, to Oron, in Nigeria.

Click  to view full sized version of my passport showing stamped immigration border control passes with dates for my entry to and exit from Cameroon. Note the stamp to the extreme left with ORON control printed in it. As I stated in my article I came by by Sea via Idinao port in Cameroon, to Oron, in Nigeria.

Adapting To Local Food & Living Conditions During My Stay

Over the next 3 weeks I spent time living in accomodation provided by my hosts in Douala and Yaounde respectively.

In the former, I learnt to eat interesting local dishes like Achu (made from Cocoyam) and a kind of snack called “Bobolo” made of solidified starch moulded into a long pipe shape. This went down well with roasted or fried fish.

Everyday I went out to Marche Mokolo (French for “Mokolo Market”), where I spent time trying to converse with traders.

I also walked long distances around town to social spots like restaurants, bars and sports centres. Wherever I found myself, I readily embraced the ways things were done.

As a result people warmed up to me and taught me new words in addition to showing me places I would never have discovered on my own.

When I told my hosts of the places I’d been and what I’d learnt, they were often impressed that they did not have to take me around or assign me a guide. This especially since it was my first visit to their country.

I Move To Yaounde

A week into my stay, Valentine’s sister arranged for me to move to Cite Verte (pronounced “see tay vert”), where her older sister lived with her lawyer husband.

Compared to the Doula home I had lived in, this was an upscale neighbourhood.

In no time I settled in and began going out daily to interact with locals in the market places, recreational centers, bus parks etc.

Just like I’d done in Douala, I quickly made friends, and soon established a routine for my visits. The people were always so friendly. And whenever they learnt I was visiting to practise my spoken French, they were often pleased and keen to help.

Living In Mendong In Yaounde Countryside

When it was about 10 days to the end of my stay, my hosts arranged for me to spend a few days with a childhood friend of Valentine’s.

He lived in an area on the outskirts of Yaounde called “Mendong” (pronounced with the “g” silent).

Being a bachelor (like I was), Eduj naturally lived alone and cooked his own meals.

So we found an instant connection as we lived together in his small apartment.

Over the weekend, he taught me to make Groundnut Stew. And I also got a taste of life close to what obtained in rural areas.

For instance we had to walk a distance to fetch water for drinking and bathing from a large volcanic water spring used by dwellers.

Each day he went to work, I also left to explore the area’s social spots. And I again soon found willing helpers and friends.

At a point, three guys who ran a used books store began leaving me there to attend to buyers, who most times spoke no english.

I had to really struggle to understand and respond in coherent French to the various purchase enquiries.

The little kids who came looking to buy French versions of various popular comics and novels, enjoyed laughing at my awkward efforts!

That particular experience greatly boosted my spoken fluency. When I got back to Benin city, Valentine readily noticed the improvement.

Attending A Youth Conference In Oballa

I eventually moved back to Cite Verte. But before I left Yaounde to return to Douala in the last days of my stay, I followed directions on a flyer to attend a conference organised by members of a “President Biya’s Youth Movement” in a distant town called Oballa.

It took hours to get there and back. I returned to my hosts’ place at Cite Verte much later than usual that day (about 10p.m).

They were starting to get worried. When I told them where I’d been, they expressed surprise that I’d had the courage to go that far on my own.

Final Words: Being Adaptable Can Help You Overcome Business Challenges & Setbacks

My return trip to Nigeria at the end of my 3 week stay would however take longer, and was less straight forward.

That was because on the day I was to return home, I made the shocking discovery that I had to travel back without money I’d planned to use!

Thankfully, I made it back – by once again adapting to that unexpected development. (See details in my article titled “How I Travelled To Nigeria – 12 Hours Overnight By Sea, Under Heavy Rainfall, In A Leaky Boat – From Douala, Cameroon, Despite Having No Money!“.

After I’d returned to Nigeria for about two weeks, Valentine’s sister (in Yaounde) wrote him an email in which she mentioned me.

He called my attention to a paragraph in which she said
“Your friend is so adaptable. We were quite impressed with him.”

It’s this same habit of being adaptable that’s helped me routinely and repeatedly overcome every challenge or setback I’ve encountered since becoming an entrepreneur ten years ago.

Without it, I’m certain I would have been overwhelmed by the multiple bouts of adversity I have survived to get where I am today.

With it, one always feels s/he can find a way to make things work out okay. No matter how bad they look!

If you have not already formed this habit, I strongly encourage you to work at it as you begin your business activities in this new year.

The best part is that everything you need is already inside you: it’s just a mindset you need to develop.

You’ll start thinking up ways to make the most of any situation that confronts you in running your business – or indeed your life.

That would be much better than throwing your hands up in frustration – or surrender – like most people often do!

Reduce Your Customer Acquisition Cost (Lessons From My 4 Week Sales Prospecting Experiment)

What if you could spend less money, time and effort to get the same or even more people to buy your products and/or services?

You’d like that wouldn’t you? Well, so would many others who are just like you and me.

The question is how can one make that happen – especially on a continuing basis? This article offers lessons from a 4 week sales prospecting experiment I recently concluded, for you to consider.

To Stay In Business, You Must Keep The Sales Coming In

As a profits focussed business owner, probably the most important activity that should dominate your thinking is generating sales leads, and converting them.

Even a poorly managed business is likely to remain profitable if it makes regular sales.

It is however crucially important to always look beyond your revenue, to quantify profit margins accruing from sales you make.

Without substantial and sustained profits, any business will struggle to withstand unexpected market changes e.g drops in demand, hikes in costs etc.

Making Regular Sales Requires A Reliable Sales & Marketing Strategy

How do you currently go about finding buyers? Your adopted approach will most likely depend on what you sell…and where you sell it.

For instance, my main income generating products are my feed formulation handbook and software.

But unlike my counterparts in other parts of the world, the relatively lower Internet awareness amongst my target population here in Nigeria/Africa, makes it necessary, for me, to go the extra mile to win each prospective buyer’s trust.

This requirement makes the process of selling potentially tiring!

And that’s why my use of an intelligent Web Marketing System (WMS) to generate prequalified sales leads, has been massively time, effort and cost-saving.

Basically, what this means is that I’ve setup a self-sustaining network of web based resources that almost literally “herd” people most likely to be interested in buying my products to me.

And I’ve found over the past five years or so that closing sales with prospects that come through this channel is at least 4 times easier and faster. That is compared to when I have to deal with a prospect I initiated contact with.

The results from my recent little experiment (described below) are the proof I need to justify sticking with using my WMS to make buyers come to me, over going out to “chase” potential buyers who’ve never heard of me or my offering.

It’s MUCH Easier To Sell, When You Make Buyers Come To You

And if you can setup a system to make the above happen, your sales conversion rate will dramatically improve, even as you do less work to make it happen e.g fewer phonecall or email follow ups, shorter explanations to convince prospects etc

Like I’ve said above, I use a WMS that I periodically tweak, based on the results I get, to make the above happen as frequently as possible.

Of course, when a good opportunity presents itself, I still seize it to close sales through other channels.

The truth is however that up to 90% of the sales of my above mentioned handbook and software happen via leads generated by my WMS.

Little wonder that I am so generous in investing my time, efforts and resources in diligently nurturing this low cost but high impact marketing system on a DAILY basis!

Proof That You’ll Close More Sales If You Make Prospects Come To You (My 4 Week Sales & Prospecting Experiment)

Sales results show clearly that people buy more readily from a person they approached by themselves (after studying her/her offering). And they are significantly less willing to be sold, when the seller (you) is the one who makes first contact.

You can put the above knowledge to use, in a way that boosts your selling productivity.

Recently, over a 4 week period, I conducted a little field experiment that lends credence to the argument I’ve made above.

What I did was to “work through” two different lists of potential buyers for my feed formulation handbook and software.

Group 1: Comprised over 200 past visitors to my Farm Business Ideas website, who had taken the step of submitting a request via the web contact form provided.

I should add that some of those on this list had already purchased at least one product from me in the past.

It is also worth noting, that in using the contact form, they’d agreed to have their email addresses added to my mailing list. Which meant they had be receiving my regular article and newsletter email broadcasts.

Group 2: Comprised a mixture of over 300 fish farm business owners, aquaculture consultants, as well as equipment and feed suppliers.

Their professional and contact details were published in a PDF Directory compiled under the auspices of the USAID and made available for free download online.

Neither group had any idea of what I was doing. Indeed I must confess that I did not start out to conduct this comparison.

Here’s how it happened:

You see every December/January, I normally run a special promo in which I offer my opt-in newsletter subscribers discounted prices and bundled product packages. In the last 2 years before this it’d been quite successful, with over 30% of subscribers taking up my offers.

When I stumbled upon the USAID directory, I felt those listed there would also be interested in my products.

So I decided to contact a selected number of them directly with a variant of the offer I’d prepared for my subscribers for this year end.

It was only after the second week of weirdly long and mostly unproductive cold calls and follow up sales conversations that I realised members of this group were not as ready as those on my website database.

I recalled that closing sales with persons who’d contacted me (via phone or email) after exposure to my WMS often took no more than 2 conversations.

Yet, after two weeks, NOT one of the 20 USAID prospects I’d chosen to “cold call” two weeks earlier had placed an order.

That was when the idea came to me to push my offer to both groups and compare their responses in terms of orders placed.

Below I Discuss Some Of My Findings

1. Number of Phonecalls Before Order:

For every single call I placed to a prospect chosen from Group 1, I had to place at least four to each prospect from Group 2.

2. Duration of Sales Conversations:

Group 1 candidates typically required a maximum of 3 minutes to listen to, and ask questions about my offer.

Prospects from group 2 often “hemmed and hawed” a lot as they asked questions about the offer. They typically took 3 to 5 minutes to speak to.

3. Follow Up:

Both groups readily consented to having me email full details of the offer to them.

However only amongst group 1 prospects did I get positive responses to my attempts to follow up with them.

In over 90% of group 2 cases, after getting the email, they stopped taking my call.

That was a huge contrast to group 1 respondents who even called back (or sent SMS via phone) for payment details. And they went on to pay too.

The 10% in group 2 who did take my calls and/or called back never went on to make payment, even though they said they would.

Understanding The Contrasting Prospective Buyers’ Attitudes

The obvious reason was that the former (Group 1 prospects) were already familiar with my work.

For one thing, they had read up about my products and services when they’d first discovered me online.

Indeed, some had made hefty purchases at first contact with me (to show how powerful a WMS can be!), after which they became subscribers.

Others started out for a few years as subscribers before later making purchases from me.

In contrast, the Group 2 prospects had to evaluate my offer for the first time over a few weeks, towards taking a buying decision.

In other climes, that would probably not have posed a problem.

But in my peculiar socioeconomic environment (where gaining the trust of others to make them part with money can take years),it can be quite a tall order!

Little wonder that nobody in group 2 was convinced enough to buy in 2 weeks of follow up, while about 5% of those I’ve spoken with from group 1 have already taken it up!

Spend Less Money, Time & Effort To Make Sales: Use A WMS To Make Buyers Come To You

The above details clearly illustrate how effectively a WMS can help you achieve marketplace credibility, even as it boosts the reach and long term impact of your business promotion efforts.

You need a consistent web marketing platform to build relationships with potential buyers, and to command attention, interest and credibility.

If you want help setting a WMS up for your business, submit the contact form on this blog or email me via tayo at tksola dot com.

Free Farm Business Support

You do not want to miss this. Join My Farm Biz Ideas Club & Get Answers To Your Questions, free farm business ideas reports, PLUS 40% Discount To My Farm Biz Support Products & Services!

If you are a past buyer of at least N8,000 worth of my products, you are already entitled to ONE full year of membership – FREE.

Just call 234-803-302-1263 or email tayo at tksola dot com for details of what you need to do to complete your registration. Then start claiming your free gifts and discounted services and products – which will be personalised for you!

Interested? Just buy at least N8,000 worth of my products (e.g. my Feed Formulation Handbook) and you get ONE full year of membership, with multiple benefits – FREE.

Examples of benefits: You get most of my new PDF reports FREE (E.g. "How To Calculate Cost of Egg Production" and "Annotated Pictorial Introduction To Livestock Feed Ingredients" ) .

I will also be available to prepare feasibility studies and market research for you; help you develop custom spreadsheet software for running your farm or setup a Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS) for managing your farm, or a web marketing system to promote your farm business etc.

Click here to read the offer article in full …(You DO NOT Want To Miss This!)

Pay N10,500 (instead of N18,000) And Get My Feed Formulation Handbook And Software Bundle!

UPDATE(15th Jan 2013 at 11.57p.m Nigerian time): New price for the Feed Formulation Software (or Ration Formulator) is N12,500. The handbook remains available for N8,000!

The information below is relevant to my currently on-going year end bundled offer announced at the bottom of the following recent posts:

1. Can You Be Trusted?(Real Life Farm Business Sales Conversations With People Just Like You)

2. A World Bank Expert’s Tip On Feed Formulation

UPDATE(14th Dec. 2012 at 10.42a.m Nigerian time): Pay N10,500 and get the bundle – For 25 Buyers Only!

My attention has just been drawn to the fact that last year’s bundled offer price of N10,500 is what still appears on the FAQ/sales page here!

I have no idea what went wrong as I vividly recall updating that page before announcing this year’s N14,000 offer.

In light of the fact that many have already seen the lower offer, and as a gesture of goodwill, I’ve decided to bring the price down to N10,500.00.

This offer will however be for the first 25 persons who buy on or before midnight of 15th January 2013.

Once the offer expires the prices on that sales page will be updated to N18,000.

Send SMS with your name and email to me via 234-803-302-1263 to book your slot before all 25 are taken. You can also email your name and phone number to me via tayo at tksola dot com.