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Paying Tribute To 5 Experts Who Made Me

Note: This article is dedicated to the memory of the late – great – Zig Ziglar.

The list below includes experts whose ideas have influenced my development and progress, in a significantly positive way since 2001. It’s not exhaustive, and so I’ll likely do a sequel at a later date.

Why Am I Writing This Now?

I think it’s been about three years since I learnt of Jim Rohn’s passing. I felt bad that I never paid him tribute for the inspiration and education I got from reading his works. So, when Tom Ziglar announced that Zig had passed on, I resolved to write this piece, BEFORE all those I wanted to put on it passed on!

But no. The purpose is not to draw attention to myself.

That’s not how I’m wired. In fact, that’s why I’ve not really bothered to trim the length to make it more “appealing” to more people who likely prefer to read short (700 word) articles.

Sorry, if this is too long for you, but I have a lot to say about the great people I’ve mentioned here :-)

More seriously though, I’m writing this to tell others who – like me – are following in these experts’ footsteps, why they must NEVER stop doing what they are doing.

The road to becoming a “meaningful specific” (thanks to Zig!) can sometimes be hard and lonely. Achieving name recognition and relevance is unlikely to come easy. When you’re in the trenches, all muddied and bruised, it can be difficult to imagine anyone would be inspired by what you say or write.

Yet the irony of life – as Jim Rohn frequently pointed out – is that such suffering is what brings out the best in us. “It forces the human spirit to grow” to paraphrase Jim.

So when we share the wisdom from our tough experiences, others will often find them profoundly impactful. And they would be eager to read or hear more!

That’s why I’m writing this piece now.

To let you know that by continuing your work and never giving up, you’ll be helping others. The way the following experts helped me by doing the same thing!

5 Experts Who Help(ed) Me Achieve My Goals

1. Zig Ziglar – www.zigziglar.com

I read only two of Zig’s books: See You At The Top. And Over The Top.

Both made a tremendous impact on my thinking. I fully imbibed the philosophies advocated by Zig. To the extent that I quoted from him in a management research paper I published and presented at the Centre for Management Development. Later on, hungry for more, I subscribed to his online newsletter.

Zig lived what he preached in many ways. His kids are living proof of that. Tom Ziglar, for instance, is the closest to a case of re-incarnation I have ever come close to believing.

Zig seems to have successfully “transferred himself” into Tom. I personally get the feeling from reading the email broadcasts he sends out even now, that Zig is still there, somewhere, speaking through him.

It’s proof that Zig’s coached his kids well – effectively setting an example on successful parenting for the rest of us to follow. It’s not just about our lives, but the lives we help our children to create for themselves.

As his fellow Americans would say: Way to go Zig!

2. Burt Dubin – www.burtdubin.com

I’ve not put Burt on this list because I represent him in Africa, or due to my direct relationship with him.

Anyone who has read my writing, will see clearly that long before 2011, when we came together, I have often referred to him by way of quotes and excerpts from his works.

That was how compelling I found Burt’s wisdom. He is renowned as a mentor of paid international speakers. But as I have said to him, what he gives to people is MUCH more than that. Burt helps you make the most of who you are.

What I find most amazing is that if you apply yourself, just reading and applying his written ideas WILL make you achieve this outcome!

I know because I have done just that over the years. Most of the marketing strategies I have used to create a unique income generating niche for myself in a very difficult business environment were adapted from reading Burt’s ideas.

I have no apologies for listing Burt here.

His ideas, in my experience, transcend geographical and economic boundaries. They work ANYWHERE a person willing to diligently apply them can be found. And he’s stuck around – just like the others listed here – for quite some time, to the benefit of many…like me.

3. James R. Cook (Author of The Startup Entrepreneur– New York Times Best Seller)

Strange is what I would call my obsession with James Cook.

I have never even seen a picture of him, or read any other piece of writing by him. Just this one book he wrote – and that I bought in 2001, makes him a strong presence in my list of experts whose ideas helped me get where I am today.

Yet, when a journalist asked me what book I would recommend for a person starting out in business back in May 2012, I readily recommended James Cook’s book. I call that book “The Missing Chapters In Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich”. I’ve referred to him many times in my writing.

And I always emphasise that despite being written by an American who succeeded in business in America, the ideas in the book WILL help ANY diligent entrepreneur in an environment as harsh as mine.

To show how useful I found the book, today (years after losing my only copy), I can literally recall paragraphs from different pages of James’ book by heart.

I must have read that book from cover to cover, at least 10 times. Honestly! During my darkest periods as a startup, I got valuable guidance from the practical advice and instructive anecdotes in Mr. Cook’s book.

For that I am truly grateful to James R. Cook.

4. Jim Rohn – www.jimrohn.com

The late business philosopher is a legend in my estimation.

Up till now on Facebook, the quotes turned out on his page continue to resonate with me. I am constantly finding meaning in the messages contained in Jim’s books and on his website. Just like it happened with the other experts, most of his words simply got cemented into my consciousness.

I can regurgitate chunks of his writing that – in moments of adversity – so captivated my imagination with their relevance, that I memorised them.

Many who have related with me in person – friends, relatives and clients will confirm this.

When it comes to Jim, Burt, and James, you may not need to look for the book or article if you have me around.

Except I’ve never read it before. No exaggeration.

5. Michel Fortin – www.successdoctor.com

Now this man I discovered through his wildly popular eBook titled “Ten Commandments of Power Positioning”.

After Burt Dubin, I would say Fortin’s work – especially the voluminous eBook mentioned above – really helped me hit the ground running as a service provider back in January 2002.

My self-marketing materials were prepared based on diligent application of the concepts of Power Positioning and Top Of Mind Awareness described in his eBook.

From choosing the name of my company, the logo, tag lines, to my business cards etc. All of it was done with constant reference to that eBook.

And I have been so impressed with the results I’ve gotten from applying Fortin’s ideas. So much so, that I tell EVERY Web Marketing client I work with, to read that eBook at least twice, and then put the ideas s/he gets to immediate and consistent use.

Don’t STOP: Someone Out There Needs YOU To Keep Going!

The experts I acknowledge above, through their writing, gave me the education, and inspiration to keep going until I established my own momentum.

It was hard to keep up with them over the years though, as I struggled to establish myself in the harsh business environment of my society.

At one time, when I lacked the means to keep renewing it, I had to let my personal domain tksola.com (the email with which I subscribed to most of these experts’ mailing lists) expire.

As a result, I stopped receiving most of their mailings.

Two years ago, I revived the domain (and email address) when I re-launched my Speaking Service.

During those tough periods, I found it easy to keep going in spite of myriad challenges and setbacks, just from knowing that the experts listed above never stopped.

If they had, I would probably not have found (or re-discovered) them or their works to benefit from.

And as I’ve “kept on keeping on”(to paraphrase Burt Dubin) over the years, email and phone conversations with my readers (some have become customers), have revealed to me, that some people are depending on me NOT to stop as well!

They value what I am doing so much, that they talk about me to others. The latter visit my website and signup as well – stating “Referred by a friend” in the “How did you find this website field” on each of my website request forms.

That’s why it’s important NEVER to think lowly of yourself – or your efforts to achieve a worthwhile outcome. It may seem hard to believe, judging from the realities surrounding you at any point in time.

Know, however, that what you’re doing matters to some person(s) out there.

Keep going and you’ll give them a stab at success through learning from you. One day, one or more of them may just go out of her way to acknowledge you. Like I’m doing here for the above experts.

Final Words: See You At The Top!

I’ve come a long way since those early startup years. And I’ve gained a lot of experience and exposure as an entrepreneur, as well as content publisher and online marketer.

But without the foundation I built using the ideas I gleaned from the writings of the experts mentioned above, I may never have progressed the way I have.

I’m sure most – if not all – the above listed experts (with the possible exception of Burt) probably never even knew I existed all these years.

And that is the beauty of it all. You being able to impact other people who need help, from your own corner of the world. Without needing to know or meet them in person.

That’s what the late – great – Zig Ziglar did for me. So did Jim Rohn and the others listed above.

Most importantly, I’m already getting proof that I’m making a difference for others through my work.

I’m sure you know – from reading the above – that the same thing can happen to you too.

So, NEVER give up. NEVER stop.

No matter what anyone says. No matter who says it. Keep On Keeping On!

And soon, you’ll experience the fulfillment that comes from making the most of yourself!

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