E-mail your name, country, mobile number, occupation, & facebook/twitter URLs (if any) to tayo at tksola dot com, and I’ll send you a FREE copy of my detailed PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind.”
Category Archives: Entrepreneurship
How to Make Drinks You CAN SELL, from Peels of Pineapples & Nine (9) Other Fruits!
If you’re someone looking for a viable business venture to start, this is ONE I assure you cannot go wrong with.
Over the past 2 months, I’ve watched with growing frustration huge quantities of pineapple rind get thrown away by vendors who sell the fruit here in Calavi.
And I’ve often imagined that the same thing happens across the country.
Yet, a little knowledge about what can be done with these leftovers can easily create useful income generating employment for others – or enable the vendors earn additional income.
That’s why I’m really excited about this new service I’m launching!
Finally, I can offer ideas and support to people interested in making use of wastes from fruits like Pineapples and others, to earn decent income.
E-mail your name, country, mobile number, occupation, & facebook/twitter URLs (if any) to tayo at tksola dot com, and I’ll send you a FREE copy of my detailed PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind.”
You see, when I left Guinness to start my own outfit, I always planned to use my brewing background to complement my Agro-based activities. I’ve always wanted to launch my own range of “home brewed” drinks.
What I Offer
I intend to share elaborate details of how to setup different fruit based drinks production outfits on this blog. There will also be recipes of all kinds based on trials I’ll be conducting.
My purpose is also to encourage interested persons to consult or hire me to help them setup production units, or prepare feasibility studies for them.
And, I’ll also be helping myself in the process.
For instance, I’m already approaching potential investors to partner with me to start my own Pineapple peels-based drinks production outfit (with a unique twist I’m keeping to myself for now) here in Benin Republic. It’s going to happen soon.
So take a look at the flyer I’ve created below, and follow the instructions in it to take advantage of my offer.
The World Will Step Aside For YOU, If You Know Where You’re Going…But DO YOU?
“The world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going” – Abe Lincoln
Wise words, from a very great man, who survived serial failures for more than half of his life, to become president of the most powerful country on earth! Do you know where your life is headed? Have you found your purpose in life? Are you in the right business, or job? Are you studying the right course or learning the right skill(s)? This article describes detailed information – and a solution – that can help you.
2 Months Ago, I Became a Location Independent Entrepreneur
Saturday 1st June 2013 made it exactly 2 full months since I arrived in Benin Republic on my slow trip across West Africa.
It’s been interesting, and I’ve learnt a lot. Not just about this country, but also about the people, culture, the food, business life and even a little politics.
When I arrived here, I could already communicate in French, verbally and in writing.
However, it had been over 14 years since I last got exposed for a prolonged period of time, to people who could converse with me in that language.
So, I was naturally rusty. The last 2 months have seen me working hard to get back my fluency. And I’m succeeding tremendously.
In fact, my success has been so challenging to those I relate with here (very few speak any English where I’ve chosen to live), that some now insist they want to do what I’ve done.
So, now they try to speak to themselves in English, reminding each other playfully that if I can do it, they can as well. And I always tell them to go for it!
Are You Pursuing The Right Goals In YOUR Life?
This is one of the major messages I’m trying to pass to people through my work. YOU have within you the capacity to do anything you set your mind to.
Nothing can be worse than failing to achieve your God-given potential. Your creator himself would frown at you for it.
Each one of us has been gifted with certain unique abilities and talents, with which we are expected, indeed required, by our creator, to make the world a better place.
We are supposed to use our gifts to add value to others around us. And it is by so doing, that we will ultimately fulfill our purpose.
The vocation you settle on, should be one that enables you make the most of your God-given abilities to be of service to your fellow human beings.
Why Is It So Important To Choose The Right Goals?
Well, if the creator did not think it would make any difference, he would never have given you such unique abilities. We would instead ALL have the same abilities. But we don’t. So that’s a clue!
The problem is many of us grow up without being helped to identify what makes us special. And so with conditioning from our societies, we blend in with others, and lose our uniqueness.
Then when we later run into people who have discovered themselves, and are forging ahead in making an impact on the world, we marvel at their seeming awesomeness.
What we however fail to realize is that we possess a similar capacity to be awesome. Indeed, ALL of God’s creations have the SAME innate capacity to be awesome – EACH in a unique way!
When You Find Your Purpose, You Become Unstoppable!
The fact that your friend runs a restaurant business does not mean that what you should. You need to carefully evaluate the qualities you possess, to narrow down to what’s best for you!
That’s what I’ve done at every stage of my life. It helped me discover my purpose back in 1995, as a young Graduate Trainee in Guinness. As a result, I made myself a force to be reckoned with at the highest levels in that organization, within 5 years.
It’s the same process that I’ve followed since becoming an entrepreneur. You are reading this – ten years after I started – because I did find my purpose!
Once you discover your true purpose, everything changes. You develop a driving passion to progress it DAILY. And nothing that gets in your way daunts you. You literally become unstoppable!
My Coaching for Self-Discovery Service Can Help YOU
Sign-up for my “Situation Analysis” chat on Skype. The session lasts 30 minutes to one hour.
Apart from questions I’ll ask, and insights I’ll share with you, you’ll also get a 2 page PDF report from me 24 hours afterwards – specifically prepared for you, based on our chat.
It will contain a 4 week DAILY action plan. If diligently followed, that plan can help you make sense of where you are, and what you need to do to find your purpose, and gain fulfillment.
I offer no silver bullets. No one can.
However knowing practical steps to take, to discover your real purpose, can be a liberating experience.
You will no longer wonder if you’re doing the right stuff or not. You will be led to it.
And even if you’re already sure about your purpose, my report also includes real-world relevant tips about how to boost your capacity to fulfill your purpose.
Don’t let yourself waste away. Choose to unleash yourself on the world in a positive way today.
I can help you. Click here to sign-up for my Situation Analysis chat for starters.
How to Insure Yourself for Success (A Time Tested Solution)
To achieve long term success, you must keep going when things get tough, and avoid losing focus when the going is good. That’s easier said than done though! Which is why you need a guiding philosophy. Without it, even highly skilled and talented people have failed.
When inevitable “tests” of qualities like endurance and integrity came, they had nothing to draw on e.g. successful people who fell to scandals. Those who (re) discover or use it, however recover e.g. Tiger Woods. This article describes a time tested philosophy that has helped millions across the world – which you can also use.
A Time Tested Philosophy That Yields Balanced Success
This philosophy is contained in a free e-book titled “Science of Getting Rich”(SOGR) – authored by Donald Wattles in the early 1900s.
Keep in mind that “riches” mentioned go beyond material possessions, to include good (physical, mental and emotional) health, relationships, spiritual well being etc. YOU are to achieve success in all those dimensions. Nature abhors imbalance.
It was in 2002 that I first got a copy of the SOGR PDF e-book.
I will confess that when I first read it, nothing happened. There was no mind blowing revelation.
This happened because – as Napoleon Hill said in “Think and Grow Rich” – I was not ready for the truth.
(This may also be your experience at first – but keep it with you, and one day you will be ready).
Fast forward one year after I started my business (i.e. 2003), and I was – ready that is.
I’d received my baptism of fire from the University of Hard Knocks as a start-up entrepreneur. And I was looking for help and answers – to many challenges I faced.
So I read everything: James Cook’s “Start-up Entrepreneur”, Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, and other books, including countless articles on the web.
Then one day I stumbled on the CDROM (given to me at a conference I attended the year before) containing the SOGR e-book.
This time around the words in the e-book came alive to me. By the time I devoured the first chapter on the PC, I knew I had to have it in print.
TIP: I suggest you do the same. Download and print out your copy of this free e-book. Then use a highlight pen to mark blocks of text you wish to recall.
I’ve since given the e-book to more people than I can remember.
NB: This is not a religious thing. And it does not require changing your religious preference in any way. If anything, it will complement it. When you read the book, you’ll see what I mean.
Here’s what I’ve (so far) learnt from applying the SOGR successfully in my life and business…and from sharing what I learnt with others so they can do the same:
1. There Is No Room for Doubts or Biases
The SOGR will work for you, IF you apply it with what the author called “ABSOLUTE and UNQUESTIONING FAITH“.
Wattles states the above as a fundamental requirement. It won’t work if you don’t do it!
So, dispense with any doubts or biases – and grab this with both hands.
2. Do It Right, and You’ll Experience Many Useful “Coincidences”
Something amazing will begin to happen when you diligently do it. The emphasis on “diligently” is deliberate.
Strange – but pleasant – coincidences (benefits you seek, when most needed!) will occur often.
Others who use the SOGR have reported similar experiences for decades. The uninitiated will marvel at your unusual ability to harvest “good fortune” in seemingly hopeless situations.
This true story proves some of us even unconsciously apply SOGR. The book will equip us to do it more deliberately, for more predictable results.
It takes some doing, but it works. You simply need to do it consistently.
This is no exaggeration. Over 10 years of applying this philosophy to better achieve my goals, makes me say this with conviction. Lord knows I would not have gotten this far, doing what I do, without the SOGR!
3. Continually Visualise What You Want, Even When the Opposite Is Your Current Reality
Years of re-reading this book, have led to certain blocks of text in it being imprinted in my memory.
Whenever I need an inspirational boost in the face of adversity (e.g. unforeseen challenges in a new country), I draw on this mental reserve. It enables me continue THINKING and ACTING in the CERTAIN WAY as prescribed in the book.
The following is a quote I took from that “reserve” in sharing on this subject with someone in a recent discussion:
“To think riches in the midst of the appearances of poverty requires power…But whoever acquires this power becomes a master mind…He can conquer fate, and have whatever he wants.”
The above excerpts will be found, if I recall correctly, in Chapter One.
Memorize them.
They will provide valuable inspiration when you most need it. Believe me. I’ve been there!
4. How to Get Started With the SOGR, & Make Useful Progress
Visit Rebecca Fine’s SOGR website to download your copy (join the forums too).
Read the book repeatedly. Aim to know most parts by heart. That way, anytime you need to drink from its deep well of wisdom, you will be able to do so literally at will.
You’re bound to make rapid progress in using the SOGR when you do this.
For even better results, make notes you can consult, and also build a CMI (i.e. “Clear Mental Image”) of your desired outcome.
Read Rebecca Fine’s “What the heck is a CMI ?” in the forums.
5. Signs That Will Confirm You’re Doing It Right
Please understand that the SOGR is not a promise of overnight success.
You will reap the benefits you seek if you follow the prescribed steps. How well you do that (and how ready your creator determines you are to move to the next stage), will determine your rate of progress.
a. The most important sign that you’re doing it right, will be the peace of mind you’ll suddenly discover to be yours.
This will be a direct outcome of you understanding the eternal truth that there is no scarcity. That only abundance exists for you.
In essence, you’ll know you need not compete, or hurry, to get what you want.
b. Another sign will be the earlier mentioned coincidences.
I stopped believing in coincidences when I began using the SOGR.
You will also discover that coincidences you experience are not normal. As the book promises – they will be solutions created and delivered to you from “your creator”, in response to your diligently thinking and acting in the certain way.
c. All the additional nice benefits you seek in life will ultimately make their way to you, as long as you continue to do it right.
I wish you well as you begin to use the SOGR.
PS: Go get the life changing PDF e-book now – it’s free.
PPS: And here’s an admonition from the author worth bearing in mind as you begin: “Do not…get into arguments upon the matter.” – Donald Wattles
PPPS: Lastly, I remind you that the SOGR is not a religious philosophy. And it does not require changing your religious preference in any way. If anything, it complements it. When you read it, you’ll see what I mean!
F-Y-I: Google Confirms Hacker Attacks On This Website
I’ve periodically announced the fact that I believe that – this website (spontaneoudevelopment.com) – is a target of selectively orchestrated online attacks. Well, this past Wednesday 22nd May 2013, I got a detailed email from Google Web master Support confirming some of my suspicions.
Below is the detailed hacker email alert sent me by Google, and also the email I’ve since sent to my web host – in line with the advice given by Google.
I’ve also already commenced taking action to clean out the mentioned sites.
(Yesterday a power blackout lasting from about 8.30a.m till 10pm across Benin Republic meant I was unable to start earlier).
Here’s My Understanding Of The Discovery Made By Google About Attacks On My Websites
I’m sharing all this information to help others, who now, or in future, may have similar experiences. It always helps to read about what others faced, and measures they took to recover.
The malicious code discovered on my websites by Google, was found to be (selectively) redirecting people who visit my website to possible scam – or spam – websites.
So, when someone visits my website from Google, they may even get a virus or malicious code warning about my website. And this will make the intending visitor quickly leave! They never arrive at that page. But I won’t know its happening.
In the meantime, Google will exclude that page from their searches – and I will receive less visits, enquiries and subscribers. That’s been happening – but my consistent blogging has helped cushion the effects a little bit.
See how complicated this whole issue is – and it’s devastating effect on my ability to earn more income?
Additional Insights Into The Negative Impact Of This Hacker Attack
It’s with this Google confirmation that I’m now able to put 2 and 2 together, to make sense of the strange experiences I’ve been having.
Burt Dubin has – as usual – kindly written in, on learning of this new development. My thanks to him – and my friends/family – for all the moral support, as I tackle these different efforts to pull me down (and they are MANY I tell you – without exaggeration).
There’s a consistent odd/tell tale trend I’ve noticed in these attacks. And those I’ve pointed it out to agree with me, that it is a good sign that these attacks are being done (or sponsored) by people who know me, and who want to discredit me. They are not the usual random attacks.
For instance, specific pages and documents on my website (e.g. my PDF resume, learning event PDF flyers and other pages specifically used to showcase my products and services for sale) are selectively attacked – not the entire website!
They also attacked my popular articles (which I still have on HTML pages) that attract a lot of readers. Those pages used to come up in Google, now they don’t.
The obvious purpose is to prevent me from gaining enough credibility to convert more visitors into buyers (like I did with the Canadian Farm Project Manager priest – to their surprise I’m sure).
It’s even affected my efforts to gain marketing traction for my learning events and new products here in Benin Republic. I’ve had so many in-person meetings that started out looking promising.
Then we would part by exchanging cards, and the prospects would promise to visit my website as agreed, in readiness for a follow up meeting.
As you can imagine, a visit to the website that results in a virus warning or a scam offer will NOT inspire any confidence in a prospect to pursue furthr relations with the owner!
Now consider the REAL possibility that ALL those I’ve been sending my Guest Posts, English-French Guide CDROMs and Seminar proposals to have been having that experience?!!
Our Websites Need To Be Protected – And We Will Often Need All The Help We Can Get
I’m not giving details of the solution I’ve settled on.
But the trends I’ve noticed in these attacks strongly suggest implementing it will make a lasting world of difference. Where I’ve been using this planned solution, I’ve NEVER had this problem, so I intend to simply extend it to the rest of the website.
Sadly, all this has prevented me from building on my success from a few months back.
It took a lot of work to get that far. I’d continued work to build on it. But I found it so strange that everything just came to an almost complete halt.
Google has now helped show why this happened, with this email advice they sent me. I’m now working hard to clean up the entire website to (as they correctly put it) protect my visitors/users.
Most of what I’m trying to achieve in my business (online and off the web) depends on how my website presents me.
That’s where I put up most of my marketing material to support even my offline efforts. Today, people readily Google you, and check your website out to make up their minds.
Mine has helped me earn decent income (and achieve great marketing mileage/exposure) while spending VERY little – even from Nigerians who find it hard to trust themselves talk less of others.
They’ve sent me money from different parts of the country. I have CEOs in Lagos, Niger, Kano, Ibadan and other places who own businesses (e.g. farms, and other companies) that have bought my handbook and subscribe to my newsletter, and are now friends but we’ve never met!
Someone I’d never met before even sent N35,000 (approx. $230 USD) into my bank account, two full weeks before travelling from over 8 hours away in Akwa Ibom, to meet me in Lagos. It was on a Saturday, and I spent about 4 hours putting him through practical Feed Formulation at a feed mill in Oko Oba, late last year.
Why Would A Stranger Send Me Payment 2 weeks Ahead For An In-Person Training? It Was Simply Based On What He Read On My Website.
And That’s How Powerful Your Writing Can Be!
If you own a website, you probably depend on it to achieve similar goals.
That’s why when your website is not in a good state of health, your chances of making useful progress are limited.
So, this kind of attack is something we all need to protect ourselves against. And we will often need all the help we can get to do so successfully.
When focussing on the serious business of attracting clients for your services, it can be annoying to discover “hidden”
attacks like these diluting one’s efforts. This has been an on-going battle for close to 2 years now.
Everytime I
clean it out, they come right back. I’m determined to make this
the last.
I’m grateful for the support provided by Google via their Webmaster tools email alert, and for my web host (Hostgator)’s usual amazing support.
PS: Oh, by the way, I know the “bad guys” are on my newsletter mailing list, and also possibly tune in via RSS etc. So they’re always lurking, with malicious intent.
Well, Here Are Some FINAL WORDS for Those Haters to Chew On…
A proverb in my language (Yoruba) says:
“Ota o le pa kadara mi da. Won kan le fa owo ago pada si ehin ni”
Literal translation: Enemies/haters/evil-doers cannot change my destiny. They can only pull the hands of the clock backwards”.
Contextual translation: “People who try to hurt/stop you can never succeed unless you let them. The best they can do is to slow you down. Eventually, if you don’t stop, YOU will wear THEM down.”
And of course, I hope you know that your “destiny” is what you make of it?
Yes it is!
Like Williams Jennings Bryan said…
“Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice. Not something to wish for, but to attain.”
Sigh. If these guys knew where I draw my inspiration from, they would have quit long ago. But becasue they are so DAFT, they persist in wasting their time.
How do you stop a guy who simply does not understand how to give up?
Your best bet is: Shoot him…and make sure you don’t miss!
The problem you will have is MY creator will not let ANYONE succeed in doing that to me.
Evil can never triumph over GOOD. Falsehood can never defeat TRUTH. Period.
So “haters”, if you can find better things to do with your time, I’d really advise you do SO NOW. You will NOT win this war. I’m in this to the end – and by then I’ll be the last one standing. Believe it.
3 Things an Entrepreneur Must Not Do to Succeed
Don’t shoot yourself in the foot, and deny yourself useful progress in your business. As much as possible, avoid doing any of the 3 things discussed in this article.
1. Don’t Wait For Connections to Make Progress: Get Out & Make Things Happen Instead!
Sometimes who you know matters more than what you know. But some of us may have to start without knowing anyone that matters. Even when we try to meet such people, we may get repeatedly snubbed.
I suggest you adopt the mind set that if you cannot connect with someone who can make things happen for you, keep going all the same, till you make a way for yourself.
Twice I got myself TV exposure on prime time without knowing anyone in my startup year. I’ve since lost interest in that medium for getting marketing exposure I need for my service and products.
At the time when I needed it however, I found a way to access it at zero cost. Since I knew no one, I simply had to get creative, and believe in myself. On both occasions, I took action on ideas that came into my head.
In the first instance the Programmes Manager – Mr Ola Fajemisin (who I’d never met before) – simply looked at my proposal, listened to my request and referred me to someone in his department.
The second time, I delivered a copy of my “Proven 5-Step Formula” language book to him, with a letter proposing a possible TV program to be titled “How to learn ANY Language in 3 months or less”. After reading through the book, he again referred me.
In both instances that I got on the show, all I did was “ask”!
Okay, maybe some people would say getting to be a guest on a TV show is no big deal. But I do know that quite a lot of people would actually prefer to approach someone they think has the “connections”, to get them on the show.
In some parts of the world people pay publicists/PR people to do this work. If that works for you, go for it. The ideas I’ve offered above may appeal to people with limited funds.
Here’s a more recent example: When I relocated here in Benin Republic on 1st April 2013 , I knew no one. And no one knew me. Yet less than 2 weeks later, I had people who went out of their way (asking nothing in return) to help me secure accommodation at a fraction of the standard rate. These were everyday people I had known for only 24 to 48 hours. Yet they stuck their necks out to convince those in charge.
If I’d waited to meet “influential” people, I may have been less lucky!
2. Don’t Cut Corners – It’ll Come Back to Haunt You
I once met a group of young people, who had gotten through their schooling years – including gaining admission to university – by either cheating in exams or “buying” their grades from teachers/lecturers.
These guys had “learnt” a crooked way to get what they wanted. They only needed to know what to give the person in charge (that’s one kind of “connection” – but a dishonest one).
So, when I told them I could teach them how to prepare for – and pass – exams in the university, they laughed in my face. Why? Because they believed the same strategy would help them get passing grades.
Some people who do business have a similar mental attitude.
They cannot be bothered to invest time and effort in learning the ropes of marketing their products and services effectively. Instead, they actively establish “connections” with corruptible elements in their target client companies for instance. Once there, they simply buy their way to the juiciest contracts.
The truth is however that making a crooked entry into business can be costly in the long run. You might get away with it initially, but it could come back to haunt you years after.
Among other things, you would become incapable of sharing your “success secrets” with other entrepreneurs. That’s because you will be too embarrassed to admit what you did to get ahead.
Entrepreneurs who cut corners in this manner can be notoriously difficult to engage in open conversation about the HOW of building a business from the ground up.
Many times they will avoid accepting invitations to coach aspiring entrepreneurs. This is because they lack a reproducible success formula they can confidently pass to others. And that’s the price you pay when you cut corners: a lack of REAL know-how or expertise!
Authentic success is ALWAYS reproducible. That’s why Robert Kiyosaki’s books and learning events made him so popular!
3. Don’t Hero-Worship Successful Entrepreneurs You Connect With – Add Value to Them Instead!
Finally, what happens if you do connect with entrepreneurs who can make things happen for you?
I suggest avoid becoming a yes-man or robot doing anything they tell you. Hero-worshipping successful entrepreneurs/persons will not do you any good.
Remember that they are flesh and blood – human – just like you. You can (and should!) admire them, and learn from them.
But do not swallow everything they say as “God’s” truth.
Question things they tell you – sometimes outwardly (but politely!), and at other times, in your mind – before you apply them.
It is in your interest to retain conscious use of your senses whenever you’re with such people.
That will enable you make the most of the opportunity to interact with them. Never think you have nothing to offer. Challenge yourself to intelligently engage them in conversation about issues that arise.
Chances are good that you’ll contribute useful insights at some point.
Doing so can earn you their respect. And that could make them open even more doors of opportunities for you!
FYI: Orchestrated Sabotage Campaign Against This Website
The email (in the screenshot below) is a 419 – that is scam – message being circulated disguised as if it’s from my website email (tayo at spontaneousdevelopment.com).
Believe it or not, this one came right into my inbox yesternight – got me wondering why I would send myself an email, till I read the contents…
Click the screenshot below to view my detailed illustration
This is the 1st bit of proof I’m getting to confirm the suspicions I’ve had that my work online is being sabotaged.
2 days ago, I discovered one of the websites I’ve earned income from had deleted my account without notice*
NB: Just this evening, I got a response from the above mentioned website to my enquiry saying my account had been reactivated. (See screenshot below). So that’s ONE less to worry about. But the big matter of the scam emails above remains…
Earlier LinkedIn.com locked my account accusing me of “suspicious activity”.
This has been a serious running battle for me for a while.
A group of people are orchestrating these attacks to stop the obvious growth of my website traffic, and my profile.
These are mostly sponsored attacks. And it’s difficult to trace them
See (below) the links to articles I’ve had to publish on my website each time I’ve been punished for what I did not do as above.
Below the links is a message I included in an application I just submitted to a network. It gives details.
1. http://spontaneousdevelopment.com/sdnuggets/if-you-cant-find-me-on-linkedin-com-heres-why/
2. http://spontaneousdevelopment.com/sdnuggets/how-to-unmask-defeat-blood-sucking-vampires/
One thing is certain. They can never stop me.
==BELOW: The message I submitted to an online forum in which I had to warn the owners about the above situation==
I need to say this.
I’m having a running battle getting some bad guys off my back with regard to my website and blog. It’s costing me access to income earning and reputation building networks.
If you accept me into this forum PLEASE know that I do NOT do any kind of spamming, scamming or illegal stuff online.
LinkedIn.com and now constant-content.com (where I used to earn income as a writer) have recently locked me out of their websites.
I still do not know why – but LinkedIn replied to say they noticed “suspicious activity” in my account.
Just this evening I got a fake lottery email I apparently sent to myself from my domain based email (tayo at spontaneousdevelopment.com)!
Then it began to make sense!!
Basically they use my emaill address in place of the name for the sender.
Except for Internet savvy recipients, who think to check the email BEHIND the sender name (which they used my email to replace) most people will conclude the scam message came from my email, click to label it spam – and my website gets whacked by Google and co.
The problem is I don’t know how to stop them from sending those messages out to others – who will naturally think it’s me.
I’m saying all this here UPFRONT to help you decide if you’re comfortable having me on. There are orchestrated attempts being made to destroy my work online.
This is not the first time. I remain focussed on my goals.
And it’s even one of the reasons I relocated from Nigeria to Benin Republic.
Each time this problem has cost me tangibly (E.g. linkedIn and constant-content) I’ve written a blog post about it.
It’s the only form of defense I can think of. If after reading ALL this you’re OK with having me around, I’ll be glad to be a useful contributor to your forum – as (name of ebook) is one reason why I’m still alive and kicking despite the concerted efforts of people who want to pull me down.
Sorry about the epistle.
==End of message I submitted to online forum==
If You Can’t Find Me On LinkedIn.com Here’s Why
Frugality & Prudence Can Help You Do More with Less Money
Overheads like rent, mortgage, salaries, are often fixed. However, most other things you spend money on depend mainly on how much you use.
To cut down on your electricity bill, a simple way is to check for points of waste in your insulation, and also your energy usage habits.
When a room (in your office, factory, or home) is not occupied, leaving the lights and/or heating on will lead to avoidable increases in your energy usage, and payments.
Why You Need to Explore Variable Costs Reduction (A True Story)
Seven years in the technical function of a large multinational manufacturer, taught me the importance of Variable Costs Reduction: a concept that can be applied to any area of life.
I saw how doing so can get a company struggling with cash flow, to a point where it has excess cash in the bank within a 3 year period.
Only then did the top decision makers carry out capital expenditure to buy new plants.
Before then they simply challenged us to employ World Class Manufacturing plant and process management principles to get the aged bottling plants to generate the target outputs.
Then they pushed the sales, marketing and distribution arms to exploit fast moving products outlets markets, to generate revenue faster. This smart strategy paid off, making the company spend less to get more output from each plant. And this led to massive increases in profits.
Try (as Often as Reasonable) To Get Things Done Without Spending
I’ve written in the past about the option of bartering your products and services in exchange for something you want from others.
But there are other ways.
Last week, I had two meetings regarding my Quick and Dirty Guide for English and French learners. What I learnt made me decide create an auto run CDROM based demo of the guide.
To prepare the auto run CDROM, I relentlessly searched the web for software that would meet my needs. In 2004, I’d created and distributed auto run business marketing CDs to prospects. The software I used then has since been discontinued. But I knew many others existed.
It took me a while, but I eventually found one – and it was FREE. It allows me create auto run CDs with customizable menus, and NO nag screens or advertisements in the finished products.
What’s more, it does not need to be installed in the PC it’s used. Also, the executable files it creates take up very little space on the CD – unlike many others.
Last Sunday I finished creating the auto run CD based version of my language guide. It’s has custom menus that instantly launch videos, web pages and the Excel workbook guide.
And it’s just like I imagined it!
I could have bought any of the other software for $25 or more. But it’s unlikely that for my purpose, the benefits of doing that would have been worthwhile – at least at this early stage.
And that’s my point. Sometimes you’ll simply have to think smarter, to discover better ways to achieve your goal at little or no extra cost.
Final Words: Look for Bargains & Concessions (A Lesson from the Truly Wealthy)
In 2001, I bought a copy of the little book titled “The Millionaire Next Door”. In it I found confirmation of ideas mentioned above.
The book discusses research based evidence from over 2 decades of close monitoring of wealthy individuals across America.
The authors found that frugality and financial prudence was a key strategy most of these wealthy people employed to amass wealth, and to stay rich.
What’s more these true millionaires shamelessly search for and request bargains. And they shop where they can get such concessions. Not where inflated prices cannot be negotiated.
In case you’re wondering, these wealthy people had very few celebrity type people listed amongst them by the authors. The indices used to measure their net worth put them way ahead of those who live high consumption lifestyles – buying latest gizmos, shopping loud etc.
Sadly, in some cultures people (who ironically are not wealthy) regard those who behave like the wealthy mentioned above as “lacking money”, or “poor”.
Like I always say, it’s better to let people think you do not have, than to go out of your way to show that you do, and then end up not having eventually!
The choice, of course, is yours to make.
What Do You Do When People Are Scared To Trust You?
Sometimes it happens with women who’ve had bad experiences with men. The men want to take the relationship to the next level, but they keep holding out. In business, this problem of damaged trust from past relationships between people can create major obstacles to successful selling.
I’ve tried hard to keep quiet about it since I arrived here in Benin, but I think it’s time I wrote about this not very pleasant aspect.
At 8.00a.m this morning, I had a meeting with an elderly Beninese gentleman I admire greatly. He’s a scholar, a seasoned academic and professional. He is the author of 6 books that I’ve personally seen (5 in French, one in English) and has traveled to many countries.
He has also appeared many times as a guest on TV shows in and out of Africa. On two occasions (today being the second time) I’ve met with him in his well furnished office.
During my first week here, I mentioned meeting Dr. Leunamme Nagedes (not his real name) to my friend Ninotna Nayinal (also not his real name) who works with a popular TV station here. He instantly confirmed he knew this gentleman.
So, this is someone with decades of real world relevant experience.
How Did I Get to Meet Such a Man of Accomplishment And Means, in My Very First Week?
Here’s how it happened. I share this story because I feel it illustrates how being spontaneous, acting on gut level instinct, and refusing to let fear of rejection stifle you, can yield useful long term benefits.
It was the evening of Wednesday 3rd April 2013. I was visiting hotels in Cotonou to discuss my proposal to produce a custom City/Travel Guide branded in the name of the hotel. This was to be done in exchange for some of their services in kind.
At one hotel reception, I was trying to convince the receptionist to let me speak with the manager, when I spotted some glossy covered copies of a book stacked on the counter.
The receptionist told me it was okay to take a look. What attracted me in particular was the excellent print quality. The book was written in French. Curious to know who the author was, I turned to the back and quickly read the blurb about him. I was pleased to discover at the very bottom two phone numbers and an email address to reach him.
Comme d’habitude (i.e. “as is my usual habit”), my marketing instincts took over. I dialed one of the numbers on my mobile. He picked it up after 3 rings saying “Oui?”. Within 30 seconds I’d told him where I was, and asked if I could meet with him to explain how I could help with web marketing of his book. He indicated interest and told me to meet him “8a.m sharp” the next morning at his office.
And that was it. The next day we met – and it went quite well. I learned quite a lot about where he’d been and what he’d done. Including watching a video of an interview he’d done with a former French president!
Eventually, he told me (regarding my proposal):
“I do not really know you yet. We’re just meeting for the first time. I always prefer to work with people I know well. So give me some time. We’ll see how it goes.”
That was good enough for me. And I told him so, promising to stay in touch as I left.
When I Finished the Part 1 of My English-French Language Guide, I Immediately Thought Of Him
I wanted his opinion on how to go about marketing it. So, I called him up last week, and despite the busy schedule I know he keeps, he gave me an appointment for 8a.m today. It was a most rewarding 15 minute session. I went away with not less than 5 practical tips of what to do, and where to go, to make a success of marketing my stuff out here.
But what really got to me was something he said right after I finished demonstrating the use of my language guide. He looked right at me – with a hint of sadness in his eyes – and said (and I’m trying to use his exact words as I recall them):
“I’ve traveled all over the world – even as far as Japan. Even Nigerians do not trust themselves. So how can you expect people here to trust you?”
I’m convinced people I’ve approached here also thought it, but did not say it.
You see, I’ve had to wonder many times since getting here. Many had serious discussions with me and kept saying YES. But most never got around to actually buying from me.
Dr. Leunamme helped me discover why, when he voiced the above sentiment.
His statement confirmed what had bothered me for weeks. And I told him so. Many people had told me about bad experiences with Nigerians. As a result, they avoided associating with anyone they found to be from Nigeria.
So many people I’ve met in my travels to Cameroon, Ghana, and here have had similar stories to tell me. And it’s always so embarrassing…and annoying…and frustrating!
(NB: Today, I even read a Vanguard Nigeria Newspaper article by this Beninese consultant also expressing concern about this trend. Along with other alarming details, he told a story about two young Nigerian female students he helped get out of a Cotonou police cell.)
In my case, I think my social skills (and demonstrated competence) helped me get people to like me so much, they did not mind associating with me.
However, whenever I discussed selling my products and services, it seems they simply tried to humor me by playing along. Most times, they were never really convinced enough to go as far as parting with money to do business with me. This made a lot of sense as I reflected on my experiences. It was consistent with a trend I’d observed.
He did not stop there however.
He Went Further to Narrate a Bad Experience He Had With a Nigerian
He explained that once wanted someone to produce branded promotional CDROMs for marketing one of his books. A friend introduced him to a Nigerian church member who he said could do the job.
Based on the trust he had in his friend, he paid the other man what he asked and proceeded to await delivery of the completed CDs. That never happened. This guy simply disappeared (as the good doctor put it).
Thankfully, they were able to use his links with the church to track him down. As can be imagined however, that experience has stuck in Dr. Leunamme’s memory ever since. How could someone he met in a place of worship have behaved that way?
That’s a question I have always asked even back in Nigeria. And each time people would simply tell me to get used to it. “This is Nigeria” they would say. “Stop acting as if you’re from America.”
The problem is I simply cannot get used to it. I can NEVER stop being amazed at the audacity of people who do things like that. It’s something I cannot conceive of doing, talk less of living with the knowledge that I did it.
Sadly, Honesty – or Integrity – is Not Written On a Person’s Forehead For Others to See
Integrity is something that takes people time to verify that you have…or lack. And once they conclude that you lack it, getting them to trust you afterwards can be a tough call.
This is why to get people to trust and accept you, you’ll need great patience.
In my meeting with Dr. Leunamme today, he told me to work hard at getting myself known in wider social circles than I have so far done.
He commended my efforts at integrating with the academic community in Calavi, and also with some business owners in Cotonou. But he recommended that I get involved in social groups as well.
In addition, he advised that I visit international organizations to make myself known to them – pointing out that I needed to provide my credentials.
And most importantly, he strongly advised that I get at least a little office where people can find me.
I’m Already Doing Some of The Above As Work-In-Progress.
Last week (from 7pm) I was in a small town outside Calavi to meet with a business man who trades and also runs a computer school. He paid my transportation to and fro, to discuss my offer to help interested persons establish a low cost drinks production facility using pineapple peels as the major raw materials.
When he saw a demonstration of my English-French language guide, he took me to his school premises (10 pm at night!), saying he would like to have the finished version for use in teaching adult learners.
Hopefully, he won’t develop cold feet at some point and withdraw, like some have done (or seem to be in the process of doing).
Not that I blame any of them though
It Can Be Tough Being a Nigerian Under These Conditions: But I’m Not Complaining!
After all said and done, I can still say without exaggeration, that I’m better off today, than I was when I arrived on the 1st of April.
Among other things, I have a new product I’m sure of selling both here, and in other countries, including Nigeria. Also, my French continues to improve greatly. Plus, I have excellent working conditions here (enabling me get more done in 24 hours) i.e electricity, water, great friends, peace of mind etc!
So, I intend to dig in and work on improving my strategies, till I get what I want.
Sooner than later, MORE members of my target audience in Benin Republic will discover I’m a good guy, and take advantage of they useful value I offer. It’s just a matter of time really.
And that’s what you do to win people over, when they’re scared to trust you: keep at it, until they accept you!
Getting Potential Buyers to Do What You Want (5 Powerful Insights from my Study of Online Scam Artists Who Get Total Strangers to Send Them Big Money!)
In this article, I narrate a true story of an encounter I had with an online scam artist in a Lagos cyber cafe. I then offer – for the benefit of online entrepreneurs – my insider’s perspective of strategies they employ to convince total strangers to part with their money. That is, after all, what we’re all trying to do online as entrepreneurs. In truth, we’re all marketing to a potentially unlimited online audience of STRANGERS, who we’re hoping will decide to send us their money! The only difference is that unlike the scam artists, we’re good guys
If You’re Over 20 and Have Never Received an Email from Internet Fraudsters, You Must Have Been Living on Mars!
Victor Oladokun, presenter of the Turning Point TV show once remarked, that there is hardly anyone on the planet who uses the Internet that has not received an email scam letter from Nigerian Internet fraudsters.
They break through virtually every conceivable barrier to invade people’s email privacy regardless of efforts to keep them out.
Thankfully, efforts to stop them – by educating potential targets/victims and increasing security monitoring – are now yielding fruits. People are smarter in dealing with them.
An Interesting Cyber Café Encounter With a “Suspected” Online Scam Artist
Monday 2nd January 2006, at about 9.00a.m. I’m in a cyber cafe somewhere in Shomolu area of Lagos state in Nigeria, uploading updated web pages to my website. I’ve been at it for over thirty minutes, but despite it being a new year, it appears the poor internet connection speeds from 2005, have been carried over.
Another thirty minutes later, I give up, and decide to call the attention of the friendly cafe engineer to my need for speedier access, if possible. He expresses surprise, saying other customers are not complaining.
I point out that they are mostly either checking their emails or chatting online – those being activities requiring little bandwidth compared to mine, which involve uploads of over 80 files – some of which are up to2 MB in size.
He takes me to another PC, logs in using his administrator password and does some checks. Nodding in satisfaction, he tells me this system has more RAM than the other – apparently suggesting the other PC’s lower RAM was the problem. I say “Oh, great :-)”.
Quick Tip: When you’re paying for a service and not getting what you want, don’t keep quiet. Ask for help. No reasonable provider will call you a trouble maker for demanding good value for your money. And like it happened above, they might have a solution!
So he asks me to login using my purchased ticket ID and password. I try to do that, but all I get is a message “This ticket is already in use!” Not believing my eyes, I try again, this time checking to be sure no typo errors are made. The same message appears!!
Suddenly, the operator – who is still with me- taps me on the arm, puts his finger to his lips and motions for me to follow him. We get back to his desk and using the café management software on his PC, and my unique ticket batch number, he identifies the PC on which it’s being used! Then he walks over to the guy (mid-twenties), crouched over a terminal in a corner of the room.
To cut the long story short, we establish that the young man used some creative process to capture my ticket ID and password while I was working on my terminal. He quietly accepts to logout, and leaves the café. As the operator proceeded to reboot the PC, I noticed multiple chat windows open, with different profile photos – and names like “Janice”(a guy bearing a gal’s name – complete with photo too)!
A closer look confirmed my suspicion about what he was doing. He’d apparently tapped into my ticket time to continue his conversations with about 4 different people – ALL abroad. If I had left the café instead of asking for help from the operator, I would have returned to find my browsing time used up!
Why (and What) I Believe We Can Learn from Internet Fraudsters
Okay. Let’s get a few things clear. This is not an exposé on inside operations of an Internet Fraudsters’ network.
So don’t expect me to read details of how they operate here Having said that, at the end of this article, I do offer a VERY simple, yet powerfully effective tip for immunizing yourself against internet scams – of ANY kind. So you might learn something – still!
From years of casually observing this group of people, and also being on the receiving end of their “marketing” campaigns, I’ve noticed a consistent pattern. And in my estimation, it reflects the fact that they have developed a system that works for them.
In business marketing, a system that works, is one that generates the leads and sales you need. It is in that sense that I feel we can learn at least Five (5) lessons from these guys.
1. Identify Your Target Audience’s Hot Buttons
When exchanging emails or chatting with their “targets”, these guys use subtle questioning, to learn what to say to get their target more interested. This is a very powerful concept – and it helps them decide whether or not a “target” is worth pursuing or not i.e. via the answers s/he gives.
The visitor reading your article or web copy will often be a stranger. And when he sends you an email (or calls you), you will know little or nothing about him.
But you want to develop effective question asking techniques to uncover his/her hot buttons. And that’s what you weave your offer around, to close the sale. Once you do that, most times the prospect ends up becoming a buyer.
So, we must learn to use questions to unearth the deeper motivation of our prospects. Jason Leister teaches this art of asking questions quite well. He has an ebook that has received rave reviews from thought leaders in marketing. He used to sell it, but now offers it FREE – as I explained in this past issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter.
2. Develop Methods That Save Time & Effort
Most times these fraudsters know little or nothing about the person(s) they exchange emails – or chat – with. But they are determined, persistent, very quick thinking and intelligent.
Those are very useful qualities to have – but for us “good guys” those qualities must be put to positive and productive (not negative and destructive) use.
These bad guys use aliases of all kinds. We won’t do that – because we’re good guys, and duplicity would do us more harm than good. They prepare photos and profiles to meet the expectations of their target audience e.g. the guy who used a pretty girl’s name and photo.
We can learn from that – our online presence deserves similar treatment e.g our websites, social media profiles etc.
They often use blocks of text copied from (e.g. dating) websites to express emotions that win the confidence of a target. I imagine poor English writing competence makes them do this to avoid giving themselves away. And they do it well enough to get believed!
We can have boiler plate templates for responding to enquiries from potential buyers. I use them – in my auto responders and in direct emails as well.
It saves time, and helps us come across as consistent and professional. That can inspire a prospect to buy from us. If you don’t already use them, I suggest you start doing so.
3. Don’t Fool Around…Ask for the Money!
Eventually, at some point in their “discussions” scam artists begin asking for the money. And they are rarely shy about it. Plus they ask as often as they consider necessary
But they often do so by telling lies (e.g. a relative is dying and they need money to take her to the hospital). They succeed in spite of their lies, because they successfully identify the “target’s hot button. And so they push it, till they get what they want.
That’s where we (as good guys) – again – differ.
We’ll be asking for the money based on the value we’ve shown the “prospect” we can deliver i.e. we’ll do the same thing, but with good intentions – to close our sales.
The problem is that many of us discuss with people our marketing has brought to us, but perpetually avoid (or neglect) trying to close the sale! Funny isn’t it, how what we want scares us so much we’re unable to take it, when we see it?
If you have that problem, get over it as fast as possible. I used to. But not anymore.
A True Story: Just yesterday I was in a meeting with a self-employed professional here in Benin Republic, to discuss my new MS Excel-VB driven audio, video and photo language guide.
Suddenly (after seeing my Excel application’s graphic user interface, and my website where I displayed promotional videos and screenshots of it), he said “Mr. Tayo, I think my website is long over due, and from what I’ve seen here, you can help me build it. How do we get started?”.
Note that I’d gone there to discuss a partnership proposal to market my guide to students in his institution. But in the process a selling opportunity came up.
Within 15 minutes of discussion, I provided him answers to his questions and also got answers to mine – including agreeing a fee I was comfortable with, and a start date.
What’s the worst thing that can happen if you ask for the money?
The prospect can only say NO. But then at least you would not have to punish yourself wondering what could have been!
So, I’m going to say it again
Learn to ask for the money, preferably as early as possible – so you don’t end up wasting time with someone who’s looking for a free ride in a fancy car (thanks to Will Smith and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air).
4. Team Up Where Possible – and When Necessary
It’s always amazing to see how these scam artists can readily come up with other resource persons as and when needed.
I once read a detailed series of emails exchanged with scam artists. At various stages, they readily supplied names, addresses, and phone numbers (including scanned copies of certificates) of a lawyer and medical doctor when asked.
To put it simply, they had done their thinking and were prepared for any eventualities. So each time the “target” asked, they simply made it happen.
What they did not know was that the individual they were dealing with was simply playing with them right from the beginning: He was smart enough to sniff them out. Many others have fallen for it!
How about you? Do you have everything you need to respond to a prospect ready? If no, why not do that? And if you don’t have it all, why not team up with others who do?
For us, joint ventures and other partnerships can yield useful financial rewards and returns via increased sales, if we carefully evaluate those we adopt.
5. Play the Numbers Game
Lastly, scam artists are so proficient in using the internet to propagate their messages.
These guys successfully clone entire websites of financial institutions to defraud unsuspecting users.
They are often highly skilled in web design and development, and this enables them put their works on autopilot. This is what makes them appear so relentless.
As online entrepreneurs, to make our marketing more successful, we can harness technology and internet in the same way.
For instance, newsletter management systems (like Aweber, Mailchimp, Constant Contact etc) will enable you reliably build a mailing list of potential buyers. Add to that the use of RSS technology to propagate your marketing content from your website and emails across to various social media platforms at the click of a button.
This way you increase your marketing reach and get yourself noticed by more people than you could do by yourself. And like the old marketing rule says, for every 100 people you “speak” to, expect probably just 1 to 3 to respond.
Following up on leads is also crucial. Here scheduled autoresponders can be useful.
Therefore, to get more responses, aim to “speak” to hundreds more. Doing that manually would take too much effort, and time that could be better spent. Use web marketing to achieve the same results, and preserve your health, and sanity
Final Words: A Word of Advice on Handling Suspected Scam Email Messages
If you get an email message that contains an offer that reads too good to be true, follow your gut level instinct. It most likely is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! So, delete it and move on. Don’t let your mind play tricks on you. I’d say it takes a great amount of GREED &/or NAIVETY to fall prey to their antics.
Be cold and clinical in dealing with any message(s) that throw(s) up a red flag(s) in your mind. You’ll know them the minute you see them – all the tell tale signs are never hard to miss (e.g. poor spelling grammar – and of course their outrageous offers etc).
The problem is that as human beings, we sometimes encounter these temptations at periods in our lives when we’re most vulnerable.
Quite often it will be a time when we have a need that coincides with the reward being offered in the internet fraudster’s message, such as the promise of easy monetary reward (e.g. an email screaming that you won a lottery you never entered for…oh come on!!!).
Try and remember what I’ve said above, and you should be reasonably safe. Hey I should know: I’m a full blooded Nigerian, born and raised in Nigeria, who has lived and worked in Nigeria for over 40 years!
That is until 1st April 2013, when I arrived in Benin Republic, to begin travelling slowly across West Africa, as a Location Independent Entrepreneur