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3 Things an Entrepreneur Must Not Do to Succeed

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot, and deny yourself useful progress in your business. As much as possible, avoid doing any of the 3 things discussed in this article.

1. Don’t Wait For Connections to Make Progress: Get Out & Make Things Happen Instead!

Sometimes who you know matters more than what you know. But some of us may have to start without knowing anyone that matters. Even when we try to meet such people, we may get repeatedly snubbed.

I suggest you adopt the mind set that if you cannot connect with someone who can make things happen for you, keep going all the same, till you make a way for yourself.

Twice I got myself TV exposure on prime time without knowing anyone in my startup year. I’ve since lost interest in that medium for getting marketing exposure I need for my service and products.

At the time when I needed it however, I found a way to access it at zero cost. Since I knew no one, I simply had to get creative, and believe in myself. On both occasions, I took action on ideas that came into my head.

In the first instance the Programmes Manager – Mr Ola Fajemisin (who I’d never met before) – simply looked at my proposal, listened to my request and referred me to someone in his department.

The second time, I delivered a copy of my “Proven 5-Step Formula” language book to him, with a letter proposing a possible TV program to be titled “How to learn ANY Language in 3 months or less”. After reading through the book, he again referred me.

In both instances that I got on the show, all I did was “ask”!

Okay, maybe some people would say getting to be a guest on a TV show is no big deal. But I do know that quite a lot of people would actually prefer to approach someone they think has the “connections”, to get them on the show.

In some parts of the world people pay publicists/PR people to do this work. If that works for you, go for it. The ideas I’ve offered above may appeal to people with limited funds.

Here’s a more recent example: When I relocated here in Benin Republic on 1st April 2013 , I knew no one. And no one knew me. Yet less than 2 weeks later, I had people who went out of their way (asking nothing in return) to help me secure accommodation at a fraction of the standard rate. These were everyday people I had known for only 24 to 48 hours. Yet they stuck their necks out to convince those in charge.

If I’d waited to meet “influential” people, I may have been less lucky!

2. Don’t Cut Corners – It’ll Come Back to Haunt You

I once met a group of young people, who had gotten through their schooling years – including gaining admission to university – by either cheating in exams or “buying” their grades from teachers/lecturers.

These guys had “learnt” a crooked way to get what they wanted. They only needed to know what to give the person in charge (that’s one kind of “connection” – but a dishonest one).

So, when I told them I could teach them how to prepare for – and pass – exams in the university, they laughed in my face. Why? Because they believed the same strategy would help them get passing grades.

Some people who do business have a similar mental attitude.

They cannot be bothered to invest time and effort in learning the ropes of marketing their products and services effectively. Instead, they actively establish “connections” with corruptible elements in their target client companies for instance. Once there, they simply buy their way to the juiciest contracts.

The truth is however that making a crooked entry into business can be costly in the long run. You might get away with it initially, but it could come back to haunt you years after.

Among other things, you would become incapable of sharing your “success secrets” with other entrepreneurs. That’s because you will be too embarrassed to admit what you did to get ahead.

Entrepreneurs who cut corners in this manner can be notoriously difficult to engage in open conversation about the HOW of building a business from the ground up.

Many times they will avoid accepting invitations to coach aspiring entrepreneurs. This is because they lack a reproducible success formula they can confidently pass to others. And that’s the price you pay when you cut corners: a lack of REAL know-how or expertise!

Authentic success is ALWAYS reproducible. That’s why Robert Kiyosaki’s books and learning events made him so popular!

3. Don’t Hero-Worship Successful Entrepreneurs You Connect With – Add Value to Them Instead!

Finally, what happens if you do connect with entrepreneurs who can make things happen for you?

I suggest avoid becoming a yes-man or robot doing anything they tell you. Hero-worshipping successful entrepreneurs/persons will not do you any good.

Remember that they are flesh and blood – human – just like you. You can (and should!) admire them, and learn from them.

But do not swallow everything they say as “God’s” truth.

Question things they tell you – sometimes outwardly (but politely!), and at other times, in your mind – before you apply them.

It is in your interest to retain conscious use of your senses whenever you’re with such people.

That will enable you make the most of the opportunity to interact with them. Never think you have nothing to offer. Challenge yourself to intelligently engage them in conversation about issues that arise.

Chances are good that you’ll contribute useful insights at some point.

Doing so can earn you their respect. And that could make them open even more doors of opportunities for you!

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