Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy, and Alive

Yes, that’s the key to good health, looking young, and LIVING LONG.

Sweating enables your body expel many “bad things” that can weaken it!

I took the photo below, this a.m (Friday 22nd Nov. 2013 at 10.00a.m):

Sweating enables you body expel many "bad things" that can weaken it!!
Sweating enables you body expel many “bad things” that can weaken it!!
Above: Photo taken in 2013 – I was 43 at the time
Below: Photo taken in March 2017 – I was 46+  (will be 48 in 6 months from today i.e. July 2018)


I was doing my usual 20 to 30 minute walk, from my place at Barrière here in Cotonou, to a cyber cafe I frequent at the Etoile Rouge area.

As I approached Agontikon, next to the crossroad, a shop owner friend called out to me.

During our chat he kept asking “Ca va un peu?” (It’s a way of asking: “Everything okay?“) in apparent reference to (and concern about) my sweating.

I kept saying “Oui” (i.e. “Yes”) without adding any details …until it dawned on me to explain…

You see, every day (including Sundays), just before breakfast, I do seventy (70) push-ups – sometimes 100.

That’s followed by some yoga-style exercises for 10 to 15 minutes

After that, I eat and then WALK to the cyber cafe as part of a deliberate strategy to “exercise” my lower body.

When I get to my destination, I wipe myself clean of sweat using a towel I keep in my bag.

And my “exercising mission” for the day would have been accomplished!

I ended my explanation, by making the following statement to my friend:

“Si tu veux rester fort, et tu ne veux pas devenir vieux trop vite, il faut perspirer. C’est très important pour la santé!”

(Translation:If you want to stay strong, and you don’t want to grow old too quickly, you need to sweat. It’s very important for the health!“)

For effect, I added:

“J’ai 43 ans” (Translation: I’m 43 years old”).

His jaw dropped, as he looked me over repeatedly…then he exclaimed:

“Ce n’est pas vrai” (Translation: Not true!).

As I walked away, I laughingly told him:

“C’est la verité (Translation: “It’s the truth”)

And he kept staring at me in what seemed a mixture of surprise and wonder.

If he’s smart, he’ll adopt a similar simple exercise regimen

And so will you, if you do not already do it.

It will keep your body in good form to withstand the daily wear and tear, from the activities and foods you expose it to!

In case you’re wondering, this strategy makes me super-productive. And I do not exaggerate.

One Example:

Last Saturday (16th Nov. 2013), I worked 13 straight hours from 9a.m till about 10.30p.m (without getting up, NOT even to drink water), to finish my 4,000 word agri-business case study paper – for entry into an international research paper writing contest. The paper is about the use of Excel-VB driven spreadsheet automation for Feed Formulation.

That same night, I sent it to my co-author Professor friend in North West University, South Africa.

From 7.30a.m Sunday morning, we spent about 2 hours on phone agreeing modifications. Then he sent the final version to the organisers in the Netherlands via email.

So now, we wait till Tuesday, when the judges will notify us about whether or not it’s been accepted.

[UPDATE (12th Sept. 2015): Should have done this way back in Dec. 2013, when the payment happened. But it kept slipping my mind. The paper did get approved, and I did get paid for it. Read this article: PDF Agribusiness Research Paper] Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria – Complete my Questionnaire Survey & Download FREE PDF Copy]

The point I’m making is my diligent exercising enables me near-effortlessly get work done – to meet tight deadlines – even if I have to continue for long stretches of time. And I mean physical, as well as mental work.

You see, I believe that without my disciplined dedication to fitness, I could not have gotten that paper done, in combination with other work I had to do. And that included traveling to Nigeria to administer a questionnaire survey to farm business CEOs, and then returning to Cotonou to collate the data for use in the paper!

In truth, many much younger people often find it hard to keep up with me. As do my peers and older persons.

For instance, I’ve had clients and staff go round farm premises with me, after which we returned to the “farm office/house” for our meals.

Subsequently however, they struggled to keep their eyes open, as I tried to explain how the software I built for them worked :-)

The reason this happened was that they often lacked both physical and mental stamina, aka STAYING POWER.

People who succeed usually have STAMINA. If you want to succeed, YOU WILL NEED IT!

And to have it, you must commit to diligent exercising on a regular basis.

As a writer (or expert in any other field), it will boost your productivity tremendously. And your quality of work will also improve!

By the way, nothing I’ve said here is meant to be bragging.

I simply feel it’s important that I share with you a strategy that’s worked quite well for me, over the past 20 years now.

Yes, I’ve been doing it this way for over 2 decades – with great results to show for it!

You don’t need to become some physical fitness guru or anything.

And you’re not necessarily going to be aiming to win any competition against others here. What I refer to is the adoption of a disciplined habit of daily exercising.

In a past issue of my newsletter, I wrote on this same theme. It was titled: No. 94: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips).

You should read it.

One last thing…

It might interest you to know, that ever since quitting competitive handball in 1992 (when I left the university), I’ve used this strategy to maintain my fitness right through paid employment, up till today.

Many who know me will confirm this.

And that’s why I’m this confident, that it works. So do use it :-)

“Biafra Born” Micro-Refineries Operating in Nigeria? Lessons for Nigeria/Africa!

Chinua Achebe wrote:

“Let me give one more dimension of what we were hoping to do in Biafra…We were told, for instance, that technologically we would have to rely for a long, long time on the British and the West for everything. “

This is Issue No. 3 in my “IDEAS for Making Nigeria Better” series.

Click below to read the full PDF!

PDF - “Biafra-Born” Micro-Refineries Operating in Nigeria? Lessons for Nigeria/Africa!

(FREE PDF) Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy – But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself)

Everybody knows a little MS Excel. It’s so easy to use. However, I make sure to warn – from over 20 years of supporting users of Excel-apps I develop – that Excel’s “friendly“ nature is also what makes it a potentially dangerous tool.

Especially for users with inadequate knowledge and experience, or indeed absent-minded competent users: The proverbial Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO) phenomenon!

Farm industry stakeholders unable/unwilling to purchase my automated Excel apps (which I build to help prevent  occurrence of this potentially devastating problem) often get told, by me, to try using MS Excel to achieve their goals.

To protect yourself, I suggest four (4) practical steps you can take.

Click here to request the FULL PDF report

Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to download

4 Reasons Going Out Without Your Car May (Sometimes) Be a Smart Thing to Do!

This writeup is based on updated/revised excerpts from an article I originally wrote (on 30th November 2006), as a service provider when I was still based in Lagos-Nigeria.As such, not all the ideas I offer here, may be applicable to you or your environment.

NB: I relocated to Benin Republic on 1st April 2013, and now earn 80% of my income via sales of my farm support products and services ; my information products, as well as my freelance writing service – most of which happen online. But I still get physically hired by clients in my new location, and in Nigeria e.g. developing Web Marketing Systems, custom Excel Software etc.

There are typically two types of customers/clients:

Individuals (including sole proprietors) and Businesses/Groups/Organisations.

I prefer the former, because they can often make the final buying decision. So there’s less waiting to be done, and less opportunities for the human politics that can crop up (for instance, in a corporate decision making process) to kick-in.

When leaving my car at home to look for clients(while still in Lagos), I often aimed to find individuals fitting the above description.

My objective was always to engage them in sales conversations (often initiated via cold calls on phone/in person), that I expect to result in appointments.

I would then follow up on a later date (at which time going in the car could become a possibility).

Here are four(4) specific benefits I believe can be derived from working this way:

Benefit 1: You Can Be More Focussed/Efficient.

Having to take the bus (some countries/places have trams, subway trains, ferries etc), forced me to plan ahead more carefully.

For instance, I would think through the best routes to take to reach MORE prospects who fit my target audience profile.

That helped me make the most productive use of my time while out marketing.

By the time I returned home, my diary entries usually showed a good number of appointments to be followed up with some of the prospects I met.

Benefit 2: You Can Discover Less Obvious Opportunities.

When driving, you have to keep your eyes on the road, and concentrate more, compared to when you’re walking or not driving e.g. you’re sitting in a bus.

Not being behind the wheel of a car made it possible for me to read MORE of what was written on posters, billboards, company sign posts etc.

I was also better able to think about what I saw/read – and potential “selling opportunities” would sometimes occur to me as a result. Some of them actually resulted in unexpected sales of my products and/or services.

You see, it’s unlikely that you will always find your prospects through business directories and websites:

Sometimes you’ll just have to pay attention to the people, in your environment as you move around!

Benefit 3: You Can Pursue Potential Opportunities Quickly/Easily

When you’re not the one driving (or when you’re on foot), very rarely will you have to worry about anyone running into you from behind, if/when you suddenly decide to make an unscheduled stop to speak to a prospect.

When I’m in a bus for instance, all I need to do is tell the driver I’ll be getting down at the next stop.

In contrast, when driving in Lagos, finding a place to park/stop can be a nightmare depending on where you are.

As a result I have had, in the past, to give up checking out what looked like a potential opportunity. This was because I drove round looking for parking space in a location on the Lagos Island without success.

Anyone who has lived/worked in Lagos will know what I mean!

Benefits 2 and 3 (above) of course imply you will need to hone your cold calling skills. Especially your intro or elevator speech. This will help you make the most of the opportunities mentioned, when you eventually come face to face with your prospect.

Benefit 4: You Are Immune To Holdups & LESS Susceptible To Near-Misses/Mishaps.

If you have ever had to drive when physically or mentally exhausted, you will know it’s one sure way to get into trouble. For instance, you may inadvertently jump traffic lights, or nearly (absentmindedly) run into another person’s car…or worse hit a pedestrian!

I always dreaded driving on Lagos roads. The terrible holdups/traffic jams often drained me so badly, that I sometimes get to the prospect’s place feeling tired even though I hadn’t started my work!

But whenever I was in a bus stuck in traffic, I could simply get down, get on a bike and go on to my planned destination.

I guess I could also have taken this option if I was driving my car, but two issues would have arisen:

(a). How to find a place to park the car till I got back

(b). How to ensure the car did not get tampered with or “removed'(e.g. towed away…which happens a lot in Lagos!) before I returned.

Dumping The Car In Order To Do A Good Job – AFTER I Found A Willing Client (True Story)

In late 2006 , while still in Lagos, I had the opportunity (?), due to a problem with my car, to go by bus – daily – to a client’s premises for over a month (I was provided a PC and office to work from). I built an Exel-VB driven Hotel Records Management application, which they used for over 5 years.

To my surprise, I got all that work done with LESS stress/effort, compared to when I had insisted on going by car.

You see, the location of the client’s premises was such that you had to drive past it on the opposite side of the highway. The you’d go further by probably over two kilometres, before making a U-turn and then driving back down to enter the client hotel’s car park!

Now, depending on where you are approaching this hotel from, you might have to pay toll gate fees to get there. And that happens each time you follow that route.

I considered that a needless, annoying, and avoidable expense.

Add to that, the fact that on each run, when coming or going, you quite often would have to endure agonizingly long delays in hold ups. Most of which are caused by very naughty driving. The whole thing takes its toll on you before you even get to start work!

Contrast the experience I had when I chose to go there without taking my car.

I would take a bus from across where I lived, and within five to ten minutes, would arrive at the first stop midway to my destination.

Within another 5 minutes, except for some days when it could take a while to get another bus, I would arrive the hotel – feeling almost as fresh/rested as I was when I left home!

Summary: Sometimes It May Be Smarter to Go Without Your (Pretty) Car!

Going by all that I have said above, one thing is clear.

Every now and then, while in Lagos, I found it sometimes made smarter business sense not to go out in my car.

Especially when I had to go to a place(s) I knew I could reach more effectively, by taking local transportation.

“Hire a taxi” you said?

Incidentally, when one hires a taxi cab in Lagos, a problem like fatigue from driving may be removed. However, that of getting stuck in traffic could still occur.

And if you got stuck in a traffic jam, in a hired taxi, getting down to continue on bike or foot might not be an easy option to settle for.

Not many people would be excited about leaving a EXPENSIVE Lagos cab they hired EMPTY, with their money in the cab driver’s pocket! :-))

In the end, it’s best to carefully weigh the pros and cons. And if it works for you, go with a taxi!

So what about you? Would you leave YOUR car at home, if you knew going without it could make you more productive?

PS: It’s Different in Benin Republic!

I return to Cotonou in a few days (I arrived last week Friday, to conduct a short MS Excel-based questionnaire survey of farm industry stakeholders. It’s partly to obtain information for the international research paper I’m writing on using ICT for Feed Formulation).

Although I don’t use a car here, moving around is much easier for me in Benin Republic.

For one thing I now do mostly online work – so I get to avoid whatever ruch hours there are.

Another reason is that transportation here is significantly less expensive than it is in Lagos. It is also much less stressful as well!

Rarely will you run into holdups – talk less of traffic jams. Certainly nothing at all like what happens daily in a place like Lagos. So even if you drive a car, you’re likely to have no major issues getting to your destinations.

You can therefore actually work smarter with time.

So with or without a car, one is still able to move around and achieve useful productivity!

No. 114: Speaking IDEAS for Farm Support Experts

If you provide farm support products and services, this issue of my weekly speaking IDEAS newsletter will interest you.

That includes experts working with private owned agro-allied companies, government agencies or even Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).

Yesterday, I listened to a top Ekiti state government official (on Nigerian TV) explaining how they are attracting young people to establish agri-businesses.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 4th November 2013


Title: Speaking IDEAS for Farm Support Experts

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!


No. 114: Speaking IDEAS for Farm Support Experts

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


If you provide farm support products and services, this issue of my weekly speaking IDEAS newsletter will interest you. That includes experts working with private owned agro-allied companies, government agencies or even Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).

Yesterday, I listened to a top Ekiti state government official (on Nigerian TV) explaining how they are attracting young people to establish agri-businesses.

Instead of going into poorly rewarding subsistence farming, this new generation of farm owners are being empowered to start farm businssess at much higher levels. The officer noted that in a few years, with diligent effort, some can become millionaires!

You CAN Decide What Target Audience Level to Serve

I love the Ekiti state approach. It’s produces better results.

And the principle applies in all spheres of life.

For instance, your success level as a service provider will often depend on the target audience “level” you choose to serve.

There’s a saying that it’s wiser to fish in small ponds with large number of big fish (hungry for what you offer), than in big ponds with lots of smaller fish that are not that hungry.

Here are 2 rules that guide me in choosing those I serve:

Rule 1: Don’t target buyers who do not have the means to PAY you well for your product or service.

Rule 2: Make frequent use of strategies that let you market to large numbers of the right kinds of buyers at once.

Apart from enabling you win more buyers, doing the above will reduce your Cost of Customer Acquisition (COCA).

Get this: Choosing NOT to calculate your COCA, will NOT change the fact that you’re incurring that cost!!!

So I recommend you actively measure, and use it (i.e. your COCA) to identify your most cost-effective customer acquisition/marketing strategy!

That’s what I did to arrive at the conclusion that – in addition to using a Web Marketing System (where possible) – the following two(2) strategies can win more “farmer converts” for farm support experts:

1.  Be a Resource Person at “Events” for Farmers:

Burt Dubin live Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

You hear performance strategies you can emulate. You shorten your learning curve. You see ways to engage and delight audiences with both content and stories . . . plus you experience a bit of fun.

With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Last week, a past buyer of my Excel-VB driven feed formulation software told me he was travelling inter-state to attend a 2 day workshop for farmers.

He works as a Technical Sales Consultant, for an agro-allied company.

I’d called to ask if he would be willing to help complete a short MS Excel-based questionnaire survey I’m in Nigeria to administer to farm industry stakeholders. It’s partly to obtain information for the international research paper I’m writing on using ICT for Feed Formulation.

Now, I did not ask him if he would be giving a presentation at that event, but I suspect his company may have been the (or one of the) organisers.

So it’s likely someone from their team would have addressed the audience.

Even if you’re not the organiser, and have not even been invited, NOTHING stops you from thinking up ways to appear as a Contract Resource Person.

In other words, you’d think up a presentation you can offer that organiser would consider of potential value to their attendees.

I suggest offering a scaled down version FREE, and a full blown version for a negotiable fee.

My experiences suggest that doing so is likely to give you more credibility, than if you simply came all out offering to speak FREE. At least in this part of the world :-)

2. Offer Short, On-Demand Educational Talks to “Farmer Groups”

Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information

But don’t wait for others to organise events you’ll offer to speak at.

Create your own opportunities!

Think up a list of topics your target audience may find potentially useful or interesting.

Develop short-talks (15 to 30 minutes) based on each topic, and prepare speaker one sheets for each.

Print them out and insert into nylon sleeves, in a branded folder you’ll take physically with you as you work.

Also have PDF versions ready to emailed or downloaded online.

Next, reach out to decision makers of your target farmer groups (cooperatives, associations) etc.

Ask them to invite you to speak – FREE – to their members at their next meeting or event on your list of topics.

Minimize time, effort and money expense in doing the above.

For instance, unless distance is no issue, try using your phone, email to – if possible – finalize date, time, venue.

Only “travel distances”, if you’re reasonably sure, from phone/email interaction, that doing so would be worthwhile.

Tell them how the ideas you’ll share will help their members.

Explain why the work you do as a farm support expert makes you uniquely qualified to inform and educate them on those subjects.

If your list does not cover the topic they “prefer”, I suggest you offer to prepare that for a token fee :-)

Not everyone will say yes.

And don’t expect your first few efforts to yield” yesses” either.

You will have to persist.

But if you’ve done your homework well, some will bite.

And if you go on to deliver useful value to them, all sorts of good things can happen from there!

Even If You Offer FREE Solutions to Farmers, The Above Ideas Can Save You MONEY, Time and Effort!

ProgramManual How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information

If you’re a farm support expert working with government or an NGO, it’s possible you offer FREE products and services, and therefore may not need payment from farmers.

You can still expend LESS effort, time and money, to make farmers adopt what you offer.

The above strategies can make you more cost-efficient.

You get to achieve multiple time and effort savings, plus greater marketing mileage for money you spend.

Those who provide you financial backing would be pleased with that!

Final Words: Focus On Adding Tangible Value to Your Target Audiences

Showmanship Strategems
177 Wow! Wow!

Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

more information


For all the above to work, give them something (information, education etc) they can put to productive use.

However, in doing that, use your creativity to subtly show how what you “sell” can also help them.

For instance, weave educational stories/examples from your daily experiences, in serving farmers, into your talks.

That often works magicPeople find you more believable, when you use real life examples.

Once that happens, it will only be a matter of time before they start looking to get more from you…and they’ll often be willing to pay, to get it!

Need More Ideas on How to Use The Above Information?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form – with “Re: No. 114: Speaking IDEAS for Farm Support Experts” in the subject line.

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
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Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self-Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:

Want me to write for you? Click here…

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

Share this issue!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Smart Farm Owners Will Write Articles

The gains from low production costs will be wasted if selling costs are not kept in check. The more it costs you to sell your product or service, the lower your profits will be (and vice versa). This is basically common sense. But not every business owner “gets" or "remembers" it, when it matters most.

Farm business owners in particular, from my close observation of them, have a tendency to get drowned in the day to day running of their businesses.

They focus so much on doing what is needed to make their farm animals and/or crops flourish.

But there is one danger they often ignore.

And it intermittently hurts them where it can be most painful: their pockets!

How do I mean?

Well, take the owner of a poultry layer farm enterprise with 5,000 birds laying at 75% Hen Day Production (HDP) percentage.

S/he wakes up each day, and joins the farm manager to go round the pens to see how the birds are doing. They discuss egg collections for the previous day, and also review sales records. A few mortalities may catch his/her attention, to which the manager may attribute isolated attacks by say rodents.

At the end of the tour, s/he will retire to the farm office or house. Sometimes shortage of feed on site may necessitate liaising with the supplier to get new stocks to the farm. To hasten the process, s/he may take this up, so the farm manager can follow up other pressing duties.

Here’s the problem I see with a farm owner operating a schedule like that described above.

A well planned farm business workplace will minimise the need for the owner to engage in routine running of the farm.

At least not if you have a manager on site…unless that individual is not competent to bear that title! (In which case, one could ask, why YOU appointed him/her to such a delicate position?)

You need to operate at a higher level of farm management “thinking and acting”.

Take a global view of the business. For instance, feeding is a key area of expense in most livestock enterprises.

Carefully investigate what happens when your birds are fed for one month on feed supplied from a particular manufacturer.

1. How well do they lay eggs?

2. What is the feed to egg conversion ratio?

3. How much food is consumed per bird?

4. Do they appear to display depressed appetite?

5. Could that be related to the feed they are being fed?

6. Does there appear to be a change in body weight of your birds?

7. Does a shift to purchasing commercial feed from a different maker result in better or worse results with respect to the above?

8. Would the trends you notice justify making your own feed?

9. Or if you periodically make your own feed, what is the performance of your birds like, compared to periods when they are/were fed commercial rations?

As long as you operate a functional farm enterprise, you can successfully position yourself as a farm business expert.

Some people are stuck with the notion that as a farmer, one’s primary focus should be on farming. I argue that farmers have a duty, an obligation in fact, to TALK – verbally, and in writing – about what they do on their farms, and how they do it.

This will help them, and it will help those who read what they write or hear what they say.

What Would You Write About?

A good starting point would be what you learn from exploring the series of questions posed 4 paragraphs earlier.

Who Would You Write To/For?

At different times, depending on the topic, you’d be writing for different target audiences. Examples include policy makers, researchers (in the academia etc), farm support organisations, colleague farm business owners, and also the potential buyers/users of your farm products and services.

This article cannot cover all aspects of what I mean by the above statement. However, one good example of how “talking” can benefit farmers is in generating potentially powerful marketing exposure for them.

Writing Articles Can Dramatically Lower Your Need for Paid Marketing & Advertising

Avoid wasting scarce money, effort and time shopping for advertising spaces in ANY medium.

I have closely observed and interacted with all kinds of farm business owners (and support service experts/enthusiasts) in person, and remotely – via the web/email and phone.

My conversations with them convince me that smart farmers can successfully generate useful awareness and sales leads by “talking” more about what they do.

Not just online – though I recommend starting with that – but also offline as well.

Some farmers argue against my proposal saying:

“Look, Tayo, forget this American style of doing things. People who come to buy from me are mostly those who cannot even afford to use the web, or computers. “

My response is always this:

“Mr/Ms. XYZ. Set aside 20% of what you produce to cater for those small buyers you refer to. Then to attract big enough sales you need, focus on promoting the rest 80% of your farm products and services to the attention of your ideal type of customer.

That would be those with the means to buy at prices and in quantities that will generate handsome profits for you.

Investigate and identify where you will find such persons in the largest possible numbers. Once you’ve done that, begin “talking” in social circles where such ideal buyers will encounter what you say.

For instance, you could offer to “talk” in newspapers as a columnist; on radio/TV as a guest on an agri-business show; in magazines, and of course on relevant third party websites.

Your Best Strategy: Maintain Your Own “Branded Medium” for "Talking by Writing "

Most importantly, in my opinion, have your own “official” medium through with you will “speak” about your farm business.

Make it one that adds little or nothing to your sales and marketing expenses.

A well planned Web Marketing System will enable you easily achieve the above. With it, you can achieve multiple objectives simultaneously.

For instance, you can offer articles, special reports and videos, in which you discuss issues affecting your business – with respect to the harsh economic climate prevailing today.

Over time, the stuff you put up online can be put to effective use OFFLINE.

You can copy them on to CDs/DVDs (which are quite cheap to obtain), or even print, copy/bind, and offer to your farm visitors – even for a fee!

You can also offer them to other farm owners; send them to policy makers, and journalists/reporters – and even hand them out – selectively – to contacts you meet as you move around.

The ideas would be to present yourself as a serious minded farm owner with a passion for exploring better ways to do what you do i.e. a Best Practice orientation.

In all your communication, you would aim to share useful learnings you achieve in your farm business, in ways that can help or better inform and educate others.

For instance, a video about how you rear your animals, narrated in your voice, could help demonstrate that your farm does not use unhealthy inputs or practices.

Health conscious people could take positive note of you/your farm because of that.

Your video, if available on Youtube for instance, can be easily used to make you look good.  You’d typically just send relevant persons a link to it, or include it in a piece you author.

The truth is that even if people initially do not know about you, or your farm business, this strategy can make them discover you quickly.

Over time, if you keep it up, they will come to see you as a reliable source of useful information on farming and farm business.


Because talking about what you do (without of course giving up confidential information) – will show them, you are a practicing expert who’s also THINKING actively about how to improve.

This Strategy Will Attract Opportunities for Additional Income Streams Beyond Farm Products Sales

At some point, those who encounter your works will begin approaching you via emails, phone calls, saying things like …

“Do you have eggs we can buy in large numbers – free from XYZ defect?”

“My wife and I are planning to start our own farm business, do you offer a consultancy service for startups?

“I need a feasibility study for a piggery I want to start, can you help us”

Even policy makers and researchers from the academia may reach out to you for collaboration (I provide 2 personal examples below).

Most will come offering to pay for access to more of your experience based wisdom, and expertise. That’s how powerful “talking” intelligently about what you do can be in “selling” you to others!

It will NOT happen overnight. But as long as you continue doing your “talking” – intelligently using feedback from your audience, to guide your efforts – MORE potential income generating attention WILL come your way.

Why You Should Believe Me

1. This strategy enables me attract the serious attention and interest of key farm industry stakeholders

a. A government officer met with me late last year, after reading my article on catfish marketing.

b. As I type these words, I’m back in Nigeria, writing a research paper on using ICT for Feed Formulation. I’m co-authoring it with a research academic, who proposed we collaborate to publish it (there’s payment).

2. It also helps me sell my knowledge and expertise as a best practice farm business support specialist…

Over 80% of those who pay me – from different parts of the world – do so without ever meeting me in the flesh.

They typically found me via my writing in search engine results pages.

And many times they have to take MASSIVE leaps of faith to send me money!.

It’s the “talking” I do via daily article writing on this blog, periodic publishing of information products, and demonstration videos that wins them over.

Examples of what they pay for include:

1. My popular Feed Formulation Handbook (selling offline from 2002, then came online in 2006).

2. My Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator software (selling offline from 2004, then came online in 2006).

3. My Poultry Layer Farm Operations Management software (built/customized for farms since 2008).

Other products and services (like the BOPMS for profitable farm management and my Payslip Generator) exist.

If I can get results like the above, without owning a farm, it only follows that YOU, a farm owner, can do much more!

Need help getting started with using the ideas described above? Get in touch with me. Click here now :-)

Click here to watch a screenshot video in which I use a mind map to explain the Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS)™ and it's components.

How to Safely retire into Self-Employment (A True Story)

A client once told me how the first boss he worked for often told him:

“Look Alooya, if you work 8 hours in a day for an employer, start making effort to work one hour per day for yourself as well. Think of things you can do for yourself to earn income that will benefit you. Over time, increase the hours you work for yourself to 2, and so on. ”

[NB: Few employers will say stuff like that to their employees – especially in my part of the world. They would be scared of losing the employee, since it would make the latter aim for self-employment!]

He took the advice to heart, and it drove him all through the time he spent in paid employment – which was over 3 decades.

By the time he retired, he had learnt how to multiply money that came into his hands (e.g. salary) – generating multiple incomes streams from a variety of channels.

Just like his former boss had advised, he’d started by devoting a fraction of his time to exploring alternative ways of earning income. To avoid compromising his commitment to his employer, he focussed on passive income generation sources (one example later).

The money his part time endeavours generated was channelled into developing properties that today generate passive income from rent collections.

Whether you’re already retired or preparing to do so, it pays to know how to enter into the world outside salaried employment. It’s not as organised and predictable as the organisation you work in.

Many things can go wrong at the same time, and directly threaten income you earn.

Realising He Needed to Augment My Income

When he returned from a 4 year overseas assignment, he used the funds he’d saved to help his kids settle down in their various chosen locations.

Then he began thinking of what to do with the bulk funds that was left.

He considered getting a good car, to replace the aging had had. Many people would probably have gone for that option too.

But he had had a tough childhood, and learnt from painful experience, to find ways to make my money work for him.

So he did some more thinking.

After a while he realised the lack of water in the area he lived necessitated his leaving home almost every day to use his car to fetch water.

It occurred to him that if he bought a new car, the wear and tear would make it age fast.

What was more, he considered that at his age (then 50), carrying heavy kegs filled with water around on a daily basis, posed a danger to his physical well being. If nothing else, his hips would suffer for it.

That valid concern made him decide to sink a borehole in his compound.

He had always been one who believed in achieving lasting long term benefits from any investment he made. So when they encountered a bed of rock at 75 feet, he instructed that it be drilled right through by another 70 feet.

The result was that he ended up piping naturally pure water to the surface!

Wasting no time, he set up a manifold outside his house where people began trooping to buy his “pure” borehole water.

It was a great success.

Daily revenue rapidly grew, and at a point he was selling N7, 000.00 worth of water daily!

Doing some more thinking, he decided to use the income stream from sales of water, to further his ambition to build properties to rent out.

Today, the house where he started that water business from, hosts four (4) apartments, each of which houses tenants that pay rent to him!

In other words, he channelled the income from the water sales, combined with some of his salary, to build more properties.

Final Words

Anybody can use this same model, to prepare for self-employment.

It goes without saying, that all employees will one day have to leave their jobs, via retirement, resignation…or redundancy.

Therefore, adopting a strategy like that described above would be a smart thing to do.

Succeeding With Social Media: The Required Mind Set

Top performing sales people often succeed by painstakingly building trust in the minds of their prospects. They rarely adopt pushy sales strategies or hype. Yet, over time, those they approach loyally buy from them, and even tell others about them without being asked.

That’s why I’m a believer in letting things happen naturally. Be it in endeavours like farming (i.e. growing crops or rearing animals) or social interaction (in business or personal life).

Social media allows people to put the best of their natural selves on display. And that’s why many – like Twitter and Facebook – are popular.

However, just as with everything else in life, certain people always find a way to “corrupt” otherwise good things.

For instance, certain users of social media frequently “hard sell” themselves and/or their products to other users. Rather than aim to first establish trusting relationships, they simply launch a presence on each channel, and start making all sorts of (often hyped) sales offers.

These kinds of people make little or no effort to add value by sharing ideas and contributing to discussions.

Yet, the key to social media’s effectiveness is its ability to stimulate discussions that help draw the right target audience!

About a year ago, I had a discussion with an online acquaintance – Nhoj – on this matter. He had expressed similar sentiments to the above.

In making my contribution, I noted that I belonged to three other groups on a particular social media platform:

One for speakers, another on speaker marketing, a third on book writing.

Within days of joining the first group however, I discovered – just like he had – a massive difference in the quality of interaction amongst its members, compared to the other three.

For instance in the other 3 groups I joined, aspiring and competent experts continually shared ideas and experiences/insight in a mutually rewarding – and collaborative – atmosphere.

Very rarely was any selling (talk less of “hard selling”) done. There was so much sincerity. A win-win atmosphere.

In contrast, I found that the members of another group Nhoj referred to, relentlessly bombarded themselves with pushy sales messages, day in, day out. There was great activity (e.g. volume of posts), but very little quality interaction.

It was obvious that majority of the members of this group were “programmed” to take from others. Most of them were just there to sell something. They had no value to add to the process!

Unfortunately, people with this kind of mind set are competitive minded about the wrong things.

The truth however, is that if they want to succeed, they’ll need to adopt a more collaborative approach in their interaction with other group members.

Being willing to collaborate with others does NOT mean you’re weak or less competent.

Quite often, doing so can help you overcome limitations you’ve had while working alone.

Business persons who understand the ethical way to use social media, often appreciate the need to first of all establish a mutually beneficial (or as Nhoj put it – “symbiotic”) relationship with others, in order to make meaningful progress.

We have plenty of historical evidence that proves that it pays to follow this enlightened path.

A high profile example is that of the late Steve Jobs, who partnered with competitors like Microsoft, to take the industry to the next level (as Richard Branson, another genius of similar temperament, recently recalled in one of his syndicated articles).

No One Says You Should Not Try To Sell: Just Don’t “Hard Sell”!

Now, in case you’re reading this, and wondering, I’m not asking you to engage in some selfless altruistic gestures of helping others out, just for the sake of it.

On the contrary, I actually believe it pays to focus on making money or building revenue, through direct or indirect means, by using social media.

The point I AM making, is that a social media platform should not be abused by using it exclusively as a trading center.

In other words, a place, where people come with the singular motive of simply putting their stuff up for sale for others to buy.

On social media , the culture is more refined – with emphasis on building trusting relationships via quality interactions!

There is emphasis on first offering useful value of some sort, with a twist or spin off that could yield potentially beneficial returns, to one or more of the participants.

Most important is the willingness of all members to contribute, with honesty and integrity. And they often do this, even when they know there is a chance, that no direct benefits will accrue to them from doing so.

In essence, I am saying business persons should adopt social media, with the intention of being of – FIRST – being of service to others.

In the course of doing so, s/he will become known, recognised and appreciated for the quality of his/her contributions. And that would be one benefit!

Also in the process of serving in this manner, opportunities for showcasing what s/he offers, will present themselves (e.g. articles, reports).

As s/he continues to build credibility, “trusting” members would find it easy to “consider” his/her products/services or refer others.

Even better, some may propose joint ventures, or partnerships of sorts, with attractive benefits.

The result would be that competent business people, with win-win dispositions, would continue to discover opportunities to progress together via groups that operate as described above. Trust would be established, and this would ease the way for useful interactions to take place.

The first group referred to above, did NOT seem to have many members who understood the need to operate in this manner. That differentiated them from members of other groups. And such a shortcoming is very likely to deny many of its members, the long term benefits enjoyed by compliant groups.

Final Words

The point I’ve made in this piece applies to the use of virtually all social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc) for business purposes.

What Video Interviews Don’t Reveal About What It Takes to Succeed

I have a deep passion for analyzing success stories, and extracting useful learning points from them. My most recent obsession has been ESPN’s video about how a guy, born without arms, rose to world class success as a vehicle engineer.

The video however lasts only 7 – short – minutes.

But It Actually Took That Guy 22 LONG Years to “Make It” That Far

That’s how long Richie Parker, and his wonderful parents, worked hard to get where they are today.

And I dare say that those must have been very lonely years too.

T-w-e-n-t-y T-w-o LONG years.

The video makers could naturally not capture full details of what really transpired during those 2 decades.

Yet, for those who wants to know how the Parkers really did it…THAT LONG PERIOD IS what we need to examine!

See screenshot below – which I took from the video.

Sreenshot which I took from the ESPN video about Richie Parker. My kid would have used her hands to caress the dog. Richie, as a little child, had to settle for using his legs!

Above: My kid would have used her hands to caress the dog. Richie, as a little child, had to settle for using his legs!

The video does not say it. But this guy had to contend –right from the day he was born – with the reality of what should have been a crippling disability.

Most people don’t want to endure LONG – and sometimes LONELY – periods of hard work to succeed.

Oh…they love to hear stories of those who did it, and will heartily applaud, even idolize them. But they’d rather NOT have to go the same route to their success!

Which is why quick and easy “formulas” for success sell so well in our world!

Unfortunately, success that is had “quickly and easily”, often departs just as “quickly and easily” :-)

Richie’s kind is however an excellent example of authentic success – the one that lasts, and is reproducible.

But whoever wants it, MUST be willing to pay the price of working hard, and long…most times at least.

Other Victories Richie Has Won DAILY (for Decades), Which the Video Did Not Show Us

It’s possible most people have NOT considered it. But there are other realities Richie has successfully dealt with for 30 long years.

Get this: The ESPN video does NOT tell us, how Richie Parker ALSO successfully does these UN-AVOIDABLE tasks – daily – without arms…

1. Brushing his teeth…applying toothpaste takes two hands for most of us…how does he do his?

2. Taking his bath…how does he turn the tap or shower on…and off?

3. Putting on his shirts, trousers, shoes etc…every day…?

4. Unbuttoning or taking off his trousers to use the toilet…?

I could go on, but so can you. Just think how he does ALL the stuff YOU do without even thinking about it.

For him, it must take him great effort to do each of those things.

And yet, he still does them (otherwise he would not be where he is today).

And in addition to doing them, he does his work just as well as others who HAVE arms, in a field as demanding as vehicle engineering.

Watch the Video and Listen to Richie speak. He is so self-assured!

Watch the Video and Listen to Richie speak. He is so self-assured! He learnt (with the help of his parents) to believe he could do anything he wanted to do.

Listening to Richie Parker, one is left in no doubt that he is supremely aware of his capabilities.

Yet, I’ve lost count of many able bodied persons I’ve ment who are insecure about themselves!

Why is this so?

It’s partly – often mostly – the result of how they were brought up by their parents.

What Mr. and Mrs. Parker did for Richie is what all parents should do for their kids from DAY 1 – to paraphrase Richie.

Make your kids develop and independent and confident mindset.

Let them know they can go through life not .looking to continually lean on, or need others to do stuff for them!

But We Must Not Fail to Give Rex Stump Credit for Making Richie’s Success Story Happen

You see Rex was smart enough to LOOK BEYOND Richie’s (seeming) disability, to see the potential he had, to ADD VALUE to Hendrick.

That’s the way a competent decision maker acts. S/he will always take decisions in the best interests of the organisation, and those he manages!

No room for bias or discrimination here.

Richie’s parents are, to me, the greatest heroes ever!

They coached him to believe in himself and achieve. And they painstakingly documented EVERY way he overcame his disabilities to do just that.

I happen to LIVE for my kids – and I mean that literally.

And when I see other people’s kids, I FEEL towards them, what I feel for mine: a strong desire to help them BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE…and to refuse to live below one’s full potential.

And Richie’s life, to me, presents us all a massive challenge to DO MORE With Our God-given Potential!

And I’ve chosen to respond to that challenge, by LEARNING from his story, and telling others to do the same.

For myself, my kids, and any others who may be interested, I’ve created a FREE, Printable Power Point Slideshow(see cover below).

I created this PowerPoint slideshow (and published it on, to give people with poor (or zero!) connectivity, an alternative means of “learning” about Richie Parker.

In particular, I have considered many in my part of the world, whose circumstances probably make it impossible, or difficult to use the web.

They may never see the video unless someone takes an offline version to them. I plan to do what I can with the offline version I’ve recorded.

But I believe printing out, and sharing this Power Point version I’ve created, will go an even longer way.

Even those of us who’ve watched the video will find it useful to read through the transcript version.

I published it on since last Saturday 19th Octover 2013 – click here to view it.

The download link appears in this blog post (click here).

Download, print out, and share it FREELY with people OFF the web, who may probably never “encounter” this story otherwise!


My Pineapple Peel-Based Drinks Production Project UPDATE: Pilot Scale Shelf-Life, and Variable Cost-Reduction “Trials”

This is an update on progress with my Pineapple Peels based drinks production project. I’ll also be posting an update on my Quick and Dirty Guide to English/French soon.

[NB: That next post will include details of how I’ve now partnered with a 2-man Beninois team of language experts to produce chapters 2 to 10 of my guide. These guys run an English language for French speakers “practice” club supported by the high commissioner for a small but respected African country. EXCITING stuff I tell you!]

As for my Pineapple peel based drinks, I’m now done with initial shelf-life trials.

Plus, in the process of exploring ways to cut down production costs, (to offer a range of “flavours” that appeal to different “pockets”), I’ve had a breakthrough of sorts.

You see, normally I have to “cook” (for 15 to 30 minutes) the pineapple peel mixture to get the finished drink I’ve been carrying around (i.e. non-fermented).

For the fermented version, I would post-boil have to wait 48 to 72 hours to let it ferment out, before that version would be ready.

In both cases, I then have to use “home-made drinks” production techniques to “pasteurize” it in “glass bottles”. All of these have cost implications – as plastic bottles simply lose shape when exposed to 60 degrees Celsius of heat.

By implication, what I’ve been carrying around have been partially pasteurized drinks in the real sense.

What I need to offer are versions that people can choose to take away and store for a month or more, without fear of spoilage.

Of course the version to be offered in my brew-pub will be drunk right away on the serving tables.

But people are bound to want to take some away. And I don’t want to be guilty of giving people bottled products that explode in their hands or homes – due to gas from “hidden fermentation”…LOL.

That’s why I’ve been careful to explore ways to kill off residual microbial activity.

The thing is standard procedures are expensive. I’m therefore looking to leverage more nature friendly methods.

You don’t hurry when it comes to food and drinks production i.e. things people will consume.

One mistake with your product, and your reputation may never be reparable. I know this from my training – and experience – in Guinness. And from courses I took for the UK’s Institute and Guild of Brewing (IGB) exams.

Well, in the course of “experimenting”, I actually found a way to get the fermented version ready-to-drink WITHOUT needing to “cook” the starting mixture.

That means I effectively get to cut out the costs of “heating” – which can add up over time, as you know.

To be fair, this option was always there, but I just never felt it was safe enough.

The new technique also allows fermentation to end naturally – killing the yeasts. Again, this implies major savings.

But I’m STILL keen to add an extra layer of “safety”, by adding an antibacterial agent, preferably a natural one, as against chemical kinds which are more common.

Currently reviewing options there…

As for sales, I’ve settled on starting with a home-based brew-pub (brewery-pub).

I actually intended to have a turn-key micro-brewery with 5hl capacity setup. My checks online with guys who install such “mobile” breweries show (not surprisingly), that it’s not cheap to do.

But I’m going to do it.

I have a strategy to start small, and then use my success to “sell” the idea to “partners” to finance the scale up.

That’s why I’ve been shopping for a bigger place to move into, where I can get a local artisan to construct the vessels and other materials I need.

I already have my process flow diagram, and I know exactly how to make the place run with minimal manpower. Since it will basically be in my backyard, and linked to a “pub” type of bar in front (where people will eat snacks with the drink), I’m sure it will work.

I’ve also found a way to link all of that with my work on developing solutions for farmers.

There’ll be more on that soon.

One thing is certain. Before the end of this year, I WILL have six pack versions of my fermented pineapple peel based drinks available for on-demand purchase.

For starters, here in Benin Republic. And there WILL be a “pub” where people can come to eat snacks with the non-fermented, and fermented versions.

And get this: My Quick and Dirty Guide autorun CD/DVD based learning events will hold at the pub – on set dates.

People will be able to participate in “practical speaking” sessions, and also compete to win copies of the complete 10 chapter audio-visual and Excel-VB based version.


So, watch this space for pictures and full details.

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