Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

Convert Your Excel Reporting Workbooks to Secure (& Even Money Making!) EXE Files

Below is a screenshot of the 2014 upgrade version of my popular Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator sofware. Do you notice it’s actually an EXE (executable) file, and NOT an Excel workbook…even though it’s in Excel?! Users need not enable macros. Plus, it works on any Excel version (for Windows or Mac). All past buyers get it FREE!

Screenshot of the 2014 upgrade version of my popular Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator sofware. Do you notice it’s actually an EXE (executable) file, and NOT an Excel workbook...even though it's in Excel?! Users need not enable macros. Plus, it works on any Excel version (for Windows or Mac). All past buyers get it FREE!

Not many MS Excel experts, talk less users, will know how I converted (actually “compiled” is the word) my Excel-VB driven workbook into an EXE file.

I’ve read on many forums that it’s even impossible. :-))

Some of those who said this are respected, knowledgeable experts in the use of the MS Excel application, for software development.

A few referred to the use of Visual Basic 6 COM tools. But that’s too much hard work…or manual labour.

I own a copy of the Professional Excel Programming manual, and know what using VB6 to create EXE apps involves. Right from the first day I read it, I knew it was not something I’d readily settle for.

So I kept searching. Especially online.

You see, I always knew I would need to be able to convert my automated workbook applications to EXE versions. Mainly to secure my code (knowledgeable developers will tell you VBA password security is a joke. It can be cracked within seconds), and also deploy my apps more professionally.

The only reason I waited was that I wanted to have enough user feedback to incorporate as many valuable features into my software as possible.

Since 2004, I’ve been doing that with my Ration Formulator. Today I have had buyers from across Nigeria, and outside Nigeria/Africa. Some have been so forthcoming with feedback that they have helped improve the app’s functionality greatly!

Last Friday, a prospective buyer of the Ration Formulator who’d called me on phone, sent an email asking:

“Does the software work with a Mac laptop?”

I responded as follows:

“As long as you have a fully functional installation of MS Excel on your PS, my Excel apps will work on it without problems.”

(NB: I sent this response with every sense of responsibility. I’d done my homework by reviewing the features of MS Excel 2011 for Macintosh.)

He promptly sent this response:

“Ok. I’ll let you know when I make payment.”

And he did that the next day.

24 hours later, I sent him the latest (2013) upgrade version of the app.

The next day he sent me a screenshot showing a compile error, that popped up when the app was opening in MS Excel on his laptop.

After thinking about it a while, I recalled that I’d introduced the use of API calls in the 2013 upgrade of the app, to enable use of modeless forms. It was the only change I’d made without considering the MS Excel 2011 for Mac, that I did to the application.

Here’s the reply I sent to him(with the above screenshot image of the new EXE version of the Ration Formulator):

Here's the reply I sent to him(with the above screenshot image of the new EXE version of the Ration Formulator):

He wrote back to say “thanks”. (And tonight, I’ll be sending him the promised modified version to see if it will run OK.)

Your (or Your Company’s) Important MS Excel Workbooks Can Be Converted to Secure, & Even Income Generating EXE Versions!

I’ve seen various ways companies put spreadsheets to use. From my time in paid employment (over 7 years), as well as the ten years I’ve been a spreadsheet solutions developer for client companies.

Many of those workbooks contain years of hard work from collaborative efforts of highly skilled persons.

They build complex formulas to generate valuable performance indicators for reliable decision making. Most times off-the-shelf apps that can offer similar customized reporting output are impossible to find.

And that’s why it makes great sense for such individuals/businesses to protect them as EXE files!

One example…

Back in 2009, I was contacted by the expatriate regional project manager for a well known petroleum exploration company.

He’d found my Excel-VB Solutions Development website, while “Googling” online for an Excel expert in Nigeria. I was still based in Lagos, Nigeria, at the time.

After a face to face meeting in Ikeja, he eventually invited me to their Freeman house office on Lagos Island, for a meeting with the head of the finance section, and his assistant.

They proceeded to show me a massive, and complex, tax computation workbook application.

It was about 45MB in size!

They wanted me to rebuild for easy comprehension by less Excel-competent users. The person who’d built it had left.

Long story short, I told them what needed to be done, and how I proposed we proceed. The next day they called to inform me they were pleased and wanted me to start work.

But I never did go on to do that project…because we could not agree on when my first payment would happen.

I wanted a one-third advance retainer. They wanted to pay me from the third week after I’d started work.

The point I’m however making is that if they had in-house Excel-VB programming expertise, they would have been better off.

Coupled with the know-how to convert the modified app to EXE version, they could even have made a product that could even be licensed to other companies. Especially considering it was a tax computation workbook!

But then again this is an oil service company we’re talking about. They probably did not need the money!

Having said that, I believe they would still have appreciated the extra security of having such a sensitive workbook in EXE form.

It would be impossible to illegally view the formulas or copy them or the code in it.

But they would still be able to post data, and save changes made to the data, in the EXE version!

If you’re a financial consultant, tax expert, or a professional who builds complex workbooks (E.g. quantity surveyor) for your work, this should interest you.

If you’d like to learn more about how to convert useful MS Excel workbooks you built, into such EXE versions that you can even sell…

Like REAL professional software, complete with installation routines, contact me for details….

I’ll send you details of the amazing features and functions you can get!

You probably already have a specially built workbook you use to quickly compute personal income taxes for client employees.

Or to generate payslips, or to compute company taxes, profit and loss reports etc.

The solution I refer to can help you convert your workbook into an EXE version you can sell to clients, or other consultants, and earn even more money!

Get in touch for details of how to begin today.

Anyone – Including Kids In School – Can Achieve Success Via Part Time Entrepreneuring

Photo 1: Wed. Dec. 11, 2013 – My 10, 14, and 12 year old sons, and the 50% pineapple peel based cakes they baked WITHOUT an oven. All they used was the charcoal stove, a heavy metal pot, and flour, sugar etc that I brought ALL the way from Cotonou…LOL!
Photo: Wed. Dec. 11, 2013 - My 10, 14, and 12 year old sons, and the 50% pineapple peel cakes they baked WITHOUT an oven. All they used was the charcoal stove, and a heavy metal pot I brought ALL the way from Cotonou

Now They’re Selling Their Cakes!

Yep. I found out just yesterday afternoon, when I called to speak with them.

Actually, I called to scold them for leaving their rooms, and most of the house disorganized.

Their mother had complained about that the night before.

So I decided to call and speak with the boys. One is a teenager already, while the other 2 are approaching that age, but the restlessness of youth makes their attention span notoriously short.

I started with the 12 year old, asking him why he’d left the sitting room un swept and disorganized. He mumbled a number of excuses.

None of them held water. But I played along.

Then I told him I would call by 10p.m to ask if he’d done his chores. And if he had not, he and I would have issues. He knew what I meant, and promised he would get it done.

I had a similar chat with the 10 year old.

The 14 year old, this time around, was not at fault. He has had to support his mother a lot since I began traveling, and the many different roles he’s playing have made him mature beyond his years.

He’s become extremely capable in terms of handling house hold chores, including cooking.

The teenage excesses still come over him at times, but he’s learning to better manage them.

I told him to follow up with his younger brothers and make sure they did what they’d promised to do.

Just as I was about to end the call, the 10 year old (he’s always the one who leads these initiatives) snatched the mobile from his older brother, and exclaimed: “Tayo, we’re now selling our cakes!”

It was like a repeat of how they told me they had started selling their drinks.

I asked: “Really? Where?”

“In our school. Our classmates bought all the ones we took to school yesterday!” he replied.

“How much do you sell them?” I asked.

“N50!” he replied in an excited voice “They bought everything, and told us to bring more.”

Photo 2: The 14 year old has a finger in his mouth. That’s where most of the first set  of cakes they made went…before they recently began selling them…lol!)

Photo: Wed. Dec. 11, 2013 - My 10, 14, and 12 year old sons, and the 50% pineapple peel cakes they baked WITHOUT an oven. All they used was the charcoal stove, and a heavy metal pot I brought ALL the way from Cotonou (The 14 year old has a finger in his mouth. That's where most of the first set  of cakes they made went...before they recently began selling!)

As Shown Below I Also Brought Them the Cake Cups I Used In Cotonou

The price he mentioned was one we’d agreed on before I returned to Cotonou. That day we sat down and did simple costing of the inputs, to agree a reasonable selling price for each cup cake.

Our computation came to roughly N55.

Photo 3: Heavy metal pot my kids use for “non-oven” baking of the pineapple peel cakes. I also brought them the Cake Cups I used to make mine back in Cotonou

Heavy metal pot my kids use for "non-oven" baking of the pineapple peel cakes. I Also Brought Them the Cake Cups I Used In Cotonou

In Cotonou, I’d seen many people, towards the Christmas celebrations selling similar cake sizes for 150 FCFA.

This amounted to approximately N50.

So we agreed they should try selling the cakes at that price.

I Had No Idea If They Would Find Buyers or How/Where!

I just told them: Try and sell them(just as I did after teaching them to make the drinks)…LOL

For one thing I noticed the first set of cakes they made using my “zero-oven-village-charcoal-stove-baking” method tended to be a bit undercooked.

(That did not however stop them and their sisters from gobbling everything up. They really had fun making cakes with over 3kg of flour I brought with me, plus another 2 kg I bought before I left. All the cakes were eaten up. No attempt was made to sell. Kids!!!! LOL)

I later found the cakes undercooked because they were not keeping the charcoal bricks burning. As a result the heat tended to diminish with time.

So I told them to let each cakes batch stay longer, and to fan the embers for longer periods.

As You Can Imagine, An Oven Would Have Made All This Hassle Unnecessary…

That’s true.

However, the improvisational approach I used helps people – especially kids – discover how to use their creativity to do things inexpensively.

And it also equips them with valuable life skills.

The way I see it, as young Africans, it’s useful for them to know how our traditional cooking “equipment” work.

Who knows where they’ll find themselves in future!

Anyway, considering that they now make sales, and buyers want more, it’s safe to say they’ve now gotten the “Cooking Time” for their cakes right 😉

Next Step: Getting Them to Understand Why They Must Re-Invest – & Save – Money They Make

I told the 10 year old I was pleased with what they had done, and to “Keep it up!”

But he was not done yet…

He quickly cut in to say: “Tayo, tell Mommy to give us N300, so we can buy more flour and sugar, to make more cakes.”

That request reminded me of a mistake they had been making since they began recording sales.

They’d showed me wooden piggy banks they put their money in. But it rarely stayed there. They always found ways to spend it all!

In fact, the last time I spoke with their mother, she complained they got money from her to buy sugar, flour and other ingredients for making the cakes and drinks.

But they never brought home the money from sales. Instead they spent it on snacks right in school!

Since they are kids, this was not surprising, and I expected it.

I told him to give the phone to his mother. Then I told her to give them the money, BUT to demand that they hand over sales they make to her.

The next step I have planned is to sit them down, and explain why they must plough back part of their sales income to purchase materials for the next production.

And I’ll also tell them why they have to save some of what is left.

Final Words: One Thing I Know From Coaching Kids Over The Years…

If you explain it clearly to them, so they see the benefits, you will NOT need to chase them to do it.

For now, I’m letting them enjoy the feeling of being able to make the classmates part with N50 for each of the cakes they make by themselves.

I know it’s a wonderful feeling, and it will inspire them to think of more ways to put their skills to use.

I urge you to do the same for your kids.

Entrepreneurial skills of this kind can prove crucial for their achievement of success in their adult lives.

Children find activities of this kind exciting/challenging, so interest is unlikely to be lacking.

And as shown above, they can do it, while still schooling full time!


1. Involve Your Kids in Your Dream, and They’ll Succeed Too

2. When You’re Not Working, Create a Bigger Dream (Hint: New Product – My Pineapple Peels Based Cakes…Made Without an Oven!)

3. Are Your Kids Ready to Succeed in Your World?

No. 128: Using Location Independent Multipreneuring to Achieve Public Speaking Success

I began my “Location Independent Multiprenuring Travels” across West Africa, on 1st April 2013 – about 10 months ago. The amazing successes I’m achieving (some described below) convince me one MUST be willing to take greater risks, to move to higher levels of achievement.

If I’d remained in Nigeria, I doubt I’d have achieved this much by now! (Want to know why I chose to relocate to Benin Republic? Click here).

This is why I share my experiences on my website. I want people to learn (from reading about how I use myself as a “guinea pig” of sorts) what they can do to advance towards their goals in life.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 10th February 2014


Title: Using Location Independent Multipreneuring to Achieve Public Speaking Success

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

Have You Downloaded Your Gifts?

Ten Ways Self-Development Bible

As a subscriber to my mailing list, you get to access over 10 potentially useful books and reports.

Click here to view the download page:

Login using the username and password sent to you during signup.

Can’t find it? No problem. E-mail me via tayo at tksola dot com and I’ll send you another. Not yet a subscriber? Click here to signup.

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 128: Using Location Independent Multipreneuring to Achieve Public Speaking Success

I began my “Location Independent Multiprenuring Travels” across West Africa, on 1st April 2013 – about 10 months ago. The amazing successes I’m achieving (some described below) convince me one MUST be willing to take greater risks, to move to higher levels of achievement.

If I’d remained in Nigeria, I doubt I’d have achieved this much by now! (Want to know why I chose to relocate to Benin Republic? Click here).

This is why I share my experiences on my website. I want people to learn (from reading about how I use myself as a “guinea pig” of sorts) what they can do to advance towards their goals in life.

Thanks to a New Facebook Friend for Asking Me a Question

This issue of my newsletter is an update of sorts about my Location Independent Multipreneuring, which is taking me “slowly” across West Africa.

If not for a new Facebook friend that I’ll simply call D.M, I’ll probably not have gotten round to writing it. She sent me a Facebook message asking:

“So, are you still travelling across Africa?? What are you up to?”

Her enquiry, as I told her, came in as I was contemplating writing an update on my blog about my travels. So I decided to kill 2 birds with one stone…by writing to answer her, and at the same time end up with a new article update to publish under the “My DN Travels” category on my blog.

Yes I Am Still Travelling…Across West Africa…But Slowly…

I’m working to deliberately achieve name recognition and promote my products/services to more members of my target audience, in West Africa, who may not yet be so web friendly.

And they are many – especially business owners (for some strange reason) – who are like that.

My strategy is to use what I call my Public Speaking for Business Marketing System (PSBM)™ – which I conceived/began using in Nigeria back in 2002 – to get their attention and interest at zero cost.

I’m actively creating awareness about what I can do to help groups and organisations. And I’m doing it in a way that, over time, MOVES them to invite me to contact me.

From there, as has happened in the past, some may engage me to do deliver my products and services.

Here are some of the activities I’m focussed on…

1. Zero Cost Book Publishing Information & Education for Writers

For instance, I’m trying to get the Pan African Writers Association (PAWA) in Ghana, to bring me in to speak to/coach their members.

This is with respect to using web based Print On Demand Publishing to get their physical books published and delivered to a global paying audience at zero cost.

I’ve been selling physical copies of my own flagship Self-Development manual, using web based zero cost Print On Demand publishing, since 2005 – when I met with the PAWA president during a 2 week stay in Accra.

He’d been quite excited by the idea of not needing to pay hefty fees to traditional publishers to get books in print, for sale locally or abroad.

But he wanted me to send a physical copy of my book which I’d shown him online. A few months later, I sent a copy through a friend that I stayed with in Accra, who worked with a bank.

I never heard back from him, but I mentally resolved that I’d follow up at the right time. I believe that time is now here.

See my self development bible which is physically shipped worldwide on sale

2 months ago (December 2013), I also got paid for writing a 4,000 word agribusiness research paper for an international organisation. Apart from visiting Nigeria to conduct a questionnaire survey, I only had to sit down and write based on what I knew!

A few days ago, I got email notification that my 500 word short story titled “The Deadly High School Students Street Fight” did NOT get selected for phase 2 of an international competition I entered it for.

I sent in my submission from the competition website on the night of the very last day for entries – 31st December 2013 (while others were watching movies).

Many such online (free-to-enter) writing contests exist. A Google search will yield useful links to follow.

I argue that any writer, who feels s/he is good, and lacks “funds”, can start by entering for such contests.

There are cash prizes (up to $3,000 USD) to be won by finalists. If/when you win, you can channel such earnings to boost your writing career.

Why not? It’s better than sitting at home moaning about how no publisher will give you a chance!!

Many writers across Africa don’t know it’s possible. Even today. Yet most complain of “lack of money” to get their book ideas published/sold, or to support their writing dreams.

I aim to help them out through their organisations.

2. Farm CEOs Benefit From Connecting With Me Too!

I also use variants of the above approach to promote other solutions I offer to farm business owners (e.g. my popular Feed Formulation Handbook and Ration Formulator Software).

To get my foot in the door, I aim to visit and become familiar with the different cultures in each country. [NB: I’ve visited some in the past (e.g. Ghana and Cameroon), and I’ll be exploiting contacts made back then to achieve my goals.]

Then based on unique insights I gain from my interactions and observations, I use my writing to offer them new ideas, information and education.

Lots of real life story telling about experiences I had in places like Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, and here in Benin Republic, is done, to “sell myself” as credible and authentic, AND therefore worthy of trust.

Over time, this and other approaches, make business owners and organisational decision makers discover me, and they often go on to connect with me.

It IS a slow process. But it works. And it Has a Very Long Lasting Marketing Reach and Impact

For instance since starting my travels on 1st April 2013, by coming to Benin Republic, I’ve had many more prospects readily make enquiries (and sometimes purchases) of my Ration Formulator software from in and out of Africa. E.g. Tanzania, Cameroon, S/Africa, Kenya, Iran, India, Bangladesh, Canada, USA.

It’s been amazing to see how writing about what I do DAILY, on my blog, with periodic reference to my travel experiences is making more people connect with me.

I’ve had buyers from all over Nigeria (east, west, north and south).

Just yesterday I fulfilled another N12,500 order for my feed formulation software.

The buyer called my Nigeria mobile line just as I boarded a bus headed to the Benin Republic border, from Lagos (where I’d gone to attend my Dad’s 80th birthday anniversary celebration).

The best part is however that I now get email and phone requests from Nigerians in Diaspora

They often request my advice (often making it clear they’re ready to pay or offer “ownership”) on market opportunities in Nigeria/West Africa, for business ideas they’re considering investing in e.g. fish farming, milk importation etc.

A few days ago, I made a recommendation to one such group that contacted me via Facebook. If they adopt it, and choose to have me implement it, I may be going across W/African markets to conduct a survey of imported milk products, towards writing a feasibility study for the decision makers to consider.

3. Farm Products Based Micro Scale Business Development Coaching

Then locally here in Benin, I’ve developed a pineapple peel based drink and cakes range, which has gotten me noticed at the Nigerian embassy here in Cotonou.

For instance, see – where my on-demand talk about using peels from pineapples (and 9 other fruits) to make drinks that can be sold.

Click to learn more about the Home Based Farm Business Products Brew Pub I Plan to Open In Cotonou

The subject interests people here, because pineapple is a national product, sold and consumed everywhere – daily. The tonnes of peels/rinds get thrown away.

What I have done proves it can be recycled. That has significant income generation and job creation potentials/implications.

I aim to get support to travel the region giving my flagship talk and training to interested groups.

A Beninese professor was at the Nigerian embassy, when I showed the bottled drinks to a top officer back in September.

He insisted on driving me to his home (hours away) in Kasato, outside Cotonou, to meet his entire family.

After I gave a brief overview of how I began making drinks using the peels, he scolded the kids who were students in the university saying: “This man only got here a few months ago, and look what he’s already doing in our country! Why can’t you do the same?

Later I was treated to a sumptuous meal. And when he dropped me off that night, he told me he would want me to come give talks to his students at the national language centre.

This year, I believe we’ll be able to make something happen in that regard.

The Chamber of Commerce Administrator for a certain Francophone nation here in Cotonou, has been one of my most fervent advocates.

After eating the 50% pineapple peel cakes I took to his office in December (he’d tasted the drinks 2 months before) he told me to send him all my promotional materials in French.

I’ll get around to that soon. I’d proposed going to their country to give talks on the subject.

4. Public Speaking for Business Marketing (PSBM) & Web Marketing Coaching

I’m using 1 to 3 described above, to build up to THIS number activity…

Back in June 2013, I developed (and have since begun selling on CDROM) Part 1 of a Quick & Dirty Guide to English Language for French Speakers…and to French Language for English Speakers. There are 9 other chapters planned.

Screenshot of autorun CD ROM for Part 1 of the Quick and Dirty Guide for French and English Learners

I’m now convinced that I can offer live “English public/speaking conversation practise sessions” for people at the brew pub I plan to open. Sales of my language guide, and the practice sessions would attract patrons to events I organise in my pub.

Like I said, things (including ideas) just seem to fall in place over time…:-))

My various activities have led a Cameroonian (web marketing) client, who is part-owner of a Private University here, to request that I deliver talks to students in the institution.

Hopefully we’ll be able to agree terms etc.

My key offering, as a I travel, is however a “Talk on How to Use Public Speaking – & Web Marketing Systems – for Zero Cost Business Marketing”.

Click to download Full PDF flyer with details of the Web Marketing and Public Speaking for Business Marketing Systems

Click to view larger screenshot - How African Experts and CEOs Can Use Public Speaking To Win Buyers and Save Money!

With the successes I now have under my belt, I’m certain this aspect of my plans will take off in 2014.

Final Words: What You Can Take Away…

That sums up the latest update on where I am in my work/travels, and what the near future looks like ;-))

But here’s something I’d like you to take away from all this…

You see, I did not start out knowing what the future held for me.

Yet I took the step to begin the journey, after realizing I needed to change my “environment” to succeed better.

Then I made sure that I never let a single day pass, without taking firm action to progress my plans.

What I found, over time, was that other things I needed began falling in place. I just had to proceed with faith and persistence.

Some Would Say I lead a Charmed Life. That I was/am lucky.

The truth is however that I have paid (and continue to PAY) my dues!

If you think doing any of the above the way I do them is easy, think again.

But I LOVE what I do, so it comes easy to me.

Find what YOU love to do, and apply a similar approach to the above – with faith/persistence. You’ll eventually find yourself succeeding, seemingly effortlessly, no matter what anyone says or does!

Further Reading:

Why I Do What I Do, The Way I Do It (My Personal Philosophy paper – written on 2nd March 2003)

Have a great week :-))

Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

He earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

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Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

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A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

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How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

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Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read
Click to read article titled: 'Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive'...and ONE other. Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.


Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed FormulationDownload above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo…

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You Can Agree to Disagree and Still LOVE (Tribute to my father at 80!)

Photo: My father – Ezekiel Oluwajimi (E.O) Solagbade – cuts his 80th birthday anniversary cake on Tuesday 4th Feb. 2014, with my mom (his wife for 43 years now). Dad is a Civil and Structural Engineer by profession. I absolutely LOVED the cake, because it was beautifully decorated to depict technical drawing tools he uses!

Dad & Mom Cutting the 80th Birthday Anniversary “Structural Engineering Cake!”

Close Up Photo - The cake is beautifully decorated to depict technical drawing tools Dad uses!


A little history: Before starting his consulting outfit, Dad supervised the construction of some major roads across the country, while with the Ministry of Works – in the 60’s. This meant he had to travel a lot – with my mother.

It was during one of those periods “on the road” that I was born, on 6th July 1970 in a place called New Bussa.

New Bussa used to be in Kwara State, but following the redefinition of state boundaries some years ago, it now falls into Niger State.

(NB: I still have my ORIGINAL birth certificate issued back then. The paper is all brown now, but still very legible.)

Deciding to Visit my “Place of Birth” During my NYSC Service Year (1992/93)

As a student, I’d always filled “New Bussa” in forms while trying to imagine what the place looked like. So, when the time came to go for my one year of mandatory service as a member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), I wrote a letter requesting the NYSC directorate to send me to Niger state.

This was in 1992/93 (I’d completed my degree course at the University of Ibadan, in Oyo state, in 1992)

They were glad to approve my request since the scheme had always been intended to promote regional integration. Here was this Tayo Solagbade, Yoruba guy, asking to be posted to Niger state in the middle belt area of the country.

It was perfect…for them…and for me (or so I thought…LOL).

So I Got Deployed to Spend My Service Year in Niger State…In a REAL VILLAGE!

But my place of primary assignment, much as I’d hoped it would be, was NOT New Bussa.

Instead it was a remote Vatsa village (Yes, “THE late”General Vatsa’s village), on the outskirts of the state.

At the time, they were NOT connected to the National Grid!

For a guy raised in the city, this would turn out to be a perfect introduction to REAL village life…and I fell in LOVE with it!

Newspapers typically arrived 3 days late. Yep. And they didn’t always come…LOL!.

Plus, if you were still there by 5 to 6p.m, you would most likely NOT find any commercial transportation to leave…till the next day!

Sitting Out The June 12 Presidential Election Riots

You may recall the June 12 crisis happened during that service year(?)

Well, 4 fellow NYSC members and I were stuck in that village all through that crisis period!

We only heard the little news that filtered in about the elections and the riots that followed.

Then, we began to see lorries carrying the belongings of Igbos who were fleeing from their Northern bases back to their homes in the East.

The Niger State NYSC director would later come around to visit us.

I recall him telling us we were safer where we were(in the village), than we would be if we tried making it back to our various homes in the south.

Well, back then, it turned out he was right.

None of us got harrassed or disturbed by anyone.

We lived amongst the people – who were mostly farm-loving Gwaris.

I made many great friends amongs them – teachers, and students alike. We made friends with Mohammed Vatsa…the late general’s son.

He was the ONLY person (if I recall correctly) who owned a generator (albeit small – the “I pass my neighbour” type) in the entire village at the time. So we used to spend time with him watching films…poor Corpers we were…LOL!

Demonstration of REAL LOVE from a father!

However, I tell this story to paint a picture of what life was like back then, for youth corpers.

Danger was certainly not something that bothered us.

Unlike today when serving outside your region can pose real dangers – for you…sadly.

During that June 12 crisis, my father kept sending messages through a cousin of ours who owned/ran his business in Abuja (Gwagwalada was just about one hour’s drive from the village).

His Experience of the Kano riots in his younger days, made him believe I was in danger. So he kept sending messages, refusing to accept my replies that I was safe and well, until I agreed to move into my cousin’s house in Abuja.

I stayed there for about 2 weeks.

My Dad scolded me when he finally got to speak with me on the phone.

He said “Look anything can happen. You need to take precautions and protect yourself from danger.”

We all (i.e. my siblings and I) enjoyed such protective gestures from him (and my mother).

Nothing compares to it!

Dad & Mom, flanked by me &my wife (of 14 years -Nkechi)...ehm & one more

Final Words: We (i.e. Dad and I) Do NOT, of Course, Get Along All The Time…

That’s a fact of life.

No two people ever do.

We’ll always have our differences!

Indeed there was a time when Dad and I argued – sometimes quarrelled(!)- quite a bit 😉

But even those interactions have made me better as a person.

I’ve learnt to appreciate that people will periodically hold divergent, uncompromising views from mine…and to be OKAY with it.

The truth is we CAN always agree to disagree!

Here’s wishing my SUPER DAD, many more prosperous years filled with joy, good health, happiness, and MORE grandchildren!!!!

Dad, Mom, and grandchildren (my kids)

PS: In next Friday’s post on parenting, I’ll share a story about how he found out I was secretly keeping a baby turtle in our home – and gave me a thorough thrashing…LOL!

Dad and Mom...with ‘Tomi - my sister and her husband, Ayo.


Dad & Mom.with Tutu , my sister who came in from the UK to represent her family. Her husband (Segun) & kids could not make it, due to work /school


Dad & Mom. + entire brothers Victor(beside Ngozi - wife) & Femi (behind Peju - wife)




Dad and Mom...with Victor - my brother, and his wife, Ngozi


Dad and Mom...with Femi - my brother, and his wife, Peju

Happy 80th Birthday to our SUPER DAD!

By the time you read this, I’ll be in Lagos with my siblings and the rest of the “Luwaji Solagbade family” to join in celebrating with my father, on his 80th birthday anniversary, at the University of Lagos. [Update (12th Feb 2014): Dad’s 80th anniversary celebration went perfectly! Click here to read about/view photos :-))]

Wow….80 years. We’ve come a long way as a family.

I’m going to share a story in my next post about how he found out I was secretly keeping a tortoise in our home – and gave me a thorough thrashing…LOL!

PS: By the way…I’m typing this post at 3.32p.m from here in Cotonou, to auto-schedule it to appear 12 noon tomorrow(that’s TODAY…for YOU, reading it now). You can therefore imagine just how much work I’ll have to do to make up to my siblings/family for arriving soooo late. Pictures will follow….

Happy 80th Birthday to our Super Dad!

One more thing: Big thanks go to for the Super Hero designs I customized above for use with Baba’s photo…LOL!

Is Your In-House Expert’s Ego Costing Your Company Money? – Part 2 of 2

In this second – and concluding part – of this article (read Part 1 of 2 here) , I offer practical suggestions (based on the true success story of a large multinational company) about how businesses can help their in-house experts act, more often, in the best interest of the company.

The In-House Expert’s Ideal Role Is To Add Tangible Value With His/Her Unique Expertise

A manufacturing multinational company once had a challenge finding a commercial off-the-shelf software application to comprehensively handle routine data handling and report generation needs of its factory production processes.

Despite repeated efforts to use some of the more popular commercial software, they found a lot of the peculiarities in their production process could not be efficiently catered for via customisation of the purchased software. There was – among others – a requirement for whatever software they used to be able to generate reports conforming to an already existing "house format".

Following some discussions, it was agreed that an in-house solution be developed.

The alternative adopted was a custom automated Lotus 1-2-3 based application built from scratch by a young expatriate middle level manager over a period of some months. Basically, he went around with a laptop speaking with those involved in data generation, analysis and reporting from the Corporate Headquarters to the factories, Purchasing departments, Production Planning, Engineering Utilities etc.

Using the information he gathered, in conjunction with various recording/reporting formats he saw being used in the different units(and his knowledge as an insider with experience in most of the key operations), he built an application that allowed entry of raw factory performance data and which automatically computed the company’s Standard Key Performance Indicators.

The application also automatically produced a one-page report that identified TEN(10) specific areas in which the company had OVER spent and UNDER spend respectively. This was displayed in an automatically generated comparison table, expressing the amounts SAVED or LOST in usage units (e.g. Kgs per litre of product) and monetary unit (e.g. Dollars per litre of product).

On the same page was also an auto-generated Variable Cost Analysis chart and four process charts showing the progressive trend in key waste control parameters over a 12 month period.

The best part was that this nifty program was built using an already familiar spreadsheet application, in a way that a reasonably skilled user could easily make needed changes as the need arose over time. Following reviews, the application was immediately put to use in preparing reports sent monthly from the factories to Headquarters, and also for the Monthly Review meetings held with Directors.

The In-House Expert’s Ideal Mental Attitude: Objective & Results-Focussed

I have narrated the above true story, with names etc removed "to protect the innocent" :-)

It illustrates the fact that senior decision makers in the technical function (a group of in-house experts) of the company did some good QUALITY thinking. This was with the obvious objective outlook being to SOLVE the data handling and reporting problem being experienced.

They liased with the IT department (ANOTHER group of in-house experts) to consider and test possible solutions. Over time they settled for a customised, simple, yet highly effective/flexible solution which they then found someone to develop and implement.

These senior technical managers – as well as the IT – managers functioned PROPERLY and successfully as the In-House Experts they were EXPECTED to be.

They had the final say in terms of recommending what could be done to the company.

They could have INSISTED that the company improvise with the less flexible commercial off-the-shelf applications, and probably the top management etc would have gone along.

But a lot of things would have suffered, and the main problem of poor data handling/standardisation and reporting would have persisted.

Instead, they wisely remained objective and open minded enough to see that the unique problem in the technical function required a unique solution.

They must have left their minds "open" long enough for someone (possibly the young expatriate Training Coordinator himself) to "sell" them the idea of using an automated spreadsheet application to solve the problem.

And that’s how in-house experts can justify their presence in, and earnings from the company: 

By adding REAL value to the company in such a way that it becomes better equipped to achieve its business goals more successfully. If they act this way often, the company they represent is unlikely to miss valuable OPPORTUNITIES to get – and STAY – ahead of the competition.

This is because it would be fully equipped to seize those opportunities as/when they appear using the INSIGHT of its results-oriented in-house experts.

Note: The young expatriate developer of the above mentioned program, was not an IT person.

He was a manager in the technical function, who happened to have a flair for numbers and had also developed his spreadsheet programming skills quite extensively.

Your Company Needs "Non-Partisan" In-House Experts

To help you realise how NOT addressing the issues I have raised here can make your company MISS great opportunities to advance in quantum leaps, I reproduce below just ONE of many available quotes(you probably know some yourself!) credited to "in-house expert" representatives of companies.

These experts confidently gave the following WRITTEN assessment (to top management) of a new idea/concept/innovation that went on to CHANGE the world!

“This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us”. – Western Union Internal Memo, 1876

Can you imagine just how STUPID anyone who took the advice of the guys who wrote the above mentioned memo MUST have felt AFTER seeing demand for the telephone in business and society skyrocket?!

That’s the price one can end up paying for FAILING to remember that EXPERTS will always be human. Which makes it necessary to constantly check and ensure their human weaknesses do not prevent them from delivering EXPERT quality results as often as possible – in the BEST interests of the organisation!

Summary – Set Up Systems To Help Your In-House Experts KEEP Doing Their Jobs Properly

So what’s going to happen when next some unknown, inconsequential looking individual walks into your company lobby…and says s/he has a product or service or IDEA s/he believes your company will find useful?

What will you want your gatekeepers from reception, to your personal assistant(s) and of course the "in-house" experts to DO before they send him/her away?

In my opinion, it would not hurt to arrange for certain members of your team to give formal appointments to – and meet for a limited time. With individuals who come in sounding coherent, purposeful and convincing enough to the gatekeepers.

The fact that your company is BIG does not mean a (seemingly) "small" person cannot have a BIG idea that can make your company bigger!

And THAT is the classic mistake many people make – especially when they feel they are "successful" or more successful than the person who approaches them!

You might also want to set up a system for documentation, collation and careful REVIEW of EVERY idea, suggestion or proposal that is made on paper or verbally, by employees or outsiders, formally or informally, for their potential uses and applications.

Sometimes the solution you seek to a challenge being faced by your company can reveal itself to you, when you OPEN your mind.

Consider the IDEA(S) or SUGGESTION(S) a junior employee – or unknown outsider service provider who offers to give a talk for instance – says s/he has.

It will only be a matter of time before doing so yields benefits that result in significant improvements in your company’s productivity, profitability etc.

Is Your In-House Expert’s Ego Costing Your Company Money? – Part 1 of 2

“This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us”. – Western Union Internal Memo, 1876. Isn’t it amazing how those narrow minded individuals who wrote that memo, rubbished an innovation that was destined to change the world? If anyone had taken them seriously where would we all be today…without the telephone?

The foregoing is why I argue that companies need to set up systems to help their in-house experts act in the best interests of the organisation. 

(Original version of this article, was published on this static html page on: 7th September 2007)

Who Is An "In-House Expert"?

Here’s my "definition": Any employee – whether temporary, contract or permanent – whose opinion – based on his/her area of recognised expertise, will be sought and used to decide what the company should do, with respect to a particular line of action being considered.

They (i.e. in-house experts) are often given the responsibility of providing related support to other employees using their knowledge and expertise, to evaluate possible strategies, technologies or solutions that the company could adopt to IMPROVE her ability to achieve valued corporate goals.

Common examples include IT managers and their lieutenants.

Sometimes companies outsource their needs in technical fields such as IT, keeping a skeletal structure in-house. Other times they engage consultants on a contract basis. And of course some companies feel more comfortable having a full fledged IT department in some cases with emphasis on development of in-house software solutions.

Other types of in-house experts are the Project Managers, HR managers, PR managers, Marketing Managers, Business Development Managers, People /Organisational Development Managers, Engineering Managers etc.

These individuals would usually be depended upon by various categories of decision makers (including their fellow in-house experts) in the company to EVALUATE – for instance – any new idea or initiative/concept being considered for adoption.

And more often than not, it is whatever they say that gets taken as the "final word", so to say.

But that’s not bad in itself – so long as the in-house expert maintains a dispassionate and professional (UN-BIASED) disposition in giving his/her advice or recommendations.

The Problem: In-House Experts’ Can Sometimes Be Afflicted With "Experts’ Blindness"!

Do you have in-house experts whose word you take as gospel truth?

If you know them well, and are sure of their competence and objectivity, that would be a safe thing to do.

But in life, nothing stays exactly the same. Much as you may trust and like your "expert", s/he may not always be able to deliver to the same high standards.


Because s/he – like the rest of us – is only human!

And as a human being, when you get used to being "the expert", in a situation where people often readily accept what you say/think, it can get quite intoxicating.

That can make you get just a little "too carried away" sometimes.

Only Few People Can Resist Feeling This Way Every Now and Then

Your in-house expert is just as prone as everyone else. Chances are if/when s/he does slip up, it will be inadvertent rather than deliberate. Whatever may be the cause, the potential damage to you/your organisation in the event that this does happen (and it CAN!) is the most crucial thing to consider.

What if the advice/tip given you by your "in-house expert" turns out to be based on statistics s/he checked two weeks earlier, AND which s/he assumed would stay the same for at least 30 days, as had been his/her experience over that past five years?

But what if THIS time, due to a slight change in market regulations late last week (that your expert did not bother to monitor since s/he "knew" it was the same old "stuff"), your plans based on the expert’s advice had fallen through?

Just think for a moment what it could mean, if this were to happen to you.

The point I’m making is ANYONE of us can use past experience to take intelligent decisions. BUT the key to our being consistently successful will be CONTINUED vigilance to changes that MAY occur and which could have implications for the decisions we take.

Without staying alert to unexpected changes or new developments (some previously unknown to even the most experienced among us) that could occur, we stand little chance of achieving success with any degree of consistency.

And that’s why we cannot afford to turn a blind eye to our environment!

Anybody/anything can help us in this process. The problem with some in-house experts is that they let their egos get in the way – AND block their view.

Whenever this happens, the organisations that depend on them lose out as a result.

Why Do In-House Experts Sometimes Behave This Way?

As I said earlier, the truth is they are only human. We all have our little attacks of insecurity every now and then.

And that makes can make a person inadvertently hold opinions/give recommendations based LESS on objectivity, and more on how s/he "perceives" that an idea/concept/initiative "THREATENS" his/her status as an in-house expert.

A person advocating a new idea/concept or initiative may find it useful to ensure the in-house expert believes s/he can end up looking BETTER by letting the idea reach decision makers, instead of opposing it.

But it may not be easy to do this – especially if one is an outsider, like a consultant or service provider offering his/her services in a unique area e.g. development of a software, website etc.

This is why I suggest that companies develop systems to help in-house experts do what is best for the company at all times.

I offer some ideas for consideration in the second – and concluding part – of this article, which will appear on this blog tomorrow.

Achieve Entrepreneurial Success – ANYWHERE – Without Becoming Crooked

I once told barefaced lies, for months, to loved ones in order to prevent them stopping me from using money I’d set aside for an agreed purpose, for a new idea I had for my business. Yep. I did it.

Irresponsible? Probably.

I’m certainly not proud of it!

Today, I have no need to do such a “naughty” thing. But back then I did it to keep my entrepreneurial dream alive!

All I could see were the potential rewards benefiting everyone (like they do now), and I used that to justify my actions (silently to myself…!).

For over 6 months, I invented excuses and made up stories (i.e. lies!) of all kinds to explain why I’d yet to make the payment as discussed. Each time they asked, I found a way to wriggle out.

My wife (God she’s soooo perceptive!) was never convinced. She knew something was not right, but could not be sure what it was. And she told me that much. I told her to avoid letting her imagination run wild… :-)))

All that time I was waiting for the returns to arrive. They eventually came…but not at once. I just barely managed to put it all back! Then I promised myself I’d never do anything of the kind again.

Looking back today, if I’m going to be honest with myself, I KNOW I’ll do it again if I feel it’s necessary.

Maybe this risk taking attitude comes with being an entrepreneur, or maybe it’s just me, I do not know.

One thing I’m however certain about from my past experiences is that when you choose this path, if your ultimate intention is sincere, and you diligently persist, certain forces eventually come to your aid.

Don’t ask me how I know. I just do….based on what has happened to me.  

I once read a quote on Robert Kiyosaki’s Facebook page that referred to 4 different kinds of people a good leader needs to be able to identify, if s/he is to succeed.

In this article, I focus on "No. 2: A good person temporarily doing bad things. "

An entrepreneur, at different stages of his/her career may sometimes find him/herself fitting the above description (i.e. a good guy being doing bad things temporarily, possible due to pressing circumstances. And s/he may hate being in that situation, yet have no choice…till things improve.)

Not a pretty picture.

But I can tell you it happens. I’ve been there! (See my “Personal Example” above)

Napoleon Hill Discovered Some Successful People Employed "Temporary Dishonesty"…!

In Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” he noted the fact that some of the successful people he studied admitted initially employing temporary dishonesty to reach their goals.

But it was temporary. Lasting only long enough to get them to a point at which they could carry on with honesty integrity.

I guess it’s part of being human. Sometimes life throws challenges at us that necessitate resorting to temporary use of undignified outlets, just to keep going.

In one account of his life story, I read that Walt Disney admitted taking pictures of phoney bullet damaged helmets, during the war and selling them, earlier in life.

The Problem Arises When Doing Bad Things Is Allowed to Become a Habit…or Way of Life

“To be well adjusted to a sick society is no sign of good health.” – Anonymous

Many Nigerians start-ups either abandon their ideas halfway through, or go wayward in their business practice. They mostly do this out of frustration, desperation, and in order to survive.

So many bad practices in society make it hard for honest persons to grow their businesses easily and with integrity in Nigeria.

This appears to lend credence to the belief in our society, that it is not possible to achieve business success in Nigeria without being “crooked”.

My knowledge, acquired through hands-on practical experience gained by doing it on the streets, convinces me that it is very possible to run a profitable, honest and upright business anywhere – even in a society where bad practices occur in excess.

They key is to find ways to do what you do that remove the need for you to join in doing those bad things.

Each time I said this to other business owners in Nigeria, many basically told me it was impossible.

Developing Multiple Income Streams Will Save YOU!

I told them a person with multiple income streams will not view every potential client project as a do or die opportunity!

If you have passive income periodically entering your bank account for information products you sell as a financial consultant, you can say NO to any company employee who insists you give him/her a bribe before a project is awarded to you.

You will have the power to walk away – being confident that your dependants will not suffer because you choose to be upright!

But It’s Not That You Will Be Doing Multiple Different Things at Once

No. There will be no need for that: You’ll only develop multiple viable ways of making money from doing what you do.

This is what many business owners do not know is possible. And those who know it seldom know HOW to do it!

I refer here to Farm business owners, lawyers, accountants/financial consultants and many other professionals and experts.

Most of them tend to focus on the conventional ways of making money in their fields.

What a very wasteful – and WRONG – way of using their highly valuable knowledge and skills!

The truth is with a little creativity, you can take the same thing you do/know and make much more money using totally new/different strategies.

A careful study of my website will reveal to the objective mind that THAT is what I’m doing…with great results to show for it!

You can also develop multiple ways of monetizing your expertise to ensure income reaches you, even when you do little or no new work.

If you still wonder how this is possible, get in touch with me, and I’ll tell you more :-)

Do You Want a Trial Version of my Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager Software?

I returned to Cotonou from Lagos, this past Saturday (18th January 2014). While holidaying with my family, I’d continued writing and coding 😉 It’s been hard work, but I’m now almost done building the pocket-friendly mini version of my increasingly popular Poultry Farm Manager Application.

In light of the number of broiler farm owners contacting me, I’ve decided to build in an interface for posting broiler farm data separately, from the layers. That way, a farm owner who has either or both groups of birds can make use of the same application.

Like I said it’s been hard work. But I continue to be inspired by the growing number of enquiries I’m getting for this new application. I never expected (even though I sensed people would find it potentially useful), that it would attract this much interest this quickly.

Just this morning, two new enquiries came into my mail box. One was made via the contact form on this blog. It was from the CEO of a farm in Canada.

The other came in via the web form on the page hosting the videos of my Poultry Layer Farm Manager and an explanation of my Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS) ™ for Profitable Farm Management Mind Map.

This second enquiry (from a US based farm business owner) is what prompted me to write this article:

She specifically asked if I had a trial version of my app that she could try, and also wanted to know how much the app cost in US dollars.

Sadly, I Do Not Offer a Trial Version of My Excel-VB Driven Apps

That was not the first time I was getting that request. And each time I’ve had to say I offer no trial version – for now.

I wish I could oblige people who ask. But the realities make it impossible. At least for now.

The platform of Excel-Visual Basic is not secure enough to allow that. In truth, the averagely savvy Excel user, who knows how to follow instructions freely available on Excel support solutions sites, can find ready-to-use information, even code, to hack into any app.

In other words, someone like me who creates a new breed of customizable apps could easily have others basically hacking into it, and modifying it to suit their own purposes, which would most likely include selling it, without my being aware of it, or getting any benefits whatsoever.

My apologies. But my experiences in my part of the world make it necessary to operate this way..

In dealing with my international audience I’ve chosen to be cautious. I know other people sell their Excel apps and offer trials of some kind. However the type of applications I build are a bit unique – and the market I serve is quite narrow: farm business owners.

So it’s not like I have crowds of prospective buyers from which I can reap volume based profits even after I let a few “pirates” get in the door :-)

Once, while still based in Nigeria, I had a hotel client engage people he assumed to be competent experts, from Lagos’ Ikeja Computer village, to try hacking into the hotel management app I built for him.

He did this to try avoiding paying me the required fees to make changes he wanted.

Unfortunately for him, those he brought in were just typical CD pirates/vendors who take installation CDs/DVDs for different software programs and mass duplicate them for sale.

They did not understand how to deal with an Excel Workbook that had controlling code in a VBA interface.

When it became obvious they could not give him what he wanted, he sent for me. I only got to know the details of what transpired because a “bird” among his staff, whispered it to me after I arrived :-)

But that incident reinforced my belief that I must do my best to protect myself and my work from exploitation. In doing so, I also protect the investment of sincere others who choose to buy from me.

Think about it. If you paid me the required fee (e.g. N12,500 for my Ration Formulator), and later found that your friend simply copied it off your PC and easily made changes to use it for his own farm PC, would you not feel like you wasted your money? You most likely would!

Over the years I’ve developed code, designs, and procedures for my work and my apps, to minimize chances of my apps being exploited in that manner.

I realize, of course, that an intending hacker can come to buy directly from me, pretending to be a farm owner.

Indeed a real life farm owner could choose to buy from me. Then after confirming that it works well, s/he could choose to invest time and effort in hacking it, so as to sell it for profit by him/herself.

In my part of the world I have no doubt that this has crossed the minds of some people. They could even be doing it already. I would not know. And even if I did know, I would not be able to stop them.

But for buyers who stay with me, I plan to reward them with lifetime FREE upgrades and other benefits

Buyers of my Excel-VB Ration formulator will confirm that I’ve always sent them the latest upgrades. I am driven by a continuous improvement focus. In January 2013, I sent out an upgrade version.

Before getting my international agribusiness research paper (which featured my Ration Formulator) published, I’d begun working on a new version.

It will do least cost feed formulation and handle multiple amino acids balancing, to make it suitable for use by farmers who rear pigs, rabbits and other animals with more sensitive amino acid balancing needs. Each past buyer of the Ration Formulator will, again, get this new version free.

Instead of Trial Versions, What I Offer are Video Demonstrations and Very Detailed PDF Screenshot User-guides

Many of the sales of my Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator have happened after the buyer watched the video demonstration on my Youtube channel.

I’m keen to connect with as many farm owners as possible.

They will be my partners, and by using my application and giving me feedback, they will enable me refine the software solutions I create. In that way, I’d be able to get the apps to a point where they would have most, if not all features and functions that make them potentially useful for farms in any part of the world.

By then I would convert the app to an EXE application. This would be the safest way to offer a trial, that hackers would be least successful with.

If you buy my app and want changes or modifications made, we can talk about it.

My apps will work as shown in my demo videos, or I give you your money back. That’s one thing you can be sure of. So if what you’ve seen in the video is what you need, then have no fears…make payment for the real thing and get started using it. If you experience any issues, I WILL ALWAYS be availble to support you, till you get happily up and running :-)).

The fact that many of my past buyers remain on phone and email “speaking” terms with me today, even though we’ve never met, I believe indicates that I deliver what I promise.

I’ve Been Using Video Demos to Sell My Ration Formulator for Years

I began that journey in 2004. Since then many buyers and users within and outside Nigeria/Africa have provided me feedback and also made enquiries, which have helped me improve it.

Soon, I believe I’ll be ready to launch the full fledged EXE app. But the Excel-VB driven version will also remain available.

I’m using the same approach for evolving my Poultry Farm Manager app.

Experience has taught me that the farm owners will help to identify relevant improvements the app needs to make it meet their important needs.

My vision is therefore to have a base of buyers/users that will be part of my Farm Business Ideas club.

By using my app, farmers will accumulate farm operations data from which they will derive various Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Eventually, we would be able to produce industry level KPIs, which would enable us compare farm performance across farms and markets internally (within a country, state, region) or externally (across countries or continents).

That way, a farmer will know what the trending industry standard is, compared to what he’s getting on his farm, at a point in time. This will guide him/her to make needed adjustments to get better results.

For those considering my Poultry Farm Manager or any other apps I build, the above is what I promise…

That is, to support you by customizing my apps to meet the needs you specify.

Once you buy one or more of my apps, you automatically become a member of my Farm Business Ideas club. and get a lifetime 40% discount on ALL other products and services I offer.

If you believe above benefits make up for NOT offering a trial version, I look forward to hearing from you.

Contact me, to make your enquiry or request.

No. 125: Don’t Be Penny Wise, Pound Foolish In Your Business Marketing

“What? You want to build a website for your business? That’s going to make you spend money every year for hosting and domain name registration!” exclaimed the IT consultant (NOT a typo!) friend to my Chartered Account client.

Looking at my client to see his reaction, I thought to myself: “Hmm, this is going to be interesting!”.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 20th January 2014


Title: Don’t Be Penny Wise, Pound Foolish In Your Business Marketing

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

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**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 125: Don’t Be Penny Wise, Pound Foolish In Your Business Marketing

What? You want to build a website for your business? That’s going to make you spend money every year for hosting and domain name registration!” exclaimed the IT consultant (NOT a typo!) friend to my Chartered Account client.

Looking at my client to see his reaction, I thought to myself: “Hmm, this is going to be interesting!”.

My Chartered Accountant Client Replied as Follows…

“Well, I’ve thought about it, and I know it’s necessary.

When I attended the 3 month course in the US last year, the course facilitators told us to establish a respectable professional image for ourselves from the outset.

To achieve that end, they recommended putting up a decent website to help us formally establish our individual brands, which we can nurture over time.

Most importantly, they noted that communicating with prospects, clients or professional colleagues should always be done from our official website email accounts, and not any of the free services e.g.

According to them, it’s the best way to command respect from those who encounter us.”

My Client’s Answer Impressed Me…and Made His IT Consultant (!) Friend Nod In Silent Understanding

I’ll leave you to wonder how an IT consultant would need his Chartered Accountant friend to explain the importance of investing in a website for his business!

But in case you wonder about the web based email aspect mentioned above, let me elaborate. (does not exist), would be an unprofessional email address to use in corresponding with a prospective client. This is why I use tayo at tksola dot com for example. The recipient, if a bit savvy, would readily deduce that typing leads to my personal website.

Many highly qualified and intelligent professionals continue to use free mail services for their business communication. This waters down their credibility – especially before colleagues and prospects abroad (Europe, America etc) where such practices are frowned upon.

Don’t Be Miserly &/or Unintelligent In Promoting Your Brand!

Assuming you do not intend to do any updating of your website content, or to invest time or effort in propagating your content across other channels, only two “tasks” will concern you:

Payment for Domain Name Registration and Website Hosting.

Based on what I do for my clients, I know both can be had for $40 or less per annum.

You do the math.

Most people spend multiples of that amount buying food and drinks, making phone calls, entertaining friends etc in a month!!

The funny thing is, the business promotion benefits of a well package online presence will pay back that money many times over in a short period of time.

Here’s how: It will save you money by helping you minimize – or even eliminate – certain traditional marketing expenses. And it will also boost your sales leads generation = MORE income.

Some people subscribe to all sorts of smart phone based services that cost more than this amount.

I know people like that – “big business men and women”!

They use laptops and smart phones for their work, yet refuse – and I mean REFUSE (!) – to put up websites of their own.

But they readily give “gifts” to key officers in client companies, and also pay large sums for newspaper ads, that often expire in 24 hours! (A very unwise way to spend money)

I was once stupid enough to drag one such person, kicking and screaming (figuratively speaking), to put up a little Joomla! based website. He abandoned it within the first month…and of course never renewed the domain name or hosting.

Here’s One Reason Such Business Owners Act In That Strange Manner

NB: What I’m about to say now is based on my observations in my part of the world.

With the exception of individuals who genuinely needed it explained to them, most others have a negative attitude towards using web marketing because they practice what I describe below:

They use connections and other “underground methods” to win jobs. So they feel there’s no point “wasting” money nurturing their brands online.

In other words, their atttitude is often a reflection of how they make money in their businesses.

What I Have Continued to Tell Them Is: Things Will Not Always Remain the Same

That’s why it always pays to be proactive. To anticipate that a new dispensation can emerge, in which what worked before, may no longer work…at least not as well as it used to.

Here’s a scenario I often ask them to consider…

One day, you could walk into the reception hall of your major client company, and find a new face there.  Smiling politely, s/he may ask who you wish to see and demand you take a seat(instead of instantly ushering you upstairs like the previous job holder used to do).

When eventually she speaks with the decision maker, you may be shocked to learn he wants to know why you wish to see him. Puzzled, you would ask: “Isn’t that Mr XYZ”.

The receptionist would reply (smiling ever so politely):

“No. Mr. XYZ has been redeployed to the North Pole. It’s Ms ABC who now heads the division. And she insists all consultants send in their profiles, with URLs to their official websites indicated, to facilitate the ongoing review of service providers.”

We all know the above painted scenario can – and does – occur.

Question: Would You Be Prepared to Respond If/When Asked to Submit a Profile With Your Website URL?

From what I see in my part of the world, not many business owners – especially self-employed professionals/experts – would be.

Many seem to be under the mistaken impression that only big companies need to own websites. And most, for some strange reason, seem to have convinced themselves that $50 US dollars per annum is too much money to pay!

But that’s not the only problem.

You would imagine that those who’ve gone ahead and put up websites would have no problems making use of them.

In many cases, I’ve discovered they have little on their websites that make them look good enough to be chosen by clients.

And I mean useful information, not flashy design or pretty pictures!

Indeed, many with websites often leave really outdated content on them – which is even worse!

I’ve harped on this many times in the past. When the most recent content update on your website has a date stamp from 2 years ago, it creates a very bad impression about you.

Your brand’s image is determined by the perception people have of it. You can shape people’s perception using what you put out for them to see.

A physical meeting with you today is likely to be followed up with “Googling” of your name and a visit to ANY link that turns up. If your website appears, whatever that person sees on it will determine how his/her perception of you will evolve.

So will anything s/he finds on Twitter, Facebook, or any other platform s/he considers relevant.

Final Words: It Takes Very Little Money to Nurture Your Brand Online

This is the irony of it all.

Compared to the immense potential your online presence has to determine how seriously your target audience takes you, just a few dollars per month are all you will need to maintain it!

It therefore amounts to being penny wise, and pound foolish – in my considered opinion – for any serious minded business owner or professional, to balk at doing that.

All of the above is especially relevant to you as a business owner!

If you fail to do it, your success is bound to be limited. Others you will get measured against, who do it, will often fare better!

That’s not a curse…it’s simply the statement of an inevitable consequence, of what would be a bad decision on your part.

Let me end with an example to drive this point home…

Burt Dubin, the renowned mentor, of some of the world’s highest paid international speakers ALWAYS tells those he coaches to put up and maintain a professional online presence.

And for over 2 decades, he has practiced what he preaches at and

Go thou and do likewise!

Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

He earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

Showmanship Strategems

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Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

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Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

You hear performance strategies you can emulate. You shorten your learning curve. You see ways to engage and delight audiences with both content and stories . . . plus you experience a bit of fun.

With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information


Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read

Click to read article titled: 'Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive'...and ONE other. Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur. 


Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed FormulationDownload above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 

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