Category Archives: Career Development

Why You Need A Planned Activity Tracking Sheet (PATS)

Many busy executives and managers sometimes struggle to keep abreast of the myriad of tasks they need to attend to.

Their demanding schedules are often responsible for this problem.

Unfortunately, not everyone can have (or afford) a personal assistant. And even for those who have, sometimes the PA may be unavailable, or worse, not at her best.

In this article, I use examples from my time in paid employment (see full details in my 11 page PDF resume -click here) , to explain how being able to use a PATS, can help you overcome the above limitations, to excel at work perpetually.

Background: Identifying My PATS As The Key To My Workplace Success

Before 2002, I worked as a high performing manager in a large corporate multinational.

Within 6 years of joining the company, I had achieved rapid career advancement ahead of others older in the company, and on the job, than I was.

On one occasion, I had a senior colleague from a different department make the following (scary) rhetorical statement to me in what sounded like a menacing voice:

“Solagbade, you want to do in 3 years what some people did in 5 years huh?”

That happened in 1997.

By 2001, I’d recorded other milestone achievements.

Most notably I’d gotten myself known across the company, for literally automating all the manual report preparation processes in my department (brewing/production), using my Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets macro programming skills.

[NB: Today I develop custom MS Excel-VB driven spreadsheet software for high profile clients, and for sale from my website.]

Following that, I got sent on a series of secondments in acting capacity to higher management positions. In each instance I did not disappoint.

Over time I was promoted, then later nominated for multiple international training courses, and also assigned to act in an even greater decision making position as departmental head.

The irony was that I had to perform this senior management acting role in the same department I’d just been promoted out of, three months earlier!

That required leading my former senior colleagues effectively, if I wanted to succeed.

It was tough, but I once again applied myself diligently, and pulled it off.

A few weeks later that year (in 2001), another senior colleague ran into me on the company grounds and (after exchanging pleasantries) asked:

“Solagbade, what is your secret?”

I told him I had none, and that all I tried to do each day was to ensure I NEVER left undone, anything I knew could be done.

That way, I was able to keep my list of tasks at any point in time, within manageable limits. And as a result, I never got overwhelmed by the work I had to do in any position I occupied.

How My PATS Helped Me Achieve Superior Results

I know this may sound rather simplistic, but looking back, I realised that my use of a PATS was actually the key to my success as an employee.

Funny enough, the sheet had no special features. Just 7 labelled columns (setup in a table printed out from an MS Excel template I created) as follows:

1. Serial Number : designated as “SN” to save space. In this column, I assigned a number in ascending format to every activity I entered into the table.

2. Description of Activity/Task:
Here I wrote, using abbreviations, key details of the outcome I wished to achieve by carrying out the task.

3. Date: The date on which the task or activity was entered on the PATS.

4. Who: Initials of individuals or names of groups I would need to liase with (or chase) to make the activity happen to completion.

5. When: The desired target date for completion of the task, or realisation of the target outcome.

6. Done (Yes/No): I would insert a “Yes” (or check mark) if the task had been completed by the start of a new week. Otherwise it would be a “No”.

In other words, each week I opened a fresh sheet, and checked off all completed tasks on the outgone week’s sheet.

Then I copied any outstanding ones left on the past week’s sheet, to the new one, so I could continue tracking them.

As the week progressed, I would add any new tasks that came up as a result of agreements reached at meetings, requests from others, or plans I had.

7. Comment(s): Here I would make notes to guide my implementation of each task, or to record notable points relevant to the results achieved.

The above format helped me keep my mind uncluttered. As a result I was often able to think faster and act smarter while at work. This inspite of the fact that I often started the day earlier (and closed much later) than most of the others I had to work with.

Anytime an issue arose that could not be dealt with instantly, and which therefore needed following up, I’d simply write it on a new serially numbered line on my PATS.

Then as the day/week progressed, I would run through the entries I’d made and make needed checks, visits, phonecalls or emails to get updates and/or try progressing them where possible.

This instrument was responsible for making me appear to other employees as if I had a super memory: I never seemed to forget to do anything that was assigned to me.

And if I was in a group I used the PATS to the group’s benefit. It was therefore no surprise that people came to see me as someone who could be trusted to get things done.

As a result I often got drafted (sometimes coerced) to join company paperwork computerisation project teams, long service awards organising committees, management staff association executives etc.

In most of these groups it was no accident that I had to often had to play the role of “Secretary” :-)

Final Words

In the long run it all paid off for me, because I got to rub shoulders (and minds), a lot, with senior decision makers as a result of my exposure to the various groups and meetings.

What I learnt from those high profile interactions would equip me to later excel as career advancement opportunities came my way.

Without the use of my PATS I would never have impressed enough to earn those opportunities.

More importantly, I would not have been able to excel in doing those jobs like I did, if I had not used my PATS.

On a final note I will say that even today, I would prefer the paper version to the smartphone or PC based equivalents that may exist.

To save paper however, I often used the blank side of waste paper from printers from offices.

Alternatively, you can buy and use ruled notebooks.

Using a tool like the handwritten PATS I’ve described above, can help you excel as an employee.

Why not give it a try and see?

Will You Sink, If Your Boss Leaves?

Nick, the Technical Manager, suddenly announced he was going on leave.

Oyat had just resumed his new position as Training and Technical Development Manager (TTDM) less than 3 months earlier.

But even though he knew the job reasonably well (having acted twice in that capacity), he’d never had to do it without what he considered the reassuring presence of the TM as department head (HOD).

So, the prospect of having to cover for Nick by attending management meetings with other HODs was not one that greatly appealed to him.

Nick had apparently already made his plans, and after briefing Oyat, took off on leave.

For over 6 weeks afterwards, Oyat found himself dealing directly with other HODs on issues relating to his own job as well as the TM’s.

Realising that he had to do his best to avoid making the department fall short of expectations, Oyat quickly adopted a modified daily routine to accomodate the additional responsibilities assigned him.

He stayed back longer to read up notes, memos and other documents, such as the Job description for Nick’s position, to better understand the role he might need to play on the company’s premises.

In addition, he studied reports sent by other HODs to the TM, noting the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that were given priority attention.

Recalling that senior managers from headquarters could also call for information along the above lines, Oyat then made a point of tracking latest data for each KPI, by liasing with the relevent department’s duty personnel.

The 6 weeks went by fast. And all through, Oyat worked longer hours when necessary to cover potential loose ends he identified.

As he attended to the requirements of the TM’s job, he also had to manage 6 engineering trainees, 3 training instructors and the secretary.

And that was apart from fulfilling his responsibilities as a member of a few project teams.

Steeling himself (and pleading that his wife imagine he did not exist for the duration of the double role playing), he diligently went the extra mile to ensure everything that needed to be done, got done.

Towards the end of his trial by fire, it suddenly occurred to him that he had settled in to a comfortable routine for doing the key tasks relevant to Nick’s job, and his (there was a lot in the former, that he was of course not competent or required to handle).

It was exciting and quite fulfilling to discover that the challenge of the trial had not overwhelmed him.

And he was glad, based on hindsight, that he had resisted the temptation to protest or complain when Nick had first muted the idea.

Not only had he gained valuable management experience and exposure at a senior level of decision making, but he had also proven that he could hold his own should the need arise.

From experience, he knew that top management would remember that in future career advancement evaluations. And that made his efforts worthwhile!

Pay N10,500 (instead of N18,000) And Get My Feed Formulation Handbook And Software Bundle!

UPDATE(15th Jan 2013 at 11.57p.m Nigerian time): New price for the Feed Formulation Software (or Ration Formulator) is N12,500. The handbook remains available for N8,000!

The information below is relevant to my currently on-going year end bundled offer announced at the bottom of the following recent posts:

1. Can You Be Trusted?(Real Life Farm Business Sales Conversations With People Just Like You)

2. A World Bank Expert’s Tip On Feed Formulation

UPDATE(14th Dec. 2012 at 10.42a.m Nigerian time): Pay N10,500 and get the bundle – For 25 Buyers Only!

My attention has just been drawn to the fact that last year’s bundled offer price of N10,500 is what still appears on the FAQ/sales page here!

I have no idea what went wrong as I vividly recall updating that page before announcing this year’s N14,000 offer.

In light of the fact that many have already seen the lower offer, and as a gesture of goodwill, I’ve decided to bring the price down to N10,500.00.

This offer will however be for the first 25 persons who buy on or before midnight of 15th January 2013.

Once the offer expires the prices on that sales page will be updated to N18,000.

Send SMS with your name and email to me via 234-803-302-1263 to book your slot before all 25 are taken. You can also email your name and phone number to me via tayo at tksola dot com.

Coach Employees To Manage Them Successfully

As long as you have employees reporting to you, the degree of success you eventually achieve will depend on how competent you are at coaching them to function at their full potential in the workplace.

Once you start managing others, it becomes important to appreciate why succeeding by doing most things by yourself, when you have people you can involve, will not help you, or the company in the long term.

Let’s Use The Analogy Of A Soccer Team

A gifted striker who has the ability to take on entire defences and score, can choose to do that every time.

Or, he can (wisely) do so intermittently, while also exploring ways to involve other team members in creating scoring chances.

By opting for the latter strategy, he could avoid needlessly straining himself to super perform all the time.

But even more importantly, he would make it possible for the entire team to evolve greater cohesion and understanding, so that even when he does not play (e.g due to injury or suspension), the team will still put up a decent showing against any opposition.

That’s the kind of role you need to play with your workplace team.

Stop Thinking Of Doing It Yourself

You need to lead and manage your direct reports or employees to take the right steps to move the company closer to its goals.

What’s more, you must endeavour to prepare them to do it by themselves, in the event that you’re not around.

What if you get promoted or transferred at short notice for instance?

If you’ve always been doing most things yourself, by the time you try to handover, none of your subordinates may be able to take in everything in that short period.

And YOU would look bad, for failing to prepare your subordinates (at least one of them) to competently take over key aspects of your job!

If Your Staff Don’t Know How, You Must Show Them – and Persist Till They Get It!

Do not make the mistake of complaining that your subordinates are not up to learning what is needed.

That’s why YOU are there: to provide the needed coaching and direction to get them to perform at the desired level.

And you may have to be really creative and relentlessly demanding of each person, to ensure you get the results you want.

(Note that it is assumed that you operate a rigorous recruitment system that prevents mediocres from gaining entry into the workforce.

Otherwise, most of the advice offered here may likely not work, as such persons tend to hold fast to a negative mental attitude!)

Coaching and directing your subordinates will be easy for you, if you dispense with an “I’ll-do-it-myself-if-they-don’t-get-it” mentality.

Two Strategies You Can Adopt

1. Develop the habit of putting individual employees or subordinates on their toes.

You can do this by deliberately asking spontaneous questions that test actual knowledge or understanding of specific work areas or job aspects.

That will force them to develop mental alertness essential for smart decision making.

2. Employ the trial by fire strategy in exposing them to handling of important job related tasks.

Give a brief introduction of the task to be done, or role to be played.

Then have them individually put what you’ve explained to practical use in real life situations, from which you will be deliberately absent.

Watch to see who sinks and who swims.

Use what you learn to provide corrective feedback to each person – and also to identify individuals who demonstrate the greatest capacity to deliver required performance.

Repeat the process as often as needed or possible, until you are sure your team has a firm grasp of what to do, to make things work to required standards at all times.

Final Words

The success of a manager or leader in the workplace will often be determined by how well he is seen to have prepared those who worked with him, to excel on their jobs, and also take on higher responsibility.

When you work alone, it’s easy to focus on doing what you know how to do well.

You rarely have to concern yourself with whether others will be able to pick up where you left off.

But as you get promoted, you’ll have less hands-on work to do, and more responsibility for supervising those who have to do those hands-on tasks that you excelled at to earn your promotion.

Suddenly, instead of thinking and planning for yourself alone, you now have to do so for yourself, and others.

It can sometimes be a difficult mindset change to make.

But if you want to enjoy any semblance of success in your new position – and especially if you hope to climb even further up the promotion ladder – then you’ll need to make this change.

Read This Or One Day The Boss’ Presentation Could Flop Because Of You!(Part 2 of 2)

We continue from Part 1. This is the second and concluding part.

If you are the MD/CEO of your company(or a Senior Executive that never has to do chores like this at work), this edition may not directly apply to you but it could benefit you if you passed it on to your Personal Assistant, Secretary or anyone responsible for setting up your presentations anytime you have to deliver them.

If you are not an MD/CEO, you are likely to find the lessons from this story quite instructive.

In part 1, Musa’s world is falling apart as the Powerpoint file he setup for the MD’s presentation suddenly stops working midway through the latter’s talk.

Read the rest of the story below to learn how how Musa was able – within a space of 3 minutes – to resolve the problem and get the MD’s presentation back on its PowerPoint based tract, to record a happy ending.

There are many practical lessons to be learned from this narrative of a true-life occurrence.

10. Musa suddenly remembers that while preparing for the MD’s presentation, he had taken pains to save a backup copy of the PowerPoint Presentation on his PC desktop in his office. An idea occurs to him, and he bolts from the hall and up to his office in the Training block in seconds.

11. He tries to copy the file to a flash drive, but gets an error message: “not enough disk space!” There’s no time to check what can be deleted from the disk. He curses under his breadth, checks his watch: now almost 2 minutes since the MD stopped using the PC.

12. Some more thinking leads him to recall that right-clicking on a file in Windows XP and highlighting the “Send To” shortcut menu item brings up a short cut menu item called “Compressed(zipped) folder”.

This useful feature is an alternative for when one does not have utilities like Winzip, Winrar or other file compression software on their PCs.

Typically, compression of up to 40% is achievable with this Windows XP version(Why not try using it now and see what you get?).

13. He right clicks the Power Point file, and applies the command. The resulting compressed .zip file easily copies to the flash disk. He sprints out of his office and back into the hall where everyone turns to look at him as re-enters. He avoids his boss’ glare and walks to the Laptop, heart pounding, barely hearing the MD’s voice.

14. With the PC projector lights still switched off, he copies the zipped file to the desktop and right clicks on it.

a. He then clicks on the “Extract All..” shortcut menu item to bring up a “Compressed (Zipped) files extraction Wizard” welcome screen.

b. He clicks “Next” twice and watches as the wizard copies a folder containing the powerpoint file to the desktop.

c. He clicks “finish” and the folder (by default setting) automatically opens to reveal the uncompressed PowerPoint Presentation.

15. He quickly launches the presentation and clicks through slides 1 to 3, then holding his breath clicks to continue. There is a short delay, then the 4th slide appears! He clicks again, and the 5th appears, till all 10 slides are complete.

16. Musa looks up at his boss whose piercing gaze he has felt on him all the while and nods to indicate all is well. He puts on the Projector lights to reveal the 4th slide at which the MD turns and says “Ah, looks like we can continue!“. The presentation continues smoothly to the end. Musa looks at his watch: It had taken 3 minutes!

17. After the presentation, some of Musa’s colleagues asked him what happened.

He had no answer for them as he had checked the bad copy again and again and could simply not explain what had caused it to go bad or “corrupt” at the transition to slide 3.

It could have been the power glitch during the test run he did – but he could not be certain.

He did tell them two things however:

a. First was that keeping a back up copy of the file on his PC(and close to the presentation venue) made it possible for him to replace the bad one – in time.

b. Secondly, knowing about the Windows XP file compression utility enabled him get around the twin problems of the file being too large to fit on a disk + his not having WinZip installed on his PC.

One could argue that he could have used another removable storage device, but what if he did not own one, or could not find anyone who did or even worse(and quite possible), what if it went bad or missing at that point when he needed it? Things like this have a way of happening, so one is better off considering all possibilites and preparing for them.

18. The most important message here is that you need to take time to acquire new/relevant knowledge and skills to enable you become more productive and efficient on your job.

The little things you can learn about technology available in your office to get more done in less time, will set you apart from the crowd and make you look good more often.

The quote below, in our opinion summarises it well:

“The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read or write. They will be those who cannot learn, un-learn and re-learn” – Alain Tofle

Tayo Solagbade‘s 113 page paper back(physical) book – “Ten Ways You Can Use Self-Development To Create The Future You Want” is available for purchase from the Self-Development Academy’s online store hosted by the following Print-On-Demand service provider: (e-book and in print. Get a FREE Chapter Preview – click here)

PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT COACHING: Achieve Your Goals & Resolutions, Regardless of Adversity!

Do you want to learn how to finish anything you start, with worthwhile results to show for it?

Would you like to be able to set and achieve valued goals in your life regardless of delays, disappointments and setbacks you encounter?

If YES, then rest assured that you’re in the right place, and I CAN help you achieve the above – and a lot more.

Starting today (5th December 2012), I offer YOU access to my confidential paid coaching/consulting service.

When it comes to getting results no matter what goes wrong, under some of the most difficult and frustrating socioeconomic situations imaginable, my track record of achievements readily attest to my competence.

Reading through the experience based posts and articles on this blog for starters, will give you an idea of the depth of insight and know-how I can give you.

You need someone who knows what it takes to relentlessly climb back up after being knocked down countless times, until he reaches his goal.

That, IS me.

You need the help of a person whose unique versatility as a multipreneur equips him to appreciate issues you face from YOUR unique perspective.

Again, me.

You can make your dreams come true, if you choose the right coach to guide and support you.

I can help you, using my Spontaneous Coaching technique, developed and refined over the past fifteen years.

Your age, gender, education, country etc do NOT matter.

What matters is your interest, desire, passion, purpose and vision.

You most likely currently struggle to achieve your goals because you LACK access to information and guidance that can help you to:

(1). eliminate trial and error

(2). Identify potentially viable ways to get the results you want as quickly as possible.

With my help, you can quickly learn what to do, and how to do it.

I offer paid email and telephone based (as well as face to face) coaching/consulting that can help you take the guesswork out of what you’re trying to do.

Understand that I do NOT need to know the technicalities of your work or vocation.

My role will simply be to guide you to take needed steps as and when due, to achieve the outcomes you desire.

My past accomplishments from successfully delivering customised solutions to clients in widely differing industries (hotels, hospitals, consulting, health and fitness, manufacuring, real estate etc) prove that my multipreneurial aptitude equips me to understand, and adapt to different subject matter quite easily.

In other words, it is a valuable asset that benefits my clients.

And it will benefit you, if you choose to let me help you.

There is so much you need to know and do, in order to competently go after, and achieve, your challenging life goals.

I am a proven goal getter in my personal and work lives from my days as a student, through 7 years in paid employment and over the past 10 years as an entrepreneur.

In many cases my work speaks so well for me, that I do not need to say more. Learn more about me here.

I can show you how to achieve your own goals the way I do mine, even in the face of multiple daunting obstacles. You CAN become unstoppable!

Let me help you work out a real-world relevant ACTION plan, that provides ready-to-use remedies to setbacks and other forms of temporary defeat you are bound to encounter as you pursue your goals.

I can offer you experience based suggestions that can help you evolve smarter action plans, and ultimately make the most of the challenges you’ll have to face.

If you did not find this page yourself, it’s likely I sent you the link after you contacted me about my mentoring.

Here’s How You Get Started With Me…

In order to coach anyone, I must evaluate the quality of their drive, determination and CONVICTION by requiring them to take an initial leap of faith by sending me:

N20,000 (Twenty Thousand Naira) for an initial remote telephone consultation lasting 15 to 30 minutes.

If you’re not ready to do this, stop reading now. I cannot work with anyone unwilling to take the above first step.

If you’re ready to take that leap of faith, I offer you more details:

Note that the N20k you send is 100% refundable, IF you go ahead to signup for my full coaching program.

To help you maximise value from that initial consultation with me , I always recommend sending key questions or concerns in written form at least 5 days ahead of the session.

As a gesture of goodwill, I provide for every client, written responses where relevant and approriate, to each one, and send via email as PDF and MP3 audio to you before the session date.

This will enable you ask other questions or request more details/clarification by the time you call to speak with me.

At the end of the session, you’ll likely have greater clarity about what you should be doing specifically to achieve your purpose.

Only after that will coaching become relevant.

Let me repeat myself: The initial consultation session (which I call “Situation Analysis”) will help me evaluate your needs, and based on that, I’ll then propose a custom coaching program for you, with required investment (recall you’ll be able to deduct 100% of your initial N20k consultation payment if you choose to sign up for full coaching).

So, what will you do now? I recommend you ask yourself:

“Can I afford to proceed on this important journey without RELIABLE support and guidance?”

Think about that…

To get started with me, send a request for payment details using this contact form using “Re: Spontaneous Coaching Initial Consultation request” in the subject line.

Prepare Pay slips Without Tears – And At Zero Cost – Using MS Excel!

Depending on your unique circumstances, the idea of preparing pay slips in MS Excel might not make much sense. After all, many off-the-shelf payroll applications, with pay slip generation capability, already abound in the market place.

I offer a few answers/reasons in this article, which is actually the first in a series, that reveal situations in which adopting MS Excel for this purpose, would be justifiable.

This series is aimed at providing responsible managers (and/or CEOs) in companies practical, experience based ideas, for customising MS Excel, to dramatically enhance handling of salaries data, and generation of pay slips/other relevant reports.

“Everybody knows some Excel, but stop seeing Excel as an office program that everybody MASTERS and that is used to organize numbers in columns and make a few calculations. Excel is the best reporting application on the market and it is fully programmable with its own PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE within called VBA”
– Pierre LeClerc PLI Consulting Inc

For seven years before 2002, I worked as a Graduate Trainee, later Process Manager, and then Head of Department, in a large multinational manufacturing company.

During that time I used my spare time to develop and implement custom spreadsheet based solutions. that were adopted for formal use by departmental heads in the company.

Between 2007 and now, I have worked closely – as a service provider – with CEOs, and/or with the companies’ key personnel/decision makers in small, medium and large client companies, to do the same thing.

During these two lifetimes, I have identified four factors that most frequently prevent many of the companies I studied from setting up effective systems for managing . salary data and pay slips preparation. I discuss those factors below, and suggest possible remedies.

1. Cost of Off-The-Shelf Payroll Applications

As earlier mentioned, a variety of payroll applications are available for off-the-shelf purchase. Feedback from associates about shortcomings of some such applications (or indeed painful past experience), could discourage their adoption by companies wary of wasting scarce financial resources.

Except for those who buy pirated software, purchasing original licenses of software for commercial use tends to be a bit expensive, depending on the application and provider. To make the investment, and later discover the application does not exactly suit your needs can be frustrating.

The saying that all fingers are not equal also comes to mind here. Some companies can absorb the shock of a bad purchase. But there are others who would feel the pinch a lot more. The latter would therefore be understandably keen to avoid making the mistake, of buying software that does NOT suit their needs well enough.

For such companies, customising MS Excel to prepare pay slips could therefore be a preferable COST-SAVING temporary alternative. This especially when you consider that MS Excel is likely to be already installed on their PCs.

Figure 1: Screen shot of Automated Data Handling Form in an Excel-Visual Basic driven Payslip Generator

Above – Figure 1: Screen shot of Automated Data Handling Form in an Excel-Visual Basic driven Payslip Generator

Over time, this custom system could help them more accurately identify specific features and functionalities; they want to see in an off-the-shelf application. That insight gained, would prove useful – in future – if they opt to buy, & funds are available.

2. Attitude of Business Owners/Decision Makers

For some strange reason, some companies (especially small/medium entreprises) in this day and age, lack even basic paper based salaries – and other – data management systems. As a result, preparation of pay slips – and other reports – tends to be a cumbersome process – that is, if at all they consider it necessary to do them.

I have often seen this kind of situation, in SMEs where the owner has had little or no formal experience working in a structured organisational workplace, prior to starting the company. S/he would NOT be bothered to invest in such systems, referring to them as needless formalities.

The personnel (e.g. accountants, HR/Admin/General Managers) saddled with the responsibility of managing employees salaries data, in this kind of workplace situation, is likely find customising MS Excel to achieve the same purpose, a worthwhile venture.

S/he will of course have to start by FIRST of all, putting in place a paper based employee records management system to be used in updating the MS Excel based system that will be setup on the PC.

Figure 2: Screenshot showing a simple 2 pay slips to a page worksheet (the pay slips linked via simple formulas and VLOOKUP functions to a Salary Schedule sheet named “DATA”) in an MS Excel workbook found online – see the custom automated version in Figure 3 (below).

Above – Figure 2: Screen shot showing a simple 2 pay slips to a page worksheet (the pay slips linked via simple formulas and VLOOKUP functions to a Salary Schedule sheet named “DATA”) in an MS Excel workbook found online – see the custom automated version in Figure 3 (below).

3. Manual Systems/Personnel Workload

Some companies which do have reliable paper based payroll systems in place, do not bother to generate and issue their employees pay slips.
Sometimes this happens because the responsible manager has a heavy workload, to which s/he is unable to add the task of preparing pay slips using a manual process.

Further more, the number of salaried persons to be given pay slips could be in tens or hundreds. The idea of generating relatively large numbers of pay slips, using an existing manual process could effectively discourage the responsible personnel. And except management expressly demands it, they would likely prefer to avoid doing it.

One Example: Two companies that use a basic version of my automated Pay slip Generator (e.g. no automated modeless data entry forms), each have more than 120 employees. Before they began using my application, their pay slips were always hand-written for each employee into pre-printed paper pay slip formats.

This was done because management insisted each staff be issued one monthly. According the accountant for one of those companies, it used to take them at least a week, to get all the pay slips done!

4. Temporary Staff

Certain companies already have a working system that takes care of permanent/regular as well as contract employees.

However, perhaps due to the way they operate, say in plants or factories, they have to regularly take on and/or disengage temporary workers on a continuing basis e.g. for overnight offloading, process line packaging, etc.

Generally, many of these “temps” are typically low/un-skilled hands, or students on industrial attachment etc. But they still need to be paid, and such payments captured comprehensively for administrative and accounting purposes.

It is the situation described above in particular, that I believe could make the use of MS Excel to prepare pay slips beneficial. For instance, the manager responsible would be able to use the MS Excel based alternative, to minimise the hassle normally arising from manually tracking and making payments (or reconciling issues). Items 1, 2 and 3 of course also have potential benefits, if they are addressed.

Figure 3: Screenshot showing the pay slips generation page from Figure 2, AFTER custom custom automation had been introduced into it, by CB Studio. Note the buttons for automated LOGO Addition and export of ready-to-print multi-page Pay slips report.

Above – Figure 3: Screen shot showing the pay slips generation page from Figure 2, AFTER custom custom automation had been introduced into it, by CB Studio. Note the buttons for automated LOGO Addition and export of ready-to-print multi-page Pay slips report.

Government/The Law: A Compelling Reason To Setup A System That Works

For any business owner, decision maker or responsible manager, the government’s requirement for compliance with income tax laws, should provide a healthy incentive to setup a reliable system to handle employee salaries data.

The details vary from country to country, but generally, companies are required to deduct a prescribed amount (as income tax) from each employee’s earnings, for onward remittance to government’s revenue collection agency. There are also other deductions to be made for pension, health insurance etc.

When the necessary computations to extract these different figures have to be manually done (e.g. using hand held calculators) for tens and even hundreds of employees, the propensity for error dramatically increases. Yet, neglecting to do them will make it difficult to file accurate returns. On one hand you could over pay, effectively short changing your company, while on the other, you could get into trouble for failing to make complete returns.

Figure 4: Screenshot of Automated Chart Plotter interface in an advanced version of CB Studio’s Payslip Generator

Above – Figure 4: Screen shot of Automated Chart Plotter interface in an advanced version of CB Studio’s Payslip Generator

Considering the serious and sensitive nature of issues relating to salaries, taxes and pensions, no smart company or manager would want to be found wanting (by employees or the government) in this regard.

If you cannot deal with using off-the-shelf apps, do yourself a favour and setup an alternative system that works – on paper and/or in MS Excel or other spreadsheet application that suits you.

And that’s why I believe that at the very least, an MS Excel based Salaries Management and Pay slip Generation system would be worth looking into, even if as a temporary alternative.

Final Words

If YOU plan to use the ideas offered in this piece, to setup a spreadsheet based system that handles your company’s employee salaries data, be sure to get whatever authorisation you may need from relevant quarters.

Lastly, it is of course NOT unreasonable for me to assume, that you KNOW how to prepare a functional paper based system from which data to be posted into a basic PC based system built in MS Excel, can be readily obtained. If my assumption is wrong, then I urge you: get COMPETENT help to set that up FIRST, or you’re going to end up doing a lot of double work!

NB: This is the first is a series of planned educational commercials for my Payslip Generator Coaching program. You can get a FREE download of a PDF version of this write-up from this page (no opt-in required).

Next Post To Be Published In This Series: Using MS Excel To Prepare Pay slips – 5 Costly Mistakes You MUST Avoid.

Click here to join my mailing list, and get notified when this next post in the series is published.

Figure 5: Step-By-Step Coaching on how to build your own Payslip Generator


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Read This Or One Day The MD’s Presentation Could Flop Because Of You! (Part 1 of 2)

This is part 1 of a 2 part article. Click here to read part 2.

If you are the MD/CEO of your company (or a Senior Executive that never has to do chores like this at work), this article may not directly apply to you but it could benefit you if you passed it on to your Personal Assistant, Secretary or anyone responsible for setting up your presentations anytime you have to deliver them. If you are not an MD/CEO, but you sometimes have to setup presentations for such persons, you are likely to find the lessons from this story quite instructive.

(First published in April 2006 on a static html page on Based on excerpts from Tayo Solagbade’s E-book: Twenty-Five(25) Articles/True Stories On Self-Development And Entrepeneuring To Help You Succeed FASTER!)

1. Musa’s gets an email Monday morning from Sarah – MD’s Personal Assistant. It’s about the much expected presentation on a new company strategy which the MD is scheduled to deliver next Monday. Sarah’s email ends with "I am confident you will ensure this very important presentation goes without a hitch. Thanks in advance".

2. Musa Dele Anicho is Training Manager in the eastern branch of a large corporate multinational. Apart from providing needs-based training for the site staff/managers, his job involves coordinating briefings/presentations etc that have a way of occurring at short notice – with the key actor often being a top man, for example in this case, Mr. Samuel Okocha, the Managing Director.

3. Musa grimaces as he reads the last line of Sarah’s email but seeing in it a tacit "warning" immediately sets out to make all necessary arrangements. It is the first time since becoming Training Manager that he would be personally responsible for preparations towards the MD’s presentation. By the end of the week his boss had contacted him more than 10 times about preparations and each time Musa had told him all was set. Indeed, "as far as he could see" everything was set.

a. He had copied the PowerPoint Presentation to the Toshiba Satellite laptop supplied by the IT department and test run it over and over again – with speakers/projector.

b. He had double-checked the lighting in the Training room to be used and ensured the seating arrangement would not prevent people seeing the projector screen.

c. Refreshments had been booked and all other routine arrangements made. All was set!

BUT why then – after all this work by Musa, did the following unfortunate event have to occur? And how did Musa via quick thinking eventually save the day – and himself?

4. It’s 10.00 am Monday morning and Mr. Okocha(the MD) is on the 3rd slide of his presentation with all staff and Managers in the eastern branch listening with rapt attention to the high profile presentation with serious expressions on their faces.

5. The MD just finished giving an overview of the new strategy and then says "Let me now move to the most important part of my presentation which is: The breakdown of our new Corporate Strategy including the Action Plan for its implementation".

6. He clicks on the mouse but nothing happens(Musa’s heart misses a beat). The MD clicks again, this time twice, thrice..yet still nothing happens – A frown now appears on his forehead(Musa on his part is already beginning to sweat even though the room is fully airconditioned).

7. The MD grunts a bit inaudibly saying "Sorry I think there’s a problem" and looks around as if asking for some help. Musa’s boss, Mr. Lateef scowls deeply at Musa and motions with his eyes for him to do something!

8. Musa gets up, his mind racing, and walks with shaky legs towards the MD, who with characteristic calmness at this point casually carries on with his presentation using the printed paper version he had brought with him as a reference
(Lesson: Anytime you have to give a PC presentation, endeavour to carry a printed copy (printed version) with you as a backup. Technology is reliable but not error-free: Anything can happen, so be prepared ! )

9. Musa realises he must find a very quick solution that will enable the MD deliver this important information to the large audience in a way that ensures they all get a sound understanding of the subject. He forces himself to calm down and think (even as one teasing voice tells him "There goes your career down the drain -all 
that hard work from all those years gone!

The second and concluding part of this story explains how Musa was able – within a space of 3 minutes – to resolve the problem and get the MD’s presentation back on its PowerPoint based tract, to record a "happy ending". There are many practical lessons to be learned from this narrative of a true-life occurrence.  



In any well run company, merit is always given key consideration in order to ensure reliable employee performance evaluation – and rightly so. Every business that truly desires to be CONTINUALLY successful will actively identify and reward employees who demonstrate a passionate drive and commitment to helping the company achieve her goals – even if they have to go “the extra mile”. Employees who perform this way often acquire and effectively apply a wide range of complementary competencies that give them an edge over others in the workplace. This article reviews a number of such competencies – explaining how diligent Self-Development can enable any willing employee acquire them, and consequently deliver performances that would make decision makers regard him/her as a valuable asset that must be held on to. In other words, s/he would have become unretrenchable.

(First published online as an article in 2005. Based on excerpts from Tayo Solagbade’s E-book: First Twenty-Five(25) Articles/True Stories On Self-Development And Entrepeneuring To Help You Succeed FASTER!)

“All successful employers are stalking people who will do the unusual, people who think, people who attract attention by performing more than is expected of them.” — Charles M. Schwab

 Who Should Read This Article?

A. The career person who wants to know what she can do to stay perpetually relevant to the organisation’s future – and therefore be (to a large extent) unretrenchable.

B. The decision maker, employer or business owner who is curious to learn what qualities her employees need to develop to ensure they can consistently deliver the desired level of productivity.

Any Employee Can Become Unretrenchable

Any employee can deliberately equip herself with competencies (skills, knowledge and attitudes) that will make decision makers continuously regard her as being relevant to the organization’s future. Published studies of highly successful executives(e.g. “The Lessons of Experience – Lexington Books” – by Morgan McCall Jr., Michael Lombardo and Ann Morrison) reveal that most of them acquired and effectively applied competencies that were instrumental to their achievement of significant career successes.

Some of those competencies are described below:

1. Active Learners From Others/Experience: They are constantly on the lookout for lessons to learn from others (mentors, peers etc), and from things they do that go wrong – or right. Regard every on-the-job experience as a learning platform to improve themselves. They then apply their learning to future actions they take.

2. Positive Thinkers/Problem-Solvers: Always see the positive side of things. Typically regard problems as opportunities to learn new things – and are often prepared to keep going as long as necessary to find a lasting solution. Have a clear understanding of the(sometimes long term) benefits offered by periodic visitations of adversity. Most importantly, they are motivated by failure because rather than fear it, they dislike failing.

3. (Voracious) Readers: They cultivate and maintain healthy reading habits aimed at keeping them up-to-date with latest developments in relevant fields. Their resultant diverse knowledge of various subject matter makes them interesting to interact with – and also equips them to coach others effectively.

4. Multidimensional Thinkers: They always try to “see the big picture”. Keep tabs on the pulse of the company, to anticipate trends and adjust themselves to remain relevant to her changing needs. Team playing is important to them, and they will often “cross over” unasked, to help other departments resolve their problems, so as to help the organization move forward.

5. People Developers: Good coaches, often striving to develop others around them to be high performers. Believe in helping new entrants “learn the ropes” quickly, (rather than “re-invent the wheel”) by striving to shorten/make less painful, their learning curves. This frequently gains them a strong following amongst peers and subordinates, often resulting in an informal leadership status being conferred on them.

6. Enjoy what they do: They get a lot of excitement from doing their jobs. The daily challenges give them something to look forward to i.e. sustained motivation.

7. Intelligent Risk-Takers: Like to be in the thick of the action – and are not afraid to take responsibility. Will readily accept high priority or risk-laden project assignments that others dread taking on. Practice Intelligent Mistake Making™(i.e. take calculated risks, learn quickly from any consequent error(s), then being subsequently wiser, avoid repeating them) and do not fear failure. As such they tend to recover quickly from setbacks, using lessons they’ve learned to achieve new and/or greater levels of success.

8. Challenge the status quo: Always in the forefront of the drive to change the way things are currently being done, for the better. Often to be found visualizing the future i.e. “What can be”, and not “What is or Was”. Not afraid to “rock the boat” in looking for viable alternative(s) to existing ways of doing things.

9. People Managers: They know “how to win friends and influence people”. Can usually get people not working directly with or under them, to do things without forcing (or clashing with) them. Some people call it having “people skills”. As team leaders or members, they are therefore often very effective.
10. Multi-preneurs: They employ a multiple-career strategy involving acquiring a variety of relevant skills so as to be in a position to capture opportunities when they appear. Consequently, they wear many hats at work (e.g. True story of an ex-brewer – this writer – who got recognition for using his “self-taught” IT skills to computerize brewing data collation/reporting, by developing automated computer spreadsheet applications – thereby eliminating the need for the company to buy expensive off-the-shelf software). Read my article titled How To Be A Jack Of Many Trades™, And Why It Can Make You Succeed More Often? to learn more about Multipreneurs.

Question: But HOW Can One Develop These Competencies?

Answer: Through Self-Development which I define as..

“.. the process by which an individual continually – and intelligently – uses her own efforts, resources, knowledge and experiences(as well as those of others, voluntarily supplied), to improve her ability to achieve repeated personal or workplace successes”

Who Else Has Acknowledged This Thinking?

The truth presented in this article is based on timeless wisdom that has been substantiated by recognised and qualified authorities in the field of Human Resources/People Development.

Peter Drucker, as far back as 1955, wrote in his book “The Practice of Management”, that development cannot be anything other than Self-Development. Among other things, he explained that for any organisation to take on the responsibility of developing her people would effectively be a waste of time because, that responsibility is the individual employee’s – and no development would happen if the individual does not take up the responsibility to make it happen.

In the book “The Lessons of Experience”, Morgan McCall and his colleagues researched the careers of nearly two hundred of America’s most successful senior executives and concluded – quite accurately – that every individual manager has “the primary responsibility” for his/her own “effective development”.

The British Institute of Management in a major report on “Management Mobility and Redundancy” admonished the “prudent manager” to regularly evaluate her knowledge status as relates to her job, and take action to ensure it is updated to not just stay in touch with latest developments in her field(s) of interest, but also prepare her for the challenges of the future.

What Can You Do?

Various Self-Development resources exist. E.g. Books, tapes/CDs, seminars, on-the-job experiences, the Internet etc. The key here is for you to realize that you would be unwise to wait for your organization to “develop you”. You must seize the initiative! Sometimes you may need to self-sponsor your Self-Development initiatives, so your company’s “contributions”(for which many employees will most likely compete) can be like welcome extras!

Lastly, remember this: The success conscious organisation is always looking for employees who can help it become more profitable. So, transform yourself into that kind of employee and you WILL make yourself UNRETRENCHABLE!

To the employer: If the organisation wishes to see her employees develop, her individual managers’ abilities or willingness to provide necessary encouragement or guidance for each employee to practise self-development (as opposed to “stifling” or “mis-directing” efforts by each employee to do so), would be a major determinant of success.

Ten Ways You Can Use Self-Development To Become A High Flyer At Work

Many people have no idea there is an almost scientific method they can employ to achieve their personal or work-related goals, repeatedly and consistently. Organisations on their part fail to acknowledge their limits when it comes to getting improved productivity from their employees. No matter how hard it tries, a company cannot develop its employees significantly.

Peter Drucker, in The Practice of Management (Heinemann, 1955), said taking responsibility for development of employees would be “foolish pretension”. I agree. The truth is, only the employee can develop herself. Get her to strive willingly, and perpetually to become better on the job, and she will deliver greater productivity that you could ever pay for!

The organisation only needs to encourage and facilitate diligent practice of Self-Development(SD) by employees. For those not in paid employment, the diligent practice of SD offers equally beneficial prospects. That’s why I assure you, that you can develop yourself to be able to repeatedly deliver superlative performances that will inevitably result in success for you in any chosen area of endeavour.

How? By applying the “Ten Ways” described in this article, the way I will show you.

(This post was originally published as an article based on excerpts from Tayo Solagbade’s 113 page Self-Development Bible print manual – see cover below this post – titled “Ten Ways You Can Use Self-Development To Create The Future You Want” on sale at .


Your magnificent obsession would be your ambition in life – I like to call mine (people development and empowerment) “my reason for existing”. It will be something that dominates your thoughts relentlessly, day and night. You think about it so frequently that at a stage “it” takes “you” over begins to fuel your drive to achieve it. It is that thing which if achieved would make you confirm to a reporter interviewing you on your death bed that you have – in your opinion – lived a fulfilled life, and have no regrets about some other thing(s) you could have given a try, or done better!

Ask yourself what it is that you would gladly do for 24 hours a day, seven days a week etc even if you did not get paid to do it. What is it that gets you excited in the pit of your stomach every time you think about it? Whatever you come up with – if you’re honest with yourself – is most likely to be your magnificent obsession. You might have to think long & hard about this. It could take some people one day to discover theirs, and others a year. Some will even find that they’ve always known – so the discovery could be more or less instant!

Set a goal that reflects your life ambition (You have to think long & hard about this!). And make sure it is a “stretch” goal i.e. one that’s challenging but achievable. Your goal must be aligned to your organisation’s to avert possible conflict with your responsibilities at your workplace when you begin implementing your plan. It becomes a bit more difficult working towards implementing a plan when there is little at your workplace that has anything to do with the plan and/or its achievement. Someone said you must always “hit the ground running” in the morning when you wake up. I believe one needs to get to the point where if you waste one hour of your time, you actually feel as bad as (if not worse than!) if you had lost a significant amount of money. When you get to that point, you are not likely to joke with the time you have set aside to achieve your goals/objectives.

NB: In my new ebook titled “WHY YOU KEEP FAILING TO ACHIEVE YOUR WRITING GOALS!“, the importance of having a Magnificent Obsession is emphasized. Click here to request a 2 chapter PDF preview (the download links will be sent to you instantly).

Click here to get a FREE 2 Chapter Preview


Recognise (even “Beware of”!) the power of your relationships. Who is the “friend” you spend your quality time with? What tangible/positive benefits accrue to you from the relationship? You must be honest with yourself. If you find that you have friends who often leave you feeling that you have “lost a significant amount of money” (remember the FIRST way?) by spending your quality time with them, then you need to review your relationships with such persons.

In certain cases, you might need to gently/tactfully “break” some relationships. To be a friend to (or favourite of) everyone, you would have to be a “hypocrite”. Everyone cannot like you – the sooner you accept that fact in your mind the better prepared you will be to deal with the issue of controlling the relationships you keep. If you find that a friend/colleague is not prepared to respect your need to focus and work towards achieving your magnificent obsession, then you need to review your relationship with that person.

Your friendships/associations have an immensely powerful influence on your mental attitude, which in turn determines how effectively you can work towards achieving any set goals or objectives. I am personally quite deliberate in the way I cultivate relationships with others. I also believe anyone who wants to set and achieve personal or workplace targets needs to be that way to ensure he/she achieves perpetual success.

Be prepared to be lonely. Believe in yourself. Don’t let others impose their limitations on you. You need to EMANCIPATE YOUR THINKING™. By this I mean you should never let others impose their opinions or limitations on you. Many people are afraid of expressing divergent opinions from others, because they do not want to be criticised for thinking differently from everyone else. Many people are afraid to stand out from the crowd.

“You don’t need anyone’s permission to succeed” – Dan Kennedy.


Focus, determination and perseverance are three (3) key qualities considered essential for success in any area of endeavour. A person with focus knows what he wants, and has his mind set on getting it. One who is determined will not be put off by discouragements or temporary setbacks. The person who can persevere will not give up trying until he/she has achieved a set objective.

Perseverance – according to great achievers like Thomas Edison is the most crucial. Edison actually called it: “stick-to-it-iveness“. Considering that he chose to continue his work despite many thousand failures, one can appreciate how he can be so sure about this.

If you have ever tried to stop an ant without killing it, you will know that the ant exhibits these qualities quite well in the way it responds to obstacles in its path (I actually got this “ant’ analogy from a one-chapter exclusive book bonus I read in a Success Digest magazine years ago). No matter what you do (except you kill it), you cannot stop an ant from trying again and again to get around, go over or under whatever obstacle you put in it’s path. Put the ant in a sealed jar and it will keep moving everywhere, searching for a way out, till it eventually drops dead. Ants provide a perfect example of focus, determination and perseverance at work.

Just imagine if you as a human being were to adopt the “ant” attitude to challenges and setbacks/ disappointments that you encounter in trying to achieve your goals. You would become virtually unstoppable!

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence; Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent” – Ray Kroc (Founder of McDonalds) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Patience is a virtue that carries a lot of WAIT”. The foregoing “definition” of patience was given in a bible study guidebook I read back when I was in the university. Often times people do not want to wait long before they begin seeing the results for effort they put into doing anything.

It is important that you avoid falling into the trap of wanting to “accelerate” the process of achieving your set objectives by adopting “unhealthy” habits/methods that require you to compromise your integrity. That does not mean you should not set challenging “target dates/times” in which you wish to achieve your goals! All I’m saying is that you ensure that you do not compromise your integrity by cutting corners in trying to do so. (Learning to type – how long should it take?)

It is imperative that you become a conscious learner from your (and other people’s) experiences. This means you will consciously and deliberately go out of your way to acquire relevant/useful knowledge or skills from every experience you (or others you have the opportunity to observe) are exposed to, and then apply same towards achieving your set goals.

The British Institute of Management in a major report on “Management Mobility and Redundancy” admonished the “prudent manager” to regularly evaluate her knowledge status as relates to her job, and take action to ensure it is updated to not just stay in touch with latest developments in her field(s) of interest, but also prepare her for the challenges of the future.


Actively seek opportunities to learn something new. Never be afraid of the unfamiliar. The trouble is that oftentimes people fail to realise they need to get to know other areas of work/life outside those they are already familiar with (i.e. their “comfort zones”). Ironically, doing this is often to their advantage, since they better understand how others do their work, the problems they face etc.

Don’t make the mistake of not wanting to get picked for “difficult” jobs. Some people think they are being smart when they deliberately “dodge”(or reject) being asked to champion projects considered high profile and/or risky (in the sense that such project’s success/failure is crucial to the company’s future). This is a big mistake. The assumption that handling a project that eventually “fails” will lead to your looking “bad” could not be more wrong.

Many times those giving you the assignment have considered your background and experience, and are well aware of your limitations. Sometimes they send employees on major/”risky” project assignments for developmental reasons. Successful execution in such a case will not usually be the focus. Instead, it would be the evidence of learning that the employee takes away from such an experience.

Every time you get to handle a new project, champion a new initiative or do something really new/different, it is an invaluable opportunity to widen your knowledge and area of expertise. It is also a perfect opportunity to show what you can do – while virtually everyone is watching (since you will be in the spotlight – something that might not happen often). As a result, you will have more depth and become able to interact more widely than if you never had to do such a job. Be grateful when things go wrong. It is often another opportunity to learn (Re: Sept. 11 crisis).


One fact of life: everyone cannot like you. Even Nelson Mandela who enjoys a lot of goodwill across the world today has some people who do not like him or cannot get along with him! That is the way the world is. For anyone to think otherwise would amount to him/her being unpardonably naive! I sometimes refer to the 6th way as “Doing something you dislike!” – because I believe that in going through life, we will periodically have to relate with those people we do not like or get along with. How we handle that situation when it does occur, is a crucial determinant of our success (or otherwise) in any area of endeavour we might choose.

To work successfully with someone you do not like/who does not like you. For the time you have to work with this person, put aside (I did not say give up) your biases – be they religious or otherwise – and interact with him/her based on the issues arising from the work you have to do together. Give your unreserved, active and positive cooperation towards getting the job done. Once the project has been successfully completed, you can then go back, and “pick up” your biases and reservations about him/ her again!

This way, you would have shown that you are capable of working successfully with anyone, in any team, and by so doing live up to your commitments as an employee to give your service to the level/quality that justifies the salary you get paid. Anything less would be unacceptable, and could actually jeopardise your career prospects in the company. Ultimately, you would do well to find a way to get along successfully, with such persons. Read Dale Carnegie’s “How to win friends and influence people” to get practical, workable ideas on this.

“Enemies test our ability to feel compassion, and strengthen us in doing so” – Dalai Lama.


Wake up – there’s a bigger world out there! Too many people bury themselves in their jobs oblivious to the fact that another world exists outside their “workplace”, or around them. They are insulated from the realities of the real world by their company’s provision of comfortable benefits. You need to get into the UHK (University of Hard Knocks – aka “The Real World”), and learn what it takes to survive out there – while you still have time. You will not remain in paid employment forever, and chances are your retirement benefits may not last the rest of your years on earth.

In the real world you WON’T get paid for work you do not do! The real world is where you don’t get paid until you given 100%(or more) of the product or service you promised. Many people in paid employment today continue to demand to be paid more for doing less work! Think about it. Some people go through a whole week (or month/year) without doing anything more than their jobs’ basically demand (sometimes they don’t even do up to that!), secure in the knowledge that come rain or sun, their salaries would be paid. That’s why Robert Kiyosaki says in one of his books that salary earners do not earn money – instead they actually receive “handouts”.

The real world demands that you prove yourself worthy of every reward you get. You must sow before you reap. Only in paid employment is this law disregarded. And that’s why when many people retire from well paying jobs, they are unable to adjust to surviving in the real world where they find that (contrary to what obtains in paid employment), just putting in minimal effort does not result in multiple fold income returns.

Start living in the real world today. Get your spouse and/or kids to do the same. Begin to manage your spending more consciously for instance. Many in paid employment – if asked – would be unable to account for money they spent 24 hours earlier. This is because they often spend with the “assurance” of another inflow of salary to replace whatever they spend. My advice: Get a notepad where you enter detailed records of every kobo you spend, from today.


Worrying is part of being human. But we have the ability to CONTROL it. Many things can cause a person to worry e.g. financial difficulties. Sometimes we become so worried by certain things that we let them affect our behaviour or performance elsewhere. This is not only avoidable but also often potentially harmful if not quickly checked.

Why let an argument with your spouse at home turn you into a “grouch” or incompetent person at work? Why let that negatively affect your ability to do your job/relate with people you meet at work? Doing that will only worsen your predicament because your problems eventually increase in number. You upset other people and get yourself even more worried!

Jim Rohn’s “Wherever you are, be there” to me, means leave that domestic problem at home, and face your job at work squarely or be yourself wherever else you go soon as you leave home. Do your job/relate with others as well as you would have – or even better than – if you did not have a problem at home. (This requires a lot of mental discipline and effort, but you will find it’s worth it).

When you get back home, you can then continue trying to resolve the home front problem. That way, you will be able to lead a normal life in all other areas of your life and eventually, that could even help you focus better to sort out the problem on the home front – and vice versa. Fail to do this, and your problem will assume multiple dimensions since you will allow it spill over to, and negatively affect other aspects of your life.

Control your thoughts! Some of us tend to worry about what “people” say (or will say) about us. But you can never know who is going to do that to you next – or when (except you’re psychic!). So, why not keep doing what you do as well as you can and steer them away from the negatives that will cause you to worry. Sooner or later, you’ll be vindicated through your work/actions.


Become a coach/people developer. Share what you know with those who lack such knowledge. That will actually make you bigger (not smaller) in the eyes of others. To experience rapid career advancement, you must make out time to coach and develop others. That way you increase the chances of moving on/up when the opportunity comes. I like to ask people the following questions: “How can you get promoted from your current job if no one else has the competence to do it?”. And how will anyone else learn how to do that job quickly enough, if you don’t make the effort to train/coach those around you to the required competence level?”

You are in the best position to know what is needed to do your job as well as you do it. That means you will be best placed to find/develop others – subordinates, colleagues etc to do it while you’re away on leave, secondment – or when you get promoted!

Unfortunately, many people fail to realize this. In our country, people generally seem to believe that sharing what they know actually amounts to giving up the “edge” they have over others. You must realise that sharing with another person even to the extent that he/she becomes better than you, would actually be evidence of your success in another dimension – for which you should feel proud! You cannot be the champion all the time. Sometimes you have to be the champion’s coach – which is even better!

While trying to help others grow, you might encounter some relatively “slow learners”. Be patient. Avoid giving up on people. Never conclude that a person does not have what it takes to do something. People should be given as many opportunities as possible to improve – so long as they are still willing. We should play our role by offering support, advice, encouragement etc all through the process. Those you help up the ladder today will turn round to pull you up to success in future!


Make sure your cup is never full! One can never stop learning. For as long as a person remains alive, he/she will find that there’s always something new to learn. Some people believe that the need for them to “learn” ended when they graduated from the university. What a pity! Anyone who thinks like that is destined to remain an underachiever all through his/her life!! Comparing yourself to those around you who are not up to your level does not prove that you have not underachieved. Don’t fool yourself. You are an underachiever if you do not maximize your fullest potential, by perpetually striving to improve/become better in every facet of your life!

If things get tough, you can retreat, not to surrender, but to refocus before trying again. Maybe a particular method you employ fails. You then follow the rules by being an Ant™: so you keep going right back, doing exactly what you did before each time, making adjustments. Unfortunately, you still might not succeed. At that point, it might not be a bad idea to take a step back and analyse your situation to be sure that your adopted method is the most appropriate/suitable.

Finally, the journey to success is never-ending. Your journey to success should not end. No matter how successful you become, there will always be something new to learn/do better. You therefore need to stay focused on becoming better than you are now or today. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating your successes – just don’t begin to think you’ve done all there is to be done.

Remember always, that someone, somewhere, will have done (or can do!) more than you have. More importantly, remember that you are on a “never-ending journey of learning, discipline, work and the pursuit of even higher knowledge and standards. “You must always hit the ground running when you wake up in the morning. So, Be Hungry and Stay Hungry™!

“Success is a journey, not a destination” – Arthur Ashe