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No. 151: 3 Reasons Farm CEOs Will Succeed as Paid Speakers
The world needs Farm CEOs (who do what I describe in this article) to become public speakers and inspire it! If you could see what I envision, you would believe me instantly. But I know that’s hard for most people (especially farm business owners!).
So, I’m committed to presenting and representing this idea in as many forms as possible. [Here’s a recent article I on the same theme].
This time around I’m discussing three (3) reasons why a Farm CEO (who does what I describe below) WILL succeed as a paid speaker.
Reason No. 1: They Will Bring More Authentic Information to Audiences
Prof. Mrs. Janice Olawoye, when lecturing us back in the department on Agricultural Extension Services, introduced the term “Indigenous Knowledge Systems”(IKS) to us.
It referred to unique methods independently developed by farmers, to successfully solve problems they faced.
Ideally, for farmers to get improved performances, IKS’ from different farms should be carefully documented and shared to places where they are not known.
I have seen farmers exchange ideas for dealing with health and feeding concerns of their birds. Sometimes the person who benefits may end up avoiding major expense this way.
And that happens just by TALKING to another farmer.(It happens in daily life too. For instance, nursing mothers give valuable money saving tips to one another, about caring for their babies.)
Now, imagine if EACH farmer forms the habit of THINKING up new and actively implements such ideas, on a pilot scale, tweaking them, until improved farm results are achieved.
Then just imagine s/he, is able to verify (e.g. in the case of a new ration formula, or a cheaper alternative feed ingredient) that no harmful side effects occur from using this new approach.
Maybe s/he sends feed samples at different phases of implementation, and also has the Vet examine the animals etc.
Would that not have been a successful on-farm performance improvement trial?
And would it not be easy for him/her to scale up and implement it on the larger farm?
The answer to both questions is YES.
And what I have just described is what a Catfish Farm CEO in Nigeria has repeatedly told me he’s doing, with great results to show for it.
I have previously written about him. He is based in Ibadan, in Nigeria’s Oyo State.
So, he’s NOT waiting for the next farm research finding or idea to come from the lab coated experts in the agro-research labs, or their lecturer colleagues in the academia.
Now, please don’t get me wrong here…
I do NOT mean farmers should stop listening to (“talks” by) farm support experts who offer research based solutions for farmers to adopt.
That is the extension model that has after all been taught – and used – for years. As a graduate of Agricultural Extension Services, and an extension professional, I know this.
However, it is my considered opinion, that too many agro based learning events (seminars, workshops, conferences) are taking place within many countries, without farm business owners being attendees, talk less of being active partakers.
Yet, some of those absent farmers may have powerful, and viable ideas or solutions that can add value to those same events!
Reason No. 2: They Will Inspire Younger People to Venture Into Farm Business
Let’s get something straight about the kinds of farm owners I refer to in this piece.
They are those who operate at a commercial level via intensive farming methods. This is the smarter model that’s needed to take farming to the next level – not the peasant system.
Now, the farmer clients I have, for instance, often own devices and resources that enable them make use of PC and Internet technology to boost their productivity.
If shown how, they can do much more with those tools.
And that’s where I come in.
It is also why they come to me asking about my Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator, Feed Formulation Handbook and Poultry Farm Manager.
Some enquire about the Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS) ™ I offer to develop to help farms run more productively.
And more recently, I’m getting enquiries about the Sales & Marketing Coaching Program I offer Farm CEOs. For instance, about a month ago, I was invitied (by the CEO of an NGO planning to start a farm) to deliver a paid talk in Ogun state, Nigeria.
These CEOs, being the smart thinkers they are, contact me, because they want to expend less effort, time and money, to boost output.
And they know it can be facilitated by using technology and by adopting best practices.
Their success in doing the above, will – over time – erode the stereotype about farming being unfashionable, risky, or unprofitable.
Young people who see this will therefore be more likely to consider farm business worthwhile.
Reason No. 3: They Will Attract More High Profile Investors into Farm Business/Agriculture
As a Performance Improvement Specialist, I believe Farm business owners will thrive better if they SHARE their discoveries, without necessarily giving away secrets that make them competitive.
This happens in the IT industry where players “cooperate” even though they are competitors.
“Coopetition” is what it’s called. (Google it for more…)
It’s why one software application will offer features to make it work with a competitor’s product. It’s also why both companies can team up to take the industry to the next level, and offer buyers more options.
Smart businesses don’t’ forces customers to buy ALL they need from them only, by refusing to offer cross compatibility. They know that apart from stifling progress, it eventually back fires!
Smart Farm CEOs can help themselves, and others by offering PAID speaking services.
I’m emphatic about “getting paid” because it’s crucial to getting yourself taken seriously at this level. You may of course have to start by speaking for FREE, to get some experience under your belt. But aim to get paid eventually.
Yes. I mean YOU, as a Farm CEO, can deliberately, prepare, package, promote and present (hat tip to Burt Dubin for those 4 Ps), what you know, or do, and get paid for doing so.
That implies you must be sure it works, and is beneficial enough, before you offer it.
I believe the Farm CEO in Ibadan, is ripe for this. Twice now, when a client of mine asked me for ideas about cheaper alternative ingredients, I’ve readily referred to him. That shows how sharing what you know can influence others to see you as credible!
Today, more investors are seeing traditional channels offering less promising returns.
So they are increasingly looking for more viable opportunities.
Of course they hear lots of talk about agriculture being a money spinner. But we all know it’s not a straight line to success. There are real risks involved in many farm related ventures. And it often takes major expertise, and time, to reap the returns, substantial though they can be.
This is why Farm CEOs who function as experts-who-speak are VERY likely to help boost investor’s confidence, when they share their discoveries and recorded progress.
And since they would be offering verifiable evidence based on what their farms produce, prospective investors may consider them useful guides on where to invest their funds.
If you choose to adopt this don’t be surprised if some investor walks up to you, after your talk, and offers to put money down for you to take what you described to the next level etc!
Question: How many times have you seen a keynote by the CEO of XYZ farms at a high profile event?
It happens – but by exception most times.
Quite often, CEOs of businesses in more “familiar” industries like entertainment, consulting and manufacturing get chased after to speak at all sorts of events.
Young people who see this happen tend to get the impression that those fields are the best to venture into.
I cannot speak for other societies, but here in Africa, I feel Farm CEOs are too “quiet” for their own good, and for the good of the industry!
Many experiences Farm CEOs undergo, to make their ventures succeed, equip them to deliver keynote speeches on not just agriculture/farming, but also on entrepreneurship and business in general.
The problem is many successful farm business owners themselves do NOT even know this.
So, I’m telling every Farm CEO – including YOU! – reading this article right now, that it’s time to let the world know you can add more value to people, than just supplying farm products!
It’s time for you to stop having others deliver speeches to you, about what works – especially when it’s sometimes YOUR farm they get key information used to prepare their speech from!
Final Words: What You Can Do…
If you agree with the above, and wish to act on it, I’m pleased to tell you that learning to be an expert-who-gets-paid-to-speak, has been made much easier today
Burt Dubin, a renowned mentor of some of the world’s highest paid speakers, offers a unique range of home study speaker mentoring products, along with the option of his personal mentoring service, for experts who need it.
I see YOU getting invited to share your unique ideas, findings and discoveries at conferences locally, and even internationally.
Indeed, if you make smart use of the web, the latter (international speaking) may even happen before the former!
Why? Because people with new, and proven ideas to move the industry forward are in HIGH demand, and agriculture is regarded as key to long term economic prosperity of nations!
To get started learning how to “package” your knowledge, for use in speaking for a fee, I recommend you browse through Burt’s home study products.
Starting with the one described below…
This may turn out to be all you need, to open a new page of major income in your life!
PS: If you have questions, or need clarification, click here to contact me.
“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”
In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.
Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….
Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.
The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.
In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!
CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets
Have a great week :-))