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Archive | June, 2013


Teach Your Child to be Brave Despite School

7 June 2013

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In Seth Godin’s manifesto – titled “Stop Stealing Dreams (What is school for?)” he wrote, under item 33, titled “Who will teach bravery?” as follows: “Bravery in school is punished, not rewarded. The entire institution is organized around avoiding individual brave acts, and again and again we hear from those who have made a difference, […]

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Does Your Boss Trust You on the Job? (3 Ways to Find Out The Truth)

6 June 2013

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You need to get an accurate answer to this question. They may not show it. But if your superiors don’t trust you completely on the job, you may lose career advancement opportunities. And you could even be in danger of being declared redundant. Here are 3 Checks to Help You Establish How Well Your Boss […]

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How to Make Drinks You CAN SELL, from Peels of Pineapples & Nine (9) Other Fruits!

5 June 2013

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If you’re someone looking for a viable business venture to start, this is ONE I assure you cannot go wrong with. Over the past 2 months, I’ve watched with growing frustration huge quantities of pineapple rind get thrown away by vendors who sell the fruit here in Calavi. And I’ve often imagined that the same […]

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Finishing My Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide: Between Samuel Agossou, & Benin’s Songhai Integrated Farming Centre

5 June 2013

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It’s been an interesting experience trying to implement my plan for finishing off this guide. So far I’ve only established working relationships with micro operators who have backyard rabbitries they run. (I’ll confess though, that other activities have eaten into time I could have put into following up more effectively). I already have videos and […]

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When You Have No Money, You’re No Good…Right?

5 June 2013

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Wrong! This dilemma confronts many people in their daily lives. And yet it’s such a simple thing to master. Just adopt the right mode of thinking – and your ability to achieve any goals you set your mind on, will be dramatically enhanced. “Aside from being ostracized for my clothes, the kids called me poor […]

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The World Will Step Aside For YOU, If You Know Where You’re Going…But DO YOU?

4 June 2013

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“The world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going” – Abe Lincoln Wise words, from a very great man, who survived serial failures for more than half of his life, to become president of the most powerful country on earth! Do you know where your life is headed? Have you found […]

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No. 92: Caution – A Prospect With Money May Be Bad For YOU! (3 Tips)

3 June 2013

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People are not the same in the way they approach pursuit of set goals and objectives. You may be willing to be focused and committed. But your new client may not. That’s why even when they have money, some people may not be good for you as clients. And if you take them on, things […]

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What Do Quotable Quotes Have to Do With Your Writing Success?

1 June 2013

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Everyone knows how to use quotes. Some of us also come up with a few that others end up using. But certain people are responsible for producing some very profound ones (e.g. Emerson, Edison, Socrates, Plato, Hemingway, and many other great minds). And we all accept that they were truly inspired. But do people credited […]

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