5 Skills You Need To Achieve Your Writing Goal(s)

1. Critical Thinking

I believe a fundamental requirement for effective writing is the development and constant nurturing of a critical thinking habit. Without this a writer is likely to struiggle considerably to come up with truly original and potentially profound insights to share with readers.

When your writing fails to strike the reader as useful, then your efforts have been wasted.

2. Reading Proficiency

Great writers are often good readers. In many ways reading feeds a writer’s mind with raw material that she can use to generate new insights.

But what you read also determines how much you reap from reading.

Gossip magazines are unlikely to offer quality content that can enrich your knowledge for instance. Except of course you plan to specialize in writing to report gossip, scandals etc.

3. Writing & Typing Proficiency

The ability to intelligently articlulate one’s thought in written form – and to do it using language that arrests or captivates and stimulates the imagination of the reader is a valuable one.

Achieving your writing goal requires that kind of writing competence, because only then can you be certain that your intended meaning will be understood by readers.

But you can be competent as a writer and still struggle to achieve your goal, if your typing is poor.

In this 21st century, writers who are good at typing often have an edge over those who don’t. The latter will tend to be forced by their lack of skill to endure delays in getting their writing done.

This is because they will usually have to get someone to do it for them, or they might also try to do it themselves. The former option has risks of poor work quality (necessitating extra editing) or possible theft of intellectual property.

The latter option offers more useful rewards, but still comes with a price of slow typing speed.

To achieve your writing goals more reliably, if your writing or typing is below par, find time to learn how to overcome that challenge. Enroll for a coaching class or get self help tools (e.g a typing tutor) to help you improve.

An important dimension here, is Proof Reading. Failure to pay enough attention to this aspect, and to editing, can negatively affect the quality of your written works.

4. Imagination

Sometimes being able to use our words to paint a picitroial message can make our writing more enjoyable for readers.

Great speakers and writers often demonstrate this ability. And it is the reason why many of them became successful.

Not all writers have this skill to write with picture building words. But it can be developed. And the effort would be worthwhile.

The human mind thinks better in pictures. Therefore when you effectively employ words that evoke the right images in the minds of readers, they will connect more readily with you, through your words.

5. Physical and Mental Stamina

If you’re battling with fatigue, or illness/stress – be it physical or mental – it will diminish your staying power. Let that happen, and you have a big problem on your hands.

To meet client deadlines, you need to be well rested. Otherwise your work volume, and quality, will suffer.

So always listen carefully to your body whenever you’re working. When you start dozing while typing, it’s likey to be a sign that you need to take a break.

Take it and you’ll come back refreshed and able to function at your productive best.

On a final note, you can also improve on your current level of work related stamina. One tried and tested strategy is doing simple physical exercises every day.

Push ups, sit ups, stretching exercises and similar others can help greatly in this regard.

The best part is that you get to kill 2 birds with one stone, because regular physical excercise boosts both physical and mental stamina!

Why You Need To Teach Your Child To Question Authority

In July this year (2013), I will be 43 years old. My 13 year old son will clock 14 in May. Between the two of us there is a healthy 29 year age difference. Little wonder that more than a few eyebrows get raised when people hear him always call me by my first name! This article explains why I believe demystifying authority figures in the eyes of our kids can prepare them to become powerful influencers and agents of positive change in society.

“Tayo, look what she’s done to my books!” my son once exclaimed, as he discovered his little sister had spilled water on his school bag. We were visiting at their grandparents, and a relative who was present immediately asked “They call you by name? Why do you let them do that?”

I always argue that times have changed greatly. Adults are becoming less reliable role models. And so children must be empowered to challenge erring adults. Otherwise society retrogresses. Some see my point, but refuse to accept my approach.

Traditional Culture In Societies Evolve – But Respect for Elders Is Still Valued/Required

In Africa, a younger person dare not call an older person (especially 10 or more years older) by name. Indeed many decades back, an age difference of two years between male siblings made it imperative for the younger person to call the older one “brother” – out of “respect”.

Today, the strictness with which such requirements are enforced is generally less. But the need to show respect remains important across cultures worldwide. A young person who wishes to be regarded favourably therefore knows better than to call an older person by name.

To Preserve “Respect for Elders”, Why Not Also Preserve Value Placed On Honesty & Integrity?

People belonging to my parents’ generation often say that in their time, if someone suddenly acquired riches elders would call him to explain its source. If his answers were not satisfactory, it could lead to great shame and embarrassment for his entire lineage. Stealing and dishonesty were not tolerated. Elders did not look the other way when convenient. They spoke truth without bothering whose Ox was gored.

But today a child would notice the opposite happening. He is told that stealing or cheating is bad. But sometimes he will see those who teach him that same rule doing the exact opposite. Sometimes they get caught and punished. In certain societies however, they seem to always get away with it. Sad, but true. A child in such a society may even see those who insist on being honest and upright ending up at the mercy of those doing wrong!

I believe that if elders (or leaders/public office holders) want respect from younger people (or followers/citizens) based on culture or tradition, they should also be willing to preserve the culture or tradition of rewarding honesty and punishing dishonesty.

The truth is however that elders in certain societies are driven by selfish motives – not a desire to do what is in the best interests of those they lead.

Societies That Make Progress Often Have Members Willing To Question Authority (Fela Anikulapo Kuti’s Example)

Societies that make progress are often those in which people are willing to question persons in authority who are not doing the right things. And they teach their children to do the same. The child who is not taught to be critical of the way things are being done, will get messed up by society.

In contrast, societies that fail to progress significantly are those in which not enough people are willing to challenge those in authority doing wrong. A young person who has been taught to be submissive or subservient, and to fear authority, will rarely be willing to challenge erring leaders.

He may also find that younger persons regard him the same way he views those older than him. If he happens to like it, you cannot reasonably expect him to fight the system!

Some traditional African cultures have this problem. In Yoruba land we have a saying that “Agbalagba o ki npa iro – which means “Adults do not tell lies”. That in itself is a BIG lie as you know. And yet, it’s sometimes ALL that keeps many young people in my part of the world from openly questioning an older person they are reasonably sure is doing wrong! This was one of many reasons I decided I would make my kids always call me by name and challenge me (see my reference to Fela Anikulapo Kuti and his kids below).

To Ensure Societal Progress We Need To Demystify Authority Figures!

Parents have to prepare their kids with the right mindset to question an erring older person or someone in a position of authority. Get the child to look beyond the trappings of office or power, and see the person there as the human being he is – not a perfect or infallible being.

A possible strategy would be to make the child call YOU by name (But only you. He need not call other adults by name). Then encourage her to respectfully – but fearlessly – engage you intellectually, on various issues, and to challenge you when she does not agree with a view you express, or a line of action you embark upon.

Fela Anikulapo Kuti made this a rule for his kids. Seun Kuti noted in a Channels TV (Lagos) interview some years ago, that if he or his siblings called Fela “Daddy”, they would not get their allowance.

Fela wanted to demystify adults and adulthood for his kids.

Why? Because he realised it was the adults who demanded respect (from young people like his kids) that he was constantly questioning over bad leadership, and corruption – which he called “Authority Stealing” in one of his songs.

Without helping his kids break away from tradition in that respect, he knew they could be coerced to accept bad conduct of wayward persons in authority.

But he wanted them to follow his example of courageously challenging wrong doing, and to demand better behaviour from leaders on behalf of the majority in society. Judging from the roles his sons – Femi (multiple Grammy award nominee) and Seun – have since been playing in society, as champions of the interests of the masses, Fela can be said to have succeeded to a great extent in this regard.

You don’t have to go as far as having your kids call you by name, if you don’t want to. However, it is crucial that you empower them to challenge persons in authority to change their ways, if/when they err.

When we are brave enough to teach a child to question authority, even ours, we insulate ourselves from those who would use their authority to work against each of us.” – Seth Godin

Walls That Cool Rooms by Absorbing Heat, Helping You Save Energy? Yes, You Can Have Them In Your Company!

Disclaimer: I have not been paid or given any incentive by the companies mentioned below, to write this piece. It is not meant to promote or advertise their products.

Instead, my purpose here is simply to provide information and education about an emerging technology I consider to be a major game changer.

Please apply due diligence in taking any action based on what you read here. You take full responsibility for your actions.

What if you could introduce an idea that could drastically reduce your company’s use of electricity powered air conditioning? That would mean lower energy use, reduced damage to the environment, and more money in your company’s coffers (from a much lower electricity bill).

Well your opportunity to reap the above rewards may just be here:

This article describes “heat absorbing” drywalls available in the market, that are being used for regulating temperatures in residential and commercial buildings.

The Technology Now Exists – and You Can Have It!

National Gypsum, a company based in North Carolina, in the USA, produces what it calls “ThermalCORE panels with Micronal PCM” (see http://thermalcore.info/product-info.htm), which help to stabilize in-house temperatures regardless of outdoor fluctuations.

The panels are similar to normal drywall sheets (used for new buildings) – except that the former bear capsules which alternately absorb and expel heat to/from the environments they are placed in via what is called a “passive cooling system”.

Historical reports indicate that efforts have been on since the fifties to develop passive cooling systems that make use of phase-change materials (like those in the ThermalCORE panels’ capsules).

The capsules used by National Gypsum were developed by BASF, a major manufacturer of chemicals. BASF found a way to use “phase change” material comprising paraffin wax that melts at room temperature (by absorbing heat from the room) – making it useful for maintaining a constant temperature all day.

The capsules are reportedly enjoying increasing application in various markets – including the construction industry.

How It Works

The principle on which the heat absorbing and distributing capsules work, is similar to how ice cubes cool a drink (i.e. they absorb heat from the drink, which makes them melt, as the drink gets cooled)

National Gypsum reportedly conducted performance tests across all four seasons over one year. This was to derive an optimal formula for loading the panels with the right number of capsules to suit different weather conditions.

Field tests were done in collaboration with California’s Emerging Technologies Coordinating Council, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Based on results obtained, the ThermalCORE panels were found to:

1. Liquefy at 73 ºF (or 22.8 ºC).

2. Store about 22 BTU (British thermal units) per square foot.

Estimates – based on evaluation of standard homes – suggest that an investment in this technology could pay for itself via electricity savings within 5 years.

Potential for Wider Energy Saving Application Is Bright

The potential for exploiting this technology for greater energy saving benefits is great.

1. For instance, there’s talk of using the phase change materials to lower temperatures in commercial buildings during the day, thereby avoiding costly use of air conditioning during peak consumption periods.

And then during the night, when electricity is cheaper, the air conditioning can be turned on, resulting in an overall net savings in energy usage.

2. Apart from their use by National Gypsum in producing “heat absorbing” drywalls, other companies buy the capsules from BASF, for production of building materials like aerated concrete blocks and ceiling panels.

3. Another large chemical manufacturer – DuPont (http://energain.co.uk/Energain/en_GB/index.html) – also makes phase changing materials similar to those produced by BASF.

However, rather than sell to companies in the building industry like BASF does, DuPont incorporates them into its own range of “room cooling” drywalls that it markets across Europe.

Final Words

If you’re a CEO or decision maker in your organisation, the multiple potential benefits of this technology could be well worth looking into.

Even if you’re the most junior employee, it would be a smart move to bring news of these heat absorbing drywalls to relevant decision makers in your company.

They will welcome such valuable suggestions that can help cut costs, and also make the business contribute more tangibly to protecting the enviroment.

What’s more, you will most likely be recognised for bringing up the idea.

One thing is certain: As efforts continue to improve it, this environmentally friendly technology is bound to change the way we run our businesses – and live our lives – for the better.

Use Your Smartphone To Boost Your Productivity (5 Tips)

In this article I discuss 5 different ways you can use your smartphone to get more done in your personal and work life – at zero cost.  The tasks and features covered are common to majority of smartphone types.

1. Conducting Formal or Informal Interviews, Recording Conversations, & Capturing News

It happens to each one of us at different times. You have a conversation with someone, and come to an agreement. Then a week later the issue comes up for discussion and you both disagree on what exactly transpired. Why let that happen, when as business persons both of you most likely have smart phones you use. Simply agree to record your conversation, to provide a reference that you can use in future.

Another instance could be when you witness an event as an observer. Your smart phone can be used to record the video or audio version of happenings. Later on you could use it to send in potentially valuable footage to a media house (radio, TV etc). Such amateur productions have sometimes ended up being used to track down perpetrators of crimes etc.

And you could also conduct interview of key players in your industry or celebrities in society. It’s always more convenient to use a recording device to capture the interview live. Then later you can prepare a downloadable MP3 podcast (or video) version, and/or a transcribed version for use on your website.

2. Preparing Evidence/Proof For Discussions

Sometimes something happens that you need to go and discuss with one or more others to ensure it does not happen again. For instance, maybe next door to your place the water pump lacks a flow switch and the tank overflows into your compound causing a mess.

Taking a picture of the resulting situation can make it easier to impress upon the other person just how serious or inconvenient this is for you. Adding short video clip recorded when it was happening, can further boost the impact of your message and make her decide to eliminate the problem.

3. Giving Service Providers Work Specifications

You want to commission a service provider to build an item for use in your company. Maybe a computer table or door etc. Or it could be that you need to purchase large quantities of corporate gift items, but want to be sure you don’t end up with fake or substandard versions that recently flooded the market.

Once again your smart phone can do a lot for you. Get it and go round the places where you can find the original quality items that you want. If already on your premises, get good pictures of it from different angles. Then use those pictures for evaluating any samples sent in by interested suppliers.

Or if you are visiting the markets, show the items in your phone to the vendor and ask that he bring to you items he has matching the ones in your pictures or videos. Doing this gives you a standard to compare with and ensures you drastically minimize chances of getting ripped off.

4. Learning a Language

It was while visiting Cameroon in 1999, that I first discovered the value of listening to recordings of real life conversations by native speakers of a language. I’d used videos produced by the French ministry of education which were obtained from the linguistic attaché from France to Nigeria. However, what I learnt from watching those educational dramas could naturally not cover all possible contexts and vocabulary range that I would encounter in the real world.

So, within a few days of arriving in Cameroon, I realized there was a lot I still needed to learn to converse fluently in the real world. And I knew I had to be able to play back all that I heard each day, so I could get used to them faster. Thankfully I had brought a micro cassette recorder with me.

What I proceeded to do was to capture as many real life conversations as I could everywhere I went. Then when I got back to my host’s place, I would retire to my room and listen to the playback repeatedly. I took it a step further by placing my recorder next to the radio and recording news broadcasts, radio shows, drama sketches and other programmes that were aired.

Again, while everyone slept, I would stay up late listening to the play back. When I got back to Nigeria, I had over 10 micro cassette recordings each at least 60 minutes of conversation long.

Today smart phones make it much easier to do the same thing. And I already use mine for that purpose. What’s more, with a little effort you can transfer your audio recording to your computer and use it in other ways, without having to call in any expert.

5. Coaching or Training Others

Sometimes you want to teach others how to carry out a task. For instance, I taught my 13 year old son how to use the ATM machine by doing a video recording of the steps involved in the process on my Blackberry, while giving verbal explanations.

Getting home I gave him the device and he played it back repeatedly, asking me questions at different stages. By the time we went there together again, it was no longer so new to him.

I’ve used this strategy in many other ways with great success.

For instance, while coaching my kids on basic principles of math and English, I wanted to avoid having to repeat my explanation of key concepts. So I recorded my discussion sessions with them with the audio recorder.

After we had finished a few exercises, I connected the smart phone to my subwoofer and made them play it back and listen to it repeatedly. After that, we came together again and discussed areas they were not clear about.

This helped me save a lot of energy I would have expended in speaking. And so I was able to get some of my own work done as well.

It goes without saying that the above is not an exhaustive listing. However, for persons who find they do not yet do one or more of the above, it provides a useful starting point.

Proven Strategies for Competing Against Bigger Businesses

If you’re a solo act or a small operation, the ideas I share in this piece can help you win a bid for a project ahead of a much bigger company. On several occasions, contact persons – sometimes the CEO – in client companies have told me they chose me over another much bigger company. Read this article for ideas you can use to hold your own in a competitive market against bigger players.

Being Smaller Does Not Mean You Have To Be Cheaper

Size matters in many areas of interaction between humans. The bigger people think you are, the easier it will be to make your target audience give you serious consideration.

But when you really think about it, perceived size is what really counts at the end of the day. If you can create an impression in the minds of people that you’re bigger than you really are, you’re likely to get the positive attention and interest of your target audience.

When I got chosen over bigger outfits, it was not in all cases that I quoted lower. In fact, quite often my fees were challenged by clients because they felt I worked alone and still quoted rates close to (sometimes above) what other companies who sent teams to them, were offering. Despite this, most of them still went on to hire me.

A founding partner in one real estate firm told me, “you sounded like you knew what you were talking about, and you offered real results of your own to back up your claims.

And I think that’s what it’s all about: The client will choose YOU if you demonstrate the greatest potential to do that for her, when compared to other “bidders”!

Below, I offer ideas you can use to achieve the above, and more;

1. Make Yourself “Sound” Bigger With A DBA

Many small operators and solo acts have dramatically boosted the selling potential of their offerings by adopting a “Doing Business As” or DBA designation. In my part of the world, this would be equivalent to simply registering a business name.

This is typically a name that indicates the nature of business you do, and may or may not include your personal name. Thomas Watson, while working from the garage in his home registered International Business Machines (IBM) as his DBA. Another example could be Patrick Wilmot Rental Services (where Patrick Wilmot is the owner’s name).

Apart from wanting to appear bigger than you really are, if you have plans to do business with corporate organizations, and the government, you need a DBA. This is because such large outfits in the public and private sector do not deal with individuals.

Generally, you will need to register this “name” you choose for yourself – after doing a search and confirming that it has not already been taken. There may be a small fee – varies from country to country, and within a country, from county to county etc.

2. Not Having a DBA Can Limit Your Earning Opportunities! (True Story)

In late 2003, (about 2 years after I started out), a lack of a “registered business name” almost made me to lose what became my first high paying project (5 figures).

I was invited to send in a bid to provide Advanced Microsoft Excel personal coaching, for a top level manager in a large multinational telecommunications outfit in Lagos.

When the Director saw my Excel-VB driven demos, he reportedly said “Whoever sent that demo is the one I want to handle this coaching program”. When the manager handling the issue got back to me and asked for my company name, I did not have one!

He said I would have to get one, as the company would not deal with individuals. He said you need to have a duly registered business name. He also said the company would – as a rule – not pay anything in advance, except after 30 days.

So I asked if I could be given time to get a name registered. He consulted with the director, and returned to say they were willing to wait till I could get a company name registered. That was how convinced they were that I could help them.

I got the name registered, and eventually did the training job – and got paid as per my invoice. Had I failed to get that name, I would have lost that great opportunity.

3. Use a Web Marketing System to Amplify Your DBA’s Impact

Your DBA must effectively communicate what you can do for your target audience. Once you’ve registered it, you need to get the word out about it. Use it in your offline and online correspondence e.g. letter heads, calling cards, email signatures, website, blog etc.

You must exploit every cost-effective channel to let prospects know you can help them. 

Keep your costs as low as possible, while maximizing your marketing reach and impact. A tested and proven way to achieve the foregoing is to use a Web Marketing System (WMS). I say this based on my personal experiences and achievements over 10 years.

A WMS will put you in a perfect position to compete effectively for the attention of your target audience against bigger players in your market.

The global economic crisis is forcing businesses to shed on site manpower, and adopt telecommuting and other remote manning options to save costs. There has never been a better time to use the Internet in the manner I propose here.

As a minimum, you would be wise to setup your Web Marketing System to comprise two basic components:

a. A Dynamic/Database Driven Website and Blog – featuring your DBA:

You can use open source Content Management Systems like Joomla! or WordPress.

Tutorials abound on the Internet that provide step by step guidance on how to get up and running in a matter of minutes using either of these popular tools. Most website hosts offer them as FREE single click installations (ask them). Even if you have to pay someone to do it, the rates are often pocket friendly.

Your website will provide standard information about you – typical pages include home, products/services, about, contact and so on. But your blog will be your core marketing medium through which you’ll give potential buyers “samples” of your expertise. You will aim to publish new entries regularly with a view to giving useful information and education – at no cost – to those who visit.

b. A Branded Newsletter Email Marketing System:

From 2006 till last year, I published a monthly Self-Development Digest newsletter. It helped me build and grow a mailing list of subscribers (You need to build a list of pre-qualified prospects – and this is an excellent way to do it). I also achieved significant name recognition and credibility.

Some of my subscribers have since made purchases from me, and become good friends. A few actually joined my list AFTER buying and seeing the offer of my free newsletter!

Decide what interval you’ll publish your newsletter to share with potential buyers. Promote it on your website and blog. Offer an email signup form – powered by a reliable web based newsletter management system e.g. Mailchip.com, Awber.com etc

A newsletter is a powerful branded communication tool that makes you look real to your target audience. It also helps you establish authority status. For instance a decision maker in large company would probably be impressed to read through an archive of your past newsletter issues in which your thought leading ideas are published.

NB – A WMS should be self-sustatining: Everytime you publish your newsletter, an update should appear on your website and blog. In the same way updates on both your website and blog, should feature in your newsletter. Both resources must complement one another. Very important!

Final Words

On a final note, a WMS is a silent but powerful self-sustaining mix of web based marketing resources that can influence a decision maker to choose you. Remember however, that most times, you will not be there when they have to make up their minds. They’ll only have what you’ve told them in your meetings, or via correspondence. And also anything else they can find on their own about you (usually via online research).

A WMS can be your Marketing Manager when you’re not there! It can make them see how you are better suited to help them. Therefore, if you package and present yourself effectively using a Web Marketing System that features your DBA, you will sound and look not just bigger, but also more competent than others. And they will choose YOU!

Speakers Are Self-Confident People

Many self-confident people seem to fear nothing. They often act as if they recognize no limitations. Even when they encounter rejection, or setbacks, they never take it personally. And they seem to be able to talk to anybody.

Are you self-confident? If no, think what it would mean personally to you i.e. limitless possibilities! In this week’s issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter, I offer ideas to help you build self-confidence that can change your life for better, and forever.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 25th March 2013


Title: Speakers Are Self-Confident People

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL: http://www.spontaneousdevelopment.com/blog

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below, the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2013. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Unscheduled update [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Coming Soon

(In Video, Audio, And Also As A PowerPoint Slide show Presentation!)

Click to view larger screenshot - How African Experts and CEOs Can Use Public Speaking To Win Buyers and Save Money!

I’ll be sending out links to the video narrated version of the above presentation in a few weeks. It’s an Educational Commercial designed to help experts (sales/marketing experts, business executives, entrepreneurs etc) understand the tremendous promotional benefits of public speaking.

It features a special message from Burt Dubin, a renowned mentor of some of the world’s highest paid speakers. There’ll also be a video message from Claude Moller, a highly sought after conference speaker and coach, based in South Africa, who enjoys national and international level success that proves the ideas advocated in this presentation work.

Get Notified When It Goes Live – Click HERE!


No. 82: Speakers Are Self-Confident People

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NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to www.sdacademy.org to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


Many self-confident people seem to fear nothing. They often act as if they recognize no limitations. Even when they encounter rejection, or setbacks, they never take it personally. And they seem to be able to talk to anybody.

Are you self-confident? If no, think what it would mean personally to you i.e. limitless possibilities! In this week’s issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter, I offer ideas to help you build self-confidence that can change your life for better, and forever.

Being Self-Confident Will Make You Better in Every Area of Your Life

It’s amazing how people get drawn to someone who displays self-confidence. We see it happening all the time. People like someone who appears to be sure of him or herself.

You will reap rewards useful in your business.

As an expert or professional, if people who see and hear you get the impression that you’re not sure of yourself, you’ll lose credibility before them. The success of your business marketing depends on your ability to speak and act with self-confidence.

Not just in person, but also over the phone – and even when you do audio and video presentations.

So, for you as an expert, being seen by others to be self-confident means more potential clients/customers are likely to be attracted to you, boosting sales leads.

And you will also reap socially beneficial rewards.

Many confident often earn informal and sometimes formal leadership status in their personal and business circles. They get chosen to lead teams, to represent others, to champion causes etc.

These roles inadvertently help them achieve valuable name/brand recognition. Think about every successful speaker that you know. The above is true for them.

Here are three simple steps you can follow to build your self-confidence:

1. Start By Confronting & Conquering Your Fears

It’s an interesting irony – but it’s also the truth. What is it that scares you in your business or personal life? To gain self-confidence, go out and do those things. From today – now.

A common challenge for many experts is going out to speak to others about their products and services. Standing and speaking convincingly about what you know – without fear or anxiety – to strangers takes hard work (i.e. preparation) and courage.

But if you will yourself to do it the first time, and then keep on doing it afterwards, you’ll eventually stop feeling fear or anxiety.

Experiencing the thrill of standing before an appreciative audience can boost your self-esteem greatly. It makes you say to yourself: “Wow. I really can do this! People appreciate that I know this stuff!!

So, next time around, that exciting realization will drive you to prepare even better. And with each little “victory” (even if you’re not getting paid…yet), you’ll gain self-confidence. It’s as simple as that. Just like learning to walk as a baby :-)

2. Then Get Varied Experiences Under Your Belt

Some things may not scare you. Yet doing them could help you develop additional know-how, and that would boost your self-belief…your self-confidence.

In other words, to develop greater confidence, aim to explore new frontiers in life by having as many varied experiences as possible.

By this I mean hands-on experience.

If you lack insights gained from engaging directly in the practice or study of your subject, you will not be convincing when you speak: Your audiences will respond accordingly.

Speakers who succeed often tell stories and use analogies to explain their concepts or ideas to audiences. Now, many times a speaker’s choice of stories and analogies may not even be directly related to the theme of his/her message.

For example, in explaining the importance of diligence for persons seeking speaking success, Burt Dubin told stories about Jan Vermeer (a painter), and Colonel Sanders (the founder of Kentuck Fried Chicken).

If one were adopt a puritanical (or narrow) point of view, neither of those two stories has anything to do with helping someone learn how to be a better speaker.

However, by referring to Vemeer’s and Sanders’ diligence in pursuing their goal, Burt used their stories to illustrate how diligence can lead to success in the speaking business.

By implication therefore, a speaker who exposes himself to a wide variety of experiences (in real life, and through books) will harvest useful wisdom with which to communicate more effectively with audiences.

3. Go Out And Take Daily, Repeated Action

Do items 1 and 2 above, daily, weekly, monthly – as frequently as possible. Sooner than later, you will forget your fears, and develop unconscious familiarity with your subject.

You would have become one with your message, and would be bursting with the urge to share it, knowing that you have a limitless well of insights to give.

That’s when even if you’re woken up at 2 a.m, you would still be able to speak convincingly on your subject without rehearsing.

Once you attain that state of mind, your self-confidence will manifest itself spontaneously, anytime you perceive a speaking opportunity, be it with an individual, or before a packed auditorium!

Final Words: Speakers Are Self-Confident People – To Succeed, YOU Must Be That Way Too!

Professional public speakers are some of the most self-confident people one can find anywhere. To do what they do, as well as they do it, they have to be that way.

Yet many will tell you they were never always like that. Indeed before achieving success, quite a number admitted lived in morbid fear of ever having to stand before others, to give even the shortest speech.

That means it is doable for YOU too. The truth is, you will NOT succeed as a speaker if you constantly come across as being insecure and/or unsure of yourself!

Having said that, you become self-confident by just thinking about it. Start putting the ideas you’ve read here to immediate use. Then get more from reliable sources like this one. And you’ll soon be well on your way.

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, call me on 234-803-302-1263 or email tayo at tksola dot com.

Alternatively, send me a message using this request form (with “Re: How to develop Self-Confidence” in the subject line).

Click now

Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263


Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

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Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

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Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



My Recommended Posts for W/E 23rd March 2013: Humanity And Corruption Are Strange Bed Fellows | 5 Ways to Use Google+ to Improve Your Search Engine Optimization |Why You Need “Bulldog Blood” (#1 Characteristic of a Lifelong Achiever)

Starting tomorrow, the countdown to the opening of a new, exciting – and major – chapter in my entrepreneurial journey begins. I still can’t let the big cat out of the bag yet. That will happen via a scheduled post at midnight (Nigerian time) of Sunday 31st March 2013.

Most people who read that post the next morning will suspect it’s part of an April Fool’s prank. But it won’t be. And many will probably be shocked by the news :-)

Anyway, enough of the digression. Here are previews and links to posts I read during the past week, that I consider to be potentially useful:

1. Humanity And Corruption Are Strange Bed Fellows – A Rejoinder By Emma Nwachukwu

I was born and raised in Nigeria. This is my country. I’m determined to continue BEING the positive change I want to see in her. Not just for myself, but also for the sake of my 5 (five) equally full blooded Nigerian children.

This is why Nwachukwu’s piece about President Jonathan’s act of granting state pardon to an unrepentant looter of public funds resonates strongly with me.

I still don’t know how to explain it to my soon-to-be 14year old son, who I’ve always told that people who steal and get caught, suffer for their crime.

We need more voices to join ours to denounce this shameful act. Emma Nwachukwu’s piece says it all. Read it here.

2. 5 Ways to Use Google+ to Improve Your Search Engine Optimization

If you still wonder why some website and blog owners/writers have their photos appearing in individual search engine results, you need to read this article.

It explains all you need to do to achieve that and a lot more SEO benefits using your Google plus account. Read the full article here.

3. Why Have Bulldog Blood? – By Burt Dubin

In last Monday’s issue of my weekly Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter, I referred to this piece authored by Burt Dubin.

Why Have Bulldog Blood? - By Burt Dubin. Click to read now

NB: In the interest of full disclosure, and in case you didn’t know it, I get paid for any sales of Burt Dubin’s speaker mentoring products and services

that happen through my marketing efforts.

But the above is NOT why I’ve included Burt’s article here.

Instead I’ve put it here, because many adults need what it teaches, if they are to ever become fully capable of achieving their full potential in life.

I can say this without fear of contradiction because that’s what doing so has done for me.

Get this: He begins by saying his “#1 characteristic as a lifelong achiever” is having Bulldog Blood”: Not having a university degree, certification, or even a genius IQ.

Instead it’s Bulldog Blood?

But this insight comes from a 25 year veteran speaker, and mentor of some of the world’s highest paid speakers – who is himself a high school drop out!

He must know something most people don’t. Or he would not be where he is today.

By now I’m sure you’re curious to know what exactly he knows, that makes him tick, and achieve in this manner.

Click here to read the full article.

Have You Ever Received (or Written) A Get Lost “Auto-Response”?

Personally, I prefer to call it a “Get Lost Response” – because sometimes such messages actually get sent by a conscious human being! I didn’t coin the expression in the title though. It’s what a well known online entrepreneur called them in a book I read. I’ve received a number myself in the past. And my case is probably peculiar since not even one was automated: They were all typed and sent by a thinking human being…sigh.

In Case You’ve Never Seen One, I Offer an Example

I once sent a copy of a new e-book of mine to a list of carefully selected email addresses belonging to mostly top bloggers in the niche for the e-book’s topic. I basically asked if they would be able to find time to read and possibly offer comments, ratings or reviews of the book that I could use in promoting it.

In exchange I offered to write a guest post on the same theme – or any theme within my areas of specialization – that each of them preferred. The responses came – some took a while. A few gave me useful feedback. But no one said YES.

However, one person who I had actually been in touch with before sent a reply that basically said :

“Great to see you’re doing XYZ. But I’m way too busy to ever have time to read your book. I have too many clients waiting to get my attention you see!”

Now that, was a Get Lost Response :-)

The Sender’s Purpose is Often to “Put Down” The Recipient

Yep. That’s what it boils down to ultimately. The sender aims to putting the recipient back in (what the former considers the latter’s) place i.e. down, below, or beneath – certainly not at the level of an equal!).

In essence, the sender is asking “how you dare even think you qualify to write directly to me, talk less of actually getting an answer?”

In other words, it’s an undisguised put down, if there ever was one.

I said the sender’s purpose is “often” to put down the recepient – but not “always”. And it’s true. Some people don’t really mean to be rude. They just never stop long enough to think. But the effect is the same – and therefore each person must make the effort to think carefully about the potential impact of a message before sending it.

It goes without saying, of course, that my self-esteem is simply too well developed to let such a silly act by a small minded person get to me. If anything, it proves a sender possesses a less developed mind than one would expect from someone of his stature. Even if I’m busy, that’s not enough reason to send a tactless message to someone who takes the time to write you.

In fact, I would argue that it would be better to not send a response at all, than to send one that screams “Get Lost, Loser!” But then that is just my opinion. Compared to the “famous” email sender with poor manners, it probably counts for nothing.

Use People Who Behave Badly, To Learn How NOT To Behave

Back when I worked in paid employment, I learnt to use the bad conduct of some mangers to guard against becoming a bad manager like them myself.

Without the opportunity to watch them misbehave, I would never have foreseen the potential pitfalls that can derail a person’s career. And so, for that reason, I was grateful I got to know them.

That’s also why I’m grateful I’ve come across these people who send “Get Lost Responses” too :-)

Understand that it’s not the “rejection” that saying NO implies that I am concerned with here. Instead, it is the manner in which the NO is said. You can say NO, and leave the “hearer” feeling unoffended – even feeling good! – about herself.

In some ways, the following definition of Diplomacy illustrates the above point:

“Diplomacy is the ability to tell a person to go to hell in such a nice way that he looks forward to the trip.” – Anon

Yes, why not be diplomatic in the above sense? If you can’t sincerely “feel” compassion and consideration, at least respond with diplomacy and tact.

Incidentally, doing so could save you future pain and embarrassment.

For instance, how can you be sure that person will not become more famous/successful than you in future? Who knows, one day in the future, she could be in a position to give an opinion about you – or to comment on your suitability as a role model  – to persons in decision making positions (e.g. a company thinking of having you endorse its products).

If she chooses to be ungracious or vindictive, you could end up looking bad. See how you can potentially shoot yourself in the foot by being rude and tactless? Not worth it I’d say.

How You Treat People You Don’t “Need” Shows Who You Really Are

But even if there can be no negative outcomes for sending a “Get Lost Response”, doing so says a lot about who you are.

Having said the above, I do not delude myself. I realize that some of those reading this post may also be people who send Get Lost responses, and probably always feel justified doing so.

Well, welcome to you :-)

My hope is however that you will find (or have found), in this article, something to make you modify your approach, and deal with people with more consideration from today.

Even on the World Wide Web, simple courtesy and good manners still matter – at least in my personal opinion!

“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.” – James D. Miles

Can You Teach Your Kids About Money & Success, If You’re Not Rich?

True Riches/Success Come Via Effective Real World Relevant Parenting

I’m not rich…yet. But I will be – it’s one of a number of goals I’ve set for myself. However, while I work towards that goal, another goal I’m even more passionate about achieving is doing my best to prepare my kids for an authentically succesful adulthood (Emphasis on authenticity).

Infact I believe successfully preparing my kids to excel in life is a better way to succeed, and if I had to give one up, it would be the goal of getting rich.

To me, parents will be truly rich if they equip their kids with the knowledge, skills and mental attitude to excel in society, regardless of the limitations of their socio-economic circumstances or environment.

But Successful Parenting Is Easier Envisioned Than Actualized

Doing the above is however easier said than done. The “job” of parenting is no respecter of educational degrees or professional certifications.

To succeed, your intentions and plans will need to be diligently put into action year after year, until your kids go out on their own into the real world, and achieve authentic success.

If you’ve ever had to manage/raise children, you’ll know keeping the foregoing going require a rare mix of courage and peristence. Children will test your patience, especially in their teens.

Most of us have had to pass through all kinds of experiences before our kids were born. Sometimes we assume we’ve seen it all.

But when our kids arrive, we suddenly discover we need to acquire new knowledge and a completely new set of skills!

Parenting is a totally different kettle of fish from any experience most of us have ever had – with the exception, of course, of some of us who may have gained some hands-on experience caring for kids out of interest, or as a vocation.

But even that is rarely enough to make someone a competent parent.

You Will Not Always Have Satisfactory Answers For Her – No Matter How Hard You Try

Guiding and nurturing another human being to find her place in the world you already operate in takes a lot.

There are physical, emotional and psychological dimensions to consider in a childs development. None of them can be treated as less important than the others.

While the child is in her formative years, you will not always have the answers, and yet the child will always expect you to.

What’s more, as she grows older and gets more curious, she’ll begin to question things more and more. Including everything you do tell her – especially about life, and how best to live it, and succeed.

For instance, she could ask:

How come the neighbors kids have so many toys to play with and I dont? Why cant you get me stuff like that? Why dont we seem to have enough money to go on fancy trips and holidays my friends at school tell me their parents take them on all the time?

Teach Her The Value of Delayed Gratification

To please her, do what you can with what you have.

However,  if you lack the means to do it without incurring negative outcomes, you need to tell her. Maybe mortgage payments and some other investments you’re making for the future, currently prevent you from indulging in such immediate pleasures. Or maybe you’re just not earning enough to allow for such expenses at the moment.

Whatever the reason, tell her as simply as possible. Explain the implied benefit to be had from practicing delayed gratification.

My experience indicates this is quite easy to teach to kids, and once they get started on it, youll be surprised at how quickly they’ll use it to make progress. And they’ll regard it as fun!

For instance, ever since I began rewarding each of my kids with a 100% interest on money they saved, at the end of each month, I’ve noticed they’ve all become quite serious about not spending any money given to them by grandparents, and other relatives.

Make Her Work to Earn Any Extra That She Gets

In fact, even if you could afford it, historical evidence shows that it is smarter to get a child to develop a healthy respect for money.

To achieve that, make her realize it has to be earned before it can be spent. So when she starts asking for extras such as more toys or fancy holiday trips offer her an opportunity to earn them.

My soon-to-be-12 year old son once asked me for money to buy an item he said a classmate of his owned, an which he liked. I told him he could save up for it by washing my car every fortnight for a fee of N50. (The item cost N100 or N150 I think). I wasn!t surprised to see him apply himself diligently to that task until he’d earned the needed amount.

Important Note: This Is Not An Attempt To BragI’ve just shared what I’ve done with my kids, to give you ideas of what’s possible.

This is not an attempt to make my kids out as special, or to paint myself as a parenting genius.

My purpose for giving the above examples is basically to share what seems to have worked for me, in the hope that you may find it useful for your purposes.

But What If She Questions Your Competence To Tell Her About Money?

Sometimes it could be that you simply do not have the means to accommodate such additional luxuries, because you do not currently earn enough.

The child may accept this, but depending on the environment she’s exposed to, and the friends she keeps, it could influence her decision about how much attention she should pay YOU – particularly when you give her advice about what to do to make money for instance.

Lets face it, we all know the parable about the naked guy who offers you his shirt.

Would you easily accept financial advice from someone who seems to be struggling to make ends meet?

Your kid may face that challenge at some point in life. Letting you give her advice about what to do may be viewed against the background of how well she sees you doing.

And if you’re struggling financially, she could tell herself:

“I want something better. My parents don’t have the money making aspect of life well worked out yet. Maybe Kelly’s dad will have to usable advice on finances that I can explore”.

Robert Kiyoaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad bestseller book’s story effectively illustrates the point I’m making here. While he recognized his real dad’s academic prowess, Robert’s questioning mind led him to get financial education and coaching from his “other dad”.

What Can You Do

I believe the truth is that we can only try to do what we can for our kids. Sometimes we won’t have all aspects of life locked down.

There are likely to be areas where we will be better off letting someone else help our kids.

And as parents, if we truly love our kids we’ll be wise to quickly identify such persons and facilitate the process of bring them into our children’s lives as early as possible.

Sometimes it will be their teacher(s) in school, or a gifted or talented friend. And at other times it could be a relative of yours or even a friend, business associate, former classmate, indeed anyone you can reasonably trust to help your child acquire needed knowledge and skills to fill in any gaps in her learning.

If you love your kids and want them to flourish in life, you must be ready to do the above and whatever else is in their best interests.

It may surprise you that at the end of the day, when they achieved the success you so selflessly prepared them for, they will tell all who ask that YOU made them succeed.

That’s exactly what the world famous Ben Carson said about his uneducated single parent mother, regarding the amazing role she played in making him the genius in brain surgery that we all know him to be.

What If You‘re Offered A Bribe? (5 Practical Steps To Protect Yourself)

It happens every day. People get unsolicited offers and “gifts” meant to influence the job holder’s decision making in favor of the giver. High profile cases of people found guilty of bribe-taking in doing their salaried jobs, have been reported too many times to count.

As an employee, depending on the nature of work you do in your company, you may find yourself frequently faced with this challenge.

So what do you do if someone offers you a bribe? This article assumes you won’t want it :-)

It discusses 5 factors you need to consider – and take action to cater for – to protect yourself from any negative outcomes, in the event that you reject a bribe offer.

1. Your Job Type

Employees who occupy positions which involve deciding how large amounts of money are spent, or how high value items are used, often get exposed to bribe offers.

Examples include warehouse or distribution managers; accountants/finance managers, sales managers, marketing managers in charge of large promotional campaigns, purchasing managers – and so on

Contractors eager to gain an unfair advantage over their counterparts may choose to go the route of offering bribes.

If you find yourself in similar positions to the above, be sure to establish and maintain close relations with your superiors. Tactfully ask around to establish which ones you can trust. Keep such individuals abreast of developments, and make sure you protect yourself by keeping accurate and detailed documentation of all your dealings.

If/when the need arises to show yourself to be free from any wrong doing, you’ll be able to call on your senior manager confidant(s) – and also furnish your carefully kept records as proof.

2. Your Colleagues

Your social skills are of crucial importance here. Honing your intuitive ability to perceive insincerity may just save your career (or as you may know, your life, in certain climes!).

This is because sometimes before the bribe offer finds its way to you, some of your colleagues may have been bought over already. And they may even have committed to getting you on board: These could be peers, direct reports, superiors or a mix of all.

Watch for signs amongst your team members, of those who seem to lean towards pressuring you to accept the bribe offer. Make a show of inviting their advice, to see what they say. Ask them in separate “confidential private sessions” (which you can – indeed should – document using your smart phone audio or video recorder), what you should do.

The answers they give will reasonably guide you to know who you can trust – not just for that occasion, but in the future. I have personally found acting the fool, pretending to know much less than I do, helps me get duplicitous people to show their true selves.

I’ll tell you this: listen to your gut level instincts when you’re doing this, and you will rarely go wrong.

3. Your Integrity

Burt Dubin, speaking on a SpeakerMatch Teleseminar, shared an interesting perspective of integrity. Here’s what he said:

“There are no degrees in integrity. There’s no such thing as a partial virgin. You are or you aren’t. Well that’s how integrity is. You have it or you don’t.” – Burt Dubin

I think that really says it all. And the best part is that once you have integrity, those who work with you will immediately see it. They might decide to test you, but more often than not, resolute integrity – as Burt Dubin – puts it, will outlast anything they throw at you.

Demonstrating integrity at work can help you by making unscrupulous others avoid making dishonest offers to you. It can also make those you work for take positive note of you as being one they can trust to do right at all times. These will likely count in your favor if/when you have to report an attempt to bribe you or intimidate you to accept it.

4. Your Company’s Policy

Sometimes you have to be proactive. If you’re yet to encounter a bribe offer, take action now to find out your company’s policy about accepting gifts or other forms of gratification. If an offer has been made to you, stall while you make your enquiries.

At this stage don’t go telling just anyone what’s happening, except you’re sure none of your colleagues is on the take. Otherwise, you could get framed: It has happened before!

You should also seek out an experienced – and preferably senior – person in the organization, and table your challenge before him.

By so doing you’ll likely achieve three things:

First, you remove suspicion of guilt from yourself – and it may help your career later on in the company.

Secondly, you’ll give the company’s decision makers valuable information and insight into issues they would probably never have discovered on their own.

And thirdly, the burden of handling that issue may get taken off your shoulders by those senior persons. And they’ll probably coach you on ways to deal with future issues.

5. Your Ambition

Ambition has both negative and positive connotations.

Some people are driven by negative ambition. That makes them seek dishonest avenues to make progress towards their goals. This is related in a way to integrity, in the sense that it reflects such a person’s lack of it i.e. integrity.

However, it is the positive sense in which it can be used that I am concerned with here. To climb the corporate ladder without having fears of your past haunting you, you need positive ambition. This kind of ambition will make you avoid following dishonest avenues to achieve career advancement and/or financial reward.

In other words, you would reject any attempts to bribe you or compromise your integrity in doing your work. It would not matter to you how much you are offered. Nor would the value of the gift item make any difference to you.

What You Can Do: Reply With A Thank You Letter, & Donate It To Charity!

Most companies have written guidelines about what you can accept from a 3rd party. A magazine article I read on this theme years ago provided a “safe” strategy for dealing with anyone who insists on giving you money/gifts beyond what your company allows:

1. Do a formal letter (preferably on company letter head) – thanking him for his kindness.

2. Next, state that you will be donating the money or gifts to one or more charities that are supported by your company, to boost her Corporate Social Responsibility efforts.

3. Make sure you copy your boss (if you have one) and the Corporate Affairs Manager or whoever else you believe needs to be aware of what you’re doing.

4. End by saying you look forward to being of further service in doing your job. More often that not, doing this will make the giver realize that cannot be influenced negatively, or compromised. And he’s likely to move on to others.

Final Words

Everything I’ve said here is based on the assumption that you work in an organization in which a good majority of decision makers despise bribery and other vices etc. If that is not the case, you may have your work cut out for you.

For instance, influential managers involved in the dirty deals will try to stop you from exposing them. And they can do that in many ways, including setting you up/getting you fired. People have been assassinated while working to expose such bad deeds.

If you’re clever enough and determined, nothing however stops you from turning the tables on the bad guys – with a good plan, and help from trusted others. Otherwise, your best bet – if you do not wish to fight the system – would be to quit, and find another job!