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Why You Need to Give Your Children “POWER”, Before You Give Them Money

“Give your children power, before you give them money.” – Robert Kiyosaki

I had a completely different article in mind for today, on parenting. But when I shared Robert Kiyosaki’s above quote on Facebook earlier today, Efe Ohwofasa asked a question that made me respond with an epistle of sorts :-) By the time I was done, I realised it would make useful education for other parents.

Below: Screenshot of my posted quote and Efe’s question

Screenshot of my posted Robert Kiyosaki quote on Facebook, and Efe’s question...

He basically posted this question: “Power in what terms?”.

An excellent question. Because, for the un-initiated readers (i.e. those unfamiliar with Kiyosaki’s writing), the word “power” could mean many things.

And that could result in mis-interpretation of that quote – or confusion in the mind of the reader.

What Follows Below Is a Paraphrased Version of the Response I Gave on Facebook

The word “power” in that quote, refers to the ability to make finer distinctions in life.

In other words, one with such power would be able to think independently from the crowd. S/he would consequently be able to take smarter money management decisions, to achieve financial security.

The quote therefore implies that Kiyosaki  believes that’s the kind of power parents need to give their kids.

And I agree fully with him – based on my experiences as a child, and also drawing over 10 years as a parent (to 5 kids).

Giving Children Such “Power” Early In Life, Will Free YOU From “Parenting” Headaches Later In Life!

And that’s something any wise parent should aim to achieve.

No parent wants to worry about his/her grown up children, in old age. I know I don’t!

Empowered children will handle themselves and their affairs proficiently. Even when they encounter setbacks or difficulties in life, they will have the physical and intellectual capacity to recover/progress.

Simply put, a child given such “power” will often make the right choices, to reap success in life.

Virtually every one of Kiyosaki’s books, offers information and education to “EMPOWER” readers – especially parents – and their kids.

I bought the following three (3) books authored by him in 2000, from Amazon.com back in 2000:

“Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, “Rich Kid, Smart Kid”, and “If You Want to Be Rich and Happy, Don’t Go to School?”

I know there are others. But those are the ones that have made the most impact on me.

The 3rd one remains my favourite (i.e. If You Want to Be Rich and Happy, Don’t Go to School?). This is because it validates my argument about major defects in our traditional schooling system.

My argument is that formal schooling as done in most societies today, is NOT enough to prepare kids to achieve BALANCED success in the real world.

Many thought leaders apart from Kiyosaki, have said the same thing in recent times.

Two excellent examples are Sir Ken Robinson – knighted by the Queen of England for his work on education, and Seth Godin himself.

Both have repeatedly called attention to the fact that conventional schooling kills creativity in kids.

Ironically, Kiyosaki’s “If You Want to Be Rich and Happy, Don’t Go to School?” which raised these serious issues, has not gotten as much attention from parents, as the others!

This is especially so in Nigeria/Africa – where I live and was born/bred in.

The reason for this apathy is that “formal education” provision out here has become big business.

As a result, learners are no longer the centre of attention. They consequently emerge from “formal schooling” LESS than empowered. That’s why the typical “graduate” roams the streets, complaining about lack of jobs.

When challenged to consider self-employment s/he further moans: “I have no capital”.

In reality however, s/he struggles mainly because s/he cannot create solutions people want in society!

Creative Thinking is Not Necessarily a Function of Formal Educational Accomplishment

That’s why history has records of many who did not attend school, or who dropped out, that got rich.

And they did so by creating stuff we wanted.

Indeed, as I’ve mentioned earlier, most people who pass through formal schooling, tend to leave with LESS creativity, than they came in with.

It is for this reason, that those who know (like Kiyosaki, Godin and Sir Ken Robinson), are saying our current school systems kill creativity!

A Child Who Can Use His/Her Creativity Productively Has “Power”

S/he will know exactly what to do with money when you give it to him/her – and will not waste it.

I’ve been applying a lot of Kiyosaki’s ideas in coaching my kids. I explain how in my articles. For instance:  The Trick About Parenting (Based on A Tip from Robert Kiyosaki).

I’ve also come up with a few of my own ideas and concepts too. Read my article titled: Schools Can Kill Your Child’s Creativity – IF You Don’t Apply These Tips.

Interestingly, a stunning demonstration of creativity that my kids recently put up, has proven that this approach works. With respect to the foregoing, see a recent article I wrote as a tribute to them, titled: 10 Year Old Uses Dead Laptop Battery, to Build Home-Made Rechargeable Lamp.

The above story proves that “empowered” kids will naturally evolve into self-directed achievers!

To Empower YOUR kids, Start UN-LEARNING Anything From Your Schooling That May Impede You

“The illiterate of the 21st century, will not be those who cannot read or write. They will be those who cannot learn, unlearn or relearn.” – Alan Toffer

I recommend reading my parenting articles on this theme. Also read articles and/or watch videos by Robert Kiyosaki, Sir Ken Robinson, and Seth Godin on the same subject.

Incidentally, I mention, and link to many of the above authors’ works, in my parenting articles.

Here’s wishing you good – “parenting” – luck!

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