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TRUE STORY: Keep Your Promises and Achieve Greater Success – Past Buyer of my Poultry Farm Manager Needs Help 4 Years After

“Dear Tayo, I bought your farm support program about 4 years ago when I wanted to start a Poultry layer farm but never used it. I can’t even remember the password and the processes. Now can my farm Manager use it and send relevant reports to me.” – LinkedIn.com message I got yesterday (29th February 2020), from a Farm CEO who bought my Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager software 4 years ago, in March 2016.
[SIDENOTE: This is the first time ever that I’m getting a LinkedIn.com message from ANYONE about what I sell. It has NEVER happened before]

Below: My Response to him on LinkedIn.com

Thanks for your message.
I recall reaching out to you in the past to ask if you needed any help making use of the app. Your reply at the time was that you had certain priorities you were focused on to grow your brand – that you’d let me know when you’re ready and need help using it.
I guess THAT’S now.
In response to your question: Yes. Your farm manager can use the app. Post your WhatsApp number below and I will check and send you the password for your copy of the app + links to the 16 user guide video tutorials and the annotated PDF user guide.

I added him on WhatsApp using the number he supplied in our LinkedIn.chat and posted screenshots from the 2016 email I’d forwarded to him.

——— Forwarded message ———
From: Tayo Solagbade <tayo at tayosolagbade dot com>
Date: Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 3:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: Download Your Poultry Farm Manager and a GIFT copy of my International Agribusiness paper on Feed Formulation Automation
To: xxxxxxxxxxxx Limited <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com>
It took some digging but I finally found this original email sent to you in March 2016.
It includes the URL to watch the tutorial videos at www.tinyurl.com/15pfmVideos
Attached is the annotated PDF user guide.
Read the full email for more details and let me know if you have questions or require further clarification.
In your service .
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Tayo Solagbade
Date: Mon, Mar 21, 2016, 3:42 PM
Subject: Download Your Poultry Farm Manager and a GIFT copy of my International Agribusiness paper on Feed Formulation Automation
To: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com>
Dear Pastor [Name Removed for privacy],
See attachments to this email…
a. Download your personalized copy of the Poultry Farm Manager software  [Filename = SDAc’sPFM-xxxxxxxx.zip (Size = 4.19MB)]
NB: Your password to login to the app is: xxxxxx (type exactly as it appears – see detailed instructions below, and in the PDF guide)
b. Download Your personalized copy of the PDF userguide for the Poultry Farm Manager [pfmgr-screenshots-FINAL.pdf (Size = 3.12MB) ]
c. Download the PDF invoice that confirms payment received from you, and details the products you purchased at the flash promo price.
d. Download your personalized copy of the International Agribusiness paper I got paid to write in Dec. 2013 [Filename = AgriBizPaper-xxxxxxx.pdf = 1.83 MB)]
Warning: Make sure your check that the downloaded files you end up with, have the above indicated sizes at the minimum – otherwise you may get an error message due to incomplete download, when you try to open them!
…Text deleted….

 So, in just a few hours I’d once again fulfilled my promise to give 100% FREE support to buyers of my products for LIFE.

All they have to do is tell me what they need.

This is why I enjoy long lasting TRUSTING relationships with clients in and out of Africa.


How Many Farm Records Do You Need to Succeed?

As a Farm CEO, how do you decide what data to record and analyze, towards achieving cost-effective and proactive planning/decision making for profits?
And how many would be too many?
This article offers ideas that can help you.
This evening I sent an email response to a consultant representing a Farm Business Owner in Kenya, who wants me to develop a hatchery module addition to the monthly version of my Excel-VB driven Poultry Manager spreadsheet software application.
In his email, he asked how long it would take me to develop the hatchery module and integrate it into the main app.
I replied as follows: Click here to continue reading…

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