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To Succeed, Make Working in Your (Farm) Business More Attractive to Employees

What impression will a new employee in your company get about available career advancement opportunities? Will s/he see that anyone who delivers good performance gets rewarded? Or will s/he discover no reliable rewards/recognition system exists?

Small Business (Including Farm) CEOs Must Pay Closer Attention to Employee Development…

My passionate desire to help career persons succeed in the workplace, derives from the 7 years of high level success I achieved in paid employment.

I want to help others find ways, get ideas, and learn about strategies they can use to make their way up the organisational ladder. Like I successfully, and repeatedly did, in a fast paced multinational corporation.

This is why I write my articles on Career Development.

It’s however important to avoid making the mistake of assuming that  what I offer is only relevant to corporate organisations.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

My articles in this category are actually relevant to every kind of business, no matter how small, or large.

And that includes farm businesses – my main target audience.

I have seen too many small businesses suffer major lack of growth, because they provide poor (or sometimes NO!) career development opportunities for employees.

In addition, the owners display poor managerial skills, with regard to employee development and supervision.

Quite often, the above problems arise because many such owners have never worked in a structured organisational workplace before. As a result, they have little knowledge of how to go about it.

You Need to Create a Workplace Environment That Makes Employees Want to Stay & Serve You Well

Small business  – as well as large organisational -decision makers need to understand this.

If you don’t not know how to empower people to give their best on the job, there will be direct negative implications for your company in terms of growth.

Your employees must be able to give their best when they come to work.  For them to do that, they have to feel  that doing so will not be a waste of time.

YOU must therefore show THEM, that their continued presence, and the efforts they put in, can lead to useful attractive benefits for them.

Very Often, Giving Money Will NOT Give Long Term Employee Satisfaction

That’s a fact that many research findings have proven. So keep that in mind.

This is why whatever benefit you offer, must be attractive not just to you (i.e. in your eyes), but also in the employees’ eyes.

They have to feel that it would be worth their while, to put in effort to do whatever it is they are supposed to do, as employees in the company. E.g: To earn a salary, and also to grow in knowledge/skills; to get promoted, to have opportunity to travel etc.

If you do not create such an environment, and you hire people to work with you…there will be problems.

Remember: You alone have the vision for your business. You alone have the passion. You have to make others buy into YOUR vision, and to develop/share YOUR passion for it with you.

If you don’t do that and you bring people in, what will happen is that they will continually think they’re giving more than they’re getting.

And they will, nine times out of ten, keep looking for ways, to either game the system: in other words, they will aim to get more for  what they’re doing, without telling you, because they feel they’re being cheated…

Or they will think of ways to just use your place as a stepping stone to go elsewhere.

They will never see themselves as long term partners in the growth of your organisation.

Now, for a farm business, that’s not a very healthy scenario. For any small business, that’s not good.

For any organisation of whatever size actually, that doesn’t work very well for growth in terms of long term success.

So you need to address that fundamental problem. And I offer ideas in my articles that can help you.

Think of this article you’re reading now as a re-introduction of my offering as a professional in the Workplace Performance Improvement field.

My career development articles are not just an extra addition to this blog, or to my work.

I believe every client with employees, that I work with, needs to develop his/her human resources or workforce members.

S/he will need to create career development opportunities to make employees feel that what they’re doing is actually worth doing well.

Only then can every other thing I do for you, and that you seek to achieve, work the way it should.

If you don’t do that, you’re really going to struggle to succeed.

So I’ll End This by CHALLENGING YOU, to Do Some Good Quality Thinking From Today…

Especially about what steps you need to take, to make working in your company a more attractive proposition for every single member of your team.

I offer some useful articles on this blog, and my Ezinearticles.com profile.

But I do believe you will also need to do a Google search, to get other useful ones on how to give your employees the best possible experience while working with you.

Ideas about how to make them stay and commit to giving you the best of themselves – for example.

Start doing that today, and I assure you that in no time at all, you’ll suddenly find that you can actually walk away, or take a break, without worrying if your company is being run well or not.

This will happen because those who are members of your team, would treat it like they would treat their very own businesses.

NB: If you need help getting started, invite me to run a Workplace Performance Improvement workshop (click to request my 4 page PDF flyer) for you and your team members on your premises.
If you need help getting started, invite me to run a Workplace Performance Improvement workshop(click to request 4 page PDF flyer) for you and your team members on your premises.

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