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To Effortlessly Do More, Get Into Flow (Or The Zone)!

It’s been about 5 years since I wrote my 6,000 (six thousand) word article titled “Become a Habitual Peak Performer: Learn How to Get Into “Flow”(Or…”The Zone”) More Frequently”.

In that article, I explained what getting into flow (or the zone) means. It means entering a state of mind, that facilitates seemingly effortless attainment of optimal performance in an activity.

You basically arrive at an enhanced level of unconscious competence. And this will derive from having achieved a great degree of proficiency in the activity you’re engaged in.

People who get into flow while carrying out a task, often lose track of time. They simply lose themselves in the experience. Quote often, this happens because they derive great enjoyment from doing it. That makes them naturally inclined to get fully immersed in it, at every opportunity.

Your Best Work Will Happen When You Get into Flow

I’ve seen labelling machine operators routinely get into flow while operating their machines. It was always exciting to see man and machine work in such unison.

And they always turned out superbly labelled bottles!

Some people accidentally get into flow while engaged in activities they enjoy. And the exceptional performances they record shock them.

But since they seldom know how they got into that state of mind, they are often unable to reproduce those performances.

That’s sometimes why someone can get called a “flash in the pan” or “one hit wonder”.

The truth could be that s/he simply does not know how to tap into that hidden ability again.

It is for the above reason, that I always encourage people to learn how to DELIBERATELY get into flow.

What Environment Is Best For Getting Into Flow?

Others may differ on this. But what I say here is based on what I’ve achieved – and continue to achieve – in a wide variety of vocations, as a multipreneur.

You can get into flow anywhere, and at anytime, if you train yourself properly to do it. Yes.

Virtually everything you need to do so is right inside you already.

All you need is interest – passionate interest – in the activity or task in question. Then add to that sound knowledge of (and relevant practical experience in doing) it.

Once those are available, all that’s left is DISCIPLINE.

You must be disciplined enough to concentrate hard on doing the task, until you get into flow.

This means you’ll have to psychologically disconnect yourself from your surroundings, until you lose yourself in the activity you wish to complete.

That is the key to getting into flow – literally at will.

Take it from me – I do it all the time.

Getting Into Flow As A Writer/Developer, While Surrounded By LOUD Noises

Some writers (and people in other creative fields e.g. software developers) insist one must seek solitude and quiet in order to produce the best work.

That can be true.

But I always ask: What if your only source of power supply for your laptop, is a place where noisy people and loud music meet? (Yep. Been there and done that – gratefully too!).

Or what if you live with a music fanatic who won’t listen to your plea? Walking out of the house at 12 midnight in search of alternatives (with a client deadline looming) is easier said than done!

I have lived and worked here in Africa for the past 10 years as a writer, and spreadsheet software developer. Rarely have I found space to work free from disturbances, to do my writing.

As one who is married with 3 boys (now aged 14, 12, and 10), and 2 girls (now aged 7 and 3), I’ve worked from home for years.

I’ve never let it affect my work. Why? Well, I badly needed to get paid – which meant finishing it!

So I forced – trained?! – myself to write without difficulty even if surrounded by noise.

Training Yourself to Work Despite Distractions Can Boost Your Productivity

Instead of noise, the major constraint I’ve faced over the years has been poor power supply.

That’s why since moving from Nigeria’s Lagos, to Calavi – here in Benin Republic (where power supply is fairly constant) on 1st April 2013, I’ve dramatically boosted my productivity.

After pushing myself to deliver good output using 4 hours (or less) of power supply most days in Nigeria, I suddenly found myself having electricity almost 24 hours – daily – to work with.

From then on, I’d tasted blood…and nothing has been able to stop me since :-)

That fact has been obvious to my clients, associates and even friends. So much so, that some have asked me: “Tayo, but how do you do it?

What is most ironic is that very often I don’t even feel like I’ve exerted myself. And that’s because I continued getting myself into flow to do it. It’s an unconscious state of being.

When you’re in flow, you just DO it. You really don’t THINK about doing it.

To Get More Work Done & Still Feel Refreshed And Energised, Get Into Flow!

Whenever I have a writing project, I don’t wait to “feel” like writing. I simply sit down, and start.

By the time I raise my head again from the keyboard, I’m done. And I often feel great – not drained! You can learn to do the same thing.

Remember: To be able to successfully get into flow, and stay there as long as you need to, you must FIRST develop sound competence.

Whatever your vocation – be it writing, software programming, public speaking, or even sports, (as I explained in my article) – apply yourself with dedication to doing whatever it is you do.

Put your heart and soul into doing it. Seize every opportunity you can find to do it, until it becomes second nature. By then you’ll be able to do it, even when you’re woken from sleep!

By the time you get to that level, you’ll have made enough journeys into flow/the zone, to be able to deliberately repeat the process.

I can tell you this, because that’s exactly how I learnt to do it myself!

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