To Achieve Massive Self-Marketing Impact, You Need Google Plus [Hint: Save Time/Effort by Auto-Publishing New Client Attracting Posts On It]

If you’re a self-marketing professional, a Google+ profile can help you get noticed and ultimately attract paying clients to you.


I say this as one who has reaped such benefits from using it for self-marketing.


For some strange reason, many business persons I’ve checked out often stop at creating a Google+ profile, but never progress beyond putting in few basic details about themselves into it.


The result is that they unknowingly deny themselves potentially valuable opportunities for high quality zero cost marketing exposure via the Google search engine!


<I>[NB: Apart from a “Personal Google+ Profile” there is also “Google Plus for business” through which you can setup and utilize company pages to promote your business <a href=”“ target=”blank”>Click here to read an article by Hootsuite</a> about how to do that]</I>


<b>I decided to write this piece after I accidentally stumbled on the Google+ profile for a recent prospect with whom I had preliminary interactions. </b>


The very bare appearance of his page shocked me – especially given the fact that as a real estate sales professional, a platform of this kind offered him ample opportunity for self-marketing.


So I went out of my way to send him a message via email with links to references, followed by a 4 minute Whatsapp audio suggesting simple ideas for updating the “About” page as well as the “Posts” on his Google+ profile.


<h3>What I proposed to him was based on what I did to set mine up (see link below) – and what I do to keep it updated/alive, in a way that periodically generates sales leads for me</h3>


<a href=”“ target=”blank”>Click here to view my profile</a>.


The “About” page’s fields have been filled with descriptive content written in a way that communicates the solutions I offer.


Like I always tell my Web Marketing System (WMS) clients, it’s very important to visibly display references to your key offerings and contact details in as many different formats (text, image, video etc) as possible.


That was why I made sure to design and upload a banner (in the space provided at the top of the profile page) featuring highlights of my flagship URL, and products, alongside my headshot and email address.


Most important however, is the fact that I setup my profile page to be “alive”, so that it never gets stale, and is therefore able to do its job of attracting potential clients to contact or at least connect with me.


Indeed, a review of my posts will reveal that some persons in the past published enquiries about my products/services upon reading them. Today, a number of those enquirers have become my clients.


Yet this happen(ed) despite the fact that I never had/have to sit in or stay on my Google+ profile to create updates. Instead the posted updates happen automatically from my blog at – so it’s not like I have to come there and make entries.


<h3>Having said the above, note that you need to creatively populate your blog and profile with useful content that can make you get found – due to the interest it generates in the minds of your target audience.</h3>


It goes without saying that doing THAT is not easy. Compared to putting in your “About” page details, it’s a lot of hard work.


But if you do it right, it will work for you.


Among other benefits, when people search Google using your name, a more comprehenive Google+ profile page, complete with visuals you’ve put up will appear in the results page. And that has a way of boosting your credibility in the minds of those who see it.


By the time they click to learn more, the quailty of information and education they encounter will further draw them closer to taking action to contact you, or at least add you to their circles – both of which get you nearer to your intended goal of selling to them!


If you’d like to have those benefits, I recommend you work on your profile asap so it can start working for you – like mine does for me.


To attract more clients at zero cost, you need to leverage your Google+ profile – and other zero cost self/business promotion platforms to boost the marketing reach and impact of solutions you offer.


<h3>The link below leads to my personal Google+ profile, which I setup in line with recommendations made by experts whose work I follow. </h3>


<a href=”“ target=”blank”>Click here to view my profile</a>


It is however instructive to note that I’ve gone further to incorporate intelligent automated content updating systems on my website, that auto-publish my new content updates from this blog to my Google+ profile.


I do the above for my Web Marketing System (WMS) clients, and also coach them to do what I do for them, by themselves, over time – as members of my Web Marketing for Farm CEOs (WM4CEOs) club.


If you need help making use of the ideas I’ve shared here, consider joining my WM4CEOs club – <a href=”” target=”blank”>click here to read my special offer of 12 months Web Marketing Support for business owners</a>

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