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[Recommended] Even For the Really Successful, the Price of Success is Perseverance – by Whitney Johnson

If ANYONE – no matter how successful – tells you “secrets of success” s/he knows and does not mention “PERSEVERANCE” – or what some have called “Stick-to-it-iveness”, and which is also known as PERSISTENCE, take it from me: THAT person does NOT know what achieving authentic, non-corner-cutting success is about. Period.

The greatest achievers in the world have all acknowledged it in their various fields of endeavour, across various cultures on the planet.

Even without their saying anything, the true stories of how they rose to success tells enough of the needed truth that PERSEVERANCE can make up for ANY OTHER requirements a persons seeking success may lack.

That includes formal schooling of any sort – as proven by the amazing accomplishments of countless unschooled persons who have written themselves into the history books by sheer dint of hard work and persistence.

The quote below, credited to the great Steve Jobs further underscores the point I’m making here:

“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” – Steve Jobs


YES. When the chips are down (as the Americans would say), perseverance, is what you’ll really need to succeed. Anything else you lack will not be a fatal handicap – but a lack of PERSEVERANCE CAN be!

I know this from YEARS of studying the lives of hundreds of successful people – and also from deep reflection on my own personal achievements despite prolonged periods of heartbreaking struggles in the face of adversity, over 2 decades of my personal life…especially the last 14 years in which I have functioned as an entrepreneur.

The article previewed/linked below – authored by Whitney Johnson (publisher of the “Disrupt Yourself Podcast”) offers useful insights into the powerful role of perseverance in success achievement, based on the amazing accomplishments of Bernie Swain, the Founder and Chairman of Washington Speakers Bureau.

Even For the Really Successful, the Price of Success is Perseverance – by  Whitney Johnson [Published on December 30, 2016]

My guest for episode eight of the Disrupt Yourself Podcast, Bernie Swain, exemplifies this as well as anyone I’ve ever met. Bernie is the Founder and Chairman of Washington Speakers Bureau and few, if any, are more influential in the lecture industry than he is. In his 35+ year career he has represented several U.S. Presidents and the last four Prime Ministers of Great Britain as well as numerous luminaries in business, media, sports, and politics. But his profession has required great discretion and confidentiality; Bernie’s impact transcends his fame. As the podcast demonstrates, Bernie has been a closet entrepreneur—in more ways than one.


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