Get People Talking About YOU!

So, you have a limited budget to spend on promoting your speaking business? Well, the strategy described in this first issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter for 2013 is perfect for people who have that challenge.

Read on to learn how to get yourself favourably noticed by potential buyers of your speaking services, without burning a hole in your pocket.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 7th January 2013

No: 71

Title: Get People Talking About YOU!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2013. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click to view larger screenshot showing the applications NEW formula storing interface.

Get The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

All existing owners get FREE Updgrade(terms apply) : Happy New Year in advance to you all. This new version has additional error handling.

And it allows you to store 3 RATION FORMULAS you derive for easy future retrieval.

By 16th January 2012 the price goes up to N12,500.

You can still get it for N10,500 (with my Feed Formulation Handbook) – here.


No. 71: Get People Talking About YOU!

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


So, you have a limited budget to spend on promoting your speaking business? Well, the strategy described in this first issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter for 2013 is perfect for people who have that challenge.

Read on to learn how to get yourself favourably noticed by potential buyers of your speaking services, without burning a hole in your pocket.

First, Be Clear About Your Target Audience & Purpose

Who is your target audience? And what exactly can you do for them that others who do what you do cannot? You need to be clear about these two important issues from the start. Otherwise you could end up (as they say) barking up the wrong tree.

Then consider where/how you can reach your target audience most easily, and in their largest numbers. (I suggest a mix of online and offline strategies – more on this later.)

NB: If you need help doing the foregoing, Burt Dubin offers tested and proven guidance.

Once you’ve got the above sorted out, it becomes easier to develop and implement the strategy I propose below to reach and impact them, and get the response you want.

Next, Think and Act Differently From Others

Define and differentiate yourself from others who do what you do. Even if you know 1,000 other expert speakers in your chosen niche, you CAN still set yourself apart.

It starts by thinking and acting differently from them.

 “Who’s that?” is what we usually ask, when someone steps out from the crowd and does something previously unseen or unheard of. It could be something “exceptional” – or even “bad”. And sometimes it could just be “controversial”.

For our purposes doing something “good” or “controversial” will probably be best :-)

Example: Richard Branson & His Virgin Group Of Companies

Branson has revealed that he gets his company prime time news exposure by thinking and acting differently, so as to get favourably noticed.

Examples include his well publicised attempts to do things not done before e.g. attempting to set records in sailing etc.

It rarely matters whether Branson succeeds or fails in any of his audacious bids. By simply publicising his intention to achieve what most may consider an impossible goal, he often successfully gets himself into the news.

Ironically, some of the activities he engages in are sometimes not even directly related to the business he’s trying to promote. But they will often be relevant to current or future high profile interests (e.g. space travel) and therefore attract media attention.

What Branson does is to skillfully weave a message linking his company (e.g. by way of values) with the activity he’s getting attention for. That exposure then rubs off on his company – drawing attention to the products and services he promotes.

Another benefit is that he gets more invitations to speak. People want to hear (and ask him) how he did/does it.

Tools You Can Use To Get Yourself Noticed & Talked About

You don’t need to attain Branson’s celebrity status before you can use the same strategy to cost-effectively achieve your unique marketing goals.

I suggest developing and utilising the following resources:

  1. Your Branded Website: Marketing your speaking service can be enhanced by using a website. It can be done on a shoe string budget too. Clearly state the benefits to potential clients – and include your About, Contact, and other pages.
  1. Your Branded Blog: Don’t stop at having a website. Add a WordPress based blog to it. (Bold emphasis on WordPress is deliberate. It’ll make things easier!). Publish new updates and interact with visitors/prospects who read your writing.
  1. Your Branded Content: Commit to constantly creating NEW articles, newsletters, books, as well as video and audio resources. Distribute them via 1, 2, above as well as 4 and 5 below.

    NB: Keep in mind the need to “stand out” from the crowd. Many people write articles and books. But it’s what you write. The ideas you put forward. Your unique message – and the VALUE it adds to readers. That’s the key to ultimately getting noticed and talked about.

    Add to that your demonstrated consistency in churning out new content to the same or possibly higher standard – and sooner than later, people WILL start talking about you.

  1. Your Branded Social Media: Be sure to integrate social media into the above. For instance, get your new updates to appear on your social media profiles.
  1. Your Branded Offline Marketing: Make sure your calling cards, flyers and other print marketing media refer contacts to your online resources (1 to 4) above.

My use of the word “branded” in 1 to 5 is for deliberate emphasis. Remember that the whole idea is to stand out from the crowd. So, let your branding be unique: Logos, taglines, graphics – all should enhance your uniqueness and appeal.

There should be little chance of a potential client mistaking someone else for you!

It’s NOT About How Much Money You Have!

Like I said at the start of this write-up, the strategy I advocate you adopt is perfect for people who have limited funds to spend promoting their speaking services.

(Psst: It actually leaves more money in your pockets. And that would possibly be better spent getting guidance from a competent mentor on how to find the right market to promote your speaking service to! Remember what I said about not barking up the wrong tree?)

We periodically hear of people achieving fame simply by putting up a creative video clip on that subsequently goes viral (or publishing an e-book that becomes a bestseller).

Today’s PC and Internet technology makes it possible for any willing person to cost-effectively get noticed and talked about.

Final Words: How This Strategy Got People Talking About My Farm Business Support Service

I feel a need to end with a personal example. Not to brag. But just to illustrate the many REAL ways in which using this strategy can work well for you.

In 2006 , I decided to set myself apart from other providers of support services to farm business owners and other stakeholders. Instead of offering the same general services, I identified areas I could help them develop and implement concepts/tools to manage their farm operations more productively in line with best practices.

First I published an authoritative handbook on how to use the diagrammatic Pearson Square Computation technique to formulate rations for livestock. Later I developed a Ration Formulator software (with tutorial videos) to accompany the handbook.

I then invested hundred of hours in regularly researching and writing what I labeled “Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas” articles on a similarly named website. Some of those articles were submitted for syndication to the directory.

The results have been phenomenal. I’ve come across farm business discussion forums where links to my website were posted in response to an enquiry by a user.

I’ve personally had many visitors to my website type “Referred by a friend” into the “How did you find this website?” field on my contact forms over the years.

There have also been phone calls, emails and face to face meetings. One day I walked in for a first meeting with a CEO. On seeing my face he said “I know you!”. A ew seconds later, he turned his laptop screen around to show me my Speaking IDEAS newsletter (with my picture in the header image), which he told me he read weekly!

Some people have contacted me after watching my videos, reading my articles, and then purchased products from me. Others have written to thank me for doing what I do…

Here’s a message sent in by a visitor (and later buyer) via my Farm Business Support website contact form:

“I would like to be notified when i(n)formation on rabbitry is published, and i would like to thank you for all your works they have been a source of inspiration for me and some of my friends.” – Burhan Akhalid, Accountant, Zaria, Kaduna State – Nigeria.


To put it simply: this strategy works. I therefore urge you to use it this year, to get more potential clients to discover you, and talk about you.

Happy New Year – and have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



Why Article Marketing Is Still Effective

In the recent past, especially following Google’s most recent algorithm updates, I’ve read blogs declaring that article marketing no longer works. This article explains why you’ll deny yourself access to timeless marketing rewards, if you accept such thinking.

In The Beginning

Between 2006 and Dec 2010, my active use of article marketing really boosted traffic to my website.

Back then “Googling” an article marketer’s name revealed websites that republished articles she had submitted to article directories providing the service.

Since the bylines inserted at the end of each article often included a URL pointing to the author’s website, she was able to build up a decent backlink profile that earned it high search engine visibility.

Content syndication and traffic were powerful benefits derivable from article marketing.

But it also delivered name recognition for the author, which over time helped her achieve authority or expert status.

In my case, I did my homework early on and decided my time would be best spent focussing my article submission efforts at

But Bad Guys Began Negatively Exploiting Article Marketing

However, from sometime in 2011, I began noticing significant drops in traffic (and leads) from my article marketing efforts, even though I kept writing.

In addition, I also began discovering “spun” versions of some of my popular articles on blogs which often had little or no information on their about pages!

The negative impression created by the association of my name, with the poorly written spun content soon made my enthusiasm for continuing with article marketing gradually drop.

Too many bad guys had joined the game. And internet users were getting a raw deal in terms of search engine results quality.

Google’s Algorithm Intervention Restores Some Sanity

It was therefore a blessing in disguise that Google eventually implemented a series of algorithm updates (most recent being Panda and Penguin).

The websites propagating spun content were soon taken out of relevance in search results.

But along with that change has also occurred a considerable drop in the overall effectiveness of article marketing.

This is due, among other things, to a drop in ranking accorded to article directories.
Consequently, the benefits of backlinks from them to author websites are all but lost.

The strict Google regime now makes online searches more productive.

It must be noted however that the bad guys have since begun exploiting loopholes in it, to launch Negative SEO attacks that get innocent websites wrongly penalised.

Hopefully Google will provide affected website owners a smarter means of self defense than the LINKS DISAVOW tool they’ve recently added to the Google Webmaster Tool interface.

Final Words: Article Marketing Still Works

Inspite of the above described setbacks suffered in the recent past by article marketing, this strategy still works.

And quite well too – especially for those who are prepared to play by the rules, and deliver quality content.

(NB: I’m apparently not alone in refusing to throw the article marketing baby out with the bathwater. An intelligently written September 2, 2012 post by a guy named Chad Klass, titled Does Article Marketing Still Work?, expresses sentiments similar to mine.)

Having said the above, to further enhance your chances of success in article marketing, you must choose the right articles syndication platform to use.

My preference for has not changed.

They’ve remained well ahead of their competition, and have proven to be quite creative and adaptable in the face of the many changes that have occurred.

You may wish to start with them as well.

On a final note, the key to reaping continuous article marketing benefits – especially of traffic and name recognition – in the long term is that you must publish new, original and unique content on a regular basis.

However, to get the best results you must also abide by the article directory’s stated guidelines.

For instance’s Chris Knight strongly recommends that authors stick to an article length of between 400 and 700 words.

This is to encourage as many as possible of the website publishers who visit the directory to republish YOUR content via their numerous email newsletter and website outlets.

You’ll get to build a loyal following from content publishers constantly in need of new writeups to serve their large and growing audiences.

And when your content gets read by more people, traffic to your website, name recognition, and the other benefits will naturally result.

The above will get – and keep – you in the good books of the search engines, making your website turn up more frequently in Search Engines Results Pages (SERPs) – which is afterall what everyone wants :-)


1. 4 Reasons To Make Writing Your Key Marketing Strategy

2. View my over 170 published articles at the Ezine Articles Directory:

Teach Your Kids To Make Money!

This article explains why today’s parents need to avoid the mistake of waiting for their kids to grow up before talking to them about ways of making money or earning income OUTSIDE paid employment.

The world as we know it today is very different from what it was when many of today’s parents were kids, over 2 decades ago.

Technology aided advancements have radically – and rapidly – transformed the way we live and work.

And that includes how we play our roles as adults in general, and parents in particular.

Decades Ago, Children Had Fewer Independent Sources Of Information For Making Career Choices

For example, about 30 years ago, I was a year away from becoming a teenager.

As a child from a middle class home, my awareness of opportunities the world of my country held for me was mainly limited to what I learnt from my parents, adult relatives, teachers and books.

Odd as it may be to admit today, I only read about computers in books and magazines.

It would be over 10 years later, in 1993, before I set eyes on a real desktop PC for the first time.

This was after I graduated from the university, and completed a year of compulsory national service.

I’d followed my instincts to enroll for an introductory course on MS-DOS, DBASE, Word Perfect and Lotus 1-2-3.

It lasted only for 4 weeks and touched mainly on the basics of each topic.

Yet less than a year later, I was rapidly implementing high profile PC based report generation solutions (in my spare time) while working as a shift brewer in a large corporate multinational manufacturer.

Another three years on, I became one of the earliest adopters of Internet technology in the company.

Back then in 1998, the company had not even given thought to providing Internet access anywhere on the premises.

Yet, within a week of learning that the first Cyber Cafe in my Benin city base was open, I’d become a customer, and soon after enrolled for private HTML webdesign coaching classes under the tutelage of a teenage cafe attendant.

Eight weeks after, while acting as Training & Technical Development Manager, I used my newly acquired HTML coding skills to create an information and news delivery network of web pages.

It served departmental engineering teams with best practice maintenance and training tips, and was hosted on the company’s intranet (with assistance from the local IT guys with whom I’d become friendly).

How Limited Information & Exposure To Opportunities Denied Me An Early Start In My Preferred Career

In reflecting on my performance in the above mentioned company, I realised that developing those valuable PC solutions came naturally to me.

As a result, even though I had no formal IT qualifications, I effortlessly excelled at it to the delight of my employers – and the appreciation of the company’s IT personnel.

The above fact remains evident in the work I do for clients, as it is on this blog, my websites, and in the unique solutions I provide e.g custom spreadsheet automation and web marketing systems development.

That’s why I’ve said in a previous write-up (based on the wisdom of hindsight) that if I had gained steady access or exposure to PCs earlier in life, I would most likely have never taken up paid employment – where I spent 7 years before finally quitting to take up my true calling :-)

Give Your Children Adequate Information & Exposure To Guide Their Career Choices

Which brings me to my core message for this write-up.

Due to the negative outcome of the experience I had, I’ve resolved to do everything in my power to help my children avoid a similar fate.

That’s why I constantly expose them to everything I believe can guide them to make smarter decisions about what they want to do for a living – earlier on in their lives.

For instance, I regularly share with them about how I earn income providing a variety of web based solutions to people within and outside the country.

In doing this I highlight the fact that people of almost all ages earn income in the same manner all over the world.

Just today I told them about a trend recently reported by, in which parents are increasingly collaborating with their kids to jointly self publish storytelling fiction books.

Through the above process, kids get an early and fun based introduction to the book writing and publishing business.

And as the case studies of families featured in the report revealed, there’s a good chance the kids may go on to gain useful public speaking and public relations exposure as they record success with sales of their published works over time.

Incidentally, for about 5 months now, I’ve been challenging my 3 sons (who are 9, 11 and 13 years old respectively) to finish off the short stories they’ve been taking turns to type on the laptop.

To secure their interest, I’d told them we would get them published like my own books.

As you can imagine, the report has now provided a valuable boost to the relevance of my message to the kids!

My purpose is to make them see that today’s technology driven world provides ready opportunities for them to make an early start in life.

The days when kids had to wait to finish school, then get a job to start earning income are long gone.

Your child can still follow that formula if it appeals to you, or her.

However, it’s important to let her know she can do both i.e attend school, and simultaneously learn to earn income – using her creative skills for instance, by writing.

Remember that there’s a good chance that other parents will be doing exactly that for their own kids today.

Therefore, as a responsible parent, you owe your child an obligation to provide the access and exposure needed to help her make up her mind intelligently.

Then you must support her to act on/implement her decision.
By so doing, you’ll equip her to compete effectively with her contemporaries, from early on in life.

4 Reasons To Make Writing Your Key Marketing Strategy

Are you charged with getting good marketing mileage for your company on a slim budget?

If yes, then writing offers potentially great rewards you may want to seriously consider.

This article discusses 4 advantages you stand to gain by using writing for your business promotion or marketing.

NB: I draw from my personal achievements and observations over the past six years.

It’s A Tested And Proven Strategy

For years, many smart thinking and results focussed website owners have used writing as a low cost strategy for building organic traffic and backlinks to their websites.

It’s a tested and proven strategy, that is implemented in various forms.

Examples include article marketing, ebook publishing, blogging – and probably most popular now is Guest Blogging.

Below, I Outline 4 Key Benefits You Can Reap From Using It

1. It’s Cheap – And Can Be FREE

Everyone loves to be able to get more done for less.

When done right, writing can deliver amazing marketing reach and impact for relatively little or no monetary investment.

Therefore, the only reason any serious minded business/website owner would NOT adopt this pocket-friendly method, would probably be a lack of time (or skill).

However, even the above mentioned limitations present no real problem.

And that’s because the benefits to be had would readily justify outsourcing the necessary writing to a competent (and ethical) content provider.

2. It Attracts The Attention Of Potential Buyers

“Potential buyers” are also referred to as “Pre-Qualified Prospects” I.e people who already nurse interests or needs related to the topics your write-ups cover.

If you do it right, your writing will be deemed useful and relevant to the needs of your target audience.

And that will reflect in the good quality traffic your website will receive.

By quality I mean that you will experience increasing views per blog post for instance, and also lower bounce rate (or longer times spent per visitor) and so on.

3. It Builds Credibility That Ultimately Facilitates Selling

When a reader sees that you are named as “Author” for an article or ebook she finds useful, she’s likely to regard you as an expert or authority on the subject covered in the write-up.

And as she discovers more of your writing, she’s likely to gradually become more positively disposed towards marketing offers inserted at strategic points in the body of your written works.

What’s more, your readers likely mention you to others verbally, and possibly by sharing your published content to their social media contacts – thereby generating referral traffic to your website.

Some of that “attention” will eventually translate into sales leads, that you may end up converting to actual sales.

4. It’s Timeless Marketing & Therefore Never Expires

Except you run foul of guidelines set by your host or the search engines, any writing you publish (on or off the web) will remain accessible indefinitely.

And if you take care to make your articles evergreen (by avoiding time limited topics or themes), your write-ups will continue working for you for years to come.

That’s unlike other expensive business promotion strategies which promise quicker results, but have limited shelf lives.

Final Words

It goes without saying, that the benefits described above will happen (and keep happening), ONLY if you write regularly and consistently.

Otherwise your visitors will eventually run out of new/regularly published write-ups to read, and eventually stop coming!

Sadly, the above point is a common reason why some people fail at using this strategy.

They start writing, but when quick results fail to come, they stop…often too soon.

What I have said above is based on authentic successes I have achieved for myself, and my clients, in using writing to market products and services across various industries and markets.

It’s important to note also, that the perspective I’ve adopted here is that of the average sales or marketing professional (whether self employed or in paid employment), who is NOT an SEO savvy web marketing professional.

In other words, as you progress, you will be looking to learn a few SEO strategies, to facilitate effective use of writing to drive your business promotion or marketing efforts – especially online – to higher levels.

You Alone Are Responsible For Your Fortunes

For many of us the past year brought us a mix of both good and maybe not-so-good fortunes.

I’m happy about certain things, and feeling unfulfilled about others. You most likely nurse similar feelings.

Take Responsibility For What Happens To You, Even When Someone Else Is To Blame

However, where many of us may differ is with respect to how willing we are to TAKE responsibility for anything that did not go the way we wanted last year.

And that’s why I’m writing this piece.

I believe it’s important to psychologically challenge ourselves to take responsibility for any failures we experience.
Just like we readily claim credit (and demand recognition) for successes we achieve :-)

And I suggest doing this even when you know that the intervention of a particular person for instance led to your failure in that area.

Doing so will keep you in a position of psychological control in matters relating to your personal development and progress.

Examples Of How Professional Sportspersons Frequently Take Responsibility


In long distance running for instance, it is not uncommon for athletes to accidentally trip or get tripped during a race.

When that happens, an athlete who gets tripped will often have two main options.

She’ll either:

A. get back quickly on to her feet and resume running to catch up with the others. (Some athletes who do this, even end up finishing among the top 3).

B. or she’ll stay down on the assumption that there’s no way to make up the lost ground.

However, even athletes who choose to quit, generally look beyond pointing accusing fingers at whoever it was that tripped them.

Instead, they set out to train themselves towards avoiding a similar misfortune in a future race.

In other words, the athletes generally choose to do what they can to improve their abilities to stay in control of what happens to them in a race.

The same mental attitude frequently guides professionals in other sports e.g Soccer.

From watching the English Premier League matches, one can easily see that players, teams and coaches always try to focus on the big picture.

And for top clubs like Man U, Man City and Chelsea for instance, that “big picture” is often winning the task of getting as many goals and match points as possible in subsequent matches.

They know they have an entire season to battle the other teams. So, even when they’re protesting the loss of a match to another team due to a goal they scored being wrongfully disallowed, Chelsea FC for instance will still go on to play their other scheduled matches .

At the press conference, the coach would likely lament the unfortunate incident.

But most times he would end by indicating that his team would “push forward” and try to recover the lost points in the next match(es).

Note that the coach would likely say the above, even if he expected the FA to reverse the referee’s decision and award the match to his team.

And that’s because professional sportspersons by the nature of their vocation, are conditioned to constantly work hard to control the outcome of every game they play.

So, when there’s a setback, they challenge themselves to explore new ways to recover the lost ground by doing better in the next outing.

What they rarely do is to sit down and moan or whine about how a particular unfortunate incident caused by another person(s), has cost them or limited their chances of doing well.

Yes, they talk about it, and sometimes even make formal complaints to relevant bodies.

But most of them never dwell on it or let it get them down.

Instead, they pick themselves back up with firm resolve to get back on top.

Final Words: Start Taking Responsibility For Your Failures, No Matter Who Caused Them!

A careful study of the careers of those we’ve come to recognise as long term champion sports-persons will reveal that the above point generally holds true for them.

In fact, it is often the key ingredient responsible for their success: I mean their habit of taking responsibility for any misfortune that befalls them, and working hard to overcome it – even when they know someone else caused it.

Anyone who successfully develops the ability to function in the above described manner, will become hard to outdo in any area of endeavor she’s engaged.

Why not adopt this approach in pursuing your goals for this year?

Do so, and you’ll be better off at the year’s end.

Believe me.

You’ll achieve amazing progress inspite of any setbacks you encounter.

And if you really appIy yourself, you’ll discover you’ve become virtually “unstoppable”. Those you relate with, will be unable to hide their “amazement”.

I know this, because I’ve experienced it in form of multiple emails and phonecalls asking me “How do you do it?”.

You have so much to gain, and nothing to lose by making that change from today!

You Need To Adapt To Succeed

“The majority of people are ready to throw their aims and purposes overboard, and give up at the first sign of opposition or misfortune.” – Napoleon Hill

The basic habits required for achieving LONG TERM success in business or personal life are generally the same (Note that the capitalised emphasis on “long term” is deliberate).

This article illustrates potential benefits of being habitually adaptable, using the true story of how I achieved my goal of improved fluency in spoken French, by spending 3 “challenging” weeks in Cameroon.

(NB: It ends with a link to a longer article that explains how I got stranded in Douala without money, and had to “adapt” by finding a way to return to Nigeria in a boat!)


In 1999, I travelled while on annual leave from my job as a Shift Brewer in Guinness Nigeria, to spend 3 weeks in Cameroon improving my spoken French by conversing with native speakers.

Earlier that year, I’d attended an intensive 3 month French Language Training Course conducted by Chi Valentine Alake, a highly entreprising Cameroonian who (was based in Nigeria at the time, and) ran a language school in Benin City, Edo state where I was based.

After my 3 months intensive classroom training ended, it was obvious I had major difficulty making basic conversation, despite my reading and writing proficiency.

So Valentine arranged for me to spend time in his country. The idea was that I needed to be in an environment where few people spoke English. That way I’d be forced to use my spoken French more often, and consequently improve.

(TIP: If you really want to be able to speak any language you learn in class, keep the foregoing tip in mind. It’s worked for me, and others I know. My experience based insights are documented in this ebook I published some years ago.)

I travelled by road for over 24 hours through rough terrain, from Lagos to Calabar, then through Ikom (a border town in Nigeria) to Ekok (in Cameroon). From there, I took a car going to Kumba, and finally a bus that arrived in Douala.

Below: Picture of my passport showing stamped immigration border control passes with dates for my entry to and exit from Cameroon. Note the stamp to the extreme left with ORON control printed in it. As I stated in my article I came by by Sea via Idinao port in Cameroon, to Oron, in Nigeria.

Click  to view full sized version of my passport showing stamped immigration border control passes with dates for my entry to and exit from Cameroon. Note the stamp to the extreme left with ORON control printed in it. As I stated in my article I came by by Sea via Idinao port in Cameroon, to Oron, in Nigeria.

Adapting To Local Food & Living Conditions During My Stay

Over the next 3 weeks I spent time living in accomodation provided by my hosts in Douala and Yaounde respectively.

In the former, I learnt to eat interesting local dishes like Achu (made from Cocoyam) and a kind of snack called “Bobolo” made of solidified starch moulded into a long pipe shape. This went down well with roasted or fried fish.

Everyday I went out to Marche Mokolo (French for “Mokolo Market”), where I spent time trying to converse with traders.

I also walked long distances around town to social spots like restaurants, bars and sports centres. Wherever I found myself, I readily embraced the ways things were done.

As a result people warmed up to me and taught me new words in addition to showing me places I would never have discovered on my own.

When I told my hosts of the places I’d been and what I’d learnt, they were often impressed that they did not have to take me around or assign me a guide. This especially since it was my first visit to their country.

I Move To Yaounde

A week into my stay, Valentine’s sister arranged for me to move to Cite Verte (pronounced “see tay vert”), where her older sister lived with her lawyer husband.

Compared to the Doula home I had lived in, this was an upscale neighbourhood.

In no time I settled in and began going out daily to interact with locals in the market places, recreational centers, bus parks etc.

Just like I’d done in Douala, I quickly made friends, and soon established a routine for my visits. The people were always so friendly. And whenever they learnt I was visiting to practise my spoken French, they were often pleased and keen to help.

Living In Mendong In Yaounde Countryside

When it was about 10 days to the end of my stay, my hosts arranged for me to spend a few days with a childhood friend of Valentine’s.

He lived in an area on the outskirts of Yaounde called “Mendong” (pronounced with the “g” silent).

Being a bachelor (like I was), Eduj naturally lived alone and cooked his own meals.

So we found an instant connection as we lived together in his small apartment.

Over the weekend, he taught me to make Groundnut Stew. And I also got a taste of life close to what obtained in rural areas.

For instance we had to walk a distance to fetch water for drinking and bathing from a large volcanic water spring used by dwellers.

Each day he went to work, I also left to explore the area’s social spots. And I again soon found willing helpers and friends.

At a point, three guys who ran a used books store began leaving me there to attend to buyers, who most times spoke no english.

I had to really struggle to understand and respond in coherent French to the various purchase enquiries.

The little kids who came looking to buy French versions of various popular comics and novels, enjoyed laughing at my awkward efforts!

That particular experience greatly boosted my spoken fluency. When I got back to Benin city, Valentine readily noticed the improvement.

Attending A Youth Conference In Oballa

I eventually moved back to Cite Verte. But before I left Yaounde to return to Douala in the last days of my stay, I followed directions on a flyer to attend a conference organised by members of a “President Biya’s Youth Movement” in a distant town called Oballa.

It took hours to get there and back. I returned to my hosts’ place at Cite Verte much later than usual that day (about 10p.m).

They were starting to get worried. When I told them where I’d been, they expressed surprise that I’d had the courage to go that far on my own.

Final Words: Being Adaptable Can Help You Overcome Business Challenges & Setbacks

My return trip to Nigeria at the end of my 3 week stay would however take longer, and was less straight forward.

That was because on the day I was to return home, I made the shocking discovery that I had to travel back without money I’d planned to use!

Thankfully, I made it back – by once again adapting to that unexpected development. (See details in my article titled “How I Travelled To Nigeria – 12 Hours Overnight By Sea, Under Heavy Rainfall, In A Leaky Boat – From Douala, Cameroon, Despite Having No Money!“.

After I’d returned to Nigeria for about two weeks, Valentine’s sister (in Yaounde) wrote him an email in which she mentioned me.

He called my attention to a paragraph in which she said
“Your friend is so adaptable. We were quite impressed with him.”

It’s this same habit of being adaptable that’s helped me routinely and repeatedly overcome every challenge or setback I’ve encountered since becoming an entrepreneur ten years ago.

Without it, I’m certain I would have been overwhelmed by the multiple bouts of adversity I have survived to get where I am today.

With it, one always feels s/he can find a way to make things work out okay. No matter how bad they look!

If you have not already formed this habit, I strongly encourage you to work at it as you begin your business activities in this new year.

The best part is that everything you need is already inside you: it’s just a mindset you need to develop.

You’ll start thinking up ways to make the most of any situation that confronts you in running your business – or indeed your life.

That would be much better than throwing your hands up in frustration – or surrender – like most people often do!

Manage Your Relationships Smarter, To Succeed Better!

It’s the last day of the year today. In this final issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter for 2012, I discuss the importance of managing your relationships, to boost your chances of speaking success.

Your eloquence, qualifications, certifications or even talent or natural abilities matter. But most crucial to your success in ANY area of endeavour – including paid public speaking – will be your mental attitude! And THAT can often be directly affected by what you see and hear around you.

Consider this quote:


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 31st December 2012

No: 70

Title: Manage Your Relationships Smarter, To Succeed Better!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2012. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click to view larger screenshot showing the applications NEW formula storing interface.

Get The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

All existing owners get FREE Updgrade(terms apply) : Happy New Year in advance to you all. This new version has additional error handling.

And it allows you to store 3 RATION FORMULAS you derive for easy future retrieval.

By 16th January 2012 the price goes up to N12,500.

You can still get it for N10,500 (with my Feed Formulation Handbook) – here.


No. 70: Manage Your Relationships Smarter, To Succeed Better!

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


It’s the last day of the year today. In this final issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter for 2012, I discuss the importance of managing your relationships, to boost your chances of speaking success.

Your eloquence, qualifications, certifications or even talent or natural abilities matter. But most crucial to your success in ANY area of endeavour – including paid public speaking – will be your mental attitude! And THAT can often be directly affected by what you see and hear around you.

Consider this quote:


Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence; Talent will not; nothing is more
common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of
educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent
” – Ray Kroc (Founder of McDonalds)


The truth is you REALLY need to pay serious attention to anything that can affect your state of mind – an important example being your relationships with others.

You May Have What It Takes To Succeed – But Your Relationships Can Hold You Back

It’s possible you have all the attributes required of a good speaker. And that if – under normal circumstances – you found yourself before the right audience, you would WOW them with your performance.

But you have to find the client willing to pay you to speak first don’t you?

Are you going about it the right way? Who are those you spend time with? Are you able to get good advice from them, to help you along (like a tested and proven mentor would give)? Would you be willing to keep going for as long as may be necessary to find the clients you need?

And what about when you finally win that paid speaking invitation? What if on the VERY day you have to speak, someone upsets you before you leave home?

Maybe your spouse says something nasty that REALLY gets to you. I mean REEALLLY NAASSTY, that you have to go away to calm yourself down :-)))

Or maybe it’s not your spouse.

Maybe someone runs into you from behind as you’re driving to the venue of your speaking event :-)))))))

Yet you have to speak in a few hours from then, at an important event!

How well would you handle yourself out there? Would you be able to deliver at your best?

What can you do to PREVENT such a thing happening to you, and potentially messing up your big opportunity?

I say the key is to control the relationships you have with others.

Thomas Alva Edison – the great inventor – when asked for advice about success did not talk about mastering scientific principles.

Instead he said:

“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”.

Edison did not say manifesting genius required a high IQ, a university degree or some other unique academic qualification. Instead he recommended 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

Considering that this great man was home-schooled by his mother, it goes without saying that one would be wise to believe his words!

Here’s why:

According to an online biography I read some years back, when he was in school, Edison’s teachers concluded he was “addled” (a term used derogatorily to mean a person’s brain was not functioning normally).

Thankfully his mother refused to accept what they told her, and angrily withdrew him from school, to tutor him at home.

If she had agreed with those “lazy minded” teachers, we probably would not have Edison’s 1091 inventions with us today – including the light bulb and electricity!

The above illustrates an example of a beneficial association between a child and an adult – in this case, the parent.

But others have it the other way round. At least Edison’s mother believed in him. Those closest people to us can sometimes be the greatest unbelievers in our abilities.

Some successful people failed to get support from home, and actually found total strangers more willing to believe in them!

Cynthia Kersey (Author of UNSTOPPABLE 45 Powerful Stories of Perseverance and Triumph from People Just like You) wisely noted in her book, that sometimes the negative – unbelieving – person in your life may be someone you cannot eliminate.

A good example is your spouse or father/mother/sibling!

When you share your dream of speaking success, they may feel they’ve known you for so long that nothing you say you’re trying to do can improve on the blunders they’ve seen you make in the past.

As Kersey noted, the saying that a prophet is without honour in his own home is relevant here.

If you have the mental capacity to deal with that kind of situation, and still get on competently with your work, then there’s probably nothing to worry about.

However, if you feel staying exposed to such persons will significantly affect your state of mind, take action to limit your contact with them.

This is not the time to be needlessly sentimental. It’s your life we’re talking about here!

You have every right to make the most of your God-given ability. Letting some insensitive person toy with your feelings and ruin your enthusiasm for pursuing your dream is simply not acceptable.

I Was Ridiculed For Thinking I Could Sell My Excel SoftwareBEFORE I Started Doing It!

It’s not enough to be competent or qualified; you must also have the right mental attitude to deal successfully with the challenges/difficulties that will come up when you are engaged in your chosen endeavour. “ – Tayo K. Solagbade

Towards the end of 2004, I had a painfully raw experience of being used as the butt end of jokes – to my face – over an ambitious goal I’d set for myself.

A friend of the family – who had worked for years as a self-employed IT professional – heard I was visiting at the office of a relative and stopped over.

Within minutes of arriving, he began making jokes about my expressed intention of developing software solutions using MS Excel that people would pay for.

When I explained that I believed I could get paid N100, 000 for an app I was showing my relative a demo for, he said Tayo, we must sell this your software O…we must!”. He repeatedly said this in a mocking tone, bursting into laughter intermittently (and joined by others who sat around – including my relative, and his employee).

You can imagine how that “demonstration” ended for me…:-)

But today it’s on record that I’ve been paid twice that amount by companies, to develop custom spreadsheet software for them.

Like Napoleon Hill noted, people sometimes resort to tactless attempts at humour without considering the impact on the person it is directed against. That singular experience NEVER left my memory. And I successfully used it to push myself to achieve a breakthrough.

Today, I have literally single handedly created a niche for myself as a provider of custom Built-In Excel solutions in Nigeria.

What’s more, I have also achieved name recognition as the developer of certain unique Excel-VB driven spreadsheet software products e.g. my popular Livestock Ration Formulator (built to facilitate automated computation of livestock rations based on the Pearson Square Computation method described in my popular Feed Formulation Handbook) and my Payslip Generator respectively.

Both applications have been purchased by individuals and organizations across the country – and in the case of the former (i.e. the feed formulation software), by international buyers.

It’s possible the family friend who mocked me now realizes how wrong he was.

But whether that will be enough to stop him from treating someone else the same way in future is however a different matter.

And that’s why it’s important for people who set challenging goals for themselves, to adopt what James Cook called a “guiding philosophy” that will help them persist no matter what obstacles they encounter.

Get this: All your degrees and certifications will NOT help you deal with the potentially crippling psychological/emotional effects of mockery, ridicule, and repeated setbacks. You need to “protect” your state of mind, by controlling the environments (relationships with others) you expose yourself to.

Who Do YOU Spend Your Quality Time With?

Demand integrity from all associates. Would you go sailing in a leaky boat? Would you drive on a tire that would not hold air? Then, steel yourself: In cold blood dump unworthy others. Burt Dubin (Internationally acclaimed mentor of some of the world’s highest paid speaking professionals)

This self-examination must begin from your homes – those closest to you. Your spouse – and kids if any. Then the larger family comprising siblings, parents, uncles, aunts, half-siblings, grandparents and so on.

Next we have your friends, coworkers, and former colleagues, as well as business associates, partners – and also neighbours!

Which of these groups of people do you spend your quality time with? And how do you feel AFTER you’ve been with them?

Do you come away feeling more excited and rearing to give your set goals another go? Or are you left reeling from exposure to multiple put downs or outright ridicule of your ideas and ambitions.

Maybe you find yourself drained of enthusiasm from being told by some that it’s taking you too long to “succeed” – and that you need to pack it in and do something else.

Note those who leave you with negative feelings. Or those who refuse to respect your need to create time to pursue your valued goals.

Resolve to spend less time with them.

In my case, I resolved to keep my distance from all those who’d been involved in making fun of me about my Excel-VB software development. I knew from past experience that THAT was the only way to keep my mind free from distractions, discouraging thoughts and doubts.

However, sometimes your circumstances may limit the options open to you. And you may have to endure remaining in contact that negative person for longer than you want.

For instance it may be difficult to avoid contact with your spouse if you live together!

In that case, you may find reading books that nurture your self-belief (like Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich) very useful.

Anytime you’re feeling deflated, pick up that book and read, and I guarantee you’ll soon feel better – and rearing to go again!

Final Words

Let me summarise as follows:

Your eloquence, qualifications, certifications and status matter. But most crucial for achieving success in ANY area of endeavour – including paid public speaking – will be your mental attitude!

And THAT can often be directly affected by what you see and hear around you.

Therefore your RELATIONSHIPS matter very greatly!

When you see and hear people dismiss your ideas, it can have a lasting negative impact on your mental attitude. Your academic degrees, certifications, and talents will STILL be yours. But you’ll find yourself feeling LESS capable of succeeding!

You do NOT have to let that happen. Don’t let others impose their limitations on you.

Give yourself the best possible shot at speaking success in the New Year: Adopt proven strategies – like those shared above – and start managing your relationships smarter from today!

Here’s wishing you a happy and truly prosperous New Year in advance!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF

Use Your Smartphone To Boost Your Productivity (5 Tested & Proven Tips)

[Update – 25th June 2018: 6. Use Whatsapp On Your PC/Laptop Browser: I now use an Android Smartphone to do the stuff described below, and LOTS more e.g Providing interactive coaching to clients via private Whatsapp groups like the one in the screenshot below, for my Web Marketing for CEOs club. Note that the screenshot was taken from my Laptop screen interface i.e. I use an browser app extension that allows me to connect Whatsapp from my phone to my Laptop and use it from there, in a synchronized manner. That way I need not go back to the phone, if I’m busy on the Laptop. For me, that’s a major time/effort saving convenience that does wonders for my productivity!]

Click the screenshot below to view larger version in a new window…



In my new ebook titled “WHY YOU KEEP FAILING TO ACHIEVE YOUR WRITING GOALS! – 10 Habits That Are Holding You Back, And How To Change Them For Good!” – published on 31st October 2012, I mentioned that 80% of my website content updates were done from my Blackberry Smart phone at the time. As of 3 weeks ago, I estimate that over 90% of my content updates now happen from my mobile device. So I rarely need to carry my laptop with me to keep my updates going. To provide some perspective, below are specific examples of tasks I get done more productively using this approach :

1. Text, Pictures, Videos, Html code Updates On My Websites/Blogs

I’ve found pictures I took with my smartphone useful for illustrating a point or two on my websites or blog posts. And I’ve created images using Photoshop on my laptop, that I then transferred on to my smartphone, from where I inserted them into a web page or blog post. Most of my sites are based on either of two popular database driven Content Management Systems (CMS) i.e WordPress and Joomla. And that’s what makes doing the above possible. I regularly make all sorts of updates via both CMS from my Smartphone – including adding pictures or images via an Add New Media browser dialog. I use this interface to upload and insert pictures into a post.

Pix of Caterpillar taken by my kids.  Above: Pix of Caterpillar taken by my kids. But I must say that WordPress has proved itself to be easier to manipulate with predictable results using this mobile interface. Add to the above the fact of Joomla’s significantly steeper learning curve, and you’ll understand why I now lean more towards using WordPress for my work. And I generally encourage my clients to do so too.

Over the past 3 weeks, almost every single post I’ve published here on this Self-Development Nuggets blog has been TYPED in its entirety on my Blackberry smartphone: In case you’re wondering, that includes THIS post you’re currently readingAnd I mean every single character, including the opening and closing tags for the subheadings and other html formatting you may be seeing right now. Screenshot of draft articles list in the memo pad interface on my smartphone. Above: Screenshot of draft articles list in the memo pad interface on my smartphone. That naturally implies one needs some knowledge of basic html and a little resilience in typing on the tiny mobile device keypad!

But that’s not necessarily so. You see, I choose to work like this because I’ve found it suits me. I’m able to keep my writing smarter and less wordy because of the limiting typing interface. However, you can always do all the writing and formatting of your content (including embedding pictures and videos) in your regular html editor’s design view. Once you’re ready to publish the post, you’d simply highlight the entire body of content with your mouse, then switch to code view and click “copy” to store the html equivalent in your PC’s clipboard. Next you’d open a blank notepad file and paste the copied code into the text file. Then save it into an easy to access folder location in your smartphone (this step requires that you physically connect your mobile to your PC using a data cable. Or you could send the text file to the mobile using a bluetooth connection if both devices have that feature).

You’d then open your administrator interface on your blog, and click “Add a new post” for example. Once that edit window opens, you’d simply copy and paste your new post’s html contents into it, add a title, choose the category, and fill in the SEO details etc, and click publish (or edit to schedule for publishing at a later date or time). Within seconds your new blog post would be live :-)

NB: Sometimes adding the images or pictures directly from phone to webpage or blog can for some unknown reason fail to go as planned. When that happens, I simply browse – still on my phone – to an upload form page on my main website. Using the form, I would choose the image from the relevant folder on my phone, then click upload to store the image to a folder on my webserver. Next I’d use the image URL emailed to me (within seconds of the upload) by the CGI script that powers the form, to add the html image embed code referencing the image on the server into my blog or webpage. Then I’d click the SAVE or PUBLISH button, and the image would appear as required.

2. Social Media Updates Publishing

By setting up my Twitter and Facebook accounts to “talk to each other” I’m able to publish updates to both at once either way. And because my LinkedIn account is linked to my Twitter account I actually get to publish to all 3 channels at once, anytime I share my updates from LinkedIn. Since I have mobile apps for each of the 3 channels installed on my phone, you can imagine how easily I’m able to publish updates about my blog content to them right from my phone. Incidentally RSS Graffitti, a popular Facebook plugin also automatically publishes every new post I add to my blog, to every Facebook page and profile I’ve set it up on. So that provides a backup update publishing of sorts.

3. Web Marketing Tasks Implementation

Regular readers will know that I constantly refer to my dependence on a carefully crafted Web Marketing System, which helps me cost-effectively generate high quality sales leads for my various products and services. One way it works is that anytime a potential buyer takes action to request more information about a specific offering by submitting a request form, I instantly get her enquiry on my phone via email push technology. What this does for me, is that I no longer have to go checking for emails that have arrived. Even better, I don’t have to worry about missing emails that get sent into the spam or junk mail folder by an over-aggressive email filter. Before I began using push email, the foregoing sometimes had me arguing with a client. One one occasion, a client repeatedly insisted he had sent me an email few days earlier, and I equally insisted I’d not seen it.

Then one day, weeks afterwards, I checked my spam folder, and there it was!

But that’s not the only advantage I enjoy from using my web marketing system on my phone…

Each request form on my website caters for a particular product or service enquiry. I therefore took care to configure all the forms to deliver the enquiry via email to me using a unique subject line that lets me know – even before I open it – which product and/or service the enquiry is about.

Now, to save time and effort in responding to each email, I use a CGI script that delivers a specific custom message for each form to the submitter’s email address within seconds. Then, to follow up, I have pre-written boiler plate messages stored as individual memo pad files on my Smartphone for each enquiry. Within a few minutes I’m able to insert names and other unique recipient details to the template.

And I then copy and paste, into the reply window, to send to the enquirer. Because I’ve prepared virtually all the information I need to make my responses in a ready-to-use template, it often takes me relatively little effort or time to make all of the above happen, from anywhere I am – even when I’m on the move! Without access to the powerful features of a smartphone, doing this would not be as easy, convenient or timely.

4. Streamlined Bank Transactions Updates Tracking

Like I’ve stated elsewhere, due to limiting infrastructure in my society, I have to provide traditional (cash) payment options for local buyers – just as I offer more up to date and convenient channels for international buyers. In the past (i.e for local payments), I depended on getting mobile phone SMS alerts for deposits into my bank account by buyers. Each alert attracted a small charge from the bank to me, and depending on how active the account got (for both withdrawals and deposits), that amount tended to add up at the month’s end.

I naturally wanted an option that did not deplete my bank balance in any way, hence my adoption of email alerts :-) However, a more compelling reason I had for choosing email alerts, was the inherent difficulty of keeping track of the bank alerts sent via SMS. There was also the greater possibility of SMS storage space outage on a busy mobile phone used for business. As a result of the above considerations, the option of getting instant ZERO cost email alerts on my smartphone has remained a preferred alternative for me. Making timely payment confirmation and fulfillment of orders has become easier as a result of the above. And that has greatly enhanced smooth interactions with local buyers.

5. Browsing 50% Cheaper By Using My Smartphone As A Modem

Do you own a smartphone and still invest in routine cyber cafe visits to do your browsing? Or do you make heavy monthly Internet browsing data purchases to use a wireless modem (which you had/have to buy) for browsing on your PC? If you said “yes” to either of the above questions, then this last point could help you save a huge chunk of the money you’ve been spending to get your browsing done.

Since November 2011(over a year now) I have used my Blackberry phone as a tethered modem for browsing on my laptop. During this period I have successfully carried out ALL the tasks I normally used to do on my Starcomms wireless modem and in cyber cafes without problems of any sort. And that includes adding video demonstrations (80MB to 140MB) for my Excel software guides and demos to my Youtube channel.

Click the preceding link or Youtube icon below this post to watch some of them. This has helped me cut down my monthly expenses by about 50%.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I must make this observation that it’s not been rosy all the way. Over the last 3 months or so, I’ve however noticed a significant drop in the connection speeds delivered by Etisalat, my ISP. Despite my complaints they’ve not been able to impove the performance. So I’m looking to see if any of the other providers can do better on a long term basis. Having said that, you will agree with me that THAT problem is not due to my use of the Blackberry as a modem. It’s due instead to poor connection speeds from my ISP.


So except for video uploads which now rarely succeed, I still use my Blackberry modem to meet all my heavy duty browsing needs on a routine basis. And the time, effort, convenience and cost savings STILL remain very substantial. No exaggeration. I won’t say much more here about how this is possible, since I already have a page on which I excitedly shared this massive cost-saving alternative many months back. So just click here to learn more .

Final Words

If you plan to make the most of yourself in your personal and business life in today’s world, you must explore the benefits derivable from using your smartphone in the ways I’ve explained above. And that’s just for starters. There’s so much more you can learn, that will make you superproductive. You only need to be ready to learn. If you are, I can help you implement a self-directed private learning program that will take you as far as you’re willing to go. Send me a message using the contact form on this blog with details of your needs.

Be A Role Model For Your Kids On Speaking Truth

What If Your Child Knows A Truth That Could Save Someone?

Imagine your child witnesses a prank by a few of her peers on a teacher’s car, that causes some unintented damage.

Then let’s say some days later she learns that two innocent students from a rival group have been suspended by the principal over the incident, based on an anonymous letter that fingered them.

Can you confidently say you know what your child would do under such a situation?

Would she go to the principal and tell on her friends, to stop the wrong students from being punished for something they did not do?

Or would she choose to remain loyal to her pals, and pretend like she knew nothing?

Your ability to accurately predict what your child would do in a situation like this, is likely to be a reflection of the effort you’ve made to inculcate the right values in her!

Truth Telling Vs. The Need To Be Liked By Everyone

In today’s worid, the need to be liked (or approved of) now drives not just politicians but also everyday people.

We’re all keen to be socio-politically correct, so we can get along with others in our increasingly culturally complex world.

It’s gotten so serious now that even paid speaking professionals are reluctant to speak from the heart as often as they normally would.

The concern in their case being the real possibility of a loss of business, if existing or potential clients decide they do not like the “truth” as spoken by the expert speaker!

Now, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with speaking and acting with consideration for the interests and feelings of others.

That’s afterall an important part of what it means to be emotionally intelligent.

The problem I see however, is that many people are taking this business of political correctness to a negative extreme.

They are sacrificing their right to freedom of expression in order to be agreeable to everyone they relate with.

Rocking the opinion boat by voicing contrary views terrifies them.

And they actively avoid calling friends, associates or relatives to order no matter how disapproving they are of the latter’s conduct.

If You Truly Care For Someone, You Will Tell Them When They Go Wrong

The fact however remains that if we truly love and care for someone, the best thing to do WILL often be to speak truthfully to her about everything.

And that includes any wrongdoing we observe – especially when it’s repetitive!

In a perfect world, I guess giving corrective feedback the way I propose above, as and when due would happen.

Unfortunately, here on earth, we have our human limitations, or shortcomings which make us fall short of the above standard.

That’s why today it appears more good people are finding it harder to take a firm stand against falsehood, by speaking truth.

From politicians to business – and even religious – persons, being economical with the truth, or prevaricating, seems to have become a favourite past time.

You Can Disagree Without Being Disagreeable

I’ve sat in on discussions before, with people I thought I knew, only to hear them express agreement with warped views that they had privately told me they were against!

And sometimes I’ve seen persons I greatly admire and respect deliberately look the other way, when a friend, associate or relative blatantly abused the rights of disadvantaged others.

(One example: A manager who stayed quiet when his boss had an innocent employee put in jail for weeks – using his money and connections – even AFTER CCTV footage watched by them and the investigating police officer, showed nothing to indicate he took the money reported missing.)

In each of the above instances, my casual enquiries often revealed that they felt the other person was wealthier and/or more influential than they were, and was therefore beyond reproach.

To put it another way, they felt the other person was too big for them to correct or call to order.

And as such, they believed it would be wiser not to openly challenge or disagree with her views or actions.


Ironically, doing that just ends up hurting everyone at the end of the day.

Including those we try to protect by acting without integrity in that manner.

I personally believe it’s wiser to agree-to-disagree, when you discover you are unable to find a meeting point between your views and those held by your counterpart.

That would be a more truthful and therefore honourable way to relate with others who hold contrary views to yours.

Your Kids Will Choose What To Do, More By Watching Your Actions, Than By Hearing What You Say

It won’t matter what you drum into their heads during prayer sessions or your daily interactions. Or what you make them read.

Kids want to see you practice what you preach, or walk your talk, without reservation or fear.

Once they see you doing that, they’ll naturally draw inspiration from there, to do the same thing anywhere they find themselves.

If they see you hang on to a friend who is perpetually rude to waiters or the hired help, they’ll assume it’s okay to keep such friends too – and even act the same way.

But if you make a point of tactfully correcting your potentially rude friend and insist he stop mistreating less fortunate others, your kids are likely to notice your efforts and toe the same line.

The key is to be an exemplary model in words and in action for them to follow, EVERY single day.

If you keep it up for long enough, you’ll eventually get to a point where you can confidently and accurately predict what your child will do under a particular situation, like the one described at the start of this piece.

Here’s one advantage of getting your child to the above mentioned “point”:

You’ll always be confident that your child will make the right choices or decisions, no matter whose Ox is gored (e.g in the case of the school prank, she would probably advise her friends to own up. If they refused, she would tell the principal the truth herself. Simple.)

There’s no better way to have peace of mind (when it concerns children) than that!

Why You Need A Planned Activity Tracking Sheet (PATS)

Many busy executives and managers sometimes struggle to keep abreast of the myriad of tasks they need to attend to.

Their demanding schedules are often responsible for this problem.

Unfortunately, not everyone can have (or afford) a personal assistant. And even for those who have, sometimes the PA may be unavailable, or worse, not at her best.

In this article, I use examples from my time in paid employment (see full details in my 11 page PDF resume -click here) , to explain how being able to use a PATS, can help you overcome the above limitations, to excel at work perpetually.

Background: Identifying My PATS As The Key To My Workplace Success

Before 2002, I worked as a high performing manager in a large corporate multinational.

Within 6 years of joining the company, I had achieved rapid career advancement ahead of others older in the company, and on the job, than I was.

On one occasion, I had a senior colleague from a different department make the following (scary) rhetorical statement to me in what sounded like a menacing voice:

“Solagbade, you want to do in 3 years what some people did in 5 years huh?”

That happened in 1997.

By 2001, I’d recorded other milestone achievements.

Most notably I’d gotten myself known across the company, for literally automating all the manual report preparation processes in my department (brewing/production), using my Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets macro programming skills.

[NB: Today I develop custom MS Excel-VB driven spreadsheet software for high profile clients, and for sale from my website.]

Following that, I got sent on a series of secondments in acting capacity to higher management positions. In each instance I did not disappoint.

Over time I was promoted, then later nominated for multiple international training courses, and also assigned to act in an even greater decision making position as departmental head.

The irony was that I had to perform this senior management acting role in the same department I’d just been promoted out of, three months earlier!

That required leading my former senior colleagues effectively, if I wanted to succeed.

It was tough, but I once again applied myself diligently, and pulled it off.

A few weeks later that year (in 2001), another senior colleague ran into me on the company grounds and (after exchanging pleasantries) asked:

“Solagbade, what is your secret?”

I told him I had none, and that all I tried to do each day was to ensure I NEVER left undone, anything I knew could be done.

That way, I was able to keep my list of tasks at any point in time, within manageable limits. And as a result, I never got overwhelmed by the work I had to do in any position I occupied.

How My PATS Helped Me Achieve Superior Results

I know this may sound rather simplistic, but looking back, I realised that my use of a PATS was actually the key to my success as an employee.

Funny enough, the sheet had no special features. Just 7 labelled columns (setup in a table printed out from an MS Excel template I created) as follows:

1. Serial Number : designated as “SN” to save space. In this column, I assigned a number in ascending format to every activity I entered into the table.

2. Description of Activity/Task:
Here I wrote, using abbreviations, key details of the outcome I wished to achieve by carrying out the task.

3. Date: The date on which the task or activity was entered on the PATS.

4. Who: Initials of individuals or names of groups I would need to liase with (or chase) to make the activity happen to completion.

5. When: The desired target date for completion of the task, or realisation of the target outcome.

6. Done (Yes/No): I would insert a “Yes” (or check mark) if the task had been completed by the start of a new week. Otherwise it would be a “No”.

In other words, each week I opened a fresh sheet, and checked off all completed tasks on the outgone week’s sheet.

Then I copied any outstanding ones left on the past week’s sheet, to the new one, so I could continue tracking them.

As the week progressed, I would add any new tasks that came up as a result of agreements reached at meetings, requests from others, or plans I had.

7. Comment(s): Here I would make notes to guide my implementation of each task, or to record notable points relevant to the results achieved.

The above format helped me keep my mind uncluttered. As a result I was often able to think faster and act smarter while at work. This inspite of the fact that I often started the day earlier (and closed much later) than most of the others I had to work with.

Anytime an issue arose that could not be dealt with instantly, and which therefore needed following up, I’d simply write it on a new serially numbered line on my PATS.

Then as the day/week progressed, I would run through the entries I’d made and make needed checks, visits, phonecalls or emails to get updates and/or try progressing them where possible.

This instrument was responsible for making me appear to other employees as if I had a super memory: I never seemed to forget to do anything that was assigned to me.

And if I was in a group I used the PATS to the group’s benefit. It was therefore no surprise that people came to see me as someone who could be trusted to get things done.

As a result I often got drafted (sometimes coerced) to join company paperwork computerisation project teams, long service awards organising committees, management staff association executives etc.

In most of these groups it was no accident that I had to often had to play the role of “Secretary” :-)

Final Words

In the long run it all paid off for me, because I got to rub shoulders (and minds), a lot, with senior decision makers as a result of my exposure to the various groups and meetings.

What I learnt from those high profile interactions would equip me to later excel as career advancement opportunities came my way.

Without the use of my PATS I would never have impressed enough to earn those opportunities.

More importantly, I would not have been able to excel in doing those jobs like I did, if I had not used my PATS.

On a final note I will say that even today, I would prefer the paper version to the smartphone or PC based equivalents that may exist.

To save paper however, I often used the blank side of waste paper from printers from offices.

Alternatively, you can buy and use ruled notebooks.

Using a tool like the handwritten PATS I’ve described above, can help you excel as an employee.

Why not give it a try and see?

…a multi-disciplinary blog for people passionate about reaching their goals!