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UPDATE: This article republished today (12/05/2024) as a PDF.


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Anytime you announce a plan, idea or intention you have, and someone says it’s impossible, be very careful in paying attention to him/her.

It does not matter who the person is.

In my experience, the fact that you conceived your goal or dream, is often a strong indication that you can achieve it.

That’s why I personally never listen to nay sayers.

It’s almost like many are programmed to act that way, meaning they often do very little reasoning to decide when to say something is impossible!

When Conceiving Your Goals Or Dreams, Reject Impossibilities

I hate the word “Impossible” with a passion. It’s been thrown at me so many times from my days in secondary school up till as recently as yesterday afternoon.

What I find most annoying, is the fact that those who use it often do so with no personal experience against which to measure the accuracy of what they say!

Yet they throw their opinions around with misguided confidence.

Sadly, some unsuspecting individuals take such advice to heart and give up their dreams or valued goals, only to live the rest of their lives feeling miserable.

The Human Mind Is More Powerful Than Most People Know

Yes. Your mind is a very powerful asset given you by the creator.

Napoleon Hill apparently understood this truth when he said “Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve.”

But most people do not believe the above truth. And that’s why many underachieve throughout their lifetimes.

You Can Do The “Impossible” – If You Believe You Can!

The above is not an idle claim.

History is replete with examples of people who recorded achievements that had previously been considered impossible.

And that’s why I dislike that word so intensely. By dictionary definition, it means something that cannot happen or that cannot be done.

A Few Quick Examples Of How The Impossible Has Been Made Possible In The Past

1. Roger Bannister:

Before Bannister did it, generally accepted wisdom subscribed to by well educated, intelligent and “reasonable” people was that it was IMPOSSIBLE for a man to run a mile under 4 minutes.

Today, many men do it effortlessly. And women do it too!

2. Fred Smith:

When Smith came up with the concept of overnight delivery in a term paper submitted to his professor, the latter said it was a nice idea, but that it would never work.

And he gave compelling reasons based on his “expert” knowlege to justify his position.

Smith was smart enough to realise that his professor could not be right about everything.

So he followed his instincts instead.

Today, many of us are better off because Fred Smith chose to ignore wise counsel about the impossibility of his concept(on which Fedex courier was established.)

3. Usain Bolt:

I read somewhere that the speeds attained by Bolt during a race, are illegal for cars in certain countries.

I would add that great sprinters from 10 years before Bolt, would insist that the amazing times he’s clocking today are impossible for any human to attain!

Two Personal Examples

In my case I’ve successfully done what many told me was impossible, more than once.

Here are 2 examples you can reflect upon.

1. Zero Cost Print Book Publishing:

While visiting a neighbouring West African nation some years ago, I told the leader of a group of writers that it was possible to get a book published in print at zero cost.

I could see the doubt on his face, as he challenged me to produce a printed copy of mine to show him.

A few months later, I’d ordered and received my first ever copies of my Print On Demand published book, and sent one across through a friend(Chris).

Chris later wrote me an email telling how many people who had seen my new book refused to believe it was written and print published by an African like them (me).

That reaction was a bit understandable due to the realities facing writers in these parts.

But at the same time it’s that kind of mental attitude that holds such people back from making timely and productive use of new opportunities as they appear.

2. Low Cost Browsing On Your PC Using A Blackberry Smartphone as A Tethered Modem:

Yesterday, while visiting the Ikeja Computer village, I got into a discussion with a young phone repairs apprentice.

When I told him my Blackberry had replaced my Starcomms wireless Internet modem for browsing on my laptop, he got interested, and began asking questions, including how much he could pay to learn how to do it from me.

As we chatted, one of the more experienced phone repairs engineers overheard and walked over to listen closer.

Suddenly he said “Oh, that idea of using a Blackberry as a modem is impossible. We’ve tried it and it does not work!

For some reason, the young apprentice ignored him, and went on to pay me the discounted “quick coaching” fee. Today I took him through the steps for setting up the smartphone for use as a modem.

And he saw that it worked. So much so that he’s decided to acquire a smartphone for use as a modem on his netbook.

That’s not all.

He also agreed to have his photo taken for use with an audio testimonial he provided.

It is also my intention to do a video interview in which I’ll ask him more detailed questions and also let him further share his impressions about how effective it is to use a Blackerry smartphone as a tethered modem on a PC.

I’ll be posting the video on this page via Youtube.

In a Cyber Cafe along Awolowo way, Ikeja at 7.30pm Nigerian time. Analyne Amadi after I'd finished showing him how to browse using a Blackberry as modem on my Laptop. We'll be meeting again to setup the netpad he's holding to do the same.

Above: In a Cyber Cafe along Awolowo way, Ikeja at 7.30pm Nigerian time. Analyne Amadi after I’d finished showing him how to browse using a Blackberry as modem on my laptop. We’ll be meeting again to setup the netpad he’s holding to do the same.

Final Words

If the young apprentice had listened to that nay sayer, he would have missed out on the above benefits.

And that’s why I believe a person who wishes to really excel in achieving her dream in life, should eliminate the word “Impossible” from her vocabulary.

That way when you encounter it, it would have little or no meaning.

And your dreams and goals would be safe from premature death!

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