Teach Your Kids To Respect Money

I asked the students of the University of Lagos who attended my VC Approved lecture (titled “Ten Ways You Can Use Self-Development to Create the Future You Want”) the following rhetorical question:

“Is your rich uncle really “stingy”, or is he being “frugal?”

To older persons, I would re-phrase the question as follows:

"Is your rich friend, colleague or relative really “stingy”, or is he being “frugal?”

Kids Sometimes Choose Favorites for the Wrong Reasons E.g. Money

As children in Nigeria, many of us grew up frequently judging older persons around us based on their relative willingness to part with money.

There were those who were particularly generous, always giving large denominations for us to buy "sweets" etc. Those ones we loved to welcome whenever they visited our homes!

But, there were those who were less generous for (in our own assessment) no good reason. We were therefore never really excited when they visited, and would often have to be chased out of our rooms by our parents to welcome them!

It is not uncommon to hear children or young people describe some of their parents or relatives (uncles etc), as "stingy" because of the latter’s seeming reluctance to part with money.

What a lot of youths (perhaps because of their age) do not realise is that these (supposedly) "stingy" persons might truly not have enough money on them at the time the demand is made.

Help Your Kids Understand That Money Needs To Be Earned

Many young people tend to think their parents should hand over money to them as soon as they (the children) demand for it. Of course even if the parents were willing, it isn’t often that the parent’s will have it! And even when they do have it, more pressing priorities might make it necessary to give less than the child demands.

We need to teach our children, as early in life as possible, that money does not just fall into our hands from the sky. We need to help them learn that they must create "value" for money to come into their possession. We must also take pains to explain to them why we might not be able to give them money, sometimes, when they ask for it.

Now, for those parents and guardians who can afford to give children money whenever they ask for it, this warning is even more relevant, because the dangers are greater.

Keep giving them what they ask for, whenever they ask for it and you stand the risk of making them happy in the short term only to be unhappy in the longer term (They won’t forgive YOU for that!).

This is because, they would not have learnt the discipline of handling money, and especially how to earn it – and I don’t mean through paid employment.

I know the subject of money and how to spend it is one that interests and affects most people. I also know it is one that not many people really understand.

I do not however claim to be an expert on the subject, but I have read what others have said about it and learnt some hard lessons of my own too! That is why I offer the ideas in this write-up with so much passion!

Money Needs To Be Treated With Respect

In a past issue of his TIPs newsletter that I read many years ago, Philip Humbert (www.philiphumbert.com) described successful people as being very thoughtful about issues concerning money and how it is spent.

He said they treat money with respect, and that’s why they get more of it.

In fact, Philip described money as a very shy guest in people’s homes that will quickly make an exit if not well treated.

If there is nothing else you take away from reading this article, please take this piece of advice: Don’t spend without thinking!

The little book titled "The millionaire next door" describes the real millionaires in America (based on studies conducted by the authors) as not those people who appear on TV in flashy clothes, spending heavily etc.

I’ve found a lot of the book’s quite relevant to my non-American socioeconomic environment – with just a few exceptions. That’s why I suggest you get a copy of the book, if you do not already own one – and read it from cover to cover at least twice.

The book says the real millionaires in America are often not dressed flashily and will rarely be found flaunting their wealth via heavy unbudgeted spending etc.

In fact, the book specifically mentioned that the millionaires identified and studied confirmed that they kept very detailed records of how much they spent daily and regularly reviewed them.

In addition, the millionaires were found to be typically "bargain hunters" who would often go round comparing prices before deciding on what to buy and where to buy from.

One more thing: many of the male millionaires were reported to have acknowledged their wives as being very instrumental to their effective money management. The book described the wives of many of the millionaires studied as being very frugal.

Final Words:

Now, going by all that has been said above, isn’t it funny that those who do not even begin to approach being called millionaires in society are the ones who do the exact opposite of what the millionaires mentioned above do daily?

Look around you (and maybe at yourself?) and see if you find "someone" guilty of going shopping and buying stuff from posh places "just to look good" or "belong" for instance.

Your child’s attitude to money will be a reflection of how she sees you treat that powerful paper based medium of exchange. Coach her to see that money needs to be carefully handled, as pointed out above.

She’ll leave home better equipped to keep more of what she earns in her pockets – and in savings/investment accounts.

And she would be bettor off in the long run!

NB: This article is based on excerpts from Tayo Solagbade’s Self-Development Bible on sale as a 113 page print manual at www.lulu.com/sdaproducts. Subscribe to the mailing list – using the form below – to get the PDF version as a free download in your email box.

Solve Problems Wherever You Find Them

Employers Value Problem Solvers

No matter what kind of work you do: If you can solve (or quickly learn to solve) problems or introduce improvements, I guarantee you’ll be constantly courted by your employers and/or bosses.

I make this confident assertion based not just on my personal successes in paid employment, but also from working closely with management and staff of client companies over the past decade.

I provide below, links to pages containing verifiable details regarding my achievements in the fast paced working environment of Guinness Nigeria – my employer between 1995 and 2001.

So What Exactly Did I Achieve?

I’ve documented most of my key achievement in some fairly long articles I wrote years back(most being over 3,000 words).

No need therefore, to repeat myself here.

Below are titles and links to some of the articles.

Become A Habitual Peak Performer: Learn How To Get Into "Flow"(Or…"The Zone") More Frequently

How I Travelled Back To Nigeria – 12 Hours Overnight, By Sea, Under Heavy Rainfall, In A Leaky Boat – From Douala, Cameroon Despite Having No Money!

How To Make Yourself UNRETRENCHABLE!

Read This Or One Day The MD’s Presentation Could Flop Because Of You!(True Story)

How To Turn A Major Blunder At Work Into A Career Advancement Opportunity(True Story)

Achieve Recognition and Attract Career Advancement Opportunities By Being A Change Agent(True Story)

Do You Have A Self-Managed Development Guide?

Where Employee Training Fails, Self-Development for Spontaneous Coaching(SDfSD)™ Can Work For Your Company

Become A Leader At Work, By Making Your Company’s Decision Makers Take Favourable Notice Of You!

I Flopped Badly At The National Finals(How NOT To Prepare For/Deliver An Important Presentation – TRUE STORY)

Accelerate Organisational Learning – Use Formal Problem Solving Techniques To Boost Productivity!

Boost Employee Productivity Without Increasing Salaries – Proven, Yet Little Used Strategies

How To Be A Jack Of Many Trades, And Why It Can Make You Succeed More Often?( Based On Real-Life Practice)

The Key To My Success In Paid Employment Was My Problem Solving Expertise

My achievements, as well as the early high level recognition, and career advancement opportunities I enjoyed were – without exception – a direct result of my active problem solving disposition.

I readily put my various skills and knowledge to use in solving problems wherever they showed up.

It did not matter if the problem occurred in a seperate department. If I knew or could do anything to help I would.

Here’s one example.

In 2001 I worked as Training and Technical Development Manager(TTDM).

Apart from ensuring my department (where I was the trained in-house champion) passed the ISO 9000 zero Non-Conformity test conducted by the Standards Organision, I made out time to visit other departments and help resolve NCs that were raised.

This was so the NCs could be closed out before the auditors left.

Now, that had always been my attitude. But during the ISO certification audits everybody appreciated it more, because they knew that if even one department failed, the company would NOT pass the audit.

You can therefore imagine the goodwill I earned for myself during that trying period – especially when it was announced that we passed!

Make It Your Business To Help Eliminate Problems, Even When It’s Not Your Department

This brings me to the issue of a bad attitude some employees develop, to the detriment of their employer.

You hear them say:

“That’s YOUR department’s problem. We’ve done our bit. You sort yourselves out!”

I’ve seen that attitude lead to avoidable losses of useful production time for the entire company!

Potential outcomes of the above include lower sales, and if it persists, the company’s ability to pay employees (like those guilty of not acting responsibly in the first place), could be damaged.

“What goes around, comes around” as the popular saying goes.

Keep the above in mind at all times, and let it guide your actions!

Final Words: Why Should You Take My Advice?

For someone who fancies himself as having usable workplace performance improvement ideas to share, I only spent a mere 7 years working in paid employment :-)

Some people would say that’s good reason for employers and organisational decision makers to NOT place much of a premium on advice I offer.

I however say THAT is exactly why they should listen to me.

We have a saying in my country, that:

“It’s not how far you’ve come, but how well you’ve performed.”

In 2002, I delivered – on formal invitation – a management research paper on Self Development, to a packed auditorium at the Center for Management Development here in Lagos.

As I mounted the platform to start my presentation, the Training Manager/announcer felt compelled to warn the audience (which included top management personnel) against taking my youthful appearance (I was 32) to mean I could not have anything useful to tell them.

I should add that he spoke from personal experience. I still recall being vaguely amused at his expression of surprise at my lack of grey hair the first time we met :-)

He’d brought an invitation letter signed by the Director General, noting that they’d assumed from reading my paper that I must have spent up to 2 decades in paid employment to gain the kinds of insights I’d shared in it!

I’d assured him that 7 years were all I could boast of, but that I had even more useful ideas to share that I had not yet put on paper :-)

The over 100 feedback forms returned to me from the audience that day had ratings and comments that supported my claims, as confirmed by the Training Manager, who read through each one, before passing on to me.

A formal letter from the centre later acknowledged the “lucid manner” in which I’d presented my ideas on that day.

It further noted that even those of them who’d assumed they knew enough about the subject (Self Development As A Tool For Achieving Career Advancement – A Practical Guide Based On Experience) came away with new insights.

Hopefully, you’ll find the above convincing enough to make you treat what I’ve proposed in this piece with the seriousness it deserves.

Your career might just depend on it!

Don’t Depend on Applause to Succeed

The Absence Of Applause May Not Mean You’re Failing

If everybody had seen upfront, what Thomas Edison’s inventions would do for the world, there’s no doubt they would have applauded and rooted round the world for him right from first day he began his research work.

But no one saw his breakthrough coming.

In the lonely confines of his laboratory, he kept on labouring with his assistants through over 9,000 failed attempts, until they found the tungsten fllament and the first light bulb glowed in their faces.

Unlike A Marathon, In Life Sometimes No One Can See the Finish Line!

The problem with striving for success can sometimes be that no one has done what you want to do before i.e in your socioeconomic environment.

That lack of precedent can make people stubbornly unbelieving when you tell them the goal you want to achieve.

Even when you point out the true story of another who succeeded in doing it elsewhere, they would scoff and say “Get real: That’s XYZ country or society. Ours does not operate based on their rules!!”

Let’s think about this for a moment.

Spectators standing near the finish line of a Marathon event can tell which runner is closest to victory.

In life however, spectators around you as you work towards your goal do not enjoy a similar advantage.

They cannot see into the future – obviously.

As a result, every day, week, month or year they see you working diligently at achieving your goals, that’s mostly all they’ll see: YOU.

And in their minds they could interprete what they see as “you slaving away trying to achieve a futile goal” :-)

It goes without saying, that the above “perception” of you would naturally not make them applaud you!

For some people, that would be okay i.e. no big deal.

But if you’re like Celia (i.e. the young lady described in the movie I’ve written about below), you’d probably be psychologically and emotionally devastated as a result of the lack of attention and applause.

The Story of A Young Lady Whose Desire for Applause/Attention Probably Got Her Killed

I once watched a movie in which detectives had to interview suspects and friends/acquaintances of a homicide victim.

The deceased young lady had been a member of a notorious church-styled cult which the police were already investigating using under cover agents.

While the police were questioning one of her female friends who had made a successful exit from the fold a year before, she told the agents “Celia needed to be liked. She needed people a little too much. And that’s why she was never able to leave.”

From reading through the books Celia had read, a police consultant later discovered scribbled notes in her copy of the founder’s published book: the notes indicated that she had been having issues with some of the church’s dogma.

That drew to mind the friend’s comment about her needing people too much.

“Could it be that she’d finally found the courage to voice her reservations openly?” they wondered.

“Maybe she was trying to leave the cult based on those grounds? Was she murdered to keep her from leaving?”

The above suggestions were logical possibilities. However, like all good stories, the movie took an unexpected turn that revealed the killer to be a non-member of the cult.

It was a legal consultant appointed by the founder himself. He did it to stop her exposing details of the affair he’d had with her, despite her being engaged to another member.

Self-Direction Is A Valuable Asset To Have

The above narrative illustrates how an individual’s lack of independent thinking and self-direction can make her prone to manipulation and exploitation at the hands of dishonest others.

When you do not have a mind of your own, others will do your thinking for you. Some will even try telling you how to act or react to the experiences you have; what to believe etc.

The truth is that you need to assert – and believe more in – yourself.

Don’t be too eager to seek the consent of others before you pursue a line of action that appeals to you.

Even better, dismiss any urge you may feel to court the approval and applause of others around you whenever you choose to follow your instincts and “do your own thing.”

Final Words

I want you to understand this: even when you’re inches away from achieving your goal, that fact may not be readily obvious to you, or your spectators.

Only when it happens does it become your reality.

That’s why when others are not applauding or commending you, it’s crucial that you do not take that to mean you’re not making progress.

Those others could be acting based on a lack of both insight and vision.

What you need to do is stay focussed on achieving what matters most i.e your goals.

Eventually they’ll see you succeed and a useful precedent would have been set.

Consequently, others after you could begin earning applause from spectators BEFORE they get to their individual finish lines.

But even if they get none, their knowledge of YOUR story could inspire them to continue until they also succeed!

Essential Features Of Broiler Starter Rations

This is the first post in an enlightenment series I’ve decided to progressively publish on my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas. Other posts in the series will follow, for Broiler Finisher Ration, Chicks Starter Ration, Growers’ Ration and Layers’ Ration.

NB: The series will be based – in part – on excerpts from my Feed Formulation Handbook.

Efficiency of Feed Utilisation Is Critically Important

A key area to watch when looking to improve your broiler operation’s efficiency and profitability is the efficiency of feed utilisation. This is determined to some extent by the genetic strain of the birds used in your broiler production process. Once you get the birds on site however, you’ll have to make do with whatever performance they can deliver.

That’s why you will need to pay serious attention to supplying the birds with feed that facilitates optimal feed to flesh conversion by your birds.

With respect to the above, broiler chicks differ from layer chicks in that they have relatively higher protein (between 22 – 24%)* and energy (3,000 – 3,200 kcal/kg of ration)* requirements. To achieve proper amino acid profile balance, fish meal is required at 5 to 7%* of broiler feed. And an energy booster may sometimes be added in form of oil, to the feed, but this should not generally exceed 5%*.

The obvious reason for this is their need to achieve rapid growth to table size within a short period of 8 weeks or less.

The broiler’s need for high feed utilization necessarily implies that feed it consumes be fairly low in fibre content. The foregoing greatly enhance digestibility of the feed for broilers – as does a calcium level kept between 0.6 to a maximum of 0.8%*, and a phosphorous level of 0.4 to 0.6%*.

Avoid Costly Mistakes: Formulate Your Own Broiler Rations

As can be seen from the above, quite a number of parameters need to be tracked towards achieving productive feeding of commercial broilers.  And given the time sensitive nature of this venture, it goes without saying that you cannot afford to make avoidable mistakes especially where it relates to feeding.

Apart from feeding the birds with the right ration formula, you also want to avoid spending more than you should. Otherwise, when it’s time to go to market with your market ready birds, you may be looking at slimmer and less profitable margins – or indeed a loss.

You can take care of the above concerns by doing what more profit and performance conscious farmers now do: Start making your own feed for your animals. That way, you can be sure they’re getting the nutrients you want them to get, in the quantities they need to get them.

Aim For Least Cost Rations: Use Automation To Reduce Errors And Save Time/Effort

However, because feed formulation and compounding can be a tasking exercise, you may wish to employ some automation in doing them repetitively. For instance, to achieve the twin desirable goals of balanced feed for your broilers, and the least cost, a mathematical programming model would come in handy.

Some people use linear programming. Others use the diagrammatic Pearson Square Computation method. Both these methods have been successfully incorporated into spreadsheets that make their use less intellectually demanding.

The idea here is to use the computer to generate the cheapest possible broiler ration that has all the key features mentioned above. That kind of ration is called a Least Cost Ration. And it is quite different from a lowest priced ration. Read more about it in my article titled “A Key to Livestock Farming Success”.

Final Words: To Feed Them Right, Know Your Broilers’ Actual Nutrient Needs!

What you need to keep in mind is that successful use of the above methods and relevant automation will depend greatly on your sound knowledge of the “essential features of YOUR broiler starter ration”!

Like I have said elsewhere, no two farms will ever function exactly alike. There will always be differences in modes of operation, and standards of performance.

Your farm will be equally unique in that regard. So, you must do your homework and ensure the data you use for your planning and computations towards feeding and managing your broilers are accurate and reliable. Otherwise, your broiler farm’s output will be disappointing in the long run.

*PS: The nutrient values mentioned in this article are general estimates based on the author’s observations and experiences.  It goes without saying that they are not representative of what obtains for feed used on all broiler farms.

Get The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

This new version allows you to:

1. Include 7 EXTRA feed ingredients in your rations.
2. Store 3 FORMULAS you derive for future recall/refinement
3. Export your stored formulas into a separate workbook!

A new PRO VERSION goes even further to allow you specify target values for your ration’s protein, energy, calcium, fibre etc. After that, a single click automatically generates a Least Cost Ration Formula for you. I call it the "Least Cost Ration Formulator". (To understand why you should use a least cost ration and NOT a lowest-priced ration, read this article: www.tinyurl.com/leastcostration)

Send your enquiry, along with your name, and mobile phone number to tayo at tksola dot com. If you already own the basic Ration Formulator, you get the new upgrade version FREE. 

Get in touch: Call 234-803-302-1263.

Click to view larger screenshot

Fig 1 Above: Extended data form with currency specification, and a button for initiating addition of 7 extra ingredients (ADD INGR)

Click to view larger screenshot

Fig 2 – Above: New data entry form for adding 7 extra ingredients loaded by clicking "ADD INGR" button in Fig 1.

Click to view larger screenshot

Fig 3 – Above: New data form for STORING, RECALLING and EXPORTING derived ration formulas.

Should You Speak For FREE?

I answer this question with a big YES, based on my personal experiences/achievements, and also drawing from my study of the writings of experts like Burt Dubin, Les Brown, and Dale Carnegie.

Certain experts find it difficult to understand why they need to get some “speaking” experience under their belts, before they can command respectable remuneration for their speaking efforts.

For those who have that difficulty, I offer the following insights in the hope that you might see the justification.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 14th January 2013

No: 72

Title: Should You Speak For FREE?

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL: http://www.spontaneousdevelopment.com/blog

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2013. 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you!
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:

Writing/Blogging [Saturday]:
Want me to write for you? Click here…

Click to view larger screenshot showing the applications NEW formula storing interface.

Get The NEW Excel-VB Ration Formulator!

This new version allows you to:

1. Include 7 EXTRA feed ingredients in your rations.

2. Store 3 FORMULAS you derive for future recall/refinement

3. Export your stored formulas into a separate workbook!

A new PRO VERSION goes even further to enable you automatically generate a Least Cost Feed Ration Formula!

Email tayo at tksola dot com with your enquiry, then call 234-803-302-1263. If you already own the basic Ration Formulator, you get the new upgrade version FREE. Just get in touch!

Remember that in less than 48 hours (i.e. from 16th January 2012) the price goes up to N12,500.

You can still get it for N10,500 (with my Feed Formulation Handbook) – here.


No. 72: Should You Speak For FREE?

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to www.sdacademy.org to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


I answer this question with a big YES, based on my personal experiences/achievements, and also drawing from my study of the writings of experts like Burt Dubin, Les Brown, and Dale Carnegie.

Certain experts find it difficult to understand why they need to get some “speaking” experience under their belts, before they can command respectable remuneration for their speaking efforts.

For those who have that difficulty, I offer the following insights in the hope that you might see the justification.

(NB: At the end of this piece I provide a download link to a slide show version of interesting answers given – over the years – by Burt Dubin to questions – like “Should I speak for free?” sent in by aspiring/expert speakers.)

Let’s Start With A Simple Analogy

When a law student graduates from university, the next step is (usually) finding a good job with her newly acquired qualification.

At the risk of stating the obvious, she is unlikely to be able to join any law firm as a Senior Partner.

There’s a reason why they are called “Senior”, and quite often it has less to do with age, and a lot more to do with quality time they’ve had arguing real cases in court.

That’s why a junior partner is made to spend time understudying seniors before she can take on certain roles or responsibilities.

This requirement to acquire real world relevant experience under controlled conditions is not limited to law practice obviously.

Soccer Professionals Undergo Similar Preparation

Before he got where he is today, as a footballer of legendary accomplishments, Lionel Messi started out as a junior player in his club’s feeder team.

The scouts, coaches and club management had already noted his amazing abilities.

But they knew he still needed time (corrective surgery) and more training to develop further and mature better as a player.

They were still investing in him. And so during that time he got paid what was more of a stipend – peanuts compared to the fees he commands now!

Messi is not the only player with great potential to have been made to start this way.

Both Diego Maradonna and Ronaldo (aka “The Phenomenon”) of Brazil also went through the same preparation.

So did Messi’s perpetual Ballon D’Or running mate – Christiano Ronaldo.

One thing common to all these players is/was the ability to consistently deliver superlative performances when in the spotlight!

A Paid Speaking Gig Is Not Where You Experiment Or Fine tune Your Performance!

As a paid professional speaker, you’re in the spotlight when you mount the podium to speak.

That’s not the kind of place you want to be if you’ve not gotten your stuff properly together – especially when you’re getting paid handsomely to deliver powerfully!

You must make sure you’re ready.

Sometimes your desire to start earning income may cloud your judgment about how ready you are.

This is why you may find it useful to seek objective feedback from a competent and experienced speaking professional – or better still, a coach/mentor. To ensure you can consistently and reliably deliver your best at paid gigs you need plenty of practise.

By speaking for FREE, you gain useful opportunities to safely test yourself and identify areas you need to improve. If you really apply yourself at every outing, your audiences won’t notice you’re “practising” and will often enthusiastically applaud you.

You’d consequently be able to legitimately boost your resume by mentioning most, if not all, of such talks you give(no need to state that you spoke free).

How much time you need will naturally vary from person to person. You – possibly with guidance from a coach or mentor – will ultimately decide when you’ve done enough.

At that point, you’d “feel” confident enough to approach meeting planners with speaking offers stating your professional fee – consistent with industry standards.

No matter how academically sound, or theoretically grounded you are. No matter how skilled or talented you naturally are. You’ll likely need to spend time honing your newly acquired skill before you can safely (and responsibly) request payment to speak.

Final Words: If You’re Still Not Convinced, Download Burt Dubin’s Answers Instead

I feel your pain, but if you just put yourself in the shoes of those who hire speakers, you’ll appreciate how great the risk they take is every time they decide to hire a new speaker.

And that’s why putting yourself out there in a way that allows them a low risk opportunity to see what you can do – by speaking free – can be a smart strategy to employ.

Still not convinced?

Then maybe you need to hear it from a mentor or master speakers himself – click here (no opt-in required) to download the slide show version of the Frequently Asked Questions page on Burt Dubin’s website.

In it, he discusses the question about whether or not to speak for free – and why – in at least 2 different sections.

Take it from me: You will be wise to heed his advice!

Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263


Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF: http://tinyurl.com/bdubin-africa

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF

Do You Need A Writing Coach?

“Even if you’re on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there” – Anon

I’m good at learning and doing new stuff by myself. Yet, I readily take advantage of any opportunity to improve myself by learning from others. You can never be so good that you cannot learn something more – or new.

If you look closely enough, and are honest with yourself, you’ll find there’s something you can do better. I know this and constantly act based on that realisation, so as to improve myself.

Fifteen years of coaching people from different backgrounds and age groups, have however taught me that not everyone is comfortable with self-tutoring.

This does not mean they are weak. We all just have different learning styles. Some of us do better when we have someone to guide and challenge us (and even cheer from the sidelines), as we aim for new heights of achievement.

A Writing Coach Can Help You To The Next Level…And Success!

A writing coach can guide you to effectively address the limiting habits that may be affecting your writing progress. In addition s/he will help you hone your writing skills so that you become better over time.

So, if you’re still struggling to get your writing done (or to improve), I recommend getting yourself a competent mentor or coach. You do not necessarily have to go hiring one.

The Internet itself offers access to writing experts who freely give useful coaching tips (via an introductory self-marketing strategy) in form of blog posts, opt-in newsletters and ebooks. You can start with those.

In addition, you can also talk to a friend, relative or associate you know to be competent enough to provide the coaching support you need. For best results, both strategies can even be combined.

Two Highly Recognised Experts Who Offer Paid Writing Coaching/Support

However, if paid coaching interests you, I’ve added links to websites run by two ladies who offer coaching services below.

I have not taken their courses (yet), but the free content and wisdom they offer (and their impressive credentials) suggest they will deliver good value for money.  

1. Judy Cullins (Book writing Coach) – www.bookcoaching.com . Judy has been a successful book writing coach for over 2 and half decades.

When you visit her website, you’ll discover she enjoys a healthy following from writers and those aspiring. And for good reason too  – she knows her stuff.

I found her through her smart LinkedIn.com marketing, which I believe other business owners should study and adapt for their own use!

2. James Chartrand and her (that’s NOT a typo!) team can be found at www.menwithpens.ca. She runs the “Damn Fine Words writing course” for business owners.

TIP: If you’re curious about the conflicting name and gender reference, read this VERY popular post titled "Why James Chartrand Wears Women’s Underpants". That’s how I found him….sorry, her :-)

Compete For A FREE Spot On James Chartrand’s Writing Course (Deadline for entry is 23rd January 2013)

It would interest you to know that James recently announced a contest in which you can win a FREE or discounted spot on her highly rated writing course.

Read “How To Win Your Spot in the DFW Writing Course" on her website for details. The contest closes 23d January.

If you miss this one however, don’t worry,  there’ll be another :-)

Final Words

I’m not sure how I’m going to make it happen yet, but I plan to sign up for lessons with Judy and James, to improve my writing skills and knowledge of book publishing.

From carefully studying the resources offered by both ladies (who are generations apart by the way), I believe there’s a lot I can pick up from them as individuals.

Maybe you should check them out too.

(Psst: They don’t know I’ve put them in here!)

I cannot of course guarantee any particular outcome to you. Therefore before you choose to sign up for a paid session, please do your own due diligence – and take your decision based on your own convictions.

NB: This post is based on excerpts from my latest ebook titled “WHY YOU KEEP FAILING TO ACHIEVE YOUR WRITING GOALS! (10 Habits That are Holding You Back and How to Change Them for Good)

Challenge Your Kids To Be Readers & Thinkers

“Reading can be a powerful catalyst for thinking; it has the potential for stimulating wisdom.” – Michael Angier(www.successnet.org)

In Robert Kiyosaki’s book titled “If You Want To Be Rich and Happy, Dont Go To School?”, he wrote about how the traditional educational system was teaching American children to be mindless parrots”.

He also quoted R. Buckminster Fuller on how each of us and our children can protect our minds from being numbed by such experiences.

Fuller stated that despite the fact that he was bothered by -and therefore questioned – many of the things he learnt in school, he found it necessary to give his teachers their answers in order to ensure he went through school successfully.

He however made sure he never stopped thinking along the lines of what he felt to be true.

By so doing, Buckminster Fuller was able to protect his own genius from the damaging impact of the traditional educational system.

The rest of us can learn from this approach, and teach our kids to use it as well.

The World Needs Thinkers: Help Your Child Become One

“Reading without thinking gives a disorderly mind, and thinking without reading makes one unbalanced” – Confucius

There appear to be fewer real thinkers in this part of the world today.

One great thinker we had who passed on years ago, was Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, the legendary Afro Beat Musician whose music and life story is the subject of a successful broadway musical that now inspires millions across the world.

Even today, the lyrics of Fela’s songs show us how far ahead he had seen into the future of this country and continent.

He had reflected deeply over the problems of the black race in Africa, and tried to open their eyes to the folly of the ways they chose (or were advised to follow).

A few listened, but the majority missed it.


Because they found it difficult to comprehend what he was saying and understand his concerns.

So they simply stopped at enjoying his good music!

“The mind must be exercised if it is to grow and strengthen. The more you use your mind, the more it will improve your ability to think” – Jay Anderson

This inability (or unwillingness?) to think is not unusual.

A long ago, Henry Ford said:

“Thinking is the most exacting job there is, which is why so few people engage in it.”

To Encourage Them To Think, We Must Stop Our Kids From Cramming

Not all kids will be smart enough to protect themselves the way R. Buckminster Fuller did, as earlier described above.

And that’s why we need to discourage ROTE Learning (i.e. cramming) by our kids in schools.

It is important for them to “understand” what they learn so they can be equipped to put it to productive use in the real world.

For instance, you learn how to drive so that you can eventually drive your car around unaided.

As Robert Kiyosaki explained in one of his books, if we employed the traditional school approach, you would learn all the theory of driving by memorizing the steps involved.

But, you would actually spend little (if any) time practicing how to drive the car using your new knowledge!

When that happens, you end up unable to drive a car even though you’ve been to driving school!

Thankfully that is hardly ever the case, because it is easy to assess the value of the training given you in a driving school.

When you complete your driving lessons (and IF you have been a diligent student), you should be able to drive a car by the time you are leaving.

If you can’t, then you would have a right to challenge your driving teacher.

I have personally met many graduates of computer science from Nigerian universities, who after graduation go on to enroll for courses in private computer schools to gain basic computer appreciation skills!!

This is often because they discover that in the real world, the things they’ve been taught were irrelevant to current industry practice.

Cramming Makes Learning Unpleasant & Damages A Child’s Natural Learning Ability

The above is a major reason our traditional educational system does not really make kids enjoy reading and thinking.

They still have to memorize notes given by the teacher, and do a “verbatim return to sender” (like R. Buckminster Fuller wisely did) to get full marks in class!

Under such situations, whether the student can explain what he has written down, and apply it in real life to a productive end is never an issue as far as the teacher is concerned :-)

Let’s consider for instance, the inter-schools debate competitions sometimes aired on our local TV stations.

I am constantly amazed by the ability of the students to make their arguments by reeling off one point after another, employing sophisticated vocabulary (that even university undergraduates would struggle with!) in the process.

The manner in which they deliver their speeches however often betrays the fact that they are simply reciting what they memorized!

Typically, the teacher writes the paper for the student to “upload to memory” for later “download” at the event. They therefore often do not understand the things they say.

Which explains why a student can get totally confused if it happens that she misses a line during her “recitation” at (what is meant to be a) debate!

Final Words

I have seen the above happen on more than one occasion.

My question is what responsible school teacher or administrator would allow such damage to be done to students’ thinking abilities in order to win a competition?

Please understand my argument here. I have not said all the schools and students have this problem. There are exceptions, as is the case with everything in life.

It’s just that the larger majority are affected by the problem I have described above.

This is why YOU as a parent must – for the sake of your kid – get involved in challenging her school, and teachers, to make a change for the better.

But don’t stop there.

“A chapter a day, keeps failure at bay” – Anon

More important is the role you can play in creating an environment at home that stimulates your child’s desire to read and think.

Get her books and movies that task the viewer to think e.g detective series or thrillers.

Engage her in discussion about the different titles and episodes.

Aim to get her used to thinking deep about issues instead of accepting things on surface value.

You’ll gradually discover she’s taking a natural interest in doing more qualitative thinking and reading, even beyond what you’ve taught her.

And it will give her a noticeable edge in interpersonal relations, compared to her peers.

NB: This article is based on excerpts from Tayo Solagbade’s Self-Development Bible available for purchase as a print manual on Lulu.com.

Your Salary Can Be Dangerous (To Your Long Term Financial Health)!

This article will interest you if you work in paid employment, and enjoy the security of a regular salary.

Someday you’ll have to leave that job. Will you be ready to make that transition successfully when the time comes?

I discuss a major oversight that makes many who thrive on salaried jobs little prepared for the challenge of surviving outside paid employment. I end by suggesting practical strategies you can use.

A Potential Side Effect Of Earning Salaried Income, That’s Often Overlooked

A job that pays well, and is comfortable, has the tendency to give an employee a false sense of security if she forgets she’ll have to retire someday!

People who work with large and prosperous (e.g Fortune 500) companies can be especially prone to making the above error.

Let me share a true story that made me discover how dangerous this mindset can be to any salary earner.

Between 1994 and 1998, while working in a large multinational as a manager, I let myself forget there was an outside world I would return to after my time in paid employment.

Thankfully a visit to my office by someone who had sat in my chair ten years eariler served as my wakeup call.

He had spent over 25 years rising to a senior management position before departing with a hefty retirement cheque to the tune of many millions.

But as the saying goes “If money talks, the only thing we ever hear it say is goodbye!”

A few years later, all the millions were gone. And there he stood that day asking if he could get a contract to conduct training for employees.

My answer had to be in the negative since we had a standing rule that only approved training providers be used.

Before he left, he looked at me and said “You know I did this job you’re doing now, over ten years ago.”

I replied truthfully that I’d heard and read a lot about him. As he left, I told myself that I would do anything necessary to give myself a better chance of surviving in the real world post paid employment, than he’d had.

That decision eventually led me to make an early exit from paid employment. I felt I would need the advantage of my relative youth to tackle the challenges I would face.

The benefit of hindsight reveals clearly that doing so has in no small way given me the energy and resilience to get where I am today – ten years later.

What About YOU?

Are you prepared for that eventuality of leaving your secure salaried income?

Think about the job you get paid so well to do where you work right now.

If you had to do the exact same job related tasks as an independent operator, without access to the perks/benefits provided by your company, how successful would you be?

Imagine for instance that as an IT professional, instead of using the cosy office, flashy car and spending money your employer provides, you have to personally serve client companies as a self employed IT consultant.

Do you think you’d be able to get those you approach to readily pay you anything close to what you’d earn for your equivalent time/effort back in paid employment?

Would those clients you serve be prepared to pay you as well as your current employer, just showing up for instance?

It’s doubtful that will happen…if all you do for them is to show up and put in the bare minimum work – like some people do on their jobs!

But you could get them to pay you much more than your salary equivalent, if you implement solutions that deliver valuable savings in money, time and effort to them.

Not everyone readily appreciates this point however.

Yet it is often the reality they may have to face when eventually they leave paid employment.

Practice Doing Enough To Justify Your Salary

The above is why I strongly recommend that employees use their time at work to diligently practice putting in enough quality work effort to justify the salaries they earn.

Doing so will make them avoid developing the complacency that comes from knowing that they’ll get paid even if they exert themselves minimally.

It does not matter that your employer is not complaining.

This is actually about you making sure you’re competent to deliver enough value (that will command decent income post paid employment) – possibly by – doing what you do now as an employee.

Zig Ziglar once wrote with respect to the above, by challenging the reader to become a “meaningful specific” in the workplace.

He pointed out that some salaried persons who’ve been on a job 8 years, for instance, don’t have 8 years of experience.

Instead they have one year’s experience repeated over those 8 years.

Very true words indeed – and saddening too!

Final Words: Stay “Work” Fit & Acquire New/Useful Skills To Protect Yourself

It’s ironic that a positive job situation (of great pay and working conditions) is also capable of pushing people into a potentially harmful state of mind i.e complacency.

This could cause you to neglect taking timely/important action to weatherproof your income earning abilities well beyond your salaried years.

I once read about a famous entrepreneur who reportedly became very uncomfortable whenever it appeared things had been going smoothly for too long in his business.

He would consequently begin paying closer attention to things and checking/investigating to prevent any unexpected setbacks.

The above entrepreneur’s mental attitude is reflected in the quote below:

“A little dose of paranoia is healthy.”

Many salary earners routinely get paid their fat salaries even when they consistently fail to put in the bare minimum specified in their job descriptions.

Except for those who work on performance related commission, most employees get their pay checks as and when due by simply showing up every working day.

But the above situation can be dangerous to your long term financial health, if you let it make you complacent.

Remember that no situation is permanent, and things can change quite rapidly – for good or bad.

Sometimes great employees lose their jobs because the company they work for has a setback it cannot recover from, so that it has to let everyone go.

It therefore pays to be prepared!

Even your savings and investments may not be enough to help you maintain the living standard you prefer into your retirement years.

And that’s why with the tough financial times being so slow to depart globally, the skill to command substantial additional/alternative income by delivering value to others is a great asset to have today.

Don’t let your salary mislead you into thinking you need not prepare. Many people today are doing the smart thing of running part time businesses when they’re off duty from their routine jobs.

That’s a good way to get prepared.

It’s always better to be forearmed, so you can be safe instead of being sorry.

And your family will love you for your foresight.



UPDATE: This article republished today (12/05/2024) as a PDF.


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Anytime you announce a plan, idea or intention you have, and someone says it’s impossible, be very careful in paying attention to him/her.

It does not matter who the person is.

In my experience, the fact that you conceived your goal or dream, is often a strong indication that you can achieve it.

That’s why I personally never listen to nay sayers.

It’s almost like many are programmed to act that way, meaning they often do very little reasoning to decide when to say something is impossible!

When Conceiving Your Goals Or Dreams, Reject Impossibilities

I hate the word “Impossible” with a passion. It’s been thrown at me so many times from my days in secondary school up till as recently as yesterday afternoon.

What I find most annoying, is the fact that those who use it often do so with no personal experience against which to measure the accuracy of what they say!

Yet they throw their opinions around with misguided confidence.

Sadly, some unsuspecting individuals take such advice to heart and give up their dreams or valued goals, only to live the rest of their lives feeling miserable.

The Human Mind Is More Powerful Than Most People Know

Yes. Your mind is a very powerful asset given you by the creator.

Napoleon Hill apparently understood this truth when he said “Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve.”

But most people do not believe the above truth. And that’s why many underachieve throughout their lifetimes.

You Can Do The “Impossible” – If You Believe You Can!

The above is not an idle claim.

History is replete with examples of people who recorded achievements that had previously been considered impossible.

And that’s why I dislike that word so intensely. By dictionary definition, it means something that cannot happen or that cannot be done.

A Few Quick Examples Of How The Impossible Has Been Made Possible In The Past

1. Roger Bannister:

Before Bannister did it, generally accepted wisdom subscribed to by well educated, intelligent and “reasonable” people was that it was IMPOSSIBLE for a man to run a mile under 4 minutes.

Today, many men do it effortlessly. And women do it too!

2. Fred Smith:

When Smith came up with the concept of overnight delivery in a term paper submitted to his professor, the latter said it was a nice idea, but that it would never work.

And he gave compelling reasons based on his “expert” knowlege to justify his position.

Smith was smart enough to realise that his professor could not be right about everything.

So he followed his instincts instead.

Today, many of us are better off because Fred Smith chose to ignore wise counsel about the impossibility of his concept(on which Fedex courier was established.)

3. Usain Bolt:

I read somewhere that the speeds attained by Bolt during a race, are illegal for cars in certain countries.

I would add that great sprinters from 10 years before Bolt, would insist that the amazing times he’s clocking today are impossible for any human to attain!

Two Personal Examples

In my case I’ve successfully done what many told me was impossible, more than once.

Here are 2 examples you can reflect upon.

1. Zero Cost Print Book Publishing:

While visiting a neighbouring West African nation some years ago, I told the leader of a group of writers that it was possible to get a book published in print at zero cost.

I could see the doubt on his face, as he challenged me to produce a printed copy of mine to show him.

A few months later, I’d ordered and received my first ever copies of my Print On Demand published book, and sent one across through a friend(Chris).

Chris later wrote me an email telling how many people who had seen my new book refused to believe it was written and print published by an African like them (me).

That reaction was a bit understandable due to the realities facing writers in these parts.

But at the same time it’s that kind of mental attitude that holds such people back from making timely and productive use of new opportunities as they appear.

2. Low Cost Browsing On Your PC Using A Blackberry Smartphone as A Tethered Modem:

Yesterday, while visiting the Ikeja Computer village, I got into a discussion with a young phone repairs apprentice.

When I told him my Blackberry had replaced my Starcomms wireless Internet modem for browsing on my laptop, he got interested, and began asking questions, including how much he could pay to learn how to do it from me.

As we chatted, one of the more experienced phone repairs engineers overheard and walked over to listen closer.

Suddenly he said “Oh, that idea of using a Blackberry as a modem is impossible. We’ve tried it and it does not work!

For some reason, the young apprentice ignored him, and went on to pay me the discounted “quick coaching” fee. Today I took him through the steps for setting up the smartphone for use as a modem.

And he saw that it worked. So much so that he’s decided to acquire a smartphone for use as a modem on his netbook.

That’s not all.

He also agreed to have his photo taken for use with an audio testimonial he provided.

It is also my intention to do a video interview in which I’ll ask him more detailed questions and also let him further share his impressions about how effective it is to use a Blackerry smartphone as a tethered modem on a PC.

I’ll be posting the video on this page via Youtube.

In a Cyber Cafe along Awolowo way, Ikeja at 7.30pm Nigerian time. Analyne Amadi after I'd finished showing him how to browse using a Blackberry as modem on my Laptop. We'll be meeting again to setup the netpad he's holding to do the same.

Above: In a Cyber Cafe along Awolowo way, Ikeja at 7.30pm Nigerian time. Analyne Amadi after I’d finished showing him how to browse using a Blackberry as modem on my laptop. We’ll be meeting again to setup the netpad he’s holding to do the same.

Final Words

If the young apprentice had listened to that nay sayer, he would have missed out on the above benefits.

And that’s why I believe a person who wishes to really excel in achieving her dream in life, should eliminate the word “Impossible” from her vocabulary.

That way when you encounter it, it would have little or no meaning.

And your dreams and goals would be safe from premature death!

Knowing Why You’re In Business Can Make You Unstoppable

“When I got cut from the varsity team…in high school, I learned something. I knew I never wanted to feel that bad again. I never wanted to have that bad taste in my stomach. So I set a goal of becoming a starter on the varsity.
– Michael Jordan

What is your reason for being in (or wanting to go into) business as an entrepreneur? Maybe you realised you might never get as rich as you really want to be by remaining in paid employment. Maybe you have some ideas about how to change the world around you to a better place by introducing a new way of doing things (like me).

We can all usually find some compelling reason when we think deeply enough about it. The point is that one should KNOW why one wants to embark on this kind of journey. Knowing why you want to do it, as Jim Rohn said, makes it easy to know why you cannot give it up – ever!

Having Reasons Helps You Achieve Your Aims Faster

And that’s because it gives you conviction.

Some successful people have advised that you avoid making money your major focus. This is because, (from their experience) when you relentlessly pursue
your vision, success inevitably comes with significant monetary rewards (there are those who think differently of course). So,
why bother your self about it up front, they ask. That’s probably why Marsha Sinetar said, “Do what you love, and the money will follow”.

Know yourself! “For most successful entrepreneurs, the real motivation comes from within. Money should not be your motivation. The journey is the thing. Climbing the mountain, not reaching the summit, is what you remember and enjoy. It should be the challenges, the competition, the sense of accomplishment. If you have that inner drive and use it wisely, the money will come on its own.” – Fran Tarkenton (Former Football Star/Millionaire Entrepreneur)

Real Life Examples

My personal experiences so far – even from when I was in paid employment – also make me lean towards this line of argument. I used my ideas to help my former company manage her brewing operations better using my spreadsheet solutions development/problem solving. That earned me attractive career advancement opportunities. And they were accompanied of course with significant monetary and other benefits.

I also remember that many people used to ask me then how I thought all the time I spent collating brewing records on the computer could help me advance my career as a brewer. In their opinion, I needed to spend more time on the shop floor chasing
the men around to do the day’s job.

What they were blind to was the fact that I was already doing that – sometimes staying back in the brewery for extra 5 hours after completing my shift! Only thing was that I never really let on that I was. I had already decided that I wanted to turn around the data management and report generation done manually in the department, to an automated format.

And I had a reason for doing that. It was that I thoroughly disliked the idea of spending hours and hours over 3 or more days (as often happened then) doing weighted average calculations to determine performance indicators for week/month end reports.

Did I achieve my goal, you ask? Yes, I did –and got a lot of recognition for it in the process. But if you notice, my reason for embarking on that activity was initially to solve a problem I
personally found distasteful. So I had
a passionate drive to solve it. And I relished the challenge it presented me with.

In other words, I enjoyed doing it. But in the process, others found my alternative
to be something they also wanted. And that made my department adopt the packages/solutions I developed.

In entrepreneuring, it is generally recommended that your business idea be one that you are passionate about, and which solves a problem that others will appreciate. You usually identify such opportunities from those instances when you experience feelings of frustration/anger or dissatisfaction with a particular situation, product or service condition.

When you feel that way, you might find that others also feel the same, but have no idea what they can do to eliminate the problem. If you can provide that solution, it is likely to be readily accepted by others. You will have met a NEED.

“You must desire a lot of money and acknowledge that you are an entrepreneur in search of this reward. You must stick with it. Remember, the big winners suffer and ache through five, six, or seven years of highs and lows. You may
wind up in a business far from your original venture, but success is inevitable. ” – James Cook

I’ll end by saying if you don’t have a compelling reason for doing whatever it is you’ve chosen to do as an entrepreneur, you will not have enough motivation to keep from giving up
when things get tough.

“If you don’t do what you love you will fail, and fail big time.” – Michael Ross

…a multi-disciplinary blog for people passionate about reaching their goals!