How to Establish Truth, and Experience Less Doubt

In this age of rapid technology and information driven changes, news spreads like wildfire. Good news, bad news…as well as INCORRECT/outright FAKE news (aka rumours).

I consider that last one the most dangerous – because the damage it does can be so difficult to repair.

We’ll never be able to foresee who will send out such news, or when. That’s why we’ll be better off learning how to intelligently sieve any news that comes our way for truth.

That would reduce the spread of rumours that could cause problems, or even ruin another person’s life.

Is It Normal for Us to Believe The Worst of Ourselves?

No it’s not. I know this based on my childhood experiences – and also from closely observing children.

We are born as very positive minded human beings. Schooling and societal conditioning are what push us towards negative mindedness.

Stop and think about this for a moment. I mean STOP right now.

Think back to when you were young. You will likely recall that you thought good of everyone, believed everyone liked you, and that they would treat you well etc.

With the exception of people who grew up in abusive homes, this was the case for most of us.

However, for many people, all that changed as we grew into adulthood…sometimes subtly.

A quotable quote I recently read stated that most adults readily believe bad things they hear (or read) about another person. They rarely even bother to ask questions to be sure it’s true.

But when it’s a good thing, these same persons insist on seeing (or hearing) proof, to believe!

Looking back, my experiences suggest it’s true…

Don’t Let Society Change You Into Who You’re Not: Use Your 6th Sense to Establish Truth!

However, I refuse to let that influence me as a person.

I refuse to let it change me into who I am not.

That’s why I personally only use hear say as a guide, in my interpersonal interactions.

To establish truth, I have learnt, from experience, to depend heavily on my 6th sense (listening to my deepest feelings, and acting based on them) – each time I relate with others.

This is a simple common sense strategy usable by anyone. We were all born with this ability.

And that’s why it remains a mind boggling mystery, at least to me, why most people fail to use it.

I use it, it IS the number one reason why I never have doubts that make me get worried or anxious.

Using My 6th Sense to Successfully Practice Location Independent Entrepreneuring (True Story)

It’s almost the end of my third month in a new country, where the language spoken (French) is VERY different from that spoken in my country of origin, and birth.

When I arrived in Benin Republic on April 1st, 2013, I knew nobody. Not one person. I came in by road, from Lagos, carrying a backpack, a traveller’s bag…and the intermediate French language skill I acquired in 1999.

Today, I’ve successfully integrated myself into this French speaking African society. I now serve a local (Web Marketing) client – who has already given me a referral.

Tayo Solagbade - Location Independent Multipreneur

But it took some doing. Among other things, my 6th sense helped me identify those who wanted to exploit me. With time, I used it to nurture relationships with the right people, till things clicked in place.

I also continue to serve clients back in Nigeria. They deposit (or transfer) cash into my account, in Nigeria, and I deliver the promised product or service.

Recently, a long time Nigeria-based client’s website hosting expired. We’d known each other for over 5 years, so he trusted me enough to ask his staff to make the payment into my account.

I did not disappoint him. Within minutes, I got the site back online.

He probably trusts me MORE now, as a result!

I’m also interacting with prospects who’ve sought me out online (from the UK, Nigeria, Philippines etc).

I Was Doubted & Second-Guessed (I Still AM!)

My decision to work from a different country raised many questions. Regular power supply and political stability here in Benin were what won me over. Those simple benefits are still lacking in Nigeria.

Then there was(is) the African dream I had(have), of using Location Independent Entrepreneuring, to access target audiences with my products and services.

My explanations did (and do) not satisfy everyone however. Including some in my family.

But it’s not just them…

Since I got here, a number of people have enquired about my popular Feed Formulation Handbook and software. But none have – so far – been unable to convince themselves to pay…

They probably wonder: “Why has he moved to Benin?” “What’s he running away from? Maybe he’s done something wrong and hiding”. In essence, they are not convinced they’ll get the promised items.

I cannot blame them. In this part of the world, it seems Digital Nomads are still considered “freaks”. Well, they’ll have to accept me (us!) – eventually :-)

Use Your 6th Sense & Avoid Losing What You Need Due to Baseless Doubts and Fears!

Such people (and even you!) can however avoid needless worry in forging your relationships.

Simply practise using your 6th sense, during your verbal and non verbal communication with others.

In no time, you’ll have honed your skill well enough to depend on it for decision making.

And do not forget to teach your child how to do the same, as she grows up!

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