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The Best Gift You Can Give Your Child

Written by Tayo Solagbade

Topics: Parenting

As parents we often show our love for our kids by giving them things. Pretty outfits, fancy toys, pocket money etc. Sadly, many parents fail to provide their kids with the greatest gift of all. In this article, I reveal what that is, and why it matters more than any other gifts you could possibly get them.

The Gift That’ll Make Your Child Capable of Getting All Other Gifts By Herself

I like to call it the ultimate gift. But if truth be told I did not always know it. It took facing the harsh realities of my entrepreneurial struggles post paid employment, to make me realise my ignorance.

When I discovered that I was not happy with my salaried job despite the fat remuneration, I knew my career choice had been faulty. Back when I sought university admission, the priority had been to get in and study something then worry about getting a job with the degree later.

What no one told me was that it was possible to feel unfulfilled, dissatisfied and even unhappy while in a comfortable job that paid a big salary.

That was the experience I had. And it was one that I found most unpleasant. Ever since I quit that job and became self employed, I’ve felt fulfilled with every passing day.

It’s amazing how human nature works. When you find your true purpose in life, even a lack of money will not make you give it up. But the best part is that when you diligently and intelligently persist in pursuit of your life purpose, it eventually attracts financial remuneration adequate to your needs!

And that’s why the greatest gift you can give a child, or indeed any person in life, is to help her discover what her true purpose in life is.

Nobody Deserves To Be Unfulfilled In Life

Social pressures continue to drive many parents to push their kids in the direction of careers that are considered popular or financially rewarding.

Little or no attention is paid to identifying their kids’ natural interests, aptitudes and talents, so they can choose fitting vocations that will give them fulfillment throughout their lives.

That’s why many people grow up to pursue careers that they are not really passionate about. As a result, over time they become restless at work. They find their natural interests are far from the experiences they are exposed to on their jobs. Those able to muster the needed courage eventually take action to risk pursuing the badly needed career changes.

That’s when a corporate executive quits to launch a fashion design label. Or a chartered account makes a successful switch to a career in medicine!

Others who cannot bear to take the risk of failing at that stage in their lives typically resign themselves to a life of lamentation, in which they wonder what could have been.

1. What You Can Do For Your Kids

I believe no one deserves to suffer in the above described manner. Least of us our kids – especially when we are in a position to do something about it.

That’s why I propose in this article that parents make it a priority to help their kids progressively investigate and identify their true passions in life.

I’ve already suggested ways you can go about achieving the above goal earlier in this piece. What I’ve proposed is based on my personal experiences in successfully coaching and supporting many young people to achieve self discovery, for over 15 years today.

It’s also based on the progress I’m currently making in coaching my own kids towards discovering and nurturing their true passions.

However, I realise some parents will need help doing the above. That’s why I recommend enrolling your child for my coaching program remotely or in person.

Get in touch via tayo at tksola dot com or call 234 803 302 1263.

Details of my Coaching for Self-Discovery Program are provided in the flyer at the end of this post.

2. Coaching Support For Adults Trying To Find Their Life Purpose

It goes without saying that there are many adults who are battling with the above mentioned conflict between their current careers and their true passions and interests.

If you’re facing such a challenge, my Performance Improvement Coaching Support Service offers you a viable way forward.

Parents can also book sessions for their kids, especially those aged 10 years and older.


What do you think of the above post? Share your thoughts in the comments – or send me an email via tayo at tksola dot com.

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Enroll Your Child For My Life Skills Coaching Program (Download Flyer Below)


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