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Four (4) Qualities That Can Make You Successful

Success always happens in phases for every person. Few people just zoom up to success over night. And it’s always a unique personal journey for each one of us. So don’t look at the other person and imagine succeeding at his/her level. Focus on starting where YOU are, with what you have, and inch upwards at your own pace. The four(4) attributes discussed below, if you have them, can make you succeed – regardless of adversity you encounter.

1. You Know Where You’re Going

Anyone who knows what s/he wants to achieve in life is better positioned to achieve it. Without knowing your destination, how will you know what to do, where to turn, or who to ask, in order to get there?

Do you know your goal in life? Have you done some deep and hard soul searching to identify what your life purpose should be – or IS? If no, start working on it today.

I have written in the past on the importance of having a “Magnificent Obsession”. It’s another way of describing “Life Purpose”. To become successful, you’ll need to decide what yours is.

Read this article to learn more about how to find your own Magnificent Obsession.

2. You Understand You May Not Get There Quickly – and are Ready to Keep Going as Long as Needed

I continue to refer to the “quickie” or “fast-food” mentality that’s killing society today. We’ve been sold on the need to get everything instantly, and even without effort.

Well, truly successful people will tell you nothing that lasts comes that easily or quickly. You’ll often have to make a major investment of effort and time, to achieve anything worthwhile in life.

This understanding will help you deal with inevitable delays, disappointments, setbacks or any other forms of adversity you encounter. And if you do not cut corners you’re bound to run into them.

Read this article to learn how to defeat any form of adversity, using “omnipotent” persistence!

3. You Know When to Say No…and How

People who succeed always know they need to maintain a focus on their priorities. And they also understand that such focus may sometimes have to be the ruthless kind.

Want to pass an important exam, while working a 9 to 5 job?

Then it’s likely you’ll need to cut down the number of hours you spend, after work, with your buddies at the club. Your “partner” may even need to give you more space/time to yourself at weekends.

If people close to you fail to honour your need to prioritize your use of time, you will have to take some hard decisions.

Fail to do that, and you effectively plan to fail. And you – not them – will be to blame.

The above applies to any one at any age or position in life. Be you a business owner, corporate executive/employee/career person, or student.

One Tip on How to Say NO:

What if loved ones ask you to come out to party and you’re yet to finish that client’s design, with the deadline around the corner?

Tell them NO, nicely, and with a smile on your face, or in your voice.

Explain why as pleasantly as you can.

If they keep insisting, and won’t let up, do what I do: tell them you’re on your way, and then move your work to a place you know they’ll never find you. Then focus and get your work done!

If/when you later run into them, simply apologize and tell them you could not make it.

If they love you, they won’t make a big deal of it. If they do, you may have to accept that you need to avoid them to get your work done. If not, you may find it hard achieving your magnificent obsession.

4. You Are Firm In Your Conviction that You Will Achieve Your Magnificent Obsession

If you correctly follow the guidelines to discovering your magnificent obsession, what you settle on is very likely to be your true calling.

You’ll know, because a quiet confidence will come over you: an “absolute and unquestioning faith” that you can achieve it.

And that will happen, because discovery of your calling involves connecting successfully with YOUR creator. In other words there is a spiritual dimension to the above process.

But I’m not talking religion here. Spirituality differs greatly from religion.

You see, every human being is born “spiritual”. And with proper nurturing of our spirituality, each one of us can successfully connect with his/her creator, to find his/her God-given purpose in life.

On the other hand, we learn to be religious from being in society!

Sadly, many do not understand this not-so-subtle distinction.

Yet “getting it” can determine how much authentic success you achieve in life.

Final Words: Develop/Nurture These Attributes, and You’ll Achieve Your True Calling

If you lack any of the four (4) attributes mentioned above, start working to develop them from today, if you desire authentic success.

Why should you believe me?

These insights are based on my personal experiences and achievements, over the past 20 years.

The articles I publish – daily – on this blog offer lots of details about my achievements, as one who has succeeded in various endeavours using mostly self-taught skills.

But you can also read my detailed resume (click here), to get a better feel for where I’ve been, and what I’ve done.

I do what I do, not to attract praise, but to fulfil my true purpose in life.

It took me a while to “get it”, but I now know my calling is to help others make the most of themselves in life. That includes what they do at work, in their private businesses, within their families, and/or their personal lives.

In other words, my role is to be a catalyst for “Performance Improvement” in the lives of others.

Whatever I need to “transform” myself into, to achieve my goals will therefore be done.

That is why I work as a Multipreneur.

I simply cannot help but be one. It enables me to successfully be many – useful – things to different people at the same time. That way, I can go on without putting some groups that need my help, on a permanent “waiting list”.

I can effectively kill many birds, with one stone, by serving a large number of people in my different target audiences, simultaneously.

For example: Providing freelance writing (and Web Marketing Systems) for website owners; custom Excel-VB driven software for farm and non-farm businesses; learning events for career persons, entrepreneurs and organisations, and also information products on self-development, farm business, and other topics.

Right from my school days, through my time in paid employment, and up till today as an entrepreneur. I’ve always been a high flying, thought leading, positive change agent in many different areas of endeavour.

What I’ve said about myself, is not bragging. It is simply a statement of fact, that many others have acknowledged over the years.

Some have told me they cannot understand how I do many different things – ALL at the same time.

I’ve told them theirs (indeed yours!) is not to worry about how many things I do.

Especially since I always deliver (and often exceed) my clients’ requested standards and expectations!

Instead, simply take that which you think can HELP YOU, from all of what I offer.

Then go out and use it to become the best you can be.

Start with this article…and begin succeeding in phases, till you fulfil your true calling :-)

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