Category Archives: Writing/Blogging

2 Lessons on Writing…from Tom & Jerry Cartoons!

Yeah, I know. What on earth can Tom and Jerry cartoons teach anyone about writing? But that’s the irony of life. I don’t know about you, but simple, yet powerful insights used to elude me a lot in the past. As a result I often ended up dwelling on needlessly complex alternatives. This cartoon series helped me overcome that limitation, making me more productive. These 2 lessons make simple common sense. And they’ve gotten me hired by clients to develop Web Marketing Systems based on Article Marketing for them. I share them below, in the hope that you may also find use for them:

1. Keep It Simple for Your Audience to Follow

Tom and Jerry do not speak – most times, except when they have to scream in pain or hoot in laugher. Yet, everyone who watches them leaves with a clear understanding of what transpired in each episode.

In my opinion, that’s non verbal (and non-written) communication at its very best.

To achieve the above outcome, the script writers and producers employ easy to follow plots that the average member of their target audience can relate to. And that includes children. For instance, we all laugh at the same scenes while watching – both adults and kids.

As writers, we are told to keep our target audience in mind. On the web, there is the generally accepted rule that you need to write in a way that someone in the 6th grade can understand.

It’s simple common sense. Yet sometimes we forget. Or decide to ignore that rule.

Consider the possibility that one of your readers could have a BIG purse, but relatively poor comprehension of English. If s/he’s looking to hire a writer, what happens if s/he cannot understand what you write?

Simple answer: You most likely will not get hired – at least not by him (or her).

Today, many business owners from non-English speaking countries seek increasing access to buyers in English speaking markets. Some actively hire English competent writers and marketing professionals to handle their web marketing content for their manufactured products and/or services.

But they often seek writers who use English in a way that they can understand.

That convinces them that people with limited grasp of English – like them – would not be alienated by the content you create. No client will hire (or retain) a writer who produces content that potential buyers struggle to comprehend.

Hopefully you see what I mean here.

2. Relentlessly Deliver Useful Value – Mixed With Entertainment – to Readers

I could be wrong, but I believe Tom and Jerry cartoons have been around since before I was born. I’ll be 43 in July. So that’s a fairly long time. Yet there is rarely a time – even now – that I watch an episode from that cartoon series that I do not laugh or at least smile.

And I know I’m not alone. Forgive me being so cheekily presumptuous :-)

Each time these guys make us do that (i.e. laugh), they succeed in their objective of delivering entertainment, in exchange for our money. Amazing how well they’ve perfected that art, isn’t it?

For decades on end, generations of people across the world have continued to watch these two cartoon characters without losing interest. That’s because they fulfill their promise to meet our expectations of being entertained. Period.

When we write, it’s important to set out to add value by doing one or more of the following: informing, educating, inspiring or entertaining and so on.

We must never forget to think of the reader. Answering the “What’s In It for Me” question to meet the needs of our readers’ is the best way to succeed.

The more often we achieve our goal of adding value as outlined above, the better we succeed in our writing. Writing in this manner does not often produce instant results, but it eventually does produce useful, financially rewarding results.

Here’s a point worth noting: Quite often many writers focus too much on the “getting hired to write” kind of benefit.

My experiences have howver taught me that so many other channels of rewards exist that you can look forward to exploiting. Indeed some will lead to a chain of beneficial events happening to and for you.

To give a personal example, I have – in the past – won projects with clients by referring them to a piece of writing I produced.

In one case, a client mentioned a problem they faced in passing. Recalling that I had once written an article (with videos and screenshots) of how to solve that problem, I simply e-mailed the CEO a link to it.

More often than not, they would succeed in using the information in my article to solve the problem (sometimes they could call me to clarify aspects). Weeks later, I used the example of that solution they got from reading my article, to convince the CEO to hire me. The project was to develop and implement a Web Marketing System (with an Article Marketing component) for their already existing website.

Final Words: Build Up Readers’ Anticipation for the Future

In addition to other performance indicators which I discussed in seperate posts on this theme, evidence of success will be increased volume/quality of website traffic.

For instance, before I left Nigeria on April 1, 2013,, I was getting 450 to 1,300 visits per day on this blog. Today (less than 4 weeks later) I get 900 to over 1,800 visits per day. Not just that, the rate of subscription to my newsletter has jumped.

Here’s one of the main reasons: Ready access to electricity here in Benin republic has helped me improve the quality of my writing. I am able to spend more time thinking up and creating quality content. The feedback from visitors to my website reflects that fact.

Now, by achieving 1 and 2 above, what Tom and Jerry end up doing in the long run is to build anticipation and interest in viewers minds, to watch more. That’s why both adults and children are often ready to purchase new releases of the cartoon series.

Using lessons 1 and 2 above, avoid focussing on writing in a way that makes YOU look good. Instead devote your energy to producing write-ups make them better equipped to do what they want to do better.

In the process, you WILL look good to them. And that will make them decide to return to read more of what you write.Over time, they will tell others about you, and send feedback to you by way of emails, sometimes comments etc. At some point some who need help writing content for their own businesses, may decide to contact you. And suddenly, you would have come full circle.

Your goal of getting hired would have been achieved. But you would also have gotten there by being useful to others, thereby gaining powerful marketing traction for yourself.

The long term benefits of that will be tremendous, and definitely worth the effort.

3 Ways Speaking a Foreign Language Can Make You Succeed More Often

Speaking a foreign language can help you in paid employment as well as in business. I have had the unique priviledge of experiencing the amazing benefits derivable from being able to speak a foreign language, on both sides of the fence.

Below I outline 3 powerful rewards you can expect to reap repeatedly, from being able to speak a foreign language:

1. Unsolicited Support/Assistance – Often When You Least Expect It

There’s nothing quite as exciting and fulfilling as having obstacles that most others are unable to surmount literally get removed from your path by total strangers.

And that, simply because they discovered you can communicate in their language!

Be it in your country or abroad, there will be times when what you seek may seen impossible to get.

Then suddenly you hear the person in charge answer a phone call, or speak to a colleague in a foreign language that YOU, unlike others present, can understand.

Suddenly you realize there’s a chance you can connect with her (or him) on a different level.

And things go beautifully from then on.

The others, lacking similar abilities, are left wondering how you pulled that off!

This has happened to me, more times than I can count.

Out here in Benin Republic, my ability to communicate in French has endeared me to many who meet me.

For instance, finding rented accommodation like I did, at a quarter of the going rate happened not because I’m an expert french speaker(far from it!), but because (as many tell me) they appreciate the work I’ve done (and continue to do) to improve myself.

It apparently inspires those keen to learn english to keep at it.

Indeed, the relentless manner in which many have approached me to teach them to speak english like I speak french, is what made me create my Quick & Dirty Guide To English Language for French Speakers…and to French language for English speakers!

Above: Screen shot of the cover/introduction page - click to download free guide workbook and audio file

2. Greater Opportunities for Friendship & Learning

While acting as Production Manager for a 5 week period in 2001, I initiated a series of trials to see if brewhouse output could be improved by increasing the quantity of “grist” (milled maize and sorghum) loaded into the old model mash filters used in the brewery.

Now this was not something that could be done arbitrarily.

Certain loading capacity calculations needed to be done to ensure the best possible results were obtained.

The problem I faced in implementing my idea was however that I could not find anyone who could give me reliable details of the formula for estimating loading capacity for the kind of grist we used.

The manufacturer – Meura, a Belgian company – originally built the plant to handle malted barley based grist(as you may know, French is spoken in Belgium).

But luckily for me, I remembered that a technical representative of the company had flown in few months before I got nominated to act as Production Manager.

At the time, I was his host in my office as Training & Techniaal Development Manager(TTDM), and while chatting he’d discovered I could speak, read and write French.

From then on, our relationship stopped being formal. By the time he left I’d learnt a lot about the filters and how they worked.

And that was why when my surprise nomination to act as Production Manager came up, I readily explored ways to use what I’d learned to improve the filters’ performance.

Realizing that I did not have enough information to competently modify the loading of the filter, I decided to write to my friend.

Starting my email in French (first paragraph) with pleasantries, I made my request known.

24 hours later, a reply arrived from a colleague of his, who explained my friend was away on leave.

But he went on to supply the exact filter loading formulas for our grist type, which they had derived based on extensive trials.

It was just what I – and any Production Manager – needed!

Little wonder that the substantive Production Manager (upon his resumption from leave) and other managers in the technical function, requested copies of that formula as soon as I announced that I had it, in a post secondment report I published after successfully completing my acting assignment!

As you can imagine, the above may probably never have happened if my French speaking skill had not enabled me get closer to the Meura rep.

3. A Foreign Language Gives You a Uniquely Powerful Competitive Edge

Again I say this from experience. Personal experience.

Living and working in a society where a very great majority of people do not speak French or any other foreign language confers a unique advantage on those who can.

And if you can also read and write in that language, your chances get even better.

In a past article, I shared the story of how I got massive career boosting recognition at senior management level while attending an international workshop in Hotel Aqua Palace, Douala Cameroon.

The short conversation I had with the expatriate Managing Director of Guinness Cameroon, in the hotel bar, took place while other delegates from Nigeria, Cameroon, Tanzania, Kenya, etc looked on.

After that event, many positive things immediately began happening to me: Click here to read that article to learn more.

Final Words

Think about all I’ve said above, and you’ll see I’m right.

Why not get started on the path to learning a foreign language today?

If you’d like to learn english or french, my new workbook guide (with audio) can help you: Quick & Dirty Guide To English Language for French Speakers
…and to French language for English speakers! – Click to download free guide workbook and audio file

Why I’ve Told LinkedIn to Delete My Profile (Talk About Trying to Give a Dog a Bad Name to Hang It)

UPDATE: Isn’t it just amazing? I sent the request for support to delete my profile at 13.05pm on 19th April 2013, and after failing to reply my previous email sent more than 24 hours earlier, I get a response confirming my request has been carried out at 13.11pm on the SAME day.

An amazingly quick reply from - a record judging by my experience with their support department - funny they should do this in response to my request to have my account deleted...LOL!

Wow! Talk about SELECTIVELY speedy response. Oh, by the way, she also added: “If you change your mind, just let us know”. Sigh…what a pity!!!


It’s unfortunate, but this post has to happen – because the guys at seem unprepared to be fair and impartial in their dealings with me – for whatever reason. I’ve never been shy about voicing my opinion. And the last thing ANYONE can ever succeed in doing is put me down or intimidate me. Those who have had dealings with me know this for a fact. I also have a habit of going out of my way to help others I discover to be on the receiving end of any form of abuse, or unfair treatment.

As I type these words, I have not heard from them with regard to my request for details of the “suspicious activities” they claim they noticed in my account.

How difficult can it be to specify EXACTLY what it was they saw that was a violation of their terms of use?

I have asked them, they have not replied. I thought it had to do with the discovery I made this week – see below – but in the response they gave me, it is apparently not. Yet, they will not tell me what it is I did wrong.

Now what’s that about I ask???

Ever since I wrote my post titled “If You Can’t Find Me On, Here’s Why…” last month, I have patiently waited to hear from them about removing the restriction placed on my profile. This was after I’d sent the the copies of my passport as requested within 48 hours of receiving their email.

Guess what? A few days ago, I wrote to inform them I noticed I’d received a surprising email update via my olufeltks at yahoo dot com email address from

As you will notice in the screenshot below, I noted that that was an account I’d opened over 10 years ago, and never used. It was therefore surprising that I was getting updates on it – it did not even have ANY data on the profile page!

Asking them to delete that old profile, I noted that the updates for that account and my real account at tayo at could have both been coming into my blackberry (since I setup my smartphone to receive mails from them).

I told them it was possible that was what they saw as “suspicious” activity in my account – since I may have clicked on a link on it accidentally before making this discovery that the notification was for a different address. Having said that, considering I’ve been using my blackberry with for over a year now, I expect a problem would have come up BEFORE now if the old account had been sending me messages like this.

The way I see it, this only began recently – possibly last month. I am VERY careful in dealing with such notifications – which is why in my first post on this last month, I was able to detect the scam LinkedIn notifications that I displayed in it.

Note that I also mentioned in my email to them, that in the 10 years since that profile was created I had NOT logged in even once – I did not even know it still existed and even if I tried I would be unable to recall the password.

More importantly, I only began trying to use LinkedIn for business about 3 years ago – via tayo at spontaneousdevelopment dot com

What really got me ticked off was the reply I got from the LinkedIn rep. She wrote back confirming she had deleted the yahoo! email based profile as I requested and then proceeded to REPEAT the same message they had originally sent me about the “suspicious” activity they claimed to have noticed in my real account.

What was worse, she then requested that I send a scanned copy of my passport to them: something I’d done and inserted screenshots of in my post dating back to 19th of March!

To cap it off, I’ve NOT heard a word from her since I sent an immediate reply. In that reply, I forwarded a copy of the mail I’d sent with the passport on 19th March, asking why she was AGAIN requesting me to send it, without even acknowledging the one I’d sent before!

Not one word from her up till this moment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When I sent that first email on Monday 15th April telling them about the 10 year old profile, I got (as I have always gotten) an autoresponse confirming the email reached them). But when I sent my second email in which I pointed out that I got autoresponse confirmation when I sent in copies of my passport on 19th March, and that I was sure it reached them, guess what happened? THE AUTORESPONSE FOR THAT EMAIL NEVER CAME TO ME!

The Yoruba’s would say “Ejo eleyi oni owo ninu O!” Translated contextually, that means: “There’s more to this than meets the eye!

As you will find from reading the screenshot copies of the 2 emails I sent them this week, I made it clear that if I did not hear from them, by today 19th April 2013, that this matter had been resolved, I would want them to delete my profile PERMANENTLY from their website.

This post is therefore meant to notify visitors to this website not to henceforth bother clicking on the share icons provided. I’ll be exploring ways to get rid of it. But in the meantime, please do not bother clicking on it.

One thing I’ve learnt from using the web is that it’s NEVER smart to put yourself in a position where others can dictate what happens to you. That’s why smart people don’t set themselves up to be messed up by the next Google algorithm overhaul.

In my honest opinion, I believe these guys made up their minds I was guilty without even trying to verify if that was so. They took action without regard for the impact it would have on my image as a person promoting myself and my products for others to buy from me.

That’s unfortunate. Like they say in my language (Yoruba), there are many routes that you can follow to get to the market:

I no longer wish to follow the LinkedIn route. Period.

Below: Screenshots from the emails exchanged with the representative this week:


My first email to linkedin support on Monday morning 15th April (it was still 14th April in the US - hence the date and time you see - Click to view larger image


The LinkedIn autoresponse to my first email to linkedin support on Monday morning 15th April - Click to view larger image


Linkedin support reply - Click to view larger image

My reply - Click to view larger image

My 2nd reply email forwarding the from 19th March containing my passport images  - Click to view larger image

Final Words

Did you notice that in her first – and only – response above, she said she looked forward to my response in order to further assiste me.

Well, like I said  above, when I responded this time around, protesting that I had proof that my email bearing image copies of my passport had reached them last month, no autoresponse came, and she has not replied since.

This is exactly what happened last month (see my first post on this), when I sent the passport images the first time. They never replied – even though I go the autoresponse. And they still did not reply when I wrote a follow up 2 weeks later , to which I also go an autoresponse. A screenshot copy of that follow up email is provided  my first post on this issue.

Like I said above: Ejo eleyi oni owo ninu O!

I’m done here :-)


Educational Commercials Will Boost Your Marketing

If you are a business owner, or someone responsible for sales and/or marketing in the company you work, the information provided here can help you. This article is based on a suggestion I recently sent as an email message to a solo entrepreneur.

I ended up making it so long and detailed that I’ve decided to publish it as a blog to help others. It offers ideas for taking your marketing to the next level by creating Information Products – especially special reports called “Educational Commercials”. I hope you find it useful.


It all began when I read a interesting post by the entreprenur about the powerful health enhancing qualities of products he sells. It struck me that he would most likely have more details/insights to offer on that subject that would interest many people and possibly make them want to buy.

So I wrote the lengthy message below to him. I now invite you to read the same message as if it’s meant for you. It offers valuable insights and tips.



I’d like to make a suggestion to you regarding the products/services you promote using your social media profile.

Don’t wait till people get in touch or come to you to tell them, and many others who may likely need to know.

When you stay on your profile, posting brief descriptions and benefits, you can only say so much.

You need to be able to say more to get people from the state of mind in which they are just curious, to one in which they begin to seriously consider buying from you.

To make that happen I suggest instead that you create useful resources that they can discover on their own, which will tell them most of what you would normally tell those who come to you.

Don’t use the generic marketing and sales flyers and brochures supplied by the maker(s) of the products you promote. Their style of communication is too direct.

The minute people see them, they’ll know they’re about to be sold on something!

Instead you need to offer resources they will instantly perceive as offering information or news that is truly helpful.

I refer to the need for you to create your own unique range of information products to inform and educate people about your theme or area of focus (e.g. health, wellness, self image, fitness) as a means of achieving greater and more impactful name recognition/marketing reach.

I offer an example of a strategy you can put to work, by yourself, starting today, below:

Why not write a special report (PDF) branded with your name, photo of you and your product? It won’t be an advert. Instead it would serve as what I like to call an “Educational Commercial”.

In it you would offer tips (for instance, on preventing and managing high blood pressure) that in themselves would be useful to the reader, even if she did not have your product.

At relevant points in the report, you could make “non-salesy” references to the different benefits that your product offers.

Note that it’s important to be subtle in doing this. It’s an aspect of a strategy called “Marketing Without Advertising”.

Click here to view one of the many “Educational Commercials” that I use to promote Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Products and Services to experts working across Africa to get an idea of how this is done.

Basically, you will find creating zero cost custom marketing resources like these useful for the following purposes:

1. Establishing yourself as an authority in your area of business focus.

2. Achieving what is called “Top Of Mind Awareness” (TOMA) in the consciousness of members of your target audience.

3. Saving time in explaining to enquirers how you can help them.

For instance you could include detailed responses in your PDF report, to Frequently Asked Questions you’ve answered from enquirers in the past.

That way next time you get enquiries from someone trying to decide whether or not to buy, you would then be able to simply email her/him a copy of your branded educational commercial, and let it do it’s magic!

As a result of the above you won’t have to waste quality time answering the same questions asked by people just curious.

You would instead be free yourself to attend to those people who are closer to making up their minds, having gotten answers to their queries by studying the various resources you would have prepared.

4. Generating & Nurturing Sales Leads:

This is where it gets really useful for YOU.

Make sure your report is well prepared with information your readers/potential buyers consider valuable.

Also include an invitation for them to subscribe to your email newsletter mailing list, this would enable you effortlessly build a phone number and email addresses database of “Pre-qualified Prospects”.

You can then follow up with them by sending more useful tips and information, possibly in form of articles or other special PDF reports.

To do the above without stress, you will need to use a web based automated email marketing system.

One you can start with is

I currently use the FREE version for the weekly Speaking Ideas Newsletter I send out to subscribers, to promote Burt Dubin’s products and services (along with mine) – see

It also has paid options you can adopt if/when your needs require advanced features.

If you do the above, I anticipate you’re likely to quickly build up a library of useful reports, articles & presentations.

They would ideally be in digital form (PDF, Power Point, Video, Audio online/on DVD etc).

It would however be wise to make them print-ready so you can print on paper and photocopy to give out at networking meetings or other events.

Having said that I strongly advice that you lean towards asking persons who indicate interest in your relevant products/services, to give you permission to email the URL (or download/view links) to them to answer questions they ask you, and/or as a gift from you to them.

Sometimes that can evolve into a quality sales lead for you. And you’d have their email address to follow up with them.

Can you see how having an Educational Commercial with useful information gives you a legitimate excuse to ask people to give you their contact details?

It makes it so easy to attract – and convert – potential buyers.

I Use It All the Time. And it Really Works.

Indeed, just yesterday at an exhibition fair, I got 2 purely French speaking exhibitors of artificial aquariums at the Universite D’Abomey-Calavi, here in Benin Republic to eagerly offer me their email addresses (within 2 minutes of my speaking to them in my shaky French).

They did this in order to get the URL to the Educational Commercial for my Self-Cleaning Natural Aquariums.

Basically, what I did was to ask them if their aquariums on display could keep the fish alive if their electrically powered air pump/oxygenators suddenly failed.

I pointed out this was a real possibility, noting that in my country, Nigeria, people sometimes do not have electricity from the power company for months on end.

As a result, most people use generators for alternative power supply.

In such a situation, not many would be willing to keep their generators running (and therefore guzzling expensive petrol) in order to ensure aquariums are oxygenated. And even when willing, some would not be able afford it.

The smart alternative, I told them, would be to build and offer aquarium systems that do not require artificial oxgenation.

In other words, find a way to replicate the balanced ecosystem we see in (especially non-salty) natural water bodies that sustain aquatic life (e.g ponds, rivers, lakes) in our glass aquariums.

Then I explained the scientific principles that make it possible, showing the photos of such aquarium systems I built and kept that way for over 2 years.

I also told them how I have been paid to setup similar systems for school clients to use in explaining the role of the Nitrogen cycle and other naturally occurring processes in keeping fish, snails and other life forms alive in balanced ecosystems.

Before leaving, I subtly suggested that they consider inviting me to speak to deliver my one hour talk on this subject to their members.

The talk is titled “Why Natural Aquariums Never Turn Green & How They Can Be Used As Powerful Aids for Teaching Science & Art Subjects”.

Who knows what opportunities will emerge from that simple 2 minute exchange in the weeks to come!

In case you’re wondering…This Strategy Enables Me (& Can Help YOU) Kill Many Birds With One Stone. Here’s how…

For instance, I have a 5 page report I sell on the differences between Natural & Artificial Aquariums.

With the help of a bilingual consultant friend I’ll be preparing a French version for sale to attendees of my learning events out here.

Also as you can imagine, one or more persons could request training to learn how to build my kind of aquariums…

Or they could even place order(s) for me to build one or more of my custom Natural Aquarium Systems.

The possibilities are almost limitless!

BUT to succeed in doing all the above, for the long term, you would be better off operating from YOUR OWN website as you Business Home on the web.

A recent article I’ve written on the above explains how doing this can protect you from losing the fruits of your hard labour without warning.

Read it at

If you need help making use of the above ideas, I offer a coaching support service you can take advantage of.


You Need Thinking Power to Generate Ideas (3 Tips)

Ideas they say, rule the world. Coming up with new, original and/or unique ideas is therefore a good way to make an impact in the world. As writers, generating new ideas for articles, reports, newsletters, books and other channels is a critically important task we need to carry out regularly. Without it, our work gradually loses its appeal to our readers. This article explains how visualization can help you generate ideas for your writing – or in other areas of life.

1. New & Fresh Ideas Help Us Maintain Our Appeal

As writers – and as experts in our fields – we must constantly have a well of new and exciting ideas to draw from in order to add value to our readers – or clients/customers.

Your ideas must come from within you. It does not matter what your area of interest or vocation is, the process of generating ideas remains the same. As long as you understand that your need to visualize what you want, you can make it come to you.

I consider this a most valuable lesson every human being needs to learn about his/her God-given ability. Master this skill of getting ideas by picturing what you want, and nothing you do can EVER fail!

2. Discover & Improve Your Thinking Power: Just Picture What You Want

Picturing what you want mentally is a powerful tool. It involves communicating with your subconscious mind. If you do it right, you’ll continually amaze others who are not aware that it is possible. Those who understand what it entails will acknowledge you.

There is no one who does not have this power.

Go into battle with whatever will stop you from visualizing what you want. You must see it inside your mind before it gets out. You have to believe it before you see it.

If you don’t know what you want, you will never know when you get it. Once you get your picture, stick to it.

Warning: If you go out of your way to manipulate people because of this skill, you are likely to suffer negative consequences.

3. Maintain a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)

Never go into business with the intention of cheating others. Anytime you want to do something that is contrary to what you have accepted as good, remember the foregoing rule.

One book I will strongly recommend you read, in order to fully grasp the importance of what you have read here is “Science of Getting Rich” written by Wallace D. Wattles.

That book describes a very simple mental process that anyone, who diligently applies it, can employ to make what s/he desires happen.

This may sound strange to you, but it is based on a simple time tested principle. It took me years to learn to really use it effectively, but today, I enjoy the amazing benefits of doing so!

Read my article titled “Stop Hurrying – And You’ll Get Anything You Want” to learn more about this powerful concept.

2 Dangers of Using Social Media As Your Business Home

If you promote your business primarily by using social media as your base platform, you’re likely to shoot yourself in the foot. And very badly too. Read this article to learn 2 important reasons why you will be better off using your own website as a base, while your social media profiles function as secondary marketing channels.

Like every results focussed business owner, you work so hard promoting your business using Social Media as your primary marketing platform.

However if you continue doing this, you’re likely to hurt your business more than you can help it.

1. You Need To Be In Control of What Happens To Your Brand’s Marketing Vehicle

What if one day the Social Media websites you depend on change their rules and terms?

They’ve done it before. They all do it.

These Social Media entities are constantly testing, tweaking and even reinventing. They like to set trends.

The implication is that you’re never really in control of your primary business promotion channel.

Google, for instance, keeps giving website owners grief by changing the rules just as people are getting their website search engine optimization back on track. recently restricted access to my profile claiming they noticed suspicious activity in my account. They asked me to send proof of my identity. I sent my scanned international passport weeks ago, but I don’t think they’ve unlocked it.

2. You Need To Build A Professional Image

Luckily for me, my core business promotion medium is my website (, and the blog ( linked to it.

Social media simply serve as secondary support channel.

I strongly recommend you adopt a similar fail safe approach.

You can get a wordpress or Joomla based website up and running at zero cost. Both come as free installations with most web hosting accounts. These 2 Content Management Systems make it easy for even a non-techie to update her website. The former is however easier to learn and has a larger user base.

Don’t go for free website hosting services. That would amount to the same thing as using Facebook or Twitter as your base.

Purchase a hosting account from a reliable provider. If you run a business, you need to own the primary business marketing medium you use.

The truth is that you will never have a final say over a free blog – the company hosting it will.

Even if they don’t change anything, you must remenber that online companies offering free services can shut down operations anytime.

Many pocket friendly web hosting companies abound online. A good example is who I’ve found to quite supportive and flexibly responsive to client needs (note that I’m not an affiliate – but with the great experience I’ve had with them, I plan to be).

You can purchase cheap but reliable hosting at $60 to $70 from my experience based assessment of the average person’s needs, from working with clients in different industries since 2004.

Most hosts will register a domain name for you free for the first year if you purchase a full year of hosting. You then pay approx $10 per year from the 2nd year. That comes to $80 max per year for both domain registration and website hosting.

As you can see, a website can be run on a shoe string budget.

Try as much as possible to register a domain name that reflects what you do.

Also make sure your business email address is based on your domain. You don’t look professional when you display an email address based on Yahoo’s free for all email service!

If you are concerned about email storage problems with respect to exhausting the disk space provided by your host, simply set your domain based mails to automatically foward a copy of every mail that arrives to your free (, gmail etc) email account inbox.

Then you will be able to free up space in your domain based email box by deleting from the oldest to the newest.

Final Words: Take Action Before It’s Too Late

I’m writing this from Porto Novo in Benin Republic, at the famous Songhai Integrated Farming Centre.

Like I said on my website on Monday, I’m travelling across West Africa offering educational talks for businesses, organisations and solo entrepreneurs.

The main theme is how they can use Web Marketing in conjunction with Public Speaking for low cost but high impact business promotion.

What I’ve told you here is what I’ll be telling people out here.

I urge you to adopt the above approach, to protect all the hard work you’re doing to build your brand.

And I suggest you get started as soon as possible.


5 Skills You Need To Achieve Your Writing Goal(s)

1. Critical Thinking

I believe a fundamental requirement for effective writing is the development and constant nurturing of a critical thinking habit. Without this a writer is likely to struiggle considerably to come up with truly original and potentially profound insights to share with readers.

When your writing fails to strike the reader as useful, then your efforts have been wasted.

2. Reading Proficiency

Great writers are often good readers. In many ways reading feeds a writer’s mind with raw material that she can use to generate new insights.

But what you read also determines how much you reap from reading.

Gossip magazines are unlikely to offer quality content that can enrich your knowledge for instance. Except of course you plan to specialize in writing to report gossip, scandals etc.

3. Writing & Typing Proficiency

The ability to intelligently articlulate one’s thought in written form – and to do it using language that arrests or captivates and stimulates the imagination of the reader is a valuable one.

Achieving your writing goal requires that kind of writing competence, because only then can you be certain that your intended meaning will be understood by readers.

But you can be competent as a writer and still struggle to achieve your goal, if your typing is poor.

In this 21st century, writers who are good at typing often have an edge over those who don’t. The latter will tend to be forced by their lack of skill to endure delays in getting their writing done.

This is because they will usually have to get someone to do it for them, or they might also try to do it themselves. The former option has risks of poor work quality (necessitating extra editing) or possible theft of intellectual property.

The latter option offers more useful rewards, but still comes with a price of slow typing speed.

To achieve your writing goals more reliably, if your writing or typing is below par, find time to learn how to overcome that challenge. Enroll for a coaching class or get self help tools (e.g a typing tutor) to help you improve.

An important dimension here, is Proof Reading. Failure to pay enough attention to this aspect, and to editing, can negatively affect the quality of your written works.

4. Imagination

Sometimes being able to use our words to paint a picitroial message can make our writing more enjoyable for readers.

Great speakers and writers often demonstrate this ability. And it is the reason why many of them became successful.

Not all writers have this skill to write with picture building words. But it can be developed. And the effort would be worthwhile.

The human mind thinks better in pictures. Therefore when you effectively employ words that evoke the right images in the minds of readers, they will connect more readily with you, through your words.

5. Physical and Mental Stamina

If you’re battling with fatigue, or illness/stress – be it physical or mental – it will diminish your staying power. Let that happen, and you have a big problem on your hands.

To meet client deadlines, you need to be well rested. Otherwise your work volume, and quality, will suffer.

So always listen carefully to your body whenever you’re working. When you start dozing while typing, it’s likey to be a sign that you need to take a break.

Take it and you’ll come back refreshed and able to function at your productive best.

On a final note, you can also improve on your current level of work related stamina. One tried and tested strategy is doing simple physical exercises every day.

Push ups, sit ups, stretching exercises and similar others can help greatly in this regard.

The best part is that you get to kill 2 birds with one stone, because regular physical excercise boosts both physical and mental stamina!

My Recommended Posts for W/E 23rd March 2013: Humanity And Corruption Are Strange Bed Fellows | 5 Ways to Use Google+ to Improve Your Search Engine Optimization |Why You Need “Bulldog Blood” (#1 Characteristic of a Lifelong Achiever)

Starting tomorrow, the countdown to the opening of a new, exciting – and major – chapter in my entrepreneurial journey begins. I still can’t let the big cat out of the bag yet. That will happen via a scheduled post at midnight (Nigerian time) of Sunday 31st March 2013.

Most people who read that post the next morning will suspect it’s part of an April Fool’s prank. But it won’t be. And many will probably be shocked by the news :-)

Anyway, enough of the digression. Here are previews and links to posts I read during the past week, that I consider to be potentially useful:

1. Humanity And Corruption Are Strange Bed Fellows – A Rejoinder By Emma Nwachukwu

I was born and raised in Nigeria. This is my country. I’m determined to continue BEING the positive change I want to see in her. Not just for myself, but also for the sake of my 5 (five) equally full blooded Nigerian children.

This is why Nwachukwu’s piece about President Jonathan’s act of granting state pardon to an unrepentant looter of public funds resonates strongly with me.

I still don’t know how to explain it to my soon-to-be 14year old son, who I’ve always told that people who steal and get caught, suffer for their crime.

We need more voices to join ours to denounce this shameful act. Emma Nwachukwu’s piece says it all. Read it here.

2. 5 Ways to Use Google+ to Improve Your Search Engine Optimization

If you still wonder why some website and blog owners/writers have their photos appearing in individual search engine results, you need to read this article.

It explains all you need to do to achieve that and a lot more SEO benefits using your Google plus account. Read the full article here.

3. Why Have Bulldog Blood? – By Burt Dubin

In last Monday’s issue of my weekly Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter, I referred to this piece authored by Burt Dubin.

Why Have Bulldog Blood? - By Burt Dubin. Click to read now

NB: In the interest of full disclosure, and in case you didn’t know it, I get paid for any sales of Burt Dubin’s speaker mentoring products and services

that happen through my marketing efforts.

But the above is NOT why I’ve included Burt’s article here.

Instead I’ve put it here, because many adults need what it teaches, if they are to ever become fully capable of achieving their full potential in life.

I can say this without fear of contradiction because that’s what doing so has done for me.

Get this: He begins by saying his “#1 characteristic as a lifelong achiever” is having Bulldog Blood”: Not having a university degree, certification, or even a genius IQ.

Instead it’s Bulldog Blood?

But this insight comes from a 25 year veteran speaker, and mentor of some of the world’s highest paid speakers – who is himself a high school drop out!

He must know something most people don’t. Or he would not be where he is today.

By now I’m sure you’re curious to know what exactly he knows, that makes him tick, and achieve in this manner.

Click here to read the full article.

Have You Ever Received (or Written) A Get Lost “Auto-Response”?

Personally, I prefer to call it a “Get Lost Response” – because sometimes such messages actually get sent by a conscious human being! I didn’t coin the expression in the title though. It’s what a well known online entrepreneur called them in a book I read. I’ve received a number myself in the past. And my case is probably peculiar since not even one was automated: They were all typed and sent by a thinking human being…sigh.

In Case You’ve Never Seen One, I Offer an Example

I once sent a copy of a new e-book of mine to a list of carefully selected email addresses belonging to mostly top bloggers in the niche for the e-book’s topic. I basically asked if they would be able to find time to read and possibly offer comments, ratings or reviews of the book that I could use in promoting it.

In exchange I offered to write a guest post on the same theme – or any theme within my areas of specialization – that each of them preferred. The responses came – some took a while. A few gave me useful feedback. But no one said YES.

However, one person who I had actually been in touch with before sent a reply that basically said :

“Great to see you’re doing XYZ. But I’m way too busy to ever have time to read your book. I have too many clients waiting to get my attention you see!”

Now that, was a Get Lost Response :-)

The Sender’s Purpose is Often to “Put Down” The Recipient

Yep. That’s what it boils down to ultimately. The sender aims to putting the recipient back in (what the former considers the latter’s) place i.e. down, below, or beneath – certainly not at the level of an equal!).

In essence, the sender is asking “how you dare even think you qualify to write directly to me, talk less of actually getting an answer?”

In other words, it’s an undisguised put down, if there ever was one.

I said the sender’s purpose is “often” to put down the recepient – but not “always”. And it’s true. Some people don’t really mean to be rude. They just never stop long enough to think. But the effect is the same – and therefore each person must make the effort to think carefully about the potential impact of a message before sending it.

It goes without saying, of course, that my self-esteem is simply too well developed to let such a silly act by a small minded person get to me. If anything, it proves a sender possesses a less developed mind than one would expect from someone of his stature. Even if I’m busy, that’s not enough reason to send a tactless message to someone who takes the time to write you.

In fact, I would argue that it would be better to not send a response at all, than to send one that screams “Get Lost, Loser!” But then that is just my opinion. Compared to the “famous” email sender with poor manners, it probably counts for nothing.

Use People Who Behave Badly, To Learn How NOT To Behave

Back when I worked in paid employment, I learnt to use the bad conduct of some mangers to guard against becoming a bad manager like them myself.

Without the opportunity to watch them misbehave, I would never have foreseen the potential pitfalls that can derail a person’s career. And so, for that reason, I was grateful I got to know them.

That’s also why I’m grateful I’ve come across these people who send “Get Lost Responses” too :-)

Understand that it’s not the “rejection” that saying NO implies that I am concerned with here. Instead, it is the manner in which the NO is said. You can say NO, and leave the “hearer” feeling unoffended – even feeling good! – about herself.

In some ways, the following definition of Diplomacy illustrates the above point:

“Diplomacy is the ability to tell a person to go to hell in such a nice way that he looks forward to the trip.” – Anon

Yes, why not be diplomatic in the above sense? If you can’t sincerely “feel” compassion and consideration, at least respond with diplomacy and tact.

Incidentally, doing so could save you future pain and embarrassment.

For instance, how can you be sure that person will not become more famous/successful than you in future? Who knows, one day in the future, she could be in a position to give an opinion about you – or to comment on your suitability as a role model  – to persons in decision making positions (e.g. a company thinking of having you endorse its products).

If she chooses to be ungracious or vindictive, you could end up looking bad. See how you can potentially shoot yourself in the foot by being rude and tactless? Not worth it I’d say.

How You Treat People You Don’t “Need” Shows Who You Really Are

But even if there can be no negative outcomes for sending a “Get Lost Response”, doing so says a lot about who you are.

Having said the above, I do not delude myself. I realize that some of those reading this post may also be people who send Get Lost responses, and probably always feel justified doing so.

Well, welcome to you :-)

My hope is however that you will find (or have found), in this article, something to make you modify your approach, and deal with people with more consideration from today.

Even on the World Wide Web, simple courtesy and good manners still matter – at least in my personal opinion!

“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.” – James D. Miles