Category Archives: Writing/Blogging

What If You Never Had to Leave Home or Drive Around Anymore to Make ALL the Money You Need (?)

Imagine that your ability to earn income you need to live your life the way you want it, did NOT require you to drive a car anywhere(?) One instant implication would be that you would have much less need to fuel/refuel your car compared to others.

Apart from the significant savings in terms of time, effort & money you would reap, you would also enjoy more peace of mind, less stress, fewer worries in addition to the freedom to spend more time with loved ones.

Simply put, you would enjoy a much higher quality of life – no matter where you are…like I do!

These thoughts struck me when I walked past this long queue of cars (shown in the photo below) with their owners – on my way to the Bank ATM nearby at 6:38 a.m.

These thoughts struck me when I walked past this long queue of cars (shown in this photo) with their owners - on my way to the Bank ATM nearby at 6:38 a.m

They had been waiting since before dawn (some had been there since last night!) just to buy petrol as the scarcity in Nigeria persists.

I felt so sad seeing them…

Many people just refuse to stop and think that there has to be a better way to live, and that sweating physically does not need to happen for one to earn good income and live well.

It was in a bid to avoid the stress and inconvenience associated with using a car and refueling it in order to earn income, that I modified the way I work, to eliminate use of such disruptive elements.

You can learn to monetize your expertise or sell your knowledge to earn an alternative stream of mainly passive income.

This has nothing to do with Network or Multi-Level Marketing.

Instead it has to do with creating and selling your own original solutions to the right people in an easily reproducible manner that leverages the power of PC and Internet technology.

I’ve done this for years and it’s earned me international name/brand recognition as well as increasingly diversified stream of growing passive income.

If I can do it. You can do it too.

Why make money only on week or work days, when you can make money on public holidays and other non work days as well – all through the year???

Your mobile and Internet Service Providers have done that to you for years. Nothing stops you from doing it for yourself as well!

To learn more about how you can get started living this stress/worry free life, book a session to speak with me using this form.

SPECIAL OFFER: Let me create a Money Making Information Product for your company – that will be available for sale in an online payment processing store for sale to a global audience of potential buyers.

See the attached PDF for details – including photos and details of 2 money making and credibility/prestige boosting book products I ghost-published for a Legal Consultant client in Cotonou, as well as an Abuja based Catfish Farm business CEO.

I’ve been doing it for clients in and out of Africa, for years, and NOW I’m succeeding in getting more of my Farm CEO clients interested in it.

Note that if you have become my client, the fee will be subject to a 40% discount for you, as a member of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas club.

Standard Fee for the service is N150, so 40% discount applied to that fee drops it down to N90k for ALL members of the club.

My offer:

Pay N70k on or before MNT Monday 11th April 2016 [Non-Members, pay N100k on or before MNT Wednesday 13th April 2016]

Click here to submit a web form request for a FREE PDF that offers more details.


  1. Financial Freedom Goes Beyond Just Having Money, to Also Being FREE to Live Your Life the Way You Want It [True Story: How Relocating to Cotonou on 1st April 2013 Helped Me Succeed As a Location Independent Multipreneur]

  2. How You Can Create Income Generating Assets Without Having a Job or ANY Money! (True Story)

Consistent Publishing and Propagation of Response Generating Web Marketing Articles Is The Key to Online Marketing Success

If you’re building a website or already own one, the key to succeeding with it will be to have ready-to-use response generating web marketing articles in place.

Without them your website would simply be a series of linked sales pitches, which is unlikely to endear it to many who do not already know and trust your brand.

I learned the hard way, that majority of total strangers who know nothing about you up front would often (though not always) NOT be as interested in your sales pages contents, as they would be in zero commitment content you offer, which gives them useful information and education to make up your mind.

That’s why I use the phrase “building a critical mass of response generating article marketing content”.

No one will see you UNTIL you launch out with ALL of it, and then they’ll ask you WOW, how did you get all this done?!

But you’ll have to keep it GOING till leads come in.


a. To get up and running towards achieving “critical mass” one thing YOU must do is to write at least one new web marketing article per day – or at least one per week with me – on each of your blog categories.

b. The other thing you’ll need to do – with clinical focus and consistency too – is showing up on your Facebook profile (NOT your page), AHEAD of your page’s formal launch with the critical mass of web content.

By this I mean coming online at least once a day to post a useful quote or comment about a subject or topic you consider of potential self-help interest to persons fitting your target audience profile.

Something to catch their eyes as they scan their feed, enough to stop and post a question, comment or simply click LIKE and even possibly share to others.

BUT it must also be something that makes you get noticed MORE for what you do, than what you look LIKE.

I’ve spoken to many business owners who argue that they cannot spare the time to be active on Facebook in the manner I advocate.

Yet I can tell you based on my success winning clients who find me on Facebook, that my consistent visibility has won me GREAT credibility in the minds of MANY who are not even clients.

Social media really helps one get found via search engines. This is why you need to make yourself ACTIVE on it.

Your web marketing success will depend on how well you do this.

I use my Zero Cost Web Marketing System to do it, and I also help clients develop and implement theirs.

For details of how I can help you, click here to send me a message.

Welcome to the Web Marketing for CEOs (WM4CEOs) Club – founded by Tayo Solagbade – Creator of the Zero Cost Web Marketing System(WMS)™

Welcome to the Web Marketing for CEOs (WM4CEOs) Club – founded by Tayo Solagbade – Creator of the Zero Cost Web Marketing System(WMS)™.

This club is for Tayo Solagbade’s paid Web Marketing clients. Click here to visit the closed/private group on Facebook

In this group they get access to ZERO cost (sometimes discounted) information, education and other resources to promote their businesses and attract high quality potential buyers/prospects using their Web Marketing Systems (WMS).

If you are a client and have yet to receive an invitation, get in touch with me.

“I help my clients make their online presence generate worthwhile RETURNS via Increased Name/Brand Recognition, Reduced Marketing Expenses & Increased Sales Leads Generation – Tayo K. Solagbade




Financial Freedom Goes Beyond Just Having Money, to Also Being FREE to Live Your Life the Way You Want It [True Story: How Relocating to Cotonou on 1st April 2013 Helped Me Succeed As a Location Independent Multipreneur]

“(The Church Records & Accounts Manager has) really helped me in the preparation of my monthly Accounts..(CB Solutions’ service is okay. The personnel is always on ground whenever you call him and solution to problem is (provided) without delay or alteration of data“- Adebisi Folayan Finance & Admin Manager, Anglican Church Of The Ascension, Opebi, Lagos.

(The General Accounts Manager) has been a tremendous improvement in our weekly and monthly report.. my Medical Director expressed his happiness when he saw the report…Mr Tayo, I am impressed by your talent, you’re thorough in your job, sincere and friendly with your client. Keep it up.” – Rev. Mfon Inyang, Manager-Accounts, Med-In Specialist Hospital & pharmaceutical Company, Ogudu, Lagos.

Preparation of staff salary has now been reduced from days to just two days. (The Payslip Generator) has helped me a lot…I really commend the CB Solutions* for (an) excellent job. It has solved my organisation’s accounting problem. More grease to your elbow.” – Adeniyi S. Elegbede, Accountant Motayo Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos.

The above are just a few examples of handwritten testimonials written in 2008 by some of my clients, after they had been using custom Excel-VB software I built for their organizations. Click here to learn more about the apps.

I made the very first sale of my Excel-VB software development service in 2004, to a consultant who hired me to build an app, branded in his company name, which he sold to an oil and gas service company.

Like I’ve said in past articles, the market for custom Excel-VB software was practically non-existent at the time I quit my job in 2002, to begin offering the service.

No one was even offering anything like Excel-VB consultancy, talk less of providing software development services.

I visited big name business and computer schools and found that despite offering what they called “Advanced” Excel Training, few of them offered anything resembling my On Demand 4 Day Excel-VB Programming Coaching Workshop. Actually the closest they came was “Introduction to the Macro Recorder”.

Up till today, over a decade later, NONE of them offer training for interested persons on commercial Excel-VB Software Development Services, like the one accessible via my One-On-One Coaching (or the pocket-friendly Excel-VB Annual Membership Club and Competition)

As I’ve noted in sharing details about the maiden edition of my FREE Monthly Excel-VB Workshop for club members, I stopped taking on client projects requiring me to work on client premises back in 2011.

This became necessary following a series of not-so-pleasant experiences of attempted abuse by some exploitative minded ones.

Instead I followed my long standing dream of working from home to earn 80% or more of my income.

When I initially took that decision, few people around me, that I told about my plans, felt it was a wise decision. In their view, I was trying to adopt a strategy used in foreign societies like the USA, in selling my products and services to Nigerians in Nigeria – a people and society unwilling to accept that approach.

I disagreed, and told them so – adding that my approach would be a modified version of what was being done in the USA and other developed markets.

You see, I understood the psychology of the people in my target market and knew what I needed to say/write and do, to make them buy from me, without seeing me.

However, the challenge of a lack of conducive working environment kept me from getting my plans up and running like I knew I really needed, if I was to achieve my goal.

From erratic power supply to hostile socioeconomic and political climate, so many negative forces conspired to repeatedly throw me off balance.

In late 2012, after I got a crazily inflated electricity bill for November 2012, from PHCN – the country’s power company – I knew I needed to change my environment, if I wanted to make any meaningful headway with my plans.

So, on 1 April 2013, I relocated to Cotonou, in what would eventually mark the beginning of a successful transition to a life I’d always dreamed about. Click here to read my very first blog post in that country, from my hotel room.

It took over 6 months of hard work but I made it happen. I had all I needed. 24 hour electricity, stable polity and socioeconomic circumstances.

My new life was characterized by my ability to rapidly build up a critical mass of response generating web marketing/business promotion content online, in a way that triggered a regular flow of sales leads and passive income to me, without my leaving home.

On the average, I worked round the clock – typically 19 hours on the average, creating and uploading new web marketing content online. Stopping only to take a meal, rest a bit and get right back to work.

I was setting up my products and services to get found and purchased even when I was asleep, based on principles advocated by Robert Kiyosaki.

To lean more about how what I did back then, and which I still do today, generates regular passive income for me, read my article titled How You Can Create Income Generating Assets Without Having a Job or ANY Money! (True Story).

Today, I enjoy a life of financial freedom – which goes beyond what some wrongly assume equates to being rich.

Robert Kiyosaki said his rich dad defined intelligence as the ability to make finer distinctions in life.

I imbibed that definition way back in 2000 when I first read his book (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) and over a decade later, his other books that I’ve read, plus countless email newsletters have convinced me that he practices what he preaches!

For instance in an email broadcast he sent out yesterday(see screen shot below), he noted that being rich does not mean the same thing as being financially free.

So many people do not get this. Robert points out that there are lots of rich, broke people. By this he refers to those who spend all they make such that they are often one “job” or payment away from losing all they have if they get nothing to replace all they spend.

For instance in an email broadcast he sent out yesterday(see screen shot here), he noted that being rich does not mean the same thing as being financially free.


In contrast, financially free people are those who have a mindset that enables them do anything they want in life, so that they are free from stress or fear or worries and other negative emotions.

To paraphrase Mr. Kiyosaki, Financial Freedom goes beyond just having money, to also being FREE to live your life the way you want it.

And that’s what I successfully began to do for myself when I resolved to stop going to work for clients and focused my energies on selling my market tested products and services to a global online audience of paying clients.

Since I began doing this, and especially within the last 3 years since I found my way to Benin Republic’s amazingly conducive environment, I’ve been able to live MORE like this than ever before.

Today, my new found status enables me to travel and stay ANYWHERE I want, for as long as I please, without worrying about my income or clients.

The above is what makes it possible for me to accurately describe myself as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

Virtually all I do to make money can be done remotely, using the web. As a result, I enjoy the freedom to spend time with those I care about, without experiencing any loss of income.

That is what it means to be financially free.

You do not need to be a money bag to start experiencing it. But adopting the recommended mind set WILL eventually make you RICH!

Related Article

PII 006: Succeed by Becoming an Expert at Solving Real World Problems [Hint: Highlights from Maiden Edition of Tayo Solagbade’s FREE Monthly Workshop for his MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club Members Held on Sat 19th March 2016 in Lagos-Nigeria]

Download 37 Archived Editions of The Farm CEO Newspaper (8thJune2015 -15thFeb2016)

Like I said earlier this year, all my Farm CEO clients (i.e farm business owners who make purchases from me – from a certain lower limit upwards) will get instant lifetime subscription to The Farm CEO Newspaper.

The screenshot below shows ALL 37 issues published in PDF format since I launched it mid 2015, about 8 months ago.


As I continued publishing it, I discovered that new clients who joined my network often added new perspective to ideas I had about editorial content to publish next.

Indeed, at a point, some clients made requests for certain kinds of information, that I had to search for on their behalf, which convinced me to adopt this strategy of giving non-expiring subscriptions to all clients.

Since it came into effect, I’ve gotten more responses to the content published – for obvious reasons.

Since my goal is to use this newspaper to HELP Farm CEOs grow their businesses, it only makes sense to continue with a strategy that’s eliciting useful feed back from them.

Now, if you’re a client and are NOT aware of it, let me inform you that as a member of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas Club, you are entitled to contact me to help you research a subject or topic related to your business.

Just call me to let me know what you have in mind. It’s even possible I’ve already compiled such material for a previous client and will simply need to send them across to you.

For those interested in getting access to the archived PDF versions of The Farm CEO, click here to send me a request.

Your Certificate DOES NOT Define YOU! [Mind Map for my Presentation at Yaba College of Technology’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture on 3rd May 2012]

Below: This is the Mind Map I used to deliver my core presentation  as Guest Speaker at Yaba College of Technology’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture – held at Grillo Hall, under the auspices of the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, on 3rd May 2012.

My core message was this:

Your Certificate DOES NOT Define YOU! Polytechnic graduates bring badly NEEDED skills to the Nigerian market place. You just need to learn how to effectively trade your skills and knowledge for money. Nigerians NEED you more than you know.

A year later I implemented my plan of becoming a Location Independent Multipreneur, and have since used the ideas I shared in my talk to take my brand to a whole new level. Simply put: they WORK!

To request a copy of the Power Presentation, email your Name, Occupation and WhatsApp number to

Back in 2012, I used to point to, which was my flagship domain name at the time. Both URLs have since been dropped.

Today (12th March 2016) is my flagship domain and I use the URL forwarding and redirect features of and to point to different subdomains on it for solutions I offer.


Developing Positive Income Earning Competence In Nigeria Is The Key to Eliminating Corruption Amongst Nigerians [Case Study: Aljazeera “Africa Investigates” video report titled “Nigeria’s Baby Farmers”]

If you have not yet watched the Aljazeera “Africa Investigates” video report titled “Nigeria’s Baby Farmers”, starring Ghana’s famous under cover journalist – Anas – and Rosemary an investigative journalist from Nigeria, then click here to watch it now. The revelations of the sickening yet vibrant trade in babies, actively engaged in by hospitals and clinics, in connivance with the country’s infamous baby factories, are simply heart breaking.

However, for me, this video report further reinforces my belief that equipping as many members of society as possible with competent income earning capabilities, is a critical requirement, if they are to stand a chance of resisting financial pressures in their lives.

And that is the problem we face in Nigeria today.

What we see today – represented in the above mentioned video – is the irrefutable evidence of the fact that:

1. Many Nigerians lack the income earning competence to stay away from crooked ways of making money.

2. And for some who possess skills adequate to earn income for themselves, they engage in naughty corner cutting due a lack self-confidence!

They do not believe enough in the abilities they possess, to focus on using them to earn a living. This is often coupled with wrong – even warped – values they grow up having, from observing others who are misbehaving in society, without getting punished for it.

3. On top of all that, there is the reckless greed and need to own and spend, which drives many in Nigeria, due to the showy culture we have.

(Almost) everybody wants to keep up with the others who seem to be doing well. So, people live desperate lives going out of their way to get more money to outdo one another – even if they have to do dishonest and criminal things!

That’s why when someone proposes a dishonest or criminal/illegal way to earn extra income almost without having to lift a finger, they readily go for it!

The above are just a few of the reasons I vowed LONG ago, to invest all of myself in PREPARING my own kids to arrive adulthood VERY differently from me, and most others I’ve seen.

This was especially after I found myself enduring serious hardships – despite my demonstrable competence – at the hands of those who chose to be crooked, as I went about my affairs as a young adult.

I saw and experienced it in paid employment. But that was mild, compared to what I later saw and experienced at the hands of MANY, after I quit my job to become self-employed.

The sad thing is that it has progressively worsened, with seemingly no sign of improvement in sight – at least not in the near future.

So, I’ve been practicing what I preached in an article I first e-published on 31st July 2003 via titled “Pre-Marital Sex Amongst Teenagers – A PROPOSED SOLUTION

But contrary to what the title suggests, the ideas I shared in that article actually apply to everyone.

If every member of society is helped to develop the needed competencies to overcome the socio-pyschological pressures mentioned above, they will be less willing to engage in naughty acts.

The foundation that needs to be laid is that of income earning competence.

Without it, nothing else can work. I’ve been practicing what I preach with my own kids and in my own circle of influence with other adults and youths.

It is why I have been helping EACH of my kids develop his/her passion into a micro business that generates income. I’ve shared many stories of the progress they are making in past articles on this blog.

But that’s been mainly with regard my 3 boys, supported by their 2 younger sisters.

In the last month or so, I’ve been especially excited to be working directly, and closely, with my 10 and 7 year old daughters to launch their Cookies baking project using our family’s trademark No-Oven Charcoal Stove baking system.

Two weeks ago, they made their first batch of cookies and sold N110’s worth at an event they attended with cousins and friends. Then last week, they made Chin-Chin as well as Cookies – and made another sale, with the buyer asking for a pack of 10 chin chin sachets.

Just this morning, I joined them, along with their brothers, to bake home made bread – using a French chef’s recipe we saw on Youtube – and it tasted great.

Then they went out to give taste samples to their grand parents and customers. When they returned, my 10 year old daughter came up to me and asked when I would be printing the labels for the packs, as I promised. I assured her I would.

On one night we’d gone out, she’d asked if we could market her products to people working in offices and I’d told her “Of course”. I could see from the look in her eyes that she had tasted blood. And her questions showed that she was hungry to do more.

Their Facebook page (Temi and Oluoma’s No-Oven Charcoal Stove Cookies) tells their story in photos and words, and at some point, videos will appear.

Indeed, we’re already creating home study demonstration videos that interested persons can buy to learn how to make the same products on their own, using our low cost techniques.

Once a person discovers a passion that makes him/her willing to do what it takes to get the results s/he wants, in a way that is adequately financially rewarding , s/he becomes self-driven and MUCH more difficult to distract.

This is my purpose with my kids.

And I believe it is the kind of purpose other parents should have for raising theirs as well.

As for the government, they need to create programmes that encourage and encourage people to become micro-entrepreneurs – even as they hold on to day jobs.

That way, they will be sure of augmenting whatever salaried income they earn, in a way that prepares them to deal with unexpected financial challenges, as well as the inevitability of retirement, or forced exit from paid employment.

It is my considered opinion that the above is the most viable way to get most people to stop looking for short-cuts in life.


PII 004: Get YOUR FREE Copy of Tayo Solagbade’s Quick & Dirty Guide to English Language for French Speakers

 WARNING: This Workbook based guide is NOT a standard language learning resource.

I’ve called it a quick and dirty guide because that’s what it is.

This workbook assumes you’re willing to spend time sitting behind your PC (and also on your mobile) listening to audiios corresponding to clickable words and phrases, (and pictures that appear for relevant items). See link to request free preview further down.

It is mainly meant for people who want a basic introduction to get started speaking English or French.


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 004: Get YOUR FREE Copy of Tayo Solagbade’s Quick & Dirty Guide to English Language for French Speakers

WARNING: This Workbook based guide is NOT a standard language learning resource.

I’ve called it a quick and dirty guide because that’s what it is.

This workbook assumes you’re willing to spend time sitting behind your PC (and also on your mobile) listening to audiios corresponding to clickable words and phrases, (and pictures that appear for relevant items). See link to request free preview further down.

It is mainly meant for people who want a basic introduction to get started speaking English or French.

It provides a snapshot of basic vocabulary and expressions needed to functionally integrate into French or English speaking communities as quickly as possible.

It could be that you’re a French speaking person from a Francophone country visiting Ghana or Nigeria on holidays. Or you could be a South African visiting one or more of the Francophone African countries (e.g. Togo) under the auspices of your organisation (or on private business).

Your efforts will be quickly rewarded. You will learn the right phrases or words to say in response to common queries and expressions. And you’ll have a good idea of how to pronounce them, so you are easily understood.

Due to pressure from local professionals in Cotonou when I relocated in 2013, created what I called a “Quick & Dirty Guide to English Language for French Speakers”.

People kept asking me to teach them to speak English (the government has said they should all aim to be bilingual).

My first sale of Part 1: Les Salutations (Greetings) was to a medical doctor who literally grabbed me in a cyber cafe, after hearing me make a call to Nigeria speaking English for about 30 minutes via Skype.

He insisted we become friends and speak on phone so he could improve his fluency. We never found enough time to do that due to his busy schedule. So the DVD proved handy.

This DVD comes as an Excel-VB app that you can click each greeting in a menu to hear my voice reciting the EXACT phrase, and responses, sometimes giving alternatives.

Part 2 has one page pictorial CONVERSATIONS (e.g Asking for Directions), in PowerPoint slideshow formats, accompanied with audios, as well as a slideshow that identifies ALL the body parts – using a full length photo of me (and my voice)…LOL!

When you join the Farm Business Ideas club, you’ll get the Part 1 DVD as a BONUS.

Watch the preview of the video I created with a team of students from the National University campus that I co-opted within a few days of my arrival – on the sales page below:

NB: I’ve since redone ALL the audios in my own voice on the advice of a bilingual client who does language translations.

Buy ANY of my products/services from N12.5k upwards, and get A FREE copy of Part 1 of my “Quick & Dirty Guide to English Language for French Speakers” (N5k) – as described above.

Purchasing ANY product or service from N12.5k upwards from any of the locations listed below, gets you this product free:, or

CONVERSATIONAL FLUENCY GROUP EXERCISES – To Aid French Speakers learning the English Language!

I’m planning a special event to be held at agreed venues for interested groups as I travel, for persons who purchase copes of this guide i.e. French speakers who want to learn to speak English more proficiently.

They will write short (one page) speeches in their favoured French Language, and I will help them translate it to English.

They will then be coached to deliver the English versions of their speeches to audiences as a way of helping them gain better grasp of the language.

This is an exercise I have personally benefitted from. My plan is to engage the support of sponsors – to publicise this event, to organise it for as many groups as are interested.

If you’re reading this, and would like to collaborate with me to make this happen, click here to use a web form to get in touch – you will receive sample downloads of the workbook guide and audios.

SDN Blog

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It Takes Proven Know-How to Achieve Repeatable Web Marketing Success [True Story: How My 9 Year Old Domain Got Poached In May 2014, and I Used My Web Marketing System On a NEW Domain, to Build My Online Brand/Sales to a Higher Level Within 6 Months]

Two great quotes by a great man, who achieved great results in his chosen field of expertise: “It’s hard to be humble when you’re as great as I am” – Muhammad Ali “It ain’t bragging if you can back it up” – Muhammad Ali Image Source: To paraphrase Ali with regard to BOTH quotes, […]


You Cannot Sell Web Marketing as a Commodity (Hint: Suggestions to SEO Service “Sales Persons” and Those Who Buy From Them)

[Update – 5th March 2016 at 19:28: Click here to listen a short audio recording I did on this subject BEFORE I wrote this article] The views I express in this piece may rub some hard core SEO practitioners the wrong way. However, I urge you to keep an open mind as you read, so […]


Attend Tayo Solagbade’s FREE 4 Hour Practical Introduction to MS Excel-VB Automation Workshop [Get Home Study DVD Video: How to build an automated Cash Book with Bank Reconciliation table, Debtors/Creditors Schedule etc]

NB: At the bottom of this post is the transcript of a message I sent (with download link to my NEW VIDEO titled “How to build an automated Cash Book”) today to members of my Excel-VB Club in continuation of their home study coaching.  Join 3 accountants and a university professor in my NEW MS […]


Spontaneous Coaching™ Program: Monetize Your Expertise to Make EXTRA Money With LESS Effort by Creating Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™

Learn How to Create Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™ to earn you income [Below: Downloadable Flyer Image]… (1) even on public holidays (2) even when you have no client projects in hand (3) even when you’re on annual leave (4) AND…even when you’re ASLEEP! Just Like I’ve done for YEARS! In July 2015, I came […]

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Creator of the Mastering Adversity for Perpetual Success Achievement Coaching Program

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement

Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to

Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting,

freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the

popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm

Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in

various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods

and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly

traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical

In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.

Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’

competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS


You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your

personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to

SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

Home |About | Contact | SD Nuggets™ | Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS | Web Marketing Systems | Freelance Writing | MS Excel® Heaven™ | Cost-Saving Farm Biz Ideas


Spontaneous Coaching™ Program: Monetize Your Expertise to Make EXTRA Money With LESS Effort by Creating Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™

Learn How to Create Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™ to earn you income [Below: Downloadable Flyer Image]…

(1) even on public holidays

(2) even when you have no client projects in hand

(3) even when you’re on annual leave

(4) AND…even when you’re ASLEEP!

Just Like I’ve done for YEARS!


In July 2015, I came down from Cotonou, to deliver the first of several 1 hour talks (which ALL lasted over 2 hours due to attendee interest) on Passive Income Generation to entrepreneurs and career persons in Lagos.

Most bought my 2 hour Autorun Audio DVD  – in which I narrate powerful practical examples of ways to monetize your expertise to generating passive income at low to zero cost, even if all you have is a primary school certificate!

The DVD is now available as a bonus for persons who signup for my “One Year Web Marketing Support Service” in addition to enrolling for THIS Coaching Program.

In this program, I will share experience based information and education about how to review, analyse and compile what you know about your field of proven knowledge and expertise, into marketable digital and/or physical products to EARN PASSIVE INCOME in 3 proven ways I have used for YEARS.

If you follow my guidance diligently, you WILL end up able to generate multiple Streams of Passive (or Residual) Income even when you do NO work, and also while you sleep.

I’ve been doing EXACTLY that since 2006, selling my custom Excel-Visual Basic software (via and multidisciplinary Infromation products (via to buyers within and outside Africa – while traveling as a Location Independent Multipreneur!


Coaching Option1:

Learn to Do-It-Yourself from Me. I tell/show you ALL I know, and
then support you via email, phone/Skype, online chat to get it done by yourself.

Program Duration: 4 Weeks

Fee: N50k

Coaching Option2:

Learn to Do-It-Yourself from Me While I DO IT FOR YOU:

I still tell/ show you ALL I know, but you end up with a product ALREADY on sale in both digital and print formats, in YOUR OWN online store.

Program Duration: 12 Weeks

Fee: N150k

*Call Tayo on +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

[*If you can’t reach me on one line, I may have moved to the other country. Try that number or email tayo at tksola dot com]

*Spontaneous Coaching™ is a trademark of Tayo Solagbade’s Self-Development Academy.

You Cannot Sell Web Marketing as a Commodity (Hint: Suggestions to SEO Service “Sales Persons” and Those Who Buy From Them)

[Update – 5th March 2016 at 19:28: Click here to listen a short audio recording I did on this subject BEFORE I wrote this article]

The views I express in this piece may rub some hard core SEO practitioners the wrong way. However, I urge you to keep an open mind as you read, so as to appreciate the often missed perspective I offer.

A few days ago, I got a call from a young lady who boldly announced the name of the company she worked for, and then asked:

“Are you Tayo Solagbade, the owner of”

When I replied in the affirmative, she said “We can get to appear in the number one spot on Google. What do you think about that?”

At this point, I understood where she was headed with her line of questioning, and sighed as I realized the nuisance I’d endured for years via email, from so called SEO providers had come to me via yet another channel.

I proceeded to calmly and politely explain to her that was one of 5 domains I owned, and that I had no need to get it to appear in number one spot on Google.

I explained further that I did not do SEO in the conventional sense she proposed, where one aimed to appear on number one, for a fee. Instead I use(d) a zero cost Web Marketing System to achieve the search engine visibility I needed (via multiple sales pages indexed) , in a manner that brought me a regular stream of high quality prospects via search engine queries.

She asked some more questions, in a way that indicated she was trying to wrap her mind around the unusual point I was making. How come I did not do SEO?

I replied that I did some basic SEO, but that I focused more of my efforts on using my Web Marketing System to get noticed in a favourable way by the engines and my target audience. For instance, I told her, for me, does not need to appear in Google’s SERP at number one, because I use it mainly as a forwarder to a sub domain on my flagship website i.e. I therefore place greater priority in getting top visibility in search engines results pages.

At that point I heard a click, and the line went dead. She was gone.

Whether she’d cut the call, or had run out of airtime, I had no idea. One thing was certain though: she would not be calling back, because all I’d said clearly indicated I would NOT be interested in buying the “commodity” of number one position in Google for a fee, that she wanted to sell.

It is my considered opinion, that outside standard SEO that most website owners know/do, the smartest, most effective way to attract attention from potential buyers online, is intelligent creation and propagation of useful, value adding and interesting content, on a regular basis.

I believe many supposed SEO service providers focus on selling commodities instead of solutions. That often serves them, with little or no benefit to clients.

For those who still don’t get it, here’s why an offer of that kind should NOT win you over easily:

1. Getting into number one can be achieved, depending on a variety of factors.

But that has to be done within a defined context relevant to your unique needs. Since they come telling you they can do it without even knowing what you’re about, how can you be sure they’ll make it happen in a way that will attract the right kind of people, you need to buy from you?

Getting into number one MUST be a means to an end YOU want to achieve.

If you get into number one for irrelevant search strings, you’ll make little or no sales. And if you get into number one for the wrong reasons, or you get into number one in the wrong “niche”…then you’re on a wild goose chase!

Those are the fine details these “vendors” never tell most uninformed clients (Sometimes I suspect even they (the SEO “vendors” – as I like to think of this breed – do NOT know those details themselves!)

They simply play the trick of massaging people’s egos.

Showing up on Google’s number 1 placing becomes a bragging right they encourage the client to aim for. The client is made to forget that THAT appearance is supposed to translate to quality sales leads can result in actual buying transactions taking place.

2. Staying at number one in the manner they propose will require that YOU pay THEM money to keep it so

It becomes a recurrent expenditure, once they lock you in. I say your money will be better spent most times!

There are website owners caught in this trap now, paying to stay in their so called number one placing, even though their leads generations is showing no significant improvement.

3. Web marketing when done right, can deliver timeless returns on your investment.

A person who comes offering to get you into number one, without asking for information to evaluate what your brand is about, does NOT care about you.

S/he is hunting for money.

Choosing the right expert, and paying him/her to handle your SEO can yield good results. However, it can be hard to find experts with integrity, and competence, who will not be a bit pricey.

So, when you get offers of quick-fix SEO solutions, at “low prices” consider such offers with a big spoon of salt.

4. One more thing. I don’t know if I’m the only one who has noticed this…

When I was trying to reinvent my website marketing i.e. when traffic was close to nil, and I was starting this blog in 2012, I got few offers from these SEO guys.

But as soon as things began moving up for me traffic wise, especially from Google and You tube, in late 2013. When I’d built up some critical mass of blog posts, I suddenly started getting a rash of almost daily email offers to help me get more traffic and page 1 SERP placings!

That’s like offering me medication for an ailment I already cured myself of!

Apart from a few articles (like the one here and this one here) I’ve ignored them for the most part – until this phone call incident from a few days ago. The former link leads to an article titled “Open Letter To Intending SEO Service Providers – From Tayo Solagbade of the SD Nuggets Blog” in which I PREDICTED that I would succeed with my web marketing WITHOUT using their services, or adopting their methods.

I’ve since been vindicated many times over – including the time my domain got poached and I rebuilt my brand to even greater search engine relevance on a brand new domain less than 6 months! (Read A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name)

Here’s one of several analogies I use to drive home my point about the power of original and useful content in web marketing

Imagine putting up a (never-before-seen) page with a link to watch a video showing Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi trading tackles in a secret one-on-one match up, to see who could score more goals against the other, on a web page with ZERO SEO done to it!!!

I’m sure you’ll agree with me that THAT video will chalk up a massive number of views from soccer enthusiasts in no time – regardless of what platform the page owner chooses to announce it from.


Because the target audience, who are die hard soccer lovers, would watch and then tell one another, and possibly keep coming back to watch.

In the process, Google and other search engine robots would follow the “traffic” of visitors to that page and the video, and it would climb right into page 1 of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). And it would begin trending, then more people would get to know about it, and the cycle would continue.

We all know this is what happens. And that’s why I believe sometimes we go overboard in the way we talk about SEO.

Having said that, some highly competitive markets do require extra and more sophisticated SEO efforts to gain the slightest advantage.

However, those tend to be in the minority. Especially in my part of the world. The degree of needs sophistication regarding web marketing is much lower in Africa, compared to what obtains in developed societies.

A large majority of website owners out here are not so technical minded.

My experiences and observations also indicate that few are willing, talk less able, to pay competent hands to to do it for them. And that’s if any worthwhile returns – measurable and sustainable – can be had.

Unless it’s not too pricey and a one-off expense (both not likely) most of them would balk at doing it.

For me, as far as today’s web marketing goes, my experiences tell me once you know the demographics of those you want to attract, the rest is easy.

You would begin by doing
the standard SEO stuff e.g. add keywords, title and description tags to articles, images plus submit your domain to directories and search engines.

You would also follow key Google webmaster tools recommendations. Setup profiles on Google plus, You tube, and other social media platforms you consider relevant – being sure to use RSS feeds and URLs to link the aforementioned with your website and blog.

Such standard steps generally suffice.

Next you would focus on churning out useful and interesting information via
as many channels and in as many formats as possible, to meet your target audience’s needs

As you do that – and continue to do so – simply watch Google’s fair play algorithms do their magic in your favour. Your webmaster tools account would offer more insights into analyzing your performance, and you could use that to improve your efforts.

Apart from attracting a larger number of potential buyers to you, this approach also ensures they are more profitable as well!

Unfortunately, Africans in general, and Nigerians in particular still need to learn to NOT be so
egotistical and negatively competitive in both business as well as personal life.

Our way of life too often encourages people to think and act from Win-Lose (instead
of Win-Win) perspectives in relating with one another.

As a result, trust is a stranger amongst us, as is the true spirit of excellence
that thrives where negative competition is absent or minimal.

The above is why we often find ourselves looking to others from Europe and America
to help us develop, since our best people often find it hard to come – and stay –
together in lasting collaboration to make desired results happen.

In this field of Web Marketing for instance, this problem is one that I have
pointed out many times.

It is why too many web development practitioners in these parts still continue
selling web marketing to clients as a “commodity” with a shelf life, when in fact it
needs to be delivered as a self-sustaining “solution” that is timeless in its

Since their clients don’t know better, they accept this inefficient and more
expensive approach until they can no longer afford it and/or the results no longer
justify the continued monetary investment.

These developers see a person preaching low to zero cost timeless marketing
strategies like me as a threat.

They believe I want to make them do more work for clients than
they are willing to. So, rather than reach out to learn from me, they begin to look
for ways to discredit me before clients who are often not savvy enough to see
through their antics.

And that’s why:

1. I offer web marketing educational resources for CEOs – to over time arm them with
insights to be more discerning in terms of what they accepts from providers –
including me!

2. Once in a while I also offer messages to other web development service providers
fitting the description given above, about the need to invest quality time to learn
better ways to serve clients improved results.

The pod cast I will publish on this blog tomorrow, offers content catering to both groups, that I believe they
will find to be a wake up call of sorts.

Related Articles

1.Can Competitors Trick Google Into Penalizing Your Website Wrongfully?

2. 3 Reasons to NOT Pay for Facebook “Likes”

3. It Takes Proven Know-How to Achieve Repeatable Web Marketing Success [True Story: How My 9 Year Old Domain Got Poached In May 2014, and I Used My Web Marketing System On a NEW Domain, to Build My Online Brand/Sales to a Higher Level Within 6 Months]

4. 5 Reasons Why Buying Facebook Likes Is a Waste of Time and Money for Your Business

5. Why Article Marketing Is Still Effective

6. Open Letter To Intending SEO Service Providers – From Tayo Solagbade of the SD Nuggets Blog

7. A Website That Works Wins You Repeat Visitors, Leads, & Sales: NOT Admirers & Compliments!

8. PII 003: Proven Web Marketing Ideas Your Travel and Tourism or Hospitality Business Needs

9. A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name