Join Prof. Adesope’s Making Services Work Club™ [*You Get 95% Off Expertly Written Feasibility Reports for Real Life Business Startup of Snail Farming, Cassava Farming, Plantain Farming, Oil Palm Farming, Fish Farming, & also Cassava Processing Factory for Chips and Pellets Exports] – Discount Drops to 50% Off AFTER 31st July 2017
Download expertly written feasibility reports for real life business startup of snail farming, cassava farming, plantain farming, oil palm farming, fish farming, & also Cassava processing factory for chips and pellets for exports
NB: This “95% Off” Offer remains valid till 31st July 2017 (After which the discount offer will drop to 50% off)
Read (and click) the flyer below to visit the page and learn more…
Category Archives: Writing/Blogging
[RECOMMENDED] Fake LinkedIn profiles used by hackers | Facebook Now Automatically Detects Imposter Accounts
If you’re like most people you would welcome invitations from more people who want to connect with you on various social media platforms you use.
But – as recent experiences of many continue to show – if you indiscriminately say “YES” to such invites, sometimes some of those “people” may end up being “fake people” – using phony accounts.
Most of us know this can happen on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, but only few of us are aware that it ALSO happens on LinkedIn – and has been with increasing frequency over the years!
The challenge, for you, will be how to detect such imposters and avoid accepting them into your network, so they do not cause you major pain or worse, down the line.
I’ve compiled a listing of articles that share expert tips and strategies for detecting these fake users and protecting one’s self from them.
Below I publish preview of a feature article, ending with a link to the full piece as well as links to several others articles on the same theme:
1. Fake LinkedIn profiles used by hackers
Mr O’Brien had some tips for LinkedIn users worried that they might have befriended a hacker.
“You can do a reverse image search by dragging and dropping the profile picture into Google Images and see what it brings up.“Copying and pasting the job information in Google can also reveal whether it has been taken from somewhere else.”
Iranian hackers
Twitter and Facebook also have problems with fake accounts but LinkedIn seems to be particularly attractive to hackers, said Mr O’Brien.“It reveals the greater sophistication of cyber-criminals that they are prepared to play the long game by gaining information for future attacks in this way,” he said.
It is not the first time that researchers have pointed out the dangers of fake LinkedIn profiles.
2. Facebook Now Automatically Detects Imposter Accounts
A feature that will automatically alert you if someone is impersonating your Facebook profile is the latest security enhancement for users of the world’s largest social network. Approximately 75 percent of Facebook profiles are now automatically alerted when imposters use their profile photo and user name to create a fake account, Mashable reports.
If an imposter is detected, the system automatically alerts the real user account. That person can then flag the profile as an impersonation, and Facebook’s security team is notified to delete the account.
Impersonation is not a widespread security threat for Facebook users, but women in particular are vulnerable to imposters who create fake profiles to harass them.
Below are links to other educative pieces, written by competent experts, that I recommend you read, to be informed and armed to protect yourself against these phonies!
1. Fake LinkedIn accounts want to add you to their professional network
2. 3 Stunningly Good LinkedIn FAKE Profiles
3, How to spot a fake profile on LinkedIn
I’m on a mission to compile and feature as many informative and educative articles as I can find on this subject to help any interested persons.
Apart from the fact that it is the right thing to do, I also do this because I want to help others avoid the needless waste of time and effort those who do these silly things cause otherwise serious minded persons – like myself – to incur online.
Indeed, over the past few weeks I’ve had a rash of pranksters and prospective hackers try various ways to get at me, and it’s been most irritating. But I often know enough of what to do to protect myself. Yet I never stop taking up opportunities to learn more (hence my efforts to research and study this problem). I recommend you adopt a similar mental attitude.
Proven 6 Step Formula You Need for Successfully Monetizing Your Expertise [Hint: Identifying Your Best Skill to Sell for Money]
“I have long taught: if you can’t make money without money, you won’t make money with money either. And if you’re going to back somebody, pick an entrepreneur who has proven that he can survive without adequate capital” – Dan Kennedy (Millionaire Entrepreneur/Author of “How to succeed in Business by breaking all the rules”)
The above quote is one that has guided me well since I first read it over a decade ago.
Among other things, it helped me to dig in and LEARN how to leverage my genius/talents to make money when I lacked it. And over time as I gained proficiency in doing it, my confidence grew, such that I explored newer and smarter ways to do it, to earn more, with less effort and in less time.
This is not the first time I’ll be writing on this subject. Some of my past write-ups on this theme are linked further down, in this piece.
In this article however, I offer ADDITIONAL experience based ideas about strategies anyone can use to make money when s/he has no job or capital – by monetizing his/her expertise.
Now, one critical step to increase your chances of succeeding has to do with choosing the right “expertise” to monetize.
It’s one thing to feel you’re good at doing something; it’s quite another thing to demonstrate the level of competence that makes people willing to pay YOU to do it, because they BELIEVE you’re good enough!
I realize not everyone is capable of self-tutoring in this regard, and so you may, not be able to do it for yourself, like I did for myself.
That’s why in this article, I enumerate, with examples a 6 step formula for narrowing down to specific competences you can successfully monetize
To paraphrase Napoleon Hill in his timeless classic – the book titled “Think and Grow Rich” a person who lacks material resources, connections and capital can only hope to make money by selling of “personal services”.
I like to use the Yoruba slang expression “Fejerun” – which translated literally means “that which runs on blood”. In other words, something that ONLY needs you to be alive to DO IT successfully.
What I describe in the rest of this article is consistent with the theme or past articles I’ve written on the subject of making money without money.
Now, if you’re based in my part of the world – Africa, it’s likely you will find that some of the best opportunities for monetizing one’s expertise are to be had online – but most may NOT be available to you…because of your geographical location.
A good example is the linked page below, which announces a monetization opportunity for users of Sound Cloud,
You will see from checking the above link, that the territories covered by that opportunity exclude Africa.
But I have learned over the years to defiantly go after my goals, starting where i am, with what I have – and the WEB as a whole offers LOTs of alternative opportunities to the person willing to think creatively and be persistent.
That’s why I sell digital content (audios and videos as well as PDFs/Excel apps) without using PayPal – and instead getting people to send me money via Western Union, Guaranty Trust Money Transfer (GTMT), and bank transfer (for persons in Nigeria).
There are 2 other ways I use to get paid that are VERY unconventional. My determination to get paid made me think them up. I recommend you do same.
So how do you get started “Identifying Your Best Skill to Sell for Money”?
Well, maybe you’re good at telling entertaining stories in form of comedy skits usable on radio/TV, and you think that’s likely to make you some good money with the right packaging and promotion (?)
It would not be a bad idea to simply go out and start with THAT…
However, to make more productive use of your time, effort and resources (including your “blood”), you might want to put a little more thought into making that final choice(s).
Indeed, if I were you, I would start by sitting down in a quiet place and THINKING back to ALL the times anyone has EVER paid me for skills/abilities/knowledge I possess.
1. Write EACH one of them down on a separate line, and put in front how much you got paid, when it happened, who the client was and how the money got into your hands.
2. Keep listing out every single instance that this happened for as far back as you can recall
3. Make comments about what you did that ATTRACTED and WON OVER the client to pay you
4, Check which are the top 5 earners among the skills/abilities/knowledge you got paid for
5, Ask yourself honestly, which ONE of them you most enjoyed doing, and that you would NOT mind doing endlessly even if you were not paid for it. Note the next 2 after that first one.
6. Does the creation of stuff like the comedy skit fall into ANY of the top 3 earners you most love doing? If YES, then I strongly recommend you adopt the use of the web to monetize it like I do.
I could go on, but I’m sure you understand well enough, now, what you need to do – and how.
Otherwise you may wish to signup as a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club, so I can develop a web Marketing System (WMS) for you, which comes with FREE coaching on how to use the WMS to:
(1) cut down time, effort and money it costs you to promote what you sell
(2) generate sales leads of pre-qualified prospects/potential buyers.
See a mind map based explanation of what I mean by a WMS at
Like I said, there are FREE self-help resources on the web that one can study to make this happen. Google is a good place to start.
I offer FREE articles on my blog as well. Just type “ web marketing system” – that’s ONE of several strings that should bring up some of my articles.
See the Google search results page at:
Note that I also talk about monetizing your expertise by creating Digital Cash Flow Generating Assets *DCFGAs”.
That’s what I’ve done for years and I believe you can do the same with your creative content – if you are willing to do the hard work and persist till the sales come in.
Here are links to some:
1.How You Can Create Income Generating Assets Without Having a Job or ANY Money! (True Story)
2, The Best Way to Make Money (True Story)
The ideas I’ve shared above are what you can put to use without needing my direct involvement.
And that’s why I’ve offered them.
However, you can fill/submit this web form if you need to get my support if you need help.
[RECOMMENDED] Purchase my Farm Business Support Software & Information Products FOR LESS from these Affiliate Partners of my Best Practice Farm Biz Support Centre (FBSC)™
On the page linked below, I provide names and preliminary contact details of Affiliate Partners, from whom you CAN purchase ANY of my underlisted products at LOWER rates than their standard prices/fees.
You will fill and submit a form linked on the page to contact the Affiliate Partner of your choice.
NB: The special discount concessions enjoyed by my partners makes it possible for YOU to get more pocket friendly prices – from them – than you would get from me.
PPS: To learn how you can become an Affiliate Partner, fill the form linked on the Affiliate Partner page to request details
PII 075 : [AUDIO] Use One FREE Email Account To Send & Receive ALL Emails Via Your Official Email Account [Without Logging In!]
If you own a website, you most likely know what it feels like to periodically have to jump from your FREE email account to login and check emails coming in or send emails out from your official email address at that website’s domain name,Among other things you need to remember the username and password for each account, and the URLs for accessing the login pagesI work with web marketing clients who have to deal with this challenge daily, and being one who has HAD to deal with it myself, I KNOW it can be inconvenient and even stressful working that way..
Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement IDEAS
(PI Squared) Newsletter
Monday 17th July 2017
NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016. I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.
PII 075 : [AUDIO] Use One FREE Email Account To Send & Receive ALL Emails Via Your Official Email Account [Without Logging In!]
In the audio podcast offered for download below, I explain how I am able to do that. Specifically, you will learn that you will…
For instance, that was what I used to send THIS message to members of my Web Marketing for CEOs club – few days ago (see screenshot below)
Listen to my audio podcast describing how the above works for me – and how it can work for ANYONE!
Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator
1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc
2. Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
SDN Blog™
New posts from last week*
PII 074 : Use Branded Marketing Videos to Convince Prospects Your Product or Service Can Help Them
The FARM CEO (Issue 88): Making Africans Believe “We” Can Also Do Artificial Intelligence and Deep Technology in Africa [Moroccan tech entrepreneur/Former Microsoft Employee (Badr Idrissi) Reveals Greatest Obstacle to Selling Drones He Builds to Combat Illegal Fishing & Poaching Is Getting Fellow Africans to BELIEVE He Can Do It Like It’s Done in the USA!]
Part 3 – How I Built My Automated Cash Book/Bank Reconciliation Software” [Building the Imprest Cash Book by Using TRANSPOSE Function to Add Auto-Updating Expense Heads/Cost Centre Titles]
Tayo K. Solagbade*
Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist
*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition
Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)
Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement
Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.
Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).
Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.
He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.
In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.
On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.
His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).
In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.
In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.
Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).
When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.
You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.
Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.
On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by
Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website
But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts he’s published.
If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.
Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))
Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:
Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix
( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)
And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:
A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name
Home |About | Contact | SD Nuggets™ | Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS | Web Marketing Systems | Freelance Writing | MS Excel® Heaven™ | Cost-Saving Farm Biz Ideas
PII 074 : Use Branded Marketing Videos to Convince Prospects Your Product or Service Can Help Them
If you want people to buy from you more readily, find a (low to zero cost) way to SHOW them that doing so would be the right thing to do, and they are more likely to do just that.
The saying “Seeing is believing” reflects the above. “A picture is worth a thousand words” is another.
So, if you want to convince a buyer to choose you, a photo would help. But the truth is that a video (properly made) would do much more for you than any photo possibly could!
When it comes to selling products or services therefore, it only makes sense to find ways to use videos.
Evidence abounds that proves this is true. On the web especially, the data available confirms it. One wonders therefore why more people do NOT use videos.
I use videos, and they have made me record way more success selling online than I would ever have gotten, without them!
Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement IDEAS
(PI Squared) Newsletter
Monday 10th July 2017
NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016. I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.
PII 074 : Use Branded Marketing Videos to Convince Prospects Your Product or Service Can Help Them
If you want people to buy from you more readily, find a (low to zero cost) way to SHOW them that doing so would be the right thing to do, and they are more likely to do just that.
The saying “Seeing is believing” reflects the above. “A picture is worth a thousand words” is another.
So, if you want to convince a buyer to choose you, a photo would help. But the truth is that a video (properly made) would do much more for you than any photo possibly could!
When it comes to selling products or services therefore, it only makes sense to find ways to use videos.
Evidence abounds that proves this is true. On the web especially, the data available confirms it. One wonders therefore why more people do NOT use videos.
I use videos, and they have made me record way more success selling online than I would ever have gotten, without them!
In the rest of this piece, I use real life examples from my own experiences selling custom Excel-VB software to buyers in/out of Africa, to explain why videos are powerful tools for recruiting potential buyers and clients.
And I end by noting – among other things – that if you’re NOT using them, or you lack the know-how to use them effectively, you’re effectively shortchanging yourself.
Let’s begin with THIS statement of FACT: No matter what you sell, videos can help you better promote them to command the positive attention, interest and desire of your preferred target audience.
But you need to know HOW to use videos, if you want to get such results.
I say this as one who has spent many thousands of hours creating and promoting my video marketing content to my multidisciplinary target audience.
One truth I always point out to those I coach is the fact that if you want to LEARN how something really works in ANY area of endeavor, you simply cannot be in a hurry.
You must be prepared to not just be patient, but also to work hard and long to carefully investigate and identify what will work – for you.
It is instructive to note here that what works for others may NOT work for you, or the same way for you.
This is why it is always wise to repeatedly TEST any strategy you are considering, before fully adopting it for use.
With regard to the use of videos to sell, I’ve learned from over 10 years of doing it, via trial and error, for myself and my clients that myriad options exist for doing it.
Ultimately, it is your understanding of what you sell, and how to communicate the benefits to your target audience, with massive amounts of creativity that will drive the success.
One mistake many make, is to assume that their skills in use of technology (e.g. proficiency in use of video creation software, especially adding bells and whistles) will make up for NOT putting painstaking intellectual effort not creating COMPELLING content.
That is content which draws viewers in and increases the chance of viewers “feeling” like doing what the creator of the video wants, or that will at least make them take special notice of the solution offered.
Let me share 2 examples from the library of videos in my YouTube channel…
There are many ways to create and use branded marketing videos to sell.
In my case, I spent years reading about and testing various ideas. Over time it dawned on me that my custom Excel-VB software products could be better marketed using DEMONSTRATION VIDEOS i.e. videos that show – in an easy-to-follow manner- the features, functions and/or benefits of the product.
Today, I can tell you that 2 of my videos (shown below) have been responsible for over 80% of the sales I make online.
Computing 30% Protein Content Feed Formula – Excel-VB Ration Formulator
This video went LIVE in 2011 (the app was first built in 2006) and has since been followed up with a 4 part version (click here to view it) that prospective buyers now get referred to.
But as you can see from the number of views it has gained, it’s enjoyed a massively successful run at over 25k views.
Note that I rate my video’s performance by my standards in terms of the performance of other videos I have – most of which hover under 100 to about 500 views.
When I noticed the rate at which this video was getting viewed, I knew it was a sign that it would generate sales leads. So I updated the description page for it, to guide interested persons on what to do, to get details from me about how to buy.
Not surprisingly, I’ve gotten hundreds of phone and web contact form based enquiries from prospective buyers, some of who are today clients/users of the app.
Since creating the FREE upgrade version of the app, for which I recorded a 4 part video demo, I’ve continued to log sales.
The best part about this arrangement is that the same 4 part video demonstration is what ALL buyers of the app use to get started with using it.
In other words, by creating the demonstration video, I ultimately ended up helping myself create a self-help learning tool for my buyers to use!
Here’s another thing;
My popular Practical Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook if often requested and purchased by most buyers of this app.
This is because, apart from making reference to it in the video demo, whenever they call me, I explain how reading the handbook provides the user a sound theoretical basis on which to use the app correctly to derive balanced rations for his/her animals.
In other words, your use of video marketing for a product can create upwelling opportunities for other products/services you offer. I have many such stories to tell in this regard!
This video went LIVE in 2013 (the app was first built in 2009), and it features the original ONE year reporting version of the Poultry Farm Manager. Today, it’s been replaced by a 16 part video demonstration for a Monthly Poultry Farm Manager I’ve since developed for the market.
Like the Ration Formulator video, this Poultry Farm Manager video has also ramped up massive views (13.5k) compared to others in my channel [Common sense logic based on the Pareto principle made it easy for me, to focus on both of them!]
When I first put this video online, back then, within the first few weeks, I began getting calls from within and outside Africa – from as far as South Africa, and even the USA.
Poultry Farm CEOs looking for low cost customizable solutions reached out to me via email and phone from very early on. And they continue to do so.
Interestingly, and on a finale note, I must point out the fact that this second video has earned ZERO comments from viewers, compared to the Ration Formulator’s video which boasts over 45 comments – in which majority of the commenters requested the app be sent to email addresses they provided.
I point out this difference between both videos to indicate the fact that the presence or absence of comments on videos like these cannot be used to conclude about their effectiveness or otherwise.
This is because both of them have earned me LOTS of sales, since I put them online. Many times the enquirer would begin by saying “I just watched your video and would like to know how much you sell the software”.
It goes without saying, therefore, that you must pay close attention to the RESULTS you get, from using the videos you create, and not depend on superficial indicators to decide if they are working well or not.
Today, I offer a video marketing support service for businesses, which is purchased by clients in various markets. Click here to request details of how I can build a branded marketing video for your business.
During the rest of this week, I aim (barring “connectivity” issues) to publish follow up blogs, to this one, based on branded marketing videos I have created for clients to show examples of what is possible.
[HINT; Erratic Internet connectivity from my provider has interfered with my blog publishing schedule in recent weeks. So much so that I’ve resorted to working overnight, when the connections seems to work better (calling the support center has yielded little joy, so I’ve stopped that). Hopefully things will work better this week lol!]
Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator
1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc
2. Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
SDN Blog™
New posts from last week*
PII 073 : You Need Superior After Sales Support to Win Repeat Business & Unsolicited Referrals
Tayo K. Solagbade*
Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist
*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition
Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)
Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement
Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.
Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).
Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.
He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.
In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.
On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.
His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).
In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.
In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.
Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).
When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.
You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.
Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.
On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by
Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website
But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts he’s published.
If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.
Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))
Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:
Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix
( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)
And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:
A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name
Home |About | Contact | SD Nuggets™ | Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS | Web Marketing Systems | Freelance Writing | MS Excel® Heaven™ | Cost-Saving Farm Biz Ideas
[RECOMMENDED] Must read article on how our lives will change dramatically in 20 years by CEO of Mercedes
Comment by Tayo K. Solagbade: I prepared this print-ready 2 page PDF version (click here to download it now) of the message previewed below (reportedly given by the CEO of Mercedes), for my kids, who I’ve been coaching along the same lines, based on my observations/experience based intuition. It is my considered opinion, that every parent needs to read it with his/her kids!
And truly WISE parents will enroll with their kids at Khan Academy (mentioned in the message)– it’s the future of LEARNING here today! See
Must read article on how our lives will change dramatically in 20 years by CEO of Mercedes
In a recent interview the MD of Daimler Benz (Mercedes Benz) said their competitors are no longer other car companies but Tesla (obvious), Google, Apple, Amazon
Software will disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years. Uber is just a software tool, they don’t own any cars, and are now the biggest taxi company in the world
Airbnb is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don’t own any properties.
Artificial Intelligence: Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world. This year, a computer beat the best Go player in the world, 10 years earlier than expected.
Click here to download the 2 page PDF I prepared in a ready to print format, for my kids.
PII 069: Make More Money Faster Using THIS Strategy [Case Study: Selling Unconventional Custom Built Excel-VB Software Online]
[Preamble: This piece comes a day late due to a curious combination of annoyances in the Nigerian space, related to poor power supply and erratic connectivity of a kind I’ve NEVER seen before. I offer details in the post to follow THIS one]
In this week’s issue of my Performance Improvement IDEAS (PII) newsletter, I feature excerpts from a PDF Annotated Screenshot Demonstration guide document I created for my nifty Excel-VB Income & Expense Manager™ built in 2006 – and which I used to create a lucrative niche market selling custom Excel-VB software from (door-to-door at the time!) in Nigeria.
My purpose here is to illustrate how SHOWING potential buyers of solutions you offer VISUAL demonstration of what it can do, will often go a LONG way to convince those who are serious enough, to take buying action.
Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement IDEAS
(PI Squared) Newsletter
Monday 6th June 2017
NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016. I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.
PII 069: Make More Money Faster Using THIS Strategy [Case Study: Selling Unconventional Custom Built Excel-VB Software Online]
[Preamble: This piece comes a day late due to a curious combination of annoyances in the Nigerian space, related to poor power supply and erratic connectivity of a kind I’ve NEVER seen before. I offer details in the post to follow THIS one]
In this week’s issue of my Performance Improvement IDEAS (PII) newsletter, I feature excerpts from a PDF Annotated Screenshot Demonstration guide document I created for my nifty Excel-VB Income & Expense Manager™ built in 2006 – and which I used to create a lucrative niche market selling custom Excel-VB software from (door-to-door at the time!) in Nigeria.
My purpose here is to illustrate how SHOWING potential buyers of solutions you offer VISUAL demonstration of what it can do, will often go a LONG way to convince those who are serious enough, to take buying action.
People rarely decide to buy at first contact with you – except what you sell is well established and commonplace e.g. mobile phone recharge cards.
When you’re selling your own original or unique range of products and services, people will often want to take their time to EVALUATE what you offer, to be sure it would be worth their investment of money, time, effort and/or resources.
The more useful information you can supply to AID them in doing that, the easier it will be for you to lead them to the end of your sales process -at which point they DECIDE to buy.
I’ve had MANY MANY MANY (!!!) thousands of hours of experiences with failures and successes in this regard, with the former happening more often, especially in my startup years.
Today, I’ve mastered the process of selling my custom Excel-VB software for 15 to 20 times the price I sold my Excel-VB Income and Expense manager in those pavement pounding days between 2006 and 2011.
Without leaving my home, working remotely via the web, I use my web marketing system to publish and propagate smart value adding information and education that over time draws in prequalified prospects to request for details of how to buy from me.
Many times I get web form enquiries. There are also times when I get emails. And sometimes I get phone calls.
Incidentally the latter (phone calls based enquiries for my solutions) has been happening most frequently since the start of this year.
The screenshot below shows an email in which I delivered a copy of THIS Excel-VB Income and Expense Manager to a UK based client who ordered it last week.
Tayo Solagbade <tayo at tayosolagbade dot com>
AttachmentsJun 1 (5 days ago)to xxxxxx
Hi Niyi,Your payment of N3k via Bank transfer received yesterday.
Find attached a zipped folder containing your personalized copy of my Income & Expense Manager.
Below are the details and instructions you need to make use of the app
NB: I recommend you unzip ALL the attached files – for the app – and keep them in the SAME location on your PC,for best results.
A. Find attached a zipped folder containing the copy I have now personalized for your use:
He had purchased my Excel-VB Ration Formulator and Feed Formulation Handbook last year (see screenshot below)
Tayo K. Solagbade tayo at tayosolagbade dot com via
Attachments 3/26/16to xxxxxxxx, me
[Tip: I’m sending the files in batches – this 1st batch comprises the software, its PDF userguide and the PDF invoice showing payment received for your purchase]See email below for full details and descriptions of downloads sent to you.
=Dear Niyi,
[NB: Your password to login to the software is: “tks2019” – please type it exactly as it appears]
Thanks for your payment via Bank Transfer into my GTBANK account yesterday.
Find attached (or click the links provided to download) the following items:
1. Attached: A zipped folder containing your personalised copy of the latest version of my Excel-VB Ration Formulator spreadsheet software application which auto computes ration formulas
…And back then had also requested details of how to enroll for my 1-on-1 coaching on Excel-VB Software Development.
3/19/16to tayo
Hello Once again Mr. Tayo solagbade,
It was nice speaking to you earlier today and finally putting a voice to your name. Thank you for the information you provided about
1. the feed formulation bundle
2. the Excel VB Tutorials / lecturesAs I expressed during our chat, the acquisition of the later is not yet clear to me.
Please kindly forward the Paypal email of your contact in the UK / US (i.e. Mr Segun – as mentioned in our phone conversation) so that I can go ahead and procure the feed formulation bundle. Also, please include in your reply, the url of the currency conversion website you mentioned during our phone chat.
I look forward to hearing back from you. Once again, thank you for your time today and bye for now.
Niyi xxxxx
All of that has transpired between us, despite the fact that we have NEVER met.
In other words, all he’s had to go on, to make his buying decisions has been the stuff I put out online, in addition to the resources – like the PDF guide featured below – that I ALWAYS offer to send any person who requests details.
Below: Screenshot of payment received just today – for one of my information products – from a client who had in late last year bought my Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager, Ration Formulator and Feed Formulation handbook.
If you want to overcome the challenge of physical distance or location, to make more money in your business, you NEED to adopt a similar strategy to mine
In other words, start using a Web marketing System – like i do.
It does not produce ALL the desired results overnight. Instead they come in phases over time. But one thing is sure: Not only does it start saving you money ALMOST immediately, but it also significantly boosts your name/brand recognition and creditability on a continuous basis – if you do it right.
Those are benefits that money simply cannot buy. and yet they boost your chances of making sales because they cause your target audience to TRUST more readily that YOU can help them!
Click here to download the PDF version of the user guide for my nifty low cost maiden Excel-VB app – the Income and Expense Manager.
This PDF guide is complemented by a step-by-step video tutorial published in YouTube channel that users watch to get up and running with using the app.
The same kinds of resources exist for my other products – including the popular Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager – and even services that I offer, like my Web Marketing Systems Development Service.
Click here to read the story of how I built it over one weekend, after which I began going from office to office selling it on my Auto run Business Marketing CDROMs (initially starting from places like Akoka, Bariga and environs, before moving to Ogba, Ikeja etc).
My experiences back then were what taught me to write the article titled “There Is Nothing Wrong With a Humble Beginning – Achieve YOUR Success With Honor & Integrity”!
Below: Excerpts from the PDF guide…
This Custom Automated Excel VB Enterprise Information System (EIS) was developed by Tayo Solagbade for SDA’s Creative Business Solutions arm (CB solutions) using MS Excel® & Visual Basic for Applications.
CB Solutions help clients harness Technology & The Internet to do what they do with less effort, time and MONEY thereby increasing their profits.
Our Excel Visual Basic applications are FULLY customizable and applicable to a wide variety of uses – this package being just one of many examples.
What do you do with MS Excel that you wish you could do quicker and more accurately? Email/tell us today via
IMPORTANT: In EXCEL 2007 upwards, click the OPTIONS button above the worksheet, then click the “Enable this content” radio button in the dialog box that appears.
This is a QUICK START GUIDE. For more detailed tips on using the app, watch the video tutorials. This document explains how the various features in this application work AND how to use them.
It is imperative that you take out time to study this guide document in detail, and PRACTICE using the various tools/features described. Just like any other application, if you do not spend time to LEARN/UNDERSTAND how to use the application, you are likely to experience frequent difficulties with it.
Getting To Know The User Interface/Using The Program: Main Menu
This is the main navigation menu that appears after the license agreement has been passed. You can bring up this menu anywhere in the program by pressing the ENTER key (ensure no form is loaded when doing this).
Click to go to the “Raw Data Entry Table” into which you will make all entries from your paper records. Phone Calls, Expenses incurred on fuel, paper reams etc will be auto-converted into Cash Inflow or Cash Spent as appropriate using the Data Entry Form See Fig D
All your input into the Raw Data Entry Table Worksheet will be reorganized, analysed, & charted here to generate a 28 to 31 day income & expenses(plus cash flow) summaries report for the selected month.
A drop menu is provided to allow the user choose the month or days s/he wants to view the daily report for. See Fig E
Specify labels for your daily sales income/ expense items here. See Fig A.
Below(Fig A): Update Setting Table.
Under “Income Source” you will type the short label for the income generating activity you wish to track. Under Detail, you will add a name/label that further describes it – especially when it occurs in variants.
What appears in the drop menu for data entry in the Raw Data Entry Table is a combination of the specified “Income Source” and the “Detail” – see the column labeled “Category” above.
The program uses these income category descriptions to assign income data entered for preparation of analysis, charts and reports.
For expenses, simply specify a name for the expense item you wish to track. It will be picked up in the Expense listing drop menu in the Raw Data Entry form. See Fig. E
Click here to download the FULL PDF user guide for my nifty low cost maiden Excel-VB app – the Income and Expense Manager.
Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator
1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc
2. Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
SDN Blog™
New posts from last week*
[RECOMMENDED] BBC NEWS: Could subjects soon be a thing of the past in Finland?
[FLYER] The Key Performance Indicators It’s Renowned For, Convince Me Educators and Parents in Nigeria/Africa BADLY NEED to ADAPT Tried and Tested Ideas From Finland About How to Create a Successful Education System!
Get Tayo Solagbade’s Excel-VB Membership Records Manager (for Clubs, Associations, Institutes, and other social groups) – FREE!
[Mind Map] Anatomy of Dynamic Ration Computation Table in Tayo Solagbade’s Excel-VB Ration Formulator
The FARM CEO (Issue 83): How Digital Technology Is Changing Farming in Africa [Harvard Biz Review], For Africa’s farmers it’s government, not big business, that is key [The Guardian], Africa’s Farmers Need Investment to Feed Africa [Real Agriculture]
Tayo K. Solagbade*
Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist
*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition
Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)
Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement
Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.
Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).
Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.
He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.
In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.
On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.
His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).
In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.
In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.
Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).
When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.
You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.
Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.
On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by
Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website
But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts he’s published.
If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.
Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))
Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:
Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix
( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)
And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:
A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name
Home |About | Contact | SD Nuggets™ | Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS | Web Marketing Systems | Freelance Writing | MS Excel® Heaven™ | Cost-Saving Farm Biz Ideas
PII 067: Today, Millions Work Together Without Needing to Meet –And I AM ONE OF THEM [True Story: Audio to a Prospect Demanding to Meet Physically With Me]
In this issue of my Performance Improvement IDEAS (PII) newsletter, I share excerpts from an audio message I sent to a prospect Web Marketing client, who requested to meet with me, before we could take our discussions about my helping him develop a Web Marketing System further.
If you’re even remotely considering doing business of any kind with me and happen to share similar sentiments about meeting face to face, BEFORE you sign up, I strongly recommend you read THIS piece!
Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement IDEAS
(PI Squared) Newsletter
Monday 22nd May 2017
NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016. I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.
PII 067: Today, Millions Work Together Without Needing to Meet –And I AM ONE OF THEM [True Story: Audio to a Prospect Demanding to Meet Physically With Me]
In this issue of my Performance Improvement IDEAS (PII) newsletter, I share excerpts from an audio message I sent to a prospect Web Marketing client, who requested to meet with me, before we could take our discussions about my helping him develop a Web Marketing System further.
If you’re even remotely considering doing business of any kind with me and happen to share similar sentiments about meeting face to face, BEFORE you sign up, I strongly recommend you read THIS piece!
[Quick Tip] One thing I’m very conscious of as a Nigerian offering products and services 100% online like I do, from this part of the world, is the Nigerian “419 scam” stereotyping annoyance.
But I don’t devote any significant amounts of intellectual glucose to WORRYING about it, and how anyone may use it to interpret my insistence on working remotely, and getting paid to meet face to face.
But I remain conscious of it. So, when I do my stuff – especially with people from other countries – like Tanzania, Uganda and beyond Africa, I go to great lengths to ensure my brand is not tainted in any way. And that, for me, is all that is needed. Anyone who cannot connect with me AFTER that is simply not a good fit for me. We’re therefore better off not working together!
Below is the text of an audio message I sent to a gentleman with whom I once attended the same university (and even played in the same university team) – BUT have not met with since 1992 when I left the University…
Preamble: He had called me up and told me of his entry into the world of entrepreneurship, in the insurance sector. At some point in our discussions, he mentioned that he wanted to get a car to facilitate moving around to find clients. I told him I could offer support by way of developing a WMS to drastically reduce the need for that, and save him considerable expense of funds.
One thing led to another, and I sent him some materials – including my trademark explanatory video and a draft Action Plan template – that he studied. Then he called me up and said he was interested in engaging me to develop the WMS I proposed.
BUT, he wanted us to meet, so he could “explain to me some things about the insurance industry”. I tried to explain that if he wanted that, he would need to pay a fee I required to meet with anyone – but I got the feeling it did not go down well with him. For me, however, there was no alternative to that. So, after the call ended I sent the message below:
====Start of Transcript Excerpt====
“Hi (name removed for privacy)…I got the impression that you have this feeling that you need to have a physical face to face meeting with me to explain anything to me about your industry.
I assure you that THAT is totally unnecessary.
The gentleman whose video I sent to you. Please you can contact him. We were all together in UI for your information. He graduated along with me in the same department – Agricultural Extension Services – in 1992!
He has not set eyes on me till today.
So you need to understand this.
And that’s just an example. I have so many clients that do business with me in and out of the country.
You do not have to believe me. It doesn’t matter. This is a due diligence update – not an attempt to win you over or convince you to sign up with me.
I’m doings this to give you some perspective on why I work the way I do, so you gain more accurate understanding and insights.
You see, what I’m offering to do for you is something I’ve been doing for years.
I never knew you were going to come to me, and I never knew you would have a requirement for this.
I only just reached out to offer help or support.
If you want to explain anything to me about your industry, you can ask Adesope about all the stuff I’m doing for him.
I got to a point that he was so busy he couldn’t do any writing. I said “..Sit down with your Smartphone and record an audio for me, and I’ll transcribe it!”
I have transcribed entire books that are published – in print – and on sole via web stores, to a global paying audience
A legal consultant client of mine, who is based in a neighboring West African country for instance did not have to write a single sentence, to get his book written and published.
I simply did my research on him, and the book to prepare the initial content. Then I tracked him down to his office one day, after waiting endlessly for him to create free time from his busy schedule to write me what I needed, and I got him to record the audio while I was there.
But only did that was because I was physically in the same city at the time.
Another client, this time based in the UK, is someone I have never met with till this day!
Yet I ghost-wrote an entire book for him, before he then signed up for a promo version of my Web Marketing Systems development support service – for ONE year.
====End of Transcript Excerpt====
Below is a screenshot (click to view larger version) of the reply the client I sent the audio message to has since sent to me….
If he never returns, he’ll be denying himself an opportunity to achieve a valued goal, because he holds on to outdated ideas about how to do business with others!
There is also the fear of getting duped – but I argue that the way I present and position myself ALONE makes it clear that I’m not the kind.
I have worked with all sorts of clients in and out of the country, without the issue of meeting face to face with them stopping us from successfully completing the projects they paid me for.
I have a client in Kano, whose website I revived on a defunct domain when they signed up for a promo version of my Web Marketing Systems Development Support Service in 2015.
Last week, the MD wrote the email shown below, expressing their interest in taking up my offer to build a Video Marketing/Company Introduction Trailer for them.
This morning I spoke with the Chairman (Abdul) of the company, about their interest in the offer, offering my support in any way they required it, to take up the offer.
We STILL have NEVER met face to face, yet Abdul and I talk on phone as if we’ve known each other forever. He’s been on my mailing list for over 5 years now.
Same applies to a Farm CEO in Jos, who works as a lecturer in UNIJOS.
He has continued to signup up for most of my offers, and we speak on phone like we’ve known each other for years.
An Accra based Rabbit Farm CEO who first connected with me one night while I was working in a Cotonou cybercafé is today one of my most fervent advocates,
He recently thanked me for the support I’ve provided to him in use of my Excel-VB Ration Formulator software that he purchased late last year via Guaranty Trust Money Transfer (GTMT).
Today, using a lot of the guidelines and information I gave him, he produces livestock feed – pelletted – for his rabbits, and also for other animals, which people come to buy from him.
I could go on, but the point I’m making, is clear by now, I’m sure!
I am able to work successfully with clients in the above described manner, because I am driven to make smart, time-effort-and-cost-saving use of PC and Internet Technology to get Optimal Returns in my personal and work life!
If you want to tell me anything special or unique about your field of expertise, or market of interest or focus, simply record an audio (or video if you want) in which you speak freely about whatever it is you have in mind, and send to me.
I will then download and listen to/watch it, then respond or take action based on its contents as may be necessary.
It’s that simple!
This is the 21st century: Millions of People Work Together Without EVER Meeting Face to Face!
This is how I choose to work.
Back when I was in Guinness I was in the forefront of using automation to boost workplace productivity. I developed several custom automated spreadsheet application to replace manual brewing data recording and report preparation (Click here to read details in my profile or in my PDF resume here)
Some were eventually formally adopted for official reporting in the company – specifically Benin Brewery where I worked. And departmental heads from other sections of the brewery sought me out to help them do what I’d done in the brewing department.
The result was that I became “slightly famous” in the company – as my work got my name to be known right up to senior management levels, Most noteworthy was the fact that I did ALL that work in my SPARE time, since I was not employed in Information Technology, but worked as young brewer in the Technical Function.
So, you see, this is not a new thing for me. I’m an advocate of performance optimization. That’s why I call myself a Performance Improvement Specialist.
I chose to become an entrepreneur because my drive to achieve my full potential exceeded the opportunities I felt I was getting in Guinness back then.
Today, I’m glad I took that decision because I’ve since been able to establish myself as a force to be reckoned with in provision of ready-to-use custom Spreadsheet Software serving an international audience.
It is in order to further remove any limitation to achieve my full potentials that I have embraced the use of PC and Internet technology in doing what I do.
And the success I enjoy today is one that I intend to consolidate. I have proof to back up all the claims I make about how I work and who I work for, as well as how I get paid.
The reality I describe in this article is one that my kids are well aware of, as they LIVE it with me.
The screenshots of email messages with recent paying clients offer details of what I do and how I do it (Click each image to view larger version)
ABOVE: A message submitted from my website by a CEO who watched the Youtube video for my software that he found through Google. He has since bought my software. See Proof 2 to 6 on the PDF pages (Click here to request download copy of the 6 page PDF) |
I have 3 main products that I sell:
- The Ration Formulator – – used to formulate feed for farm animals.
- The 60 Page Feed Formulation Handbook :
- The Poultry Farm Manager – – used to manage Poultry Farms.
In the past, I drove my car around to market these products. In 2012 I decided to use only my WMS to find buyers. Today I sell them without needing to go out at all using the Internet! I provide real life evidence on the next page.
I sell without meeting the client. My Web Marketing System makes that possible. Over 80 percent of my sales happen online, because Google and other search engines make buyers find me, even though I do not spend money to advertise. My WMS is the secret weapon I use e.g when they type “software for managing a poultry farm” my video appears in page 1 of Google.
I can develop a Web Marketing System for your company to help you sell the way I do. IMPORTANT NOTE: A WMS is NOT a website. In fact, most of my clients already had websites when they hired me. The problem was that they were not getting buyers through the Internet. A WMS makes a website bring in customers through the Internet! En savoir plus sur mon système de marketing Web à l’adresse
Above (Client No. 4): This client paid N85k into my account via bank transfer on 20th April 2017 (about 4 weeks ago). The payment was for my Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager and a Bonus of 5 Audio Podcast Training Files sold at N10k, instead of N15k.
Below that is the email in which I delivered my Poultry Farm Manager software to client No. 4 on 21st April – 1 day after he sent payment (I have to personalize the software for each client – and that takes 24 to 48 hours)
Above (Client No. 5): This client paid N85k into my account via bank transfer on 28th April 2017 (about 3 weeks ago). The payment was for my Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager and a Bonus of 5 Audio Podcast Training Files sold at N10k, instead of N15k. Below that is the email in which I delivered my Poultry Farm Manager software to client No. 5 on 30th April – 2 days after he sent payment (I have to personalize the software for each client – and that takes 24 to 48 hours)
Anyone who wishes to have me work on ANY project with him/her MUST be prepared to engage me based on how I prefer to work.
Should you wish to meet face to face with me, there will ALWAYS be a payment requirement to be met by YOU.
If/when you meet that condition, I will gladly make myself available to meet with you.
If you are not willing to meet my conditions regarding YOUR request for a face to face meeting, I will interpret it to mean you do NOT wish to take the relationship with me further.
Then an online, web-based interaction will be the only way to go…otherwise we both agree to walk away.
That (i.e. agreeing to walk away) happens every now and then, and it’s NEVER a bad thing.
However, I would add that it happens only about 5 to 10% of the time. Most times, I have been successful in winning clients over to work with me via my preferred online channel.
If you want to come into my world, you have to be willing to believe – that I AM WHO I SAY I AM!
That’s the thing, I believe in the power of technology. And I live a life that is proof of it. Right here in Africa/Nigeria, I’m living a 100% digital lifestyle.
You don’t have to believe me, but that is the truth about my existence as I type these words. If you want to do business with me, you will have to accept the way I operate!
Therefore if you share similar sentiments with those who cannot decide until they’ve seen the other person in the flesh and/or touched him/her, to be sure s/he is real, then it means I will NOT be able to help you.
You don’t have to meet with me in the flesh to do business with me. You CAN, if you want. I’m NOT hiding away from anyone. But there is a payment requirement that must be met.
By way of interest, past prospects, some who went on to become clients did go through that process of paying to meet with me (They were ALL told the amount was 100% deductible, if they chose to purchase a solution from me afterwards)
I recall a CEO representing a group planning to start an elaborate agro based training school of sorts, flew in from Abuja about 2 years ago (2015) to meet with me for 1 hour in a Lagos branch of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). He’d paid N10k into my account several days earlier, in line with my request.
This payment requirement to meet with me, is a psychological hurdle any doubting Thomases will have to jump over, if they wish for me to take them seriously. They will need to take a LEAP OF FAITH to convince me I would not be wasting my time by agreeing to meet face to face with them!
As I have noted above, people have and do pay to meet with me in this manner. Some even pay to speak with me on topics in which I share my in-depth expertise.
Anyone unwilling to meet my terms in that regard will simply NOT get access to me. That is how confident I am of what I offer.
So even though I can be flexible with regard to certain areas of my work, there are aspects I simply will NOT budge on, because they are critical to my ensuring I connect with the RIGHT people as clients.
Now, if you’ve read the above and STILL want to do business with me, click here to let me know!
Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator
1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc
2. Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.
Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.
SDN Blog™
New posts from last week*
[Audio Podcast] Proven Strategies to Prevent Egg Glut & Boost Sales In Your Poultry Farm Business
[HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!] People are posting an 8-ball emoji on Facebook – here’s what it means
Tayo K. Solagbade*
Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist
*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition
Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)
Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement
Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.
Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).
Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.
He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.
In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.
On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.
His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).
In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.
In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.
Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).
When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.
You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.
Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.
On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by
Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website
But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts he’s published.
If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.
Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))
Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:
Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix
( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)
And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:
A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name
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[HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!] People are posting an 8-ball emoji on Facebook – here’s what it means
Facebook users are posting an emoji of an eight-ball – and it’s all part of a viral campaign to raise awareness about prostate cancer.
The black eight-ball emoji is popping up due to a viral message which is spreading via Facebook Messenger – urging men to post the image on Facebook.
The message says, ‘Hi mate,