Category Archives: Self-Development

To Change Your Circumstances You Need To Change Your Mindset!

How far two people go in life (in terms of their pursuit of success and achievement) will most often depend on their individual mind sets. When something unpleasant happens to you, your mind set determines how you see it.

You’ve Probably Read or Heard About the Analogy of the Glass Cup Filled to the Middle with Water

A pessimist regards it as half-empty. The optimist regards it as half-full.

Neither would be wrong in his/her assessment of the fill level in the glass cup.

However, each person’s adopted view often determines how s/he feels about a situation or an issue. And that will influence what s/he will subsequently be prepared to do to change it.

As Human Beings Our Natural Instinct is to View Anything We Dislike as Bad for Us

When something we value is running out, we feel like we’re losing. That’s negative, and not pleasant.

But when it’s growing or increasing, we feel like we’re progressing. That’s positive, and pleasant.

However, the truth is there will be times when what we find unpleasant may actually be a blessing in disguise!

For instance, exposure to lack (of money etc) could teach us prudence in spending. Or even train us to endure hardship.

The creator has unique ways of passing lessons to us.

We must therefore learn to be more perceptive in evaluating every experience we have, each day.

Sometimes What We Dis-like May Be What We Need to Get What We DO LIKE!

For instance, when we fall ill, we may have to take medication – or at least stay in bed to get well. The drug may come in form of bitter tablets which we do not like swallowing.

Yet they could be the only available option to get us well.

Some people are so outdoor loving/active that a doctor’s order to stay in bed would feel like a death sentence to them. Yet, if they fail to do it, a worsening of their diagnosed health condition could result.

You can choose to see any bad experience you have the same way e.g. a job loss.

See it as a challenge for you to make a better change in your life e.g. to choose a new career path, explore a different vocation or start a business.

It could be unpleasant, and even difficult/painful for a while, but eventually, it would yield positive benefits for you.

A person who lacks the ability to endure hardship, will not be useful to his/her children if/when life throws a challenge of adversity at his family.

The creator knows this, and that’s why he sometimes lets seemingly bad stuff happen to us. Rather than hurt us, they are meant to – proactively – toughen us up, for a future need, we may not yet see. Take it from me. I HAVE been there more times than I can count!

That’s Why I Stopped Believing in Coincidences

Over the past ten years, my experiences have taught me that there are no coincidences. Your experiences arise from choices you make, against the background of guidance quietly offered by your creator.

Unfortunately, most of us have not learned to listen carefully enough, to make choices in line with the creator’s promptings.

This is the reason why we sometimes take a while to turn our circumstances around.

Do you see what I mean now? It really so simple!

I say this from over a decade of personal experience, learning to listen and act properly myself.

What I’ve learnt now enables me more consistently achieve changes I want in my circumstances.

Give what I’m saying here serious thought. Doing so could reveal truths you need to make progress!

Get Started By Learning about Others Who Changed Their Circumstances

A good way to begin is to read about others who overcame adversity, and/or setbacks to succeed.

Many repeatedly dug deep into themselves to find new inspiration, and change their situations.

All it took was a mind set shift. Specifically, a refusal to view what happened to them negatively.

So many such stories can be found online. Google will throw up enough to get you started.

You can also speak with any persons you know – or discover – to have achieved authentic success in a similar manner. (NB: Emphasis on authentic success here, is very deliberate. Today, we have more phony people telling fake success stories. Beware!)

Now, even if you cannot find such persons to talk to, stories available on and off the web (in autobiographies) can do wonders for you. They were all I had to accompany me during many lonely years of struggles and persistence.

And they proved to be worthy companions!

Reading them taught me the patience and endurance I needed to overcome delays, disappointments and setbacks that came my way.

Today, I’m better equipped to confront and defeat adversity, than I ever was when I started out in 2002, as an entrepreneur.

That’s why I truly believe YOU can also change your circumstances, by changing your mind set – and acting based on it, to achieve your goals.

You’re Not Crazy to Follow Your Inner Voice

Have you ever had a thought cross your mind, that made you stop and think “I can’t do that; people will think I’m crazy!” If YES (as long as it’s nothing negative/bad) know that some of the world’s most celebrated people had similar experiences. And they became great because they refused to let that concern stop them from doing what their inner voice told them.

We Are All Spiritual Beings

Never mind all the religious “noise” that dominates society today. The bottom line is that every single human being is spiritually endowed. Most times however, especially in these modern times, when technology has provided so much comfort that dulls our senses, many of us “forget”.

This is why today, the few people who manage to uncover their own spiritual abilities a bit, become the “men and women of God” the rest of us follow. We make ourselves believe they have a more reliable direct line to the creator, and that we have to pass through them.

Nothing could however be further from the truth. What I say here is based on over 20 years of trial and error testing, done with my personal life.

Time and time again, from when I was nineteen, in my third year in the university, I have put everything I’ve been told about religion – any religion – to the test.

Everyone Hears from the Creator – Most Just Don’t Know It’s Him!

What I have found out is that 99.95% of what we get told everyday about God, and what he wants, was made up by those who said it, or those they heard it from.

In reality, every one of us hears directly from the creator. The problem is we have been told it’s not normal to hear things – especially voices on the inside of us. We have been warned about mental sicknesses that show up via symptoms of voices in one’s head.

As a result, many of us would rather have someone else tell us what the creator is saying – by listening to the voices in his/her own head! Unfortunately, putting people in such positions of power and influence over others can get intoxicating.

This is why even when they hear no voices; those we depend on in this manner sometimes decide to “manufacture” messages from voices they make up by themselves!

And eventually, the daring ones start a religious movement of some sort, and recruit gullible followers.

Be Your Own Oracle, and Make The World A Better Place

Don’t be afraid to be ahead of your time. Today, history acknowledges those who, in the past chose not to be afraid, as having made the world a better place by doing so.

A voice in your head may be telling you to follow a passion you know you have, wherever it may take you. Like any normal human being, you may worry that you’ll look bad to others, especially when if it takes a while for you to succeed at it.

But guess what?

So did Marconi, the father of wireless communication.

From the age of twenty he endured ridicule, criticism and even opposition (from others – including his own father, who destroyed his contraptions, believing they were wasteful) – until he was proved right.

Many called him crazy. As they did Robert Goddard, who today has the American Space Centre named after him, following pioneering work in rocket science that made today’s space travel possible.

So many examples exist in history that you can read up online, to inspire yourself.

I urge you to do that, if you still lack the confidence to follow your heart…and the quiet voice that’s telling you what to do, where to go, and even how.

That’s What I Did to Build and Maintain My Self-Belief Till I Matured

In 2005, I wrote an article titled “When I Quit My Job, They Called Me "Mad" – And I Felt So, So Sorry, For Them”. It was based on the true story about when I left Guinness Nigeria to start my own business.

I took that decision despite being at a point in my career, where great senior management career advancement opportunities were beckoning.

A former senior colleague who I met told me some others said I’d lost my senses to give up such a promising career, for the uncertainties of starting a business.

I, on the other hand, told him that each passing day convinced me I’d taken the smartest decision of my life.

It’s been years since I wrote that piece, and my achievements prove I was right.

Today I’m making useful impact in my chosen areas of focus and interest – both online and offline – in the lives of my target audiences.

And I get great fulfillment from doing what I now do every single day.

This is why I never seem to tire or get weary. It is also why people marvel that I am able to do so many different things competently, that they can (or will?) not..

That’s proof that I have connected successfully to a source of higher knowledge about myself. And it guided (still guides!) me to discover my passion, and strengths, towards excelling as a human being.

I Succeed By Listening to My Inner Voice – Continually

Yes, you cannot listen once, and hear everything.

The voice tells you what to do in phases. As you mature enough, it tells you what next to do, and sets you up to take action.

Coincidences of all sorts happen.

Sometimes you’ll find yourself repeatedly running into resistance when pushing in a particular direction.

The unitiated typically accuse the "devil" (poor guy!} – when in reality, it’s the creator trying to SAVE them from going the WRONG way!

When such a situation persists, just STOP and take some minutes, hours, days or even months to LISTEN to your inner voice.

If you do so carefully and patiently, the instructions will come, in form of deep insights, on what you need to do.

And when you take action based on those insights, you’ll find that progress becomes easy.

Here’s A True Story to Illustrate the Above Point

For years (before 2013) I fought myself about relocating from Nigeria, to another country where I could make better progress with my work.

The thought kept coming to me, that I needed to make the move.

When I leaned towards moving towards Ghana, the voice said something like "You speak French – go to Benin, it will be better there."

At a point, I told Burt Dubin about this dilemma. He wisely told me to follow my instincts…and that whatever I did he would be in my corner..:-)

Yet I procrastinated…

Until I discovered my work circumstances in Nigeria began to get worse.

Power supply grew more erratic. Clients became naughty regarding payments. And so on.

The voice came back again …quietly but persistently. I tried telling those close to me – but not ONE person agreed with the idea.

They all basically said "You know no one in that country. At least you’ve been in Ghana before. But Benin …where most people are animists? The economy is nothing compared to ours. Most people there cannot even afford to hire you!".

I replied that I did not need citizens of that country to hire me, as my work was mostly online. That made it possible for me to continue delivering products and services from any location to interested clients.

Instead, what I needed, I clarified, was a more conducive, less disruptive, and less expensive working evironment.

Still they disagreed.

At this point, I knew I had to take my own decision. So I got my passport/other papers, and traveled across the border.

Since 1st April 2013, when I moved here in Benin Republic, my productivity has gone through the roof.

It was not easy at the start, but I persisted (with support from loved ones who stayed in touch).

Today, less than 6 months on, I’m winning buyers for my products and services, at a faster rate than I ever did in Nigeria.

In fact, I even have clients who are based here, but have businesses they’ve hired me to help them with back home!

One recently had his driver transport me to his farm in Ekiti state to do a situation analysis, towards building a farm management software for him.

Looks like "someone up there" knew something I did not :-)

Those Who Call You Crazy Will Rarely Understand – But Do It All The Same!

Yes, don’t let their mockery or criticism stop you from doing what your inner voice tells you – which you know is truth.

Follow the prompting of your inner voice, and people around you will notice your increasingly rapid rate of success achievement.

By then those who doubt you will be forced to acknowledge – even celebrate you!

This will happen because what you accomplish is bound to benefit not just you, but also them…and possibly the world at large.

Like I said earlier, you (or your ideas) may be ahead of your time. That will not matter.

Think about most people who were called crazy, before their works proved to be invaluable contributions to mankind, and you’ll see this is true.

Therefore follow the example of those who came ahead of you…

Do the world a favor by following your inner voice, and sharing future possibilities with us today!

Why Won’t LinkedIn Stop Sending Me Email Invitations, Months After They Agreed To?

When – on August 16, 2013 – Alison Doyle, Guide wrote her article titled “Don’t Waste Your Time On LinkedIn”, she got more than she bargained for: her readers’ summarily bashed LinkedIn in the comments section!

About 21 of the 32 comments on her article described LinkedIn using expressions like “a complete and utter waste of time“…“a waste of Internet space”…and one “Suchi” even said “If you’re on LinkedIn, you’re a fool”…!

Wow, that’s a lot of LinkedIn “Haterade”…to echo “Jennifer”, one of the dissenters, who – correctly I might add – noted that LinkedIn is primarily for networking. According to her, she’d successfully used it to get noticed by recruiters, and ultimately hired. Which is true for many others.

Contrary to what the title may suggest, Alison’s article actually advises readers’ on ways to make proper use of LinkedIn, to reap optimal benefits.

In truth, like “Jennifer”, I also do not think LinkedIn is useless…

But it can – and does – get abused…and used to abuse others!

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you may have come across my two articles relating to my “disagreement” with LinkedIn:

It began because they wrongly locked up my profile, then when I asked why, they claimed they saw “suspicious activity”.

Yet, despite my repeat requests they refused to give details or proof of that.

Instead they asked for my scanned passport, to verify my identity. I emailed it to them, but they never acknowledged receiving, it, and asked for it again.

Eventually, I got tired of being given the run around, and decided I’d rather NOT be there, than be made to look like a crook online.

So I told them to delete my profile with them, and made it clear I no longer wished to make use of their website. I also asked them to stop sending me email updates via the web mail address I used to open my account with them i.e. tayo at spontaneousdevelopment dot com.

They responded and confirmed that my request had been carried out, and that my email address had been removed from notifications.

I’ve Since Enjoyed Peaceful Absence of LinkedIn Invitations…Until Thursday 22nd August 2013 When They Came Back!

You and I know technology and computers can develop faults or produce errors. So I guess it’s not surprising.

But the problem I have is that it seems that LinkedIn produces a rather high volume of errors relating to me.

And that’s even now that I’m supposedly no longer listed on their website as a member or user!

Today, I received the 3rd LinkedIn invitation sent directly via to me via tayo at spontaneousdevelopment dot com – the address I specifically requested LinkedIn to STOP sending notifications to.

I received the 3rd LinkedIn invitation sent directly via to me via tayo at tayosolagbade dot com – the address I specifically requested LinkedIn to STOP sending notifications to

When the first one came in from one “Atirek Gautam” on the 22nd August @ 16.45, I ignored it. Then the very next day (Friday 23rd August @ 16.08), one “Patrick LIVE” sent me an invitation. And just 30 minutes ago, today, Tuesday 3rd September 2013, one “Eliana Meireless” sent me an invitation to connect.

And just 30 minutes ago, today, Tuesday 3rd September 2013, one “Eliana Meireless” sent me an invitation to connect.

Once again I checked the source, and it was from By this time I’d become quite upset, and scrolled down to read the footnotes.

Then I Got The Shock of My Life!

The screenshot below says it all. I don’t know how she, he (or they?) managed it, but it states as follows…

1. “you are receiving invitation emails

…and then it offers an unsubscribe link!

I ask, how could I need to unsubscribe from a list the OWNERS ( had confirmed removing me MONTHS ago??!!

2. The next line states…

…. “This email was intended for Lindsay Nelson (Student at Pensacota State College).”

How is it possible for someone with another name to use the same email address I used with LinkedIn, to create a profile that LinkedIn accepts??!!!


How is it possible for someone with another name to use the same email address I used with LinkedIn, to create a profile that LinkedIn accepts??!!!

They once locked up my profile which was linked to that email address. I would have using it again on their site would have thrown up red flags for the security team??!!

Once again, I find myself wondering if there isn’t more to this, than meets the eye…

Could it be an attempt – as I have suggested the last time – to give a dog a bad name and hang it?

After all, I am a full blooded Nigerian…and I’ve come to the painful realisation that some people simply refuse to accept that not every Nigerian is engaged in email scam and the like. In fact, I’m convinced there are those who deliberately refuse to acknowledge exceptions like me for their own ulterior motives!!

I’m displeased by this. And I have every right to be. My reputation matters to me.

This appears to be another attempt to attack my website credibility. I’ve shared past updates in which even Google offered elaborate details of such attempts via email.

CONSIDER THIS: Anyone who sees these invites coming to ME, via a fake name with my email address, can easily conclude it’s a strategy I’ve developed to stay on LinkedIn and do naughty things!

See how this can play out?

Anyway, I’ve made up my mind I will NOT talk to LinkedIn about this. (But I will email them a link to this post).

They will have to sort it out from their end. If they don’t, that would suggest those who bashed them on Alison’s article mentioned at the start of this piece may have a point!

As for me, the fact that this can happen at all, convinces me I took a smart decision choosing to jump off the LinkedIn boat!


1. If you can’t find me on here’s why.

2. Why I’ve told LinkedIn to delete my profile (Talk about trying to give a dog a bad name to hang it!)

3. Don’t Waste Your Time On LinkedIn

Mutual Benefit Proposition for Sponsorship (Low Cost Microbrewery Drinks Production from Peels of Pineapple & Other Fruits)

[mpoverlay]By Tayo K. | | COTONOU, 22ND AUGUST 2013 @10:00a.m

Your organisation needs to market/sell your products, while building brand loyalty and long term repeat customers. What I propose below can positively influence your target customers, while also advancing your marketing objectives.

NB: See download link to a FULL PDF version of this paper (plus details of a Business Plan Presentation), at the bottom of this page.

What I Propose

That you sponsor formal Microbrewery production startup of a natural drinks range I created (fermented and non-fermented) using waste peels from Pineapples and other fruits, abundant in Benin Republic (and possibly Burkina Fasso).

Photo taken of a non-fermented vesion of my home-made Pineapple based drink

The prduction process I’ve developed, for creating different recipes/forms (e.g. concentrates, “dried tea” etc) is to be patented. Continue reading

Succeed Even When Nothing’s Working

Does it feel like nothing is working the way you want? Can’t find (or keep) a job or client? Bungling important assignments at work? Or having problems with your partner?

This post offers ideas you can use to succeed, in spite of negative situations in your life.

Those Who Seek Success, Must Embrace Hard Times Along The Way

The only way you can avoid experiencing difficulties in life will be if you choose to give up ambition. In other words, you would adopt a “do-nothing-noteworthy” attitude to life.

People who do this often go through life making sure they rock no boats. They take what they are given, do what they are told, and generally stay out of the way of everyone else.

Here’s a quote I coined for them some time ago:

Some people join the crowd in order to become hidden or protected from criticism or scrutiny. Since they also take care never to voice contrary (and at times ANY) opinion, they are rewarded with the anonymity they seek – and the insignificance that results from it.” – Tayo K. Solagbade

The above implies that making progress means you’ll have to confront challenges, difficulties, adversity and negatives in different forms. That process will mould you into the person you need to be, to achieve the progress or success you desire.

That’s why if you pursue progress, each time think you’ve seen the last, another “difficulty” forces its way into your life. It does not matter how hard you try to avert it. Some adversity is needed to help you prepare for success.

Hard Times Make People Fail, But Why Do Some People Seem Immune To Them?

It’s true. And it’s being that way since the beginning of mankind, and will always be so.

Even as you struggle to deal with your challenge, you probably know some people who rarely seem to let anything set them back.

It’s almost as if they are incapable of failing.

I do not refer here to people who stay in their comfort zone, and never venture out to do something new, different or daring. Nor do I mean those who achieve a level of material comfort, and then decide to live the rest of their lives playing it safe.


Instead I am talking about courageous individuals who boldly set new and challenging goals, and fearlessly pursue them till they succeed.

These persons would often be seen to encounter great obstacles, which they ultimately surmount. Sometimes emerge victorious, despite being bruised and bloodied (figuratively/literally speaking) making others conclude they cannot fail.

The truth is however often that people who excel as above rarely attain that level of competence overnight. They would have invested time and effort, learning to endure and overcome adversity, to succeed. And that’s how their demonstrated mastery often results.

What You Can Do

The above process cannot happen via shortcut for anyone. Every person who desires authentic success must be prepared to pay the price to get it.

That price is EXPERIENCE i.e. firsthand experience that cannot be bought with money…or obtained by proxy.

You must undergo it in person – or as the French would say “Toi-même” i.e. yourself.

When you do, you’ll gradually develop the capacity to defeat adversity. If you persist long enough, you’ll arrive at a point where others conclude YOU are incapable of failing.

Why would they think that of you?

Because you would have discovered that relentless persistence is the key to achieving progress, even when (it seems) nothing’s working.

And you would act based on that knowledge every time you encounter difficulty, hardship, adversity, negativity etc.

In other words, you would have become unstoppable!

Error-Free People Rarely Achieve Authentic Success

Success tends not to go to the person who is error-free, because he also tends to be risk averse. Rather, it goes to the person who recognizes that life is pretty much a percentage business. It isn’t making mistakes that’s critical; it’s correcting them and getting on with the principal tasks.” – Donald Rumsfeld

I meet them every now and then. People who take pride in saying nothing ever goes wrong with their plans. They always get it right. You never find them looking vulnerable. They are always cool, calm and collected – ever so sure of the outcome of whatever they are engaged in doing.

People who act as described above often want to be seen as – and some claim to be – perfect.

In Reality Being Without Fault – or Being Perfect – Would Be Too Boring to Bear on Earth!

In my opinion, a person whose activities have such predictable outcomes (i.e. who always gets everything right and never makes mistakes) will eventually bore not just others, but him/herself as well.

But the truth is that no human can really be perfect.

I’ve written elsewhere that once a person can achieve real perfection in life, s/he no longer belongs here on earth. It would be time for him/her to move over to heaven…or anywhere perfect beings live.

Not everyone is a soccer lover. But most people who are conscious adults living on earth today will have heard of Lionel Messi. He’s the small man who makes big things happen for Barcelona FC in Spain.

Back in April this year (2013) his team got beaten by a massive 0 – 4 margin. I refused to believe Messi was on the pitch that day. And not just him. That team has some of the world’s best players on it.

That they got beaten that badly was baffling. But guess what? Messi himself admitted that his fitness was not the cause of the club’s 0-4 loss to Bayern Munich.

It is this demonstrated ability to admit he can make errors that’s helped him become a great achiever.

Acknowledging Our Faults Creates Opportunities for Self-Renewal & Growth

We can all learn from that. Messi knew – from his champion mentality – that the loss, though bad, would not end the world…or his career.

Indeed, we students of success know that such big time failures often serve as inspiration for us to move to the next level of achievement.

As a Writer, Aim for Perfection, but Understand That You Cannot Achieve It

“Perfectionists rarely get anything done, because they often want to get everything right.” – Tayo K. Solagbade

A person can achieve exceptionally high levels of competence in the process of aiming for perfection. In writing (like any other field) therefore, one must set a goal that challenges him/her to pursue perfection.

You will continually identify areas where you fall short, then make needed adjustments, and try again.  

Sometimes You May Have to Review Your Set Goal

If after repeatedly making needed adjustments, you still struggle to achieve your goal, you may need to re-visit the goal you set for yourself.

Ask yourself some serious questions…like the following…

How did you settle on your chosen writing goal?

Let’s say you’ve set a goal to write 2 blog posts per day:

a. Did you consider how many words each post would be for example?

b. Was the time needed to research each topic for useful information/ideas factored in?

c. What about the time to be spent editing and proof reading?

d. How many days in week would you be able to write at that rate?

And so on…

When you give honest answers to the above questions, does the goal you set still look realistic for YOU, at YOUR current level of competence?

Hint: If yes, keep persisting, and you’ll eventually breakthrough. If “NO”, sit down and re-do your goal setting, this time based on the insights gained from the above question and answer session.

Final Words: Perfectionists Rarely Finish Writing (On Time)

Whatever you do, never delude yourself into believing you must make your writing “perfect” – because pursuit of perfection is a never ending journey for use here on earth.

What you will find is that by chasing perfection, your work will eventually get so good that others will hail your accomplishment as a writer.

But in order for them to see it, you’ll have to know when you’ve done enough to let it go out and be READ as your published work, by others.

Sadly, perfectionists rarely get to that point when they can let go.

Rather, they tell themselves it can still be made better, and keep trying to do so, without considering other factors e.g. total number to be written, and delivery deadline.

In the process they end up never finishing – at least not on time. That bad habit eventually leads to disappointed clients – and fewer referrals or opportunities for new business.

Don’t let that be your story!

Problem Solving Makes You Smarter & More Confident

Do you really want to gain full mastery of any area of your personal or work life? If YES, then GET INVOLVED IN PROBLEM-SOLVING. Even if others avoid it, do it – and do it without holding back. Do it every day, and as often as the opportunity presents itself within each day.

Problem Solving Is a Shortcut to Useful Learning

Troubleshooting or Problem-Solving offers the quickest and easiest way to gain very useful knowledge about anything.

And I mean ANYTHING!!

Why? Well it’s because in the process of trying to solve a problem, one tends to become focused and critical – unwilling to accept irrelevancies or "convenient explanations" etc.

You find that so long as the problem remains, you feel pressured to keep challenging everything you are told. This of course will only happen if you choose to be an active player in the problem-solving process.

For instance, I once had the unfortunate experience in which my car packed up midway along Lagos-Benin expressway one evening due to a problem with the engine.

The mechanics that worked on the car that evening till late into the night would, I’m sure, not forget me too quickly. And that’s because I stayed with them all through asking questions at every step, demanding to know what they were doing and why.

I came away that day knowing much more about my car engine and how it functions. Incidentally, many people I know would actually have gone off to take a rest with instructions for the mechanic to call them when done.

After all, they would argue, "it’s not my area".

Problem Solving Challenges You to Apply Your Theoretical Learning to Real-Life Situations

So, when you engage in problem solving, you actually combine the learning of certain essential theoretical aspects with the practical application of acquired knowledge.

That’s a very efficient learning process!

Subsequently, you would be able to talk about that particular problem you were involved in rectifying, with more confidence than if you had not experienced it.

This is why it has been said that we should be grateful when things go wrong, because those are disguised opportunities to pick up valuable learning.

Final Words: Accelerate your learning – get involved in Problem-Solving!

Most people let fear of work – and of failure – blind them to potential benefits to be had from engaging in problem solving.

Through active participation in investigation of the cause of a problem, you’re likely to learn – by elimination – what is NOT responsible for it (over time).

And as you stay involved, the more likely causes, and contributing factors will become apparent to you.

That increased familiarity with the problem will boost your ability to intelligently continue exploring possible solutions to the problem.

This is the reason why we always want to find people who have had “experience” in a certain field or vocation. We expect such persons to bring with them some amount o know-how that will facilitate getting the job done – unlike someone who is new on the job, who may still be learning the ropes.

The implication of the above is that if you form the habit of engaging in problem solving, you’ll transform yourself over time into a useful resource person that others will love to have around. That applies to friends, associates, employers and even clients.

In other words it will make you better off in life!

This article was written based on excerpts from my Self-Development Bible™ titled “Ten Ways You Can Use Self-Development to Create the Future You Want”.

Breakthrough to Purpose – Andy Brine Interviews Efe Ohwofasa (Verbatim Text Transcript Created by Tayo K. Solagbade)

Preamble: Why I Manually Transcribe Video and Audio Presentations (Especially Interviews) – By Tayo K. Solagbade

The thumbnail image below links to a verbatim PDF text transcript of a 23 minute long video interview conducted by Andy Brine (of Become Authentic on Video) with Efe Ohwofasa (Nigerian born, UK based business coach)

This is not the first time I’ll be doing a verbatim audio to text transcription of this kind. In the past, I’ve created similar resources from interviews and presentations with other experts and professionals.

Two examples are Burt Dubin (who I represent as Sole Agent on the African continent, for his speaker mentoring products and services), and Patrick Meninga (the gentleman who achieved fame as a blogger by building a $2,000 a month adsense website while working full time, and then selling it for $200,000).


“But why do I do it?” many people are likely to wonder?

Is it to get publicity, or to get those I feature to notice me and give me jobs? What is my real motive?

1. My main reason is that I want to help people discover proven techniques and strategies they can use to IMPROVE themselves in whatever area of endeavour they are engaged.

That’s why I call myself a Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist & Multipreneur.

I have a passion that has endured for over 20 years (right from my days as a student in the University, through my time as a high flying employee in Guinness Nigeria), to help serious minded and results focused individuals develop and implement practical strategies to do what they do better.

Due to my versatility, and quick learning ability, I have over the years proven myself to be a valuable addition to the arsenal of any group or organisation.

So many people find me to be a useful resource because my active search for practical information about what works enables me add value to them. Anywhere I go, whatever I see or read, my natural instinct is always to find ways to share it with others to help them improve their performance.

I’m the kind of person who cannot help HELPING others. I am naturally driven to be a catalyst. No matter who I interact with, I create the impression of increase. People generally find that they are better off when they leave, than they were when they met me.

Most of my clients often get much more measurable value from interacting with me, than they pay for.

I work this way not because I want to be Pope, or because I’m a priest, but because I LOVE to see people make the best use of their God-given abilities to achieve their fullest potential – NO MATTER what challenges they have to confront and overcome in life.

And that is why I pick on videos and presentations of authentic achievers, whose messages convince me they are who they say they are.

Due to the challenges of poor connectivity in my part of the world, I realise many who desire to benefit from the wonderful video and audio presentations available online may not get ready access to them – except via text transcripts like those I create.

This is why I create my verbatim transcripts and offer them free.

2. Another reason I make these transcripts is to contribute to the work done by those who create these FREE presentations.

Their willingness to share their knowledge and insights at no charge to the target audience, as a way of gaining name recognition and credibility deserves to be encouraged.

Doing so gives people who seek help, an opportunity to make more intelligent hiring or buying decisions. Their competitors or rivals, who do not offer such presentations naturally get challenged. They must show what they are made of in a similar way, if they wish to be taken seriously by the target audience.

Ultimately, a healthy atmosphere is created for “buyers” of their products and services to make safer and more rewarding purchases. By creating these verbatim transcripts I believe I contribute my own quota to the above, and I like that.

Of course, it goes without saying that all the parties involved also get to know me. And that will certainly help ME as well. But even if it did not, I would still do it.

3. A third reason is to demonstrate to the featured (and other) experts, an EXAMPLE of practical ways they can re-package and re-present the same material to achieve wider reach and impact.

In providing Web Marketing/Performance Enhancement services to clients, this is a habit I encourage them to develop. That is, to explore as many intelligent and cost-effective ways as possible, to present themselves to the target audience.

4. Lastly, I do it to distil useful learning summaries &/or develop Actions Plans for target audiences to adopt.

I am not unaware of the availability of software used for transcriptions. However, you see I also LOVE to learn – and to help others learn better. That’s why I extract or “distilled” lessons from each interview.

Forcing myself to do the manual transcriptions enables me listen REPEATEDLY to the material, until I internalise most of it. Then over a few days I let it “cook” within me, and soon enough, the “lessons” to be had from it become apparent.

I then write and publish it as a blog post – linking to the verbatim transcript. That’s what I have done with other transcriptions. And that’s what I will do with THIS one.

I have found that this method dramatically boosts comprehension rates of people. Not everyone can readily extract a useful summary of learnings, and develop action points by watching a video, or listening to an audio recording.

Final Words

It is my hope that you will find this PDF transcript useful, in reaping more wisdom from the powerful message shared by Efe.

If it helps you, I urge you to please SHARE it with others you know can benefit as well. I thank you in advance!

You Cannot Teach Experience

“We can teach from our experience, but we cannot teach experience” – Sasha Azevedo

As a writer, there will be times when your knowledge alone will not be adequate.

In other words, if you’re honest with yourself, you will sometimes not have enough personal experience based insight, to do a good job writing on a subject or theme – even if it’s your specialty.

Personal experience will always be a viable source of unique writing “material” which a writer can weave into his/her prose.

Certain subjects simply cannot be understood by reading or hearing alone. They need to be experienced.

As a result they can be quite difficult to write about, if you do not have any personal experience (at least by way of observation of live events) to draw upon.

Examples of such subjects include “living in poverty” or say getting into “flow” or “the zone”.

Personal experience gives you greater insight, and equips you to do a better job of writing.

The following true story provides a good example :

A news reporter seeking an interview with the vice president of a Toastmasters’ chapter, agreed to attend the latter’s Saturday club meeting as a condition for getting the interview.

During the event, he was however surprised to be unexpectedly asked to address members on a topic chosen only moments earlier.

Later, during the interview, he asked his host about the incident. The vice president explained that the purpose was to make the reporter experience how members were trained to think on their feet by delivering spontaneous speeches.

The expectation was that he would gain better understanding to guide his writing. As the reporter himself admitted in the published interview, it worked!

Your lack of experience can make you keep drawing blanks – what some would (wrongly) refer to as being due to writer’s block.

What You Can Do?

Either get someone who has relevant experience to supply the insights you need (making sure to give due credit to him/her), or go out and get the experience yourself. It’s the most practical way to solve this problem. And what you get by doing it (i.e. the experience-based insight) remains yours permanently.

Proven Strategy for Succeeding by Winning People’s Trust

Sometimes a person can be competent, qualified, even certified in his/her chosen field…and still have problems succeeding e.g. in getting jobs…or if s/he’s in business, clients. There will be exceptions, but my experiences and observations suggest people who suffer that way, do so because they fail to inspire trust.

Something about them just does not convince those they seek to connect with, that they can be trusted to deliver.

Do The Signals You Give Out, Make You Credible?

Employers and clients seek people who can add value to them, by helping to achieve their important goals faster, if possible with less effort and at less cost.

As a results focused person, you will also naturally desire to get the very best returns on your investment of time, effort and money.

When someone you know tells you “I can do it. Trust me.”…what thoughts immediately pop up in your mind?

Are they positively reassuring…mixed…or even negative?

Your feelings will be based on a combination of factors – mainly what you see, and what you hear/read about him/her.

And that’s also how YOUR “reliability” will also be assessed by others, when you tell them what you can do i.e. what they see when relating with you, and what they hear/read about you.

What You Do, Matters Much More Than What You Say!

I once came across the following quote, and it really “spoke” to me:

“What you do speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say”

It’s less of what you say, and more of what you do (or have done) that people will use to determine whether or not to trust you.

That’s why recruiters/employers ask for resumes, and prospective clients want to see your profile, your website and past projects you’ve handled or details of experiences you’ve had.

Some of the most successful people in the world have rivals (and even critics) who admit having (sometimes grudging) respect or admiration for them.

That’s something that rarely happens by accident.

Such successful persons will have proved themselves to be reliably competent, many times over, to achieve that level of acknowledgement from others.

Goodwill of this kind is what some individuals who choose to contest for public office (or other valued positions) often leverage to get elected.

A track record of private business success will enhance the credibility of a candidate promising to improve the economy by encouraging entrepreneurship.

Final Words: Go Out and Become MORE…and You’ll Win People’ Trust Over and Over Again

You can significantly improve your success rate in winning people over within short periods of time.

And I mean to the extent that they readily give YOU what you want (e.g. payment to do what you offer to do for them) within 24 hours of meeting you!

How can you do this?

One proven way is by constantly adding to yourself in terms of the useful knowledge and skills you possess.

When people discover you often have something useful – based on real life experiences – to tell them, with respect to achieving the goals they consider important, they will readily trust you.

That’s why you need to get out and do things that will give you true stories you can tell. Make it a goal of yours – everyday – to explore and discover newer and better ways to do what you do.

Challenge yourself to think up new ideas to share – freely – with people you meet and hope to connect with.

Consistently do this every single day, and watch “magic” happen in your relationships with those you approach.

Everything I say here is based on personal experiences I have had, and continue to have.

It is because of this “knowledge” that I am NEVER afraid of what the future holds for me.

You can live that way too, if you adopt a similar strategy.